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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial Surveillance of Infectious Disease Intervention with Related Factors for a Population Living in Underserved Areas in sub-Saharan Africa

Kim, Hana 15 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.


LEANDRO DE SOUZA CAMARA 19 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] O processo de formação presbiteral é constituído por um itinerário que corresponde à vida do ministro sacerdotal desde o seu despertar vocacional até a conclusão de seus dias sobre a terra. Nesse percurso, encontram-se as etapas de formação inicial e permanente que se complementam, por se caracterizar como um processo que, além de unitário, é integral, enquanto inter-relaciona as dimensões humano afetiva, espiritual, pastoral e intelectual, do seminarista ao sacerdócio ministerial, num iter dinâmico, de modo a lhes favorecer o amadurecimento necessário para cumprir sua missão. O Seminário Arquidiocesano de São José do Rio de Janeiro possui um itinerário formativo elaborado a partir da Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis: O dom da vocação presbiteral, sobre o qual esta pesquisa se detém como o seu objeto material, elucidando a contribuição das etapas e das dimensões da formação para o desenvolvimento da antropologia da vocação presbiteral. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação perpassa alguns autores patrísticos acerca da teologia e da práxis sacerdotal, os atuais desafios antropológicos para a formação presbiteral e o progressivo desenvolvimento humano e espiritual dos formandos ao longo do iter formativo. Distribuída em cinco partes, a pesquisa tem início, identificando a teologia do ministério presbiteral e seus traços antropológicos no testemunho patrístico da Didaqué, Clemente de Roma, Inácio de Antioquia, Policarpo de Esmirna, Papias de Hierápolis, Hermas, Barnabé e Justino de Roma, prosseguindo por meio dos aspectos unitários e integrais do processo de formação, em que são desenvolvidos os temas das dimensões da formação e das etapas formativas da pastoral vocacional, do seminário menor, do propedêutico, do discipulado, da configuração e da síntese. Os aspectos teológicos e antropológicos do processo formativo encerram a pesquisa, ressaltando os desafios para o desenvolvimento do formando e as propostas para a sua maturação humana e vocacional. / [en] The process of priestly formation is constituted by an itinerary that corresponds to a priest s life from his vocation awakening to the end of his days on Earth. In this path, there are the stages of initial and permanent formation that complement each other. This can be characterized as a process that besides being unitary is also wholesome insofar as it interrelates the affective, spiritual, pastoral, and intellectual human dimensions in a seminarian life up to the priesthood within a dynamic iter whose aim is to encourage him towards the necessary maturity to accomplish his mission. The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Joseph in Rio de Janeiro has a formative pathway based upon the Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis: The gift of the priestly vocation, in which this research focuses as its material object, elucidating the contribution of the stages and dimensions of formation towards the development of an anthropology of the priestly vocation. In this context, this present work runs through some patristic authors’ theologies and their related priestly praxis, the current anthropological challenges for priestly formation, as well as seminarians’ onward human and spiritual development throughout their formation iter. Divided in five parts, this research’s starting point describes priesthood theologies, and anthropological traits in the patristic testimony of Didache, Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Papias of Hierapolis, The Shepherd of Hermas, Barnabas, and Justin of Rome, undertaking the unitary and integral aspects of the formation process in which dimension elements of formation, vocation ministries formative stages, minor seminary, propaedeutic, discipleship, configuration and synthesis are developed. Theological and anthropological aspects of the formative process conclude this research as it highlights challenges regarding the development of the person being formed and proposals whose aims are human and vocation maturation.

