Spelling suggestions: "subject:"obligation to doo"" "subject:"obligation to ddo""
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Les normes constitutionnelles programmatiques en France et en Italie : contribution à l'identification d'un concept / The programmatic constitutional norms in France and Italy : contribution to the identification of a conceptRebourg, Émilie 17 January 2013 (has links)
Sujet à trop d’indéterminations en France, le concept de NCP a nécessité une analyse comparative fondée sur l’expérience italienne afin d’en identifier les contours et, par la suite, d’étudier sa place dans le droit. Il en ressort que les NCP renvoient à une multiplicité de catégories normatives de caractère axiologique et téléologique, servant de stratégie politique et structurant le système juridique. Par ailleurs, l’introduction de la forme programmatique dans les Constitutions modernes mêle l’indétermination de la norme dans son énonciation moderne au droit dans sa déclinaison traditionnelle. Les programmes ont ainsi du mal à trouver leur place dans le droit. Les NCP semblent a priori être privées d’effet juridique ; leur formulation imprécise ne mettrait en place que de simples objectifs. Toutefois, leur développement dans l’espace juridique paraît suffisamment important pour qu’il ne soit pas assimilé à une malfaçon du droit qui entacherait sa pureté. En effet, le concept NCP renvoie à de véritables « normes » constitutionnelles programmatiques dont la normativité reste particulière, signe non pas d’une « crise » du droit mais de son « évolution ». / Still subject to a certain level of vagueness in France, the concept of programmatic constilutional norms (PCN) required acomparative analysis based on the Italian experience in order to identify its trontiers and subsequently study ils place in law. Il appears that the PCN reters ta a multiplicity of normative categories ot axiological and teleological character, serving as political strategy while structuring the legal system. Moreover, the introduction of programmalic form in modern constitutions combines the vagueness of the norm in its modern formulation to the law in ils classical variant. Programs have struggled to find their place in law. The peN seem to be a priori denied of legal effect, their rather vague wordings would only established simple goals. However, their development in the legal space seem important enough 10 avoid PCN to be considered as legal oddities that couk' attend ta the purity of law. Indeed, Ihe concept of PCN connects to real programmatic constitutional norms whose normativity remains peculiar, sign not of a "crisis" of the law, but of its "evolution" .
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Specialistsjuksköterskans upplevelse av att arbeta med barn som far illa : en kvalitativ intervjustudie inom barnhälsovården och elevhälsanEriksson, Emelie, Johansson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund:Att fara illa som barn leder till negativa konsekvenser både på kort och lång sikt. Därför måste dessa barn tillkännages socialtjänsen av anmälningsskyldiga. Specialistsjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården och elevhälsan har denna skyldighet men forskning visar att en anmälan inte alltid görs trots oro för barnet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva specialistsjuksköterskans upplevelse av att arbeta med barn som far illa eller misstänks fara illa inom barnhälsovården och elevhälsan. Metod:En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med 12 specialistsjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården och elevhälsan. Data analyserades med konventionell innehållsanalys. Resultat:Arbetet med barn som far illa beskrevs som komplext. Anmälningsskyldigheten var en viktig men svår uppgift. Att bedöma var gränsen går för när ett barn far illa samt bristande samarbete med socialtjänsten var svårigheter som framkom, en anmälan kunde av den anledningen ibland dröja eller utebli. Flera strategier användes i arbetet där relationen med barnet och familjen var av stor betydelse. Konklusion: Ämnet är komplext. Specialistsjuksköterskor beskriver att de saknar metoder och arbetssätt för att på bästa sätt hantera arbetet med barn som far illa. Specialistsjuksköterskorna har utarbetat egna strategier för att hjälpa barnet eller familjen på andra sätt först, innan en anmälan skrivs. / Abstract Background:Child maltreatment can have negative consequences in both the short and long term. Therefore, these children must be reported to the social services by persons liable to report. Specialist nurses in child health care and student health have this obligation, but research shows that a report is not always made despite concerns for the child. Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the specialist nurse's experience of working with children who are maltreated or suspected of being maltreated in child health care and school. Method:A qualitative interview study was conducted with 12 specialist nurses in child health care and school. Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis. Results:The work with maltreated children was described as complex. The reporting obligation was an important but difficult task. Assessing where the limit is for when a child becomes maltreated as well as a lack of cooperation with social services were difficulties that emerged, for which reason a report could sometimes be delayed or absent. Several strategies were used in the work where the relationship with the child and the family was of great importance. Conclusion:The subject is complex. The specialist nurses describe a lack of methods and working methods to best manage work with maltreated children. The specialist nurses have developed their own strategies to help the child or the family in other ways first, before a report is written.
