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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Occupational stress in a higher education institution / Frans Frederick Mostert

Mostert, Frans Frederick January 2006 (has links)
Higher educational institutions no longer provide the low-stress and highly satisfying working environment they once did. Higher educational institutions experience significant changes, which include restructuring, reduction of state subsidy and use of short-term contracts. Therefore, the changes in the higher educational environment can have costly implications for institutions in terms of staff morale, turnover and absenteeism rates and could also lead to reduced employee performance, poor quality control and a fall in production. It therefore becomes increasingly important for higher educational institutions to intervene to reduce the occupational stress of university staff. The objectives of this study were to determine the occupational stressors for support staff at a higher education institution in the North West Province, to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, ill health, organisational commitment and important organisational outcomes (including absenteeism, productivity and turnover intention) and to assess the financial implications of these factors in a sample of support staff at a higher education institution in the North West Province. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study population consisted of support staff at a higher education institution in the North West Province (N = 292). An Organisational Screening Tool (ASSET) and a biographical questionnaire were administered. Descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman correlations, multiple regression analyses and discriminant analysis were used to analyse the results. The results showed that, compared to normative data, support staff overall demonstrated average levels of occupational stress. However, job control, resources, communication and work relationships were found to be problematic stressors which mainly influenced organisational commitment to the organisation. The prediction of losses suffered by the higher educational institution due to absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover intention indicate that occupational stress cost organisations greatly. Recommendations were made for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Stress - ett hot mot sjuksköterskans hälsa : Belysa stressfaktorer samt upplevelser av stress hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvården. En litteraturöversikt. / Stress - a threat to the nurse's health : Highlight stress factors and experiences of stress in nurses in emergency care. A literature review.

Halvorsen, Camilla, Söderholm, Elina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stressrelaterad ohälsa och sjukskrivningar bland sjuksköterskor är ett återkommande problem som vi ofta läser om. Yrket innebär stort ansvar och ställer höga krav på sjuksköterskan. Vi hade ett intresse av att fördjupa oss i hur sjuksköterskan upplever stress i arbetet. Syfte: Att belysa stressfaktorer samt upplevelser av stress hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts med en sammanställning av resultatet från åtta kvalitativa och fyra kvantitativa artiklar. Resultaten har sammanställts i sex teman. Resultat: De sex teman som framkom var: bristande stöd  och uppskattning, underbemanning, arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, bristande inflytande över arbetssituationen och maktfördelning, konflikter och mobbing på arbetsplatsen, fysisk arbetsmiljö samt vårda svårt sjuka patienter. Diskussion: Resultaten har diskuterats i förhållande till Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang, KASAM, där begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet kopplats till sjuksköterskans upplevelse av stress. Resultatet har även diskuterats i förhållande till tidigare forskning samt egna reflektioner. / entails large responsibilities and high demands for the nurse. We had an interest to highlight how stress affects the nurse in her work. Aim: To highlight stress factors and experiences of stress in nurses in emergency care. Method: A literature review of eight qualitative and four quantitative articles has been made. The results have been arranged into six themes. Results: The six themes were: lack of support and appreciation, understaffing, work load and lack of time, lack of influence over the work situation and power- sharing, conflicts and bullying in the work place, physical work environment and caring for severely ill patients. Discussion: The results have been discussed in relation to Antonovsky’s theory of SOC, Sense of Coherence, where comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability have been related to the nurse’s experience of stress. The results have also been discussed in relation to previous research and our own reflections.

Analyse psychopathologique et interactionniste du stress professionnel chronique dans les métiers de l'urgence : étude des facteurs de risque et mise en place d'un programme de prévention / Psychopathological and interactionist analysis of chronic occupational stress in craft emergency : study of risk factors and implementation of a prevention program

