Spelling suggestions: "subject:"obligation to doo"" "subject:"obligation to ddo""
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Grenzen der Hilfeleistungspflicht des Notarztes im öffentlichen RettungsdienstGeser, PhD, Felix 07 November 2017 (has links)
Die Tätigkeiten im Notarzt- und Rettungsdienst sind häufig mit persönlichen Gefährdungen verbunden. Im Raum steht aber auch immer die Problematik von Gefährdungssituationen, die durch den Notarzt "nur" als solche wahrgenommen, sozusagen "empfunden" werden. In dieser Arbeit wird v. a. vor dem Hintergrund der Erforderlichkeit und Zumutbarkeit die Frage prinzipiell diskutiert, ob und inwieweit ein Notarzt zum Handeln verpflichtet ist. Im Ergebnis ist objektiv-typisierend auf den Facharztstandard bzw. den Indikationskatalog für den Notarzteinsatz in Kombination mit arzt-/berufsrechtlichen Gesichtspunkten im engeren Sinne (z. B. Freiberuflichkeit) abzustellen. Es wird sich jedenfalls immer um eine Einzelfallbetrachtung und um eine individuelle, fallbezogene Entscheidung handeln. Bei seltenen, sehr unwahrscheinlichen Situationen mit relativer Ermangelung von objektiv-typisierbaren Gesichtspunkten werden die Anforderungen, aber auch die Chancen, an die "höchstpersönliche" Berufsausübung, an die Persönlichkeit des Arztes (v. a. in der Entscheidungsfindung) umso größer werden.
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Rätt till utbildning för papperslösa barnAlsuhairi, Josef, Elhüseyni, Cansu January 2015 (has links)
1 juli år 2013 trädde en ny skollag i kraft i Sverige. Den nya lagen ger papperslösa barn i Sverige rätt till utbildning. Detta gäller både om barnet har fått avslag av Migrationsverket på sin uppehållstillståndsansökan och om barnet lever gömt och inte sökt uppehållstillstånd. Idag har papperslösa barn rätt till utbildning men detta innebär inte att dessa barn har en skolplikt, utan det avgör barnet själv eller familjen till det papperslösa barnet om rätten ska nyttjas. Denna valfrihet leder till att flera papperslösa barn inte utnyttjar sin rätt till utbildning. Det finns flera orsaker till detta som exempelvis att många papperslösa familjer inte känner till den nya skollagen och att polisen de facto har rätt att omhänderta en papperslös elev från skolan. Då det inte existerar någon garanti för att den papperslösa elevens trygghet i skolan väljer många papperslösa familjer bort denna rättighet på grund av rädslan att barnet skall bli omhändertaget av polisen. I samband med detta har vi identifierat olika dilemman för lärare, dilemman som uppstår vid en sammanstötning mellan lärares yrkesetik och lärares lagstadgade plikter såsom anmälningsplikt. I Sverige har lärare en skyldighet att anmäla, om de misstänker eller får kännedom om att ett barn far illa skall de meddela socialtjänsten. Denna anmälningsplikt orsakar ett stort dilemma för lärare då konsekvensen av en anmälning kan bli förödande för den enskilde papperslösa eleven och dennes familj. För att få en klarare bild av lärarnas dilemman utförde vi intervjuer med olika lärare på Skånska skolor. Vid intervjutillfällena fick vi förklarat för oss att dilemmat med anmälningsplikten och skyddande av papperslösa elever är någonting som lärare fruktar. Utifrån Barnkonventionen, lärares yrkesetik, tystnadsplikt samt specifik skolsekretess kan lärare skydda den enskilde papperslösa eleven. Dock så finns rädslan kvar bland lärarna om vad som händer om en specifik situation leder till att socialtjänsten måste kontaktas. Resultatet av analysen ger en bild av att lärares yrkesetik inte är så stark som andra yrkesetiker, således kan lärare stå upp mot andra myndigheter och neka deras begäran om tillträdde på skolan. / July 1 2013 a new law entered into force in Sweden. The new Education Act gives undocumented children in Sweden right to education. This is regardless whether the child has been rejected by the Migration Board on their residence permit application and shall be rejected or if the child lives in hiding and has not applied for a residence permit. Today, undocumented children's right to education does not mean that undocumented children have a school attendance, this determines the child himself or