Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pancreatitis,"" "subject:"pancreatitics,""
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Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren bei der Entstehung akuter Pankreatitiden bei Hunden mit einem BandscheibenvorfallMüller, Marie-Kerstin 07 February 2017 (has links)
Einleitung: Der Verdacht, dass Hunde mit einem Bandscheibenvorfall eine Prädisposition für die Entstehung
einer Pankreatitis haben könnten, wurde in der Veterinärmedizin bereits in den frühen 1980er Jahren
diskutiert. Trotz dieser bereits vor vielen Jahren erhobenen Vermutungen, wurde der Zusammenhang
zwischen der Entstehung einer Pankreatitis und einem zeitgleich vorliegenden Bandscheibenvorfall auch im
Hinblick auf mögliche Risikofaktoren wie dem Einfluss der Narkose oder dem Einsatz von Medikamenten
(v. a. Glukokortikoide und nichtsteroidale Antiphlogistika) bisher nicht näher untersucht.
Ziele der Untersuchungen: Im Rahmen der vorliegenden prospektiven Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob
Bandscheibenvorfälle ein Risikofaktor für die Entstehung einer Pankreatitis beim Hund darstellen. Ferner
sollte geklärt werden, ob die Narkose und die Gabe von Glukokortikoiden und/oder nichtsteroidalen
Antiphlogistika zusätzlich das Risiko der Entstehung einer Pankreatitis bei Hunden mit einem
Bandscheibenvorfall erhöhen.
Material und Methoden: Insgesamt wurden 106 Hunde, bei denen aufgrund der klinischen Symptome der
Verdacht einer Rückenmarksläsion bestand, an fünf aufeinander folgenden Tagen klinisch untersucht.
Besonderes Augenmerk wurde hierbei auf Symptome gelegt, welche typischerweise bei Pankreatitiden zu
beobachten sind (reduziertes Allgemeinbefinden, Schwäche, Anorexie, dolentes Abdomen, Vomitus,
Regurgitieren, Diarrhoe, Fieber, Dehydratation). Ferner wurde am Tag 0 und Tag 4 der stationären
Aufnahme die Konzentration der caninen pankreasspezifischen Lipase im Serum gemessen (Spec cPL und
Snap cPL). Am Tag 0 wurde von dem Vorliegen einer Pankreatitis ausgegangen, wenn klinische Befunde im
Sinne einer Pankreatitis sowie eine abnorm erhöhte Konzentration der caninen pankreasspezifischen Lipase
im Serum (>400 μg/L) auffällig waren. Am Tag 4 erfolgte zudem eine sonographische Untersuchung des
Abdomens. Somit basierte die Diagnosestellung einer Pankreatitis an diesem Tag auf dem Vorliegen von
zwei der folgenden drei Kriterien: klinische Befunde im Sinne einer Pankreatitis, abnorm erhöhte
Konzentration der caninen pankreasspezifischen Lipase im Serum, sonographische Hinweise für das
Vorliegen einer Pankreatitis. Im Rahmen der statistischen Auswertung wurden zudem auch Patienten
erfasst, welche in einem oder in mehreren der oben genannten Kriterien ein fragliches Ergebnis aufwiesen.
Entsprechend ihrer neurologischen Ausfallserscheinungen sowie der Befunde im Rahmen der bildgebenden
Diagnostik (Myelographie, Computertomographie, Kernspintomographie) wurden die Patienten in eine der
folgenden drei Untersuchungsgruppen eingeteilt: 1. Hunde mit einem chirurgisch versorgten
Bandscheibenvorfall (n = 71) 2. Hunde mit einem konservativ therapierten Bandscheibenvorfall (n = 20) und
3. Hunde mit einer akuten intramedullären Läsion (n = 15).
Die statistische Auswerte erfolgte aufgrund der geringen Stichprobengrößen vorwiegend deskriptiv. Die
Daten wurden mittels des Shapiro-Wilk-Tests auf Normalverteilung überprüft, die durchgeführten
Gruppenvergleiche erfolgten unter Verwendung des Kruskal-Wallis und Mann-Whitney-U-Tests. Zudem
wurden die betrachteten Merkmale mit dem Fisher Test und dem Chi-Quadrat-Test auf Unabhängigkeit
überprüft. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde für alle Tests mit p < 0,05 festgelegt.
Ergebnisse: Basierend auf den klinischen Symptomen und der Konzentration der caninen
pankreasspezifischen Lipase im Serum konnte insgesamt am Tag 0 bei vier Hunden (3,8 %) eine Pankreatitis
diagnostiziert werden. Am Tag 4 waren es, basierend auf den drei Kriterien, welche für die
Diagnosestellung einer Pankreatitis herangezogen werden, insgesamt acht Patienten (7,5 %). Hunde mit
einem Bandscheibenvorfall (chirurgisch beziehungsweise konservativ therapiert) wiesen am Tag 0
beziehungsweise Tag 4 in 4,3 % (n = 4) beziehungsweise 7,7 % (n = 7) der Fälle eine Pankreatitis auf.
Aufgrund der geringen Häufigkeiten in den einzelnen Untersuchungsgruppen, war eine Berechnung eines
signifikanten Unterschieds zwischen den Gruppen nicht möglich. Hinsichtlich einer möglichen Korrelation
zwischen einer Narkose und der Entstehung einer Pankreatitis bei Hunden mit einer Rückenmarksläsion
konnte kein signifikanter Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Auch die Gabe von Glukokortikoiden
und/oder nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika hatte hier keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Entstehung einer
Schlussfolgerung: Vergleicht man die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie mit der in der Literatur
angegebenen Prävalenz für akute Pankreatitiden beim Hund (0,7-3,5 %), so kann geschlussfolgert werden,
dass eine Rückenmarksläsion, insbesondere ein Bandscheibenvorfall, als Risikofaktor für die Entstehung
einer akuten Pankreatitis beim Hund in Betracht gezogen werden muss. Demgegenüber erhöhen weder die
Narkose noch die Gabe von Glukokortikoiden und/oder nichtsteroidalen Antiphlogistika zusätzlich das
Risiko der Entstehung einer Pankreatitis bei Hunden mit einer Rückenmarksläsion. / Objective: The suspicion that dogs with intervertebral disc disease are at greater risk of developing
pancreatitis is being discussed in veterinary medicine since the early 1980s. So far no study has been
published examining the correlation between intervertebral disk disease and the development of
pancreatitis in dogs, especially in combination with general anaesthesia and anti-inflammatory medication
(glucocorticoids and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The aim of this study was therefore 1) to
evaluate intervertebral disk disease as possible risk factor of pancreatitis and 2) to ascertain if general
anaesthesia and the administration of glucocorticoids and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs further
increase the risk of pancreatitis in dogs with intervertebral disk disease.
