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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A SHARED study the benefits and costs of setting up a health research study involving lay coresearchers and how we overcame the challenges

Mockford, C., Murray, M., Seers, K., Oyebode, Jan, Grant, R., Boex, S., Staniszewska, S., Diment, Y., Leach, J., Sharma, U., Clarke, R., Suleman, R. 10 February 2016 (has links)
Yes / Involving patients and the public in all stages of research has been the focus of the SHARED study. Patient and public involvement (PPI) is an important strategic priority for the Department of Health and funders such as the National Institute for Health Research. The aim of this paper is to describe the benefits, challenges and costs involved in setting up the research study with lay members as part of the research team. The study focused on developing service user-led recommendations for people with memory loss and their carers, on discharge from acute hospital to the community. Methods: This began with a discussion of an initial research idea with a lay group of carers and people living with dementia. Once funded, approval was sought from the Research Ethics Committee and NHS Trusts to conduct the research including the active involvement of lay co-researchers. Finally, to recruit, train and pay lay co-researchers in their role. Results: The benefits of PPI have included developing ideas which are important to people living with memory loss; support for PPI received from the funders and research ethics committee, high levels of interest from volunteer groups, and lasting enthusiasm from many of the co-researchers. Organisational challenges were met in the requirement for research passports and with payment methods for the co-researchers. Training was beneficial but incurred extra costs for repeated training days. Discussion: Overall the benefits outweighed the challenges which were overcome to varying degrees. The lay co-researchers gained membership of a study group and a beneficial partnership developed with the third sector. The biggest challenge was in overcoming the differences in approach to lay co-researchers between NHS Trusts. Organisational culture has been slow to incorporate PPI and this has not yet been fully addressed. It has the potential to delay the start of projects, affect recruitment time, incur extra research costs and disadvantage PPI.

以電子支付及第三方支付法制論消費者保護與產業發展 / Research on the legal system of electronic payment and third-party payment for consumer protection and industry development

吳東益 Unknown Date (has links)
《電子支付機構管理條例》自2015年2月實施後,陸續有相關子法作為補充。2015年底,金管會目標台灣非現金支付要在5年內達到52%,因此2016年被稱為「支付元年」。推廣線上支付最重要的除了市場動向外,莫過於法規的設置,因此本文探討目前的法制是否足以因應如此新興產業的需求,從進入門檻監理、消費者保護與產業發展三大個面向討論現行法規,並剖析是否有檢討之處。 由法制面審視我國對支付產業進入門檻的規定,反映了產業的競爭與發展的機會。而消費者的使用經驗是支付產業最佳的廣告,尤其支付系統多由小額且龐雜的交易組成,一旦紛爭發生,使用者大多自認倒楣,因此具有完備的防止糾紛或詐騙機制、資訊安全規範,產業才能永續發展。 / Since the implementation of the《Law on the Administration of Electronic Payment Institutions》in February 2015, the related regulations have been supplemented one after another. By the end of 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission set the target for non-cash payments in Taiwan to reach 52% of the total transaction within 5 years. So 2016 is called "the first year of payment". The most important thing promoting online payment is not only market trends, but also the establishment of legal system. Therefore, this article examines whether the current legal system is sufficient to meet the needs of such emerging industries, From entry barriers and supervision, consumer protection, industrial development, the three-oriented discussion of existing laws and regulations. From the legal point of view of Taiwanese payment industry entry barriers, it reflects the competition and development opportunities. The consumer experience is the best advertisement of payment industry. Especially the payment system is composed of small amount and complex transactions, once the dispute occurs, most users claim to be unfortunate. So there is a comprehensive mechanism to prevent disputes or fraud, information security norms, industry will be sustainable.


胡玉城, Hu,Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究企圖從Rogers創新傳佈的觀點探討科技特質因子如何影響雜誌業採用新型態便利商店繳款單付費方式。研究採問卷調查法,有效問卷68份。統計分析結果發現:一、創新傳佈理論五項科技特質中相對利益、相容性、可觀察性因子與採用採用新型態便利商店繳款單付費方式之決策有關。二、決策階段之科技導入評估因子:選用程度、作業程度、補償程度與採用決策有關。三、科技特質因子與科技導入評估因子之間交互相關。四、不同雜誌組織對於便利商店付費方式有顯著不同差異。發行規模較小的公司(發行量低於一萬份或雜誌代理商),反而願意投入掌握新市場。本研究建議未來可延伸以破壞性創新理論,繼續探討創新付費模式是否能使新進市場的媒介組織擁有優勢,對於未來數位內容、網路分類廣告等是否採用創新付費機制,都將具有啟發作用。 / The research uses Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory to explore how magazines adopt an alternative new payment method to sale magazines-using 7-11 chain stores barcode method. A total of 68 valid questionnaires were collected. The results support our hypotheses that the relationships exist between technology characteristics of the new payment method and the adoption; second, the organizational size and types of the magazine affect the adoption. The research suggests that future research consider using Christensen’s desruptive innovation theory to examine innovative payment models, especially in the area of digital contents and e- classified.

