Spelling suggestions: "subject:"unu"" "subject:"cnu""
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Le rôle international d'un Etat : construction, institutionnalisation et changement. Le cas de la politique canadienne de maintien de la paix en AfriqueCathelin, Mélanie 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les transformations de l'environnement international engendrées par la fin de la « guerre froide » ont de profondes répercussions sur la politique canadienne de maintien de la paix. En croisant les apports du constructivisme sociologique en Relations Internationales et ceux de l'analyse néo-institutionnaliste des politiques publiques, ce travail se propose d'identifier les possibilités de changement et de redéfinition des rôles dévolus aux acteurs étatiques dans la mise en œuvre de leurs politiques étrangères. Le maintien de la paix est une pratique historiquement constitutive de l'identité politique canadienne, ce qui s'est traduit par l'institutionnalisation d'un certain rôle du Canada sur la scène internationale. La pratique canadienne du maintien de la paix s'est trouvée singulièrement affectée par les expériences des militaires et des diplomates sur les terrains africains, particulièrement dans l'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Les apprentissages tirés de ces expériences ont contribué à redéfinir le rôle du Canada dans le maintien de la paix, tout en ouvrant de nouveaux espaces pour les décideurs sur la scène internationale. Les formes prises par la politique canadienne du maintien de la paix au début des années 2000, caractérisées tout à la fois par une plus grande sélectivité et par la recherche de niches de spécialisation, nous renseignent sur les modalités de reconfiguration des rôles des acteurs étatiques sur la scène internationale. La mobilisation du concept de rôle autorise ainsi à rendre compte de l'imbrication étroite existant entre les structures institutionnelles d'un espace particulier et les stratégies mises en œuvre par les acteurs au sein de cet espace.
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Il ruolo della Cina nel mondo post-bipolare. Uno studio sulle tendenze della politica estera cinese nell'epoca delle relazioni internazionali deboli / China's Role in the Post-Bipolar World. A Study on the Tendencies of Chinese Foreign Policy in the Era of Weak International RelationsANDORNINO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 04 July 2007 (has links)
All'inizio del xxi secolo la crescita economica e politica della repubblica popolare cinese è la più dinamica nel sistema internazionale. Mediante un'analisi della transizione che il sistema stesso sta attraversando, e utilizzando una varietà di indicatori (relazioni multilaterali/bilaterali, comportamento di voto in sede gnu, influenza nella periferia del sistema, evoluzione interna), questo lavoro tenta di cartografare il nuovo ruolo giocato dalla Cina sulla scena politica globale. / At the dawn of the xxi century, the people's republic of China's growth in economic and political influence is the most striking phenomenon in the international system. coupling an analysis of the changes that the system itself is undergoing with a variety of country-specific indicators (multilateral/bilateral relations, voting behaviour at the UN, activities in the periphery of the system, internal dynamics), this work aims at mapping the new role played by China in the international system.
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Nel corso della sua lunga storia la Santa Sede è sempre stata protagonista attiva delle relazioni tra popoli, regni, Stati e nazioni. Un ruolo importante viene da essa svolto anche nel '900, specialmente a partire dalla Prima Guerra Mondiale, nell'ambito del tentativo di costruire un nuovo ordine internazionale fondato più sulla forza del diritto che sul diritto della forza. L'Enciclica Pacem in Terris ed il Concilio Vaticano II segnano l'inizio di un più deciso appoggio alla diplomazia multilaterale ed alle organizzazioni internazionali, specialmente ONU e CSCE-OSCE, come si può vedere nel caso della Prima Crisi del Golfo (1990-1991) e della dissoluzione della ex Jugoslavia (1991-1999). La Santa Sede elabora così, progressivamente, un proprio concetto di nuovo ordine internazionale, fondato sul diritto, sulla parità giuridica, sulla uguaglianza sostanziale degli Stati, dotato di un'Autorità centrale imparziale, a carattere democratico, in grado di imporre il rispetto di determinati principi fondamentali per una pace duratura, nella piena osservanza del principio di sussidiarietà. Un ideale ancora lontano dall'essere raggiunto. / Along his long history the Holy See has always played an important role in the relations between kingdoms, States and nations. This role remains important also in the 20th century, especially from World War One, in the pursuit of a new international order based more on the force of right than on the right of force. The Encyclical Pacem in terris and the II Vatican Council are the beginning of a deeper support to multilateral diplomacy and international organisations, particularly UNO and CSCE-OSCE, as it may be noticed during the First Gulf War (1990-1991) and the dissolution of former Yugoslavia (1991-1999). Thus, the Holy See has gradually developed a concept of new international order based on human rights and international law, juridical equality of all States, and on a central, impartial Authority capable of enforcing the respect of a given set of fundamental principles which are essential for the maintenance of peace, in the respect of the principle of subsidiarity. An ideal still far from reality.
