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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legofolk : drängar, pigor och bönder i 1700- och 1800-talens Sverige = Farm servants and peasants in 18th and 19th century Sweden / Farm servants and peasants in 18th and 19th century Sweden

Harnesk, Börje January 1990 (has links)
The institution of farm service was mainly a West-European phenomenon. It was linked to the high age at marriage and it was an important system for the distribution of labour in agriculture. In Sweden, the use of farm servants in peasant agriculture intensified in the 18th century and remained important up till the advent of industrialization. The growth of a class of property-less, rural labourers did not undermine the system of farm service, as is sometimes claimed. Patriarchalism was an ideology intimately connected with farm service. During the 18th century, however, patriarchalism was not the common frame of reference among the upper classes when discussing state policy towards serv­ants. Patriarchalism did not become an important ideology until the beginning of the 19th century. It was inspired by the liberal critique of the old, mercantilist attitude towards labour. At the grass-root level, farm servants showed a culturally defined hostility towards wage labour. They tried to exchange wages in money for different kinds of rights and liberties, which might have served the purpose of disguising the employer-employee relationship to the peasant masters. An egalitarian ideology, typical of especially northern Sweden's peasantry, might have strengthened this hostility to being wage earners instead of having independent ways of making a living. / digitalisering@umu

Contrapontos entre o masculino e o feminino em São Bernardo, de Graciliano Ramos

Silva, Janaina Angela da 18 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:39:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 481167 bytes, checksum: 23177dfdbbd1e1a3123b602248bab1d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Our study analyses the novel São Bernardo, by Graciliano Ramos, published in 1934. Our perspective is interested in the tensions established between the two main characters - Paulo Honório e Madalena, both representing specific poles attached to the masculine and the feminine. Along our study we try to contextualized the historical period represented by the author, as well as the gender and social arrangements of those days. Language and discourse are presented as possible tools of balancing the gendered tensions established in the organization of power. Gender studies as well as language perspectives on discourse are our main elements to analyze the novel chosen for our corpus. We believe tension does not finish at the end of the novel, but it is displaced to another level. Writing appears as the only element that might help in bringing the whole system (of the novel) into balance / Nosso trabalho debruça-se sobre o romance São Bernardo, de Graciliano Ramos, publicado em 1934. Nosso olhar sobre tal texto é, desde o início, interessado nas tensões que se estabelecem entre dois personagens Paulo Honório e Madalena, ambos lidos aqui como polos identificadores do masculino e feminino construído ao longo do enredo. Ao longo de três capítulos, voltamos nosso interesse para a contextualização do período retratado, os arranjos sociais e de gênero da época e as possibilidades que a linguagem e o discurso assumem na organização de relações de poder. Assim, nos apoiamos em textos provenientes dos estudos de gênero e da área dos estudos da linguagem com fins de discutir detalhadamente a construção e desconstrução dos personagens centrais criados por Graciliano Ramos. Acreditamos que a tensão não se desfaz, apenas é deslocada para outro plano após o suicídio de Madalena, já que qualquer noção de paz cai por terra, ao menos aos olhos de Paulo Honório, nosso narrador-personagem. A escrita, contudo, é o elemento de resgate de algum equilíbrio possível

Escravos, súditos e homens: a noção de consentimento na polêmica Locke-Filmer / Slaves, vassals and men: the idea of consent in the Locke-Filmer polemics

