Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peasant."" "subject:"easant.""
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Gender and Agricultural Innovation in Peasant Production of Native Potatoes in the Central Andes of PeruSarapura, Silvia L. 09 May 2013 (has links)
Native potatoes are an important element of food security both as a direct food source and as a cash crop for peasant producers in the Andes of Peru. Production is basically for self-consumption and the shift to commercialization is a challenge. As a response, the Papa Andina Initiative (COGEPAN) was initiated to promote market innovation and pro-vide relative advantage to producers to respond to emerging markets. Research is limited on the integration, information and communication in relation to social relations. Old and new nonreciprocal relations and roles among stakeholders, consequences of customary practices, undermine the ability of female peasant producers. Any process requires an un-derstanding of culture, traditions and the gendered practices of agricultural production. As the research was premised on a feminist perspective, a sequential explanatory and mixed design was utilized for obtaining background and contextual data in a way that coupled collecting sex-disaggregated data with iterative planning activities readjusting the research to sharpen its focus on women. The situation of Andean peasant women within modern-day agricultural innovation systems is influenced by traditions and cus-tomary laws embedded in the specific lifeworlds of peasant communities. In COGEPAN, gender relations and roles are changing from the macro to the individual levels. Each change opens up new opportunities to shape innovation and benefit women. The partici-patory nature of market chains unfolds spaces for women to reveal leadership abilities. Gender relations and innovation have shifted in their own areas of interest or spheres. However, other gender issues are still embedded in peasant farming systems and the na-tive market chain. Results allow the researcher to recommend further policy analysis. The full range of women’s and men’s activities, resources, and benefits has to be reflected in the assessment of the innovation system and continuing activities. Gendered socio-economic factors affecting the adoption of proposed technological or institutional innova-tions need to be considered. Structural obstacles have to be addressed by implementing policies that facilitate peasant women’s advancement. The design and implementation of policy and legislation have to acknowledge that communities are not homogeneous and mechanisms have to be context-specific to achieve equitable representation of women and men. / Government of Ontario, IDRC/AUCC - LACREG, University of Guelph
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Il lavoro propone la traduzione annotata del poema “Pogorel'ščina“ (Terra bruciata, 1928), una delle ultime opere di Nikolaj Alekseevič Kljuev (1884-1937), inedita fino al 1954, e mai apparsa in lingua italiana.
La traduzione si mantiene il più possibile aderente al testo originale, che accosta il registro basso del canto popolare e quello alto letterario, liturgico ed epico. Le note al testo illustrano gli arcaismi e i localismi, tipici del linguaggio kljueviano, e approfondiscono alcuni motivi legati al folklore e alla tradizione ortodossa così come a quella vecchio-credente e settaria.
Completano il lavoro i dati relativi alla storia redazionale del poema, la cronologia della vita e delle opere dell'autore, fra i protagonisti della cosiddetta “Età d’argento” della poesia russa novecentesca, e un’appendice iconografica. / Our work offers a commented translation of the poem “Pogorel'shchina“ (The Burned Ruins, 1928), one of Nikolai Alekseevich Klyuev’s (1884-1937) last works. It was composed in 1928, remained unpublished until 1954 and was never translated into Italian.
In our translation, we have endeavoured to adhere to the original lexicon and syntax of the original text, which combines the low register of the folk songs with the upper, liturgical and epic register. In our notes to the text we illustrate the archaisms and localisms that are typical of Klyuev’s language and explore motifs related to the folklore, to the Orthodox tradition as well as to the Old Believers’ and sectarian tradition.
Finally, our work includes the redactional history of the poem, the chronology of the life and works of the author, one of the protagonists of the so called “Silver Age“ of XXth century Russian poetry, and an iconographic appendix.
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La consolidació de la propietat pagesa a Catalunya (el Baix Empordà, 1850-1940)Saguer i Hom, Enric 29 April 1996 (has links)
Aquesta tesi estudia algunes de les transformacions agràries enregistrades en un àmbit comarcal (la comarca catalana del Baix Empordà) entre mitjan segle XIX i mitjan segle XX. EI fil conductor és la distribució de la propietat del sol agrícola. Però per a la seva comprensió es considera necessari integrar moltes altres variables. EI treball també es proposa assajar alguns procediments metodològics poc habituals en l'anàlisi de la distribució de la propietat del sòl agrícola i la seva evolució en època contemporània. Com a hipòtesi central, es sosté que, al Baix Empordà i al llarg del període comprès entre 1850 i 1940, els canvis que varen produir-se en l'estructura de la propietat i, també, en I'estructura social rural, varen apuntar genèricament a favor dels grups pagesos. En particular, es sosté : ( I) Que la situació de partida (de mitjan segle XIX) ja es caracteritzava per un notable pes de la petita propietat pagesa sobre I'estructura de la propietat agrícola i sobre el conjunt del sistema agrari. (2) Que, amb posterioritat a la crisi agrària finisecular, els problemes de rendibilitat de la producció agrària i l'erosió soferta per alguns mecanismes d'extracció de renda varen tendir a allunyar els sectors rendistes que tradicionalment havien exercit la seva hegemonia -econòmica i social- en la societat rural. (3) I, finalment, que al llarg del període va produir-se un avenç de la propietat pagesa com a conseqüència del fet que una porció significativa de famílies pageses aconseguissin ampliar el seu patrimoni territorial a través de compres realitzades en el mercat de terres, alhora que un nombre significatiu de vells grans patrimonis es fraccionava i desfeia. La magnitud d'aquests canvis va ser moderada i no va pas estar exempta d'ambigüitats, però posa de relleu la capacitat de resistència i adequació de l'explotació pagesa a les condicions d'un capitalisme evolvent, malgrat els pronòstics en sentit contrari de molts teòrics. La tesi està articulada en dues parts. En la primera es duu a terme una descripció detallada de les característiques del sistema agrari baixempordanès de mitjan segle XIX amb l'objectiu final de determinar el significat econòmic de les terres posseïdes per cada patrimoni familiar (més enllà de la simple consideració de les superfícies). EI primer pas consisteix en l'anàlisi dels usos del sòl, dels conreus principals i la seva ordenació en rotacions, dels rendiments físics, de les practiques de reposició de la fertilitat i de la dotació ramadera. A continuació es descriuen les tècniques i el procés de treball agrari amb l'objectiu de formular un model d'organització del treball agrícola que permeti mesurar les exigències en treball d'aquesta activitat. Es conclou que, des de la perspectiva de l'ocupació i de la demanda de treball generades pel sistema agrari, les localitats rurals es caracteritzaven per un fort excedent de mà d'obra en relació a les demandes laborals dels conreus tant des d'una perspectiva macroeconòmica com microeconòmica. EI tercer capítol es centra en l'avaluació de les necessitats de consum i reproducció de les UFP. Les estimacions realitzades permeten proposar un model flexible, que és contrastat amb els ingressos potencialment obtenibles per cada patrimoni. S'arriba a la