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Oficinando enredos de passagem : o encontro do adolescer em sofrimento com a tecnologiaVianna, Tatiane Reis January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação insere-se em um projeto maior de pesquisa, o Oficinando em Rede que vem se desenvolvendo no Centro Integrado de Atenção Psicossocial do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro (CIAPS-HPSP) a partir de sua criação em 2004. O Oficinando em Rede tem contribuído para implementação de diferentes tecnologias de atenção nesse serviço e vem pesquisando sobre a constituição de redes por seus usuários e trabalhadores. A presente pesquisa – Oficinando Enredos de Passagem: o encontro do adolescer em sofrimento com a tecnologia – busca investigar como acontece o encontro dos jovens com as tecnologias digitais em um espaço de compartilhamento e escuta denominado oficinas tecnológicas, o qual é estruturado no CIAPS. Estruturado nas bordas do HPSP, o Centro situa-se na passagem entre tecnologias e paradigmas de atenção diversos, o que traz efeitos subjetivos nos sujeitos que o constituem. Esta pesquisa tem como ponto de partida o questionamento se esse encontro com os computadores, com as especificidades dos seus modos de operar em um espaço de oficina, pode favorecer – e de que forma – o desdobramento de enredos e narrativas em jovens que vivem entraves de diferentes ordens no seu processo de ”adolescimento”. Também visa compreender quais os impasses e as passagens que são colocados em evidência pelas narrativas produzidas Para isso, parte-se das oficinas desenvolvidas com seis jovens em atendimento ambulatorial no CIAPS/HPSP no período de março a dezembro de 2007. Através da análise dos diferentes movimentos de apropriação das tecnologias digitais, das possibilidades de interação, compartilhamento e endereçamento constituídos nas oficinas, e de algumas narrativas ali surgidas, busca-se responder ou relançar as questões que possibilitaram o desdobramento desta dissertação. / This study is inserted in a larger research project, the Oficinando em Rede, that has been developed in the Integrated Center of Psychological and Social Attention (Centro Integrado de Atenção Psicossocial - CIAPS) of São Pedro Psychiatric Hospital (Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro - HPSP), since its creation in 2004. The Oficinando em Rede has been contributing for the implementation of different technologies of attention in this service and has been researching into the formation of nets by its users and staff. The present research - Workshops of Passage Plots: the encounter between technology and the process of being an adolescent in suffering (Oficinando Enredos de Passagem: o encontro do adolescer em sofrimento com a tecnologia) – seeks to investigate how the encounter between young people and digital technology takes place in a space of sharing and listening, a service called Technological Workshops (Oficinas Tecnológicas) that is structured at CIAPS. Constituted at the edge of HPSP, the Center is situated in the passage between technologies and diverse paradigms of attention, what brings subjective effects to the individuals that integrate it. This research has as a starting point the question if the encounter with the computers, including the specificities of its modes of operation in the workshops, can favor – and in which way – the unfolding of plots and narratives by young people that live with hindrances of different orders in the process of becoming adolescents. Additionally, the research aims to comprehend the impasses and the passages that are highlighted by the narratives produced by the young people. It started from the workshops that were developed with six young people under ambulatory care at CIAPS/HPSP, from March 2007 to December 2007. Throughout the analysis of different movements of appropriation of digital technologies, the possibilities of interaction, the shared experiences, addressing and narratives developed in the workshops, the research seeks to answer and re-launch questions that made the development of this dissertation possible.
