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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av interhospitala patienttransporter / Nurse anesthetists experiences of interhospital patienttransports

Corderfeldt, Robert, Olhammer, Jens January 2014 (has links)
Anestesisjuksköterskan kan arbeta över flera områden där arbete vid en anestesiklinik är det vanligaste. I arbetet på en anestesiklinik ingår även uppgiften att medverka vid patienttransporter mellan sjukhus, interhospitala transporter. Tidigare studier har visat att många specialistsjuksköterskor är oroliga och bekymrade över dessa uppdrag. De upplevde otrygghet, osäkerhet och brist på tydliga riktlinjer. Ansvaret är stort och ibland är det långt mellan sjukhusen. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur samtliga anestesisjuksköterskor på en anestesiklinik i sydvästra Sverige upplever att medverka vid patienttransporter mellan sjukhus. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ ansats och empirisk data samlades in med hjälp av ett frågeformulär. Deskriptiv statistik användes för att redovisa resultat. Resultatet av studien visar att anestesisjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av interhospitala patienttransporter är varierande. Flera svarade att de tyckte att det fanns svårigheter att utföra god omvårdnad under transporterna. Spridningen bland anestesisjuksköterskornas svar var stor på frågan om de kände sig stressade eller obekymrade över dessa uppdrag, de flesta befann sig kring mitten av skalan. Samarbetet med ambulanssjuksköterskorna var något som överlag fungerade mycket väl, och de hade stort förtroende för deras kompetens. Att helt avstå från att medverka vid interhospitala patienttransporter var något en fjärdedel av anestesisjuksköterskorna önskade. Behovet av mer forskning inom detta område är stort. / Nurse anesthetist work in several areas but working at an anesthetic clinic is the most common. Working at a clinic involves overseeing patients during interhospital patienttransports. Earlier studies have shown that many specialist nurses are worried and concerned over transporting patients. They experience feelings of insecurity, vulnerability, and a lack of clear guidelines. The responsibility is major and sometimes there are long distances between the hospitals. The aim of the study was to evaluate how the nurse anesthetists experience their participation during the transport of patients. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach and empirical data was collected using a questionair. Descriptive statistics were used to present the results. The results showed that the nurse anesthetists experiences of transporting patients varied greatly. Several responded that they found it difficult to give good care during the transport. There was also a large range of the answers to the question about whether they felt stressed or unconcerned during these assignments, but most were in the middle of the scale. Cooperation between the nurse anesthetists and the ambulance nurses generally worked well, they even had a strong confidence in their competence. One fourth of the nurse anesthetists reported they would prefer not to be involved in interhospital patienttransports. More research is needed in this area is great.

Adolescent internalising disorders : the role of maternal and adolescent cognitions

Triantafyllou, Kalliopi January 2012 (has links)
Anxiety and depression are among the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence (Costello, Egger, & Angold, 2005). Although the parental environment appears to play a role in the development of emotional disorders (e.g., Abramson & Alloy, 2006), cognitive styles within the families of adolescents with internalising disorders have received little attention. The main aim of this thesis was to increase the understanding of maternal cognitions in relation to internalising disorders experienced by adolescents. Specifically, maternal attributional style, catastrophic worries, selective attention and perceptions of adolescents' social competence were examined through a combination of cross-sectional, correlational and experimental designs in the programme of five studies conducted with a clinical sample. Three groups of adolescents and their mothers participated in the studies: adolescents with clinical internalising disorders, adolescents with clinical externalising disorders and a non-referred group of school-children along with their mothers. In support of the hypotheses, mothers of adolescents with clinical internalising disorders had more negative attributional biases than the mothers in the two control groups. When parental attributions were examined from the child's perspective, adolescents in the clinical internalising group perceived that their parents had more negative attributions than both control groups. Examination of maternal evaluations of adolescents' social skills, revealed that even though adolescents did not have social deficits according to objective ratings, mothers of adolescents with internalising disorders underestimated the performance of their children compared to the non-referred control group. Significant relationships were found between maternal and adolescent attributions and perceptions of social competence, suggesting a link between maternal and adolescent cognitive style. Furthermore, mothers of the clinical internalising group produced a greater number of worries which were more catastrophic in content than mothers in the control groups. Contrary to predictions, mothers of adolescents with clinical internalising disorders did not selectively attend to threatening information related to adolescents' behaviours. Analyses using combined data from the four studies that showed significant relationships provided evidence that different cognitions in mothers and their children are interrelated, highlighting the importance of interactions between various cognitions within the family. Additionally, attributional style, catastrophic worries and negative perceptions were found to discriminate families with adolescents with internalising disorders from those with adolescents with externalising disorders or non-referred adolescents. The studies included in this thesis extend the current literature on maternal cognitions and adolescent internalising disorders and suggest that mothers of adolescents with internalising disorders are characterised by cognitive biases that should be taken into consideration in both research and clinical practice.