Strategier för utrymning under pågående antagonistiskt hot

Lind, Anton, Andersson, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
Detta arbete avhandlar antagonistiska hot gentemot högstadie- och gymnasieskolor i Sverige i form av skolattacker och skolskjutningar. Fokuset har varit riktat mot projekteringsstadiet av nybyggnation och ombyggnation av skolor där förebyggande åtgärder kan genomföras för att försvåra för potentiella gärningsmän innan polis anländer och kan börja agera. Detta syftar också till att underlätta för personer som befinner sig inne i byggnaderna, samtidigt som utrymningsmöjligheterna vid brand enligt räddningstjänstens insatsidé bibehålls.De antagonistiska hoten har blivit allt vanligare i Sverige då hotbilden gentemot samhället har ökat. Denna utveckling kan leda till förödande konsekvenser där elever och skolpersonal riskerar allvarliga skador på sina liv och hälsa.Kvalitativa metoder i form av intervju med brandskyddsprojekterande brandingenjör samt tre intervjuer i pappersform med kommunala säkerhetssamordnare genomfördes som ett första steg. Därefter genomfördes studiebesök på två gymnasieskolor samt en ytterligare en intervju med sakkunnig polisinspektör inom POLKON-ämnet. Detta ligger till grund för de slutsatser och svar på frågeställningarna som lyfts i arbetet.Diskussionen kretsar kring vikten av integrerade säkerhetsperspektiv i planeringen av skolor, myndigheters samverkan och behovet av utbildning för personalen. Vid analyser av säkerhetsstrategier på skolor i de olika kommunerna belyses variationer och olika fokusområden inom säkerhetsplaneringen. Dessa inkluderar tekniska lösningar som säkerhetsappar, kameraövervakning och taggsystem, parallellt med betoning på elevers psykiska hälsa och en tidig upptäckt av eventuella hot.Det framgår att utrymnings- och inrymningsstrategier vid PDV inte alltid införs tillräckligt vid brandskyddsprojektering av skolor, vilket kan kräva anpassning och bättre hantering av vid potentiella hot.Polismyndighetens förändrade taktik mot ett än mer offensivt agerande vid PDV-situationer, liknande räddningstjänstens strategi vid brand i byggnader, betonas. Dock behövs fortsatt samordning och dialog mellan myndigheterna för att säkerställa en effektiv hantering av nödsituationer på skolor.Slutsatserna av arbetet är att ökad medvetenhet och anpassning av säkerhetsstrategier är nödvändigt för att möta dagens komplexa hot i skolor. Det betonas vikten av att införa lämpliga åtgärder för både brand och PDV i brandskyddsprojekteringen, samt säkerställa en samsyn mellan Polismyndighetens taktiska förhållningssätt och räddningstjänstens insatsstrategi för att trygga elever och personals säkerhet på skolor. Brister på krav i svensk lagstiftning bidrar till varierande säkerhetsåtgärder mellan kommuner och skolor.