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Escravidão, fronteira e liberdade : políticas de domínio, trabalho e luta em um contexto produtivo agropecuário (Vila da Cruz Alta, Província do Rio Grande de São Pedro, 1834-1884)Araújo, Thiago Leitão de January 2008 (has links)
O problema central desta pesquisa é analisar os mecanismos de dominação senhorial que permitiam a manutenção e reprodução das relações escravistas em um contexto fronteiriço de produção agropecuária. Ao abordar esta questão tornou-se possível compreender simultaneamente as estratégias acionadas por escravos e libertos na luta contra a imposição deste mesmo domínio. A delimitação espacial focaliza o estudo na vila da Cruz Alta, situada no planalto da província do Rio Grande de São Pedro, entre os anos de 1834 e 1884. A primeira baliza temporal refere-se à criação da vila, e, a segunda, ao ano em que foram concedidas alforrias em massa aos escravos da província com prazo estipulado para a prestação de serviços. O período delimitado neste estudo, portanto, avança em marcos cronológicos que levaram a mudanças significativas nas relações de escravidão, como por exemplo, antes e depois de 1850 quando o comércio ilegal de escravos foi definitivamente proibido, ou antes e depois da lei 2.040 de 28 de setembro de 1871, conhecida como lei do ventre livre, que cessava definitivamente a reprodução da escravidão no Brasil. Desta forma, foi possível analisar como uma sociedade agrária que produzia para o mercado interno respondeu as transformações políticas que ocorriam no Império do Brasil. A pesquisa realizada abrangeu vastas séries documentais como os inventários postmortem, cartas de alforria, testamentos, processos criminais, registros de compra e venda de escravos, as correspondências da Câmara Municipal da vila e os relatórios de Presidentes da Província. O primeiro capítulo busca reconstituir os aspectos demográficos e econômicos abordando a organização das unidades produtivas, o universo dos trabalhadores, a estrutura de posse de escravos e a demografia da população escrava entre 1834 e 1879. No segundo capítulo é analisada a constituição política e administrativa da vila e os embates entre senhores e escravos no cotidiano escravista. O argumento central é que o entrelaçamento de diferentes elementos de controle social era o que permitia uma relativa estabilidade da escravidão na região, mesmo que a mobilidade espacial fosse intensa e muitos escravos tivessem a sua disposição cavalos e a proximidade da fronteira para buscarem a liberdade por meio da fuga. No terceiro e quarto capítulos é analisado o processo de manumissão como um importante elemento de uma política de domínio, mas enfocando ao mesmo tempo a luta dos escravos para conquistarem a liberdade utilizando as próprias armas senhoriais. Procura-se, portanto, enfatizar a ação humana na modificação dos limites impostos pelos condicionamentos estruturais. A perspectiva deste trabalho compreende esta luta como potencialmente transformadora das relações de escravidão, constituindo-se em um importante fator que acelerou e minou as bases do domínio senhorial. Desta forma, busca-se redimensionar o processo de abolição da escravidão questionando a imagem de uma transição do trabalho escravo para um mercado de trabalho livre com livres escolhas e acesso ao trabalho. Ao contrário, é enfatizado como os limites entre o cativeiro e a liberdade era uma questão minada de conflitos. / This research aims at analyzing the mechanisms of the domination by masters and the maintenance and reproduction of slavish relations in a context of political frontiers and cattleraising. The discussion of this question made it possible to comprehend slaves and ex-slaves strategies when fighting against this domination. This study focus on the Village of Cruz Alta situated in the plateau of Province of Rio Grande de São Pedro, between the years of 1834 and 1884. The first temporal boarders comprehend the creation of the Village; the second, the year when freedom was given massively to the slaves of the Province, with a set time for them to continue serving. The period of investigation stipulated on this research, thus, moves forward to chronological marks that lead to changes in slave relations. As an example, before and after 1850, when the illegal slave trade, or before and after law 2040, from September 28, 1871, know as "lei do ventre livre" (free-womb law), which completely ceased the reproduction of slavery in Brazil. It was possible, therefore, to analyze how an agrarian could society, producing only for the internal market, has responded to the political transformations that were taking place in Brazilian Imperial Period. The present work has reviewed several documents such as post-mortem inventories, declarations of slaves' freedom, testaments, crime processes, registers of buying and selling slaves, correspondences of the Town's Chamber and the documents of the President of the Province. On the first chapter, the demographical and economical aspects are reconstituted in terms of the organization of the productive units, the workers universe, the structure of slaves' position, and demography of the slave population between the years 1834 and 1879. The second analyses the political and administrative constitution of the Village and the conflicts between slaves and masters in a slavery context. The central argument is that the mixture of several mechanisms of social control has permitted a relative stability of slavery on the region, even if the spatial mobility was intense and several slaves had horses and the frontiers close to them to plan a escape. The process of manumission as a central element of a politics of domination focused on the fight of the slaves by means of the masters own weapons is analyzed on the third and fourth chapters. The emphasis relays on the human action over the limits of imposed structural conditions. It is revisited, therefore, the process of slave abolition through the questioning of the transition from slavery to the context of free market, access to work and freedom of choice. On the contrary, it is emphasized the limits between the captivity and freedom, a subject filled with conflicts.