the family of the undocumented child´s the right to be utilized. This choice leads too many undocumented children do not exercise their right to education. There are several reasons for this, such that many undocumented families are not aware of the new Education Act, but also that the police actually have the right to seize an undocumented student from school. Then there exists no guarantee that the undocumented student's safety at school, many undocumented families declines this right because of the fear of being found and cared for by the police. In connection with this issue, we have identified various dilemmas for teachers, dilemmas that arise when there is a clash between teachers' professional ethics' and teachers' statutory obligations such as notification requirements to authority. In Sweden, teachers have an obligation to notify if they suspect or become aware that a child is being abused to social services. This notification requirement causes a big dilemma for teachers as the consequence of a notification can be devastating for the individual undocumented student and their family. To get a view of the teacher's dilemmas, we conducted interviews with teachers from Skåne. In the interviews we got told by teachers that the dilemma with the notification requirements and protection of undocumented students is something that teachers fear. Thanks to the Convention of Children´s Rights, teachers' professional ethics, teacher´s obligation to observe silence and confidentiality that exists at the school, teachers can protect the individual undocumented student. However, there are fears remain in the teachers about what happens if it comes to the situation where a claim must be made to social services. The results of the analysis gave us that the teachers' professional ethics is not as strong as other professional ethics so that teachers can stand up to other authorities and deny their request for the entry of the school.
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La responsabilité de l'Etat et des collectivités territoriales. Les problèmes d'imputabilité et de répartition. / The responsability of the state and the local authorities. Issues of accountability and distributionSevgili, Fatma Didem 15 March 2011 (has links)
Le problème de la détermination de la personne publique responsable comporte deux points à examiner : tout d’abord il s’agit de trouver un débiteur pour indemniser la victime ensuite de répartir la charge indemnitaire entre les responsables du dommage. Il existe trois critères utilisés par le juge administratif afin de déterminer la personne publique responsable : le critère matériel, le critère fonctionnel et le critère décisionnel. Pourtant aucun d’eux ne s’avère suffisant pour expliquer tout les cas de responsabilité. Toutefois on peut dire qu’en principe la responsabilité suit la compétence. Dans ce cas devient important de limiter précisément les compétences des différentes personnes publiques ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas. Concernant la répartition de la charge indemnitaire, il peut être utilisé deux critères soit celui de la gravité des fautes respectives soit celui des rôles causals des coresponsables dans la survenance du dommage. / The problem of determining the person public responsible has two points: first step is finding a debtor to indemnify the victim second step is distribution of the financial load among those responsible for compensation of the damage. There are three criteria used by the administrative judge to determine the person responsible public: organic criterion, functional criterion and decision criterion. Yet none of them is sufficient to explain all cases of responsibility. However; in principle we can say that the responsibility follows the competence. In this instance it becomes particularly important to determine the powers of the different public bodies, but in reality it is not always perfectly characterised. On the other hand, concerning the distribution of the load compensation two criteria can be used one of them is the severity of each fault, the other one is the causal roles of each co-responsible on the formation of the damage.