conclusió que només una ínfima part de la població arribava a obtenir, amb l'explotació directa del seu patrimoni, l'ingrés necessari per a la seva reproducció econòmica simple. Paral·lelament però, es posa de relleu la importància econòmica i social dels petits patrimonis pagesos. S'estima que entorn una mitjana del 45% del sòl agrícola estava posseït per aquest segment de propietaris i, en el quart capítol, s'estudien les implicacions d'aquest fet. EI retrat de la situació de partida finalitza amb l'estudi dels règims de no-propietat predominants a la comarca. En la segona part, aquesta visió estàtica deixa pas a una anàlisi dinàmica. A mitjan segle XIX, al Baix Empordà, s'estava arribant a la fi d'una llarga etapa expansiva iniciada una centúria abans. Els primers signes d'esgotament varen ser la intensa pèrdua de població rural entre 1860 i 1880, la paralització de l'expansió dels conreus i el fort desenvolupament de la industria surera, eix del nou motor econòmic comarcal. Amb posterioritat a 1860 els canvis en l'estructura distributiva de la propietat varen tendir a apuntar cap a la consolidació de la propietat pagesa. Es va produir un procés de transferència de terres des dels sectors rendistes cap a sectors pagesos que va realitzar-se a través de compravendes en el mercat de la terra més que a través d'establiments i subestabliments emfitèutics. Va tenir com a conseqüència última el retrocés dels vells patrimonis rendistes, que, en general, no varen ser substituïts per l'aparició de nous grans patrimonis, com havia pogut passar fins aleshores. Paral·lelament, un bon nombre d'unitats familiars rurals també varen anar abandonant el camp i les seves propietats, produint-se una altra línia de transferència de terres entre sectors pagesos. La depreciació sostinguda dels preus agrícoles, la caiguda de la renda agrària, la superior rendibilitat de les inversions en valors mobiliaris i la incidència d'una creixent conflictivitat agrària són els factors que es destaquen per explicar la reculada dels grans patrimonis territorials. Des de la perspectiva pagesa es proposen tres elements explicatius per interpretar el procés d'acumulació patrimonial observat en un determinat segment de població: (1) el manteniment d'estratègies de producció per a l'autoconsum (un aspecte sempre polèmic i de difícil demostració); (2) l'existència d'un flux important d'ingressos salarials i extra-agrícoles en la composició de l'ingrés familiar pagès; i (3) el canvi en les orientacions tècniques i productives de les explotacions pageses. La combinació dels tres, alhora que hauria limitat els efectes directes dels moviments dels preus agraris, hauria possibilitat l'estratègia acumulativa observada. / The thesis studies agrarian change in one particular Catalan region, the Baix Empordà, in NE Catalonia, from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth centuries. Its main running theme is the distribution of agricultural-land ownership, but many other variables are also taken into account. In the process, some methods are tried out which are not very usual in the analysis of land-ownership distribution and its evolution in the modem period. The thesis shows that changes in both land ownership and the social structure of the rural population, for the area and period under study, worked out, on the whole, in favour of the peasants. More specifically, it sets out to prove that: (I) the considerable importance of small peasant property in the structure of land ownership and within the agrarian system as a whole was already characteristic of the situation at the start of the period; (2) after the Great Depression of the late nineteenth century, declining profits and the erosion of certain traditional mechanisms for the extraction of land revenue turned the landed sectors away from agriculture who had up to then exercised their hegemony, both economic and social, in rural society; (3) and, lastly, there was over the period an expansion in peasant ownership in the form of an increase in the holdings of a significant proportion of peasant families through the purchase of land coming onto the market as a result of the break-up of old estates. Though the magnitude of those changes must not be exaggerated and though the general process was not without ambiguities, the peasant homestead showed remarkable resilience and ability to adapt to increasingly dominant capitalist conditions, all theoretical predictions to the contrary notwithstanding. The thesis is organized in two parts. In the first, a detailed description of the mid-nineteenth-¬century agrarian system of the region is provided, with a view to establishing the precise economic function and value of the land held by each peasant family (instead of looking simply at the size of the holdings). This entails, first of all, an analysis of land use, main crops, rotation practices, yields, methods of fertilization, and types and numbers of livestock possessed. Next, work techniques and processes are examined in order to arrive at a model for the organization of agricultural work allowing a quantified appraisal of its requirements in terms of labour. This leads to the conclusion that, given the demand for labour generated by such an agricultural system, the area produced a considerable labour surplus, whether one looks at it on the macroeconomic for the microeconomic level. The third chapter evaluates the needs of the peasant household in terms of consumption and reproduction. The samples studied provide a flexible model which is then compared with the potential income for each household, thus showing that only a small number of households were able to derive from their holdings alone the necessary income for more economic reproduction. Yet the economic and social importance of small holdings is also in evidence, with about 45% of all agricultural land falling into that category. The implications are examined in the fourth chapter, the first part thus ending with a look at the forms of non-owning land exploitation prevailing in the area. In the second part, this static picture becomes a dynamic analysis. By the mid-nineteenth century, the region was coming to the end of a long period of expansion which had begun one hundred years earlier. The first signs of this were the serious loss of rural population between 1860 and 1880, the end of further increase in land cultivation, and the strong expansion of the cork industry, which became the area's driving economic sector. After 1860, changes in the structure of land-ownership distribution tended towards the consolidation of peasant ownership. There was a process of transfer of property from landed renters to peasants by means of sales, rather than the traditional emphyteutic leasing and subleasing. This led eventually to the drastic shrinking of the landed-estate sector, as the broken-up old estates ceased to be replaced by new ones as before. At the same time, however, a good number of peasant families were leaving the land too, thus adding, from a different direction, to the steady flow of land transfers within the rural population. Falling prices and revenue, higher returns from other tie Ids of investment, and increasing social unrest in the agricultural sector are the reasons offered in explanation for the decline of the landed estates. As for the corresponding developments on the peasants' side, and more particularly the accumulation of land in the hands of some amongst them, three reasons are put forward: 1) the persistence of strategies of production for own consumption (always a controversial point and one not easy to prove); 2) the important size of wage earnings and earnings from outside agriculture as a share of the overall household income; and 3) changes in techniques and production strategies within the peasant exploitation units themselves. These three factors combined to soften the effects of the changes in agricultural prices and to allow for the strategy for land accumulation which is shown to be characteristic of the period.
