Spelling suggestions: "subject:"outside"" "subject:"autside""
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Inside/outside - and all betweenAlton Borgelin, Teresa January 2019 (has links)
I feel something on the INSIDE of my body, a feeling of nagging worry. It is an emotion equally important as every other emotions we humans have. But the feeling of worry is very complex as it may come in different shapes and sizes, and how much it affects us differs from person to person. For some people thoughts of worry escalates and becomes overwhelming which causes an emotion of anxiety which in turn could lead to a panik attack. In my exam project and my artistic presentation I focus on that emotion of anxiety when you panic and you loose control. The reason for this emotion could be many but I am interested in how expectations and demands both from ourselves, others and society leads to us trying to keep it all together, stay in control and/or wanting to show an OUTSIDE that everything is fine. Through social media, internet and commercials we are all exposed to information which tells us how to achieve ”the perfect life” and images of people having an eventful life. All of this creates expectations. In society today worry and anxiety are emotions that are connected to something negative and is often seen as a weakness. In our attempt to hide the emotion of worry and anxiety we communicate to the people on the outside that everything is fine, by for example using jewelry, make-up and clothes to show a beautiful facade almost like putting on a shield before we go outside to meet the world. Why do we do that? And for whom? I chose the necklace as the traditional piece of jewelry to symbolize beauty, stability and to communicate to people that you have everything under control and that everything is fine. The necklace becomes part of the facade that will stand for beauty, tradition and a measure of prosperity. This is what you show on the outside of the body but on the inside that is where you hide away your worries and anxiety which is built up due to expectations. Expectations which in time will be too many and too much for you to handle, the same as with anxiety. One part of my artistic presentation is to try and visualise how these expectations are put upon you while you are trying to control them and at the same time show off a stable and beautiful outside. But no matter how hard you try to communicate that everything is fine and trying to keep everything together, in the end, what you feel on the inside of the body will seep out to the outside. I am making a attempt to show how this eventually makes you loose control. The beautiful necklace is impossible to sustain which also makes me question my own traditional view of what a necklace is. Another part of my artistic presentation is about value and to make objects that could be used as conversation pieces to start a dialog about worry and anxiety. The materials I am using symbolises the feeling when anxiety takes control of your body and staines the individual. The aim of this exam project is to raise thoughts about a complex emotion, norms in society, and to investigate what a necklace is or could be. Jewelry is a way of communicating with other people and one way to show who you are or whom you want to be. As a contemporary art jeweller I am exploring my topic in a conceptual way.
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Extramural English in the First GradeElisson, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
Today’s primary school pupils encounter English in a wide variety of ways through the use of various forms of media. This thesis aims to research how the very youngest pupils in the Swedish primary school encounter the English language in their time outside of school and whether or not it has any impact on how they relate to the subject in school. Teachers’ views on their pupils’ habits will also be compared, as well as whether they see encounters outside the classroom as having any visible effects on the pupils. Through the use of interviews with both seven- to eight-year-old pupils and teachers, it was possible to find common forms of extramural English (EE) among the pupils, but little evidence it contributed to their views on English at school. Teachers were largely aware of their pupils’ interests and were positive towards using EE content in class, but did not feel it was possible to do so. / <p>Engelska</p>
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Bringing the outside to the inside : Incorporating pupil’s knowledge of extramural English in teaching English to young learnersSjödin Öberg, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