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La protection du consommateur en droit libyen à la lumière du droit français / The protection of consumer in Libyan law in light of French lawKhalifa, Milad 10 July 2018 (has links)
C’est à la faveur de l’émergence d’une économie de marché, puis récemment de la révolution technologique que le droit de la consommation a connu un développement considérable. Dès lors, la protection du consommateur s’est imposée comme le moyen de rééquilibrer les rapports inégalitaires entre le consommateur, considéré comme partie faible dans une relation contractuelle devenue complexe et le professionnel à qui le rapport de force est favorable. Dans un tel contexte, l’intérêt d’une étude de la protection du consommateur en droit libyen à la lumière du droit français se précise et peut se décliner sous deux axes : d’une part, il est stimulant scientifiquement de comprendre comment un Etat comme la Libye, dont l’ouverture au monde et le développement du secteur privé sont très récents, intègre la protection du consommateur dans son système juridique. D’autre part, le rapprochement avec le droit français présente une plus-value dans la mesure où il s’agit, à travers le droit de la consommation français plus développé, de mesurer le niveau de protection du consommateur en droit libyen. La pertinence de l’usage de l’approche comparative dans le cadre de cette recherche réside dans l’une des fonctions même du droit comparé, à savoir qu’il est un moyen de perfectionnement du droit positif national. Ici, l’hypothèse de départ était que le droit de la consommation en Libye est sous-développé par rapport au droit de la consommation en France. La méthode comparative a donc pour objectif d’aider à une amélioration de la protection du consommateur en droit libyen si éventuellement l’hypothèse de départ était confirmée. Dès lors, nous avons étudié, dans les deux ordres juridiques, la protection du consommateur de la période pré-contractuelle à la période d’après contrat en passant par le moment d’échange des volontés (conclusion proprement dite). Il ressort de cette recherche que le consommateur libyen est moins protégé que le consommateur français. Cela est dû, entre autres, à des facteurs sociopolitiques et économiques, en l’occurrence le faible développement du secteur privé et une faible culture de la justice qui ne permet pas de développer la jurisprudence à l’égard du droit de la consommation. Cette étude a aussi révélé que le législateur libyen est confronté à un nouveau défi, à savoir l’émergence des contrats à distance ; ce qui complexifie davantage la protection du consommateur. / Thanks to the emergence of a market economy and more recently of the technological revolution, consumer law has been significantly developed. Therefore, consumer protection was required as the means to rebalance the unequal relations between the consumer, regarded as the weaker party to the complex contractual relation, and the professional for whom the power balance is in favour.In this context, the interest of a study about consumer protection in Libyan law in the light of French law is clearer and can be approached from two angles : on the one hand, it is scientifically challenging to understand how a State like Libya, whose opening up to the world and the private sector development are very recent, integrates consumer protection into its legal system. On the second hand, comparing it with French law provides an added value, because the level of consumer protection in Libyan law has to be measured through French consumer law which is more developed. The comparative approach is relevant in this research as one of the functions of comparative law is to improve the national substantive law.Here, according to the starting hypothesis, consumer law in Libya is underdeveloped compared to French consumer law. So, the comparative approach aims to help improving consumer law in Libya if the starting hypothesis is confirmed. Therefore, we studied consumer protection from the precontractual period to the after contract period including the actual contract conclusion in both legal orders.This research shows that the Libyan consumer is less protected than the French consumer. This is due, amongst others, to socio-political and economic factors, in this case, the low development of the private sector and the low level of the culture of justice which does not enable to develop case-law regarding consumer law. This study has also proved that the Libyan legislator is facing a new challenge, that is, the emergence of distance contracts, which makes consumer protection even more complex.
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An Examination of the Common Law Obligation of Good Faith in the Performance and Enforcement of Commercial Contracts in AustraliaDixon, William Michael January 2005 (has links)
This examination of the common law obligation of good faith in the performance and enforcement of commercial contracts in Australia seeks to achieve a number of objectives. First, to chart the historical development of the implied good faith obligation. Secondly, to identify a number of issues that remain unresolved at Australian lower court level. Thirdly, to consider five doctrinal approaches that could be adopted by the High Court when ultimately confronted by the competing claims and tensions that have proven divisive in the courts below. Fourthly, to assess each approach against three identified benchmarks. The essential thesis is that good faith should be implied, as a matter of law, in commercial contracts that are relational in nature with an additional call being made for the High Court to explicitly recognise that the underlying basis of the implied good faith obligation is the reasonable expectations of the contractual parties. This approach is the one approach that satisfies all three benchmarks and provides the most satisfactory resolution of the issues that presently bedevil the commercial good faith debate in Australia.