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Les affrontements idéologiques nationalistes et stratégiques au Proche-Orient vus à travers le prisme de la Société des Nations et de l'Organisation des Nations UniesBenfredj, Esther 12 1900 (has links)
L’effondrement et le démantèlement de l’Empire ottoman à la suite de la Première Guerre mondiale ont conduit les Grandes puissances européennes à opérer un partage territorial du Proche-Orient, légitimé par le système des mandats de la Société des Nations (SDN). Sans précédent, cette administration internationale marqua le point de départ de l’internationalisation de la question de la Palestine, dont le droit international allait servir de socle à une nouvelle forme de colonialisme. Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) continua l’action entreprise par la SDN en s’occupant également de cette question sur la demande des Britanniques. En novembre 1947, l’ONU décida du partage de la Palestine en deux Etats pour résoudre les conflits entre sionistes et nationalistes arabes. Si ce partage fut accepté par les sionistes, il fut rejeté par les Etats arabes voisins et de nombreux Arabes palestiniens. Les affrontements opposant nationalistes arabes et sionistes de Palestine laissèrent place au conflit israélo-arabe après la proclamation d’Indépendance de l’Etat d’Israël en mai 1948. Au commencement de la guerre froide, les Etats-Unis et l’URSS prirent conscience de l’intérêt géostratégique de cette région, progressivement désinvestie par la France et la Grande-Bretagne. Dans cette étude, nous verrons comment la scène interétatique et la communauté internationale, successivement composée de la SDN puis de l’ONU, ont en partie scellé le sort du Proche et Moyen-Orient. Nous consacrerons également une analyse au rôle joué par les idéologies nationalistes arabes et sionistes, qui tiennent une place centrale au sein de ce conflit. / The collapse and dismantling of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, led the great European powers to engage in a territorial division of the Middle East, legitimized by the mandates system of the League of Nations. Without any precedents, that international administration marked the beginning of the internationalization of Palestine’s thorny issue. The international law would serve as the pillar for a new form of colonialism. The day after World War II, the United Nations continued the action taken by the League of Nations, as well as for the demand of the British. In November 1947, the UN decided to divide Palestine into two States. If the Zionists had accepted that split, their neighbors, Arab States and Palestinian Arabs, would have rejected it. The clashes opposing the Arab Nationalists and the Palestine Zionists gave space to the Arab-Israeli conflict after the independence of Israel, on May 14, 1948. At the beginning of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union became aware of the geo-strategic interest in this region, gradually divested by France and Great Britain. In this study, we will see how the interstate scene and the international community, successively composed by the League of Nations and the United Nations, have partially sealed the fate of the Near and the Middle East. We will also devote a preliminary analysis related to the role played by the Arabs and Zionists nationalist ideologies, which are central in this conflict.