The social terrain of endemic tuberculosis in and around Cape Town

Murray, Emma Jane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Communicable Diseases)) (Dept of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Community Health))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Global control of the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic remains one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century, despite the availability of effective treatment over the past 50 years. The rising incidence of transmitted (primary) drug resistant TB threatens the very fabric of conventional TB control efforts, which are already strained by a rampant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. Ongoing transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a key factor that sustains the TB epidemic in endemic areas such as the socio-economically deprived townships of Cape Town, South Africa. My research explores the disease context, or social terrain, of TB in this endemic setting. It is primarily concerned with how the social terrain of endemic TB may contribute to ongoing transmission and the potential that it holds for enhancing TB control efforts. Analyses of qualitative data from eight township research sites in and around Cape Town show that pragmatic and novel approaches are required to pierce through the enormity of TB as a political and economic problem. Broadening the current biomedical focus on treating individual patients, to include more holistic community-based interventions, can and should be developed. Data were collected as part of qualitative pre-intervention community surveys conducted in 2005 and 2006 for a public health intervention trial (ZAMSTAR) performed in Zambia and South Africa. Twenty-four communities were selected as research sites and this study draws on the survey data collected in the trial’s eight South African sites. Although the data were collected for the ZAMSTAR trial, the aims and analyses presented in this study - which seek to improve our understanding of how the social terrain is meaningful for TB control - remain independent of ZAMSTAR. Through a retrospective analysis of the South African data, I inductively present three distinctive ways in which the social terrain is meaningful for TB control. First, the interaction between social cohesion and social diversity may be an important variable that predicts community response to public health interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of TB in these endemic areas. This is demonstrated by triangulating ZAMSTAR’S adaptation of a social systems model with further analysis of the research sites. Second, the study identifies a common discourse running through the sites that stigmatizes TB as both a dirty and HIV-related disease. It is argued that this may be significantly contributing to TB diagnostic delay and I call for more holistic approaches to TB control that can reduce perceived marginalization and TB-HIV stigma. Third, congregate settings emerge as noteworthy visible features of social terrain that clearly have the potential to facilitate TB transmission within communities. The pre-intervention surveys qualitatively described public spaces within each research site and the use thereof. Basic principles of TB transmission are applied to these descriptions, developing a novel method of mapping the relative transmission risk possibly posed. Innovative use of similar approaches could identify likely transmission “hot spots” that may serve as focal points for targeted interventions, such as adjustments that increase ventilation or encourage TB suspects to seek urgent medical diagnosis and treatment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beheer van tuberkulose (TB) bly steeds een van die grootste gesondheids uitdagings van die 21ste eeu, ten spyte van die beskikbaarheid van effektiewe behandeling vir die afgelope 50 jaar. Die stygende insidensie van oorgedraagde (primêre) middelweerstandige TB bedreig die wese van konvensionele TB kontrole programme, wat reeds gebuk gaan onder die oorweldigende impak van die menslike immuungebrek virus (MIV) epidemie. Ononderbroke oordrag van Mycobacterium tuberculosis is ‘n kardinale faktor wat die epidemie onderhou in areas soos die sosioekonomies agtergeblewe dele van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika. My navorsing ondersoek sosiale terrein (konteks) van TB in hierdie hiperendemiese konteks. Dit is primêr gemoeid met die moontlike bydrae van die sosiale terrein tot voortgaande TB oordrag en die potensiaal wat dit mag inhou om TB kontrole te verbeter. Analise van kwalitatiewe data van agt agtergeblewe gemeenskappe in en om Kaapstad wys dat nuwe en pragmatiese benaderings benodig word om die volle omvang van TB as ‘n politieke en ekonomiese problem aan te spreek. Data is versamel as deel van kwalitatiewe pre-intervensie gemeenskapsopnames wat gedoen is gedurende 2005 en 2006 vir ‘n publieke gesondheid intervensie studie (ZAMSTAR) in Zambië en Suid-Afrika. Die studie sou poog om die TB prevalensie betekenisvol te verlaag in gemeenskappe wat erg geaffekteer word deur MIV. Vir navorsings doeleindes is vier-en-twintig gemeenskappe geselekteer, waaronder agt Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskappe. My studie analiseer kwalitatiewe data wat versamel is in hierdie agt gemeenskappe, wat verskeie observasie en deelnemende tegnieke ingespan het. Die studie poog om algemene begrip te verbeter van hoe die sosiale terrein betekenisvol kan wees in TB kontrole; dit is my eie werk en is totaal onafhanklik van die groter ZAMSTAR studie. Induktiewe retrospektiewe analise van data identifiseer drie voorbeelde wat illustreer hoe die sosiale terrein betekenisvol mag wees vir TB kontrole. Eerstens, die interaksie tusses sosiale kohesie en sosiale diversiteit mag ‘n belangrike verandelike wees wat gemeenskapsrespons tot publieke gesondheidsintervensies voorspel. Dit word geïllustreer deur die toepassing van ‘n sosiale sisteme model (soos aangepas deur ZAMSTAR) en analise van ander aanvullende data. Tweedens, identifiseer die studie ‘n gemeenskaplike diskoers in alle navorsings gemeenskappe wat TB stigmatiseer as beide ‘n vuil en MIV-verwante siekte. Dit word geargumenteer dat hierdie verskynsel moontlik betekenisvol bydra tot vertraging van TB diagnose en die nodigheid vir meer holistiese benaderings wat marginalisasie en TB-HIV stigma kan verminder word uitgewys. Derdens blyk dit dat openbare vergaderplekke ‘n belangrike deel van die sosiale terrein vorm en duidelik die potensiaal het om TB oordrag binne gemeenskappe te fasiliteer. Die pre-intervensie opnames het alle openbare vergaderplekke sorgvuldig beskryf en basiese beginsels van TB oordrag is gebruik om vergaderplekke geografies te kaart volgens die moontlike transmissie risiko wat dit mag inhou. Innoverende gebruik van GIS-gebasseerde benaderings, soortgelyk aan die metode wat gebruik is om potensiële “transmission hot spots” te kaart, mag bydra om intervensies beter te fokus, deur bv. verbeterde ventilasie te verskaf of mense met simptome van TB aan te moedig om dringend mediese hulp te soek.