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Da energia que se planta à sujeição camponesa: o Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel e seus rebatimentos no alto sertão sergipanoRodrigues, Jamile Oliveira 15 May 2013 (has links)
The project entitled From the energy which is planted to the peasants subjects: The National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel and its effect in the backwoods of Sergipe , analyzes the contradictions of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel in the backwoods of Sergipe and its effect in the peasants production. The study got back the debate about the discovery of oil as a great energy potential during the Second Industrial Revolution, and later, the increase of consumption through the economic activities, which brought up a shortage context of this resource, responsible for imposing a review of the world energetic base. The demand for a new energetic base is joined with the creation of a new development approach that suggests the rational and sustainable use of natural resources. In this outlook, the continuation of the production model depends on the creation of this new base, and Brazil, created many programs to support the energy production, especially, through agrofuels, whose history brought changes in the Brazilian rural areas. In Sergipe, the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel has been introduced in the country since 2007, presenting as an objective, the diesel production through the sunflower cultivation, and making it stand out by the promises of bringing environmental, social and economic benefits. Actually, the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel expresses the importance of the context that no structure change is highlighted to definitely stamp out the poverty in the country. In the study area, a program was observed that after spatializing, it went deeper into the vulnerability of the country person to the market guidelines, as the oil seeds production happens under the command of an outside agent, supporting the capitalist relations nowadays. / A pesquisa intitulada Da energia que se planta à sujeição camponesa: O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel e seus rebatimentos no Alto Sertão Sergipano , analisam as contradições do Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel (PNPB) no espaço agrário do Alto Sertão Sergipano e seus rebatimentos na unidade de produção camponesa. O estudo recuperou o debate acerca da descoberta do petróleo como um rico potencial energético na 2ª Revolução Industrial, e posteriormente, o aumento do consumo pelas atividades econômicas, que trouxe à tona um contexto de escassez desse recurso, responsável por impor uma revisão da matriz energética mundial. A situação de demanda por nova matriz energética se coloca ao lado da elaboração de um novo paradigma de desenvolvimento que sugere o uso racional e sustentável dos recursos da natureza. Nesse panorama, a continuidade do modelo de produção depende da criação dessa nova matriz, e o Brasil, criou vários programas para atender a produção de energia, principalmente, a partir de agrocombustíveis, cujas trajetórias trouxeram transformações no espaço rural brasileiro. Em Sergipe, o PNPB vem sendo introduzido no campo desde 2007, apresentando como objetivo a produção de diesel a partir do cultivo do girassol e destacando-se pela promessa de trazer benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Na realidade estudada, o PNPB expressa a sua importância no contexto em que nenhuma mudança estrutural é apontada para erradicar definitivamente a pobreza no campo. Na área de estudo, observou-se um programa que ao se espacializar, aprofundou a vulnerabilidade do camponês às diretrizes do mercado, à medida que a produção de oleaginosas se realiza sob o comando de um agente externo, atendendo ao momento atual das relações capitalistas.