Marien, Pauline 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le stress professionnel est un problème de santé publique en France. Néanmoins, peu de travaux français l’abordent auprès des Métiers de l’Urgence. Notre travail s’oriente autour de trois axes : i) l’adaptation et la validation du JSS aux (SP) (étude 1) ; ii) l’évaluation des modèles explicatifs du BO et du stress professionnel auprès de ces métiers (études 2, 3 et 4) et iii) la mise en place d’un programme de prévention secondaire sur 6 semaines (étude 5). Méthode : Pour les études 1 à 4, les SPP et les professionnels du SMUR ont répondu à des questionnaires centrés sur la psychopathologie du stress au travail, la personnalité et le coping. Quant à l’étude 5, l’efficacité du programme de prévention a été testée auprès de deux groupes de SPP (groupe contrôle versus groupe d’intervention) au travers de questionnaires sur le stress et le BO à trois temps de mesure (avant, après et trois mois après la fin du programme). Résultats : Le stress professionnel se caractérise par les dimensions « Pression professionnelle » et « Travail opérationnel ». En interaction avec certains patterns tempéramentaux, ces dimensions expliquent pour une part le BO. Quant au programme de prévention, une diminution de la sévérité des symptômes de stress et de BO est à noter entre le début et la fin du programme pour le groupe d’intervention. Conclusion : Travailler sur le stress professionnel nécessite une approche qualitative et quantitative du phénomène permettant une vision plus complète. Ceci permettra également d’adapter des programmes de prévention centrés tant sur l’individu que sur son environnement professionnel. / Occupational stress is a national health issue in France. However, few studies tackle it amongst the French Emergency workers. Our work focuses on three areas: i) the adaptation and validation of the Job stress survey among French firefighters (Study 1), ii) the evaluation of job stress and explanatory models of BO within these population (Studies 2, 3 and 4) and iii) the implementation of a secondary prevention program for 6 weeks (Study 5). Methodology: For the 1-4 studies, both firefighters and craft workers responded to questionnaires focused on the stress psychopathology at work, personality and coping. As for study 5, the effectiveness of the prevention program has been tested with two groups of professional firefighters: control group versus intervention group; through questionnaires on stress and BO. Three time measurement have been retained, namely before, after and three months after the end of the program. Results: The stress is characterized by two dimensions, namely the "job pressure at work" and the "operational work". In Interaction with some temperamental patterns; these two dimensions explain in part the BO. As for the prevention program, a decrease in the severity of both stress and BO symptoms is noted between the beginning and end of the program for the intervention group. Conclusion: Working on occupational stress requires a qualitative and quantitative approach allowing a more comprehensive vision. This will also adapt prevention programs focused on both the individual and its work environment.

Segurança do paciente em unidades de terapia intensiva: estresse, coping e burnout da equipe de enfermagem e ocorrência de eventos adversos e incidentes / Patient safety in intensive care units: stress, coping and burnout of nursing staff and the occurrence of adverse events and incidents