決策的社會鑲嵌性及其影響:台灣中醫及牙醫健保總額支付委員會決策機制之分析 / The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan

王光旭, Wang, Guang Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的焦點主要圍繞在兩大主軸:社會鑲嵌性與決策,探討在行動者間社會網絡的關係結構下,決策的影響力與決策行為的社會性。換言之,本研究認為決策並非僅是理性的產物,更多的時候,反而是理性與非理性因素交互作用的結果。也就是說,決策必然鑲嵌在決策者間的社會網絡關係結構,任何的決策都無可避免的必須考量到決策者間的關係型態所造成的限制。本研究使用牙醫與中醫總額支付委員會作為研究的個案,除了讓社會網絡與決策網絡的邊界更清楚,更符合研究校度之外,也希望能夠進一步透過兩個案的分析,一方面透過社會網絡分析瞭解兩支付委員會可能的權力分佈與結構,二方面分析影響決策權力分佈與決策產出的關係機制為何,並藉此來驗證決策的社會鑲嵌性此一概念。 本研究使用事務討論、信任支持、法規諮詢與資源交換四個社會關係網絡來測量行動者在決策過程中的社會關係,並用以驗證決策者的決策影響力與決策的一致性是否鑲嵌在這四個網絡的結構當中。本研究透過社會網絡的問卷蒐集了牙醫支委會18筆與中醫支委會21筆資料(N=56),並透量化社會網絡分析方法中的集中性指數、派系、網絡密度、區截模型與縮影矩陣、MDS分析與QAP的相關與迴歸分析等分析工具,從個體、小團體層次、與總體的結構層次,分析牙醫與中醫支委會的行動者在網絡中的關係型態與位置角色。此外,更透過上述分析中所獲得的集中性指數的分析結果當作自變項,並放入迴歸模型之中,藉以驗證是否對集體決策產出的觀感造成影響。 總的來說,本研究可歸納以下研究結論:一、在牙醫與中醫支付委員會的個案中,委員決策的影響力與決策行為,確實都受到四個社會網絡結構的影響,驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點;二、無論從個體、小團體或總體結構的分析層次,得到的分析結果都很類似,具有決策影響力並與其他行動者有密切的社會關係的行動者,在牙醫支委會有牙醫全聯會的H11, H16與健保局的A2,但中醫支委會的部分,就沒有健保局的代表,反而僅有中醫全聯會代表,顯見在牙醫部門當中,權力的分佈屬於公、私部門間二元的機制,但中醫的部分僅有集中在中區中醫師;三、委員的出席確實會受到委員個人政策影響力與資源交換網絡的顯著影響,顯示個人政策影響力愈大,與其他委員資源交換關係愈頻繁的委員,參與會議的意願較高;四、從影響集體決策產出觀感的因素來說,事務討論關係與在事務討論網絡的派系重疊程度對集體決策產出的觀感有顯著且正面的影響,個人的決策影響力與年資反而有負面且顯著的影響。 本研究大的貢獻,一驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點,決策必須將社會關係變項考量,二是在公共行政領域中第一本以系統化的方式使用社會網絡分析工具的論文,非但具有示範性的作用,也跨越了過去公共行政網絡研究過於喻象的分析缺陷。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下四點政策建議:一、中醫支委會的健保局代表應當夠積極的與中醫全聯會的代表建立溝通的關係,以構築決策影響力的社會基礎;二、委員會中若不具決策影響力,又在社會關係上沒有跟其他行動者互動,則應考慮其存在的實質意義;三、由於年資長短對決策觀感會有負面影響,健保局應更積極的與年資較久的委員溝通請益,瞭解他們為何會對委員會的運作績效有負面的想法,藉以強化委員會的功能;四、加強委員之間的總額事務討論的交換意見的關係,有助於集體決策的產出。 / Decision making is a collective activity rather than an individual option. In literature, collective action can be symbolized as a network. The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centrepiece in the field of public administration and the speedy development of social network analysis has facilitated “network research” to go beyond only a metaphor. However, most previous decision theories based on the concept of rationality have not seriously considered a network’s impact on the policy process. This research attempts to verify the causal relationship between social embeddedness and decision-making by examining how policy elites’ personal interactions shape individuals’ decision-making behaviour, influential power and the collective decision performance. This research focuses on the result of the mutual influence between rational and non-rational factors. Two cases (the Dental and Chinese Medicine Global Budget Payment Committees) are discussed by applying quantitative social network analysis in order to systemically expand the current understanding of the power distribution and its influential factors in these two decision making committees in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance domain. In regard to methodology, four participants’ social networks were designed not only to examine the social relationship between these committee members but also to analyse the phenomenon of social embeddedness in these two cases. There are totally 39 successful respondents (apx. 80% response rate, N=56) and these raw data were analysed by the indicators such as network centrality index, cliques, network density, block model, image matrix, MDS and QAP correlation, hierarchical regression in order to answer the research questions. Furthermore, this research is based on three analytical levels in social network analysis: “individual relationship”, “small group” and “global structure”, and not only explores the connection, power exercise and decision-making behaviour between these committee members but also analyses their role and position through the perspective of global network structure. The research verifies the hypothesis “decision-making is embeddeded in the structure of the actors’ interconnected social relationships” and utilizes the quantitative social network analytical method systematically to let network study go beyond a metaphor in the research field of public administration. I conclude that the distribution of the decision-making power and behaviour are both influenced by the committees’ social networks. Furthermore, the power distribution in the dental committee is two cores between the dental association and the BNHI, but the committee of Chinese Medicine is just one core of the Chinese Medicine association. With regard to attendance network as the independent variable, two factors significantly and positively influence the committee members’ attendance network: “decision-making influential network” and “resource exchange network”. Finally, the factors of “the NHI affair discussion network” and “the affair discussion clique centrality degree” have positive statistical significance but relatively the factors of “personal decision making influence” and “seniority” have negative statistical significance on the interviewees’ perception of the collective policy outcome.

