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Sjuksköterskors strategier i bedömningen och omvårdnaden av pediatriska patienter / Nurses´strategies in the assesment and nursing of pediatric patientsVelandia, Fernanda, Stigzelius, Shayarina January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: På slutenvårdsavdelningarna vid Astrid Lindgrens barnsjukhus arbetar få specialistutbildade sjuksköterskor vilket kan utgöra en risk för patientsäkerheten. Studier visar att det föreligger behov av fler preventiva åtgärder för att förbättra vårdkvaliteten för de inneliggande pediatriska patienterna. Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors strategier i bedömningen och omvårdnaden av pediatriska patienter. Metod: En deskriptiv, kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på åtta sjuksköterskor från tre slutenvårdsavdelningar. Kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys användes. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i två huvudkategorier: interna strategier och externa strategier. Otillräckliga kunskaper av pediatrisk vård från sjuksköterskornas grundutbildning ledde till att informanterna utförde olika subjektiva interna strategier i bedömning och omvårdnad. När interna strategier inte räckte till använde informanterna externa strategier som innefattade stöd från kollegor, läkare och föräldrar. Samtliga informanter sökte sällan eller aldrig stöd av intensivvårdsavdelningen. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor utan specialistutbildning har svårigheter att klara av sina åtaganden. Det finns således utrymme för förbättringar i både interna och externa strategier samt ett ökat stöd från intensivvården. / Background: At Astrid Lindgren Children´s Hospital, there is a lack of specialized nurses in the inpatient wards. This could pose a risk to patient safety. Studies show that there is a need for more preventative measures, to improve the quality of care for hospitalized pediatric patients. Objective: To investigate the strategies, used by nurses in the assessment and care of pediatric patients. Method: A descriptive, qualitative study with semistructured interviews. Eight nurses from three inpatient wards were interviewed. Qualitative, manifest content analysis were used. Results: The results are presented in two main categories Internal Strategies and External Strategies. The informants felt that their basic education had given them insufficient knowledge and training in pediatric care. They used subjective, internal strategies when assessing and providing care. External strategies, such as turning to colleagues, doctors and the children´s parents for advice were used when the internal strategies were insufficient. Seeking help and support from the Intensive Care Unit was something the informants rarely or never considered. Conclusion: Non-specialized nurses frequently meet with difficulties in managing their commitments. Our conclusion is that there is room for improvement in internal and external strategies and the need for an increased support from the Intensive Care Unit.
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Operationspersonalens val av hårskydd – en enkätstudie / Surgical staff choice of protective hair covers – a survey studyLopez, Cristina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hårskyddet är ett viktigt element för att kunna upprätthålla en aseptisk miljö vid en operation. Men dess betydelse verkar inte uppmärksammas tillräcklig noga och inga undersökningar gällande hårskyddet som barriärskydd, har författaren inte kunna få fram. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka operationspersonalens motiv till val av hårskydd vid olika typer av operationer. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvantitativ ansats, strukturerade frågeformulär och deduktiva analysmetoder användes vid denna studie. Resultat: Studien visar att det som mest har påverkat deltagarna vid val av hårskydd, är komforten och närheten till operationssåret. Även åldern och könet är faktorer som påverkade deltagarna vid valet av hårskydd. Däremot vetskapen om riktlinjer, akuta ingrepp, operationer med inplanerade implantat eller känd smitta har inte påverkat deltagarna i dess val av hårskydd inför en operation i någon nämnvärd utsträckning. Resultat visar även att det finns en stor brist på kunskaper angående riktlinjer bland operationspersonalen. Slutsats: Resultatet kan bero på att det är brist på komfortabla heltäckande hårskydd. Det kan även tyda på behov av evidens om hur effektiva de olika hårskydd som finns ute på marknaden är. Studien tyder dessutom på att det finns ett stort behov av kunskapsspridning om riktlinjerna och rekommendationerna angående hårskydd bland operationspersonalen. Klinisk betydelse: Studien kan ge skäl för tillverkarna att utveckla bekväma hårskydd som även är ampassade till de olika behov som finns på en operationssal. / Background: Surgical cap is an important element to maintain an aseptic environment during surgery. But its importance does not seem sufficient attention and the author couldn´t obtain studies about surgical cap as a protective barrier. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the surgical staff motive for choosing surgical cap at different types of surgery. Method: An empirical study with quantitative approach and structured questionnaires method were used in this study. Results: The study shows that what most affects the participant´s choice of hair protection is the comfort and proximity to the surgical wound. Although age and gender are factors that influenced the participant´s choices of surgical caps. However, knowledge of policies, operations with the planned implants, infection risk awareness or acute surgery do not affect the participant´s choice of surgical caps to any appreciable extent. Results also show that there is a considerable lack of knowledge about guidelines among surgical personnel. Conclusion: Results may be due to the sole lack of comfortable full covering surgical caps. It may also indicate a need for evidence about the effectiveness of the surgical caps that is available on the market. The study also suggests that there is a great need for knowledge sharing relating the guidelines and recommendations on surgical caps among surgical personnel. Clinical significance:The study may give reason for manufacturers to develop comfortable head protection which is also adapted to the different needs of an operating room.
