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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La conscience phonologique des enfants vietnamiens: son développement, ses liens avec la lecture et l'écriture et l'impact d'un entraînement précoce

Huynh, Mai Trang 24 January 2013 (has links)
De nombreux travaux menés dans diverses langues ont montré que la capacité d'analyse de la parole en unités élémentaires, ou "conscience phonologique", joue un rôle important dans le succès de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'orthographe. Qu'en est-il pour la langue vietnamienne ?La conscience phonologique peut-elle être considérée comme un prérequis du développement de la lecture et de l’écriture en vietnamien ?Deux études longitudinales ont été réalisées auprès d’enfants d’Ho Chi Minh Ville au Viet Nam afin d’examiner cette question. <p>La première étude a été menée sur 73 enfants qui ont été suivis de la fin de la 3ème maternelle jusqu'au milieu de la 2ème année primaire. L’objectif était d’évaluer le développement de la conscience phonologique des enfants et la relation entre celui-ci et le développement des capacités en langage écrit. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le développement de la conscience phonologique varie en fonction des unités linguistiques considérées. La rime s’est avérée être l’unité linguistique la plus difficile à catégoriser et la voyelle la plus difficile à substituer par rapport à la consonne initiale et au ton. Notre étude n’a pas mis en évidence de corrélations positives et significatives entre la conscience phonologique évaluée en maternelle et l’apprentissage du langage écrit en primaire. Cependant, le développement de la conscience phonologique est fortement corrélé avec celui des capacités de lecture et d’écriture dès la 1ère année primaire. <p>La deuxième étude a été réalisée auprès de 62 enfants suivis depuis la 2ème maternelle jusqu'au milieu de la 1ère primaire. Elle avait pour objectif d’évaluer un programme d’entraînement de la conscience phonologique. Ainsi, nous avons mesuré l’impact de cet entraînement sur le développement de la conscience phonologique et sur l’apprentissage ultérieur du langage écrit. Les résultats ont permis de mettre en évidence un effet bénéfique de l’entraînement précoce de la conscience phonologique sur les performances en langage écrit chez les enfants de 1ère année primaire. <p>Malgré l’absence de preuve claire en faveur d’une influence causale de la conscience phonologique sur l’apprentissage du langage écrit, nos données confirment l’importance de la conscience phonologique dans la découverte du principe alphabétique et l’application des conversions grapho-phonologiques au moment de l’apprentissage formel du langage écrit à l’école primaire. Ainsi, l’application d’un programme d’entraînement de la conscience phonologique durant la période préscolaire (troisième maternelle) apporte une préparation efficace pour l'apprentissage du langage écrit au début du cycle primaire.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Orthographic effects on speech processing: studies on the conditions of occurrence / Effets orthographiques sur le traitement de la parole: études sur les conditions d'occurence

Pattamadilok, Chotiga 11 March 2006 (has links)
My doctoral research addressed two questions regarding the influence of orthographic knowledge on speech processing. First, I attempted to identify the locus of the orthographic effects observed in spoken word recognition tasks in which the orthographic consistency and the congruency between the phonological and orthographic representations of the stimuli were manipulated. Several studies provided converging results suggesting that only phonological representations activated at lexical or postlexical processing levels are affected by orthographic knowledge, while those activated at prelexical levels are not. However, the lexical processing level is not the only factor that determines the occurrence and/or the size of the orthographic effects. Regardless of the processing level tapped by the task, the characteristics of the material and the way in which participants perform the tasks also play an important role. Second, I examined the generality of the orthographic effects both in the suprasegmental domain and in the operation of working memory. Overall, the results showed orthographic effects in both situations./La question de l’influence des connaissances orthographiques sur le traitement de la parole a été abordée sous différents angles à travers les études menées dans le cadre de ma thèse de doctorat. Plus précisément, le locus des effets orthographiques a été examiné dans des tâches de reconnaissance de la parole grâce à une manipulation de la consistance orthographique et de la congruence entre les représentations phonologique et orthographique des stimuli. Les résultats obtenus convergent pour indiquer que seules les représentations phonologiques activées dans les situations qui exigent un traitement lexical et/ou post-lexical sont affectées par les représentations orthographiques. Cependant, l’occurrence et/ou la magnitude des effets orthographiques obtenus semblent dépendre également des caractéristiques du matériel et de la manière dont les participants effectuent la tâche. La question de la généralité des effets orthographiques a aussi été abordée :les effets orthographiques ont été démontrés d’une part dans le domaine suprasegmental (sur le ton lexical) et, d’autre part, dans le fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail. / Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Masjienleerbenadering tot woordafbreking in Afrikaans