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Modernização da Agricultura: expropriação camponesa e precarização do trabalho no agronegócio da manga em Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA) / Modernization of Agriculture: expropriation peasant and precarization of the work in the agro business of the mango in Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA)DOURADO, José Aparecido Lima 14 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:32:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao de Jose Aparecido LIma Dourado.pdf: 1724723 bytes, checksum: 1e57253763a099fe6826e5510bf00ac9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-02-14 / The present dissertation has as objective to understand the occurred transformations in the agriculture of Release of Ours Lady (BA) from the implantation of the Project of Irrigation of the Valley of the River Brumado, in the decade of 1980, and it s unfolding as for the capital relation versus work in the
mangoculture. The choice of the clipping space-weather took in consideration the action of the Politics of Irrigation for the Northeast in the local space, when the State search s through the infrastructure availability to modernize the territory and thus to supply the adequate conditions so that the great capital can be territoriality. The territorilization of the great capital in Release of Ours Lady occurs through the agro business centered in the fruit farming irrigated based in the mango production. In this direction, the new space dynamic in the field how much in the city, decurrent of the functionality become in such a way evident that the city assumes as fruit farming producing polar region. The farming s directed toward the production of sorts of first necessity had started to occupy each time little space and, on the other hand, the mangoculture has verified a considerable growth, placing the city as an importer of basic products of the feeding as it is the case of the rice and the beans. The
methodology used during the research was correct in the qualitative boarding. In the theoretical referential we argue the concepts of campesinato and work in the context of the implantation of the projects of irrigation in Brazilian Half-Barren, based in the studies on the simulation of the
campesinato while product of the different and combined development of the capitalism. Problematic on who is the benefited ones with the actions of the Politics of north-eastern implemented Irrigation half-barren, in order to bring to a bob the contradictions and movements that permeate such actions, whose resulted they have camouflaged for the State to take care of to the demands of the financial capital. In this context we defend the importance to think the citizens that live in Brazilian Half-Barren from its singularity, having for this the necessity to search to appraise this citizen as caatingueiro peasant for recognizing that its way of life, in its different aspects (cultural, social and economic) differs significantly from the called citizens of sertanejos . With the insertion of the agrobusiness of the mango in the city one witnessed deep transformations in the relations of work in the field, as almost the extinguishing of not capitalist relations of production (partnership and would mearia ) to
the step that had an intensification of the salaried. The exploration on urban peasants and workers has increased, being that the presence of the contractors cats has contributed for in such a way, finding these busy ones temporarily in activities in the farmings, sheds and packing houses, in its majority without having guaranteed the labor laws, has seen that they work as buoy-cold and day-workers
without register in wallet and under precarious conditions of work. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo compreender as transformações espaciais ocorridas na agricultura de Livramento de Nossa Senhora (BA) a partir da implantação do Projeto de Irrigação do Vale do Rio Brumado, na década de 1980, e seus desdobramentos no que se refere à relação capital versus trabalho no agronegócio da manga. A escolha do recorte espaço-temporal levou em consideração as ações da Política de Irrigação para o Nordeste Semiárido, pela qual o Estado buscou, através da disponibilidade de infraestrutura, modernizar o território e, assim, fornecer as condições
adequadas para o capital territorializar-se. A territorilização do capital em Livramento de Nossa Senhora ocorre através do agronegócio fruticultor exportador de manga. Nesse sentido, tornam-se evidentes as novas dinâmicas espaciais tanto no campo quanto na cidade, decorrentes da funcionalidade que o município assume como polo produtor frutícola. As lavouras voltadas para a produção de gêneros de primeira necessidade passaram a ocupar cada vez menos espaço e, em contrapartida, a mangicultura tem tido um crescimento considerável, situação que coloca o município como um importador de produtos básicos da alimentação, como arroz e feijão. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa esteve pautada na abordagem qualitativa, compreendendo diversos instrumentos de coleta de dados, tais como entrevistas, diário de campo, registro fotográfico e relatos orais. No referencial teórico, discuti-se os conceitos de campesinato e trabalho no contexto da implantação dos projetos de irrigação no Nordeste semi-árido, com base nos estudos sobre a recriação do campesinato enquanto produto do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado do capitalismo. Questionou-se quem são os beneficiados com as ações da Política de Irrigação implementada no Nordeste semi-árido, de modo a trazer à tona as contradições e movimentos que permeiam tais ações, cujos resultados têm sido camuflados pelo Estado para atender às demandas do capital financeiro. Nesse contexto, defende-se a importância de pensar os sujeitos que vivem na Caatinga a partir de suas singularidades, havendo, para
isso, a necessidade de conceituar esse sujeito como camponês caatingueiro por reconhecer que o seu modo de vida, em seus diferentes aspectos (culturais, sociais e econômicos), difere significativamente dos sujeitos denominados de sertanejos . Com a inserção do agronegócio da manga no município, presenciou-se profundas transformações nas relações de trabalho no campo, como a quase extinção de relações não capitalistas de produção (parceria e meação), ao passo que houve uma intensificação do assalariamento. A exploração de camponeses e trabalhadores que mesmo morando na cidade voltam ao
campo para trabalhar tem aumentado, sendo que a presença dos empreiteiros gatos tem contribuído, sobremodo, para que isso ocorra. Estes trabalhadores ocupam-se temporariamente em atividades nas lavouras, galpões e Packing houses, em sua maioria, sem ter garantidos os direitos trabalhistas, haja vista que trabalham como boias-frias e diaristas, sem registro em carteira e sob condições precárias de trabalho.