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Patientsäker intrahospital transport av intensivvårdspatient / Safe Intrahospital Transport of Critically ill PatientKarlsson, Josefin, Söderqvist, Otto January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den intensivvårdskrävande patienten är många gånger i behov av transport utanför intensivvårdsavdelningen för diagnostiserande undersökning eller behandling. Transporten är riskfylld då patienten kräver komplicerad utrustning och avancerad medicinsk behandling. Studier visar att patientsäkerheten ökar om policydokument används vid transportprocessen. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att kartlägga antalet policydokument som reglerar intrahospital transport i Stockholms län och jämföra dem med en guideline. Metod: Urvalet bestod av policydokument från 11 intensivvårdsavdelningar i Stockholms län. Metoden utgjordes av deskriptiv dokumentinnehållsanalys. Resultat: Sex av elva intensivvårdsavdelningar i Stockholms län hade policydokument som reglerar intrahospital transport. Policydokumenten hade fem gemensamma huvudämnen: Riskbedömning, bemanning, förberedelse, övervakning och utrustning vilka överensstämde med dem i guidelinen. Detaljnivån avseende utrustning skiljde sig dock policydokumenten emellan. Ett policydokument, som bestod av både riktlinje och checklista, utmärkte sig då det bäst överensstämde med innehållet i guidelinen. Slutsats: Studien visar att många intensivvårdsavdelningar i Stockholms Län saknar policydokument vid intrahospital transport. Existerande policydokument varierar i omfång, utformning och till viss del även avseende innehåll. Klinisk betydelse: Förhoppningen är att studien kan ligga till grund för omarbetning av befintliga riktlinjer och checklistor eller utformning av nya. Ytterst avser studien med detta förbättra patientsäkerheten. / Background: The intensive care patient often needs transportation outside the intensive care unit for diagnostic examination or treatment. Transports are associated with major risks due to critically ill patient requirements of complex equipment and advanced medical treatment. Studies show that the use of protocols in intrahospital transports increases patient safety. Objective: The study aimed to examine protocols that regulate intrahospital transport of patients in intensive care units in Stockholm County and compare them with a guideline. Method: The sample consisted of protocols from 11 intensive care units in Stockholm County. The method used was a document content analysis. Results: Six out of eleven intensive care units in Sweden possessed a protocol governing the intrahospital transport. The protocols had five main topics in common: Risk assessment, staffing, preparation, supervision and equipment, which were consistent with the guideline. The level of detail regarding equipment differed between them. Protocols containing both a guideline and checklist, stood out as the most integrated document. Conclusion: The result of the study shows that several intensive care units in Stockholm County are missing protocols regarding intrahospital transport. Existing protocols vary in size, design, and to some extent also in content. Clinical significance: This study has a goal to provide a basis for revision of existing guidelines and checklists or for designing new ones. Furthermost the aim of this study is to improve patient safety.