Material and methods: One hundred and six dogs with symptoms associated with spinal cord injury were
clinically examined over a period of five days. Special attention was payed to symptoms usually seen with
pancreatitis such as anorexia, vomitus and abdominal pain. Furthermore the concentration of canine
pancreatic lipase in the blood serum was measured with Spec cPL and Snap cPL at day 0 and day 4 after
admission. At day 0 the diagnosis of pancreatitis was based on clinical symptoms associated with
pancreatitis in combination with an increased concentration of canine pancreatic lipase in the blood serum
(>400 μg/L). A sonography of the pancreas was performed at day 4 to evaluate the organ itself and the
surrounding tissue for lesions associated with pancreatitis. Therefore the diagnosis of pancreatitis at day 4
was based on positive results in at least two of the three following criteria: symptoms associated with
pancreatitis, elevation of the concentration of canine pancreatic lipase in the blood serum, sonographic
changes of the pancreas parenchyma and the surrounding tissue associated with pancreatitis. For statistical
analysis questionable results in one or more of these criteria were also documented.
According to the neurologic symptoms and the findings of diagnostic imaging (myelography, computed
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging), dogs were categorized in one of the following groups: 1.
dogs with surgically treated intervertebral disk disease (n = 71), 2. dogs with medically treated
intervertebral disk disease (n = 20), 3. dogs with an acute intramedullary lesion (n = 15).
Due to the small sample size, statistics were primarily performed descriptively. Data were tested for normal
distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk test. If Group comparisons were feasible, they were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney-U test. Fisher test and the Chi-Square test were used to test
for association between group affiliation and possible risk factors for the development of pancreatitis. A
value of P < 0.5 was considered significant for all analysis.
Results: Based on clinical symptoms and an elevated concentration of the canine pancreatic lipase
(> 400μg/l) at day 0, four dogs (3.8 %) were diagnosed with pancreatitis. According to the clinical
symptoms, the concentration of the canine pancreatic lipase and sonographic changes, a total number of
eight dogs (7.5 %) were diagnosed with pancreatitis at day 4. Considering only the dogs with intervertebral
disk disease (surgically and medically treated) 4.3 % (n = 4) and 7.7 % (n = 7) were diagnosed with
pancreatitis at day 0 and day 4, respectively. Due to the small sample size, the calculation of significant
differences between the three subgroups was not feasible. There was no significant correlation between
general anaesthesia and the development of pancreatitis. Furthermore, the administration of
glucocorticoids and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not significantly associated with the genesis
of pancreatitis.
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Status epilepticus in mitochondrial diseases and the role of POLG1 variants in the valproic-acid induced hepatotoxicityHynynen, J. (Johanna) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Various genetic aetiologies — including mitochondrial diseases, chromosomal disorders, and other monogenic diseases — are involved in status epilepticus (SE), a common neurologic emergency occurring in children and adults that exhibits high rates of morbidity and mortality. The exact frequency of mitochondrial SE is currently undefined. Furthermore, patients with pathogenic variants of POLG1 encoding mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma have an increased risk of acute liver failure (ALF) induced by the common antiepileptic drug, valproic acid (VPA), which is problematic due to these patients also often experiencing drug-resistant seizures. Overall, the role of liver transplantation (LT) in VPA-ALF due to mitochondrial disease has been controversial.
In the present work, large retrospective cohort studies were conducted for two main purposes: (1) to determine the genetic aetiologies of SE among Finnish paediatric and adult patients by specifically focusing on the common mitochondrial genetic defects associated with an increased risk of SE and (2) to examine whether common POLG1 p.Q1236H and p.E1143G variants are connected to liver or pancreatic toxicity upon exposure to VPA monotherapy. This thesis also describes the characteristics of VPA-ALF associated with the pathogenic POLG1 variant p.W748S and the prognosis of LT in a retrospective case series.