Vybrané otázky ekonomického myšlení dětí na 1. stupni základní školy / Questions of Economics Understanding of Primary School Students

Bartakovičová, Sylva January 2014 (has links)
BARTAKOVIČOVÁ, Sylva. Questions of Economics Understanding of Primary School Students. Prague, 2014. Diploma thesis. UK, PedF. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the economic thinking of third grade students in primary school. On the basis of identified deficiencies, a set of ideas leading to more effective teaching is proposed. The theoretical section includes an examination of the state of economic thinking in primary school pupils in the Czech Republic and abroad. This explains the present form of financial education in the Czech Republic, and examines children's understanding, particularly in relation to constructivism. The practical section describes the preparation and implementation of qualitative research in the form of semi-structured individual interviews with pupils in their 3rd year, and 1st grade of primary school. In the conclusion, a set of ideas aimed to develop the financial thought processes of younger school students, supplement their knowledge, and strengthen their overall economic thinking, is proposed.

超競爭下之商業生態系統-以行動支付為例 / The Business Ecosystem under Hypercompetition: the Cases of Mobile Payment

劉品佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用質性研究方法,加以個案研究方式,對於第三方支付模式和實體信用卡虛擬化之非第三方支付模式進行個案分析,以探討在超競爭下,行動支付業者如何透過競爭以及合作策略,形成行動支付生態系統發展模式。本研究所得結論如下: 一、中國和肯亞等開發中國家之金融體系尚不發達,交易雙方出現信任缺口,銀行服務並不健全,金融資源分配不均,因此透過破壞傳統支付體系架構,發揮網路外部性之雙邊市場效應,打造出第三方支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到普惠金融發展目標。 二、歐美日等已開發國家之金融體系已臻健全,金融匯兌服務普及,金融監理重視市場公平與金融穩定,因此未破壞傳統支付體系架構,而是透過跨產業競合方式修改現有支付面前端程序,型塑出實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到優化金融服務目標。 綜合上述結論,可歸納出二項管理意涵:第一項為在金融服務普及率較低的體系,傾向於發展填補信任缺口之第三方支付模式,而在金融服務普及率較高的體系,則傾向於發展提高安全性之實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式。第二項為企業藉由競合策略,既爭取價值也創造價值,其中爭取價值的本質是競爭,而創造價值的本質則是合作,以達到雙贏。 台灣傳統金融服務與超商密集度高,客戶需求被高度重視及滿足,銀行、超商與第三方支付業者形成跨產業競合關係,發展出多元支付方式,因此建構使用單一裝置即可提供多元支付功能之行動支付平台,可做為台灣行動支付生態系統健全發展之解決方案。具體建議為尋求跨產業競合,金融監管持開放態度,培訓金融科技人才,加強資訊安全,以建構完善的行動支付生態系統。 / In the view of hyper-competition, sustainable competitive advantage does not exist, and only by constant innovation in order to obtain a series of short-term competitive advantage. However, business ecosystem could clarify the competition and cooperation relationship between businesses. In this study, qualitative research and case study methodologies are used to find the adoptable mobile payment ecosystem. The third-party payment would fill the trust gap between the parties. Therefore, developing countries should adopt third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to achieve financial inclusion. The non-third party payment would improve the security of cardholder transactions and reduce the risk of banking. Therefore, developed countries should adopt non-third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to optimize financial services. The above conclusions can be summarized as two management implications: First, low penetration of financial services tends to develop third-party payment, and high penetration of financial services tends to develop non-third party payment. Second, business co-opetition strategy has the nature of value creation and value capture to achieve win-win situation. Taiwan’s financial service-intensive, customer needs are met, banks, stores can be formed with the third-party payment industry co-opetition relations, the development of a diverse payment methods, and therefore the construction using a single device to provide pluralistic payment function of mobile payment platform, will be suitable for robust development of Taiwan’s mobile payment ecosystem. Suggestions include cross-industry co-opetition, open-minded financial supervision, training financial technology professionals, and strengthen information security.

O sistema de pagamentos brasileiro à luz do código civil / The Brazilian payment system in the light of Civil Code.

Brida, Henrique Paulo de 20 May 2014 (has links)
O estudo jurídico do sistema de pagamentos sob o enfoque do direito obrigacional requer exame prévio do fenômeno socioeconômico representado pela moeda, enquanto elemento fundamental da relação obrigacional de compra e venda, determinante do preço e objeto do pagamento. Antes, porém, da análise do pagamento e de seus instrumentos jurídicos, ou seja, da moeda (em sentido largo) como efeito jurídico, tem-se de perquirir sobre sua natureza com o auxílio dos conceitos elaborados sobretudo pela ciência econômica, mas também pela sociologia e pela história social. O exame da realidade socioeconômica sob o prisma da essência dos fatos, não apenas de sua aparência, busca na materialidade do fenômeno monetário o suporte teórico para o encaminhamento da análise jurídica desse mesmo fenômeno e seus correlatos, tanto sob o enfoque positivista (dogmático) quanto sob o interativo, ou seja, enquanto relação entre o mundo jurídico positivo e a globalidade social por meio da interpretação ou aplicação das normas. A partir desse quadro analítico, procura o presente trabalho apresentar, primeiramente, um panorama do sistema monetário, situando o problema da moeda no contexto econômico e jurídico. Na segunda parte são expostos os fundamentos analíticos da economia em sua forma monetária (análise econômica da moeda). A terceira seção abrange o efetivo funcionamento do sistema monetário, particularmente examinando as funções do dinheiro numa economia monetária. A quarta e última parte apresenta o Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (SPB) em seus moldes institucionais, situando-o no arcabouço do ordenamento jurídico nacional. A partir de seus fundamentos jurídicos, procede-se ao exame das matérias específicas do Direito obrigacional, em particular do pagamento e de suas garantias institucionais. / The legal study of the system of payments under the focus given by law requires prior examination of the economic phenomenon represented by currency as a key element of the obligational relationship given by purchase agreement, as by establishing the price and also as an object of payment. However, previously to the analysis of the payment and its legal instruments, i.e. the currency (in broad sense) as a legal effect, one should assess his nature with the aid of concepts specially developed by economic science, but also by sociology and social history. The examination of the socio-economic reality lit by the essence of the facts, not just by their appearance, search through the materiality of monetary phenomenon for the theoretical support for legally dealing with such a phenomenon and the correlated ones, both under the positivist approach (dogmatic) as under the interactive one, that is, as a relationship between the effective legal world and the social universe as a result of the interpretation or application of law. From this analytical framework, the ongoing writing seeks firstly to show a panorama of the monetary system by focusing the currency problem in the economic and legal context. The second part deals with the analytical foundations of the economy in its monetary form (economic analysis of currency). The third section covers the effective functioning of the monetary system, particularly by assessing the functions of money in the context of a monetary economy. The fourth and last part deals with the Brazilian Payment System (SPB) in its institutional patterns, by placing it in the framework of the national legal system. From their legal grounds, one assesses the specific matters concerning the Law of obligations, in particular the payment and its institutional collaterals.