Andolhe, Rafaela 05 July 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a associação entre características biossociais e clínicas dos pacientes, carga de trabalho de enfermagem, nível de estresse, coping e burnout da equipe de enfermagem e a ocorrência de Eventos Adversos/Incidentes (EA/I) em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método: Trata-se de investigação observacional, analítica, transversal, realizada em diferentes UTI, no mês de outubro de 2012. Utilizaram-se informações extraídas dos prontuários dos pacientes para coleta de EA/I. Para a carga de enfermagem, utilizou-se o Nursing Activities Score (NAS). A obtenção das informações da equipe de enfermagem ocorreu pela utilização de: Escala de Estresse no Trabalho (EET), Lista de Sinais e Sintomas de Stress (LSS), Escala de Coping Ocupacional (ECO) e Inventário Maslach de Burnout (IMB). No tratamento estatístico utilizaram-se: Teste Qui-quadrado para associação entre estresse, coping, burnout e variáveis biossociais e do trabalho da equipe de enfermagem para as variáveis qualitativas, Análise de Variância e Teste de Tukey para as quantitativas e regressão logística para identificação dos fatores associados a elas. Utilizou-se a Correlação de Pearson para análise entre variáveis biossociais e clínicas dos pacientes, NAS, estresse, coping, burnout e EA/I. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 111 pacientes, a maior parte eram homens (54,10%), com idade média de 51 anos, procedentes da enfermaria (87,40%), sobreviveram à internação (97,30%), com escore de gravidade de 27,05 e probabilidade de morte de 12,00%. Os 111 pacientes sofreram 1.055 ocorrências durante a internação, 64,83% foram incidentes e 35,17% foram eventos adversos, que envolveram 46,85% e 53,15% pacientes, respectivamente. As principais ocorrências relacionaram-se a: procedimento/processo clínico (48,53%), falhas com documentação (28,06%), administração de medicamentos ou relacionados a fluídos endovenosos (8,63%) e acidentes com paciente (6,26%). A variável EA/I correlacionou-se com gravidade (p=0,00 e r=0,27) e probabilidade de morte (p=0,00 e r=0,27) e o tempo de internação (p=0,00 e r=0,41). Referente à equipe de enfermagem, participaram do estudo 287 sujeitos, sendo 34,84% enfermeiros, 12,89% técnicos e 52,27%, auxiliares de enfermagem. Tratavam-se, de mulheres (83,97%), com companheiro (50,53%) e filhos (63,07%). 74,47% dos sujeitos estavam com médio nível de estresse verificados pela EET e 46,13% dos profissionais apresentou médio nível de estresse verificado pela LSS. O percentual de pessoas com burnout foi de 12,54%. As variáveis relacionadas às características do trabalho tiveram associação com o estresse. A equipe de enfermagem utilizou, predominantemente, o coping controle (79,93%). Houve associação estatisticamente significante entre presença de burnout e avaliação da efetividade das horas de sono dormidas (p=0,03) e intenção de deixar a instituição (p=0,04). A maior média de ocorrências de EA/I foi nas unidades com maior NAS, estresse ou burnout. Houve correlação positiva alta e estatisticamente significativa entre EA/I e tempo de internação (r=0,78 e p=0,02). Não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre EA/I, gravidade, NAS, estresse (EET), sinais e sintomas de estresse (LSS) e burnout. Conclusões: Apesar da hipótese deste estudo ter sido refutada, essa pesquisa avança pela elucidação de variáveis relacionadas ao estresse no trabalho, ao coping ocupacional e ao burnout e indica direções sobre a ligação dos EA/I, carga de trabalho de enfermagem, estresse e burnout. / Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between biosocial and clinical characteristics of patients, nursing workload, level of stress, coping and burnout of nursing staff, with the occurrence of Adverse Events/Incidents (AE/I) in Adult Intensive Care Units. Method: Observational analytic cross-sectional study, performed in different ICU during the month of October, 2012. Data of patients was collected from medical records; to measure the workload of nursing, it was used the Nursing Activities Score (NAS); to collect data regarding the nursing staff it were used the following instruments: Stress Scale at Work (SSW), List of Signs and Symptoms of Stress (LSS), Occupational Coping Scale (OCS) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The statistical treatment used were: chi-square test for association between stress, coping, burnout and biosocial and work variables from the nursing staff for qualitative variables; analysis of variance and Tukey\'s test for quantitative variables; logistic regression to identify the associated factors. It was used the Pearson correlation test for analysis of biosocial and clinical variables, NAS, stress, coping, burnout and AE/I. Results: The study included 111 patients; the majority were men (54.10%), mean age 51 years, coming from the hospitalization unit (87.40%), who survived to the hospitalization (97.30%), with severity score of 27.05 and probability of death of 12.00%. The 111 patients had 1,055 occurrences during hospitalization, 64.83% were incidents and 35.17% were adverse events, involving 46.85% and 53.15% patients, respectively. The main occurrences related to procedure/clinical process (48.53%), documentation failures (28.06%), medication administration or related to intravenous fluids (8.63%) and accidents with the patient (6, 26%). The variable AE/I correlated with severity (p = 0.00 and r = 0.27), probability of death (p = 0.00 and r = 0.27) and length of stay (p = 0.00 and r = 0,41). Concerning the nursing staff, 287 individuals participated in the study, 34.84% were nurses, 12.89% were nursing technicians and 52.27% were nursing auxiliaries. Most were women (83.97%), with a partner (50.53%) and children (63.07%), 74.47% scored with medium stress level measured by the SST and 46.13% of the professionals scored medium stress level in the LSS. The percentage of people with burnout was 12.54%. The work variables were associated with stress. The nursing staff used predominantly coping control (79.93%). There was a statistically significant association between the presence of burnout and evaluation of the effectiveness of hours of sleep (p = 0.03) and intention to leave the institution (p = 0.04). The highest average occurrences of AE/I were in units with higher NAS score, stress or burnout. There was a high, positive statistically significant correlation between AE/I and length of stay (r = 0.78 and p = 0.02), but there was not significant correlation between AE/I, gravity, nursing workload, stress (SSW), signs and symptoms of stress (LSS) and burnout. Conclusions: Although the hypothesis of this study has been refuted, this research advances through elucidation of variables associated to stress at work, occupational coping and burnout, also providing some directions for the connection of AE/I, nursing workload, stress and burnout.

Stress och patientsäkerhet : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskans arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på patientsäkerheten / Stress and patient safety : Stress and patient safety A litterature review about nurses occupational stress and it´s impact on patient safety