Mitochondrial diseases explained 4.5% of SE cases in the study cohort. Patients with mitochondrial SE suffered from refractory SE significantly more often than patients with other forms of genetic or non-genetic SE. Additionally, mortality rates were higher in patients with mitochondrial or chromosomal disorders compared with the other groups, reflecting the severity of the underlying condition and the higher frequency of refractory SE. POLG1 variants p.Q1236H and p.E1143G could not be identified as risk factors for VHT or pancreatic toxicity, implying that VPA treatment might be suitable for patients harbouring these variants when other pathogenic variants are absent. Finally, the homozygous status of the pathogenic POLG1 variant p.W748S and older age of the patient during the presentation of VPA-ALF seem to be associated with higher survival rates following LT, which should be considered in the management of VPA-ALF. / Tiivistelmä
Useita perinnöllisiä syitä, kuten mitokondriotauteja, kromosomihäiriöitä ja muita geenimuutoksia on tunnistettu status epilepticuksen (SE) eli pitkittyneen epileptisen kohtauksen taustalla. SE on yleinen neurologinen hätätilanne, johon liittyy merkittävää oheissairastavuutta ja kuolleisuutta sekä lapsilla että aikuisilla. Mitokondriotauteihin liittyvän SE:n tarkkaa esiintyvyyttä ei tiedetä. Potilailla, joilla on patogeenisia variantteja mitokondrioiden DNA-polymeraasia koodaavassa tuman POLG1-geenissä, on todettu kohonnut riski yleisesti käytetyn epilepsialääkkeen valproaatin (VPA) aiheuttaman akuutin maksavaurion kehittymiselle. Tämä tekee lääkehoidon valinnasta ongelmallista, koska näillä potilailla on usein epilepsialääkkeille resistenttejä kohtauksia. Maksansiirron merkitys akuutin maksavaurion hoidossa mitokondriotauteja sairastavilla potilailla on ollut kiistanalainen.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää SE:n perinnöllisiä syitä suomalaisilla lapsi- ja aikuispotilailla retrospektiivisesti kerätyssä laajassa potilasaineistossa. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin yleisimpiin mitokondriaalisiin perinnöllisiin muutoksiin, joiden on aiemmin todettu liittyvän SE:n lisääntyneeseen riskiin. Tutkimuksen toisena päätavoitteena oli selvittää väestössä yleisten POLG1-geenin muutosten eli varianttien p.Q1236H ja p.E1143G yhteyttä maksatoksisuuteen tai haimatoksisuuteen VPA-monoterapian aikana. Lisäksi tutkittiin VPA:n aiheuttaman maksavaurion kliinisiä erityispiirteitä patogeeniseen POLG1-varianttiin p.W748S liittyen sekä mutaatiostatuksen vaikutusta maksansiirron jälkeiseen ennusteeseen.
Mitokondriotaudit selittivät 4,5 % SE-tapauksista tämän väitöskirjatyön potilasaineistossa ja näillä potilailla SE pitkittyi hoitoresistentiksi tai erittäin resistentiksi merkitsevästi muita potilasryhmiä useammin. Kuolleisuus oli suurin potilailla, joilla todettiin mitokondriotauti tai kromosomihäiriö, liittyen todennäköisimmin vakavaan taustasairauteen ja hoitoresistentin SE:n suurempaan esiintyvyyteen. Tutkittuja POLG1-variantteja p.Q1236H ja p.E1143G ei voitu tunnistaa maksa- tai haimatoksisuuden riskitekijöiksi, mikä tarkoittaa, että VPA-hoito voisi sopia näille potilaille, mikäli muita patogeenisiä variantteja ei todeta. Patogeenisen POLG1-variantin p.W748S homotsygoottisuus ja nuoruusikä tai varhainen aikuisikä maksavaurion ajankohtana ovat maksansiirron ennustetta parantavia tekijöitä, mikä tulisi ottaa huomioon hoitopäätöksiä tehtäessä.
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Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of pancreatic fistulas in severe necrotizing pancreatitis and the long-term outcome of acute pancreatitisKarjula, H. (Heikki) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Acute infected necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP) is a very complex disease with a high risk of complications and death. ANP is difficult to treat and is often associated with poor outcomes. Despite the increasing data on the technical details required to perform a mini-invasive necrosectomy for walled-off necrosis (WON), relatively few studies have focused on the presence and consequences of pancreatic duct disruption in the context of APN. Moreover, the long-term prognosis of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) is scant.
The aim of this study was to examine the diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of pancreatic fistulas (PFs) associated with APN. In addition, the long-term prognosis of AP was evaluated.
The study population consists of the patients with AP treated at Oulu University Hospital, Finland (Studies I–IV) and Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark (Study II) during 1995–2015.
In the first part of the study, all consecutive patients following open necrosectomy for infected ANP were demonstrated to have PF. Endoscopic transpapillary pancreatic stenting (ETPS) was attempted and proven to be an effective and safe treatment for patients with PF.
In Study II, prophylactic pancreatic stenting in the early stage of the disease was tested in a randomized controlled trial to the patients with ANP to prevent PFs associated with the disease. However, the study showed that the patients with ANP did not benefit from early prophylactic pancreatic ductal stenting (PPDS); instead, it seemed to be harmful for the patients.
The results of Study III showed that single drain amylase level measurement after surgical necrosectomy is unreliable. According to this study, serial measurements are recommended to diagnose PFs after necrosectomy.
Study IV including 1644 patients showed that AP, especially alcohol AP, was associated with a high long-term mortality. On the other hand, AP without an alcohol aetiology had a minimal impact on survival.
In conclusion, in patients with infected ANP, a PF has to be considered in treatment, but the prevention of ductal leak with PPDS is not recommended. In addition, the poor long-term outcome among alcohol AP patients was due to alcohol-related diseases. / Tiivistelmä
Akuutti nekrotisoiva haimatulehdus ja erityisesti siihen liittyvä bakteeri-infektio on sairaus, johon liittyy korkea komplikaatio- ja kuolleisuusriski. Tautia usein komplisoi infektion lisäksi nekroosiin liittyvä haimafisteli, joka tekee hoidosta entistä haasteellisemman. Viime aikaisissa tutkimuksissa on käsitelty runsaasti mini-invasiivista nekrosektomiaa, mutta suhteellisen vähän on tutkimuksia nekrotisoivaan haimatulehdukseen liittyvästä fisteliongelmasta. Haimatulehdus-potilaiden pitkäaikaisennuste on myös epäselvä.
Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää nekrotisoivaan haimatulehdukseen liittyvän haimafistelin yleisyyttä, diagnostiikkaa, ehkäisyä ja hoitoa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin akuuttiin haimatulehdukseen sairastuneiden potilaiden pitkäaikaisennustetta.
Ensimmäisessä osatyössä ilmeni, että kaikille potilaille, joille suoritettiin haiman nekrosektomia kehittyi fisteli ja endoskooppinen transpapillaarinen haimateiden stenttaus (ETPS) osoittautui hyväksi ja turvalliseksi hoidoksi fistelin hoidossa.