O impacto de fatores institucionais e socioeconômicos no mercado de cartões de pagamento de países latino-americanos / The impact of institutional and socioeconomic factors on the payment card market of Latin American countries

Ferreira, Tabata Alves 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-04T16:08:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tabata_alves_ferreiravfinal_capa.pdf: 1312792 bytes, checksum: e19b9bf15fa909eb53b94f79214c0868 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-04T16:09:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tabata_alves_ferreiravfinal_capa.pdf: 1312792 bytes, checksum: e19b9bf15fa909eb53b94f79214c0868 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-10-04T18:47:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tabata_alves_ferreiravfinal_capa.pdf: 1312792 bytes, checksum: e19b9bf15fa909eb53b94f79214c0868 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T18:47:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tabata_alves_ferreiravfinal_capa.pdf: 1312792 bytes, checksum: e19b9bf15fa909eb53b94f79214c0868 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-24 / The dynamics of the payment card market is linked to a number of factors, including socioeconomic and institutional factors, in this work expressed by the economic and government regulation of countries. Because it is an industry subject to market, government interventions tend to be necessary for better functioning of the sector. The objective of this study is to study the relationship between and government regulation with the development of the countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The method of adopted is based on a panel data regression model. The bases used are from secondary data extracted from The Heritage Foundation and Euromonitor International, as well as information collected from the Central Banks and electronic media of these countries, between 2002 and 2016. The results obtained with the fixed effects model allow us to conclude that the variables Socioeconomic variables, per capita GDP and Gini index have statistical significance and affect payment card transactions in the countries studied here, the institutional variables "Economic Freedom (EF)", "Government Regulation (REG), have no effect on the growth of card transactions in the countries studied during the period considered in this analysis. / A dinâmica do mercado de cartões de pagamento está ligada a diversos fatores, incluindo socioeconômicos e institucionais, nesse trabalho expressos pela liberdade econômica e regulação governamental dos países. Por se tratar de uma indústria sujeita a falhas de mercado, intervenções governamentais tendem a ser necessárias para um melhor funcionamento do setor. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar a relação entre liberdade econômica e regulação governamental com o desenvolvimento do mercado de cartões de pagamento dos países: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru. O método de pesquisa adotado baseia-se em um modelo de regressão de dados em painel. As bases utilizadas são de dados secundários extraídos da The Heritage Foundation e da Euromonitor International, assim como informações coletadas dos Bancos Centrais e das mídias sociais eletrônicas desses países, no período entre 2002 e 2016. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo de efeitos fixos permitem concluir que as variáveis socioeconômicas PIB Per Capita e Índice de Gini têm significância estatística e afetam o crescimento das transações com cartões de pagamento nos países aqui estudados, porém as variáveis institucionais “Liberdade Econômica (EF)”, “Regulação Governamental (REG), não apresentam nenhum efeito sobre o crescimento das transações com cartões de pagamento nos países estudados durante o período considerado nessa análise.