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Användande av enkla eller dubbla handskar inom operationssjukvård / The usage of single or double gloving in surgeryHellberg, Lisa, Jonsson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: I litteraturen finns evidens att använda dubbla lager av operationshandskar vid all kirurgi för att förebygga smittspridning mellan patient och personal samt för att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner. Operationshandskar kan ha olika tjocklek och taktil känsla beroende på latex eller latexfritt material. Trots att evidens finns att använda dubbla lager operationshandskar förekommer variation i användandet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger väljer enkla eller dubbla handskar vid operationer, samt hur de motiverar sitt val. Metod: Operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger från två operationsavdelningar i Mellansverige undersöktes i en tvärsnittsdesign med intervjustödda enkäter. Flera deltagare intervjuades flera gånger. Resultat: Totalt inkluderades 66 deltagare i studien och 137 intervjuer genomfördes. Nästan hälften av deltagarna motiverade sitt val av handskar med rutin eller vana. Vid samtliga ortopediska operationer användes dubbla handskar. Enkelt lager av handskar användes i högre grad då endast latexfria handskar fanns att tillgå, och den dominerande motiveringen var då att det var mer svårarbetat med dubbla handskar. Slutsats och klinisk betydelse: Användandet av enkla respektive dubbla handskar skiljer sig mellan verksamheterna och mellan yrkeskategorierna. Dubbla handskar användes av samtliga deltagare på den avdelning där skriftliga riktlinjer angående dubbla handskar fanns formulerade. Enkla handskar användes i högre grad då endast latexfria handskar fanns att tillgå. Resultatet i föreliggande studie indikerar att riktlinjer angående dubbla handskar, samt latexfria handskars sämre taktila förmåga kan ha betydelse för hur operationspersonal väljer operationshandskar. / Background: In the literature, there is evidence of the usage of double layered surgical gloves during all surgical procedures in order to prevent the spread of infection between the patient and medical personnel, as well as, to prevent clinical infections. Double layered surgical gloves can have different thickness and tactile feeling depending on latex or latex-free material. Aim: To investigate if operating room nurses and surgeons choose single or double gloving for operations, as well as, how they motivate their choices. Method: Operating room nurses and surgeons from two different operation departments in the middle of Sweden were examined in a cross-sectional design with interview-supported questionnaires. Some participants were interviewed several times. Results: In total, 66 participants were included in the study and 137 interviews were conducted. Almost half of the participants motivated their choice of gloves routinely or habitually. In all orthopedic operations, double gloves were used. Conclusion and clinical implications: The usage of single as opposed to double-gloving differs between departments and between different categories of profession. The majority of participants chose to use double gloves. Double gloves were more frequently used on the ward where written guidelines regarding double gloves were formulated. Single gloves were more commonly used in the pediatric surgery department, where only latex-free gloves were available for use. The result in the present study indicates that guidelines regarding double gloves can be significant for how operation personnel choose surgical gloves.