Toisessa prospektiivisessa randomoidussa kontrolloidussa osatyössä tutkittiin profylaktista haimateiden stenttausta nekrotisoivassa haimatulehduksessa. Tutkimus osoitti, etteivät potilaat hyötyneet stenttauksesta: toimenpiteestä oli enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan protetisointia ei suositella tehtäväksi taudin alkuvaiheessa.
Kolmannessa osatyössä selvitettiin haiman nekrosektomian jälkeisen haimafistelin diagnosointia. Tutkimustuloksen mukaan haimafistelin osoittamiseksi dreenieritteen amylaasitasoa mittaamalla tarvitaan useita mittauskertoja, koska yksittäisen mittauksen sensitiivisyys on matala.
Neljännessä osatyössä analysoitiin Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa 1995–2012 akuutin haimatulehduksen sairastaneiden työikäisten potilaiden pitkäaikaisennustetta ja kuolinsyitä. Noin kymmenen vuoden seurannassa tutkimusryhmän (n = 1 644) kuolleisuus oli yli nelinkertainen verrattuna ikä- ja sukupuolivakioituihin verrokeihin (n = 8 220). Merkittävin kuolleisuutta lisäävä tekijä oli alkoholi.
Tutkimuksemme osoitti, että infektoituneen haimanekroosiin liittyvä haimafisteli on huomioitava hoidossa. Varhaisesta profylaktisesta haimateiden protetisoinnista ei tutkimuksessa osoitettu olevan hyötyä. Alkoholin aiheuttaman haimatulehduksen pitkäaikaisennusteen mortaliteetti on korkea johtuen alkoholin käytöstä ja siihen liittyvistä sairauksista.
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Freqüência de polimorfismos do gene CFTR em pacientes portadores de pancreatite crônica alcoólica / Polymorphisms in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitisCosta, Marianges Zadrozny Gouvêa da 19 March 2008 (has links)
A dependência de álcool acomete de 10 a 12% da população mundial, estando a associação entre uso abusivo do álcool e pancreatite crônica bem estabelecida. A suscetibilidade pancreática ao álcool é variável e apenas 5 a 10% dos etilistas crônicos desenvolvem pancreatite crônica, sendo o papel dos fatores genéticos neste processo praticamente desconhecido. O gene CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmenbrane conductance regulator) codifica proteína que funciona na membrana plasmática de células epiteliais e que tem papel chave na função pancreática exócrina normal, promovendo a regulação, da secreção de fluídos e bicarbonato, importantes para a diluição e a alcalinização do suco pancreático. Quando a função desta proteína é inadequada, observa-se obstrução de pequenos ductos por rolhas protéicas. Várias pesquisas buscam documentar a associação fibrose cística - pancreatite crônica, porém os resultados são conflitantes. Este trabalho pesquisou a freqüência de polimorfismos no trato de politiminas e poli TGs no intron 8 do gene CFTR em pacientes portadores de pancreatite crônica alcoólica. Foram estudados três grupos de pacientes: Grupo A - adultos alcoolistas com diagnóstico de pancreatite crônica; Grupo B - adultos alcoolistas sem pancreatopatia ou cirrose hepática e Grupo C - adultos sadios não alcoolistas. O DNA genômico para análise do gene CFTR foi extraído do sangue periférico, pesquisando-se a freqüência de polimorfismos no trato de politiminas e poli TGs no intron 8. O genótipo 5T/7T foi mais encontrado no grupo A do que no B (p = 0,0481), não havendo diferença quando comparados os grupos A e C (p = 0,1317). Pacientes com pancreatite crônica por álcool com o genótipo 5T/7T tiveram menor incidência de diabetes melito do que aqueles com outros genótipos (p = 0,0465). A combinação de haplótipos 10TG 7T / 11TG 7T foi mais freqüente nos grupos B e C do que no A e poderia, eventualmente, ser um fator protetor contra o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônica. (p = 0,0080 e 0,0162). Em conclusão, há diferenças no intron 8 do gene CFTR em pacientes com pancreatite crônica alcoólica, quando comparados com alcoolistas não pancreatopatas e indivíduos com o genótipo 5T/7T teriam maior risco de desenvolver pancreatite crônica quando se tornam alcoolistas crônicos. / The alcohol dependence affects from 10 to 12% of the world-wide population, being the association between alcohol abuse and chronic pancreatitis well established. The pancreatic susceptibility to the alcohol is only 5 to 10%, being the paper of the genetic factors practically unknown. The CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis transmenbrane conductance regulator) codifies a protein that functions in the epithelial cells and has a role in pancreatic exocrine function, promoting regulation of the secretion of fluids and bicarbonate, important for the dilution and the alcalinization of the pancreatic juice. When the function of this protein is inadequate, blockage of small ducts occurs. Some research regist the association cystic fibrosis - chronic pancreatite, however the results are conflicting. This work searched the frequency of polymorphisms in the polyT and poly TGs tracts in intron 8 of CFTR gene in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Three groups of patients have been studied: Group A - adult alcoholics with chronic pancreatitis; Group B - adult alcoholics without pancreatic disease or hepatic cirrhosis and Group C - non alcoholics healthy adults. DNA analysis of CFTR gene was made after extraction from peripheral blood samples. The 5T/7T genotype was more frequently found in group A that in B (p = 0.0481), with no difference when compared to group C (p = 0,1317). Patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis and 5T/7T genotype had less incidence of diabetes mellitus that those with other genotypes (p = 0,0465). The haplotype combination 10TG 7T / 11TG 7T was more frequent in groups B and C that in A and it could, eventually, be a protective factor against the development of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. (p = 0,0080 and 0,0162). In conclusion, we found differences when these tree groups are compared and individuals with 5T/7T genotype would have greater risk to develop chronic pancreatitis if they become alcoholics.