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Att våga vara orolig : En kvalitativ studie om orosanmälningar inom barnhälsovården / Dare to be worried : A qualitative study of mandatory reporting within child health care servicesHåkansson, Frida, Henriksson, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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La surveillance de l'utilisation d'Internet au travail : guide des droits et obligations des employeursRompré, Sophie 06 1900 (has links)
Tout employeur qui fournit l'accès Internet au sein de son entreprise a intérêt à surveiller l'usage qui en est fait par ses employés, que ce soit pour maximiser les avantages ou pour réduire les risques liés à l'utilisation d'Internet au travail. Tout employeur a d'ailleurs le droit d'exercer une telle surveillance, sous réserve toutefois des droits des personnes surveillées.
La mise en place d'une surveillance de l'utilisation d'Internet au travail peut porter atteinte à la vie privée des employés ou à leur droit à des conditions de travail justes et raisonnables, et peut également porter atteinte au droit à la vie privée des tiers indirectement visés par la surveillance. Dans ce contexte, afin de s'assurer que la surveillance est exercée dans les limites de ses droits, l'employeur doit franchir deux étapes de réflexion essentielles.
L'employeur doit en premier lieu déterminer le niveau d'expectative raisonnable de
vie privée des personnes surveillées, lequel niveau s'apprécie à la lumière d'une série de facteurs. L'employeur doit par ailleurs respecter les critères de rationalité et de proportionnalité. Ces critères requièrent notamment que l'employeur identifie les motifs sous-jacents à la surveillance ainsi que la manière dont la surveillance sera exercée. Une fois ces deux étapes franchies, l'employeur sera en mesure d'identifier les obligations auxquelles il est soumis dans le cadre de la mise en place de la surveillance. / All employers providing Internet access to their employees should implement Internet monitoring in the workplace, to increase the benefits and reduce the risks related to Internet use at work. Employers have the right to implement this kind of monitoring subject, however, to the rights of employees and third parties.
The implementation of Internet monitoring within the workplace can affect employees' privacy and the right to fair and reasonable conditions of employment, as well as the rights of third parties who may be indirectly subject to monitoring. In this context, the employer should go through two steps of reasoning.
The employer should first determine the level of reasonable expectation of privacy of all individuals monitored, which level is assessed in the light of numerous factors. The employer must also meet the criteria of rationality and proportionality. These criteria require that the employer identifies the reasons behind monitoring, and how monitoring will be exercised. After these two steps, the employer will be able to identify the obligations to which he is submitted through the implementation of Internet monitoring.
