Spelling suggestions: "subject:"offensive"" "subject:"deffensive""
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Ljuddesignen i tävlingsinriktade spel och dess påverkan på prestation : Hur påverkar förändrad ljuddesign spelarprestation i CS:GO? / The sound design in competitive games and its influence on performance : How does altered sound design influence player performance in CS:GO?Lind, Philip January 2021 (has links)
6 personer deltog i en undersökning där ljuddesignen i Counter Strike: Global Offensive (2012) modifierades för att undersöka om deltagarnas prestation förändrades på grund av detta. En fördjupning i informativ ljuddesign i digitala spel utförs i rapporten med syfte att ge modifieringen stöd, då de ljud som förändrades var de mest informativa ljuden i spelet. Undersökningens frågeställning är ”Hur påverkar förändrad ljuddesign spelarprestation i CS:GO?”. Deltagarna spelade 5 rundor mot datorstyrda bottar i en icke modifierad samt en modifierad version av spelet. Därefter svarade de på en enkät där svaren sedan diskuterades i individuella intervjuer. Resultatet av studien visade på att den förändrade ljuddesignen påverkade deltagarnas prestation men att det var den initiala reaktionen till det nya ljuden som hindrade dem från att prestera som vanligt. Testets utformning behöver likna en normaliserad spelsession av Counter Strike: Global Offensive (2012) för att korrekt mäta huruvida spelarprestationen påverkas av ljuddesignen. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet. </p>
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Client–Server and Cost Effective Sets in GraphsChellali, Mustapha, Haynes, Teresa W., Hedetniemi, Stephen T. 01 August 2018 (has links)
For any integer k≥0, a set of vertices S of a graph G=(V,E) is k-cost-effective if for every v∈S,|N(v)∩(V∖S)|≥|N(v)∩S|+k. In this paper we study the minimum cardinality of a maximal k-cost-effective set and the maximum cardinality of a k-cost-effective set. We obtain Gallai-type results involving the k-cost-effective and global k-offensive alliance parameters, and we provide bounds on the maximum k-cost-effective number. Finally, we consider k-cost-effective sets that are also dominating. We show that computing the k-cost-effective domination number is NP-complete for bipartite graphs. Moreover, we note that not all trees have a k-cost-effective dominating set and give a constructive characterization of those that do.
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Att främja innovation i undervisning och utbildning : En studie om lärstödjande förändringsledning i samband med omställningen till fjärr- och distansundervisning inom gymnasiet våren 2020Hall, Carina January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete avslutar Magisterprogrammet i kvalitets- och ledarskapsutveckling vid Mittuniversitet vårterminen 2020. Examensarbetet utgör också en fristående och oberoende studie som är tänkt att komplettera Vinnova-projektet Swedish Edtest som pågår 2020-2022. Projektet syftar till att utforma en vetenskaplig metod för att genomföra och utvärdera digitala lärresurser samt bidra till att utveckla leverantörernas tjänster och produkter. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på ledarskap, arbetssätt och organisatoriska förutsättningar kopplat till framgångsrikt innovationsarbete. De ledare och personer med ledande och/eller samordnande uppdrag som intervjuats i studien verkar inom någon av de kommunala eller fristående huvudmän som också ingår som partner i projektet.Studien visar att skolan som organisation har visat sig vara långt mer lättrörlig och innovativ än förväntat. Deltagande skolledare har alla vittnat om att startsträckan för att ställa om undervisningen har varit kort och gått över förväntan, vilket talar för att det finns en betydligt större innovationskapacitet hos skolor och huvudmän än vad man tidigare varit medveten om när man leder och organiserar arbetet. Detta kan vara en anledning till att man inte utformat metoder och strukturer för att tillvarata och vidareutveckla den innovation som sker. Vad gäller den innovation som nu sker tycks mervärdet inte främst ligga i att arbeta digitalt utan att det digitala arbetssättet utvecklar undervisningen och sättet att hantera och nå kunskapsmålen. Samtliga intervjuade uppger att omställningen till fjärr- och distansundervisning har ökat innovationskapaciteten i den verksamhet där man leder eller samordnar arbetet. I vilken utsträckning och på vilket sätt varierar. Majoriteten av de intervjuade uppger att de redan nu ser lösningar eller metoder som man bedömer kan stödja elevernas lärande även när man återgår till ordinarie undervisning och verksamhet. Exempel som ges är ökad digital kunskap och mognad bland personalen, ökat kollegialt samarbete och erfarenhetsutbyte, re-design av undervisningen med större fokus på vad som verkligen är viktigt för att eleverna ska nå målen för sin utbildning samt en ökad flexibilitet av när och fjärrundervisning.De intervjuade ledarna främjar innovation och lärande genom ett transformativt och relationsinriktat ledarskap med starkt engagemang i skolans kärnprocess och med fokus på lärande framför teknik vad gäller innovation. De beskriver också i stor majoritet att vårens omställning till fjärr- och distansundervisning