In Sweden today, the English language is a part of our everyday lives. This means that from very young ages, children encounter the language in many different ways, media being one of the most common. This thesis aims to research if and how teachers in F-3 include this type of English in their teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL). In particular, the focus is to gain knowledge of how music/songs are being used in the classroom, and if the teachers incorporate the music that the pupils listen to in their spare time when working with music/songs. Their attitudes towards doing this is what this thesis is interested in. An empirical study was carried out with the use of interviews as data collecting method. A total of six lower primary school teachers (grades 1-3) spread out geographically in Sweden were interviewed. The results show that teachers report that they are aware of the many places where pupils encounter English, but only one of the teachers incorporate this in teaching EFL. However, the others do seem positive towards working with this and they mention many benefits in doing so. When it comes to music and songs, all teachers work with this in the subject, but once again five out of six do not include the songs that the pupils listen to, except when they in some cases pick something up in the moment. Again, even though some difficulties are mentioned, they seem positive towards this and they believe there is a possibility in including this in their teaching of EFL. However, as seen in the conclusion, time seems to be a big issue for doing so. / <p>Engelska</p>
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Two Essays on Multiple DirectorshipsChen, Chia-wei 10 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation includes two related chapters that investigate the value of multiple directorships. In the first chapter, I focus on potential tradeoffs between the costs and benefits of multiple directorships held by outside directors and attempt to determine how firm characteristics affect such tradeoffs. It is widely believed that outside directors of a firm play important functions of monitoring and advising. As a result, the basic hypothesis of the first essay is that multiple directorships by outside directors can have different implications for firms that have different levels of monitoring and advising needs. Consistent with this hypothesis, the evidence suggests that firm performance is positively associated with multiple directorships for firms with high growth opportunities and low agency conflicts. Such firms would benefit more from better advising while not suffering much from less monitoring. Likewise, firm performance is negatively associated with multiple directorships for firms with low growth opportunities and high agency conflicts. In the second essay, I examine how multiple directorships held by outside directors affect shareholder wealth during acquisitions. The evidence indicates that not all busy outside directors have the same effect and some types of busy outside directors may benefit the firms.
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Brott och straff utanför tjänsten som saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avskedMagnusson, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda rättsläget kring en arbetstagares brottslighet utanför tjänsten, samt ett avtjänande av fängelsestraff, som saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avsked. För ett avsked krävs ett grovt åsidosättande av åligganden gentemot arbetsgivaren, medan en uppsägning kan bli aktuell vid ringa företeelser. Jag har använt mig av den traditionella rättsdogmatiska metoden i denna uppsats för att tolka, utreda och fastställa gällande rätt inom mitt ämnesval. För att slippa göra allt för stora generaliseringar och få fram ett ändamålsenligt resultat som besvarar min frågeställning på bästa möjliga sätt, har jag valt att inrikta mig på brott inom kategorierna våldsbrott, sexualbrott och narkotikabrott. Brott utanför tjänsten kan utgöra både saklig grund för uppsägning och laga grund för avsked. Det krävs emellertid att vissa faktorer är uppfyllda för att brottet ska kunna läggas som grund för uppsägning eller avsked. Faktorer som arbetstagarens position på företaget, yrket, vem brottet är riktat emot och den fortsatta lämpligheten är faktorer som AD tar hänsyn till vid våldsbrott. Positionen på företaget och yrket är omständigheter som AD ofta tar hänsyn till. Förtroendepositioner på företag samt yrken som kräver allmänhetens förtroende, till exempel präster, har betydligt lägre toleransnivå vid brott utanför tjänsten än andra yrken. Gällande sexualbrott är det extra allvarligt om brottet är riktat mot någon annan arbetstagare på arbetsplatsen, även om det sker utanför tjänsten. Vad gäller narkotikabrott går det att identifiera att AD tar hänsyn till andra faktorer, såsom arbetstagarens psykiska hälsa, ålder och levnadsförhållanden med mera. Vissa narkotikabrott bli därmed till en viss grad ursäktade med hänsyn till arbetstagarens personliga omständigheter, och ett starkare anställningsskydd vid narkotikabrott gentemot vålds- och sexualbrott kan fastställas. Även fängelsestraff kan utgöra saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avsked. Omständigheter som AD tar hänsyn till och utreder är bland annat arbetstagarens person, arbetsuppgifter, hur grovt brottet varit, återfallsrisken för brottsligheten samt arbetsgivarens möjligheter att ersätta dennes tjänst under avtjänandet av fängelsestraffet. / Abstract The purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal situation regarding an employee’s crime outside the service and an imprisonment, as legal grounds for