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Sob o peso dos grilhões : um estudo sobre a psicodinâmica do trabalho em um hospital psiquiátrico públicoMagnus, Cláudia de Negreiros January 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à comprendre la dynamique du travail effectué par des professionnels de la santé mentale dans un hôpital psychiatrique public de Rio Grande do Sul, Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro (HPSP), et ses implications par rapport à la douleur et le plaisir. Les objectifs spécifiques sont: d'analyser l'organisation du travail, la détermination des relations de douleur et de plaisir, et connaître les stratégies de défense collective et de la santé, produites par ces travailleurs. La contribution théorique et méthodologique sont la psychodynamique du travail, de Christophe Dejours, appliquée strictu sensu, dans ses stades de développement. Nous avons utilisé les auteurs cités par leur liaison avec les thèmes: le travail: Marx, Dejours, Nardi, Lancman et Pitta, la folie et la santé mentale: Amarante, Magnolia Mendes, hôpital psychiatrique: Foucault et Dias, le service public: Rollo, Antunes, Castel, entre autres. Le sondage a une approche qualitative, qui est conforme au désir de comprendre les implications des travaux d'une institution marquée par la folie et la sphère publique par rapport à la subjectivité de leurs employés. Les données ont été recueillies au moyen de pré-recherche et des réunions avec le groupe des travailleurs, formé par des professionnels travaillant dans des unités d'hospitalisation pour malades aigus, dont le profil évolue pour les usagers de drogues, plus précisément le Crack. Il a été estimé que ces travailleurs sont dans un espace «entre», c'est à dire dans un espace de transition, qui aura des implications dans le processus de travail et de santé. Il a été constaté qu'ils utilisent des stratégies collectives de défense, comme l'éloignement, le durcissement et les plaintes et les stratégies collectives de la santé, exprimées à travers le commerce et l'aide, “l'oxygénation” et de changements possibles. Ces stratégies, cependant, sont en fait très conservatrices, n'ont pas changé la façon dont le travail est organisé. D'autre part, ces strategies aident à minimiser la douleur et d'obtenir un certain plaisir. L'étude constate l'existence de «chaînes», qui aggravent la souffrance au travail: le poids de la folie, l´ingérence politique, l´appauvrissement des ressources, les conditions et l´organisation du travail, où la précarité des liens relationnels avec les collègues est identifiée comme la plus grande charge. Un autre aspect souligné dans la recherche est le fait que les politiques publiques pour l'employé n'atteint pas les besoins internes, agissent pour surveiller les institutions. Les résultats ont montré l'importance de la construction d'un espace de discussion légitime dans l'hôpital São Pedro, qui permet de provoquer la force collective du groupe. Ainsi, il est possible de promouvoir la reconnaissance et la construction d'un sens pour le travail, fournissant plus de plaisir pour les travailleurs et pour donner la santé à ceux qui travaillent avec la santé. / Esta dissertação busca compreender a dinâmica do trabalho realizado por profissionais de saúde mental, de um hospital psiquiátrico público do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro,(HPSP), e suas implicações em relação ao sofrimento e ao prazer. Os objetivos específicos são: analisar a organização do trabalho, identificar a relação de sofrimento e prazer; e, conhecer as estratégias coletivas de defesa e de saúde, produzidas por estes trabalhadores. O aporte teórico metodológico utilizado foi a Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, de Christophe Dejours, aplicado de forma strictu sensu, em suas etapas de desenvolvimento. Para dialogar com esse referencial, recorreu-se a autores vinculados à temática do trabalho: como Marx, Dejours,Nardi, Lancman, e Pitta; loucura e saúde mental, Amarante, Magnólia Mendes; hospital psiquiátrico, como Foucaut e Dias; serviço público, Rollo, Antunes, Castel, dentre outros. A pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa, o que é coerente com à intenção de entender as implicações do processo de trabalho em uma instituição, marcada pela loucura e pela esfera pública, em relação à subjetividade dos seus trabalhadores. Os dados foram obtidos através da pré-pesquisa e dos encontros realizados com o grupo de trabalhadores, formado por profissionais que atuam em unidades de internação de pacientes agudos, cujo