Qualitative and quantitative differences of worry among individuals with and without generalized anxiety disorder

Linardatos, Eftihia 21 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of modern health worries as predictors of development of anxiety and depression symptoms

Edberg, Arvid, Ahlzén, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Worries about the negative health effects of modern life (Modern health worries, MHW) have increased during the last decades, but the phenomenon is not fully understood. The present study investigated the associative and predictive relationship between different types of MHW and symptoms of anxiety and depression in a large sample from Västerbotten county, Sweden (n=2223). The four subscales of the Modern Health Worries Scale (MHWS) were used to assess different types of MHW, while symptoms of depression and anxiety were assessed by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Spearman's correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to assess the degrees of association and prediction, respectively. It was shown that the subscales were associated with symptoms of both anxiety and depression to varying degrees, however MHW did not significantly predict symptoms of neither anxiety nor depression. This suggests that when using the MHWS in clinical settings, examining the subscales rather than the global score of MHWS provides a more nuanced understanding of an individual's experience. It also suggests that experiencing MHW does not cause an increase in neither anxiety nor depression. / Oro kopplad till de negativa hälsoaspekterna av ett modernt liv (Modern hälsooro, MHO) har ökat under de senaste årtiondena, men fenomenet är inte helt klarlagt. Den här studien undersökte associativa och prediktiva samband mellan olika typer av modern hälsooro och symtom av ångesttillstånd samt depression i ett urval i Västerbottens län (n=2223). De fyra subskalorna av Modern Health Worries Scale (MHWS) användes för att undersöka de olika typerna av MHO medan Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale användes för att mäta symtom av ångesttillstånd och depression. Korrelationsanalyser baserat på Spearmans korrelationskoefficient samt hierarkiska, multipla regressionsanalyser användes för att mäta graden av association respektive prediktion.  Resultatet visar att de olika subskalorna var associerade med symtom av både depression och ångesttillstånd i olika hög grad. Dock predicerade inte MHO en signifikant förändring av varken ångest- eller depressionssymtom. Detta tyder på att ett enskilt beaktande av subskalorna ger en mer nyanserad bild av en individs upplevelse av MHO jämfört med om endast totalpoängen på MHWS beaktas. Resultatet föreslår vidare att en upplevelse av MHO inte orsakar en ökning av varken ångest eller depressionssymtom.

Att leva med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 : En litteraturöversikt / Living with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 : A literature review