Bratell, Klara, Jangnäs, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress är ett växande problem inom vården, och de krav som ställs i förhållande till otillräckliga resurser skapar en hög arbetsbelastning vilket i sin tur kan leda till stress och ohälsa. Sjuksköterskans profession innebär ett stort ansvar då hon ska ge en god omvårdnad till alla som behöver och samtidigt agera arbetsledare samt organisera omvårdnadsarbetet. Den arbetsrelaterade stressen kan leda till konsekvenser som psykiska problem, nedsatt koncentrationsförmåga och svårigheter att sova. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor och dess möjliga påverkan på patientsäkerheten. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts. Resultatet är baserat på tolv kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier som valdes från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl Complete. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i två huvudteman och fem underteman som beskriver de vanligaste arbetsrelaterade stressfaktorerna hos sjuksköterskor och hur dessa påverkar patienterna. De två huvudteman som framkom var: arbetsrelaterade stressfaktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan och faktorer som påverkar patientsäkerheten. De fem underteman som framkom var arbetsbelastning, samarbete och arbetsledning, skiftarbete, sociala interaktionen, vårdskador- och längre vårdtider. Diskussion: Metoden diskuteras utifrån litteraturöversiktens styrkor och svagheter. Resultatet diskuteras under tre rubriker som utgår från Jean Watsons karativa faktorer: Inge tro och hopp, stödja, skydda och/eller förbättra den psykiska, fysiska, sociala och andliga miljön och att tillgodose mänskliga behov. Diskussionen förs i relation till Jean Watsons omvårdnadsteori, litteraturöversiktens bakgrund, författarnas egna reflektioner samt annan relevant forskning. Detta för att skapa en djupare förståelse för sjuksköterskans arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på patientsäkerheten. / Background: Occupational stress in healthcare is a growing issue, and the demands in relation to inadequate resources, creates a high workload which can lead to stress and illness. The nursing profession involves a big responsibility. As a nurse, you have to give good health care to everyone who needs it, and at the same time supervise and organize the nursing care. The occupational stress can lead to consequences such as psychological problems, reduced attention span and sleeping disorder. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine occupational stress among nurses and its possible impacts on patient safety. Method: A literature review was carried out and the result is based on twelve qualitative and quantitative studies which has been chosen from the databases PubMed and Cinahl Complete. Results: The literature review resulted in two main themes and five sub themes which describes the most common occupational stress factors among nurses and how these factors affect the patients. The two main themes that emerged were: Occupational stress factors which affects the nurse and Factors that affects patient safety. The five sub themes that emerged were: Workload, Cooperation and work management, Shift work, Social interactions and Healthcare detriment and longer hospital stays. Discussion: The method was discussed from the perspective of the strengths and weaknesses of the literature review. The result was discussed out of three of Jean Watsons carative factors: Generate hope and faith, Support, protect and/or improve the psychological, physical, social and spiritual environment and Cater to human needs. The discussion is conducted in relation to Jean Watsons care theory, the background of the literature review, the authors own reflections and other relevant researches. The purpose is to create a deeper understanding for the occupational stress among nurses and the effect on patient safety.

Estresse ocupacional e transtornos mentais comuns entre professores universit?rios

