Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oatly"" "subject:"fatly""
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Post(human)Milk Generation : En studie om hur företaget Oatly ramar in hållbarhetsdiskursenHammar Lindström, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This study examines how organizations and companies with transparent sustainability profiles aim to establish a relationship between brand, sustainability, and audience based on a theoretical framing perspective. To examine this; the study will limit itself by focusing on the Swedish company Oatly, and their external communications through digital channels and platforms. According to Van Gorp and Van du Goot (2011: 374), frames serve as a way of explaining complex issues. Through framing a problem area, cause and other conclusions are highlighted. Frames thus function rhetorically – by convincing public opinion and control an audience through the media. Framing occurs in several contexts such as political, via news and advertising (Fairhoust & Sarr 1996). The study limits it’s analysis to the company Oatly’s official profile on the digital platform Mynewsdesk. The empirical material consists of press releases published within a defined time frame; 5/6/2015–6/3/2017. The study is based on motivated theoretical assumptions; discourse, critical and posthumanist theory, as well as previously established research on the field - framing in relation to sustainability. The research method can be described as a qualitative content analysis based on main elements derived from discourse and semiotic framework. In addition, a framing analysis is applied to further present the result in the form of exemplified frames. The results of the study suggest, for example, that actors construct importance through framing – which integrates into sustainability discourse through social practices – thereby establishing a relationship between brand, problem area, and audience through a convinced public opinion that further interacts with and reproduces the discourse in question.
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Mat för små barn som inte tål mjölk : Om hur recept kan möta familjernas behov kring mat och måltider / Food for small children who are allergic to milk : How recipies can face the needs of the families regarding food and mealsAndersson Lee, Malina January 2016 (has links)
Familjer med små barn som inte tål mjölk upplever att de behöver praktisk hjälp med mat och måltider. Syftet var att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, recept kan möta de behov som familjerna upplever att de har. Totalt 15 recept togs fram. På två workshoppar fick 11 familjer testa recepten genom att provlaga och smaka de tillagade måltiderna. Under workshopparna intervjuades föräldrarna om vad de tyckte om recepten och om vilka behov de har. Resultatet visar att recept kan vara en praktisk hjälp för familjer med mjölkallergi – om recepten tar hänsyn till de behov kring mat som familjerna har. Familjernas behov är motstridiga, men det går att sammanföra dem i recept. För att kunna kombinera deras behov av bekvämlighet och ansvar för näringsriktig mat måste det vara snabb och enkel mat som samtidigt utgår ifrån små barns näringsbehov utan att innehålla mjölk. Även identitet, som är kopplat till smak, är viktigt. God mat är synonymt med bekanta smaker som är vanliga i många barnfamiljer. / Families with small children who are allergic to milk experience that they require practical advice on food and meals. The purpose of this study was to investigate if, and if so how, recipes can meet the needs regarding food and meals that these families feel that they have. Total 15 recipes were developed. These were tested by 11 families by cooking and tasting the meals at two workshops. During both workshops the parents were interviewed to find out their opinions on the recipes as well as their needs. The results indicate that recipes may be a useful remedy for families with milk allergy, given that the recipes consider the families’ very needs as regarding to food. The needs of the families’ are contradictory, however they can be summed up into recipes. In order to combine the families’ need for ease and responsibility for nutritious food, the food must be quick and simple but still emanate from the nutritional requirements for small children with milk allergy. Likewise identity related to taste is important. Good food is synonymous with well-known tastes for families with children.
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Skolmjölk eller havremjölk? : En studie om Oatlys och Arlas varumärkeskommunikation / School Milk or Oat Milk? : A Study about Oatlys and Arlas Brand CommunicationYassin, Solina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka Arlas och Oatlys särskiljande språkliga och visuella varumärkeskommunikation - däribland deras positionering, varumärkesidentitet och intertexter i deras reklamkampanjer Bara mjölk smakar mjölk (Arla, 2018) och Mjölken i skolan (Oatly, 2017) med retorisk samt semiotisk metod som verktyg. Teorier som använts är semiotisk teori, intertextualitet samt varumärkes-kommunikativa teorier som positionering och varumärkesidentitet. I undersökningen jämför jag vilka retoriska grepp som används i vardera reklamkampanjer och hur de skiljer sig åt, samt hur Arla och Oatly positionerar sig urskiljande med hjälp av de retoriska greppen. I undersökningen undersöker jag även hur varumärkesidentiteten konstrueras och förmedlas i reklamkampanjerna med semiotiska koder. Olika teman hittades i reklamkampanjerna, däribland humor, miljö samt och förlöjligande. De huvudsakliga retoriska grepp och appellformerna som framkommer i Oatlys reklamfilmer är ethos samt logos. Genom analyserna framkom det även att Oatly positionerar sig som miljömedvetna. Arla positionerar sig som traditionsenliga och godast på marknaden och använder sig främst av pathos och ethos i sina reklamfilmer. Varumärkesidentiteten i form av färger och loggor som karaktäriseras av varumärkena gör sig synlig i båda reklamfilmerna, dock framkommer den mer i Oatlys reklamfilmer. Tydligt har det även blivit att Oatly använder sig flitigt av sin varumärkessemiotik och sitt varumärkesspråk för att skapa igenkänning hos mottagaren. Vidare finns det även intertextuella relationer till samhälleliga diskurser likväl som konkurrenten i företagens reklamfilmer - exempelvis Arlas användning av “brölk”, “sölk”, eller “trölk”. Arla använder sig kontinuerligt av Oatlys varumärkeskoder i form av pastellfärger och liknande typsnitt för att mottagare ska förstå att det är Oatlys varumärke de syftar på.