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Operationssjuksköterskors och kirurgers uppfattning om samarbete i operationslaget / OR nurses and surgeons perception on collaboration in the ORElmberg, Susanne, Käller, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
Fel i operationssalen kan få stora konsekvenser. Enligt både WHO och Socialstyrelsen är kommunikation och koordination den främsta orsaken till vårdskador inom sjukvården. Operationsavdelningen är den plats inom sjukvården där flest vårdskador händer och de beror ofta på dåligt samarbete i operationslaget. Studier har visat att störst skillnad i uppfattning om effektivt samarbete finns hos operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger. Operationssjuksköterskor beskriver gott samarbete som när deras arbetsinsats respekteras medan ett gott samarbete för kirurger kännetecknas av att ha operationssjuksköterskor som förutser deras behov och följer instruktioner. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka operationssjuksköterskors och kirurgers uppfattning om samarbete i operationslaget. Det är en deskriptiv kvantitativ studie baserad på datainsamlande genom frågeformulär. Urvalet bestod av 25 operationssjuksköterskor och 42 kirurger. Den mest påtagliga skillnaden i uppfattning om samarbete mellan operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger visade sig i frågan om det är läkaren som ansvarar för samordningen. De ansvariga måste bli medvetna om och komma till rätta med de skillnader i uppfattning om samarbete som finns mellan kirurger och operationssjuksköterskor för att WHO:s checklista och andra interventioner för ökad patientsäkerhet ska kunna få önskad effekt. / Errors in the operating room (OR) may have major consequences. According to the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and WHO, communication and coordination are the most common cause of harm to patients. Studies in the US have shown that the OR is the most common site in hospitals for adverse events to occur. Differences in perceptions of teamwork exist in the OR, with physicians rating the teamwork with others as good, and at the same time, nurses perceive teamwork as poor. Nurses often describe good collaboration as having their work respected, and physicians often describe god collaboration as having nurses who anticipate their needs and follow instructions. The aim of this study was to investigate Swedish nurses’ and physicians’ perception of teamwork. Operating room personnel, 25 nurses and 42 physicians where surveyed using a questionnaire. The most substantial difference where shown in the perception of who should be in charge of the team. To increase the likelihood of success when implementing the World Health Organization’s Surgical Safety Checklist, leaders should anticipate that differences in perception between members of different professions must be overcome if teamwork is to be improved.
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Arbetsledningsrättens inverkan på sjuksköterskors legitimation : En studie om sjuksköterskors stressade arbetssituationJohansson, Therese January 2017 (has links)
During the past years in Sweden, there has been a lack of staff within the nursing profession. Due to that the employer may demand more of the employee than what usually is requested. This scenario can lead to work-related stress. What happens when the employer forces the staff to work so that the patient safety and that the registered nurse’s certification is put at risk? The purpose of the essay is to investigate what professional certification means within healthcare, what the legal value is in the certificate, and what the consequences can be with a management that does not observe stressors. The method being used is the legal dogmatic method together with a sociology perspective. Certification professions guarantee a specific qualification and knowledge provided for the profession. Abuse of this can lead to recall of the certification. The employers’ management is strong. Also, because of the nurse’s special liability relationship with the patient, it is almost impossible to abstain from the work one is being assigned. This relatively small opportunity to affect their working situation can lead to stress due to powerlessness. It is hard for employees to claim stress as a factor for a negative event to occur. Staff management can be identified as a system error which trigger a stressor and because of that patient safety and the certification is put at risk. But, management is a very important part of Swedish labour law and should preferably not be touched. National and international actors work for that through notice, routines and technical facilities build a safety system against human faults and for patient safety to be guaranteed. But, management is identified to be the most critical system error.
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Faktorer av betydelse för att sjuksköterskans överrapportering på en akutmottagning ska ske patientsäkert. / Factors of importance for the nurse´s handover at the emrgency department to occur safe for the patient.Bengtsson, Eva Lena, Biondic Rosander, Karolina, Storn, Bibbi January 2017 (has links)
Akutmottagningens arbetsmiljö är stressfylld och dynamisk. Den genomströmmas av ett högt patientflöde, som kräver snabb medicinsk vård och omvårdnad. Den vanligaste informationsöverföringen mellan sjuksköterskor är överrapporteringen av patienter, där informationen används för den medicinska vården och omvårdnaden. Patientsäkerheten äventyras vid bristande kommunikation, där väsentlig information uteblir vid överrapportering, både inom och mellan olika professioner i vården. Bristande kommunikation är en vanlig orsak till vårdskador, och akutmottagningen är den avdelning på sjukhuset där rapporter är mest förekommande. Syftet var att undersöka vilka faktorer som har betydelse för att sjuksköterskans överrapportering på en akutmottagning ska ske på ett patientsäkert sätt. En litteraturstudie genomfördes vilken baserades på 10 artiklar av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. I resultatet framkom två huvudkategorier med tillhörande fem underkategorier: Överrapportering inom akutmottagningen; Betydelsen av en struktur, Arbetsmiljöns betydelse och Teamarbetets betydelse. Överrapportering till eller från akutmottagningen; Betydelsen av att skapa en helhetsbild och Betydelsen av samarbete mellan verksamheter. Faktorer som påverkade överrapporteringen och därmed patientsäkerheten var ostrukturerad överrapporteringsmall, skiftbyten, miljön för överrapportering, avbrott, tydlighet, samarbete i team och mellan verksamheter, arbetslivserfarenhet, arbetsrelationer, vårdkulturer och etiskt dilemma. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att belysa faktorer som påverkar överrapporteringen för sjuksköterskan på akutmottagningar. / The work environment of the emergency department is stressful and dynamic. It had a constant high flow of patient, who need an urgent multiple care and nurse care. The most common transition of information between nurse´s is the patient handover, where the information is used for the care and the nursing care. Patient safety is jeopardized in case of lack of communication, where essential information is unfulfilled in the case of handover, both within and between different professions in health care. Lack of communication causes frequently health injuries and the emergency department is the section at the hospital where handover is most common. The purpose was to investigate which factors are important for the nurse's handover at the emergency department to occur safe for the patient. A literature study was conducted which was based on 10 articles of quantitative and qualitative methods. The results revealed two main categories with five associated subcategories: Handover within the emergency department; The importance of a structure, The work environment´s importance and The teamwork´s importance. Handover to and from the emergency department; The importance of creating an overall picture and The importance of cooperation between units within health organizations. Factors which affected the handover and accordingly the patient safety was unstructured clinical handover model, shift changes, interruptions, the environment for handoffs, interruptions, clarity, collaboration in team and between organizations, working experience, working relationships, health cultures, and ethical issues. Further research needs to highlight the factors of importance in the handover for the nurse on emergency departments.
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Prehospital omvårdnad - konsekvenser för patienten när ambulanspersonalen utsätts för hot och våldSundman, Jimmy, Liljedahl, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Background: Threats and violence are common in the prehospital environment. Each patient should be offered the same care and treatment, regardless of condition and situation. Studies from emergency services and hospital wards show that patient care and nursing are affected when staff are exposed to threats and violence. Few studies have been found describing how patients' care and nursing are affected when ambulance staff is being exposed to threats and/or violence. Objective: To investigate how nurses experience that patients' care and nursing are affected if ambulance staff are exposed to threats and/or violence. Methods: Qualitative design with semistructured interviews. Nine interviews with nurses in ambulance/ambulance nurses were conducted. In order to process and analyze the material, a qualitative content analysis was used. Results: Patients care and treatment are affected if the ambulance staff are exposed to threats and/or violence. Fewer or no parameters were taken and treatment could be delayed or completely omitted. Examination of the patient was done partly or not at all. Alcohol- and drug affected patients did not receive the same care and treatment as demented patients even if the threat and violence were the same. Creating distance between patients and carers as well as trying to find alternative workflows were examples of what the ambulance staff did to enable care and treatment even in vulnerable situations. Conclusion: When ambulance staff were exposed to threats and/or violence, the patient was affected through examination, care, nursing and treatment. Threatening and/or violent patients did not receive the same treatment as non-threatening and violent patients. No strategies are found to deal with threat and/or violence-prone patients in need of prehospital care. / Bakgrund: Hot och våld är vanligt förekommande prehospitalt. Varje patient ska erbjudas samma vård och behandling, oavsett tillstånd och förutsättningar. Studier från akutmottagningar och vårdavdelningar visar att patientens vård och omvårdnad påverkas när personalen utsätts för hot och våld. Få studier har hittats som beskriver hur patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkas av att ambulanspersonal utsätts för hot och/eller våld. Syfte: Undersöka hur sjuksköterskor upplever att patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkas om ambulanspersonalen utsätts för hot och/eller våld. Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio intervjuer med sjuksköterskor i ambulans/ambulanssjuksköterskor genomfördes. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att bearbeta och analysera materialet. Resultat: Patienternas vård och omvårdnad påverkades om ambulanspersonalen utsattes för hot och/eller våld. Färre eller inga vitalparametrar togs och behandling kunde fördröjas eller helt utebli. Undersökning av patienten gjordes delvis eller inte alls. Alkohol- och drogpåverkade patienter erhöll inte samma vård och behandling som dementa patienter även om hotet och våldet var detsamma. Att skapa distans mellan patient och vårdare samt att försöka hitta alternativa arbetsflöden var exempel på vad ambulanspersonalen gjorde för att möjliggöra vård och behandling även i utsatta situationer. Slutsats: Utsattes ambulanspersonalen för hot och/eller våld påverkades patientens undersökning, vård, omvårdnad och behandling. Hotfulla och/eller våldsamma patienter erhöll inte samma behandling som icke hotfulla och våldsamma patienter. Strategier saknas för att hantera hot- och/eller våldsbenägna patienter som är i behov av prehospital vård.