信用卡當事人法律關係與風險管理 / Legal issues and risk management of credit card payment system

林育廷, Lin Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
信用卡交易制度乃發軌於買賣雙方記帳消費之商業行為,隨著信用卡業務之漸次發展,而逐步自地區性之記帳消費措施迅速擴張成全面性之支付制度,為使此種支付之制度建立明確之交易及清算規則,銀行業便共同組織成專業信用卡規畫、交易授權及清算機構,並分別由銀行加入成為發卡銀行或收單銀行,分別在信用卡支付制度中扮演信用卡業務推展與特約商店推廣之相關事務。故在現代信用卡交易制度所涉及之當事人包括:1.發卡機構、2.收單機構、3.特約商店、4.持卡人及5.專責交易授權、清算之機構,由此五造當事人形成十分複雜之交易關係。 對於此種複雜之交易關係,英、美、日等國在其消費者信用保護之立法中,僅有針對發卡機構與持卡人之法律關係設有關於消費者保護之若干規定,但迄今並無全面性規範交易當事人法律關係之規定。 在吾國立法亦無全面性對信用卡交易當事人之規範,且國際間亦無具法律效力之統一交易規則供業者遵循,僅仰賴信用卡組織與會員機構間以組織章程、會員規約等方式自律。但由於信用卡交易基本關係始終未能釐清,實務與學說見解亦莫衷一是,此不但時肇致交易爭議之發生、亦影響交易安全之維護,另關於新興網路科技與信用卡交易之結合,亦產生新型態之法律問題,此亦未見有明確之法律規範可資遵循,凡此種種皆使從事信用卡業務之業者於業務之執行有無所適從之慮,亦承擔較高風險。 蓋發卡機構從事信用卡業務既需承擔相當風險,基於企業經營在於追求穩健成長及獲利之目的此一原則,發卡機構自需對其於推行信用卡業務所可能產生之風險預作風險分析並進而採行風險管理措施,然信用卡交易制度法律關係之無法澄清界定,造成風險負擔之歸屬未明,現行法令於規範信用卡關係捉襟見肘之不足,凡此將造成發卡銀行為推行信用卡業務承擔過巨或非其當承擔之風險及管理上之困難。 故本文即擬就此支付制度中各當事人之法律關係於我國法律中定位為研究,嘗試為信用卡制度建立明確之法律架構,並進而確定危險負擔之責任歸屬,俾便發卡機構於信用卡業務之推行得預為風險分析與管理,並同時進而保障信用卡制度之交易安全、促進信用卡業務之發展。 由於信用卡相關法令規範之不足,學說見解對於信用卡當事人關係見解之莫衷一是,及無論實務或學說關於信用卡法律關係之見解之不妥致與信用卡實際運作之流程產生扞挌。故筆者擬求諸學者之見解,並以信用卡實際交易流程為基礎,自為發卡機構為從事信用卡業務風險管理確認與分析之角度,探討信用卡當事人間之法律關係。 筆者擬於本論文中分六章論述: 首章概述發卡銀行從事信用業務所可能遭致之風險,並述明本論文之研究動機、目的及範圍。 第二章則自信用卡之制度發展,分別介紹信用卡之性質、定義、交易行為之類型與相關支付工具之討論。同時並於此章中概述美、德、日等國家之信用卡制度與發展。 第三章則以信用卡交易流程為主軸,求諸學說見解,並輔以實務之運作,於第一節中,初探信用卡交易制度中所涉及之當事人,並於第二節中,探究其於信用卡交易制度之定位與基本權利義務;第三節則自發卡機構之角度,切入探討其與信用卡交易制度中涉及他造當事人間之法律關係。第四節則進而討論信用卡交易制度中其他當事人間相互間之權利義務關係,以明其相互間之差異與關係。俾令信用卡交易制度此一涉及五造當事人龐雜之法律關係得以完整釐清。 第四章則以邇來蓬勃發展之網路交易為探究課題,淺探信用卡於網路交易之交易流程與安全機制,並以VISA及MASTER國際組織所積極推動之安全電子交易(SET)為主軸,輔以現行網路普遍之SSL交易方式之介紹。次概述信用卡網路交易之當事人架構與法律關係,並進而審慎研析信用卡交易於網路交易之運用所可能產生之問題與解決方案。 第五章則為法律規範層面之探討,首以信用卡交易十分普遍發展,相關法令規範體系相較完整,信用卡交易環境相當成熟之美國為討論主題,次再論及吾國就信用卡交易之相關規範與主管機關之監督。同時承接前開文中關於信用卡網路交易之探討,並於此章節中進而探究現行法令規範於信用卡電子交易可有之規範與保護。 第六章則綜合前述五章之相關爭點與討論,提出結論並嘗試為發卡機構提出風險管理策略,以竟全功。 