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The Nature of Farming: Peasantness and entrepreneurship revisited through the lens of diverging survival strategies of farms within the same micro-territory, Wallonia, BelgiumLouah, Line 10 September 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Considerable number of studies are produced to deal with one of the most important challenges of the 21th century, which is the triple challenge of: regenerating the life supporting services provided by the Earth system, achieving food and nutrition sovereignty that leaves no one behind, and ensuring that global food systems support socio-environmental justice. This triple challenge is intrinsically linked to the Gordian knot that characterizes present-day global agriculture, at once vital and threatening to human society. In the present study, this global Gordian knot is explored through the lens of the trajectories of a few dozen farming systems, all located in a micro-territory of Wallonia (Southern Belgium) at the heart of the old industrial Europe. The agroecosystems under study are all family farms, which are among the survivors of a socio-professional group that has shrunk dramatically in just a few decades. Our broad objective is to gain insight into the tenets of transition towards sustainable farming systems in Wallonia.An exploratory research phase contributes to set the scene of our 'core research'. The exploratory study shows that three types of discourses, and two opposite paradigms, split the conversation among Walloon stakeholders on the path to improve agriculture; moreover, it suggests that transition is mainly a matter of cognitive lock-in. Our core research builds upon these premises, while the 'Peasant Principle' (put forward by J.D. van der Ploeg) stands out as its main theoretical background. Our broad objective may therefore be reformulated as 'gaining insight into the tenets of repeasantization in Wallonia'. This is addressed through three research questions, namely: 'What makes a farming system more or less peasant?'; 'What is the link between farm survival strategies and the cognitive (un)locking process?'; and 'How to support repeasantization?'. Our approach is grounded into two deep-probing field studies. The first one is empirical, and essentially stems from a sample of 23 neighbouring farm families located in a homogeneous window of Wallonia, and whose trajectories have been explored through semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The second field study is the in-depth review of what we term 'Farming Assessment Normal Science' (FANS), which refers to usual (i.e. mainstream) farm productivity assessment, with or without sustainability concerns, and encompassing both agronomic and economic farm productive performance. Following an abductive and interdisciplinary approach, we make the realities of encountered farm families dialoguing with a set of theories and disciplines all along the four chapters of the core research – this set includes the Peasant Principle, agricultural accounting, orthodox economics, economic history, (agro)ecology, heterodox economic schools, thermodynamics and psychodynamics of work.The core research begins with the first proposal framework to build a situated tool assessing farm 'peasantness degree' (PD), and framed by the Peasant Principle. The application of this framework to our Walloon case study results in a 'PD tool' specifically designed to assess the relative peasantness of farms under study. By translating the broad dimensions of the Peasant Principle into 168 very tangible situated indicators, the resulting PD tool provides a fine-grained insight on what makes a farm more or less peasant in Wallonia. Economic and agronomic productivity indicators, usually used to compare farms, had to be left out from our comparative analysis. The reflexive process inherent to the PD tool construction has thus raised the following question: 'Why usual (economic and agronomic) productivity indicators turn out to be unfit to compare farming styles?'. This emerging question is first addressed by showing that FANS is rooted into orthodox economics, meaning that, with or without sustainability concerns, usual assessment views farms through the 'Firm model', and thus relies on input-output analysis to assess farm agronomic and economic performance. Through the lenses of both, (i) the diverging realities and peasantness degrees of investigated Walloon families, and (ii) the nature of the farming process, five categories of issues affecting the validity of FANS are put forward. The first category is about practical issues, and the other categories relate to conceptual issues. The three first categories only relate to farm economic assessment, whereas the fourth and fifth categories relate to both, agronomic and economic farm productivity assessment.Altogether, these issues not solely evidence that usual productivity indicators and usual sustainability assessment provide misleading insights on farm performance, but that they provide 'bias-asymmetry' insights, that is: the more a farming style depletes the (re)productive capacity of its agroecosystem, the more its productive performance is overestimated; in contrast, the more a style cares to replenish the (re)productive capacity of its agroecosystem, the more its productive performance is underestimated. Hence we evidence that FANS tailored, and keeps sustaining, 'the productivity myth' and. As this mainstream science has (and continue to) shape(d) agricultural prescriptions and development, we also show that these are oriented towards the loss of agroecosystems' (re)productive capacity.While unveiling the productivity myth and its real-life implications, a framework drawing on the 'Flow-Fund model' (put forward by the heterodox economist N. Georgescu-Roegen) emerged as a sound alternative to assess farm productivity performance. Through the lens of the flow-fund balance, we rely on the distinctly different ways Walloon farmers manage their agroecosystem, and on the metabolic nature of the farming process, to empirically and theoretically demonstrate that: the more a farming style complies with the peasant mode, the more the farming process (or flow-fund balance) is managed with art, and coproduces negentropy; conversely, the less a farming style entails peasantness, the more the farming process is denatured, and the more entropy is by-produced. Thus, at the same time, a metabolic interpretation of the Peasant Principle is drawn up.From all these empirical and theoretical insights, the following question emerges: 'How do surviving farm families cope with decennia of prescriptions oriented towards the depletion of the (re)productive capacity of agroecosystems, and thus towards of the depletion of their own capacity to remain farmers?'. Dealing with this emerging question merges with one last aspect that needed to be addressed, namely the social phe- nomena of suffering, deactivation and suicide that undermine the modern farming world of Wallonia and beyond. Assuming that these social phenomena are closely tied, we focus on the root causes of social suffering among surviving farmers, and give the floor to the statements of encountered farm families. After highlighting strong identity markers that set Walloon farmers as a singular socio-profes-sional group, the sensitive issue of suffering is addressed through collective narratives of encountered farmers on :the post- WW2 mutation of the Walloon farming work environment towards a modern environment with increased and plural hostility. Then we propose a typology of the strategies, deployed by the investigated farmers of Piccard Wallonia, to survive such hostility. By articulating our peasantness framework and the 'psychodynamic model of work-related suffering' (put forward by Ch. Dejours), five types of survival strategies are described, and labelled according to their corresponding category of farmers: the new peasants, the TMCE-ists (i.e. conservation agriculture farmers), the racing strugglers, the lost strugglers and the near-deactivated. These insights on farmers' narratives into the plurality of the hostility, on the contrasting degrees to which it undermines farmers' psychosocial health, and on farm diverging strategies, altogether challenge the commonly held vision that economic hardship is the root cause of agricultural pro- pensity to suffering, deactivation and suicide. Instead these empirical insights verify our interpretative hypothesis, i.e. the mechanical link between farmers' suffering and their relation to prescriptions. The loss of peasantness indeed appears as a root cause of the ill-being of the modern farming world.To conclude, this work evidences that the productivity myth has given rise to the (miscalled) 'productivist' paradigm and to a system of prescriptions oriented towards the depletion of the (re)productive capacity of agroecosystems – in turn undermining the Earth system's (re)production capacity. The psychosocial health of farmers clearly is a key fund element, and its depletion appears as the ultimate bend of the vicious downward spiral fueled by the productivity myth. We furthermore conclude that the peasant mode of production stands for managing the farming process in a coherent and sustainable manner, whereas non- peasant (so-called entrepreneurial and capitalistic) modes incoherently and unsustainably denature the farming process. Hence 'completed' repeasantization appears as a negentropic process of fund replenishment, ensuring wealth coproduction at all scales – from the farm to the Earth system. 