Almeida, Maria Cecilia Pedreira de 05 October 2006 (has links)
Os Dois tratados sobre o governo, de John Locke, têm um papel de destaque na filosofia política das Luzes. Neles, ao afirmar as idéias de liberdade e igualdade naturais dos homens, o autor mina as bases do pensamento absolutista. Apesar de ser no Segundo tratado que o autor estabelece de modo mais evidente sua teoria política, é importante notar que o pressuposto lógico desta obra é o Primeiro tratado sobre o governo, texto menos conhecido e estudado pela história da filosofia, no qual Locke refuta de forma minuciosa as idéias de Robert Filmer, sistematizador da doutrina patriarcalista e do direito divino dos reis. Ao rejeitar argumentos de Filmer, Locke mostra que o poder político não se constitui apenas de vontade, mas envolve consenso, lei e entendimento. O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar o lado menos conhecido desse debate: os argumentos elaborados por Filmer para criticar a teoria da soberania popular e o contratualismo nem sempre são respondidos com eficácia absoluta por Locke. Além disso, a intenção é também expor o quanto o pensamento lockiano é marcado pelas asserções de Filmer, cujas idéias podem ter mais importância do que história da filosofia lhe tem atribuído. / John Locke\'s \"Two Treatises on Government\" have an important role in the political philosophy of the Enlightenment. By stating the ideas of the natural liberty and equality of men, the author undermines the bases of the absolutist thought. If it is in the Second Treatise that the author establishes his political theory in a more evident way, it is important to notice that the logical presupposition of this work is the First Treatise on Government, a less known text in which Locke refutes in a minutious way the ideas of Robert Filmer, who sistematized the patriarchalist doctrine, as well as the one concerning the divine right of kings. By rejecting Filmer\'s statements, Locke shows that political power is not constituted only by will, but involves consent, law and understanding. This work aims to present an aspect of this debate which is less known: the arguments elaborated by Filmer to criticize the theory of popular sovereignty as well as contractarianism are not always answered with total eficacy by Locke. Besides, we intend to expose how much the Lockean thought is determined by Filmer, whose thought may have a greater importance than what the history of philosophy has attributed to it.

Escravos, súditos e homens: a noção de consentimento na polêmica Locke-Filmer / Slaves, vassals and men: the idea of consent in the Locke-Filmer polemics

Maria Cecilia Pedreira de Almeida 05 October 2006 (has links)
Os Dois tratados sobre o governo, de John Locke, têm um papel de destaque na filosofia política das Luzes. Neles, ao afirmar as idéias de liberdade e igualdade naturais dos homens, o autor mina as bases do pensamento absolutista. Apesar de ser no Segundo tratado que o autor estabelece de modo mais evidente sua teoria política, é importante notar que o pressuposto lógico desta obra é o Primeiro tratado sobre o governo, texto menos conhecido e estudado pela história da filosofia, no qual Locke refuta de forma minuciosa as idéias de Robert Filmer, sistematizador da doutrina patriarcalista e do direito divino dos reis. Ao rejeitar argumentos de Filmer, Locke mostra que o poder político não se constitui apenas de vontade, mas envolve consenso, lei e entendimento. O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar o lado menos conhecido desse debate: os argumentos elaborados por Filmer para criticar a teoria da soberania popular e o contratualismo nem sempre são respondidos com eficácia absoluta por Locke. Além disso, a intenção é também expor o quanto o pensamento lockiano é marcado pelas asserções de Filmer, cujas idéias podem ter mais importância do que história da filosofia lhe tem atribuído. / John Locke\'s \"Two Treatises on Government\" have an important role in the political philosophy of the Enlightenment. By stating the ideas of the natural liberty and equality of men, the author undermines the bases of the absolutist thought. If it is in the Second Treatise that the author establishes his political theory in a more evident way, it is important to notice that the logical presupposition of this work is the First Treatise on Government, a less known text in which Locke refutes in a minutious way the ideas of Robert Filmer, who sistematized the patriarchalist doctrine, as well as the one concerning the divine right of kings. By rejecting Filmer\'s statements, Locke shows that political power is not constituted only by will, but involves consent, law and understanding. This work aims to present an aspect of this debate which is less known: the arguments elaborated by Filmer to criticize the theory of popular sovereignty as well as contractarianism are not always answered with total eficacy by Locke. Besides, we intend to expose how much the Lockean thought is determined by Filmer, whose thought may have a greater importance than what the history of philosophy has attributed to it.