perfil está se modificando para usuários de drogas, mais especificamente, de crack. Percebe-se que esses trabalhadores se encontram em um espaço do “entre”, ou seja, em um espaço de transição, que vai trazer implicações no processo de trabalho e de saúde. Constatou-se que eles utilizam estratégias coletivas de defesa, tais como: afastamento, endurecimento e reclamação; e estratégias coletivas de saúde, manifestadas através de trocas e ajuda, oxigenação e mudanças possíveis. Essas estratégias, no entanto, operam de forma conservadora, pois não alteram o modo pelo qual o trabalho está organizado. Permitem, por outro lado, minimizar o sofrimento e obter algum prazer. O estudo constata a existência de “grilhões” que exacerbam o sofrimento no trabalho: o peso da loucura, os atravessamentos políticos, o sucateamento dos recursos, as condições e a forma de organização do trabalho, em que a precariedade dos vínculos relacionais com os colegas é apontado como a maior carga. Outro aspecto ressaltado na pesquisa é o fato de que as políticas públicas existentes, voltadas ao trabalhador, não dão conta, na prática, da demanda interna, pois são ações que atuam, em sua maioria, no sentido de fiscalizar as instituições. Fica evidenciada a importância de se construir, no Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, um espaço de discussão legítimo, que possibilite instigar a força coletiva do grupo. Assim, acredita-se ser possível fomentar o reconhecimento e a construção de um significado para o trabalho que proporcione mais prazer aos trabalhadores e que viabilize saúde a quem trata da saúde. / This essay searches for the understanding of the dynamics of the work made by mental health professionals of one psychiatric public hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul named Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro (HPSP) and its implications related to suffering and pleasure. The specific objectives are: to analyze the organization of the work; to identify the relation between suffering and pleasure and to know common strategies of defense and health produced by these workers. The theoretical-methodological subsidy used was Christopher Dejours’ Psychodynamics at Work applied in a strictu sensu pattern during its development stage. To work with such reference we looked for authors linked to the theme work such as Marx, Dejours, Nardi, Lancman and Pitta; madness and mental health, Amarante, Magnólia Mendes; psychiatric hospital, such as Foucault and Dias: public service, Rollo, Antunes, Castel, among others. The research is qualitative-based which is coherent to the intention of understanding the implications of the working process inside an institution surrounded by insanity and by the public domain in relation to the subjectivity of its employees. Data were obtained through a beforehand research and from the meetings held with the group of workers composed by the professionals who act in units of the asylum with seriously insane patients whose profile has changed to drug addicts, more specifically, crack. We came to the conclusion that these workers are found in a space “in between”, that is, in a transition space which will bring implications in the labor and health process. We also noticed that they use common health defense strategies manifested through the exchanges and help, oxygenation and possible changes. But these strategies work in a conservative model because they don’t alter the way the work is organized in itself. They allow, on the other hand, to minimize the suffering and to get some kind of pleasure. The study suggests the existence of mental links or mental chains which increase the suffering at work: the burden of madness, the political obstructions, the resources defraying, the conditions and the organization of the work where the poor relationship entailment among the workmates is appointed as the biggest burden. Another point to be considered in the research is the fact that the existing public politics made for the workers are not sufficient in practice to fulfill the internal demand due to the fact that they are actions that happen, in its majority, to control the institution. It is made clear the importance of making at Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro a real discussion scene that will promote the investigation of the common strength of such group. Therefore, we believe that it is possible to foment the acknowledgement and the making of a meaning to work that will bring pleasure for the employees and promote health to the ones that treat it.