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Adaptação cultural e validação do instrumento Nurse's Knowledge of High-Alert Medication para a cultura brasileira / Cultural adaptation and validation of the Nurse's Knowledge of High-Alert Medication instrument into brazilian cultureApolinario, Priscila Peruzzo, 1986- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Helena de Melo Lima / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Enfermagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T11:38:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Apolinario_PriscilaPeruzzo_M.pdf: 2859970 bytes, checksum: 8fbac36bbbe87c55cad9186b2c89a45a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Medicamentos de Alta Vigilância apresentam estreito risco terapêutico e possuem um maior risco de causar dano significativo ao paciente em decorrência da falha de utilização, tornando-se os medicamentos de maior preocupação quando associados aos erros de medicação. Esta definição não indica que os erros associados a estes fármacos são mais frequentes, mas que as consequências para os pacientes de um erro associado a tais medicamentos são geralmente mais graves podendo provocar lesões permanentes ou fatais aos pacientes. O conhecimento insuficiente da enfermagem é considerado um dos fatores que contribuem para o erro na administração de medicamento. O instrumento Nurse¿s Knowledge of High-Alert Medication avalia o conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre os Medicamentos de Alta Vigilância, utilizando escala dicotômica, no qual o respondente informa verdadeiro ou falso para as afirmativas dos domínios: conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre administração e regulamentação dos Medicamentos de Alta Vigilância. Deste modo, considerando a importância da mensuração do conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre os Medicamentos de Alta Vigilância na oferta de serviços com qualidade e segurança ao paciente associado à inexistência no Brasil de um instrumento de medida válido com tal finalidade, o presente estudo teve por objetivo traduzir, adaptar e validar o instrumento Nurse¿s Knowledge of High-Alert Medication para a cultura brasileira e verificar a praticabilidade do instrumento traduzido e adaptado. Para desenvolver a adaptação do instrumento foi utilizado o referencial metodológico preconizado pela literatura, o qual envolve as etapas de tradução para o idioma alvo, síntese das traduções, retro-tradução, avaliação por um comitê de juízes e realização de pré-teste. Com relação às propriedades psicométricas, a confiabilidade da versão brasileira do questionário foi verificada por meio da consistência interna pelo coeficiente de confiabilidade de Kuder Richardson-20 (KR- 20) e a validade de constructo pela técnica de grupos conhecidos utilizando o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e o teste t de Student. O instrumento Nurse¿s Knowledge of High-Alert Medication traduzido e adaptado para a cultura brasileira foi considerado válido, apresentando validade de constructo discriminante (p< 0,001) e consistência interna aceitável (0,55 na parte A e 0,60 na parte B). Conclusão: A versão brasileira do instrumento Nurses¿ knowledge of high-alert medications encontrou resultados satisfatórios no processo tradução, adaptação e validação da escala, confirmando a sua adequação para estudos na área / Abstract: High-Alert Medication have narrow therapeutic risks and an increased risk of causing significant harm to the patient due to the use of failure, becoming the most concern medications when associated with the medication errors. This definition does not indicate that the errors associated with these drugs are more frequent, but the consequences for patients of an error associated with such drugs are usually more severe and it can cause permanent injury or death to patients. The insufficient knowledge of nursing is considered one of the factors contributing to the error in drug administration. The instrument Nurses 'Knowledge of High-Alert Medication evaluates the knowledge of nurses about the high-alert medication using dichotomous scale, in which the answerer states true or false to the assertions of the domains: nurses' knowledge of administration and regulation of high-alert medication. Thus, considering the importance of nurses' knowledge measurement about the High-Alert Medication in the provision of quality and safety services to the patient, associated with the lack in Brazil of a valid measurement instrument for such purpose, the present study had the aim to translate, adapt and validate the Nurse's Knowledge of High-Alert Medication instrument for Brazilian