skapat ett utpräglat utvecklingsinriktat ledarskap bland såväl dem själva som i deras personalgrupper. Personliga förutsättningar som krävs är mod och tillit, långsiktighet och uthållighet, engagemang och delaktighet. Organisatoriska förutsättningar som krävs är lokalt friutrymme och mandat liksom resurser och tid. Andra återkommande begrepp är ledningens fokus, målsatta utvecklingsområden samt förutsättningar att prioritera och aktivt delta. Majoriteten av de intervjuade uppger att innovationsstödjande arbete dels sker frivilligt genom att skapa förutsättningar för intresserade och framåtlutade lärare och dels obligatoriskt genom organiserade möten,avdelade utifrån olika fokus. Organisationen kring att utvärdera effekt och mervärde är enligt en betydande majoritet av de intervjuade däremot underutvecklad eller saknas helt. / This thesis constitutes an independent and independent study that is intended to complement the Vinnova project Swedish Edtest, which runs 2020-2022. The project aims to design a scientific method for implementing and evaluating digital learning resources and to contribute to the development of suppliers' services and products. This degree project focuses on leadership, working methods and organizational conditions linked to successful innovation work. The leaders and persons with leading and/or coordinating assignments interviewed in the study work within one of the municipal or independent principals who are also partners in the project.The study shows that the school as an organization has proven to be far more agile and innovative than expected. Participating school leaders have all testified that the starting distance for reteaching has been short and beyond expectations, which suggests that there is a much greater innovation capacity among schools and principals than was previously known when leading and organizing the work. This may be one reason why methods and structures have not been designed to harden and further develop the innovation that is taking place. As far as the innovation that is taking place now is concerned, the added value does not seem to lie primarily in working digital, but that the digital way of working develops teaching and the way in which knowledge objectives are managed and achieved.All interviewees report that the transition to long-distance and distance learning has increased the innovation capacity of the activities in which the work is managed or coordinated. To what extent and in what way varies. The majority of those interviewed state that they already see solutions or methods that are judged to support learners' learning even when returning to regular teaching and activities. Examples given are increased digital knowledge and maturity among the staff, increased collegial cooperation and exchange of experience, re-design of teaching with a greater focus on what is really important for students to achieve the goals of their education, and greater flexibility of when and remote education.The interviewed leaders promote innovation and learning through transformative and relationship-oriented leadership with strong involvement in the core process of the school and with a focus on learning over technology in terms of innovation. They also describe in a large majority that this spring's transition to remote and distance education has created a marked development-oriented leadership among themselves as well as in their staff groups. Personal conditions required are courage and trust, long-term approach and perseverance, commitment and participation. Organisational conditions required are local free space and mandates as well as resources and time. Other recurring concepts are management's focus, targeted development areas and conditions to prioritize and actively participate.The majority of those interviewed state that innovation support work is done voluntarily, partly by creating conditions for interested and forward-leaning teachers and partly mandatory through organized meetings, divided according to different focus. The organisation around evaluating impact and added value is, according to a significant majority of the interviewees, on the other hand, underdeveloped or missing completely. / <p>2020-06-26</p>
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Escalation in Eastern Europe : An Analysis of the Variables That Led to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022Bugys, Paulius January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to find a link between NATO policy in Europe from 2014-2022 to Russia’sdecision to invade Ukraine in February 2022. A process tracing methodology is used in conjunction with an offensive realist framework to demonstrate NATO’s role in influencing Russian defense policy. The investigation finds US global hegemony dictates NATOambitions, leading the Alliance to adopt aggressive policy in Eastern Europe. In turn, Russia identifies NATO as a threat in its military doctrine and proceeds to strengthen its defensive capabilities. Putin outlines Russia’s need for a buffer zone between it and NATO, a prime target for such a place being Ukraine. A failure by both parties to accommodate each others interests leaves Russia with a convincing rationale to seek military force in securing a more favorable defensive position.