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Molekulare Mechanismen von PankreaserkrankungenOckenga, Johann 17 July 2003 (has links)
Die Ätiologie von entzündlichen Pankreaserkrankungen, insbesondere bei den idiopathischen Pankreatitiden, ist weitgehend noch nicht verstanden. In der folgenden Arbeit sollen immunologische und molekularbiologische Aspekte zu Pankreaserkrankungen unter Berücksichtigung eigener Untersuchungen dargestellt werden. Zu Beginn unserer Arbeit haben wir untersucht inwieweit immunologische Veränderungen an der Entstehung einer chronischen Pankreatitis beteiligt sind. Wir fanden eine systemische Aktivierung des zellulären Immunsystems, ohne dass sich Unterschiede zwischen idiopathischer und alkoholtoxischer Pankreatitis ergaben. Im folgenden haben wir uns mit dem molekularbiologischen Hintergrund von entzündlichen und malignen Pankreaserkrankungen beschäftigt. Eine genetische Modellerkrankung ist die hereditäre Pankreatitis, deren genetische Ursache 1996 mit der Entdeckung zweier Mutationen im kationischen Trypsinogen entschlüsselt wurde. Mit der Identifizierung einer neuen Mutation im kationischen Trypsinogen und deren funktionellen Charakterisierung konnten wir hier zum weiteren Verständnis dieser Erkrankung beitragen. Weitere Untersuchungen beschäftigten sich mit dem genetischen Hintergrund bei Patienten mit idiopathischer Pankreatitis. Bei etwa 30% dieser Patienten fanden wir ein abnormales Allel im Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) Gen und bei einzelnen Patienten einen Polymorphismus im Serine Proteasen Inhibitor (SPINK1) Gen. Das zunehmende Wissen um genetische Veränderungen und deren Folgen setzt auch eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen und rechtlichen Fragen voraus. Daher wurden während einer internationalen Konsensus Konferenz Richtlinien zum Umgang mit diesen Fragen erarbeitet. Die Assoziation von UGT1A7*3 Polymorphismus, welches ein Phase II Protein mit niedriger katalytischer Entgiftungsaktivität im Xenobiotika Stoffwechsel kodiert, mit dem Auftreten von Pankreaserkrankungen war Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen. Hierzu untersuchten wir Patienten mit alkoholischer chronischer Pankreatitis, Patienten mit einer SPINK1 Mutation und gesunde Kontrollen. Darüberhinaus betrachteten wir ein Kollektiv von Patienten mit einem Pankreaskarzinom. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen einen synergistischen negativen Effekt von exogenen Risikofaktoren (Alkohol, Nikotin) und genetischer Prädisposition. Die Rolle des oxidativen Stresses in der Genese von Pankreaserkrankungen wird damit untermauert. Erste therapeutische Ansätze aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnisses haben wir in einer prospektiven Studie mit einer immunmodulierenden und antioxidativ wirksamen Glutaminsubstitution bei Patienten mit akuter Pankreatitis gezeigt. Die Glutaminsubstitution führte zu einem besseren Krankheitsverlauf. / The etiology of inflammatory and malignat pancreatic disease are poorly understood. This thesis will discuss our results of immunological and genetic investigations in patients with inflammatory and malignat pancreatic diseases. Especially the background of idiopathic pancreatitis will be discussed. We started our investigations with immunological investigations and demonstrated an evidence for a systemic activated cellular immune system in patients with chronic pancreatitis irrespectively of the aetiology of pancreatitis. Further studies deal with the genetic background of pancreatitis. The discovery of the association between a mutation of the cationic trypsinogen gene and the hereditary pancreatitis was a milestone in the modern pancreatology. We contribute to the understanding of this disease by detecting a new mutation (D22G). We were able to functional characterise this mutation. Mutation of the activation peptides (D22G, K23R) are related to an increased release of trypsin in hydrolisation studies in vitro. In addition, our further investigations confirmed and extended the knowledge of the role of mutation in the CFTR gene and the SPINK 1 gene in patients with 'idiopathic' pancreatitis. Cognisant of the ethical and clinical responsibilities guidelines for the genetic testing and managing of patients with genetic diseases of the pancreas were developed. The low detoxification activity UGT1A7*3 polymorphism has been identified as a novel risk factor of pancreatic inflammatory and malignant diseases defining the interaction of genetic predisposition and environmentally induced oxidative injury. Based on this data we conducted a prospective, randomised clinical trial on the supplementation with glutamine in patients with acute pancreatitis shedulded for total parenteral nutrition. The administration of glutamine, which has been shown to have an immune-modulating and antioxidative capacity, was associated with a favourable clinical course of the patiens receiving glutamine.