'Completed' de-peasantization (or industrialisation), for its part, appears as an entropic process of fund depletion, causing illth at all scales.On this basis, we suggest an alternative representation of agricultural modes and processes, which comes down a metabolic reconfiguration of the triangle proposed by J.D. van der Ploeg, and takes the form of a multidimensional continuum opposing two poles.The main lesson learned from this research thesis is that, to unravel the Gordian knot bound to modern agriculture, we need to break free from the productivity myth. In the face of today's challenges, the usual yet fallacious statement that 'losing peasantness may enhance farm productive performance and sustainability', is no longer be an option. To support the transition towards sustainable farming worlds, transformative support systems are needed, and such systems require to design and rely on indicators assessing the real performance of farms and agriculture. Therefore, as a perspective for further research, we propose the 'Farm Metabolism (FM) framework', i.e. a conceptual and analytical proposal that basically implies to rely on agroecosystem's flow-fund analysis. The metabolic (or biophysical) assessment framework sketched out here therefore paves the way to a strong sustainability assessment of farm productive performance. In turn, it could contribute to support the necessary repeasantization of 'modernized' farmers, for the well-being of farmers and human society as a whole. / Un nombre considérable d'études sont réalisées pour répondre à l'un des plus importants défis du 21ème siècle, à savoir le triple défi de parvenir à la souveraineté alimentaire et nutritionnelle de tous, de régénérer les services vitaux fournis par le système Terre, et de veiller à ce que les systèmes alimentaires globaux contribuent à la justice socio-environnementale pour tous. Ce triple défi est foncièrement lié au nœud gordien qui caractérise l'agriculture moderne :une activité vitale et menaçante à la fois pour la société humaine. Dans la présente étude, ce nœud gordien à l'échelle globale est exploré à travers le prisme des trajectoires de quelques dizaines de systèmes agricoles situés dans un micro-territoire de la Wallonie (Belgique du Sud), soit au cœur de la vieille Europe industrielle. Les agroécosystèmes étudiés sont tous des fermes familiales, et les fermiers rencontrés comptent parmis les survivants d'un groupe socioprofessionnel qui s'est considérablement réduit en quelques décennies seulement. Notre objectif général consiste à com- prendre les tenants et aboutissants de la transition vers des systèmes agricoles durables en Wallonie.Une phase de recherche exploratoire contribue à poser le contexte empirique du cœur de notre recherche. Cette étude exploratoire montre que trois types de discours, et deux paradigmes opposés, divisent la 'conversation' des acteurs wallons sur la manière d'améliorer l'agriculture; de plus, ce premier apercu empirique suggère que la transition est avant tout une question de verrou cognitif. Le cœur de notre recherche se fonde sur ces prémisses, et le 'Principe Paysan' (proposé par J.D. van der Ploeg) s'impose comme le cadre théorique principale. Notre objectif général peut dès lors être reformulé comme suit :'comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de la repaysannisation wallonne. Pour ce faire, trois questions de recherche sont posées :'En quoi un système agricole wallon est-il plus ou moins paysan qu'un autre ?', 'Quel est le lien entre les stratégies de survie des familles agricoles et le processus de (dé)verrouillage cognitif ?', et 'Comment favoriser le processus de repaysannisation ?'. Notre approche est fondée sur deux études de cas approfondies. La première est empirique, et concerne essentiellement un échantillon de 23 familles agricoles voisines, situées dans une fenêtre homogène de Wallonie ;leurs trajectoires ont été explorées par des entretiens semi-structurés et de l'observation participante. Notre deuxième étude de cas est un examen approfondi de ce que nous appelons la 'science normale de l'évaluation des fermes' (FANS, en anglais), c’est-à-dire l'évaluation scientifique usuelle de la productivité des fermes, dans le cadre ou non d'une évaluation de durabilité, et qui concerne à la fois la performance agronomique et économique des fermes. De par l'abductivité et l'interdisciplinarité qui caractérisent notre approche, nous faisons dialoguer les réalités des familles agricoles rencontrées avec un ensemble de théories et de disciplines tout au long des quatre chapitres qui forment le coeur de notre recherche – cet ensemble inclut le Principe Paysan, la comptabilité agricole, l'économie orthodoxe, l'histoire économique, l'(agro)écologie, des écoles économiques hétérodoxes, la thermodynamique et la psychodynamique du travail.Le cœur de la recherche débute avec la proposition d'une démarche analytique fondée sur le Principe Paysan, et visant à construire un outil comparatif du 'degré de paysanneté' (DP) de fermes. L'application de cette démarche donne lieu à un 'outil DP' adapté au contexte spécifique de notre étude de cas wallon. Cet outil traduit les dimensions générales du Pincipe Paysan en 168 indicateurs 'situés' très concrets, permettant ainsi de fournir un aperçu finement détaillé de ce qui rend une ferme wallonne plus ou moins paysanne qu'une autre. Les indicateurs de productivité agronomique et économique usuellement utilisés pour comparer les fermes, n'ont pas pu être inclus dans notre analyse comparative. Le processus réflexif inhérent à la construction de l'outil DP a ainsi soulevé la question suivante :'Pourquoi les indicateurs usuels de productivité agricole se sont-ils révélés inadaptés à la comparaison des styles agricoles ?'.Cette question émergeante est d'abord abordée en montrant que FANS est ancré dans l'économie orthodoxe. Cela implique que la manière usuelle d'évaluer les fermes – qu'il s'agisse ou non d'une évaluation de durabilité – utilise le 'modèle de la Firme' et, dès lors, se fonde sur des analyses intrants-extrants pour comparer les performances agronomiques et économiques des fermes et de l'agriculture. A travers les prismes, (i) des réalités et des degrés de paysanneté contrastés des familles agricoles enquêtées et (ii) de la nature du processus agricole, nous mettons en évidence cinq catégories de problèmes qui contestent la validité de FANS. La première catégorie se rapporte à des problèmes pratiques, et les quatre suivantes soulèvent des problèmes conceptuels. Non seulement l'ensemble de ces problèmes démontre que les indicateurs usuels de productivité (économique et agronomique) agricole, et les évaluations usuelles de durabilité agricole, donnent lieu à des arguments scientifiques erronés. Mais de plus, il est démontré que ces arguments comportent le biais-asymmétrique suivant :au plus un style agricole épuise la capacité (re)productive de l'agroécosystème, au plus sa performance productive est sur-estimée ;au contraire, au plus un style agricole veille à régénérer la capacité (re)productive de l'agroécosystème, au plus sa performance productive est sous-estimée. Nous montrons ainsi que FANS a conçu, et continue à entretenir, le 'mythe de la productivité'. Or ce mythe a façonné les prescriptions et le développement agricoles qui, par conséquent, sont orientés vers la perte de la capacité (re)productive des agroécosystèmes.Parallèlement à la mise en