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La relation auteur-éditeur dans le contrat d'édition littéraire / the relations established between authors and publishers in the literary publishing contractNaudin, Hermine 07 September 2015 (has links)
La démocratisation de l’écrit dans notre société culturelle moderne a fait que tout un chacun peut se revendiquer auteur. La reconnaissance n’est plus désormais à rechercher à travers la traditionnelle publication chez un éditeur mais à travers l’immatérialité des outils d’auto-édition offerts en ligne. D’une part, avec la phase de désintermédiation qui se joue entre les différents acteurs du secteur littéraire, l’écrivain se passe d’une maison d’édition. L’éditeur disparaît. D’autre part, l’auteur, personnage romantique et emblématique sur lequel le droit d’auteur a été forgé, s’efface progressivement du paysage juridique. Avec l’effacement du mythe est emportée la vision propriétaire des droits d’auteur, au profit de l’utilisateur. L’auteur disparaît. Les nouvelles pratiques de cette société connectée bouleversent le droit et sa capacité d’adaptation. Pourtant le contrat d’édition littéraire, socle de la relation auteur-éditeur, existe bel et bien et constitue le sujet de cette étude. Modèle dominant des contrats d’auteur, l’ambition de cette recherche est d’arriver à saisir à travers cette relation la nature du contrat d’édition et le jeu des nouveaux équilibres posés par l'ère numérique (réforme du Code de propriété intellectuelle), mais aussi de saisir les mutations à la lisière du droit d’auteur qui redéfinissent la possession dans l’ère immatérielle avec les modèles alternatifs du contrat d’édition littéraire (licences libres et creative commons). Les moyens d'y répondre emprunteront à l'analyse juridique mais aussi dans une juste mesure à l'internormativité, qui permettra d'observer le droit avec les yeux du sociologue, de l'économiste et de l'historien / The liberalization of writing in our contemporary cultural society has made it so anyone can now aim for the title of author. The recognition of one’s work is now sought, not through the traditional means of publishing, with the assistance of a professional publisher, but through immaterial processes of self- online publishing. On one hand, thanks to these new means, the author is able to cut the intermediation of the publishing field and to avoid using a professional publishing company. On the other hand, the author, romantic and emblematic character upon whom author’s rights have been forged is fading away from the legal landscape. With the decay of the myth, the ownership conception of author’s rights is taken away by those of the user. The author is fading away. The new customs of our over connected society are dramatically changing law and its ability to adapt. Although, publishing contracts are still a part of the process and are the subject at the heart of this study. The French intellectual property code was able to grant this contract access to the dematerialized world by incorporating the paradigm shift. Main model of publishing contracts, its ambivalent nature is due to the merging of both civil and intellectual property law that can be applied to it. This study aims to capture the true nature of the publishing contract figure, through the relations established between authors and publishers, including their new balance, and also to grasp a full understanding of the mutations surrounding the authors’ rights and that redefine ownership in a now immaterial era through the new alternative means of self-publishing (free licenses and creative commons)
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Analýza strategických rozhodnutí a posouzení jejich vlivu na prosperitu nakladatelství Paseka. / Analysis of strategic decisions and assessment of their impact on prosperity of The Paseka Publisher.Palusková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with strategic management, importance of strategy and with the basic methods of strategic analysis. Selected methods have been applied to particular company - The Paseka Publisher. The main objective is to make overall evaluation of strategic position of The Paseka Publisher in the context of the current book market. Furthermore, it is essential to reflect the current state of the publishing industry and highlight the main factors that directly affect the strategic position of publishers. On the basis of strategic analysis is possible to make synthesis of gained knowledge, which leads to the formulation of strategic recommendation for the core business activities.
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NS-Raubgut: Die Bücher von Geza Kon in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig 1943 –2011Reuss, Cordula 15 June 2011 (has links)
Geza Kon wurde am 2. August 1873 als Sohn eines Rabbiners im ungarischen Csongrad geboren. Er entstammte einer bekannten askenasischen Familie. Diese siedelte bald nach seiner Geburt nach Zemun (bei Belgrad) über. Seine erste Anstellung bekam Geza Kon 1889 bei dem bekannten serbischen Buchhändler Friedrich Breslauer in Belgrad. Ab 1894 wurde er für sieben Jahre der Geschäftsführer bei dem ebenfalls berühmten Buchhändler Arsa Pajevic in Novi Sad.