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Les obligations des professionnels dans la lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent : étude comparée entre les droits français et koweitïen / The obligations of professionals in the fight against money laundering : comparative study between the French and Kuwaiti rightsAl Qallaf, Eqbal 11 February 2013 (has links)
Le blanchiment d'argent est considéré comme un crime organisé international. Du fait des progrès techniques et technologiques, il a connu un développement rapide. Ce qui a eu pour conséquence une évolution croissante de sa diffusion pendant vingt ans, en particulier après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Ceci a incité la communauté internationale à envisager soit au niveau régional soit au niveau mondial un certain nombre d'accords et de traités. Afin de lutter contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme en tant que crime organisé du fait de leurs effets d'autant plus négatifs en temps de crise économique et internationale, il fut nécessaire de faire des efforts régionaux et internationaux dans le but d'en limiter l'expansion. La lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent inclut donc les obligations des professions juridiques et comptables et les professions bancaires et financières afin de rechercher et révéler les sources d'argent illicite qui ont été « lavées » et démasquer non seulement leur origine véritable mais également leur réutilisation. Le contenu de la lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme comporte trois obligations qui sont profondément attachées. Une obligation classique qui est l'obligation de secret professionnel, une obligation de vigilance allégée ou renforcée, fondée sur la qualité ou le degré du risque qui apparaît au cours de l'exécution d'opérations juridiques, comptables et bancaires, et une obligation de déclaration de soupçon sur les opérations suspectes envers les autorités compétentes visées par l'État. Il s'agit d'une étude comparative, analytique et critique des droits français et koweïtien dans une perspective législative, juridique et procédurale. / The crime of money laundering is not only considered to be an organized international crime but also an advanced and sophisticated task of fast and remarkable technology, which led to its spread globally over twenty years, particularly after 11 September 2001 attacks. Hence, the international community has called for the need to confront it at the regional and global level through the treaties and agreements, to prevent money laundering and terrorism funding. Money laundering is considered an organized crime as it has negative effects like economic crises. So it is necessary to exert efforts to stop its spread. There are three obligations to fight this crime, either it is for legal, accounting, or investment banking careers. These obligations aim at looking for sources of illegal and laundering money so as not to hide its illegal source but also to prevent its reuse or recycling. To confront this crime, there are three interrelated and interdependent obligations. First, traditional obligation of professional secrecy. Secondly, censorship or monitoring obligation can be diluted or intensive to fit (be adapted to) the dangerous degree which is shown through its implementation either in the legal, accounting, or banking transactions. Thirdly, the notification's obligation of suspicious transactions to the state's authorities to receive the suspicious notification of money laundering. This study is a critical and analytical comparison of French and Kuwait law through legal, legislative and procedure perspective.
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Ochrana lékaře vs. ochrana pacienta / Doctor protection vs. pacient protectionSvobodová, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
Doctor protection vs. patient protection. This diploma thesis deals with the medical law, namely the protection of physicians and the protection of patients, and their mutual comparison as entities standing more or less against each other. The main objective of the thesis was to analyse the protection of both sides; the practical example provides describes a controversial situation which may happen in reality, also gives better understanding of the issue for readers. The aim was to capture the complex and also very extensive legal regulation of the topic, focusing on the touchpoints between the medical and civic laws. In view of the wide range of the topic in question, I consider specifically some sections of the thesis as the most important. At the beginning, the thesis provides a specification of the elementary legislation regulating the medical law. This is not a comprehensive list of resources, due to the enormous extent of the legislation regulating the medical law. Individual chapters describe the topics of informed consent and the protection of personal data, the provision of healthcare without the patient's consent and the special arrangement concerning the consent of underage patients, the relationship between the physician and the patient, the confidentiality duty, previously expressed...
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O Supremo Tribunal Federal e os limites à interpretação conforme a constituição / The Brazilian Supreme Court and the limits to the interpretation according to the ConstitutionXavier, Marina Corrêa 26 April 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação dedica-se ao estudo da relação entre a teoria e a prática do Supremo Tribunal Federal no que diz respeito aos limites da interpretação conforme a Constituição. A partir do confronto entre as principais lições doutrinárias sobre o tema e os acórdãos proferidos pela Corte nos processos do controle abstrato de constitucionalidade, verifica-se que os limites reconhecidos pela doutrina e pelo Tribunal não são obedecidos em muitos dos precedentes, casos nos quais tem-se a utilização da interpretação conforme como mecanismo de correção e integração judicial do direito. Nesse cenário, busca-se averiguar a legitimidade de tal conduta pelo aplicador do direito. Chega-se, assim, a conclusão de que, nos casos em que o Supremo Tribunal Federal se vê diante de hipóteses em que há lacuna ou antinomia que não podem ser resolvidas pela interpretação conforme em sua função de decisão, o princípio da inafastabilidade da jurisdição impõe a aplicação da integração conforme a Constituição, desde que ela não esteja vedada tácita ou expressamente pelo ordenamento e que a decisão que a determine esteja fundamentada. / This study tries to understand the relationship between theory and practice regarding the limits of the interpretation according to the Constitution. Confronting the most common jurisprudence that relates to the topic and the decisions that the Supreme Court emitted in the cases of abstract judicial review, it becomes clear that the before mentioned limits of the interpretation according to the Constitution aren\'t respected by the decisions of the Court and that the technique is used as a mechanism of correction and integrity of the law. In this scenario, this study tries to reveal the legitimacy of the decisions the Supreme Court took on this basis. The conclusion one has arrived at states that in the cases in which the Supreme Court confronts itself with antinomy or law blanks that can\'t be resolved by regular interpretation, the non liquet principle forces the Court to correct or to integrate the law, as long as: 1) it isn\'t expressly or implicitly forbidden by the constitutional text; and 2) the decision is thoroughly motivated.