第一章 研究動機與研究範圍 1 第一節 發卡銀行發行信用卡之風險 1 第一項 消費新寵兒-信用卡 1 第二項 發卡銀行所面臨之風險 2 第一款 營運風險 3 第一目 發卡機構之支出 3 第二目 發卡機構之收入 4 一、 年費 4 二、 手續費 4 三、 利息收入 5 第三目 小結 5 第二款 競爭風險 6 第三款 信用風險 7 第四款 信用卡犯罪 8 第五款 信用卡交易所生之爭議 9 第二節 研究動機 10 第三節 研究範圍 11 第二章 信用卡之性質及相關討論 13 第一節 信用卡之性質 13 第二節 信用卡交易之規範依據 18 第三節 信用卡交易之類型 19 第一項 外國之信用卡制度 19 第一款 美國之信用卡制度 19 第一目 美國信用卡之發展 19 第二目 美國銀行卡之交易制度 20 第二款 德國之信用卡制度 22 第三款 日本之信用卡制度 22 第二項 我國之信用卡制度 24 第一款 我國信用卡市場之發展 24 第二款 我國之信用卡交易類型 25 第一目 聯合信用卡 25 第二目 國際信用卡 26 第三目 其他類似之支付工具 28 一、 記帳卡 28 二、 簽帳卡 28 三、 支票卡 29 四、 銀行銷售點服務卡 30 五、 IC卡(智慧卡) 30 第四節 POS及電子資金移轉系統相關討論 33 第一項 銷售點交易服務(Point-of-sale Services, POS)之意義及發展 33 第二項 銷售點交易服務(Point-of-sale Services, POS)之功能 34 第三章 信用卡交易之當事人 36 第一節 信用卡交易之當事人 36 第一項 傳統學說上之當事人 36 第一款 二造當事人 36 第二款 三造當事人 38 第三款 四造當事人 39 第二項 信用卡交易之運作流程 41 第一款 現行實務運作之交易流程 41 第三項 傳統學說與現行實務運作之扞挌 54 第四項 管見 55 第一款 信用卡交易流程 55 第二款 信用卡交易之當事人 56 第二節 信用卡交易當事人之意義及相關事項 58 第一項 持卡人 58 第一款 持卡人之意義 58 第二款 持卡人之資格 58 第二項 發卡機構 59 第一款 發卡機構之意義 59 第二款 發卡機構之種類 59 第一目 一般金融機構 60 一、 聯合信用卡中心所屬會員銀行 60 二、 金資中心所屬會員銀行 60 三、 個別銀行 61 第二目 專業發卡公司 61 第三目 其他 61 第三款 發卡機構之業務 61 第四款 發卡機構應受之監督 62 第三項 收單機構 64 第一款 收單機構之意義 64 第二款 收單機構應受之監督 64 第三款 國內收單機構之市場現況 65 第四項 特約商店 66 第一款 特約商店之意義 66 第二款 特約商店之遴選標準 66 第三款 特約商店之種類 68 第一目 現場面對面交易 68 一、 CBL (Check Black List)特約商店 68 二、 CAT (Credit Authorization Terminal)特約商店 68 三、 EDC (Electronic Draft Capture)特約商店 68 第二目 非現場面對面交易 69 第四款 特約商店之基本權利義務 69 第五項 信用卡組織 70 第一款 信用卡組織之定位與意義 70 第二款 國內信用卡業務之運作 71 第三款 聯合信用卡中心定位檢討之管見 71 第三節 發卡機構與他當事人之法律關係 72 第一項 持卡人與發卡機構間之法律關係 72 第一款 當事人間法律關係定性 72 第一目 持卡人與發卡人之給付義務 72 第二目 契約類型判斷 74 一、 基本法律關係 75 二、 關於循環信用之法律關係 83 第二款 契約之成立生效 87 第三款 權利義務關係及相關問題討論 90 第一目 發卡人之其他義務 90 一、 發卡人之告知義務 90 二、 信用徵信調查與信用資料保密義務 91 第二目 持卡人之其他義務 92 第二項 信用卡組織與發卡機構之法律關係 95 第一款 信用卡組織與發卡機構之權利義務 95 第二款 法律關係之定性 97 第一目 學說見解 97 第二目 管見 97 一、 類似合夥關係 97 二、 類似社團關係 98 三、 小結--「類似社團關係」 100 第三項 發卡機構與收單機構之法律關係 100 第四項 特約商店與發卡機構之法律關係 102 第一款 信用卡交易所生之法律關係 102 第一目 授權交易之法律性質 104 一、 承諾附解除條件說 104 二、 承諾付款附有辨識持卡人同一性義務說 104 第二目 特約商店審核持卡人同一性任務之性質 105 第三目 管見 108 第二款 特約商店之直接給付請求權 109 第四節 