Santos, Daniel Alberto Santos e 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2018-01-25T22:12:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o de Daniel Alberto formato em PDF para o cd.pdf: 3151053 bytes, checksum: ead0204c1b11dc3163558a0613c04905 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-25T22:12:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o de Daniel Alberto formato em PDF para o cd.pdf: 3151053 bytes, checksum: ead0204c1b11dc3163558a0613c04905 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation presents the results of the research on Occupational Stress and Common Mental Disorders TMC among teachers of a public university in the interior of Bahia. In this research, three studies were developed in the form of articles. The first article aimed to problematize the process of commercialization in Brazilian universities and the effects of this process on teacher health. The second is cross-sectional, to estimate the prevalence of CMD and to identify factors associated with its occurrence. The prevalence of CCT was measured by the Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20), and its association with sociodemographic characteristics and teacher work was assessed. The third article, with cross-sectional design, aimed to verify the association between Occupational Stress and Common Mental Disorders. Occupational stressors were measured by the Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire (ERI). For the occurrence of CMT, SRQ-20 was used. In the first article, after the discussion of the problematic of working conditions and their impacts on the health of university professors, after successive neoliberal policies, it is understood that teachers started to live with a work environment based on business logic. Thus, the consequences are related to the intensification of work, leading to situations of overload, stress and competition. In this way, health and the use of time for leisure and rest become rare predicates in the daily life of this professional. The results of the analyzes carried out in the second article indicate an overall prevalence of MTC of 28%, being 30.2% among males and 26.0% among females. The prevalence of MCT was associated with not performing regular leisure activities, teaching for the doctorate, having less than 8 hours of sleep and availability of up to one hour for meals. In the third article higher prevalences of CMD were observed in situations of low reward and high effort at work. In situations of imbalance between effort and reward at work, the prevalence of CMD was 33.5%. The age group was identified as an interaction variable. In the analysis of the final model for the groups, the covariates that remained in the final analysis model were sex, leisure activity and marital status (potential confounders). There was no difference in the measures of association between teachers aged 25 to 46 years for the adjusted or unadjusted model. The situation differs greatly for the age group from 47 to 69 years. The statistically significant association remains in the adjusted model and with great magnitude: teachers with imbalance presented a prevalence of MCT almost six times higher than that observed among teachers with a balance between efforts and rewards. The discussion about the structure of teaching work conditions can provide elements for a critical thinking about the new configurations assumed in the work environment and the daily life of the professional, besides stimulating a reflection on the occupational health-illness process. / Esta disserta??o apresenta o resultado da investiga??o sobre Estresse Ocupacional e Transtornos Mentais Comuns TMC entre docentes de uma universidade p?blica do interior da Bahia. Nesta pesquisa foram desenvolvidos tr?s estudos em forma de artigos. O primeiro artigo teve como finalidade problematizar o processo de mercantiliza??o nas universidades brasileiras e os efeitos desse processo na sa?de docente. O segundo de corte transversal, para estimar a preval?ncia de TMC e identificar fatores associados ? sua ocorr?ncia. A preval?ncia de TMC foi mensurada pelo Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20), e avaliado a sua associa??o com caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas e do trabalho docente. O terceiro artigo, com desenho tipo corte transversal, objetivou verificar a associa??o entre Estresse ocupacional e Transtornos Mentais Comuns. Os estressores ocupacionais foram medidos pelo Effort- Reward Imbalance Questionnaire (ERI). Para a ocorr?ncia de TMC utilizou-se o SRQ-20. No primeiro artigo, ap?s a discuss?o da problem?tica envolvendo condi??es de trabalho e seus impactos na sa?de dos professores universit?rios, ap?s as sucessivas pol?ticas neoliberais, entende-se que os docentes passaram a conviver com um ambiente de trabalho alicer?ado pela l?gica empresarial. Assim, as consequ?ncias est?o relacionadas com a intensifica??o do trabalho, levando a situa??es de sobrecarga, estresse e competi??o. Dessa forma, a sa?de e o uso do tempo para o lazer e o descanso passam a ser predicados raros no cotidiano desse profissional. Os resultados das an?lises procedidas, no segundo artigo, apontam uma preval?ncia global de TMC de 28%, sendo de 30,2% entre os homens e 26,0% entre as mulheres. A preval?ncia de TMC esteve associada a n?o realiza??o de atividades regulares de lazer, lecionar para o doutorado, ter menos de 8 horas de sono e disponibilidade de at? uma hora para realiza??o das refei??es. No terceiro artigo preval?ncias mais elevadas de TMC foram observadas nas situa??es de baixa recompensa e alto esfor?o no trabalho. Nas situa??es de desequil?brio entre esfor?o e recompensa no trabalho, a preval?ncia de TMC foi de 33,5%. A faixa et?ria foi identificada como vari?vel de intera??o. Na an?lise do modelo final para os grupos, as covari?veis que permaneceram no modelo final de an?lise foram sexo, atividade de lazer e situa??o conjugal (potenciais confundidoras). N?o houve diferen?a nas medidas de associa??o entre os docentes da faixa et?ria de 25 a 46 anos para o modelo com ajuste ou sem ajuste. A situa??o difere muito para a faixa et?ria de 47 a 69 anos. A associa??o estatisticamente significante permanece no modelo ajustado e com grande magnitude: professores em desequil?brio apresentaram preval?ncia de TMC quase seis vezes maior a aquela observada entre docentes com situa??o de equil?brio entre esfor?os e recompensas. A discuss?o sobre a forma como se estruturam as condi??es de trabalho docente podem oferecer elementos para um pensar cr?tico acerca das novas configura??es assumidas no ambiente de trabalho e no cotidiano do profissional, al?m de estimular uma reflex?o sobre o processo sa?de-doen?a ocupacional.