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Partitioning A Graph In Alliances And Its Application To Data ClusteringHassan-Shafique, Khurram 01 January 2004 (has links)
Any reasonably large group of individuals, families, states, and parties exhibits the phenomenon of subgroup formations within the group such that the members of each group have a strong connection or bonding between each other. The reasons of the formation of these subgroups that we call alliances differ in different situations, such as, kinship and friendship (in the case of individuals), common economic interests (for both individuals and states), common political interests, and geographical proximity. This structure of alliances is not only prevalent in social networks, but it is also an important characteristic of similarity networks of natural and unnatural objects. (A similarity network defines the links between two objects based on their similarities). Discovery of such structure in a data set is called clustering or unsupervised learning and the ability to do it automatically is desirable for many applications in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, behavioral and social sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, medicine, and information theory. In this dissertation, we study a graph theoretical model of alliances where an alliance of the vertices of a graph is a set of vertices in the graph, such that every vertex in the set is adjacent to equal or more vertices inside the set than the vertices outside it. We study the problem of partitioning a graph into alliances and identify classes of graphs that have such a partition. We present results on the relationship between the existence of such a partition and other well known graph parameters, such as connectivity, subgraph structure, and degrees of vertices. We also present results on the computational complexity of finding such a partition. An alliance cover set is a set of vertices in a graph that contains at least one vertex from every alliance of the graph. The complement of an alliance cover set is an alliance free set, that is, a set that does not contain any alliance as a subset. We study the properties of these sets and present tight bounds on their cardinalities. In addition, we also characterize the graphs that can be partitioned into alliance free and alliance cover sets. Finally, we present an approximate algorithm to discover alliances in a given graph. At each step, the algorithm finds a partition of the vertices into two alliances such that the alliances are strongest among all such partitions. The strength of an alliance is defined as a real number p, such that every vertex in the alliance has at least p times more neighbors in the set than its total number of neighbors in the graph). We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on standard data sets.
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Sharing The True Colors: An Exploration Of Theatre Created By Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender YouthBazo, Nicholas 01 January 2010 (has links)
True Colors: Out Youth Theater at The Theater Offensive is a Boston based program that focuses its theatrical and social mission on engaging Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) at-risk, youth and the community that surrounds them. Through the process of generating an original touring production, True Colors employs theatre as a tool for personal, social, and artistic expression, empowerment, and activism. The program's balance of both process and product focused goals creates an environment of multifaceted engagement and provides an example of how art can thrive in a structure of youth outreach. Though directors and facilitators guide the process and final product, a fundamental mission of True Colors is to provide a student or youth-centered experience where inspiration, decisions, discussions, and leadership generates directly from participants. By observing and participating in the creation of one of these productions, I explore the impact of this student-centered structure on the personal perspectives and artistic growth of the GLBT participants and the artistic process of creating the production. My goal is to discover True Colors' effectiveness of achieving its mission to both create an impactful and positive process for the youth and also develop a final product that is artful and evokes social change. Additionally, by studying similar programs, I establish a basis of comparison against True Colors in order to develop a broader view of the field and evaluate the variances in methodology and the impact on youth and communities.
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Hacking and Evaluating the Cybersecurity of an Internet Connected 3D PrinterBacklund, Linus, Ridderström, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Over the last few years, internet-connectivity hascome to be an expected feature of professional 3D printers.Connectivity does however come at a cost concerning the securityof the device. This project aimed to evaluate the cybersecurityof the Ultimaker S5 3D printer. The system was tested for themost likely and severe vulnerabilities based upon a threat modelmade on the product. The results show that the system’s localwebapplication is vulnerable to some common web-attacks thatallow the attacker to perform actions on the victims printer. / De senaste åren har internetuppkoppling blivit en självklar funktion hos professionella 3D skrivare. Upp-koppling kommer dock ofta på bekostnad av enhetens säkerhet. Detta projekt syftade till att utvärdera cybersäkerheten hos 3D skrivaren Ultimaker S5. En hotmodell gjordes och systemet penetrationstestades baserat på denna. Resultaten visar att enhetens lokala webbapplikationen är sårbar för några vanliga web-attcker som låter attackeraren exekvera oönskade funktioner på offrets skrivare. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm
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An open-source, student-centric approach to the Cyber Kill ChainWooten, Justin Lane 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The cybersecurity landscape demands professionals with practical skills and a deep understanding of attack methodologies. However, many institutions face significant challenges in providing comprehensive cybersecurity education due to the high costs associated with commercial tools and platforms. This thesis presents a student-centric, open-source curriculum for teaching the Cyber Kill Chain, designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application while addressing the financial constraints faced by many educational institutions. Our approach leverages freely available tools and hands-on exercises to cover each phase of the Cyber Kill Chain, emphasizing ethical considerations and collaborative learning. We detail the curriculum development process, tool selection criteria, and assessment strategies, offering a flexible framework for educators to enhance cybersecurity education across various academic environments, regardless of budget limitations.