其他當事人間之法律關係 110 第一項 持卡人與特約商店之法律關係 110 第一款 基本法律關係 110 第二款 持卡人之簽帳請求權 111 第一目 持卡人對特約商店之簽帳請求權 111 一、 第三人利益契約說 111 二、 附保護第三人作用契約說 113 三、 管見 114 第二目 特約商店之債務不履行責任 115 一、 採真正第三人利益契約說 116 二、 否認持卡人對特約商店之直接請求權者 116 三、 管見 117 第三款 特約商店之價金請求權 117 第二項 持卡人與收單機構之法律關係 120 第三項 特約商店與收單機構之法律關係 121 第一款 收單機構與特約商店之權利義務關係 121 第二款 法律關係性質討論 125 第一目 學說見解 125 一、 債權購買說 125 二、 債務承擔說 127 三、 保證契約說 128 四、 委任契約說 129 五、 類似於信用委任之法律關係 129 六、 行紀說 131 七、 類似保險契約說 132 第二目 管見 133 第四項 收單機構與信用卡組織之法律關係 133 第四章 信用卡於網路交易之運用 135 第一節 網際網路的發展與網路交易的勃興 135 第一項 網路交易之蓬勃發展 135 第二項 傳統法律在網際網路運用之扞挌 136 第二節 信用卡於網路交易運用之討論 138 第一項 支付工具的改變 138 第二項 SSL與SET的交易 139 第一款 SSL交易(Secure Socket Layer) 141 第二款 SET交易(Secure Electronic Transaction) 144 第三節 信用卡網路交易之當事人 155 第一項 信用卡SET交易模式之當事人 155 第一款 持卡人(Cardholder) 155 第二款 特約商店(Merchant) 155 第三款 發卡機構(Issuer) 156 第四款 收單機構(Acquirer) 156 第五款 Visa及Master Card之國際組織 157 第六款 認證機構(Certificate Authority, CA) 157 第二項 CA之相關問題討論 159 第一款 CA之角色與功能 159 第二款 CA之架構 161 第三款 CA之法律責任 163 第一目 國際趨勢與發展 163 第二目 我國電子簽章法草案之規定 164 第五章 相關法令之管制與規範 166 第一節 美國信用卡交易相關法律規範 166 第一項 美國聯邦消費者信用保護法(The Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act) 166 第二項 信用卡交易相關規範 168 第一款 誠實借貸法(Truth-in-Lending Act) 168 第二款 信用卡發行法(Credit Card Issuance Act) 168 第三款 公平信用報告法(The Fair Credit Reporting Act) 169 第四款 公平信用收帳法(The Fair Credit Billing Act) 169 第五款 平等信用機會法」(The Equal Credit Opportunity Act) 170 第六款 公平信用及賒帳卡揭露法(The Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act) 170 第二節 我國相關規範制度 171 第一項 信用卡業務管理辦法 171 第二項 相關法令 172 第一款 定型化契約範本 172 第二款 消費者保護法 173 第三款 結論 173 第三節 電子交易之相關法令 173 第一項 國際趨勢 174 第一款 聯合國電子商務模範法 174 第二款 新加坡電子交易法 177 第二項 我國之立法趨勢 180 第一款 電子簽章法 180 第二款 個人資料保護法 182 第三款 其他 183 第三項 商業發展與消費者保護之迷思 184 第六章 結論與建議 190 第一節 當事人之法律關係 190 第二節 發卡機構之風險管理 192 第一項 危險責任之歸屬 192 第二項 風險管理之策略 194 第一款 交易制度之建立 195 第二款 安全機制 196 第一目 危險規避之策略 197 第二目 損失控制之策略 197 第三目 非保險方式之危險移轉 198 第三款 保險 199 第四款 類似保險之制度 201 第三項 結論 201 論文參考資料………………………………………………………………………………202