Nygren, Ellen, Schöldqvist, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Background: Diabetes type 2 is a increasing disease and societal problem. To be able to sustain a healthy life despite the disease, major lifestyle changes including dietary changes and physical activity is required. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the experiences of persons living with diabetes mellitus type 2. Method: An inductive approach were used, qualitative articles were analysed by Fribergs Analysis model. Result: Three main themes was discovered; “Psychological effect of diabetes”, “Practical influence on the everyday life with diabetes” and “Social and existential influences of diabetes”. There were six sub-themes found. Conclusion: There were worries about the disease and complications. Motivation was an important factor for necessary self-care. Limitations in daily life was often related to diet and social engagements. High demands of managing lifestyle changes felt arduous. Nurses have an important role in encourage to self-management and should contribute to further individualization in diabetes care.The support was often found inadequate. / Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 är en växande folksjukdom och samhällsproblem. För att bibehålla ett hälsosamt liv trots sjukdomen behöver personerna ofta genomgå livsstilsförändringar i form av ändrade kost- och motionsvanor. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 2. Metod: En induktiv ansats användes, kvalitativa artiklar granskades och analyserades genom Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: Här återfanns 3 huvudteman; “ Psykisk påverkan vid diabetes”, “Praktisk påverkan i vardagen med diabetes” samt “Social och existentiell påverkan vid diabetes”. Det urskildes också sex stycken subteman. Slutsats: Det fanns en ständig oro över sjukdomen och eventuella komplikationer. Motivation och stöd var viktigt för nödvändig egenvård. Begränsningar i det dagliga livet var ofta relaterat till kost och sociala tillställningar. Krav på livsstilsförändringar upplevdes som svåra. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll för att uppmuntra till personernas egenvård och borde verka för att ytterligare individanpassa diabetesvården.

When Students Fail: Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying Test Anxiety

Schillinger, Frieder L. Dipl.-Psych. 22 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure for Evaluating Youth’s and their Parent’s Worries about Psychosocial Treatment

Selles, Robert Rein 07 June 2016 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Initial examination of treatment worries suggest they may represent an important construct; however, previously used measures were limited by their specificity, scale format, and lack of parent report. Therefore the present study sought to examine the initial outcomes and psychometrics of newly developed corresponding measures of treatment worries in youth (Treatment Worries Questionnaire – Child; TWQ-C) and their parents (Treatment Worries Questionnaire – Parent; TWQ-P). METHODS: Participants were 94 youth (7-17-years old) and parent dyads presenting for psychosocial treatment of an anxiety disorder. Prior to initiation of treatment, dyads completed the TWQ-C and TWQ-P along with a host of additional child and parent report measures, and three clinician-rated measures. RESULTS: Treatment worries were endorsed in the mild-moderate range by youth and the TWQ-C demonstrated good-excellent internal consistency and test-retest reliability, a strong three-factor structure, and consistent convergent and divergent relationships. Treatment worries were endorsed in the low mild range by parents and the TWQ-P demonstrated fair-good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, a less empirically, but theoretically, supported four-factor structure, and consistent divergent relationships, but variable (by factor) convergent relationships. DISCUSSION: The results of the present study provide information on the concept of treatment worries and support the use of the TWQ-C and TWQ-P as broad assessments of the concept in a variety of populations. Low endorsement of worries among parents likely relates to the nature of the present sample (treatment-seeking) and may have contributed significantly to the less ideal psychometrics of the TWQ-P in comparison to the TWQ-C. Future investigation of treatment worries using the TWQ-C and TWQ-P in a variety of samples is warranted.

Le vivant et le logique dans la philosophie de Hegel / The living and the logic in Hegel's philosophy

Bernet, Pierre 26 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail cherche à mettre en évidence de quelle façon Hegel met en œuvre l’une de ses affirmations de jeunesse : « Penser la pure vie, telle est la tâche ». Il en ressort, en rupture avec ce qu’une certaine tradition laisse entendre, à savoir que Hegel serait un penseur formel et froid, que la vie est au fondement de la pensée de cet auteur, trop souvent considéré comme un pur logicien. Dans le même temps, il apparaît un lien indéfectible entre le vivant, ce vivant-ci, l’humain que nous sommes, et le logique, ce mouvement qui est celui de la vie même, sa vérité ; et apparaît aussi une forme de séparation sous-jacente entre vivant et logique, qui fait place à une inquiétude, accentuée par la toute-puissance du négatif. Dès lors, deux lectures de Hegel s’avèrent possibles et nécessaires : l’une qui va dans le sens de la résolution du conflit entre vie et logique, l’autre qui permet d’entrouvrir la porte d’un abîme ou s’avèrerait impossible une ultime résolution, un ultime savoir absolu. Une affirmation assez tardive, faite par Hegel dans plusieurs de ses textes : « Or l’idée immédiate est la vie. », met en évidence autant la permanence de cette question du vivant et du logique, que la difficulté à la penser. / This work seeks to analyze in what way Hegel employs one of his earlier statements: “To think pure life, that is the task.” This break with tradition suggests for some, that Hegel is an a coolness thinker; life, which is often considered a pure logician, forms the basis of thought of the author. At the same time, thought is the unbreakable link between life as we live it and the logic of life. This notion that thinking is the same as life and truth also appears as a form of separation implicit between living and logic. This leads to Hegel’s concern of the omnipotence of the negative. Hegel’s later statement made in several of his texts - “Now the immediate idea is life" - highlights the permanence of this conflict between living and logic and highlights the struggle of the philosopher to reconcile the difficulty of thinking. Therefore, two readings of Hegel’s prove necessary to understand the complexity of his statements: one looks at the resolution of the conflict between life and logic, the other opens a door to the abyss where it is possible to have an ultimate resolution and discover ultimate absolute knowledge.