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Les missions d'établissement des faits des Nations Unies sur les violations graves et massives du droit international des droits de l'homme et du droit international humanitaire : entre uniformité et diversité / United Nations Fact-Finding Missions into Grave and Mass Scale Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law : between Diversity and UniformityLassée, Isabelle 08 April 2016 (has links)
Lorsque des allégations de violations du droit international des droits de l’homme (DIDH) ou du droit international humanitaire (DIH) sont rapportées dans un pays, une meilleure compréhension des faits et de la situation est souvent nécessaire afin que l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) puisse répondre de manière appropriée. A cette fin, les organes de l’ONU y compris l’Assemblée générale, le Conseil de sécurité, le Secrétaire général, le Conseil des droits de l’homme et même le Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme peuvent créer des missions d’établissement des faits. Ces missions sont des organes interétatiques ad hoc créés en réponse à des violations graves et massives DIDH et du DIH. Leurs fonctions principales sont le plus souvent d’établir les faits, de les qualifier en droit et de faire des recommandations pour mettre fin à ces violations et y remédier. Le recours à ces missions, parfois appelées commissions d’enquête, n’a cessé de croître ces vingt dernières années, en particulier lorsque des violations du DIDH et du DIH, pouvant constituer des crimes internationaux, sont alléguées. A cet égard, la théorie de la justice transitionnelle et la doctrine de la responsabilité de protéger ont ouvert de nouvelles perspectives pour l’établissement des faits. Ceci explique que les objectifs et les fonctions des missions d’établissement des faits se sont diversifiés. Cependant, les Etats et une partie de la doctrine remettent en cause le caractère ad hoc du mode de création de ces missions, de leur mandat, et de leurs méthodes de travail. Nous étudierons cette tension entre uniformité et diversité afin de proposer des solutions adaptées permettant de remédier aux problèmes dénoncés par la doctrine et de maximiser l’impact de ces missions sur de la réponse des parties prenantes notamment l’État concerné et l’ONU. / To respond appropriately to violations of human rights and humanitarian law, the United Nations requires an in-depth knowledge of the facts alleged and a better understanding of the relevant situation on the ground. To this end, United Nations organs including the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Secretary General, the Human Rights Council and even the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights may create fact-finding missions. These missions are collegial ad hoc bodies created in response to human rights and humanitarian law violations that are particularly grave. Their functions generally include establishing the facts, conducting a legal appraisal of facts, and making recommendations for the cessation of violations and for their remedy. In the past twenty years, United Nations organs have increasingly resorted to these missions – often referred to as commissions of inquiry – in particular when violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law may amount to international crimes. In this respect, transitional justice theory and the doctrine of the responsibility to protect provide new perspectives for fact-finding. The objectives and functions of these missions have therefore diversified. However, some states and scholars criticize the ad hoc creation of the missions, their often politicized mandate, and their methods of work. We will elaborate on this tension between uniformity and diversity and propose some solutions. These proposals will aim at addressing the issues raised by scholars as well as maximizing the missions’ impact on stakeholders’ response to the situation.
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The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do BrasilBonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.
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[pt] Estimulado pela percepção de um crescente uso do termo “resiliência” em
documentos oficiais, em ambientes acadêmicos e no vocabulário popular, o
presente trabalho procura explorar as condições para a propagação do termo,
assim como as consequências de seu uso em políticas públicas. O conceito,
popularizado no contexto da disciplina da biologia, foi transportado para as
ciências sociais a partir de uma aproximação entre as racionalidades da ecologia e
da economia. Este movimento de aproximação resultou em uma nova concepção
do mundo social como complexo, permeado por toda sorte de riscos, e habitado
por sujeitos fundamentalmente vulneráveis. A ampla mobilização do conceito na
Nova Agenda Urbana, principal documento da ONU-Habitat para a formulação de
políticas urbanas, demonstra o grau de legitimidade conquistado pela ideia de
resiliência urbana. Para melhor entendermos como esta ideia é invocada na
prática, analisaremos seu uso nos contextos do Furacão Katrina, quando atingiu o
sul dos Estados Unidos, em 2005, e no rompimento da barragem da Samarco em
Mariana, ocorrido em 2015 em Minas Gerais. / [en] Encouraged by the perception of a growing use of the term resilience on
official documents, in academic environments and in the popular vocabulary, the
present work aims to explore the conditions for the dissemination of the term, as
well as the consequences of its use in public policy discourses. The concept,
which was popularized in the context of the biological sciences, was transported
to the social sciences through a theoretical convergence between the rationalities
of ecology and economy. This movement resulted on a new conception of the
social world, in which it is conceived as complex, permeated by all sorts of risks,
and populated by fundamentally vulnerable subjects. The wide employment of the
concept by the New Urban Agenda, UN-Habitat s main document for urban
policy formulation, demonstrates the degree of legitimacy that was conquered by
the idea of an urban resilience. In order for us to better understand how the idea is
evoked in practice, we will analyze its use in the contexts of Hurricane Katrina,
when it hit the South of the United States, in 2005, and in the context of
Samarco s dam rupture in Mariana, which took place in 2015, in Minas Gerais.