lumière du mythe de la productivité et de ses implications réelles, un cadre s'inspirant du 'modèle Flow-Fund' (formalisé par N. Georgescu-Roegen) laisse entrevoir une alternative prometteuse pour évaluer la productivité (agronomique et économique) réelle des fermes. A travers le prisme de la balance flow-fund, nous nous fondons sur les manières distinctement différentes dont les fermiers wallons gèrent leur agroécosystème, et sur la nature métabolique du processus agricole, pour démontrer empiriquement et théoriquement l'argument suivant :au plus un style agricole est proche du mode paysan, au plus le processus agricole (ou la balance flow-fund) est géré(e) avec art et co-produit de la néguentropie ;à l'inverse, au moins le style est paysan, au plus le processus agricole est dénaturé et au plus de l'entropie est coproduite. Ainsi, dans le même temps, nous établissons une interprétation métabolique du Principe Paysan.De tous ces constats empiriques et théoriques, la question suivante émerge :'Comment les familles agricoles qui ont survécu font-elles face aux décennies de prescriptions orientées vers l'épuisement de la capacité (re)productive de leurs agroécosystèmes, et donc vers l'épuisement de leur capacité à demeurer fermiers ?'. Cette question rejoint un dernier aspect qu'il était nécessaire d'aborder, à savoir les phénomènes sociaux de souffrance, de désactivation et de suicide qui minent le monde agricole moderne de Wallonie et d'ailleurs. Partant du postulat que ces phénomènes sociaux sont étroitement liés, nous nous concentrons sur les causes profondes de la souffrance sociale des fermiers subsistants, en veillant tout particulèrement à laisser la parole aux familles et fermiers que nous avons côtoyés. Nous commençons par souligner des marqueurs identitaires forts qui montrent que les agriculteurs wallons, au delà de leur hétérogénéité, forment un groupe socio-professionnel singulier. La question épineuse de la souffrance est abordée à travers le récit collectif des fermiers sur la mutation d'après-guerre, de l'environnement de travail agricole vers un environnement moderne caractérisé par une hostilité accrue et plurielle. Nous proposons alors une typologie des stratégies, déployées par les fermiers enquêtés de Wallonie picarde, pour subsister face à une telle hostilité. L'exercice typologique se fonde sur l'articulation de notre cadre de paysanneté et sur le 'modèle dynamique de la souffrance psychique au travail' (proposé par Ch. Dejours), mettant en évidence cinq types de stratégies de survie. Celles-ci sont désignées par la catégorie de fermiers qui leur est associée :les nouveaux paysans, les TMCE-istes (soit les fermiers en agriculture de conservation), les fonceurs à leur perte, et les désorientés. Cet aperçu empirique sur des récits et des stratégies de fermiers, réfute la vision communément véhiculée selon laquelle les difficultés économiques sont la cause profonde de la propension agricole à la souffrance, à la désactivation et au suicide. En revanche, cet aperçu confirme notre hypothèse interprétative, à savoir :l'existence d'un lien mécanique entre souffrance des fermiers et leur rapport aux prescriptions. La perte de paysanneté apparaît en effet comme une cause profonde du mal-être du monde agricole moderne. Pour conclure, ce travail démontre que le mythe de la productivité a engendré le paradigme (appelé à tort) 'productiviste' et le système de prescriptions agricoles qui dominent le monde agricole et l'orientent vers l'érosion de la capacité reproductive des agroécosystèmes – contribuant ainsi à l'érosion de la capacité reproductive du système Terre. La santé psychosociale des fermiers émerge clairement comme un des élément-clé du fund des agroécosystèmes, et son érosion apparaît comme le stade ultime de la spirale délétère alimentée par le mythe de la productivité. Nous parvenons également à la conclusion que le mode de production paysan signifie gérer le processus agricole de manière cohérente et durable; les modes non paysans (dits entrepreneuriaux et capitalistiques) eux dénaturent le processus agricole de manière incohérente et non durable. La repaysannisation 'aboutie' apparaît ainsi comme un processus néguentropique, producteur de richesse à tous les niveaux – du système agricole à celui de la Terre. La dépaysannisation (ou industrialisation) avancée des agroécosystèmes apparaît comme un processus entropique d'épuisement du fund, hautement producteur de coûts et de maux ('illth' en anglais) à tous les niveaux. C'est sur cette base, que nous proposons une représentation alternative des modes et processus agricoles. Essentiellement, cette représentation est une reconfiguration métabolique du triangle proposé par J.D. van der Ploeg, et se présent sous la forme d'un continuum multidimensionnel opposant deux pôles.La principale leçon tirée de cette thèse se résume ainsi :pour trancher le nœud gordien de l'agriculture moderne, il faut rompre avec le mythe de la productivité. Face aux défis actuels, l'argument usuel selon lequel 'la perte de paysanneté permet d'accroître les performances productives et la durabilité des fermes', n'est plus une option. Pour favoriser la transition vers des mondes agricoles durables, des systèmes de soutien transformateurs sont nécessaires, et ces systèmes requièrent de s'appuyer sur des indicateurs aptes à évaluer la performance réelle des styles agricoles et de l'agriculture. Nous proposons, en tant que perspective de recherche, le cadre 'Métabolisme de Ferme'. Cette proposition conceptuelle et analytique implique de se fonder sur des analyses flow-fund au niveau des agroécosystèmes, ouvrant ainsi la voie à une évaluation de la performance productive réelle des styles agricoles, et ce dans une perspective de durabilité forte. Le cadre 'Métabolisme de Ferme' pourrait dès lors contribuer à soutenir la repaysannisation des agroécosystèmes 'modernisés', nécessaire au bien-être des fermiers et à celui de l'ensemble de la société humaine. / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Utomäktenskapliga födslar i Karlskrona Kommun : En kvantitativ studie av fyra socknar/församlingar från 1875 till 1925 / The birth of children out of wedlock in Karlskrona Municipality : A quantitative study of four parishes from 1875 to 1925Adolfsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The study examines the occurrence of children born out of wedlock in four parishes belonging to the current Karlskrona municipality during the period 1875–1925. The parishes surveyed are Fridlevstad, Rödeby, Tving and Karlskrona city-parish. The period is divided into two parts where the first includes the years 1875–1890 and the second part includes the years 1910–1925. The proportion of children with unknown/known fathers, the mothers' occupations, the fathers' occupations, and the mothers' age are also used as survey variables. The proportion of known fathers increases significantly between the study periods, which could be explained by a reduced internal social control, while the study shows that the introduction of a child welfare officer in 1918 resulted in an increased proportion of known fathers. The mothers' occupational designations change between the periods, for example, the proportion of maids decreases while other occupations are added. In the city-parish, professions such as washerwoman and waitress are added during the second period. The proportion of women working in the industry also increases between the survey periods. The increased proportion of professions, especially in the city-parish, could be linked to the demographic transition. As more people settle in a city, new needs emerge and thus also new occupational categories. The age of the mothers decreases between the study periods. When it comes to class affiliation, it can be noted that most of the fathers and mothers belonged to the working class. However, the proportion of fathers belonging to the middle class was higher than the proportion of mothers belonging to the middle class.