Tyll, Milene de Andrade Gouvea 28 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:54:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MILENE DE ANDRADE GOUVEA TYLL.pdf: 1374324 bytes, checksum: d01bba9a3ca505bb50f892ce3b16a253 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-28 / The objective of this study was to understand the experience of professional stress in intensive care units of a reference hospital, to identify key factors that contribute to occupational stress and identify the subjective impact of the sources of stress on the professional and his work. This is a qualitative research, whose methodological framework was Grounded Theory, developed in a referral hospital in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil. Participants were nineteen health professionals who worked in various intensive care units, including four in the adult intensive care unit, four in pediatric, neonatal five and six in the coronary care unit, with three psychologists, eight nurses and eight physiotherapists. In-depth interviews were conducted, guided by the question: What is the relationship between the experience of professional stress and the care in the Intensive Care Units? From that question were explored stressors which are relevant in this environment. Data analysis was performed using open encoding processes, and axially focused. Three different samples featuring theoretical sampling were formed. The Theory emerging Substantive was called "Living the professional stress in the intensive care environment" which was supported by the following categories "Environmental Stressors", "Working Conditions" and "Emotional Experience" interconnected stressors in the care unit in the environment Intensive Care. The environmental conditions (inadequate physical plant, noise and temperature) were major stress sources. The structural deficits (insufficient securities, low pay, workload and lack of inputs) and the duty cycle (problems with professional commitment and collection among professionals) had a major impact on working conditions. Together, all these elements influenced the emotional experience marked by power relations, ineffective communication, personal involvement with the patient, concern about the competence and job satisfaction. This theoretical model identified the various factors associated with physical and emotional exhaustion and let these professionals vulnerable to occupational stress. The balance comes just represent obtaining the desire of satisfaction using the most rational use of available resources. Knowing that the total satisfaction will never be achieved but that reaching this balance point all members of this team will be motivated by a sense of belonging, a characteristic that will lead to happiness as a member of a whole which is completed and try to work in harmony. / O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a vivência do estresse profissional nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva de um Hospital de referência, para identificar os principais fatores que contribuem ao estresse ocupacional e identificar o impacto subjetivo das fontes de estresse sobre o profissional e seu trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujo referencial metodológico foi a Teoria Fundamentada em Dados, desenvolvida em um hospital de referência na cidade de Belém, Pará, Brasil. Os participantes foram dezenove profissionais de saúde, que atuavam nas diversas unidades de terapia intensiva, sendo quatro na unidade de terapia intensiva adulto, quatro na pediátrica, cinco na neonatal e seis na unidade coronariana, totalizando três psicólogos, oito enfermeiros e oito fisioterapeutas. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, orientadas pela questão: Qual a relação entre a vivência do estresse profissional e o cuidar nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva? A partir dessa pergunta foram explorados quais estressores possuem relevância nesse ambiente. A análise dos dados foi realizada com uso de processos de codificação aberta, axial e focalizada. Foram formados três grupos amostrais caracterizando a amostragem teórica. A Teoria Substantiva emergente foi denominada Vivenciando o estresse profissional no ambiente da terapia intensiva a qual foi sustentada pelas seguintes categorias Estressores Ambientais , Condições de Trabalho e Vivência Emocional interligadas entre si nos estressores do cuidar no ambiente da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. As condições ambientais (inadequação da planta física, poluição sonora e de temperatura) constituíram fontes de estresse importantes. Os déficits estruturais (mobiliários insuficientes, baixa remuneração, carga de trabalho e falta de insumos) e o ciclo de responsabilidade (problemas com compromisso profissional e cobrança entre profissionais) tiveram um impacto importante para as condições de trabalho. Juntos, todos esses elementos influenciaram a vivência emocional marcada por relações de poder, comunicação ineficaz, envolvimento pessoal com o paciente, preocupação com a competência e a satisfação com o trabalho. Esse modelo teórico permitiu identificar os vários fatores associados ao desgaste físico e emocional e que deixaram esses profissionais vulneráveis ao estresse ocupacional. O equilíbrio vem representar justamente a obtenção do desejo de satisfação utilizando-se da forma mais racional os recursos disponíveis. Sabendo-se que a satisfação total nunca será alcançada mas que chegando a esse ponto de equilíbrio todos os membros dessa equipe serão motivados pelo sentimento de pertencimento, característica que os conduzirá à felicidade como membro de um todo que se completa e tentam trabalhar em harmonia.