Kaksi tähteä – komeetta ja tähdenlento:suomalaisen naistenviihteen asemointia esimerkkeinä Hilja Valtonen ja Aino Räsänen

Klintrup, P. (Petra) 21 September 2011 (has links)
Abstract Focusing on women’s fiction in Finland, this thesis aims to show that, although long underrated by literary institutions, the contribution that this form of literature can make to contemporary discussion equals that of any other type of literature. As its starting point, this thesis uses novels written by two successful Finnish authors, Hilja Valtonen, who made her literary debut in 1926, and Aino Räsänen, who published her first novel in 1945. The thesis seeks to answer the following questions: How the novels of the two authors reflect their time? What do they reveal about gender relationships? And what do they tell about differences between women? In addition, the thesis explores how falling in love affects women and how the novels portray marriage. Also discussed are descriptions of emotions that women in the novels experience. Falling within the larger framework of Feminist Literature research, this study also investigates expressions of the patriarchal system and its consequences. Theories of intertextuality are then utilized to demonstrate the significance of intertextual connections for the content matter of the studied novels. Valtonen and Räsänen approach patriarchal use of power from very different perspectives. Employing irony and scathing criticism as vehicles, Valtonen shows how it places women in a subordinate position. For Räsänen, however, patriarchal control and the traditional female duties of house-keeping and motherhood provide a route toward national unity after a gruelling war. At the same time, the pure utopian world of her novel offers both solace and a promise of a better world to women who have endured many hardships. Finnish women’s fiction is traditionally divided into two categories: romantic fiction, which is Räsänen’s speciality, and humorous romance. Valtonen can be said to have pioneered humorous romance in Finnish literature, although her literary production actually breaks the traditional dicotomy in women’s fiction by introducing a third category, namely, the ostensibly humorous romance that comments on society, class, power and women’s position. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaista naistenviihdettä. Tavoitteena on osoittaa, että tämä pitkään kirjallisuusinstituutijoiden väheksymä kirjallisuudenlaji voi osallistua aikalaiskeskusteluun kuten mikä tahansa muu aikaansa kommentoiva kirjallisuus. Aihetta tarkastellaan kahden kotimaisen menestyskirjailijan, vuonna vuonna 1926 debytoineen Hilja Valtosen ja 1945 esikoisromaaninsa julkaisseen Aino Räsäsen teosten kautta: Miten Valtosen ja Räsäsen teokset kuvastavat aikaansa? Mitä teokset kertovat sukupuolten välisistä suhteista? Entä mitä ne kertovat naisten välisistä eroista? Lisäksi tarkastellaan, mihin rakastuminen teoksissa naisia kuljettaa ja millainen kuva niissä piirtyy avioliitosta. Kyse on myös naisten tunne-elämän kuvailun tarkastelusta. Tutkimus sijoittuu feministisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen piiriin, ja siinä tutkitaan myös sitä, millä tavoin patriarkaalinen järjestelmä seuramuksineen romaaneissa näyttäytyy. Lisäksi tukeudutaan intertekstuaalisuuden teorioihin ja pyritään osoittamaan, mikä intertekstuaalisten kytkentöjen merkitys on teosten sisällölle. Patriarkaalinen vallankäyttö näyttäytyy Valtosen ja Räsäsen teoksissa eri tavoin. Valtonen osoittaa, ironiaa ja terävää kritiikkiä käyttäen, sen johtavan naisten alisteiseen asemaan. Räsäsen teoksessa patriarkaalinen järjestys ja naisten tehtävä kodin vaalijana ovat tie kohti kansan eheytymistä sodan jälkeisessä tilanteessa. Samalla hänen romaaninsa puhdas utopistinen maailma tarjoaa kovia kokeneille naisille lohtua ja tulevaisuudenuskoa. Suomalaisessa naistenviihteessä on perinteisesti ollut erotettavissa kaksi perustyyppiä: romanttinen rakkausviihde, joka on Räsäsen laji, ja leikillinen rakkausromaani. Valtonen on Suomessa leikillisen rakkausromaanin edelläkävijä, ja itse asiassa Valtosen tuotannossa suomalaisen naistenviihteen perinteinen jaottelu rikkoutuu: kolmas, Valtosen edustama laji on näennäisesti leikillinen, yhteiskuntaan, luokkaan, vallankäyttöön ja naisen asemaan kantaa ottava rakkausromaani.