termination or dismissal of the employment contract. For a dismissal it requires a serious breach of the duties, while a termination may be applicable even for minor violations of the employee. Furthermore, I have used the law of dogmatic approach to identify and investigate my subject, but also to answer my questions asked in this essay in an appropriate way. To avoid generalizations and to come to conclusions regarding crime outside the service as a termination or dismissal, I have chosen to focus on crimes in the categories of violence, sex and drug-related offenses. Offences outside the service may constitute both termination and dismissal of the employee. However, it requires that certain circumstances are met for that the offence can be classified as grounds for either termination or dismissal. These factors are the employee’s positions in the company, the employees profession, whom the crime is directed against and the continued suitability of the employee. The position, or the profession the employee has, is something that the labour court often takes into account. Positions of trust or professions that require “public trust”, such as priest, have a lower level of tolerance compared to other professions. Regarding sex-crimes, it is especially serious if the crime is directed against any other employee in the workplace. As for drug offenses, the labour court takes other factors into account, such as the employee’s mental health, age and living conditions. Therefore, some drug-related crimes are excused and a stronger protection of employee’s that commit a drug related crime can be identified, compared to violence- and sexual crimes. Imprisonment may constitute legal grounds for both termination and dismissal of the employee. Circumstances that the labour court takes into account are, for instance, the employee’s personal, the job, how serious the offense was, the risk of recidivism, but also the employer’s opportunity to resolve the employee’s absence from work.
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Utanförstående arbetstagares rättsliga situation vid arbetsbrist : Är anställningsskyddet ett medlemskap i den kollektivavtalsbärande organisationen?Björkman, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Utanförstående arbetstagares rättsliga situation vid arbetsbrist : Är anställningsskyddet ett medlemskap i den kollektivavtalsbärande organisationen?Björkman, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Triukšmo šaltinio geometrinių dydžių įtaka gyvenamosios teritorijos akustinei taršai / The impact of noise source geometric dimensions on noise pollution in residential areasSkaržinskas, Naurimantas 18 June 2010 (has links)
Išskirtini paprastų geometrinių formų triukšmo šaltinių (TŠ) tipai – taškinis ir ilginis, tačiau yra didelių ir įvairių geometrinių formų ir dydžių lauko įrenginių, kurių skleidžiamą akustinę taršą reikia numatyti ar apskaičiuoti sąlyginai artimuose taškuose. Darbo tikslas – ištirti gamybinio objekto teritorijoje paskirstytų nevienodos garso galios ir skirtingų geometrinių formų bei dydžių lauko įrenginių įtaką akustinės taršos lygiui. Didelių geometrinių dydžių triukšmo šaltinių triukšmo sklaida bendram garso slėgio lygiui LpA (dBA) įtakos (KP) turi tik artimuose taškuose, lyginant su triukšmo šaltinio matmenimis (3:2). Didžiausią įtaką (-3 dBA) 5 m atstumu turi cilindrinio (ilginio) tipo triukšmo šaltinis. Tolimesniuose atstumuose (~40 m) triukšmo šaltinio geometriniai dydis ir forma įtakos neturi ir galima taikyti akustinės galios ir taršos lygio tarpusavio ryšio priklausomybes. Tuomet akustinės taršos lygis priklauso tik nuo atstumo R ir kinta 1/R2 dėsniu, kas įrodyta eksperimentiniais tyrimais. Gyvenvietėje akustinės taršos lygiai ženkliai viršija (5 dBA) leistinuosius lygius. Gautąsias ryšio tarp aplinkos akustinės taršos ir gamybinio objekto triukšmo šaltinio galios priklausomybes galima panaudoti kartografavimui. / There are two types of noise sources of ordinary geometrical forms – point and line sources, but there are many outside facilities of different and vast geometrical forms as well, whose acoustic pollution needs to be predicted and calculated conditionally in a very similar way. Work objective – to survey the impact of different forms and sizes outside facilities and of different sound capacity around industrial territory for the level of acoustic pollution. The emanation of noise sources of vast geometrical sizes has the impact (Kp) for the general sound pressure level only in close points, in comparison with the noise source measurements (3:2) The biggest impact (-3 dBA) in the distance of 5 metres has cylindrical (line type) noise source. In the bigger distances (like 40 meters) geometrical form and size of noise source has no impact and it is possible to apply acoustic capacity and noise pollution inter-connections. So, acoustic pollution level depends on the distance R and changes on 1/R² law, which is proven by experiments. In the township acoustic pollution levels exceeds dramatically (5 dBA) the allowable levels. The forthcoming inter-connection between acoustic environmental pollution and the noise source capacity around industrial subject can be used for cartography.