Fick, Machteld 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal tot watter mate ’n suiwer patroongebaseerde benadering tot woordafbreking bevredigende resultate lewer. Die masjienleertegnieke kunsmatige neurale netwerke, beslissingsbome en die TEX-algoritme is ondersoek aangesien dit met letterpatrone uit woordelyste afgerig kan word om lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te doen. ’n Leksikon van Afrikaanse woorde is uit ’n korpus van elektroniese teks genereer. Om lyste vir lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te kry, is woorde in die leksikon in lettergrepe verdeel en saamgestelde woorde is in hul samestellende dele verdeel. Uit elkeen van hierdie lyste van ±183 000 woorde is ±10 000 woorde as toetsdata gereserveer terwyl die res as afrigtingsdata gebruik is. ’n Rekursiewe algoritme is vir saamgesteldewoordverdeling ontwikkel. In hierdie algoritme word alle ooreenstemmende woorde uit ’n verwysingslys (die leksikon) onttrek deur stringpassing van die begin en einde van woorde af. Verdelingspunte word dan op grond van woordlengte uit die samestelling van begin- en eindwoorde bepaal. Die algoritme is uitgebrei deur die tekortkominge van hierdie basiese prosedure aan te spreek. Neurale netwerke en beslissingsbome is afgerig en variasies van beide tegnieke is ondersoek om die optimale modelle te kry. Patrone vir die TEX-algoritme is met die OPatGen-program gegenereer. Tydens toetsing het die TEX-algoritme die beste op beide lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling presteer met 99,56% en 99,12% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik. Dit kan dus vir woordafbreking gebruik word met min risiko vir afbrekingsfoute in gedrukte teks. Die neurale netwerk met 98,82% en 98,42% akkuraatheid op lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling, respektiewelik, is ook bruikbaar vir lettergreepverdeling, maar dis meer riskant. Ons het bevind dat beslissingsbome te riskant is om vir lettergreepverdeling en veral vir woordverdeling te gebruik, met 97,91% en 90,71% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik. ’n Gekombineerde algoritme is ontwerp waarin saamgesteldewoordverdeling eers met die TEXalgoritme gedoen word, waarna die resultate van lettergreepverdeling deur beide die TEXalgoritme en die neurale netwerk gekombineer word. Die algoritme het 1,3% minder foute as die TEX-algoritme gemaak. ’n Toets op gepubliseerde Afrikaanse teks het getoon dat die risiko vir woordafbrekingsfoute in teks met gemiddeld tien woorde per re¨el ±0,02% is. / The aim of this study was to determine the level of success achievable with a purely pattern based approach to hyphenation in Afrikaans. The machine learning techniques artificial neural networks, decision trees and the TEX algorithm were investigated since they can be trained with patterns of letters from word lists for syllabification and decompounding. A lexicon of Afrikaans words was extracted from a corpus of electronic text. To obtain lists for syllabification and decompounding, words in the lexicon were respectively syllabified and compound words were decomposed. From each list of ±183 000 words, ±10 000 words were reserved as testing data and the rest was used as training data. A recursive algorithm for decompounding was developed. In this algorithm all words corresponding with a reference list (the lexicon) are extracted by string fitting from beginning and end of words. Splitting points are then determined based on the length of reassembled words. The algorithm was expanded by addressing shortcomings of this basic procedure. Artificial neural networks and decision trees were trained and variations of both were examined to find optimal syllabification and decompounding models. Patterns for the TEX algorithm were generated by using the program OPatGen. Testing showed that the TEX algorithm performed best on both syllabification and decompounding tasks with 99,56% and 99,12% accuracy, respectively. It can therefore be used for hyphenation in Afrikaans with little risk of hyphenation errors in printed text. The performance of the artificial neural network was lower, but still acceptable, with 98,82% and 98,42% accuracy for syllabification and decompounding, respectively. The decision tree with accuracy of 97,91% on syllabification and 90,71% on decompounding was found to be too risky to use for either of the tasks A combined algorithm was developed where words are first decompounded by using the TEX algorithm before syllabifying them with both the TEX algoritm and the neural network and combining the results. This algoritm reduced the number of errors made by the TEX algorithm by 1,3% but missed more hyphens. Testing the algorithm on Afrikaans publications showed the risk for hyphenation errors to be ±0,02% for text assumed to have an average of ten words per line. / Decision Sciences / D. Phil. (Operational Research)

Philologie, grammaire historique, histoire de la langue ˸ constructions disciplinaires et savoirs enseignés (1867-1923) / Philology, historical grammar, language history ˸ disciplines in the making and taught content (1867-1923)