Män i staten : stationskarlar och brevbärare i statens tjänst, 1897-1937 / Men of the State : Railway Station Staff and Postmen, 1897-1937

Kvarnström, Lars January 1998 (has links)
The employer, the state, long had the right to unilaterally set wages and determine working conditions. The goverment employees lacked the right to negotiate and sign agreements and to strike. This dissertation focuses on government employees, analyzing their identity and the strategies they chose to deal with their relationship to their employer. The perspective is that of the railway stations staff, postmen and other low-ranking civil servants employed by the Swedish National Railway and the Royal Post Office 1897-1937. The state became bureaucratized during the latter part of the 19th century. Bureaucratization of the goverment´s status as employer was necessary, but at the same time not sufficient to meet the demands of securing operations and of loyal personnel. Therefore bureaucratization was combined with other strategies, especially patriarchalism at the beginning of the 20th century. Through the growth of a discourse concerning "we in the department" strong bonds were created between superiors and subordinates in the department. Later the bureacracy was combined with corporative elements in the employer strategy of the state. For the Railway Workers´Union and the Postal Workers´Union a political strategy became the main and natural choice, considering the employer´s position of superiority. The political role of the employer was a foundation for the state employees´choise of strategy. This political strategy was one of servility and respect at the beginning of the 20th century, but later on borrowed elements of and actual content from trade union and professional strategies. The ideal for a state employee became that of a man with regular post who wore a uniform. There was a close connection between the collective identity of lower civil servants and the identity they were ascribed by their employer. Because of the strenght of the masculine identity this bore the characteristics of brotherhood.

O truque e a técnica: representações do trabalho em Lavoura arcaica (filme e romance) e S. Bernardo / Artifice and technique: labour representations in Lavoura arcaica (movie and romance) and São Bernardo (movie)

Lino Filho, Agnelo Bento 31 August 2015 (has links)
O filme S. Bernardo (Leon Hirszman) e o romance Lavoura arcaica (Raduan Nassar) despontam nos anos da cruel ditadura de direita no país. As duas obras juntamente com o filme Lavoura arcaica (Luís Fernando Carvalho), que veio depois, em 2001 apresentam propostas diferenciadas para a representação do tema do trabalho, em um contexto rural e patriarcal, ambientado nos anos 1930-1940. Sendo esse o recorte adotado aqui, o estudo buscará refletir sobre o modo como a formalização da matéria histórica brasileira se inscreveu nas obras, apontando as posições ideológicas dos seus realizadores diante de uma dinâmica social particular e localizada. O método comparativo que reúne estas três obras examina alguns pontos de convergência entre elas, os quais nos fazem questionar a pretensa desvinculação da realidade atual com a ditadura militar, tida como acabada. / The movie São Bernardo (Leon Hirszman) and the novel Lavoura Arcaica (Raduan Nassar) emerged in the years of ruthless right-wing dictatorship in the country. The two works - along with the movie Lavoura Arcaica (Luis Fernando Carvalho), which came later, in 2001 - present different proposals for the representation of the work theme, in a rural and patriarchal context, set in the years 1930-1940. That being the cut adopted here, the study will seek to reflect on how the formalization of the Brazilian historical matter enrolled in the works, pointing out the ideological positions of its directors before a particular and located social dynamics. The comparative method that gather these three works examines some points of convergence between them, which make us question the desire decoupling of the current reality with the military dictatorship, considered over.