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As personagens femininas em Helder Macedo : Pedro e Paula, Sem Nome e NatáliaRibeiro, Paula Bohrer January 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação pretende realizar uma leitura dos romances do escritor português Helder Macedo, Pedro e Paula, Sem nome e Natália, considerando como ponto principal de análise a construção das protagonistas femininas. A ficção do escritor português Helder Macedo recorre a artifícios narrativos permeados por incertezas e probabilidades para compor personalidades femininas complexas, em torno das quais são construídos mundos que aliam fatos históricos e acontecimentos ficcionais. A partir desses mundos, pretende-se refletir sobre o papel da mulher na sociedade contemporânea. Para tanto, realiza-se um estudo acerca do contexto histórico, da apropriação de referências intertextuais e da representação das personagens que habitam os romances, utilizando a contribuição das reflexões realizadas pela crítica feminista, acerca das questões sobre sujeito, identidade, gênero, sexo e sexualidade. Deste modo, pretende-se interpretar as personagens femininas e a representação do sujeito feminino suscitada por elas. / This thesis aims to accomplish a reading of the novels by the Portuguese writer Helder Macedo, Pedro e Paula, Sem Nome e Natália, considering as the main point of the analysis the construction of female protagonists. The fiction of the Portuguese writer Helder Macedo uses narrative devices permeated by uncertainty and probabilities to compose complex female personalities and construct worlds that combine historical facts and fictional events. From these worlds, we intend to reflect on the role of women in contemporary society. In order to do so, we make a study of the historical context, the appropriation of intertextual references and the representation of the characters that inhabit the novels, using the contribution of the considerations made by the feminist criticism about the issues on the subject, identity, gender, sex and sexuality. Thus, we intend to interpret the female characters and the representation of the female subject raised by them.
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Entre a cruz e a foice : Dom Pedro Casaldaliga e a significação religiosa do Araguaia / Between the cross and the sickle : Dom Pedro Casadaliga and the Araguaia religious significationValério, Mairon Escorsi, 1981- 28 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Eliane Moura da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T08:31:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A presente dissertação na área de História Cultural é um estudo sobre o processo de significação religiosa, ocorrido em São Félix do Araguaia. Durante os anos 1970, a partir da interpretação da teologia da libertação, D. Pedro Casaldáliga, bispo da Prelazia, surge como figura central das tensões políticas entre a chamada Igreja Popular e a Ditadura Militar, por ocasião da implementação dos grandes latifúndios agro-pecuários no norte do Mato Grosso. A centralidade da idéia de profetismo foi crucial para a atuação de Casaldáliga e o seu projeto político-pastoral na região. Organizada em torno da identidade profética as narrativas de memória/história sobre a Prelazia e o bispo construíram uma cultura católica da libertação em todos os âmbitos da prática religiosa. As contradições e limites da identidade profética da Prelazia e, por fim, a conformação dessa identidade profética diante da mudança do cenário político-social em São Félix do Araguaia nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 são os assuntos abordados aqui / Abstract: This dissertation on Cultural History is a study about the religious signification process occurred in São Félix do Araguaia. During 1970 years, by liberation theology criteria, D. Pedro Casaldáliga, Prelacy bishop¿s, appears like a central figure in the middle of political tension between the called Popular Church and Military Dictatorship, in the moment of large state implementation in the north of Mato Grosso state. The prophecy idea was crucial for Casaldáliga¿s actuation and for his political-pastoral project in the region. Organized around prophetic identity, the memories-histories narratives about the Prelacy and Casaldáliga forged a catholic culture of liberation on various scopes of religious practices. The contradictions and limits of Prelacy¿s prophetic identity and, at the end, the conformation of this prophetic identity up against the change of political-social context in São Félix do Araguaia in the 1980 and 1990 decades are the matters dialed here / Mestrado / Historia Cultural / Mestre em História
