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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The PHP programmer`s guide to secure code

Clarinsson, Richard, Magnusson, Samuel January 2005 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Security threats against computer systems are a big problem today which also includes PHP made applications. The report is focused on protection with the help of code and not how you protect a web server. Its purpose is not to educate the readers of the thesis how to make a PHP application, the purpose is how to program a safer PHP application. The thesis contains information about common security threats against PHP scripts. It contains in most cases examples of what an attack can look like and how a protection for that example can be achieved. We have tested all code examples if they work by installing our own server with the configurations according to the delimitations of the thesis and putting up small PHP applications, which we have attacked and then protected. The contents and result of this thesis can benefit developers that use PHP as a programming language for creating web applications, by giving them information about common threats and protection.</p>

Secure WebServer

Neubert, Janek 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Beschreibung und Implementierung einer Lösungsvariante für den sicheren Einsatz von OpenAFS, Apache und serverseitigen Skriptsprachen wie PHP oder PERL in Multiuserumgebungen.

Ninon : Förslag till implementation av MongoDB och REST-API

Hammarström, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Målet med detta projekt har varit att, till en ny digital handelsplats, ge ett förslag till en implementation av MongoDB, med tillhörande REST-API, för hantering av användar- och annonsdata. Förslaget ska innebära en prestandaeffektiv och säker databas med möjlighet till framtida skalning, tillsammans med ett API för klientkommunikation med hantering av relevanta förfrågningar mot databasen. Prestandan av databasen handlar främst om att i förslaget ange vilka olika former av indexering som bör implementeras, tillsammans med ett förslag till relationsmodell, och vad detta ger för positiva och negativa effekter på systemet. Denna prestanda bör även återspeglas till största möjliga mån i API:et genom att utnyttja den indexering som väljs på bästa sätt. Säkerhet och skalning diskuteras under arbetet för att ge ett förslag på hur detta bäst hanteras för minimera riskerna för dataförlust, samt minimera nedtiden av databasen vid en eventuell framtida skalning. Resultatet visar att de förslag som arbetats fram under projektets gång har stor positiv påverkan på prestandan, samt möjliggör bland annat fritextsökningar och geografisk gallring av annonssökningar, baserat på användarens geografiska position, genom användande av olika typer av index. / <p>Presentationen utförs per distans via Adobe Connect.</p>

Ανάπτυξη βάσης δεδομένων ασθενών από την ακτινοθεραπεία με σκοπό την εφαρμογή ακτινοβιολογικών μελετών για το προσδιορισμό και εκτέλεση αυτών στην κλινική πράξη

Χαλίμος, Γεώργιος 02 March 2015 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η Ανάπτυξη βάσης δεδομένων για ασθενείς που προέρχονται από τη θεραπεία της ακτινοθεραπεία, προκειμένου να εκτελέσει ακτινοβιολογικές μελέτες για τον προσδιορισμό και την εφαρμογή των ακτινοβιολογικών παραμέτρων στην κλινική πράξη. Στη συγκεκριμένη Διπλωματική εργασία θα πρέπει να εξεταστούν τα χαρακτηριστικά των κλινικών δεδομένων που έχουν συλλεχθεί στο πλαίσιο των γυναικολογικών καρκίνων του τμήματος Επιδημιολογίας του Ινστιτούτου Καρολίνσκα. Να δημιουργηθεί μια βάση δεδομένων ασθενών, η οποία θα είναι σε θέση να ομαδοποιεί τα στοιχεία των ασθενών που, και να εξάγει τα απαραίτητα στοιχεία (στην κατάλληλη μορφή) για την εκτέλεση ακτινοβιολογικών μελέτών. Να ληφθεί υπόψη για την ανάγκη ότι αυτή η βάση δεδομένων θα ενημερώνεται συνεχώς με νέα στοιχεία, προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί η κλινική πληροφορία που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα και να αξιολογήσει τον αντίκτυπο των νεότερων τεχνικών ακτινοβολίας κατά τις τρέχουσες τεχνικές που εφαρμόζονται. Το τελικό αποτέλεσμα της εργασίας θα είναι μια έκθεση η οποία περιγράφει την ανάπτυξη και το σχεδιασμό μιας βάσης δεδομένων και θα συνοψίζει τα αποτελέσματα. Για την κατασκευή της Βάσης δεδομένων, θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ανοιχτού κώδικα λογισμικό όπως PHP και MySQL καθώς και άλλα προγράμματα στο περιβάλλον των windows. / The purpose of this thesis is to Development of a patient database from radiotherapy treatment in order to perform radiobiological studies for the determination and implementation of radiobiological parameters in the clinical practice. In this thesis should the characteristics of the clinical data that have been collected in the framework of the gynecological cancers of the Epidemiology department of Karolinska Institutet. To create a patient database, which will be able to group the patients based on different criteria, and export the necessary data (in the proper format) for performing radiobiological studies. To account for the need that this database will be continuously updated with new data in order to improve the clinical information currently used and test the impact of newer irradiation techniques against the current techniques applied. The final outcome of the thesis will be a report that describes the development and design of a database and summarize the results. For the development of database, we used open source software like PHP and MySQL and other programs in the environment of windows.