José de Alencar : "sou americano para o que der e vier" /

Candido, Weslei Roberto. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Roberto Velloso Cairo / Banca: Pedro Brum Santos / Banca: Eduardo de Faria Coutinho / Banca: Tânia Regina de Luca / Banca: Márcio Roberto Pereira / Resumo: Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar o romancista José de Alencar como o fundador do romance americano no Brasil, lendo seus romances, prefácios e notas que deixou às suas narrativas, pelo viés de um olhar americano. Desta maneira, o conceito de americanidade possibilitará uma leitura da obra alencariana no âmbito das negociações identitárias. Para tanto, conceitos que estão sob a capa da americanidade como entre-lugar, casa-grande e senzala, tropicalismo, transculturação, indigenismo, serão analisados nos romances de Alencar, pois estes conceitos se cruzam na construção de um discurso que tenta reinventar e explicar a América continuamente. Ao debater estes temas, postular-se-á a figura do romancista como aquele que primeiro defendeu, no Brasil, a construção de um romance das Américas, que propôs narrar a lenta gestação do povo americano no seu projeto de literatura. Alencar também foi o primeiro a se auto-definir como americano publicamente no jornal O Globo. O sentimento de americanidade em Alencar poderá ser verificado nos diálogos estabelecidos, por seus romances, com outros romancistas e escritores do continente. Todos pensando na construção da identidade americana em seus textos. Assim, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, José Hernández, Juan León Mera, Clorinda Matto de Turner, Jorge Icaza e Ciro Alegría, serão vistos em contraponto com a produção romanesca de Alencar. Todos estes autores privilegiando o espaço americano como seu lugar de enunciação na defesa de uma produção cultural própria do continente americano, da qual seus romances, ensaios e poemas são portadores. Portanto, a tese propõe um trabalho de comparatismo literário interamericano, que tem como centro de discussões a própria América nos seus mais diversos cruzamentos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This thesis aims at presenting the novelist José de Alencar as the founder of the american novel in the Brazil, reading his novels, prefaces and notes that he left in his narratives, on the bias at an american look. In this way, the concept of americanism will make possible the reading of Alencar‟s books in the ambit of the identity negotiations. For this proposal, concepts that are under the cover of americanism as in-between, The Masters and The Slaves, tropicalism, transculturation, indigenism will be analysed in Alencar‟s novels, because these concepts cross themselves in the construction of a discourse that tries to re-invent and to explain America continuously. At debating these themes, we will postulate that the figure of the novelist as the one who first defended, in Brazil, the construction of a novel of Américas, that proposed to tell the slow gestation of the american people in his literature project. Alencar also was the first to auto-define himself as american publicaly in the newspaper O Globo. The americanism feeling in Alencar will be verified in dialogues established, by his novels, with other novelists and writers of the continent. All of them are thinking of a construction of american identity in their texts. So, Domingo Faustino Sarmineto, José Hernández, Juan León Mera, Clorinda Matto de Turner, Jorge Icaza and Ciro Alegria will be seen in counterpoint with Alencar‟s romanesque production. All of these authors privilege the american space as the place of enunciation in the defense of an own cultural production of the american continent, from which his novels, essays, and poems are porters. Therefore, this thesis porposes a work of literary comparativism, which has as a center of discussions the own America in its... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

A relação público privado no Brasil e suas expressões na política de assistência social: o cheque cidadão em xeque / Public/private relations in Brazil and social assistance policies: a study on "cheque cidadão (citzen check)"

Cristina Gomes de Oliveira 20 September 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Inserida no contexto dos estudos sociológicos acerca das esferas pública e privada na composição das relações sociais, esta dissertação analisa a imbricação entre estas esferas na construção histórica das relações sociais brasileiras e na composição da cultura política que as rege, objetivando identificar seus impactos e expressões atuais nas políticas sociais, com enfoque na política de assistência social. Com fundamentação em referencial teórico-metodológico marxista, foram utilizadas categorias gramscianas para estudo e conceituação daquelas esferas. Como campo empírico de pesquisa no âmbito da política de assistência social foi eleito o programa Cheque Cidadão implementado pelo Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro desde o no ano de 1999, adotando-se como conjunto instrumental entrevistas, análise documental, e observação em campo. As análises de dados e as considerações finais apontam que a recorrente execução de políticas públicas de assistência através de entidades religiosas, ainda que num Estado considerado laico, permite a criação de relações fundadas a partir de identidades privadas entre os indivíduos sociais e seus governantes, viabilizando privilégios não necessariamente formais, mas sobretudo reais no acesso a políticas sociais de natureza pública, constitutivas de direito, deturpando-as e adubando assim nosso vasto solo de cultura política patriarcal, personalista, de supressão do público pelo privado e mercantil, onde se fundaram nossas raízes. / This dissertation analyzes how the public and the private spheres imbricate to build Brazilian social relations and the political culture that serves them as guideline. The study integrates sociological research concerning how social relations originate, aiming at identifying the impacts and influences that the aforementioned relations bring to current social policies, focusing on social assistance policies. The theoretical and methodological approach was based on Marxist literature, and categories taken from Gramsci works were used to study and conceptualize the public and private spheres. Empirical research referred to the program cheque cidadão, which has been implemented by Rio de Janeiro state government since 1999. Interviews, documentation and field work constituted the instruments used. Data analysis and final observations indicate that the fact that religious entities are in charge of accomplishing social assistance policies within a lay state gives way to relations that are based on private, rather public, identities between individuals and their rulers, which makes possible the existence of privileges _ real, if not formalized _ regarding access to social policies. These are meant to be lawful and of public nature policies. Therefore, the process described above distort them and feed the Brazilian political culture, deeply rooted in patriarchalism and personalism, that favors private relations in detriment of the public matters.