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Modelamiento numérico para mejorar la eficiencia de funcionamiento de las pozas disipadoras en ríos de alta pendiente: Caso de estudio Bocatoma San Pedro - Ayacucho / Numerical modeling to improve the operating efficiency of stilling basins in steep-slope rivers: Case study San Pedro water intake - AyacuchoEspejo Mariño, Oriele Katherine, Zabaleta Castro, Yamileth 03 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación trata de la influencia de la inclinación de pozas disipadoras en la pérdida de energía en ríos de alta pendiente. Para ello, se tomó como caso de estudio la bocatoma San Pedro (Ayacucho, Perú). Se presenta el modelamiento numérico de la bocatoma en el software de dinámica de fluidos computacional, IBER, con el fin de obtener resultados hidráulicos en la estructura: tirante, velocidad, energía, Froude y tensión de fondo. El principal objetivo es mejorar la eficiencia del funcionamiento de las pozas disipadoras en ríos de alta pendiente. Asimismo, conocer las características hidráulicas del río San Pedro, que representa un flujo de alta pendiente. La metodología empleada fue la recoilación de información del caso de estudio, la cual fue validada con los resultados de los modelamientos en los programas HEC-RAS e IBER. Del mismo modo, se diseñaron 5 bocatomas con pozas disipadoras de distintas pendientes: 0%, 1.52%, 3.04%, 4.56% y 6.08%. Se modelaron en el software IBER y se exportaron los resultados a Excel. Estos modelos numéricos fueron validados mediante el Análisis de Sensibilidad. En consecuencia, se compararon los valores de energía aguas abajo de las distintas pozas propuestas. Finalmente, con los resultados del estudio se concluye que la poza disipadora de 3.04% es la más apropiada para el río San Pedro, pues pierde un 30% de energía más con respecto a la poza horizontal y reduce la velocidad en 4.9% en comparación a la poza de inclinación de 6.08%. / This research work deals with the influence stilling basin slope on energy loss in high slope rivers. Taking as a case study the water intake San Pedro (Ayacucho, Peru). Numerical modeling of water intake is presented in computational fluid dynamics software, IBER, in order to obtain the hydraulic results in the structure: hydraulic depth, velocity, energy, Froude and shear stress. The main objective is to improve efficiency of stilling basins operation in rivers with high slope. Also, know the hydraulic characteristics of the San Pedro River, which represents a high slope river. The methodology used was the collection of case study information, was validated with the results of modeling in the HEC-RAS and IBER programs. Similarly, five dissipation basins of different slopes were modeled: 0%, 1.52%, 3.04%, 4.56% and 6.08%. They were modeled in IBER software, and the results were exported to Excel. These numerical models were validated by Sensitivity Analysis. Consequently, the downstream energy values of the different proposed stilling basins were compared. Finally, the results of the study conclude that the 3.04% slope dissipative basin is the most appropriate for the San Pedro river, as it loses 30% more energy than the horizontal basin and reduces the velocity by 4.9% compared to the 6.08% inclined basin. This proposed stilling basins will feature an alphaizer on the End of the breakwater that will be calculated with Peterka's monograph shown in the bibliography. / Tesis
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Pedro De Moctezuma and His Descendents (1521-1718)Hollingsworth, Ann Prather 05 1900 (has links)
In 1521 a band of several hundred Spaniards overthrew the Aztec empire in Mexico and its ruler, Moctezuma II. This defeat in itself created a major cultural shock for the indigenious population, but the later arrival of Spanish officials and colonists constituted a far greater if less dramatic upheaval. For the victorious Spaniards rejected Aztec governmental institutions, considering them to be distinctly inferior, and quickly substituted their own. Moctezuma II and a substantial number of the Aztec ruling class had died during the violence which accompanied the conquest and those who remained were not permitted to exercise leadership. It was, however, the stated policy of the Spanish Crown that the Indian population of New Spain should be treated with kindness, allowed to retain their property, and led gently toward acceptance of the Christian faith.
Among the surviving members of the Aztec nobility were several of the emperor's children, to whom Spanish authorities accorded special attention because of their unique position. Moctezuma II's son, Tlacahuepan, who on his conversion was baptized Pedro de Moctezuma, was one who received special grants and favors, for it was the Crown's intention that members of the emperor's family should be treated with consideration and be provided with the means to live in a fashion suitable to their aristocratic lineage. But during the years following the conquest, forces within the Spanish government and the Spanish and Indian communities came together to frustrate this purpose.