culture and verify the feasibility of the translated and adapted instrument. Order to develop this research, it was used the recommended methodological references in the literature, which includes the steps of: instrument translation into the target language, synthesis of translations, back-translation, evaluation by a committee of judges and implementation of pre-test. Regarding the psychometric properties, reliability of the Brazilian version of the questionnaire was verified using internal consistency by Kuder Richardson-20 reliability coefficient (KR- 20) and construct validity discriminant by the technique of known groups using the non-parametric test Mann-Whitney. The instrument Nurses' Knowledge of High-Alert Medication translated and adapted to the Brazilian culture was considered valid, with discriminant validity (p <0.001) and acceptable internal consistency (0.55 in Part A and 0.60 in Part B). Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the instrument Nurses' knowledge of high-alert medications has found satisfactory results in the process translation, adaptation and validation of the scale, confirming its suitability for studies in the area / Mestrado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestra em Enfermagem
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Segurança do paciente uma abordagem específica no curso técnico em Enfermagem /D'Amico, Giovana Cristina Serra January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Adriana Polachini do Valle / Resumo: A segurança do paciente é tema de fundamental importância e influencia diretamente na qualidade da assistência. A enfermagem está envolvida nesse processo como promotora de ações de segurança por meio de suas práticas de cuidado. Frente a esse contexto, é imprescindível que novas abordagens do processo de educação devem ser adotadas para garantir o acesso à formação daqueles que ainda não a possuem, como também educação permanente daqueles que atuam em unidades formadoras de capital humano e prestadoras de serviços de saúde que pretendem ampliar a sua formação profissional e envolver os pacientes e familiares nesse processo. Assim, diante da necessidade de implantação de processo educativo sobre segurança do paciente nos currículos atuais das instituições de ensino em saúde e educando também pacientes e seus familiares, este estudo tem por objetivo elaborar e aplicar curso extracurricular semipresencial sobre segurança do paciente aos alunos do curso técnico em enfermagem e criar cartilha educativa para os pacientes e seus familiares. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Escola Técnica: ETEC “Joaquim Ferreira do Amaral”- Jaú - Centro Paula Souza, no curso Técnico de Enfermagem envolvendo 46 alunos do 3º e 4º módulos a partir do segundo semestre de 2017, sendo que 36 realizaram o curso e 10 realizaram somente as avaliações pré e pós-curso. A avaliação do conhecimento e habilidades adquiridas sobre segurança do paciente no currículo tradicional do curso técnico e após curso especifico ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Patient safety is of fundamental importance and directly influences the quality of care. Nursing is involved in this process as a promoter of safety actions through its care practices. Against this background, it is imperative that new approaches to the education process should be adopted to guarantee access to the training of those who do not yet have it, as well as permanent education of those who work in human capital formation units and health service providers who intend to expand their professional training and involve patients and family members in this process. Thus, in view of the need to implement an educational process on patient safety in the current curricula of health teaching institutions and also to educate patients and their families, this study aims to elaborate and apply extracurricular course on patient safety to students of the course and create an educational primer for patients and their families. The study was developed at the Technical School: ETEC "Joaquim Ferreira do Amaral" - Jaú - Paula Souza Center, in the Nursing Technical Course involving 46 students from the 3rd and 4th module from the second semester of 2017, of which 36 took the course and 10 performed only the pre and post course evaluations. The evaluation of knowledge and skills acquired on patient safety in the traditional curriculum of the technical course and after specific course on the subject was carried out through theoretical tests applied before and after the course and practical... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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