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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualisera energi i hushåll : Avdomesticeringen av sociotekniska system och individ- respektive artefaktbunden energianvändning / Visualizing Energy in Households : the De-domestication of Socio-Technical Systems and Individual- as well as Artefact-bound Energy Use

Löfström, Erica January 2008 (has links)
Ett centralt problem i strävan efter att minska energianvändningen i hushåll genom beteendeförändringar är att energi till stora delar är en osynlig produkt. Avhandlingen strävar efter att utveckla kunskap som kan bidra till mer hållbar utveckling genom att analysera tre företeelser som på ett konkret sätt synliggör energi och energirelaterat beteende: ett lokalt värmesystem, en s.k. Power Aware Cord och en dagboksmetod. Hur människor förstår sin energianvändning analyseras med hjälp av en modifierad version av den domesticeringsteori som utvecklats av Silverstone et al (1992). I centrum står paradoxen att de visualiserande företeelserna riskerar att själva osynliggöras genom att de domesticeras. Värmesystemet har haft en bristande funktion, vilket har varit den faktor som mest effektivt visualiserat systemet. Solfångarnas visuella dominans i områdets arkitektur har bidragit till att medvetandegöra solen som energikälla. Ett teknikrum och olika experter har också medvetandegjort själva värmesystemets existens. Såväl systemet som helhet som hushållens egen del i detta har visualiserats. Power Aware Cord liknar en vanlig grendosa, men den visar elanvändningen (effekten) hos den utrustning som kopplas till den. Energin visualiseras med hjälp av ett blått ljus i sladden vars intensitet anpassas efter watttalet som passerar genom sladden. Power Aware Cords styrka ligger i att den bidrar till att apparaters energianvändning visualiseras. Tidsdagboken visualiserar hushållsmedlemmarnas vardagliga aktiviteter på ett bredare plan än enbart i relation till energianvändning. Analysen visar att den redan osynliga resursen energi, som blivit än mer osynliggjort genom domesticering, kan avdomesticeras genom olika former för visualisering. Visualiseringsformerna riskerar dock att själva domesticeras. För att dessa ska ha varaktig effekt behövs strategier för att undvika detta. / One problem in promoting sustainable energy use is that energy is taken for granted. Energy as resource needs to be made visible. This dissertation aims to develop knowledge that can contribute to more sustainable development by analyzing different ways to visualize domestic energy systems. Three different forms of visualization are analyzed: a locally situated heating-system, the Power Aware Cord, and a diary method. How people understand their energy use is analyzed using a modified version of domestication theory as developed by Silverstone et al. (1992). Another focus is the paradox that forms of visualization themselves risk becoming invisible by virtue of being domesticated. The heating system still does not function as intended, and the non-functioning of the heating system has been the most effective means of visualizing the system. The solar collectors are visible and are a dominant element of the area’s architecture; this has helped visualize, make people aware of, and confer an understanding of the sun as an energy source. A technical control room and technicians have also helped visualize the existence of the heating system. The system as a whole, and the households’ own parts of it, has been visualized. The Power Aware Cord is the general shape of an extendable power strip, with the additional integration of voltage-measuring electronics and electroluminescent wire. This additional wire contains a phosphor layer that glows when an altering current is introduced. The cords’ strength lies in visualizing the household energy use of particular electrical devices. The time diary method visualizes the household members’ individual and inter-related ctivity patterns in a broader, more general way. The analysis shows that the already invisible resource energy, which has been made doubly invisible through domestication, can be de-domesticated through the domestication of forms of visualization. At the same time, the forms of visualization themselves risk being made invisible by being domesticated; for forms of visualization to have any lasting effect, strategies for avoiding this must be developed.

Dubbel socialisation : En studie om lärarassistenters första tid i ett pilotprojekt