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Geste der Versöhnung: UB Leipzig übergibt NS-Raubgut an BelgradSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 15 June 2011 (has links)
Am 20. März 2011 hat die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig der serbischen Nationalbibliothek im Krieg geraubte Bücher des Belgrader Verlags Geza Kon übergeben. Zur Unterzeichnung der Übergabe-Vereinbarung in der Bibliotheca Albertina waren der Botschafter Serbiens in Deutschland, Ivo Viskovic, sowie der Direktor der serbischen Nationalbibliothek, Sreten Ugricic, anwesend. Beide sprachen eine Einladung an den Direktor der UB, Ulrich Johannes Schneider aus, am 6. April 2011 an den Feierlichkeiten zum 70. Jahrestag des Angriffs der Deutschen auf Belgrad in der serbischen Nationalbibliothek teilzunehmen und die Übergabe zu besiegeln.
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Управление рисками участников гражданского оборота при оказании интернет-услуг : магистерская диссертация / Risk management of civil traffic participants when providing internet servicesМашковцев, Д. С., Mashkovtsev, D. S. January 2019 (has links)
Master's work consists of 100 pages, 97 bibliographic lists are used. The relevance of the research topic is revealed in three interrelated aspects: doctrinal, economic and rule-making. The doctrinal aspect is manifested in the fact that today in the Russian Federation there are no special normative acts that would have a regulatory effect on public relations taking shape between entities on the Internet. The rule-making aspect is expressed in the fact that the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation on the accelerated development of the economy and social sphere give particular relevance to this work. The most significant legislative adjustment will be required in connection with the development of the digital environment. Finally, the economic aspect is due to the need to strengthen government regulation in the field of digital technologies.
All this together determines the relevance of the research topic and determines its choice. The aim of the study is a comprehensive, comprehensive study and study of the legal nature and legal characteristics of obligations arising on the Internet when providing Internet services with the aim of generating theoretical and practical conclusions that can be taken into account when reforming the law and improving judicial and law enforcement practice in the analyzed public relations.
In pursuance of the research goal, the following specific tasks are set in the work: to consider the legal regulation of Internet services in the Russian Federation; define the concepts of “Internet service” and “legal risk”, substantiate the legally relevant criteria for their classification in order to increase the efficiency of their management; conduct a comprehensive analysis of legal risks associated with the protection of intellectual property; to offer a range of measures to improve legislation in the field of Internet services management. Research methods include general scientific and private scientific methods, in particular the formal legal, comparative legal, logical, statistical method, as well as other methods of economic analysis of private law. / Магистерская работа состоит из 100 страниц, использовано 97 библиографических списков. Актуальность темы исследования раскрывается в трех взаимосвязанных аспектах: доктринальном, экономической и нормотворческом. Доктринальный аспект проявляется в том, что на сегодняшний день в Российской Федерации отсутствуют специальные нормативные акты, которые бы осуществляли регулирующее воздействие на общественные отношения, складывающиеся между субъектами в сети «Интернет». Нормотворческий аспект выражается в том, что особую актуальность настоящей работе придают поставленные руководством Российской Федерации задачи по ускоренному развитию экономики и социальной сферы. Наиболее значимая перестройка законодательства потребуется в связи с развитием цифровой среды. Наконец, экономический аспект обусловлен потребностью усиления государственного регулирования в сфере цифровых технологий. Все это в совокупности обуславливает актуальность темы исследования и определяет ее выбор. Целью исследования является всестороннее, комплексное изучение и исследование правовой природы и юридической характеристики обязательств, возникающих в сети «Интернет» при оказании Интернет-услуг с целью формирования теоретических и практических выводов, которые могут быть учтены при реформировании законодательства и совершенствовании судебной и правоприменительной практики в анализируемой сфере общественных отношений. Во исполнение поставленной цели исследования в работе ставятся следующие конкретные задачи: рассмотреть правовое регулирование интернет-услуг в Российской Федерации; определить понятия «интернет-услуга» и «правовой риск», обосновать юридически значимые критерии их классификации для цели повышения эффективности управления ими; провести комплексный анализ правовых рисков, связанных с защитой интеллектуальной собственности; предложить комплекс мероприятий по совершенствованию законодательства в области управления интернет-услугами. Методы исследования включают в себя общенаучные и частные научные методы, в частности формально-юридический, сравнительно-правовой, логический, статистический метод, а также иные методы экономического анализа частного права.