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Genetische Grundlagen der chronischen PankreatitisWitt, Heiko 04 April 2005 (has links)
Die in den letzten Jahren erhobenen genetischen Befunden untermauern das Konzept, daß ein Ungleichgewicht von Proteasen und ihren Inhibitoren wesentlich an der Pathogenese der chronischen Pankreatitis beteiligt ist. Die Identifizierung von Mutationen im kationischen Trypsinogen bei Patienten mit hereditärer Pankreatitis hat das Verständnis der Erkrankung entscheidend beeinflußt. Der Nachweis von SPINK1-, CFTR- und PRSS1-Mutationen bei Patienten ohne Familienanamnese für eine Pankreatitis deutet darauf hin, daß auch die idiopathische Pankreatitis genetisch determiniert ist. Die bisher durchgeführten Studien legen nahe, daß die erblich bedingte chronische Pankreatitis eine genetisch heterogene Erkrankung ist, die in Abhängigkeit von den defekten Genen bzw. den zugrundeliegenden Mutationen einem autosomal dominanten, einem autosomal rezessiven oder einem komplexen Erbgang folgt. Das gehäufte Auftreten von SPINK1-Mutationen bei alkoholischer chronischer Pankreatitis ist ein Hinweis darauf, daß genetische Faktoren auch zur Suszeptibilität von primär nicht erblichen Formen der chronischen Pankreatitis beitragen. Im weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, daß genetische Dispositionsfaktoren auch bei der Pathogenese der tropischen Pankreatitis einen wesentlichen Stellenwert besitzen. Diese Daten stellen das Konzept der tropischen Pankreatitis als eigene, tropenspezifische Krankheitsentität in Frage. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung genetischer Faktoren bei der Entstehung der hereditären und idiopathischen wie der alkoholischen Pankreatitis untersucht. Die vollständige Aufklärung der genetischen Ursachen wird vermutlich die Unterscheidung zwischen hereditärer und idiopathischer bzw. tropischer chronischer Pankreatitis obsolet werden lassen. Nach Ausschluß sekundärer Ursachen sollte auch bei Patienten ohne Familienanamnese eine Genanalyse auf Mutationen in den obengenannten Genen veranlaßt werden. / The recent discoveries of trypsinogen (PRSS1) and trypsin inhibitor (SPINK1) mutations in patients with hereditary and idiopathic chronic pancreatitis support the hypothesis that an inappropriate activation of pancreatic zymogens to active enzymes within the pancreatic parenchyma initiates the inflammatory process. Thus, pancreatitis may be the result of an imbalance of proteases and their inhibitors within the pancreatic parenchyma. Since the first description of inherited pancreatitis reported an autosomal dominant trait, hereditary CP was defined as an rare dominant inherited disease. Subsequently, the fact of familial clustering in one generation only, which indicates other inheritance pattern such as recessive or complex trait, was blinded out in the disease concept of hereditary CP for a long time. The Identification of PRSS1, SPINK1 and CFTR mutations in patients with so-called idiopathic chronic pancreatitis, however, shows that inherited cases of CP are much more frequent and that different mutations in different genes might lead to different inheritance pattern. Evaluation of patients with CP without an obvious predisposing factor should include genetic testing for mutations in the above mentioned genes even in the absence of a family history of pancreatitis. The finding of SPINK1 mutations in alcohol-induced pancreatitis indicates that genetic factors genetic factors may increase disease susceptibility to primary non-hereditary CP types. This work summarises the significance of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of hereditary and idiopathic as well as alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Thus, the identification of further genes involved into the pathogenesis of inherited CP probably will also enhance our knowledge about more common types of CP such as alcoholic or tropical CP.
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Repercussão do uso parenteral prévio de emulsão lipídica de óleo de peixe sob a resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sobrevida em modelo experimental de pancreatite aguda / Impact of prior use of parenteral fish oil lipid emulsion in thesystemic inflammatory response and survival in an experimental model of acutepancreatitisGarla, Priscila Casarin 19 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A infusão parenteral de emulsão lipídica (EL) de óleo de peixe (OP), rica em ácidos graxos ômega-3 (AG n-3), está associada à diminuição do perfil de mediadores pró-inflamatórios em estudos experimentais e clínicos. AG n-3 se incorporam em poucas horas em membranas celulares e geralmente são administrados após a agressão inflamatória. A pancreatite aguda (PA) experimental é modelo de inflamação, local e sistêmico, bem estabelecido. Objetivo: O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da infusão parenteral de EL de OP por curto período, antes da indução de PA, sobre a modulação da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sobrevida. Métodos: Após cateterização do sistema venoso central, ratos isogênicos Lewis receberam infusão parenteral de EL de óleo de peixe ou solução salina durante 48 horas, quando então foram submetidos à pancreatite aguda, pela injeção retrógrada de 0,5 mL de solução de taurocolato de sódio a 3% no duto pancreático. Após indução de PA, nos períodos de 2, 12 e 24 horas, os animais foram sacrificados para coleta de amostras de sangue e de tecidos para dosagem de marcadores inflamatórios e histopatológicos. Paralelamente, 20 animais de cada grupo foram observados até sete dias após indução de PA, para avaliação de sobrevida. Resultados: O tratamento com EL de óleo de peixe foi associado com diminuição de citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1beta (p=0,0006) e IL-6 (p=0,05), diminuição de IL-4 (p= 0,0019) e tendência no aumento de anti-inflamatória IL-10 (p= 0,06), após 24 horas de PA; e com aumento da expressão pulmonar e hepática de proteínas de choque térmico HSP 90, 2 e 12 horas após PA, respectivamente. Após infusão de EL de óleo de peixe, não foram encontrados efeitos sobre os níveis de malonaldeído no fígado e na histopatologia do pâncreas, no período de 2 e 12 horas pós pancreatite aguda; e na taxa de sobrevida, em relação aos demais grupos (p > 0,05). Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que a infusão parenteral de EL de OP 48 horas antes da indução de pancreatite aguda experimental parece influenciar favoravelmente a produção de citocinas inflamatórias e HSP90 hepática e pulmonar, sem impactar sobre a histopatologia da lesão pancreática e a taxa de sobrevida / The parenteral infusion of fish oil (FO) lipid emulsion (LE), rich in omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA), is associated with the decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators profile in experimental and clinical studies. N-3 FA are incorporated in a few hours in cell membranes and are generally administered after the inflammatory injury. The experimental acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammation, local and systemic well-established model. This study evaluated the effect of parenteral infusion of fish oil LE for a short period before AP induction, on the modulation of systemic inflammatory response and survival. For this, after the central venous catheterization Lewis rats received parenteral infusion of fish oil LE or saline solution for 48 hours, when they were induced to acute pancreatitis by retrograde injection of 0.5 mL of sodium taurocholate at 3% in pancreatic duct. After AP induction, in periods of two, 12 and 24 hours, the animals were sacrificed to collect blood samples and tissues for measurement of inflammatory markers and histopathological. In parallel, 20 animals in each group were observed up to 7 days after induction of AP, for survival analysis. The treatment with fish oil LE was associated with decreased of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1beta (p = 0.0006) and IL-6 (p = 0.05), reduction of IL-4 (p = 0.0019) and upward trend of anti-inflammatory IL-10 (p = 0.06) after 24 hours of AP; and increased pulmonary and hepatic expression of heat shock proteins HSP 90 two and 12 hours after AP, respectively. After infusion of fish oil LE, there were no effects on malondialdehyde levels in the liver and the pancreas histopathology in the periods of 2 and 12 hours after acute pancreatitis; and survival rate, compared to the other groups (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that parenteral infusion of FOLE 48 hours before the induction of experimental acute pancreatitis appears to favorably influence the production of inflammatory cytokines; hepatic and pulmonary HSP90, without impacting on the histopathology of pancreatic injury and the survival rate
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Síndrome de ativação macrofágica: diferenças clínicas e laboratoriais entre pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil versus adulto / Macrophage activation syndrome: a severe and frequent manifestation of acute pancreatitis in 362 childhood-onset compared to 1,830 adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus patientsGormezano, Natali Weniger Spelling 15 August 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Uma série de casos sugerindo uma possível associação de pancreatite aguda (PA) e síndrome de ativação macrofágica (SAM) em lúpus eritematoso sistêmico pediátrico (LESP) foi reportada em dez crianças no nosso serviço, no entanto, não existem dados relativos à comparação entre PA e SAM em grandes populações de LESP e LES adulto (LESA). Métodos: Este estudo incluiu 362 pacientes LESP e 1.830 pacientes LESA. SAM foi diagnosticada de acordo com os critérios diagnósticos preliminares e PA de acordo com a presença de dor abdominal e/ou vômitos associados a um aumento de enzimas pancreáticas e/ou alterações radiológicas pancreáticas nos exames de ultrassonografia e/ou tomografia abdominal. Dados demográficos, características clínicas, SLEDAI-2K, SLICC/ACR-DI e tratamento foram avaliados. Resultados: A frequência de PA foi significantemente aumentada no LESP em comparação ao LESA [12/362 (3,3%) vs. 20/1830 (1,1%), p=0,003], com similar duração da PA nos dois grupos [22 (6-60) vs. 15 (4-90), dias, p=0,534]. As frequências de SAM (85% vs 30%, p=0,003) e óbito (31% vs. 0%; p=0,017) foram significantemente elevadas em crianças com PA comparadas com adultos com PA. Na análise dos pacientes com PA e SAM em comparação com os com somente PA sem SAM demonstrou que a idade dos pacientes com PA e SAM foi significantemente menor em comparação com aqueles sem SAM [15 (8,8- 55) vs. 33,5 (10,2-45,7) anos, p=0,007]. As frequências de febre (94% vs. 37%, p=0,001), leucopenia (82% vs. 19%, p=0,0001), trombocitopenia (65% vs. 19%, p=0,013), hipertrigliceridemia (87% vs. 42%, p=0,037) e hiperferritinemia (93% vs. 37%, p=0,011) foram significantemente aumentadas nos pacientes com PA e SAM comparados aos pacientes com somente PA. A concomitância de febre e hiperferritinemia foi significantemente mais freqüente no primeiro grupo (86% vs. 12%, p=0,0015). Conclusões: Este estudo forneceu novos dados que evidenciaram que SAM ocorreu na maioria dos LESP com PA com uma maior mortalidade em comparação com LESA. Além disso, foram identificados em pacientes com PA e SAM, um conjunto de parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais associado com as duas complicações / Objective: We previously reported a case series of acute pancreatitis (AP) and macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) in childhood (cSLE) patients, however there are no data regarding the comparison of AP and MAS in large populations of cSLE and adult SLE (aSLE). Methods: This study included 362 cSLE and 1,830 aSLE patients. MAS was diagnosed according to preliminary diagnostic guidelines and AP according to the presence of abdominal pain or vomiting associated to an increase of pancreatic enzymes and/or pancreatic radiological abnormalities. Demographic data, clinical features, SLEDAI-2K, SLICC/ACR-DI and treatment were assessed. Results: Higher and significant frequency of AP in cSLE compared to aSLE patients [12/362(3.3%) vs. 20/1830(1.1%), p=0.003], with similar AP duration [22(6- 60) vs. 15(4-90) days, p=0.534]. MAS (85% vs. 30%, p=0.003) and death by MAS complication (31% vs. 0%, p=0.017) were significantly higher in children with AP compared with aSLE with AP. Further analysis of patients with AP and MAS compared with AP without MAS demonstrated that age in MAS patients was significantly lower compared with those without this complication [15(8.8-55) vs. 33.5(10.2-45.7) years, p=0.007]. The frequencies of fever (94% vs. 37%,p=0.001), leucopenia (82% vs. 19%,p=0.0001), thrombocytopenia (65% vs. 19%,p=0.013), hypertriglyceridemia (87% vs. 42%,p=0.037) and hyperferritinemia (93% vs. 37%,p=0.011) were also more frequently observed in AP patients with MAS compared in AP patients without MAS. Fever and hyperferritinemia concomitantly were more frequent in the former group (86% vs. 12%, p=0.0015). Conclusions: This study provides novel data demonstrating that MAS occur in the majority of cSLE with AP with a higher mortality compared to aSLE. In addition, we identified in AP patients, a cluster of MAS clinical and laboratorial parameters more associated with this complication
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Translocação bacteriana na pancreatite aguda: efeito da administração de indometacina / Bacterial translocation in acute pancreatitis: effect of indomethacin administrationMatheus, André Siqueira 27 May 2004 (has links)