Gravås, Rebecka, Geijstedt, Jannica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om lärarassistenters första tid i Uppsala kommuns pilotprojekt. Med utgångspunkt i vad som kallas resursteori har två forskningsfrågor ställts; 1) På vilket sätt har interna och externa resurser bidragit till lärarassistenternas socialisationsprocess? 2) Vilka konsekvenser får lärarassistenternas socialisationsprocess när den sker inom ramen för ett pilotprojekt? Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer studeras specifikt hur åtta projektanställda lärarassistenter i Uppsala kommun upplevt den första tiden som anställda och vilka resurser som varit betydande för deras socialisation. Resultatet visar att den första tiden i projektet varit försiktig och trevande, något som beskrivs som både positivt och negativt i form av mjukstart och trögstart. Å ena sidan främjas relationsutveckling av mjukstarten men å andra sidan hämmar trögstarten anpassningen till arbetet. Den negativa sidan visar dels hur viktigt det är att arbetsverktyg är klara och redo att användas när den nyanställde introduceras till det nya arbetet då det annars kan skapa negativa upplevelser och bidra till oro. Resultaten visar även en ömsesidighet i pilotprojektet där ingen riktigt visste vad lärarassistentrollen skulle innehålla, och därmed blev det en ny situation för samtliga parter att förhålla sig till. Det övergripande resultatet visade, genom ovan nämnda teman, att pilotprojektet utifrån ett socialisationsperspektiv präglades av en dubbel socialisation. / The purpose of this paper is to study the teacher assistants initial period in the pilot project of municipality of Uppsala. Based on resources theory as a theoretical framework two research questions were asked; 1) In what way have internal and external resources contributed to the socialization process of teacher assistants? and 2) What consequences does the pilot project have on the teacher assistants socialization process? Semistructured interviews were used to ask eight teacher assistants employed in the pilot project about how they experienced the first time in the new workplace and what resources were important for their socialization. The result shows that the initial period of the employment was cautious and tentative, which was described as both positive and negative in terms of a soft start or a tardy start. On one hand the soft start promotes relationship development, but on the other hand the tardy start inhibits adaptation to work. The negative side shows how important it is that work tools are ready to be used when the new employee is introduced to the new work, otherwise it can create negative experiences. The results also show that the pilot project was characterized by a reciprocity where nobody really knew what the teacher assistant role would contain, and thus it became a new situation for all parties to relate to. Through these themes, the overall results shows that the pilot project from a socialization perspective was characterized by a double socialization.

Évaluation de l'implantation et des effets perçus du pilote du Groupe de réflexion sur les drogues (2e génération)

Langelier-Cullen, Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação experimental de luminárias empregando LEDs orientadas à iluminação pública

Nogueira, Fernando José 28 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T11:35:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandojosenogueira.pdf: 4981583 bytes, checksum: 8b3c5698410b92cb533a1907a012d6a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T01:41:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandojosenogueira.pdf: 4981583 bytes, checksum: 8b3c5698410b92cb533a1907a012d6a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T01:41:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandojosenogueira.pdf: 4981583 bytes, checksum: 8b3c5698410b92cb533a1907a012d6a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Este trabalho tem como objeto principal a avaliação experimental de diodos emissores de luz (ou LEDs, do inglês Light Emitting Diodes) quando empregados em luminárias comerciais destinadas aos sistemas de iluminação pública. São apresentados os aspectos gerais da iluminação pública no Brasil, os principais componentes empregados e uma discussão sobre a adoção da tecnologia LED na iluminação de exteriores. Também são abordados os conceitos básicos de fotometria clássica e da fotometria adaptada para baixos níveis de luminância, que leva em consideração a resposta dinâmica visual do olho humano. Para efeito comparativo, o trabalho também inclui uma revisão das principais fontes de luz brancas orientadas à iluminação pública, e. g. lâmpada de vapor metálico, lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio e, mais recentemente, os LEDs. Tal estudo ampara-se em ensaios de laboratório e em campo tomando como base a lâmpada de vapor de sódio em alta pressão, a mais utilizada atualmente no segmento de iluminação de vias públicas. Algumas normativas referentes à aplicação de LEDs em iluminação pública são discutidas e, a partir das recomendações existentes nas normas NBR 16026 e NBR IEC 61347-2-13, são realizados ensaios de pré-conformidade em amostras comerciais de luminárias LED orientadas à iluminação pública do mercado nacional. Além dos ensaios de pré-conformidade, são realizados ensaios de funcionamento das luminárias LED quando expostas a condições críticas de temperatura com o objetivo de se avaliar as mudanças elétricas e fotométricas que ocorrem nestas condições. É apresentada uma metodologia de projeto luminotécnico para instalação de luminárias LED em vias públicas baseando-se na norma de iluminação pública NBR 5101 (revisão 2012), e o acompanhamento do projeto piloto de iluminação pública empregando luminárias LED implantado no anel viário da faculdade de engenharia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Durante nove meses foram coletados dados de características elétricas e fotométricas a fim de se averiguar o desempenho destas luminárias em campo. Por fim, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre o antigo sistema de iluminação com lâmpadas de vapor de sódio e o atual, empregando luminárias LED. / The purpose of this research is the experimental evaluation of light emitting diodes (or LEDs) when used in commercial luminaires for street lighting systems. The general aspects of Brazilian public lighting, the main components used and a discussion about the adoption of the LED technology in outdoor lighting are presented. Also, the basic concepts of classical photometry and photometry’s adaptations for low luminance levels are addressed. It takes into consideration the dynamic response of the human eye. For comparative purposes, this research also includes a review of the main white light sources used on public lighting, e.g. Metal Halide Lamp, High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp and, recently, the LEDs. Such research is supported by laboratory and on-site studies based on High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamp; currently, the most used on public lighting system. Some standards regarding LEDs usage on public lighting are discussed and, based on the existing recommendations, regulated by the Brazilian standards NBR 16026 and NBR IEC 61347-2-13, pre-certification studies of commercial LED luminaires samples oriented to public lighting on the home market are performed. Other than the pre-certification studies, additional studies of LED luminaires functioning when exposed to critical conditions of temperature with the intention to evaluate the electric and photometric changes that occur in this circumstances are performed. It is introduced a luminotechnical project methodology for LED luminaires installation on public roads based on the Brazilian standards of public lighting NBR 5101 (reviewed in 2012) and the accompanying of the pilot project of public lighting using LED luminaires implanted on the ring road of the School of Engineering of the Juiz de Fora Federal University. During nine months, data of electric and photometric features were collected in order to investigate the performance of the luminaires on-site. Finally, a comparative study was done between the previous lighting system with High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamp and the current, using LED luminaires.