José de Alencar: “sou americano para o que der e vier”

Candido, Weslei Roberto [UNESP] 18 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-11-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:22:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 candido_wr_dr_assis.pdf: 948503 bytes, checksum: 069368fad1bda8dad2918c9bb1a88de3 (MD5) / Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar o romancista José de Alencar como o fundador do romance americano no Brasil, lendo seus romances, prefácios e notas que deixou às suas narrativas, pelo viés de um olhar americano. Desta maneira, o conceito de americanidade possibilitará uma leitura da obra alencariana no âmbito das negociações identitárias. Para tanto, conceitos que estão sob a capa da americanidade como entre-lugar, casa-grande e senzala, tropicalismo, transculturação, indigenismo, serão analisados nos romances de Alencar, pois estes conceitos se cruzam na construção de um discurso que tenta reinventar e explicar a América continuamente. Ao debater estes temas, postular-se-á a figura do romancista como aquele que primeiro defendeu, no Brasil, a construção de um romance das Américas, que propôs narrar a lenta gestação do povo americano no seu projeto de literatura. Alencar também foi o primeiro a se auto-definir como americano publicamente no jornal O Globo. O sentimento de americanidade em Alencar poderá ser verificado nos diálogos estabelecidos, por seus romances, com outros romancistas e escritores do continente. Todos pensando na construção da identidade americana em seus textos. Assim, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, José Hernández, Juan León Mera, Clorinda Matto de Turner, Jorge Icaza e Ciro Alegría, serão vistos em contraponto com a produção romanesca de Alencar. Todos estes autores privilegiando o espaço americano como seu lugar de enunciação na defesa de uma produção cultural própria do continente americano, da qual seus romances, ensaios e poemas são portadores. Portanto, a tese propõe um trabalho de comparatismo literário interamericano, que tem como centro de discussões a própria América nos seus mais diversos cruzamentos... / This thesis aims at presenting the novelist José de Alencar as the founder of the american novel in the Brazil, reading his novels, prefaces and notes that he left in his narratives, on the bias at an american look. In this way, the concept of americanism will make possible the reading of Alencar‟s books in the ambit of the identity negotiations. For this proposal, concepts that are under the cover of americanism as in-between, The Masters and The Slaves, tropicalism, transculturation, indigenism will be analysed in Alencar‟s novels, because these concepts cross themselves in the construction of a discourse that tries to re-invent and to explain America continuously. At debating these themes, we will postulate that the figure of the novelist as the one who first defended, in Brazil, the construction of a novel of Américas, that proposed to tell the slow gestation of the american people in his literature project. Alencar also was the first to auto-define himself as american publicaly in the newspaper O Globo. The americanism feeling in Alencar will be verified in dialogues established, by his novels, with other novelists and writers of the continent. All of them are thinking of a construction of american identity in their texts. So, Domingo Faustino Sarmineto, José Hernández, Juan León Mera, Clorinda Matto de Turner, Jorge Icaza and Ciro Alegria will be seen in counterpoint with Alencar‟s romanesque production. All of these authors privilege the american space as the place of enunciation in the defense of an own cultural production of the american continent, from which his novels, essays, and poems are porters. Therefore, this thesis porposes a work of literary comparativism, which has as a center of discussions the own America in its... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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