Perceptions of Loss and Grief Experiences within Religious Burial and Funeral

Okafor, Hyacinth C 18 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore perceptions of loss and grief experiences within religious rites and rituals vis-à-vis the context of counseling. Literature indicated the need for a better understanding of grief and loss experiences from bereaved individuals’ perspectives and the context within which loss and grief experiences occur (Dillenburger & Keenan, 2005; Stroebe, Hansson, Schut, & Stroebe, 2008). Participants for this study included 10 purposefully selected Catholic members from two Catholic Church parishes in Nigeria, Africa. All participants had experienced loss and grief, had participated in Catholic burial and funeral rites and rituals, and were 21 years or older. The main research question was: How do bereaved individuals perceive their grief experiences within the context of Catholic burial and funeral rites and rituals? Data collected to answer the research questions consisted of observations, semi-structured interviews, and documents. A cross-analysis approach was used that identified 63 themes, which were collapsed into 11 major themes. depicted in three areas; bereaved participants’ grief experiences, bereaved participants’ experiences of rites and rituals, and implications for counseling. The findings of this study indicated that loss of a relationship was a dominant preoccupation in grief and grieving process. Additional themes reflected by bereaved individuals’ grief and grieving experiences were; time and nature of death, religious rites and rituals, family and community support, family frictions, financial stressors, positive memories, belief system, finding meaning, ongoing traumatization, and counseling. Overall, the conclusion from this study was that three areas conceptualize loss and grief experiences: bereaved participants’ grief experiences, bereaved participants’ experiences of rites and rituals, and implications for counseling.

L'enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères à l'école primaire : Analyse ergonomique de l’activité des maîtres et instauration d’une médiation formative dans l’établissement / Teaching of foreign languages in primary school : Ergonomic analysis of the activity of the school teachers and introducing a formative mediation in the establishment.

Clémens Corbi, Christine 03 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse montre en quoi l'analyse de l'activité des professeurs des écoles enseignant une Langue Vivante Etrangère peut apporter des connaissances utiles au processus de formation continue de ces maîtres au sein de leur polyvalence. L'activité humaine est invisible tant pour les observateurs que pour les acteurs eux-mêmes, d'où notre recours au cadre théorique et méthodologique de l'analyse ergonomique de l'activité enseignante qui s'inscrit dans une perspective historico-culturelle et se nourrit des apports féconds d'une clinique de l'activité. La Méthode d'Auto Confrontation, méthode indirecte, nous permet la création d'un milieu spécifique où nous prenons en compte l'expérience des enseignants et où nous cherchons à transformer le travail pour le comprendre. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur l'analyse de l'activité de six enseignants engagés dans l'enseignement de l'anglais afin de rendre compte de leurs manières de faire, des arbitrages et compromis à l'oeuvre. Une première représentation des pratiques enseignantes laisse ainsi apparaître trois registres d'action principaux liés à leur maîtrise de la conduite de classe, à leur connaissance de la démarche didactique et pédagogique de l'enseignement des LVE et à leur maîtrise de la langue cible. Un processus spécifique lié à la confiance en soi a émergé en cours d'analyse et joue un rôle central dans leur activité. Un nouvel éclairage de la polyvalence est alors envisagé où nous proposons une rencontre entre analyse du travail et formation. La « mise en situation active » (MSA) décline les perspectives découlant de la visée technologique de notre recherche. / This thesis shows how the analysis of the activity of the school teachers teaching a Foreign Language can bring useful knowledge to the process of ongoing training to these teachers within the core of their versatility. Human activity is invisible as much for the observers as for the actors themselves, which leads us to fall back on the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the ergonomic teaching activity which joins a historical-cultural perspective and is fed by the fertile contributions of a clinic of activity. The method of Self-Confrontation, an indirect method, allows us to create a specific space where we take into account the experience of the teachers and where we seek to transform the work in order to understand it. We turned to the analysis of the activity of six teachers engaged in the teaching of English in order to report on their methods, their judgments and compromises in action. A primary representation of their teaching practices thus allows three principle registers of action linked to their mastery of classroom management, to their knowledge of the didactic and pedagogical process of the teaching of Foreign Languages and their mastery of the target language. A specific process linked to self-confidence emerged during the course of the study and played a central role in their activity. A new understanding of versatility is thus envisioned where we propose to link the work analysis and training. The "put into live action" breaks down the perspectives coming from our targeted online research.

O silenciamento sobre o trabalho com alunos precoces com comportamento de superdotação em momentos de HEC e ATPC / The silencing on the work with early students with gifted behavior at times of HEC and ATPC