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- Sålt vår själ...? Men det är ju precis tvärtom! : En kvalitativ studie av Oatlys kriskommunikation under krisen med Blackstone Growth. / - Sold our soul...? But it's just the opposite! : A qualitative study of Oatly's crisis communication during the Blackstone Growth crisis.Rosenblad, Vilma, Nordin, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how the oat milk company Oatly applies crisis communication strategies and rhetorical components to maintain a good reputation and legitimacy in relation to the crisis regarding the investment firm Blackstone Growth. Creating a discrepancy between the way Oatly act and the way they present themselves; Oatly is presented as a sustainable company while Blackstone has been criticized to jeopardize environmental and human rights issues. The study provides three research questions: 1) How does Oatly apply CSR to their work and how can their sustainability work be related to the company’s crisis communication? 2) How is Oatly’s crisis communication portrayed in relation to the debated crisis regarding Blackstone Growth, based on IRT and SCCT? and 3) How does Oatly use rhetorical concepts in their crisis communication to maintain and construct their reputation? The material on which the study is based consists of press releases and sustainability reports published by Oatly as well as statements published in several articles made by the company CEO and communications manager. Based on a critical approach, the theoretical framework consists of the ideas from Corporate Social Responsibility, Image Repair Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Through a critical rhetorical analysis, the material is analyzed using the theoretical framework. The findings show that there is a correlation between Oatly’s crisis communication and their sustainability work, which is characterized by a persuasive rhetorical approach.
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Havredryckens gröna värde : En studie om samskapande av värde mellan Oatly och deras konsumenterWener, Sofia, Ragnhäll, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
Många konsumenter strävar idag efter en mer hållbar konsumtion och företag vill därför förmedla sina gröna arbetssätt för att attrahera kunder. Frågan är om företags hållbarhetsarbete och kommunikation av detta verkligen får människor att konsumera deras varor och tjänster, eller om konsumenter samtidigt behöver inneha viss kunskap för att värdesätta företagets hållbarhetsarbete. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur kunskap om hållbarhet leder till samskapande av värde mellan producent och konsument genom tre värdeskapande aktiviteter. Studien har särskilt granskat det svenska företaget Oatly och dess konsumenter. Det empiriska underlaget har samlats in genom en webbenkät som besvarades av 994 respondenter. Resultatet visar att kunskap om hållbarhet hos respondenterna har en positiv signifikant effekt på samskapande av värde med Oatly. Värdesamskapande sker främst genom en sammanslagning av de värdeskapande aktiviteterna kunskapsförnyelse, relationsutveckling och kommunikation. Studien bidrar till en bättre förståelse kring hur konsumenter och producenter samskapar värde genom gemensamma värderingar om hållbarhet.
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"Allt gott, Oatly" : – En retorisk analys av Oatlys kriskommunikation under tre politiskt orienterade kriser / "All the best, Oatly" : – A rhetorical analysis of Oatly's crisis communication during three politically oriented crisesPrigorowsky, Elsa, Börjesson, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Vi har genomfört en retorisk analys av Oatlys externa kommunikation under tre politiskt orienterade kriser i syfte att undersöka hur de använder olika strategier och retoriska medel för att övertyga sin publik och upprätthålla sin image. Med förtroendekris, public relations, Image Repair Theory och retorik som teoretiskt ramverk har vi kunnat identifiera hur Oatlys kommunikation förhåller sig till olika normer och strategier inom dessa teorier. Resultatet visar att det i vissa fall finns ett glapp mellan vad företaget står för och hur det agerar. De håller en aktiv och personlig kommunikation med sin publik men under kriserna visar kommunikationen att den relation Oatly har med publiken bortprioriteras. Oatly har som mål att göra sitt bästa för klimatet och för att uppnå detta riskerar de att skada förtroendet och sitt etiska rykte hos sin publik. / We have conducted a rhetorical analysis of Oatly's external communication during three politically oriented crises in order to examine how their crisis communication uses different strategies and rhetorical means to convince its audience and maintain its image. With trust crisis, public relations, Image Repair Theory and rhetorics as a theoretical framework, we have been able to identify how Oatly's communication relates to different norms and strategies within these theories. The results show that in some cases there is a gap between what the company stands for and how it acts. They maintain an active and personal communication with their audience, but during the crises, the communication shows that Oatly's relationship with the audience is de-prioritized. Oatly aims to do their best for the climate and to achieve the goal, they risk damaging the trust and ethical reputation of their audience.