Dalcin, Ediane de Miranda Castro 14 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:55:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDIANE DE MIRANDA CASTRO DALCIN.pdf: 4397723 bytes, checksum: eeef03d112e598856b2420450e86158e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-14 / Labor is a source of material resources, but also a source of self-realization and of social life. As such, it should promote well-being. However, it can also menace the worker s health. The present study approached the professional environment as a mixed set of favorable elements and risk factors for the worker s well-being. Its goal was to investigate how professionals in a Center for Psychosocial Attention (CAPS) type 1, in the state of Mato Grosso (Brazil) experience their work environment and work conditions. Both objective and subjective aspects were considered, going from architectural features, gardens (the presence of nature in the work environment); to the workers appreciation of these elements as to functionality (pragmatic qualities) and as to the effect on their well-being. Action-research was conducted, using multiple methods, including content analysis of interviews, collection of field data through fieldnotes and photography, document research and literature research. The participants were ten professionals at the CAPS 1. The data were analyzed according to the principles of Grounded Theory. Categories were constructed through an inductive-analytic process and organized in an explicative model that described problems and changes in the studied environment. The results indicate as major sources of stress: inadequacy of the indoor environment (principally lack of space in the offices, inadequate ventilation, thermal discomfort; bad smell and visual discomfort) and of the outdoor environment (thermal discomfort, absence of shadow and scarcity of grass); lack of employment stability; bad pay; work overload; uncertainty as to the efficiency of the work with the patients. Besides this, there was a feeling of being both unreasonably pressured and undervalued by local politicians. The participants reported considerable stress, but also a broad variety of coping strategies and sources of resilience (including religious coping, personal commitment to team work, awareness of improvement in patients etc.) The conclusion of the study is that both the physical environment in itself and the socio-political context that is responsible for it deserve attention as moderators of occupational stress of professionals in mental health centers. / O trabalho, gerador de recursos materiais, é também fonte de auto-realização e de relações interpessoais. No melhor caso, deve promover um equilíbrio saudável. Porém, também pode ameaçar a saúde do trabalhador. Esta pesquisa abordou o ambiente de trabalho como um conjunto de fatores de qualidade e fatores de risco para o bem-estar do trabalhador. Teve como objetivo de investigar a vivência cotidiana de estresse profissional dos profissionais de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) I no Mato Grosso, frente ao ambiente interno e externo, relacionando este com as condições de trabalho e a saúde ocupacional. Foram contempladas características objetivas do ambiente, como as arquitetônicas, jardins (integração com a natureza no ambiente de trabalho); mas também a apreciação subjetiva destes ambientes quanto à funcionalidade (execução do trabalho) e à humanização do trabalho (efeito sobre o bem-estar do trabalhador). Foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação empregando métodos múltiplos, incluindo analise de conteúdo de entrevistas; coleta de dados através de fotografias e anotações de campo; pesquisa documental e pesquisa bibliográfica. Teve como participantes dez profissionais da saúde do CAPS I. Os dados foram processados de acordo com os preceitos da Grounded Theory, construindo categorias em um processo indutivo-análitico e ao mesmo tempo organizando-os numa visão explicativa que pôde levar a mudanças positivas no ambiente estudado. Os resultados acusaram como estressores importantes: inadequações do ambiente interno, (principalmente o tamanho insuficiente das salas, a ventilação inadequada, desconforto térmico, olfativo e visual) e do ambiente externo (desconforto térmico e falta de sombra e de grama); falta de estabilidade empregatícia; baixos salários; dupla jornada de trabalho; dúvidas quanto ao alcance dos objetivos do trabalho com os pacientes. Além disso, foi detectada uma sensação de serem pressionados pela política local, e de serem pouco valorizados pelos dirigentes municipais. Os participantes relatam diversos sintomas de estresse, mas também um leque de estratégias de coping e fontes de resiliência (incluindo religiosidade, envolvimento na colaboração com colegas, percepção de melhoras em pacientes; e outros). Conclui-se que tanto a adequação do ambiente físico de trabalho e o contexto político-social mereçam atenção como moderador do estresse ocupacional de profissionais de centros de saúde mental.

Stress ocupacional e qualidade de vida em cl?rigos (as) / Occupational stress and quality of life in clergies

Pinheiro, Cesar Roberto 11 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cesar Roberto Pinheiro.pdf: 853386 bytes, checksum: 5cd47f311a8e736a6526238c82882b44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-11 / In order to measure quality of life, symptoms and incidence of stress, and the main occupational stressors in clergies (men and women) in the Methodist Church, as well as the degree of association of these variables, an interview was held with 74 adults (49 males and 25 females), 20 and 70 years old, approximately. The following instruments of measure were applied: term of agreement; identification form; inventory of stress symptoms , survey on stress sources in clergies; visual analogic scale and inventory of quality of life. It was noticed that 50% of the sample was highly stressed and that 64,5% had bad quality life in terms of health care. It was also noticed that the percent of female population with stress (64%) overtook that of male in a similar situation (42,86%). As to symptoms, the study showed that in the stressed women the tendency of developing psychological symptoms is higher than it is in the men in the present sample. It was also noticed a significant percent of stress cases among married clergywomen. Significant and negative correlations were observed between quality of life in health area and stress, indicating that higher levels of stress correlates with lower perception of life quality. The research also indicated that the first years of pastoral practice is associated with a higher level of stress. Considering stressors, it was seen that the main sources of stress in a clergy life are: concern about their children s education (due to constant itinerancy); the undergoing of pastoral indication, and financial negotiation (pastoral stipend) between clergies and Church administration. / A fim de averiguar a qualidade de vida, incid?ncia e sintomatologia de stress e os principais estressores ocupacionais em cl?rigos (as) da Igreja Metodista e o grau de associa??o entre estas vari?veis, entrevistou-se 74 pessoas, das quais 49 homens e 25 mulheres, contando entre 20 e 70 anos, aproximadamente. Utilizaram-se os seguintes instrumentos: Termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido; Formul?rio de identifica??o dos participantes; Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress (ISSL); Levantamento de Fontes de Stress em Cl?rigos (LFSC); Escala Anal?gica Visual (EAV) e Invent?rio de Qualidade de Vida (IQV). Verificou-se que, 50% da amostra, estava com alto n?vel de stress e 64,5% com m? qualidade de vida no que tange a quest?o da sa?de. Observou-se que o percentual de participantes do sexo feminino com stress (64% das mulheres) superou o percentual masculino (42,86%). Quanto aos sintomas observados, constatou-se uma tend?ncia de maior sintomatologia psicol?gica entre mulheres que entre homens estressados. Constatou-se ainda a presen?a de stress, em um percentual significativo de cl?rigas casadas. Observaram-se correla??es significativas e negativas entre a ?rea da sa?de do IQV com os escores nas fases do ISSL, indicando que, quanto maior o n?vel de stress, menor a percep??o de qualidade de vida. Tamb?m se constatou que os primeiros anos do labor pastoral revelaram maiores ?ndices quanto ao n?vel de stress. A partir do LFSC verificou se que as principais fontes estressoras na ocupa??o de cl?rigos (as) s?o: preocupa??o com a educa??o dos filhos frente ?s mudan?as de resid?ncia, sujei??o ao processo de nomea??o pastoral e negocia??o dos subs?dios pastorais com a administra??o da igreja.

