Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plantar"" "subject:"slantar""
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Optimisation des programmes d’activité physique destinés à la prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées institutionnalisées : influence de la sensibilité cutanée plantaire et du moment de la journée. / Optimization of physical activity programs to prevent falls in institutionalized older adults : influence of plantar cutaneous sensitivity and time-of-day.Korchi, Karim 18 June 2019 (has links)
L’ensemble de ce travail doctoral avait pour objectif d’optimiser les effets des programmes d’activités physiques pour prévenir les chutes chez les personnes âgées institutionnalisées. Le contrôle postural et la locomotion étant fondamentaux dans la prévention des chutes, il convient de les stimuler régulièrement par une pratique physique adaptée. Par ailleurs, l’amélioration de la sensibilité cutanée plantaire peut permettre d’améliorer le contrôle postural et la locomotion. Même si les bénéfices potentiels d'une stimulation des afférences cutanées plantaires par la pratique d’exercices pieds nus sont multiples, l’intérêt de cette modalité de pratique des activités physiques à destination des personnes âgées reste à démontrer. Deux groupes de personnes âgées ont ainsi dû suivre le même programme d’activités physiques, pieds-nus pour un groupe et en portant des chaussures pour l’autre groupe. Les principaux résultats ont révélé qu’un programme d’activités physiques pratiqué pieds nus améliorait davantage la sensibilité cutanée plantaire et le contrôle postural qu’un programme pratiqué avec des chaussures. Malgré l’avancée en âge, le système sensori-moteur semble toujours bénéficier d’une certaine plasticité. Ce système sensori-moteur peut être stimulé en sollicitant notamment les mécanorécepteurs cutanés plantaires. Les effets d’un programme d’activités physiques peuvent également être optimisés en plaçant les séances au moment de la journée le plus approprié. En évaluant l’influence du moment de pratique au cours de la journée, nous avons pu montrer qu’un programme d’activités physiques réalisé l’après-midi provoquait des effets positifs plus marqués qu’un programme réalisé le matin. De manière surprenante, le contrôle postural des sujets qui s’entraînaient l’après-midi s’améliorait principalement le matin, au moment de la journée où il est le plus efficace chez les personnes âgées. Ces adaptations seraient en phase avec le moment de la journée où les fonctions cognitives sont également optimales, c’est-à-dire le matin. / The main purpose of these researches was to optimize the effects of physical activity programs to prevent falls among institutionalized older adults. Postural control and gait are essential in preventing falls and should be regularly promoted by an appropriate physical practice. In addition, improving plantar cutaneous sensitivity can improve postural control and gait. Even though there are further potential benefits of stimulating plantar afferences by performing barefoot exercises, the effects of this modality of physical activity for the elderly remains unclear. Two groups of older adults were involved in the same physical activity program, barefoot for one group and while wearing shoes for the other. The main results revealed that a program of physical activity with barefoot exercises improved plantar cutaneous sensitivity and postural control to a greater extent than while wearing shoes. Despite advancement of aging, the sensorimotor system still seems to benefit from plasticity which can be stimulated by exercising barefoot and increasing somatosensory information from the foot. The time of day when people exercise can also influence the optimization of physical performance and enhance the effectiveness of a physical activity program. By assessing the influence of exercising at different times of day, we showed that training in the afternoon provided greater benefits on postural control than morning training. Surprisingly, postural control was mainly improved in the morning and did not improve when participants exercised in the morning. The postural control system would have benefited from an enhanced motor potential (acquired through afternoon training which optimized the musculoskeletal adaptations) only at the time of day when cognitive functions are optimal, i.e., in the morning.