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Luis Calandre Ibáñez. Su vida y obra. (Reivindicación de una figura ilustre de la Medicina Murciana)Sebastián Raz, José Manuel 07 May 2010 (has links)
Luis Calandre Ibáñez (Cartagena 23/3/1890-Madrid 29/9/1961), estudió Medicina en Madrid, siendo discípulo de Cajal, Achúcarro y Madinaveitia en Madrid y de Nicolai y Benda en Alemania. Realizó estudios de Histología sobre la esructura de la fibra cardiaca, para comprender mejor la fisiopatología del corazón, campo de su especial dedicación, siendo uno de los introductores de la electrocardiografía en España, estudiando especialmente los trastornos del ritmo basándose en ella.Fundó y dirigió el Laboratorio de Anatomía Microscópica de la Residencia de Estudiantes (1914-1931). Fue Jefe del Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja y Director del Hospital de Carabineros durante la guerra civil (1937.1939). Publicó más de setenta artículos en revistas especializadas y ocho libros de contenido científico. Fundó y dirigió la revista "Archivos de Cardiología y Hematología" (1920-1936). Desarrolló una intensa labor social, política y cultural y al finalizar la guerra civil fue procesado y condenado padeciendo el exilio interior y el olvido científico. / Luis Calandre Ibáñez (Cartagena 1890-Madrid 1961), studied medicine in Madrid, where he was a disciple of Cajal, Achúcarro and Madinaveitia and then of Nicolai and Benda in Germany. He specialised in cardiac physiopathology, and studied histology on the struc Civil war. He published more than seventy articles in specialist journals and eightscientificbooks. He founded and directed the journal "Archivos de Cardiología y Hematología" (1920-1936). Intensely involved in social, political and cultural activities, he was tried and sentenced at the
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Molntjänster : en studie av tekniska möjligheterOlsson, Fredrik, Cruz, Maribel January 2013 (has links)
Datormoln, även kallat molnet, är teknik baserad på användande av applikationer och data över Internet. Molnet erbjuder olika typer av tjänster och resurser som t.ex. applikationer och datorkraft. Molntjänster kan underlätta för företag då de kan sänka den annars höga kostnaden för saker som personal, hårdvara, mjukvara och det utrymme detta kräver. Denna rapport kommer svara på frågan ”Vad är moln?” och grundläggande beskriva molnets struktur och funktion, samt olika typer av moln. Rapporten kommer även beskriva ett par olika molntjänster.
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MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute: 20 Years of Open Access PublishingGuérin, Delphine 08 November 2016 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Internationalen Open Access Week 2016 fand am 26.10.2016 die Veranstaltung "Open in Action at TU Chemnitz" statt.
Der Vortrag des MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - berichtet über die Aktivitäten des Open-Access-Verlages und die Vorteile für Autoren.
Die Präsentation zeigt das Leistungsspektrum und gibt Auskunft über den Peer Review-Prozess.
Seit 2015 hat die Universitätsbibliothek eine Institutionelle Vereinbarung mit dem MDPI geschlossen. Der Publikationsworkflow ist für Wissenschaffende einfach und transparent. / In the context of the International Open Access Week 2016, the event "Open in Action at TU Chemnitz" was held on 26 October 2016.
The lecture of the MDPI – the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute – presents the past and current activities of the open access publisher and the author benefits. The presentation shows the procedures and the range of inhouse services in the editorial and the peer review process.
The University Library of the Technische Universität Chemnitz has held an institutional membership with the MDPI AG since 2015. Thus, the publication and invoicing workflow is made simple and transparent for academics.