Are immigrants in favour of immigration? Evidence from England and Wales

Braakmann, N., Waqas, Muhammad, Wildman, J. 09 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / Using the UK Citizenship Survey for the years 2007–2010, this paper investigates how immigrants view immigration and how these views compare to the views of natives. Immigrants who have been in the UK longer are similar to natives in being opposed to further immigration, while recent immigrants are more in favour of further immigration. Labour market concerns do not play a large role for either immigrants or natives. However, there is some evidence that financial and economic shocks can increase anti-immigration sentiments. / The Peter and Norah Lomas PhD Scholarship in Economics.

Inside/outside - and all between

Alton Borgelin, Teresa January 2019 (has links)
I feel something on the INSIDE of my body, a feeling of nagging worry. It is an emotion equally important as every other emotions we humans have. But the feeling of worry is very complex as it may come in different shapes and sizes, and how much it affects us differs from person to person. For some people thoughts of worry escalates and becomes overwhelming which causes an emotion of anxiety which in turn could lead to a panik attack. In my exam project and my artistic presentation I focus on that emotion of anxiety when you panic and you loose control. The reason for this emotion could be many but I am interested in how expectations and demands both from ourselves, others and society leads to us trying to keep it all together, stay in control and/or wanting to show an OUTSIDE that everything is fine.  Through social media, internet and commercials we are all exposed to information which tells us how to achieve ”the perfect life” and images of people having an eventful life. All of this creates expectations. In society today worry and anxiety are emotions that are connected to something negative and is often seen as a weakness. In our attempt to hide the emotion of worry and anxiety we communicate to the people on the outside that everything is fine, by for example using jewelry, make-up and clothes to show a beautiful facade almost like putting on a shield before we go outside to meet the world. Why do we do that? And for whom? I chose the necklace as the traditional piece of jewelry to symbolize beauty, stability and to communicate to people that you have everything under control and that everything is fine. The necklace  becomes part of the facade that will stand for beauty, tradition and a measure of prosperity. This is what you show on the outside of the body but on the inside that is where you hide away your worries and anxiety which is built up due to expectations. Expectations which in time will be too many and too much for you to handle, the same as with anxiety. One part of my artistic presentation is to try and visualise how these expectations are put upon you while you are trying to control them and at the same time show off a stable and beautiful outside. But no matter how hard you try to communicate that everything is fine and trying to keep everything together, in the end, what you feel on the inside of the body will seep out to the outside. I am making a attempt to show how this eventually makes you loose control. The beautiful necklace is impossible to sustain which also makes me question my own traditional view of what a necklace is. Another part of my artistic presentation is about value and to make objects that could be used as conversation pieces to start a dialog about worry and anxiety. The materials I am using symbolises the feeling when anxiety takes control of your body and staines the individual. The aim of this exam project is to raise thoughts about a complex emotion, norms in society, and to investigate what a necklace is or could be. Jewelry is a way of communicating with other people and one way to show who you are or whom you want to be. As a contemporary art jeweller I am exploring my topic in a conceptual way.

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