Efficacy of a community-based infant hearing screening program in the Western Cape

Friderichs, Niki 03 December 2012 (has links)
Apart from isolated programs in private and public health care sectors, South Africa has no existing systematic public infant hearing screening program at community level. As a result, early identification of hearing loss is certainly not being attained for the majority of infants in South Africa with far-reaching effects for individuals, families and society at large. Screening programs at primary health care immunization clinics have been proposed as an alternative to hospital-based programs in South Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate the first systematic community-based infant hearing screening program in a developing South African community in the Western Cape. A combined descriptive and exploratory research methodology was followed incorporating aspects of a program evaluation design. The study was of a quantitative nature and the required data were collected by means of a questionnaire and OAE testing conducted by clinic nurses on subjects. A community-based universal infant hearing screening program initiated at eight primary health care clinics in the Cape Metropolitan area was evaluated over a 19-month research period. During this time 6227 infants who were candidates for screening attended their 6, 10 or 14-week immunization visit at the relevant clinic. Clinic nurses were trained as screening personnel. A two-stage distortion product otoacoustic emissions screening protocol was utilized. The target disorder for this study was bilateral permanent congenital and early onset hearing loss and infants referring the first screen were scheduled for a 4-week follow-up visit at the clinic. Diagnostic audiological and medical evaluations were scheduled at referral hospitals when indicated. The study evaluated the efficacy of the program based on coverage, referral and follow-up rates and diagnostic outcomes according to guidelines specified by the Health Professions Council of South Africa 2007 Position Statement. Overall coverage rate across the eight clinics was 32.4% with 2018 infants (aged 0- 14 weeks) screened. The mean age of the sample at first stage screen was 3.9 weeks of age and 13.5 weeks of age for first hospital visit. Overall first stage screen referral rate was 9.5% with 62 subjects (3%) referred for diagnostic services at hospital level after a follow-up screen. The average follow-up rate for rescreens at clinic level was 85.1% and for initial diagnostic assessments at hospital level it was 91.8%. Although minimal hearing loss was not the primary focus of the screening program the outcomes did include those subjects with fluctuating conductive hearing loss and permanent unilateral hearing loss. Prevalence rates were 4.5/1000 with significant hearing loss, including sensorineural (1.5/1000) and conductive (3/1000) losses, and 12.9/1000 for subjects with middle ear effusion.<p-> The community-based infant hearing screening program was valuable in attaining high follow-up return rates but reaching sufficient coverage may require dedicated screening personnel as opposed to existing nursing personnel. Furthermore, consideration of an alternative community-based platform such as midwife obstetric units may improve coverage and referral rates and prevalence of permanent congenital and early onset hearing loss. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

Educação e cultura em direitos humanos na ordem internacional / Human rights education and culture in the world order

Felipe Chinalli Caceres 13 June 2013 (has links)
Considerando a atual situação do Direito à Educação em Direitos Humanos no Brasil e no mundo e a importância de se inserir nos sistemas educacionais a proposta da gestão de um plano em Direitos Humanos, balizada por interculturalidade e interacionismo, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo institucionalizar a promoção do acesso aos conhecimentos multiculturalistas, inerentes à afirmação histórica dos Direitos Humanos. Entendemos que tanto os alunos quanto os educadores são sujeitos dos direitos históricos da humanidade. Assim, diagnosticamos a necessidade de uma intervenção pedagógica humanista nas escolas a ser institucionalizada por uma cultura em educação alternativa contida no projeto-piloto, ora anexado. / Considering the actual state of the Right to Human Rights Education in Brazil, its global present context and the importance to insert its proposals in the educational systems as a political action of a Human Rights plan, oriented by interculturality and interactionism, in this research the main objective has been to institutionalize the promotion of access to multicultural knowledge, associated to the historical affirmation of Human Rights, and to view the students and the educators as mankinds historical rights subjects. It has also been diagnosticated the urgency of a humanistic pedagogical intervention in schools yet to be institutionalized by an alternative educational culture, included in the attached pilot project.

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

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