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Are Independent Directors Effective Corporate Monitors? - An Analysis of the Empirical Evidence in the USA and CanadaLai, Brian Y. 02 May 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores whether independent directors in the USA and Canada are effective in holding management accountable by: (1) analyzing how the policy of relying on independent directors developed and operates; (2) introducing the main theoretical critiques of independent directors’ monitoring effect; and (3) examining whether empirical studies in the field of management science and financial economics support the policy in both countries of relying on independent directors as corporate monitors.
Empirical evidence shows that boards with a majority of independent directors, in some circumstances, were associated with better firm performance (in the post-SOX period) and fulfilled certain board tasks effectively in the United States. Canadian studies, however, have not shown a positive association with improved firm performance. Audit committees composed entirely of independent directors have been effective in ensuring the quality of financial reporting in the United States, but this effect has not been found in Canada. Compensation committees composed fully of independent directors neither constrained the level of executive compensation nor tied CEO pay to firm performance in either country. US firms with an audit committee member who had accounting expertise, rather than financial analysis or supervisory expertise, were associated with a higher quality of financial reporting, while Canadian firms with an audit committee member who has financial expertise, instead of financial literacy, were associated with a similar effect. Studies also showed that independent directors perform better in certain circumstances.
Based on empirical evidence, US regulators should consider: (1) changing the current mandatory requirements for an independent board and a completely independent compensation committee to a comply-or-explain requirement; (2) narrowing the qualification of a financial expert to an individual who has accounting expertise; and (3) recruiting independent directors who have two or fewer outside directorships, hold more of the corporation’s shares, have lower cost of acquiring corporate information, and have no social connections with the CEO. In Canada, weak evidence of the monitoring effectiveness of independent directors supports the existing comply-or-explain approach. Canadian regulators may only need to require or recommend that at least one audit committee member has financial expertise, instead of only financial literacy.
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O processo de colonização no Rio Grande do Sul : o caso de São Leopoldo no século XIXSaviani Filho, Hermógenes January 2008 (has links)
Este tem trabalho tem por objeto a constituição da economia colonial no extremo sul da América portuguesa, em territórios que hoje compõem o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Investiga-se como foram construídas suas estruturas produtivas mais típicas e como este espaço foi incorporado economicamente ao império português na América. Analisa-se a estrutura agrária através das estâncias, charqueadas e das unidades familiares da região de colonização alemã. O Rio Grande do Sul constituiu-se em importante região produtora de alimentos, charque e trigo, para o mercado interno da América portuguesa. Os dados obtidos através do Arquivo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a região de São Leopoldo nos levou a concluir que a região de colonização alemã dependia do setor voltado ao comércio externo, indo, assim, a favor da tese de Caio Prado Jr. / This work addresses colonial society in the southern part of Portuguese America, in the territories that are the now the state of Rio Grande do Sul. I explore the ways in which this region's productive structures were constructed and how they were incorporated into the economy of the American par of the Portuguese Empire. I analyze the region's agricultural structures by looking at estancias (farms), charqueadas and the other family production units. The State of Rio Grande do Sul became an pivotal supplier food, such as charque and wheat, for internal market of Portuguese America. Dice obtained of Archive of Rio Grande do Sul for São Leopoldo region's to take finished which the zone of German colonization be based of sector outside market in favourable of Caio's Prado thesis.
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