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C'est le terroir qui fait la barre : économies morales d'une filière de chocolat bean-to-bar canado-péruvienneVilleneuve, Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
Les chocolatiers bean-to-bar redéfinissent le chocolat en mettant l’accent sur le processus de transformation et la biodiversité cacaoyère. Basée sur une ethnographie multisituée à Montréal et à Piura (nord péruvien), cette recherche retrace le trajet de la fève de cacao le long d’une filière de chocolat bean-to-bar pour analyser l’articulation entre les valeurs des économies morales des chocolatiers et des producteurs de cacao fin. Grâce à une incursion dans l’histoire du chocolat, l’économie morale des chocolatiers est définie comme un positionnement contre l’industrie du chocolat conventionnel et ses standards. Alors que les valeurs des chocolatiers gravitent autour d’une éthique gustative engendrant des préoccupations pour la biodiversité cacaoyère et les droits des cacaoculteurs, celles des producteurs visent plutôt à renforcer leurs rôles familiaux et communautaires et à mettre en place un projet de développement local collectif. Cette étude suggère qu’une analyse des économies morales peut rendre compte de l’articulation entre des économies capitalistes et précapitalistes et des phénomènes qui y sont créés, dans le cas présent, la production d’une localité cacaoyère. / Bean-to-bar chocolate makers redefine chocolate by drawing attention to the transformation process and cacao biodiversity. Based on a multi-sited ethnography in Montreal and Piura (northern Peru), this research follows the cacao bean through a bean-to-bar chocolate filière to study how the values of chocolate makers and fine cacao producers' moral economies are embedded. Through an incursion into the history of chocolate, the moral economy of chocolate makers is defined as a posture against the conventional chocolate industry and its standards. While chocolate makers' values gravitate towards a taste ethic that generates preoccupations for cacao biodiversity and cacao farmers' rights, producers' values aim to reinforce their family and community roles and to implement a collective project of local development. This research puts forward moral economy as a conceptual tool for studying the embeddedness between capitalist and pre-capitalist economies and the phenomena that emerge from this nexus, in this case, the production of a cacao locality.
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Decolonizing politics : Zapatista indigenous autonomy in an era of neoliberal governance and low intensity warfare / Zapatista indigenous autonomy in an era of neoliberal governance and low intensity warfareMora, Mariana 05 October 2012 (has links)
Grounded in the geographies of Chiapas, Mexico, the dissertation maps a cartography of Zapatista indigenous resistance practices and charts the production of decolonial political subjectivities in an era of neoliberal governance and low intensity conflict. It analyzes the relationship between local cultural political expressions of indigenous autonomy, global capitalist interests and neoliberal rationalities of government after more than decade of Zapatista struggle. Since 1996, Zapatista indigenous Mayan communities have engaged in the creation of alternative education, health, agricultural production, justice, and governing bodies as part of the daily practices of autonomy. The dissertation demonstrates that the practices of Zapatista indigenous autonomy reflect current shifts in neoliberal state governing logics, yet it is in this very terrain where key ruptures and destabilizing practices emerge. The dissertation focuses on the recolonization aspects of neoliberal rationalities of government in their particular Latin American post Cold War, post populist manifestations. I argue that in Mexico's indigenous regions, the shift towards the privatization of state social services, the decentralization of state governing techniques and the transformation of state social programs towards an emphasis on greater self-management occurs in a complex relationship to mechanisms of low intensity conflict. Their multiple articulations effect the reproduction of social and biological life in sites, which are themselves terrains of bio-political contention: racialized women's bodies and feminized domestic reproductive and care taking roles; the relationship between governing bodies and that governed; land reform as linked to governability and democracy; and the production of the indigenous subject in a multicultural era. In each of these arenas, the dissertation charts a decolonial cartography drawn by the following cultural political practices: the construction of genealogies of social memories of struggle, a governing relationship established through mandar obedeciendo, land redistribution through zapatista agrarian reform, pedagogical collective selfreflection in women’s collective work, and the formation of political identities of transformation. Finally, the dissertation discusses the possibilities and challenges for engaging in feminist decolonizing dialogic research, specifically by analyzing how Zapatista members critiqued the politics of fieldwork and adopted the genres of the testimony and the popular education inspired workshop as potential decolonizing methodologies. / text
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