Jorge, Muriel 06 December 2018 (has links)
Entre la fin des années 1860 et le milieu des années 1920, la philologie, la grammaire historique et l’histoire de la langue sont introduites dans l’enseignement supérieur français grâce à la création de postes et de chaires dans des établissements nouvellement fondés, comme l’École Pratique des Hautes Études et l’École normale supérieure de jeunes filles de Sèvres, ou profondément rénovés, comme la Faculté des lettres de Paris. La disciplinarisation de ces savoirs linguistiques de type historique participe du rapprochement entre enseignement et recherche et, ainsi, du renouvellement du système universitaire. En atteste la carrière dans les trois institutions citées de Gaston Paris, Arsène Darmesteter et Ferdinand Brunot, retracée à l’aide de correspondances privées et de documents d’archives d’ordre institutionnel. L’analyse de documents publiés par les établissements eux-mêmes (affiches, livrets, comptes rendus d’enseignements, ouvrages commémoratifs) met en évidence les difficultés que rencontrent ces trois enseignants pour s’adapter aux divers publics étudiants et aux préconisations officielles. Leurs notes de cours reflètent un travail de didactisation, qui passe par des pratiques d’écriture diverses dont on identifie les spécificités à l’aide des outils de la génétique textuelle. L’étude approfondie de deux objets de savoir met en lumière l’intérêt de ces notes en tant que sources pour l’histoire des idées linguistiques et de leur enseignement. D’abord, l’histoire de l’orthographe française, bien qu’absente des intitulés des cours, est présente dans les notes de cours. Ensuite, le « latin vulgaire » est un thème porteur d’enjeux idéologiques et épistémologiques majeurs invisibles dans les affichages institutionnels. / Between the late 1860s and the mid-1920s, philology, historical grammar and language history are introduced into the French higher education system with the creation of positions and tenures in newly founded schools, such as the École Pratique des Hautes Études and the girls’ École normale supérieure in Sèvres, and in deeply transformed institutions, like the Paris Faculty of Letters. Making history-oriented linguistic knowledge into disciplines contributed to bring teaching and research closer together and led to the rebirth of the university system. This is illustrated by the careers of Gaston Paris, Arsène Darmesteter and Ferdinand Brunot in these institutions as evidenced by private correspondence and institutional archive material. The analysis of documents published by the establishments (posters, booklets, teaching records, anniversary publications) casts light on the problems these teachers faced when attempting to adapt to various student populations and official guidelines. Their teaching notes reveal content adaptation through diverse writing practices, which we identify and characterize by using text genetics. The in-depth study of two knowledge contents demonstrates the use that can be made of these notes as sources for the history of linguistic thought and its teaching. Firstly with the history of French orthography which is present in teaching notes, although it does not appear in course titles. Secondly with vulgar Latin as a theme that pertains to major ideological and epistemological issues which are invisible in institutional display material.

Barriers in acquiring basic english reading and spelling skills by Zulu-speaking foundation phase learners

Mahabeer, Sandhya D. 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the barriers that hinder the Zulu-speaking English second language learner in the Foundation Phase in acquiring basic reading and spelling skills. Nine hypotheses were developed from the literature study. Emanating from this, a quantitative empirical investigation, undertaken at various Foundation Phase schools in and around the greater Durban area, examined these barriers. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument in investigating these barriers. The study highlighted the relationships between the various variables. These relationships were, in the main, found significant. The research has indicated that contextual, language, school and intrinsic factors are significantly correlated to the problems L2 learners experience in acquiring English reading and spelling skills. The limitations of this investigation were discussed and recommendations, based on these results, were forwarded. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance & Counselling)

Jazyk SMS a francouzština jako cizí jazyk / Language of SMS and French as a foreign language

Vaňátko, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
in English with English title of the thesis: Language of SMS and French as a foreign language The central topic of the thesis is the language of short text messages (SMS) and/or the one of chat and their application in teaching of French as a foreign language (fr. abbreviation F.L.E., français langue étrangère). The aim is to answer the question so as to how to grasp linguo- didactically this modern sociolect of young users (not only) of French, typical of written communication via digital technologies, with the purpose of the purely practical use in the classes of French. Firstly, a linguistic description will be given in order to understand the mechanisms of the explored language code not only in French, but also partly in Czech and English, as well as the determination of the position of the SMS language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the present-day French. The following research will be dealing with the identification and the analysis of the teaching activities using the SMS language found in approximately fifty text books of French intended for the learners of levels A1, A2, B1, B2. The next section offers the theoretical evaluation of the exploitability of the SMS language in the classes of French, having as a point of reference specialised works of didactics of foreign languages. The...