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Quantitative indicators of a successful mobile applicationSkogsberg, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The smartphone industry has grown immensely in recent years. The two leading platforms, Google Android and Apple iOS, each feature marketplaces offering hundreds of thousands of software applications, or apps. The vast selection has facilitated a maturing industry, with new business and revenue models emerging. As an app developer, basic statistics and data for one's apps are available via the marketplace, but also via third-party data sources. This report regards how mobile software is evaluated and rated quantitatively by both endusers and developers, and which metrics are relevant in this context. A selection of freely available third-party data sources and app monitoring tools is discussed, followed by introduction of several relevant statistical methods and data mining techniques. The main object of this thesis project is to investigate whether findings from app statistics can provide understanding in how to design more successful apps, that attract more downloads and/or more revenue. After the theoretical background, a practical implementation is discussed, in the form of an in-house application statistics web platform. This was developed together with the app developer company The Mobile Life, who also provided access to app data for 16 of their published iOS and Android apps. The implementation utilizes automated download and import from online data sources, and provides a web based graphical user interface to display this data using tables and charts. Using mathematical software, a number of statistical methods have been applied to the collected dataset. Analysis findings include different categories (clusters) of apps, the existence of correlations between metrics such as an app’s market ranking and the number of downloads, a long-tailed distribution of keywords used in app reviews, regression analysis models for the distribution of downloads, and an experimental application of Pareto’s 80-20 rule which was found relevant to the gathered dataset. Recommendations to the app company include embedding session tracking libraries such as Google Analytics into future apps. This would allow collection of in-depth metrics such as session length and user retention, which would enable more interesting pattern discovery. / Smartphonebranschen har växt kraftigt de senaste åren. De två ledande operativsystemen, Google Android och Apple iOS, har vardera distributionskanaler som erbjuder hundratusentals mjukvaruapplikationer, eller appar. Det breda utbudet har bidragit till en mognande bransch, med nya växande affärs- och intäktsmodeller. Som apputvecklare finns grundläggande statistik och data för ens egna appar att tillgå via distributionskanalerna, men även via datakällor från tredje part. Den här rapporten behandlar hur mobil mjukvara utvärderas och bedöms kvantitativt av båda slutanvändare och utvecklare, samt vilka data och mått som är relevanta i sammanhanget. Ett urval av fritt tillgängliga tredjeparts datakällor och bevakningsverktyg presenteras, följt av en översikt av flertalet relevanta statistiska metoder och data mining-tekniker. Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda om fynd utifrån appstatistik kan ge förståelse för hur man utvecklar och utformar mer framgångsrika appar, som uppnår fler nedladdningar och/eller större intäkter. Efter den teoretiska bakgrunden diskuteras en konkret implementation, i form av en intern webplattform för appstatistik. Denna plattform utvecklades i samarbete med apputvecklaren The Mobile Life, som också bistod med tillgång till appdata för 16 av deras publicerade iOSoch Android-appar. Implementationen nyttjar automatiserad nedladdning och import av data från datakällor online, samt utgör ett grafiskt gränssnitt för att åskådliggöra datan med bland annat tabeller och grafer. Med hjälp av matematisk mjukvara har ett antal statistiska metoder tillämpats på det insamlade dataurvalet. Analysens omfattning inkluderar en kategorisering (klustring) av appar, existensen av en korrelation mellan mätvärden såsom appars ranking och dess antal nedladdningar, analys av vanligt förekommande ord ur apprecensioner, en regressionsanalysmodell för distributionen av nedladdningar samt en experimentell applicering av Paretos ”80-20”-regel som fanns lämplig för vår data. Rekommendationer till appföretaget inkluderar att bädda in bibliotek för appsessionsspårning, såsom Google Analytics, i dess framtida appar. Detta skulle möjliggöra insamling av mer detaljerad data såsom att mäta sessionslängd och användarlojalitet, vilket skulle möjliggöra mer intressanta analyser.
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Vývoj knižních trhů s důrazem na vývoj internetu včetně konceptu e-book (vztah nakladatel - knižní distributor - knihkupectví) / The book market development with an emphasis on the internet development including the concept of an e-book (relationship of a publisher - book distributor - bookseller)Váňová, Miloslava January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the changes of the book market between its entities, libraries and final consumer of information (readers, library users) after the arrival of the internet. Development of the internet has brought searching of the new business models and opportunities for cooperation. Electronic publishing that, along with the internet availability, commenced to raise is the starting factor for the development of electronic books. The thesis outlines the roles of individual entities of the book market, i.e. publisher and seller (distributor, book-seller and digital platform) and libraries during the production, sale and accessing books with the focus on electronic books. After description of used terminology, especially different approaches to the definition of "an e-book", the next chapter presents hardware devices and software programs that enable reading e-books. The third chapter introduces the role of a publisher in the process of publishing printed and electronic e-books. The aim of the chapter is to highlight different strategies of processing the printed and electronic text, incl. possibilities of self-publishing which gives new possibilities to the author's hands. The fourth chapter describes distribution and sale of printed and mainly electronic books and also defines the new...
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