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The United Nations global compact : estudo de caso na Ericsson do BrasilBonatto, Heitor January 2010 (has links)
Em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas lançou a iniciativa denominada “Pacto Global”, com o objetivo de dar uma face mais humana ao processo da globalização. Esta iniciativa estabeleceu dez princípios que as empresas, entre outros participantes, devem seguir para implementá-los no dia a dia de suas operações. A Ericsson foi uma das empresas fundadoras da iniciativa e, até hoje, faz parte do grupo. A presente dissertação, portanto, busca analisar como a Ericsson do Brasil está implementando os princípios do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em sua esfera de influência. Para compreender a forma como está ocorrendo, neste estudo foi realizado um estudo de caso da subsidiária brasileira, baseando-se na análise de documentos institucionais, na observação e entrevista realizada com o Gerente da empresa. Conclui-se que a Ericsson do Brasil ainda está em processo de implementação dos princípios, destacando-se no que concerne ao gerenciamento da cadeia de fornecedores estar em avançado estágio de implementação. / In 2000 the United Nations launched the Global Compact initiative for the purpose of giving a more human face to globalization. This initiative sets out ten principles that companies and other participants should proceed to implement in the day to day operations. Ericsson was one of the founders of the initiative and today is part of the group. This dissertation aims to analyze how the Ericsson in Brazil is implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact in its sphere of influence. To understand how, the dissertation was based on case study of the Brazilian subsidiary and the analysis was made by institutional documents, observation and interviews with the manager of the company. The conclusion demonstrates that Ericsson in Brazil is still in the process of implementing the principles emphasizing that when it comes to managing the supply chain is in the advanced stage of implementation.
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Manutenção da paz e resolução de conflitos: respostas das Nações Unidas aos conflitos armados intra-estatais na década de 1990Bigatão, Juliana de Paula [UNESP] 02 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009-07-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:07:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
bigatao_jp_me_mar.pdf: 926328 bytes, checksum: e21bd217f05a3026e0ecf71a9b7876c7 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Com base no histórico das atividades de manutenção da paz e resolução de conflitos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), analisamos de que maneira esta instituição reagiu à proliferação dos conflitos armados intra-estatais durante a década de 1990. O caráter multidimensional desses conflitos, que em certa medida não são tão novos quanto possam parecer, impôs uma série de dificuldades aos mecanismos tradicionais de manutenção da paz da ONU, que até então se restringiam ao envio de soldados desarmados ou fracamente armados para manter a paz entre Estados, com base nos fundamentos do respeito à soberania, imparcialidade, consentimento de todas as partes em conflito e uso da força somente em autodefesa. A partir do estudo das mudanças conceituais e operacionais das missões de paz da ONU na década de 1990, apontamos as dificuldades enfrentadas por esta organização para responder adequadamente aos conflitos intra-estatais, assim como discutimos os limites de sua atuação frente aos princípios tradicionais do sistema westfaliano – soberania, independência e não-intervenção / Considering the historical development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations, we analyze how this international institution faced the proliferation of intra-state armed conflicts during the 1990’s. The multidimensional character of these conflicts, that are not as new as it seems, imposed a series of difficulties to the UN’s traditional peacekeeping mechanisms, which were limited to sending light armed troops to create space for States to resolve their conflicts peacefully, according to the principles of consent, impartiality and minimum use of force. Following the study of the conceptual and operational changes in the UN peacekeeping missions in the 1990’s, we examine the difficulties that this institution faced to adequately deal with intrastate conflicts, as well as we discuss the limits of the UN actions considering the traditional westphalian system principles – sovereignty, independence and non-intervention
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As relações sul-sul na política multilateral brasileira (1961-2002)Costa, Juliana Jerônimo [UNESP] 30 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009-01-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:17:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
costa_jj_me_mar.pdf: 968497 bytes, checksum: 3311fb9b172d77dd74b0ae6b8e9db03c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esse trabalho analisa os momentos de inflexão nas relações do Brasil, nos foros multilaterais, com os países do Sul durante a segunda metade do século XX, à luz dos momentos de redefinição das diretrizes de atuação internacional do País no tocante as suas ações em relação aos países em desenvolvimento. Buscamos apresentar, a partir da análise das modificações no sistema internacional e na história da Política Externa Brasileira, ao longo do período analisado, como o Sul era visto pela diplomacia brasileira como plataforma de atuação internacional, delineando, dessa maneira, os condicionantes que levaram, em determinados momentos, à aproximação ou ao afastamento do Brasil em relação aos países em desenvolvimento, em foros multilaterais como GATT/OMC e ONU / This work analyses the circumstances of inflection in Brazilian relations, at multilateral forums, with South nations during the second half of the 20th century, relating the redefinition moments of international performance lines of direction with his actions related with development countries. We aimed to show, starting from the analysis of changes in international system and in history of Brazilian Foreign Policy, alongside the analyzed period, how South was seen by brazilian diplomacy like international performance platform, drawing, thus, the conditions that carry Brazil, in certain moments, to approach or to distance with development countries, at multilateral foruns, such as GATT/WTO and UN
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