A influ?ncia do treino de controle do stress nas rela??es interpessoais no trabalho / The influence of stress control training on interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Prieto, Maria Ang?lica Sadir 05 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA ANGELICA SADIR PRIETO.pdf: 936042 bytes, checksum: 759b8b4fbdbc59e0a9010e952103cb84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-05 / In modern day life, stress has become a very common health problem, both in the workplace and in personal life. The consequences for organizations can be seen in the increase in sick leave and absenteeism, lower productivity, lack of motivation, irritability, interpersonal difficulties, amongst others. Nowadays, the quality of interpersonal relationships is fundamental for work processes which, in addition to technical ability, value social skills in professional interfacing. These skills may be inbred or training may be required to bring them out. The aim of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of a treatment called Psychological Stress Control Training Adapted for Interpersonal Relationships at Work (referred to locally as TCS-RI) and to see if there is any difference in application between individual and group treatment. Twenty-nine people participated in the study, divided into two groups: 17 in group training, 12 in individual training. Both groups received identical treatment over a series of ten sessions. The participants were evaluated before and after training to ascertain effectiveness. The tools used were the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory, the Social Skills Inventory (Del Prette), Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beliefs Scale, Affectivity Inventory, Initial and final structured interviews on interpersonal relationships. The results showed that the TCS-RI treatment was effective in reducing the level of stress, anxiety, in the restructuring of irrational beliefs and for assertiveness training. There was also a significant improvement in terms of the participants social skills, both in the overall score and the score for risk confrontation skills, and primarily in those skills involving the self-control of aggression in situations of conflict. Interpersonal relationships were generally perceived as being more gratifying and less problematical than at the start of the study. It may be concluded that the TCS-RI treatment was effective in improving interpersonal relationships and social skills in general, as well as reducing the level of stress experienced, particularly with individual training. / Na vida moderna, o stress tem se tornado um problema de sa?de muito comum, tanto no ?mbito profissional como pessoal. Suas conseq??ncias nas organiza??es s?o percebidas pelas licen?as m?dicas e absente?smo, queda de produtividade, desmotiva??o, irrita??o, dificuldades interpessoais, entre outros. A qualidade das rela??es interpessoais ? fundamental para os processos atuais de trabalho que valorizam, al?m das compet?ncias t?cnicas, a compet?ncia social nas intera??es profissionais. Estas compet?ncias podem ser inatas ou precisam de treinamento para serem desenvolvidas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a efic?cia do tratamento Treino Psicol?gico de Controle do Stress Adaptado para Rela??es Interpessoais no Trabalho (TCS-RI) e verificar se h? diferen?a na sua aplica??o individual e em grupo. Foram estudadas 29 pessoas, divididas em dois grupos: 17 do treino em grupo e 12 do individual, que receberam o mesmo tratamento de dez sess?es. Os participantes foram avaliados inicialmente e ap?s o treinamento para verificar sua efic?cia. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o ISSL (Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp), o Invent?rio de Habilidades Sociais Del Prette, Invent?rio de Ansiedade de Beck, Escala de Cren?as, Invent?rio de Afetividade, Entrevista estruturada de rela??es interpessoais Inicial e Final. Os resultados demonstraram que o TCS-RI foi eficaz para a redu??o do n?vel de stress, da ansiedade, na reestrutura??o de cren?as irracionais e para o treino assertivo. Houve uma melhora significativa tamb?m no que se refere ? habilidade social dos participantes, tanto no escore geral e no escore de habilidade de enfrentamento com risco, como principalmente na habilidade de autocontrole da agressividade em situa??es aversivas. As rela??es interpessoais de forma geral foram percebidas como mais gratificantes e com menos dificuldades que no in?cio do trabalho. Conclui-se que o TCS-RI foi eficaz para melhorar os relacionamentos interpessoais e as habilidades sociais de forma geral, assim como diminuir o n?vel de stress experenciado, principalmente no treinamento individual.

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