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Les promesses de payer : essai de théorie générale / Promises to pay : essay of a general theoryStanczak, Romain 03 November 2015 (has links)
Les promesses de payer sont des contrats par lesquels une personne s’engage envers un créancier à payer ce qui lui est dû. De tels actes sont courants ; leurs applications sont variées. Le cautionnement, l’acceptation d’une lettre de change, la promesse d’exécuter une obligation naturelle, l’engagement du délégué envers le délégataire, le constitut, la garantie autonome, la souscription d’un billet à ordre, etc., sont des promesses de payer. Plus précisément, ces actes sont des applications diverses d’une même figure juridique : la promesse de payer. Cette dernière, déshabillée des particularités propres à chacune de ses applications spéciales, se présente comme une figure juridique unitaire, pourvue d’une nature et de caractères permanents. Ayant pour objet un paiement, elle suppose toujours l’existence d’une dette à acquitter. Cette dette, ou « obligation principale », constitue sa cause objective. Contrairement à une simple reconnaissance de dette, la promesse ne se borne pas à déclarer l’existence de celle-ci. En tant qu’engagement d’exécution, elle donne naissance à une nouvelle obligation, l’ « obligation de règlement », venant s’adjoindre à la première en vue de son paiement. L’obligation de règlement, à ce titre, constitue l’accessoire de l’obligation principale. Son régime, de sa naissance à son extinction, sera donc plus ou moins lié à celui de cette dernière. / Promises to pay are contracts by which a person commits to pay to a creditor what is owed to him. Such acts are as common as they are various. For instance, bond, acceptance of a bill of exchange, promise to perform a natural obligation, commitment of the delegate to the delegatee, autonomous guarantee, subscription of a promissory note, etc. are promises to pay. In fact, such acts are different applications of a single legal figure : the promise to pay. Apart from the specificities of each of its applications, the promise to pay reveals itself as a uniform legal act with a permanent nature. Because its subject consists in a payment, the promise to pay always presupposes the existence of a debt. Such debt, or “primary obligation”, is the “objective cause” of the promise. Unlike a simple “IOU”, a promise to pay is not limited to declare the existence of the primary obligation. As a commitment, it also produces a new obligation, the “obligation to pay”, which coexists with the primary obligation. The obligation to pay, as such, is ancillary to the primary obligation. Its legal status, from its birth to its expiration, will be closely linked to that of the primary obligation.
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Da responsabilidade do Estado quanto ao erro judiciário na sentença penal absolutóriaBarbosa, André Luis Jardini [UNESP] 30 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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barbosa_alj_me_fran.pdf: 1094004 bytes, checksum: 08acc7fd3aafae589a4d2b3bcd6f16e4 (MD5) / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir os motivos pelos quais o Estado deve arcar com os prejuízos causados pelo erro judiciário na sentença penal absolutória, já que, a depender da fundamentação dessa decisão judicial, a vítima ficará impossibilitada de pleitear do próprio agente do crime o ressarcimento dos danos causados pelo fato criminoso. Argumenta-se que, se por um lado o processo é instrumento de consecução e aplicação da justiça, não se pode olvidar que a solução dos conflitos intersubjetivos de interesses foram entregues a órgãos integrantes do Estado, personificados nos juízes. Desse modo, a decisão acerca do mérito do processo reside na convicção do julgador. Entretanto, ao contrário do que se pensava, esta não é formada simplesmente por aspectos próprios da pessoa do julgador, mas deriva do somatório das condutas verificadas no decorrer do processo, seja por atividade instrutória própria do juiz, seja pela intervenção das partes da relação jurídica processual. Por isso se afirma que não deve o julgador, jamais, se afastar dos elementos de convicção contidos nos autos. Essa afirmação se justifica, na medida em que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro adotou a regra do livre convencimento motivado. De fato, existe um princípio implícito na relação jurídica processual, consistente num dever de conduta ética das partes. Contudo, e a despeito da existência do citado princípio, é plenamente possível que as partes venham a se utilizar de condutas que induzam o magistrado a erro, levando, inclusive, à absolvição do réu, quando, no caso, a condenação se impunha. Desse modo, a depender do fundamento da absolvição, nem mesmo poderá ser proposta a ação de reparação civil pelo fato criminoso, restando a vítima, assim, sensivelmente