Silva, Rosilaine Cristina [UNESP] 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ROSILAINE CRISTINA DA SILVA null (rosilainecrs@gmail.com) on 2016-12-19T10:29:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO ROSILAINE CRISTINA DA SILVA.pdf: 1299067 bytes, checksum: 9a5ef0023fabfe8e317ee2828092673b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-12-21T10:38:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_rc_me_mar.pdf: 1299067 bytes, checksum: 9a5ef0023fabfe8e317ee2828092673b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-21T10:38:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_rc_me_mar.pdf: 1299067 bytes, checksum: 9a5ef0023fabfe8e317ee2828092673b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nos últimos anos muito se tem discutido acerca das questões que envolvem a formação de professores, principalmente a partir da perspectiva da educação inclusiva, que busca garantir a todos os alunos o seu desenvolvimento integral. Diante desse contexto, cabe à escola se reorganizar para trabalhar com a diversidade dos estudantes, entre os quais encontram-se os alunos precoces com comportamentos de superdotação; certamente esta não é uma tarefa fácil, mas necessária em um sistema que caminha para ser cada vez mais inclusivo. Sabe-se que para a reestruturação do sistema de ensino, todas as condições para a efetivação da inclusão devem ser garantidas, principalmente a formação de professores, mesmo porque não há como oferecer uma educação de qualidade para todos os alunos sem que a formação continuada do docente seja repensada e adequada aos desafios da política de inclusão, visto que a inclusão escolar pressupõe uma nova perspectiva de Educação. Diante dessas considerações, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar e analisar se as Horas de Estudo em Conjunto (HEC) e as Aulas de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (ATPC) do Ensino Fundamental da Rede Estadual de Ensino de São Paulo têm se caracterizado como espaço de formação continuada de professores. Participaram desta pesquisa professores e coordenadores de escolas do Ensino Fundamental, cujos participantes se dispuseram a colaborar com a pesquisa, sendo que os professores deviam ter alunos precoces com comportamentos de superdotação. Como recursos para coleta de dados foram utilizados questionários, Escala Likert de Atitudes Sociais em relação à inclusão do aluno superdotado de Mushoriwa, bem como análise documental. Os resultados indicam que há formação continuada nos momentos de HEC e ATPC, mas não há estudos na área das Altas habilidades ou Superdotação, nesses momentos. / In the recent past years, a lot of discussion about teacher professional training has been held, especially from the perspective of inclusive education, aimed at ensuring every student their integral development. In this context, the school role is to organize and work towards the diversity of students, including early students who present gifted behaviors. It is not an easy task, surely, but necessary in a system that is already becoming increasingly inclusive. It is known that, in order to restructure the education system, every condition for effective inclusion must be guaranteed, especially teacher training, because the only manner to provide quality education for all students is by means of reconsidering ongoing teacher training teaching and by making it suitable to the challenges of inclusion policy, since school inclusion requires a new perspective on education. Given these considerations, the present study aims to investigate and analyze whether Group Study Time (HEC - Horas de Estudo em Conjunto) and Classes on Collective Pedagogical Worktime (ATPC - Aulas de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo) on basic education in São Paulo state schools have been defined as a time for ongoing teachers training. Thus, the present survey involved teachers and coordinators of basic education schools who were willing to participate in the study, and teachers were required to have early students with gifted behaviors. As a resource for data collection, it was used questionnaires such as the Likert Scale of Social Attitudes towards inclusion of the gifted student by Mushoriwa and documental analysis. Results indicate that there is ongoing training when HEC and ATPC are being held, but no studies in the field of high abilities or giftedness are carried out.

A concepção de educação da política nacional de educação permanente em saúde / The concept of education of national education policy Permanent Health