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Právnické osoby soukromého práva jako povinné subjekty dle zákona o registru smluv / Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract RegisterMaier, Václav January 2019 (has links)
Private juridical persons as persons having duties under the Act on Contract Register Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the rights and obligations arising from Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Contract Register, for private juridical persons, focusing mainly on the interpretative problematic provisions of the Act on the Contract Register which are applicable to private juridical persons. The thesis is also focused on provisions that are not yet sufficiently interpreted by any reference literature or by the case law but are absolutely crucial in terms of their impact on rights and obligations of private juridical persons. This thesis is divided into eight chapters. The main topics of the thesis are the possibilities and conditions of application of selected exceptions from the publication obligation, the information not published in the respective contracts and the consequences of not publishing a contract subject to publication in the contract register, including ways to solve situations caused by cancellation of the contract from the beginning. The first chapter is due to the compactness of the thesis devoted to brief analysis of the characteristics of the mandatory published documents in the contract register, including the mandatory forms of the documents, with...
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軍事機關國家賠償責任之研究 / The state compensation law in military authority姚妃宴, Yao, Fei Yen Unknown Date (has links)
全文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明本研究之動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究架構與方法。第二章為國家賠償制度概述,就國家賠償責任之定義及類型、適用之限制、國家賠償責任制度之發展過程、國家賠償責任之理論、公務員責任與國家賠償責任之關係予以討論,藉以確立國家賠償責任認定之法理基礎;並探討日本國家賠償責任成立之案件與我國國賠法制之異同處,藉以參酌我國同類案件之分析與比較。第三章研析闡述特別權力關係之起源、內涵、變遷等,探討公務員、學生、受刑人、軍人在此關係下基本權利之限制與保護。第四章為軍事機關與國家賠償之分析,以第二章國家賠償制度之法理為基礎,彙整相關法令規範,配合相關之法院國家賠償案例,檢討軍事機關公權力行為致生國賠責任之法理與探討軍事設施設置、軍事設施管理造成人民財產之侵害與救濟賠償之認定,並分析軍人撫卹與國家賠償競合之問題。第五章為結論與建議。本章分別就各章之內容總結,具以建立完整之軍事機關國家賠償責任體系,俾提供軍中處理國家賠償案件時之參考;另就研究發現予以歸納評析,並提出建議,例如建立軍事機關公權力行為之行政程序、確實督導軍事設施之設置管理程序,以減少軍中公權力行為之侵權情事,強化其保護照顧義務等等,希冀今後軍事機關對人及對物之管理,能符合依法行政原理之要求。 / This study aims at discussing the State Compensation Law in military authority from two perspectives, including the liability for damages arising from the act of employees of the government acting within the scope of their office (the liability of people), and from a defect in the installation or management of government-owned public facility (the liability of objects). A case study comparison was done between the court of Japan and Taiwan, where the verdicts from both courts were compared so as to construct a pattern for state’s liability in military compensation. We hope that in this way, controversy over state compensation liability could be controlled.