prejudicada. Como o... / This paper is due to discuss why State should assume the responsibility for the losses caused by a false judgment that led to an acquittal, since, depending on the motivation of the sentence, the victim could be unable to suit the criminal for the reparable injuries related to the crime. It is pleaded that, although a law suit is an instrument used to pursue justice, it must not be forgotten that the pacification of the conflicts of interest were ceded to state officers, the judges. So, the decision on the merits lies on the beliefs of the judge. However, in spite of what was considered true, these beliefs are not composed only by personal aspects regarding to the judge, but they arise from a sum of conducts that occur during the proceedings, by the diligence of the judge or by the activity of the parties. That is why it is said that the judge should never disregard the indicia produced during a lawsuit: because, in Brazil, the rule called “free but justified persuasion” is valid. In fact, there is an unwritten principle that guides the relation between the parties – the obligation to behave ethically. However, and despite the existence of the aforementioned principle, it is absolutely possible that the parties behave in such a way that leads the judge to a mistake, which can even cause an erroneous acquittal. In this case, depending on the motivation of the sentence, the reparation suit would not even be possible. The victim would bare, therefore, his losses. As the law in vigor does not bring a solution to this problem, the present paper analyzes a way to guarantee to the victim the right to a reparation lawsuit – otherwise, he would suffer two injuries: the crime itself and the conduct of the parties that guided the judge to an erroneous acquittal.
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Odpovědnost statutárního orgánu akciové společnosti před a po rekodifikaci soukromého práva / Liability of the governing body of a joint-stock company before and after recodification of private lawGrundman, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
in English The thesis deals with the liability of the members of statutory authority of a joint-stock company in antecedent legislation and in present legislation. These legislation are compared and their differences are described. Duties of a member of statutory authority (foremost duty of care), whose violation led to commencement of obligation to compensation for damage, are characterized. Specifically the thesis deals with their obligation to pay damages and their liability for damage. These relations are analyzed not only to company itself, but also in relationship to the shareholders and third persons. Thesis contains also research of claiming damages and business judgment rule.
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夫妻財產制之實務運作── 以民法第1010條、第1018條之1、第1022條為中心 / A Study on the Practice of Matrimonial Property Regimes - Focusing on Article 1010, 1018-1, 1022 of Civil Code蔣瑜玲, Chiang, Yu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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Le secret sacramentel à l'épreuve du durcissement de la répression de la pédophilie : proposition de réforme du droit québécois à la lumière du droit françaisNassarah, Eric Arnaud 04 1900 (has links)
Le rapport traditionnel entre responsabilité pénale et secret sacramentel a laissé place à un nouveau rapport controversé. La modernisation, la laïcisation des sociétés, la nécessité d’adapter la justice au besoin grandissant de la société en sécurité, les implications de membres du clergé dans les scandales de pédophilie, le silence longtemps gardé par l’Église sur ces implications et sa gestion à l’interne de ces scandales et enfin le pluralisme et l’intégrisme religieux sont autant de facteurs qui ont contribué à changer le discours du droit étatique sur le secret sacramentel. Autrefois la divulgation du secret sacramentel était sujette à la poursuite en justice. Aujourd’hui, c’est plutôt la rétention de l’information criminelle qui est susceptible d’engager la responsabilité pénale du confesseur. Ce nouveau rapport qui s’est établi entre la responsabilité pénale et le secret sacramentel ne s’accorde pas au discours de l’Église catholique pour qui le secret sacramentel doit demeurer un droit absolu, passible d’excommunication en cas de violation. Le conflit est évident et la recherche de solution impérieuse. Comment résoudre l’énigme du secret sacramentel dans une société à double vitesse qui cherche à concilier transparence absolue et dignité humaine : la première appelant à la divulgation de l’information au détriment de la dignité humaine et la seconde, sa rétention, au préjudice de la sécurité du citoyen? Le cas des agressions sexuelles commises sur mineurs est celui qui, actuellement, alarme au plus haut point la société. Cette problématique du secret sacramentel aux prises avec