Betaltjänstdirektivets inverkan på svensk rätt och dess processuella och institutionella autonomi

Zenunovic, Alma January 2013 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats i offentlig rätt är ämnad att behandla implementeringen av direktivet om betaltjänster på den inre marknaden i svensk rätt. Betaltjänstdirektivet är väsentlig vid inrättande av den inre marknaden inom EU:s medlemsstater, då alla inre gränser skall avlägsnas för att möjliggöra fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital; i det sammanhanget blir det viktigt med en modern och konsekvent rättslig ram för betaltjänster på EU-nivå. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka implementeringen av de processuella och materiella bestämmelser i betaltjänstdirektivet som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och därtill medlemsstaternas processuella och institutionella autonomi. Till de frågor som analyseras hör tolkning av begreppet god förvaltning och hur de utvalda principerna kan identifieras i svensk rätt genom implementeringen av direktivet. God förvaltning i denna uppsats förstås i vid mening som ett begrepp motsvarande vad enskilda har rätt att förvänta sig av det berörda förvaltningsorganet vid handläggning av ett enskilt ärende. Uppsatsen har visat att direktivet innehåller ett flertal bestämmelser som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och som reglerar hur svenska myndigheter skall handlägga ärenden inom direktivets tillämpningsområde. Uppsatsen har också kunnat påvisa en tydlig påverkan på Sveriges processuella och institutionella autonomi.

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