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Gestion des modifications podales et des pressions plantaires en ultra-trail par des semelles orthopédiques équipées de barres rétro-capitales métatarsiennes / Management of foot modification and plantar pressure modifications in ultra-trail by foot orthoses equipped with retro-capital barsVermand, Stéphane 15 May 2019 (has links)
La course d'ultra-trail en montagne provoque de nombreuses altérations d'ordre biomécaniques, physiologiques, neuro-musculaires, posturales et psychologiques qui peuvent engendrer certaines blessures. Cependant, assez peu d'études se sont intéressées aux modifications que peuvent subir les pieds. C'est dans ce cadre que nous avons réalisé 3 études. La première effectuée auprès de 10 coureurs a montré que les avants-pieds s'élargissent et la pression plantaire sous l'avant-pied augmente à partir de la mi-distance d'une épreuve d'ultra-trail de 170 km (UTMB®). La surpression sous l'avant-pied qui est due au déplacement vers l'avant du centre de pression, est susceptible d'accroitre le risque de fracture de fatigue des métatarses. Ces modifications qui ont été observées jusqu'à la fin de la compétition sont probablement liées à la fatigue des sujets. Pour contrecarrer ces modifications, nous avons proposé d'utiliser des semelles orthopédiques moulées comportant chacune une barre rétro capitale (BRC) placée en arrière des têtes métatarsiennes. La 2ème étude réalisée chez 48 coureurs a montré que cet élément orthopédique permet lors du maintien de la posture debout de diminuer les pressions plantaires sous les avants-pieds, de reculer le centre de pression, mais aussi les centres articulaires de la hanche, des épaules et de la tête. La 3ème étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer chez 10 coureurs à pieds l'effet immédiat, à court terme (après 4 semaines) et moyen terme (après 12 semaines) du port des semelles BRC sur la répartition des pressions plantaires et la cinématique articulaire. Un groupe contrôle de taille égale a utilisé pendant la même période des semelles moulées qui ne comportaient aucun élément orthopédique. Cette étude longitudinale a montré que les pressions plantaires sous les têtes métatarsiennes étaient réduites immédiatement avec le port des semelles BRC. Après 4 semaines, cette réduction s'accentuait et l'angle de flexion de la cheville était augmenté lors de l'appui. Après 12 semaines, l'extension maximale du genou était augmentée et la plupart de ces modifications étaient aussi observées même si les sujets utilisent des semelles plates. Aucune variable n'a été modifiée chez les sujets du groupe contrôle. En ce qui concerne les applications pratiques de ces travaux de thèse, au regard de nos résultats, nous pouvons conseiller aux coureurs de longue distance soufrant de douleur au niveau de l'avant-pied de choisir des chaussures un peu plus larges et, d'utiliser des semelles orthopédiques BRC pour réduire la pression sous l'avant-pied. / Mountain Ultra Marathon is causing many biomechanical, physiological, neuromuscular, postural and psychological alterations which can lead to certain injuries. However, there are few studies has been focused on the feet. In this context, we conducted three original studies. The first one, performed with 10 runners has shown that the front feet width and the plantar pressure under the forefoot has increased from the mid-distance of a 170km ultra-trail race (UTMB®). The overpressure under the forefoot is due to the forward displacement of the center of pressure which may increase the risk of stress fracture of the metatarsals. These changes that were observed until the end of the competition are probably related to the increase of muscular fatigue of the subjects. In opposition of these changes, we proposed to use moulded orthopaedic insoles that comprising a metatarsal retro-capital bar (MRCB) placed behind the metatarsal heads. The second study carried out in 48 runners has shown that this MRCB element allows to reduce the plantar pressures under the front feet during the standing support by moving backward the center of pressure, and also the hip, the shoulders and the head. The objective of the third study was to evaluate the immediate, short-term (after 4 weeks) and medium-term (after 12 weeks) effect of wearing MRCB insoles on plantar pressure distribution and joint kinematics during running with 10 runners. A similar control group of equal size used during the same period of training moulded insoles without orthopaedic element. This longitudinal study showed that the plantar pressures under the metatarsal heads were reduced immediately with wearing MRCB soles. After 4 weeks, this reduction was accentuated and the ankle's angle of flexion was increased during the stride support. After 12 weeks, the maximum knee extension was increased and most of these changes described aboved were also observed even if the subjects used flat insoles. Any significant changes have been observed in the control group whatever the test period. Regard to these results, we can advise long-distance runners that suffer of pain in the forefoot region to choose slightly larger shoes and to use MRCB orthopaedic insoles to reduce pressure under the forefoot.