Barriers in acquiring basic english reading and spelling skills by Zulu-speaking foundation phase learners

Mahabeer, Sandhya D. 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the barriers that hinder the Zulu-speaking English second language learner in the Foundation Phase in acquiring basic reading and spelling skills. Nine hypotheses were developed from the literature study. Emanating from this, a quantitative empirical investigation, undertaken at various Foundation Phase schools in and around the greater Durban area, examined these barriers. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument in investigating these barriers. The study highlighted the relationships between the various variables. These relationships were, in the main, found significant. The research has indicated that contextual, language, school and intrinsic factors are significantly correlated to the problems L2 learners experience in acquiring English reading and spelling skills. The limitations of this investigation were discussed and recommendations, based on these results, were forwarded. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance & Counselling)

Die fehleranalytische Relevanz der prädominanten Spracherwerbshypothesen / Untersuchung des Fehlererklärungspotentials der Kontrastiv-, der Identitäts- und der Interlanguagehypothese auf Grundlage einer Analyse linguistischer Fehlleistungen deutscher Muttersprachler beim Erwerb des Englischen / The error analytical applicability of the predominant language acquisition hypotheses / Comparative examination of the error explanation potential of the contrastive, identity and interlanguage hypotheses based on the analysis of linguistic errors made by native speakers of German when acquiring the English language

Achten, Michael 24 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Examination of the (si) and (ʃi) confusion by Japanese ESL learners

Nogita, Akitsugu 30 August 2010 (has links)
It is a general belief in Japan that the English /s/ and /ʃ/ before high front vowels (as in "see" and "she") are problematic for Japanese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) learners. Some research has also reported the /s/ and /ʃ/ confusion by Japanese ESL learners. Their pronunciation errors are often explained based on phonetics, but there are reasons to believe that the learners’ knowledge of the phonemes of the target words is at fault. This study examines 1) whether monolingual Japanese speakers distinguish the [si] and [ʃi] syllables in both perception and production in the Japanese contexts and 2) what would be the sources of Japanese speakers’ challenges in mastering the distinction between [si] and [ʃi] in their English production if Japanese speakers can produce and perceive the difference between these syllables. This study conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, 93 monolingual Japanese speakers between the ages of 17 and 89 in and around Tôkyô read aloud the written stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, repeated the sound stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, and listened to the [si:] and [ʃi:] syllables in isolation recorded by a native speaker of Canadian English. The results showed that the participants all distinguished [si] and [ʃi] in both perception and production regardless of their ages. Based on these results, I hypothesized that the [s] and [ʃ] confusion by Japanese ESL learners is caused by misunderstanding, rather than an inability to articulate these sounds. In the second experiment, 27 Japanese ESL students were recorded reading an English passage. The passage contains /s/ (7 times) and /ʃ/ (11 times) before high front vowels. After the reading, the participants were taught the basic English phonological system and the symbol-sound correspondence rules such as “s”-/s/ and “sh”-/ʃ/. The lesson lasted 40 minutes during which the participants were also interviewed to find out their awareness of the symbol-sound correspondence. No articulation explanations were given during the lesson. After the lesson, the participants read the same passage. The results showed that /s/ and /ʃ/ were mispronounced 39 and 67 times respectively in total by the 27 participants before the lesson, but only 7 and 19 times after the lesson. These changes are statistically significant. Moreover, the interview during the lesson revealed that the participants lacked phonological awareness in English as well as the knowledge of the symbol-sound correspondence rules. This study concluded that many of the mispronunciations by Japanese ESL learners, including /s/ and /ʃ/, can be solved by teaching the English phonics rules and some basic phonological rules without teaching the articulation of these sounds.

Analyse des performances en langue écrite d'élèves issus de l'immigration en Région de Bruxelles Capitale: études longitudinales / Analysis of written language performance of pupils from emigrant families in Area of Brussels City: longitudinal studies

Akif, Zohra 29 November 2007 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est de cerner les difficultés rencontrées en lecture et en orthographe par les enfants issus de l’immigration de 2ème et 3ème génération qui on été comparés à leurs pairs autochtones inscrits dans les même classes. L’échantillon comprend 357 élèves scolarisés dans des écoles communales en discrimination positive de la région de Bruxelles Capitale. Un suivi longitudinal de la 3ème à la 5ème année primaire a également été mené. Les résultats nous ont permis d’évaluer les performances en langue orale et en langue écrite de ces élèves, et de mettre en évidence d’une part les mécanismes de lecture et d’écriture et d’autre part les facteurs susceptibles d’expliquer les retards sur le plan psycholinguistique. Deux programmes d’entraînements, au niveau phonologique et syntaxique ont été élaborés en vue de mesurer leur effet sur les différences de compétences. / The objective of this study is to determine the difficulties encountered in reading and spelling by children from emigrant families (2nd and 3rd generation) compared with their pars autochthons registered in the same classes. The sample includes 357 pupils in positive discrimination elementary schools from the area of Brussels City. A longitudinal follow-up from 3rd to 5th primary grade was also carried out. The results enabled us to evaluate the performances in spoken and written language of these pupils and to highlight the mechanisms of reading and writing and the factors which explain psycholinguistics delays. Two training programs, one phonologic, the other syntactic were elaborate in order to measure their effect on the differential of skills. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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