les nouvelles exigences légales de dénonciation est commune à plusieurs aires géographiques, mais les approches de solutions ne sont pas pareilles. La recherche d’un rapport plus conciliant entre ledit secret et la responsabilité pénale pourrait passer par la comparaison de plusieurs droits positifs. Le modèle de droit français paraît moins attentatoire au droit à la liberté de religion du pénitent et du prêtre catholique en l’occurrence. Et c’est à la lumière de celui-ci que nous proposons une réforme du modèle québécois dont le droit à la protection de la jeunesse pénalise le secret sacramentel. C’est sur les théories de « gouvernance conjointe » dont l’accommodement transformatif est le corollaire, de « relevance juridique » et de pluralisme de « coopération » développées respectivement par Ayelet Shachar, Santi Romano et Mireille Delmas-Marty, que s’appuie cette thèse pour modéliser une nouvelle relation entre le droit positif québécois et le droit canonique au sujet de ce qui les oppose. Il est un impératif pour l’Église de préserver la confiance des pénitents qui se présentent au sacrement de pénitence pour éviter de faire du confesseur un agent pénal ou un délateur. Mais la sécurité des enfants au sein des communautés ecclésiales et leur confiance en une Église qui les protège et les défend en est aussi un. L’aggiornamento juridique en cours dans l’Église et qui s’appuie sur une sauvegarde du droit du délinquant, une préservation du droit de l’Église à son identité, mais aussi et surtout sur un renforcement du droit de la victime, est une contribution substantielle de l’Église à la répression et à la lutte contre l’abus sexuel des enfants et constitue une preuve de sa bonne foi. / The traditional relationship between criminal responsibility and sacramental secrecy has given way to a controversial new report. Modernization, the secularization of societies, the need to adapt justice to the growing need of society in security, the implications of members of the clergy in pedophilia scandals, the Church's long silence on these implications and its internal management of these scandals, and finally religious pluralism and religious fundamentalism have all contributed to changing the discourse of state law on Sacramental secret. Formerly the disclosure of sacramental secrecy was subject to prosecution. Today, it is rather the retention of criminal information which is liable to incur the criminal responsibility of the confessor. This new relationship between penal responsibility and sacramental secrecy does not agree with the language of the Catholic Church, for whom sacramental secrecy must remain an absolute right subject to excommunication in case of violation. The controversy is obvious and the search for a compelling solution is imperious. How to solve the enigma of sacramental secrecy in a two-speed society that seeks to conciliate absolute transparency and human dignity: the first calling for the disclosure of information to the detriment of human dignity and the second, retention, to the detriment of the safety of the citizen. The case of sexual assaults committed against minors is the one that, currently, alarm society at the highest level. This issue of sacramental secrecy facing the new legal requirements of denunciation is common to several geographical areas, but the approaches of solutions are not the same. The search for a more conciliatory relationship between the secrecy and criminal responsibility could go through the comparison of several positive rights. The model of French law appears to be less intrusive to the right to freedom of religion of the penitent and the Catholic priest in this case. And it is in light of this law that we propose a reform of the Quebec model whose right to the protection of youth penalizes the sacramental secrecy. It is on the theories of "joint governance" whose transformative accommodation is the corollary, of "legal relevance" and pluralism of cooperation respectively developed by Ayelet Shachar, Santi Romano and Mireille Delmas-Marty, that this thesis is based on modeling a new relationship between the positive law of Quebec and canon law about what is opposed to them. It is an imperative for the Church to preserve the confidence of the penitents who present themselves to the sacrament of penance in order to avoid making the confessor a criminal agent or an informer. But the safety of children in ecclesial communities and their confidence in a Church that protects and defends them is also one. The legal aggiornamento in the Church, based on a safeguarding of the right of the offender, preservation of the right of the Church to its identity, but also and above all on strengthening the right of the victim, is a substantial contribution of the Church to the repression and the fight against the sexual abuse of children and constitutes proof of its good faith.
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