Įmonės vidinio tinklo taikomoji programa / Company Intranet Applicable Software

Juodžbalis, Rolandas 10 September 2004 (has links)
There is a great variety of software solutions which improve quality of work and increase productivity. Nevertheless there still is a demand for specialized software sollutions, often coupled to particular production systems. In this work author approaches such a concrete subject of computer hardware and repair in small and medium enterprise. Proposed information system not only allows internal administration of service requests within a company, but also provides complete status and process overview for customers accessing company's intranet. This is a unique solution of a kind as others are too general and do not fullfil specific demands posed in the specification. The main subject of this work is software design, development and investigation. Analysis of current software technology platforms was performed and the best deployment platform LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) was selected. Modular system design provided easy system development and future extendability as well as integration into other portals. Final resulting information system incorporates a number of advanced networking and programming technologies: template engine, certificate based security, data encryption engine and others. Implemented software is customized to meet the needs of particular enterprise and is currently used as part of its' intranet and service network. Legal open source technologies were mostly used for developing the product.

Informacinių technologijų išteklių duomenų bazė / Database of Information technology resources

Barzda, Erlandas 05 January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this master work is the <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information resource database. This work also handles the problems of old information systems which do not meet the new contemporary requirements. The aim is to create <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information system, based on object-oriented technologies and tailored to <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computer&v=56">computer</a> users’ needs. The <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=internet&v=56">internet</a> information database system helps <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computers&v=56">computers</a> administrators to get the all needed information about <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=computers&v=56">computers</a> <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=network&v=56">network</a> elements and easy to register all changes into information database.

Švietimo sistemos mokomosios programinės įrangos specializuotos duomenų bazės projektavimas ir tyrimas / The Specialization Database Design and Analysis of Training Software in Education System

Mežanskienė, Gintarė 10 September 2004 (has links)
Educational institutions make the biggest impact to the foundation of the information society. School participates in bringing up the competent citizen of the information community. According to international research, modern training tools may enhance the teaching and learning process: applying information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education process is tended to improve children results, atitudes and their relationships with teachers and coevals. „Create conditions for software industry producers and suppliers to prepare and suggest computer training appliances (CTA), for teachers and pupils to choose good quality CTA, which satisfies their demands“ is one of the main „Computer training appliances supply for schools (CTA)“ strategy goals. After the current situtation analysis, this work suggests the decision to put this method into practice. Database model and it's managing software, dedicated to remote users, was implemented. This software realizes database of CTA information review, comprehensive search engine, database managing operations (insert, remove, editing) using the internet browser.

Internetinių aplinkų kūrimo modelis panaudojant šablonus ir duomenų abstrakcijas / Template Based and Data Abstraction Driven Web Applications Development Model

Rimkus, Mindaugas 03 June 2006 (has links)
Web pages written with simple web development technologies were either written in code (such as C with CGI, or Java with Servlets) which contained lots of HTML-writing code snippets, or written with numerous code segments embedded in HTML (such as PHP or ASP). This led to problems as increasingly sophisticated Web page designs got harder and harder to 'activate' with data, and become increasingly brittle when dealing with change requests. Complex Web pages development forces to use new technologies that helps in development phases. It is possible to separate business logic from presentation using template engines. It’s not easy to choose a proper template engine system. We classified existing template systems. By this way analysis were accomplished. Using web template system, which supports compilation and caching features combining with MVC element data abstraction, we proposed web applications development model. In this work our proposed model has been applied for the development of students practice jobs - web portal. This portal was realized using PHP technologies which includes Smarty template engine, data abstraction class PEAR::DB and PHP 5.0 programming language. We research our proposed web development model performance characteristics. Performance experiments were done with Smarty template engine and PEAR::DB data abstraction class.

Skaičių žaidimo strategija ir jos realizacija / Strategy and implementation of number game

Lašinis, Darius 04 August 2011 (has links)
Sukurta strategija skaičių spėliojimui nuo vienaženklio iki keturženklio skaičiaus. Žaidimas realizuotas PHP programavimo kalba, vartotojams turintiems prieigą prie interneto. Žaidimas patalpintas Šiaulių Universiteto Informatikos katedros serveryje, adresu http://ik.su.lt/~darlas/zaidimas. / For the speculation on the single-digit to four-digit number created strategy. The game implemented in PHP programming language for users with access to the Internet. Game located at Šiauliai University, Department of Informatics server http://ik.su.lt/~darlas/zaidimas.

Automatisering av Välkomstbrev : En webbapplikation med fokus på användbarhet

Xyftilis, Georgios January 1900 (has links)
Mittuniversitetet skapar "Välkomstbrev" för alla utbildningstillfällen vid varjeterminsstart, något som hittills gjorts manuellt. Det har dock på sistone uppkommit behov av att automatisera, förenkla och centralisera processengenom ett användarvänligt, webbaserat verktyg. Målet för detta projekt harvarit att presentera och utvärdera förslag till ett sådant verktyg som fyller deovan nämnda behoven. Verktyget är applikationen "Välkomstbrev" som skapatsmed tekniker, språk och moduler skrivna i öppen källkod som finns fritttillgängliga på nätet. De grundläggande språken som använts för konstruktionenär HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL. Den arbetar emot databasen"kursprogrambrev" som innehåller all nödvändig data för publikationen avvälkomstbreven. Applikationen består av fyra olika gränssnitt som motsvararolika profiler: Lärare, Redaktör, Brevadministratör och Databasadministratör.Profilerna är lösenordsskyddade och åtkomliga för de av lärosätets personalsom berörs. Varje profil har sina konkreta uppgifter att sköta i applikationen ochinteragerar med de andra profilerna via databasen. Resultatet av profilernasinteraktion är att välkomstbreven skapas i PDF-format och placeras i utvaldkatalog. Eftersom användbarheten var av högsta prioritet från ledningens sidahar flera användartester gjorts för att utvärdera den slutliga produkten. Dessahar visat att målen överlag har uppnåtts, men att vissa aspekter måstevidareutvecklas i nära samråd med lärosätets ledning.

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