The essay is divided into five chapters: the first is introduction, illustrating the motive and purpose, scope and limitation, and structure and method of this study. In chapter two, we will outline the state compensation system, with regard to its definition, classification, applicability, development, theory, and the relationship between the liability of state and public servants, in order to establish a jurisprudential foundation. Then, we will discuss the differences and similarities between the compensation claims in Japan and our country’s State Compensation Law, while analyzing similar cases in Taiwan. The origin, content, changes of special power relation will be examined in chapter three, where the limitation and protection of basic rights of public servants, students, prison inmates, and soldiers are discussed. In chapter four, we will use the jurisprudential foundation stated in chapter two to analyze the military authority and state compensation. By compiling relevant regulations and state compensation claims, we will do a judicial review on the state compensation claims as a result of military authority, the definition of compensation and damages arising from the installation or management of military facility, and the competition between military indemnity and state compensation. Chapter five will be conclusion and suggestion, containing appraisal of each chapter and constructing a system of complete state compensation liability in military authority, as a reference for future claims. In addition, important remarks and suggestion will be provided, such as to establish administrative procedure for military authority and management procedure of military facility. This is to prevent the violation of right from the military, and enhance their obligation to protect and attend, hoping the military could build the rule of law when managing objects and actions of people.
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Avbrott i elöverföringen : en analys av rättsförhållandet mellan elhandelsbolaget och konsumenten mot bakgrund av bestämmelserna avseende konsumentens avtalsbrottBlomqvist Zampi, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Elförsörjning är en av samhällets mest vitala funktioner och el förbrukas daligen av konsumenter. För att konsumentens ska kunna elförsörjas krävs det bland annat att denne ingår avtal om köp av el med elhandelsbolaget. Avtalet ålägger konsumenten en betalningsskyldighet för den förbrukade elen. Försummar konsumenten sin betalningsskyldighet kan elhandelsbolaget, i enlighet med 11 kapitlet ellagen och avtalet, vara berättigat att vidta avbrott i elöverföringen. För att rätten till avbrott i elöverföringen ska få vidtas krävs att vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. Dessa förutsättningar utgör en del av konsumentskyddet på elmarkanaden och elhandelsbolaget hindras därmed från att hur som helst vidta avbrott i elöverföringen. Detta konsumentskydd består av ett antal förutsättningar och är alla förutsättningar inte uppfyllda får avbrott i elöverföringen inte vidtas. Exempel på när avbrott i elöveföringen inte får vidtas är när socialnämnden åtar sig betalningsansvaret för elskulden. I realiten torde enbart vissa ekonomiskt utsatta konsumenter beröras av bestämmelserna om avbrott i elöverföringen. Därmed torde socialnämndens betalningsåtagande vara avgörande för dennes fortsatta rätt till el. Socialnämnden beviljar enbart ekonomiskt bistånd som sista möjliga utväg. Därmed kommer enbart vissa av de ekonomiskt utsatta konsumenterna att behålla rätten till el medan övriga berövas denna rätt. Elhandelsbolagets rätt till avbrott i elöverföringen tillförsäkras redan genom lag vilket innebär att standardavtalet är överflödigt. Avtalets grundläggande funktion är att kunna garantera att konsumenten betalar. Därmed bör konsumentens betalningsskyldighet lagstadgas. / Abstract Electricity supply is one of society's most vital functions and electricity is daily consumed by consumers. To be supplied with electricity the consumer must enter into a contract agreement with the electricity trading company. The contract imposes the consumer to pay for the consumed electricity. If the consumer neglects to pay the electricity trading compa-ny may be, in accordance with chapter 11 The Electricy Act and the contract, entitled to discontinue the electricity transmission. Before the company terminates the electricity transmission certain conditions must be met. These conditions are part of the consumer protection on the electricity market and consequently the electricity trading company is hindered from taking unfound disconnection. This protection consists of a set of condi-tions and for the disconnection to be justified all of those conditions must be met. An ex-ample of a condition that hinders the electricity company from pursuing disconnection is if the Social Welfare Board agrees to take on the liability for the electricity debt. In reality on-ly some economically vulnerable consumers are going to be affected by the provisions re-garding disconnection of transmission of electricity. In such cases the Social Welfare Boards’ commitment to pay is crucial for the consumers’ right to continuing consuming electricity. The Social Welfare Board grants the financial assistance as a last possible resort. Therefore only some of the most financially vulnerable consumers will be able to retain electricity, while others are deprived of this right. The Electricity Trading Company’s right to disconnect the transmission of electricity is en-sured already by law which means that the contract is superfluous. The Contracts’ basic function is to ensure that the consumer pays. Therefore the consumers’ obligation to pay should in an explicit manner be legislated.
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