LEMOS, Cristiane Lopes Simão 10 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Lopes Simao.pdf: 929984 bytes, checksum: 9acbf826bd7cd38ad7180202a1381847 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-10 / The research was conducted at the Graduate Program in Education FE / UFG, the line of research "Culture and Educational Processes." The study focused on the analysis of the concept of Permanent Education in Health (EPS) contained in the National Policy on Permanent Education in Health (PNEPS), established by Decree no. 198/GM/MS of 13/02/2004. The question Central was to analyze the fundamentals of Continuing Education in Health (EPS) of the current proposal. The methodology used was the study and analysis ministerial documents of the period from 2003 to 2009, articles by authors involved with the theme from PAHO and documents related to emergence of the idea of EPS. The theoretical was obtained from the authors approach the current Marxist education and work. For the study possible to note that the conception of the EPS in a PNEPS transcends pedagogical significance, responding to a restructuring of services before the new demands of the production model of toyotist neoliberal times and post-modern. Just when the work is increasingly unstable and precarious is that the Ministry of Health invests in innovative management, giving centrality to the issue of EPS. By decentralizing the management of EPS, before the idea of micro live work, the wheel method and constructivist pedagogies, the subjects of the "quadrilateral training" are encouraged to think permanently on creative solutions to overcome the inefficiency of services. The idea is not education, but management permanent. Unlike an instrument of radical change, EPS becomes an ideology that seduces by its appearance of newness teaching. / A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação FE/ UFG, na linha de pesquisa Cultura e Processos Educacionais". O estudo teve como objetivo a análise da concepção da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) constante da Política Nacional de Educação Permanente em Saúde (PNEPS), implantada pela Portaria nº. 198/GM/MS, de 13/02/2004. A questão central foi analisar os fundamentos da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) da proposta em estudo. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo e análise de documentos ministeriais do período de 2003 a 2009, artigos de autores envolvidos com a temática e documentos oriundos da OPAS relacionados ao surgimento da idéia da EPS. O referencial teórico foi obtido junto a autores que se aproximam da corrente marxista de educação e trabalho. Pelo estudo foi possível constatar que a concepção da EPS na PNEPS transcende um significado pedagógico, respondendo a um processo de reestruturação dos serviços diante das novas demandas do modelo de produção toyotista dos tempos neoliberais e pós-modernos. Justamente no momento em que o trabalho se encontra cada vez mais instável e precarizado é que o Ministério da Saúde aposta na gestão inovadora, dando centralidade à questão da EPS. Por meio da descentralização da gestão da EPS, perante a idéia da micropolítica do trabalho vivo, do método da roda e das pedagogias construtivistas, os sujeitos do "quadrilátero da formação" são estimulados a pensar permanentemente em soluções criativas para a superação da ineficiência dos serviços. A idéia não é de educação permanente, mas de gerenciamento permanente. Ao contrário de um instrumento de transformação radical, a EPS converte-se em uma ideologia que seduz pela sua aparência de novidade pedagógica.

Hodnocení implementace cílů Národní strategie globálního rozvojového vzdělávání v oblasti českého základního školství / Evaluation of implementation of National Strategy of global development education in Czech primary education

Čápová, Iva January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of Global Development Education and the process of the implementation of National Strategy for Global Development Education in Czech primary schools. In 2011, the National Strategy for Global Development Education came into force, thereby Czech Republic adopted the principles and objectives of Global Development Education. Goals that are defined in the document are supposed to be implemented in the next five years. However, as the thesis shows the implementation is a complex process that depends on a wide range of aspects. The author has attempted to identify factors that influence the success of the implementation process. In addition, the thesis tried to answer the question of whether the implementation of the goals of the strategy thrive or fail, and explain why this is happening. With the use of ongoing evaluation practical recommendations to improve the process of implementation of the National Strategy for Global Development Education was proposed. It was pointed out that the causes of imperfect implementation can be as unfavorable socio-economic conditions, as well as poorly defined policy objectives, lack of systemic support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the lack of cooperation between the actors involved or inadequate use of...

Разработка проекта строительства культового объекта в процессе редевелопмента промышленной территории : магистерская диссертация / Development of a project for the construction of a cult object in the process of redevelopment of an industrial territory

Шевелева, А. Е., Sheveleva, A. E. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованной литературы, приложения. В работе рассматриваются культовые объекты в качестве бренда территории, а также изучение степени влияния гражданской активности горожан на градостроительные решения. Выявлены социально – экономические проблемы развития выбранной территории, отличающиеся для города миллионника острым дефицитом свободных для строительства земельных участков и необходимости включения механизма редевелопмента. На основе анализа вариантов развития территории предложен девелоперский проект, включающий в себя храм, отличающийся грамотным расположением, что повышает комфортность проживания жителей города. Рассмотрен анализ окружения, варианты размещения. Приводится оценка эффективности проекта по строительству храма, формируется социальная нацеленность проекта, включающая в себя ряд социальных эффектов, а также затронут вопрос самоокупаемости текущей деятельности объекта как некоммерческой организации. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography, applications. The work examines cult objects as a brand of the territory, as well as the study of the degree of influence of citizens' civic engagement on urban planning decisions. The socio-economic problems of the development of the selected territory, which are distinguished for the city of a million with an acute shortage of free land plots for construction and the need to include a redevelopment mechanism. Based on the analysis of the options for the development of the territory, a development project has been proposed, which includes a temple, which is distinguished by a competent location, which increases the comfort of living for residents of the city. The analysis of the environment, placement options are considered. An assessment of the effectiveness of the project for the construction of the temple is given, the social orientation of the project is formed, which includes a number of social effects, and the question of the self-sufficiency of the current activity of the object as a non-profit organization is raised. In the conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.

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