Don Pedro and his descendents were very much aware of and prepared to exploit the unusual position their heritage gave them. They believed that the Crown had made promises to them of perpetual income and honors which were unfulfilled and they were prepared to continue their attempts to gain these prizes. The Crown rewarded their persistence with repeated orders to colonial authorities to pay the income owed, but frequently these commands were not answered. As Spanish income from New Spain declined and the quality of government in Spain and the colonies deteriorated, the possibilities that the Moctezuma family might prosper as earlier Spanish governments had decreed they should disappeared. And, at last, it became apparent that the essential inertia which permeated all levels of colonial administration combined with the chasm which existed between the edicts issued from Spain and their effective application in the New World were factors against which no one family could contend successfully.
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Masculinidades de moda : machos del Siglo de OroGagnon, Julie E. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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ERNESTO suivi de la manifestation de la mort à travers le roman mexicain : «Pedro Paramo» de Juan Rulfo et le roman français : «Le Soleil des Scorta» de Laurent Gaudé, suivi d’une réflexion sur la mort dans mon roman «Ernesto»Mérinat, Karin 19 April 2018 (has links)
Ernesto est avant tout un roman initiatique qui se déroule dans un contexte historique, celui de la révolution mexicaine au début du XXème siècle. Il évoque une époque difficile en invitant le lecteur à suivre la vie d'une famille vivant dans les montagnes du Jalisco. En ces temps de guerre civile, la religion devint un flambeau pour de nombreux opprimés et leur engagement en son nom les poussa à se battre jusqu'à la mort pour leur salut. La mort est donc omniprésente tout au long du roman. Au-delà d'un simple message de fatalité implicite, elle s'impose aux protagonistes comme une entité propre et incontournable. Ainsi, comme dans Pedro Parâmo de Juan Rulfo ou dans Le soleil des Scorta de Laurent Gaudé, la mort se nourrit de la fiction afin de mieux s'incarner. L'analyse de ces deux romans met en évidence la place de la mort dans la création littéraire et établit un lien direct avec le présent roman.
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A systematic review to assess the methodological quality of intervention research designed to increase physical activity in children with autism spectrum disordersWinn, Jolene 01 May 2013 (has links)
In comparison to normally developing children, many children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) do not possess the same opportunities to be physically active due to the impairments exhibited by their disorder. A systematic review using the Downs and Black checklist and the PEDro scale was conducted to assess the methodological quality of the literature on promoting physical activity in children with ASD. The following inclusion criteria had to be met: (1) subjects must include children with a clinical ASD diagnosis (2) the children have to be under the age of thirteen years old (3) the interventions must target physical activity; lastly, (4) they must be a relevant peer-reviewed English language study. The search was conducted using four electronic databases: MEDLINE, ERIC, PsycInfo, and CINHL with no restriction on the publication year. The following keywords were utilized: "Autism", "ASD/ Autism Spectrum Disorder", "Asperger", "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" Those terms were paired with "physical activity", "physical exercise", "exercise", "fitness", "aerobic", "swim", "aquatic", "jog", "walk", "recreational activity" Which were also paired with the terms "school age", "child", "toddler", "preadolescent". This multi-step search procedure occurred during February 2013. The methodological quality of six studies was evaluated in February 2013. Overall, the conclusive scores determined by the Downs and and Black checklist and the PEDro scale varied greatly. The scores reported by the Downs and Black checklist ranged from 19 to 21 on a 27-point scale. PEDro scale yielded scores ranging between two and six on a 10-point scale. A vote count revealed that the exercise interventions increased the physical fitness, aquatic skills, social behaviors, and sensory integration children with ASD. In summary, the variation within the scores and the quality of the studies leads to a demand for future research.; In order to adequately determine what exercise interventions effectively increase physical activity in children with ASD, future researchers should conduct randomized controlled trials in order to produce the highest quality of evidence.
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