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“I don't really have any interest in sales. I mean, I do…" : En jämförande kritisk diskursanalys av organisationsledares CSR-kommunikationAlmäng, Isa, Frank, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine how leaders within Oatly and Ben & Jerry's describe their organizations through CSR communication in relation to growing tendencies of critique against businesses. The study takes a social structuralist position based on the ideas of Michel Foucault and Norman Fairclough, analyzing the prevalence of discourses in the leaders’ language. Observed material consists of statements from leaders within Oatly and Ben & Jerry’s which were transcribed and then analyzed through Fairclough’s three dimensional model of critical discourse analysis. Findings were that leaders drew upon the similar discourses to construct the identity of their organizations as politically meaningful businesses. This can be understood as a sign of a sociocultural change in the view and manner of speaking of business and CSR. Furthermore, this creates an interest in future studies regarding how changed discourses within business can affect the role organizations play in relation to other social institutions such as political movements and the state.
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To be canceled or not to be canceled -that's the question : En kvalitativ studie om Oatlys och Starbucks kriskommunikation efter deblivit canceledKazanowska-Nunez, Ania, Newman, Levicia January 2022 (has links)
During the last few years, Cancel culture became a significant part of the social mediaculture. The new phenomenon aims to call out people or companies that have acted in a wayt hat does not go with the values of the consumers, which leads to a canceling. Companies got canceled and had to adjust their crisis communication to the consumers in order to repair the companies image. The consumers in question are mainly Millennials and Generation Z who tend to be ethical consumers that focus on social injustice. This leads to bigger pressure on companies to act and adjust their crisis communication accordingly. The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of crisis communication could be used during a canceling. A statement from two canceled companies, Oatly and Starbucks, will be examined based on their crisis strategies and rhetorical strategies. Both companies claim that their actions in areas, such as climate change and social injustice, are correct and they try to convince thee thical consumers that they can be trusted as an ethical company. The study revealed that both companies used established strategies in their crisis communication, which did differ from one another. Both companies claim that their actions in areas, such as climate change and social injustice, are correct and they try to convince the ethical consumers that they can be trusted as an ethical company. Oatly communicated in a transcendent way and stood firmly by their actions, whereas Starbucks promised to change their actions.
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"Help your parents see that you're right and they're wrong" : En kritisk diskursanalys av Oatlys reklamkampanj Help Dad / "Help your parents see that you're right and they're wrong" : A critical discourse analysis of Oatlys advertising campaign Help Dadvon Ahn, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
The aim for this study is to research Oatlys advertising campaign Help Dad from the perspective of how their values concerning sustainability are shown through the campaign. Based on the findings and result of the analysis, a discussion is held on if and how Oatly create discussions within society. The empirical material for the study is the Help Dad campaign which consists of four television commercials and an editorial piece from The Guardian. To examine the material, the critical discourse analysis along with the multimodal critical discourse analysis is applied. Interdiscursivity, theories in framing, semiotic theories and concepts in brand communications are used to understand Oatlys campaign, to deepen the discussion on how they market their values. The results show that Oatly equip a type of woke branding and even some “woke-washing” aimed to make a statement and seemingly influence young people to discuss sustainability with their parents. Parents are portrayed as unaware of social and political struggles in the world, while youths are portrayed as clever and strong. Oatly uses different techniques to build a loyal and friendly relationship to their young audience, while trying to convince them to take on more power within their family. They also send a strong message which shows their negative views on dairy products, by comparing drinking milk to alcohol abuse. Lastly Help Dad is criticized for capitalizing on difficult issues and because of the polarizing rhetoric used throughout the campaign. Even though the campaign has gotten a lot of negative reactions, Oatly won a prestigious marketing prize for the commercials. Since this campaign can be seen as polarizing and capitalizing on vulnerable groups, it sets a tone that doesn’t seem like the direction marketing should strive for.
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