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Charakteristiky týmového herního výkonu a jejich porovnání u mládežnických družstev v Litvě a ČR. / Characteristics of team game performance and their comparison in youth teams in Lithuania and Czech republicKocián, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Title: Characteristics of team game performance and their comparison in youth teams in Lithuania and Czech republic Aims: The main goal of my thesis is a comparison of selected indicators of team game performance of both teams accompanied by a possibility to record the frequency of combinations based on setting screens, finding the most significant differences in indicators of both teams and determine the reasons for these differences. Methods: Using quantitative (numerical) observations of selected indicators supplemented by the game to record the accompanied by a possibility to record the frequency of combinations based on setting screens to determine differences in the team game performance of U14 teams in Lithuania and the Republic. Results: Acquired selected statistical indicators have shown the most significant phenomena of the game performance of youth teams in Lithuania and the Czech republic and the differences between them. Key words: Team game performance, offensive combinations based on setting screens, statisticals indicators, youth basketball, quantitative analysis.
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俄羅斯兼併克里米亞─地緣政治的視角 / Russia's Annexation of Crimea: A Geopolitical Perspective周建宏, Chou, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)
西元2014年3月16日原屬於烏克蘭的克里米亞自治共和國舉行了全民公投, 其最終的結果,超過九成的選民贊同加入俄羅斯聯邦。就筆者從俄羅斯相關的外交政策觀察中發現,兼併克里米亞的積極性與主動性原因不僅僅只是為了領土的增加,更多的考量是在於地緣利益的維持與獲得。因此本文將從地緣政治的觀點切入,企圖了解克里米亞半島對於俄羅斯的地緣重要性為何?俄羅斯在2014年克里米亞事件中所扮演的角色?收回克里米亞後對於俄羅斯的地緣政治產生何種影響?
最後,本文認為2014年克里米亞事件後,即便國際社會普遍撻伐俄羅斯的行為,並祭出經濟制裁懲罰性手段,然而對於自身俄羅斯而言,不僅成功收回克里米亞,還重獲地緣政治利益,可以說是蘇聯解體後,地緣競逐中最大的一場勝利。 / On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which was one part of Ukraine. The final result was over a 90 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83.1 percent voter turnout. According to the author’s observation on some related foreign policy of Russia, the cause of the initiative and motivation of annexing Crimea is not only increasing its territory but also retaining and obtaining its geopolitical benefit. Therefore, this paper will focus on the concept of geopolitics to understand what Crimea is, why it matters, which role does Russia play during the Crimean crisis of 2014, and what will be the influence after Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
In the end of 2013, Euromaidan in Ukraine was the main reason for Russia to take back Crimea urgently. Due to the expansion of EU and NATO to post-soviet countries, Russia had no choice but to react to the threat. Consequently, Russia tried to make a great impact on the status of Crimea, where ethnic Russians are dominant. In the event of the Crimean crisis of 2014, Russia’s attitude and behavior were in accordance with the principle of “Offensive Realism”, that is to say the great power emphasized on a non-stop way in search of opportunities in order to obtain the maximum authority, and Russia spontaneously sent military troops with a solid attitude to handle the situation as the best proof of evidence.
Finally, the study shows that after the Crimean crisis of 2014, even though lots of countries in international community blamed it on Russia, and imposed economic sanctions on Russia for its illegal annexation of Crimea, Russia has successfully retaken Crimea and regained the geopolitical advantage. It was the biggest victory of the geopolitical competition since the Soviet Union collapsed.
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