A ocorrência de translocação bacteriana durante a pancreatite aguda tem sido descrita como o principal fator responsável pela ocorrência de infecção pancreática. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da administração da indometacina na ocorrência de translocação bacteriana e infecção pancreática. Foi utilizado um modelo experimental de pancreatite aguda com taurocolato de sódio 2,5%. Noventa ratos wistar machos foram divididos em três grupos: Sham, Pancreatite e Indometaciana. Foram analisadas, a ocorrência de translocação bacteriana e a incidência de infecção pancreática. A indometacina foi capaz de reduzir a população bacteriana e a incidência de infecção pancreática na pancreatite aguda experimental, no entanto a indometacina não foi capaz de alterar os índices de mortalidade / Increased gut bacterial translocation (BT) in AP has been correlated with pancreatic infection. Thepurpose of this study was to determinate if the BT and pancreatic infection can be reduced in severe AP after Indomethacin administration. An experimental model of severe AP by injection taurocholic acid 2.5%. Ninety male wistar rats were divided in 3 groups: Sham, Pancreatitis, and Indomethacin. We analyzed the occurrence of BT to the pancreas and pancreatic infection with bacterial cultures. Bacterial translocation or bacterial accumulation was not observed in the Sham group. We concluded based in our data that the administration of Indomethacin may reduce the bacterial population in the pancreas and the occurrence of pancreatic infection. Moreover Indomethacin could not reduce the mortality rate in this experimental model
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Frequência de tabagismo e das mutações N34S e P55S do gene Serine Protease Inhibitor Kazal-Type 1 (SPINK1) e da mutação R254W do gene Quimotripsina C (CTRC) em pacientes portadores de pancreatite crônica e em controle / Frequency of tabagism and N34S and P55S mutation of Serine Protease Inhibitor Kazal-Type 1 gene (SPINK1) and R254W mutation of Chymotrypsin C gene (CTRC) in patients with chronic pancreatitis and controlsCosta, Marianges Zadrozny Gouvêa da 24 August 2015 (has links)
A pancreatite crônica é uma desordem complexa, na qual a interação entre fatores ambientais e genéticos resulta na enfermidade. O presente estudo incluiu 148 pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite crônica, 110 etilistas crônicos e 297 controles sadios com o objetivo de investigar a frequência de tabagismo e das mutações N34S e P55S do gene SPINK1 e R254W do gene CTRC nesta população. Foi aplicado questionário presencial e realizada reação de sequenciamento para a pesquisa das mutações genéticas, após assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os portadores de pancreatite crônica possuíam etiologia alcoólica em 74% das vezes e idiopática em 26%. A pancreatite alcoólica apresentou-se de maneira distinta da pancreatite crônica idiopática, sendo que o primeiro grupo é composto por maior prevalência do gênero masculino (88,18% versus 34,21%), por maior média de idade (55,64 anos versus 45,20 anos), menor frequência de caucasianos (63,89% versus 84,21%), menor escolaridade (23,30% concluíram ensino médio ou superior versus 57,89%) e maior frequência de repercussões da doença, como diarréia (54,21% versus 24,24%), emagrecimento (56,07% versus 24,24%), diabete melito (57,94% versus 36,36%) e ocorrência de pseudocistos pancreáticos (31,78% versus 12,12%), repercussões estas que não foram acompanhadas de maior frequência de alterações morfológicas, como calcificações pancreáticas ou dilatação do ducto pancreático principal. A frequência de tabagismo foi significativamente maior em pacientes com pancreatite crônica alcoólica do que em etilistas sem pancreatite crônica, podendo ser considerado cofator de risco para o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônica entre alcoolistas (p = 0,002); a frequência da mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 em pacientes com pancreatite crônica foi de 3,38%, maior do que a frequência de 0,49% encontrada nos grupos controle (p = 0,016); a frequência de 2,03% da mutação P55S do gene SPINK1 e a frequência de 0,67% da mutação R254W do gene CTRC, encontradas nos pacientes com pancreatite crônica, não diferiram estatisticamente quando comparadas às frequências, de 0,49% de ambas mutações, encontradas nos grupos controle. (p = 0,120 e 0,751). Pela investigação da associação de tabagismo e da mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 com as características clínicas e morfológicas da pancreatite crônica, verificou-se que a mutação N34S não se associou a maior gravidade da apresentação clínica ou morfológica da pancreatite crônica; no entanto o tabagismo associou-se a maior frequência de diabete melito entre os portadores de pancreatite crônica. Concluiuse que o tabagismo e a mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 podem ser considerados cofatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônica / Chronic pancreatitis is a complex disorder in which the interaction between environmental and genetic factors results in the disease. This study included 148 patients with chronic pancreatitis, 110 chronic alcoholics and 297 healthy controls in order to investigate the frequency of smoking and N34S and P55S mutation of SPINK1 gene and R254W of CTRC gene in this population. A questionnaire was applied and gene sequencing was done, after having the Informed Consent Statement. Those with chronic pancreatitis had alcoholic etiology in 74% of cases and idiopathic in 26%. Alcoholic pancreatitis presented in a distinct way of idiopathic chronic pancreatitis. The first group is composed of a higher prevalence of males (88.18% versus 34.21%), by higher mean age (55.64 years versus 45.20 years), lower frequency of Caucasians (63.89% versus 84.21%), lower education (23.30% completed secondary or higher education versus 57.89%) and worst impact from the disease such as diarrhea (54.21% versus 24.24%), weight loss (56.07% versus 24.24%), diabetes mellitus (57.94% versus 36.36%) and occurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts (31.78% versus 12 , 12%). These effects were not accompanied by increased frequency of morphological changes, such as pancreatic calcifications or dilation of the main pancreatic duct. The frequency of smoking was significantly higher in patients with alcoholic pancreatitis than in alcoholics without chronic pancreatitis, therefore tabagism may be considered as a cofactor for the development of chronic pancreatitis among alcoholics (p = 0.002); the frequency of N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene in patients with chronic pancreatitis was 3.38%, higher than the rate of 0.49% found in the control groups (p = 0.016); the frequency of 2.03% of the P55S mutation of SPINK1 gene and the frequency of 0.67% of the CTRC gene R254W mutation found in patients with chronic pancreatitis were not statistically different when compared to the frequencies of 0.49% of both mutations, found in the control groups. (p = 0.120 and 0.751) For the investigation of the association of smoking and N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene with the clinical and morphological features of chronic pancreatitis, it was noticed that the N34S mutation did not determine a greatest severity in the presentation of chronic pancreatitis, however smoking was associated with a higher frequency of diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic pancreatitis. It was concluded that smoking and the N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene are positively correlated with chronic pancreatitis
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