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Análise das respostas musculares adaptativas frente a protocolos de alongamento e exercício excêntrico, aplicados após desuso do membro posterior de ratas em desenvolvimento pós-natal / Analysis of adaptive muscular responses to stretching and eccentric exercises applied after immobilization of the hindlimb in female rats in postnatal developmentElias, Priscila Cação Benedini de Oliveira 08 December 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou as mudanças e adaptações geradas pelos protocolos de alongamento e exercício excêntrico nos músculos sóleo e plantar, após 10 dias de imobilização do membro posterior de ratas em desenvolvimento pós-natal. Para isso, 45 ratas da raça Wistar, com 21 dias de idade, foram divididas em 10 grupos: grupo imobilizado (GI); grupo imobilizado e treinado excentricamente por 10 dias (GITE(10)) ou 21 dias (GITE(21)); grupo imobilizado e alongado por 10 dias (GIAL(10)) ou 21 dias (GIAL(21)); grupo anestesiado (GA); grupo controle de 21 dias de idade (GC(zero)); grupo controle do imobilizado de 31 dias de idade (GC(Imob)); grupo controle de 10 dias com 41 dias de idade (GC(10)); grupo controle de 21 dias com 52 dias de idade (GC(21)). A imobilização foi aplicada por 10 dias no membro posterior direito dos animais, a fim de manter a posição de encurtamento dos músculos sóleo e plantar. Posteriormente, as ratas do GITE(10) e GITE(21) passaram pelo período de treino excêntrico em esteira declinada, por 40 minutos. Enquanto os animais do GIAL(10) e GIAL(21) foram submetidos ao alongamento mantido por 40 minutos, através da fixação da dorsiflexão máxima permitida pelo tornozelo. Após os protocolos, os fragmentos dos músculos sóleo e plantar foram retirados e submetidos às reações histoquímica, imunoistoquímica e bioquímica. Análise qualitativa e quantitativa (isoformas de MHC, proporção de fibras, diâmetro menor e relação capilar/fibra) foram realizadas. Para análise estatística foi usado o Modelo Linear de Efeitos Mistos com nível de significância de 5% e Intervalo de Confiança de 95%. A partir da análise temporal do desenvolvimento muscular dos animais, foram observadas características de imaturidade dos músculos sóleo e plantar (fibras arredondadas, núcleos volumosos, reatividade do tecido), principalmente em animais com 21 e 31 dias de idade. Aumento progressivo do diâmetro das fibras e da relação capilar/fibra, em ambos os músculos, foram observados. O predomínio de FT1 e maior expressão da MHCI já estavam evidentes no músculo sóleo, mesmo de animais com 21 dias de idade. O músculo plantar apresentou predomínio de FT2D na análise da mATPase, e a avaliação das isoformas indicou predomínio da MHCIId e MHCIIb. O procedimento de imobilização desencadeou alta reatividade do tecido, redução do diâmetro de todos os tipos de fibras, mudança na proporção das fibras (redução de FT1 no sóleo e aumento de FT2D no plantar) e na expressão das isoformas de MHC, e queda do número de capilares transversais. A aplicação do alongamento e exercício excêntrico provocou adaptações importantes como o aumento do diâmetro das fibras, modificação da proporção das fibras e aumento da relação capilar/fibra, em ambos os músculos. Da análise morfológica, o músculo sóleo apresentou maior reatividade, quando comparado ao músculo plantar, com grande quantidade de núcleos centralizados e halo basofílico. O treino excêntrico foi capaz de intensificar as respostas hipertrófica e angiogênica, principalmente no período de 21 dias de reabilitação. Portanto, o desenvolvimento muscular normal foi acompanhado por adaptações importantes que correspondem ao avançar da idade juntamente com o aumento da demanda funcional nessa fase. O dispositivo de imobilização foi eficaz para promover o desuso e encurtamento dos músculos avaliados. Diferenças nítidas entre a resposta adaptativa dos músculos sóleo e plantar são observadas em ambos os protocolos de reabilitação no animal bebê. / This study analyzed changes and adaptations in the soleus and plantar muscles induced by stretching and eccentric exercise protocols applied after 10 days immobilization of the hindlimb in developing female rats. Fortyfive Wistar female rats, 21 days old, were divided into 10 groups: Immobilized (IG); Immobilized and trained eccentrically for 10 days (IEG(10)) or 21 days (IEG(21)); Immobilized and stretched for 10 days (ISG(10)) or 21 days (ISG(21)); Anesthetized (AG); Control, 21 days old (CG(zero)); Control of immobilized group, 31 days old (CG(Immob)); Control group of 10 days, 41 days old (CG(10)) or 21 days, 52 days old (CG(21)). The animals had the right hindlimb immobilized for 10 days keeping the soleus and plantar mucles in a shortened position. Rats in the IEG(10) and IEG(21) groups were further submitted to eccentric training in a declining threadmill for 40 minutes, while the ones in groups ISG(10) and ISG(21) were stretched for 40 minutes by fixing the maximum ankle dorsiflexion. Fragments of the soleus and plantar muscles were removed and analyzed by histochemical, immunohistochemical and biochemical assays, after sacrifice of the animals. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were made of Myosin Heavy-Chain (MHC) isoforms, fiber proportion, minimum diameter and capillary/fiber ratio. Data was statistically analyzed by the method of Mixed Effects Linear Models with a significance level of 5% and confidence interval of 95%. Temporal analysis of muscle development suggested immaturity of soleus and plantar muscles (rounded fibers, voluminous nuclei and tissue reactivity) specially in animals aged from 21-31 days. Progressive increase of fiber diameter and the capillary/ fiber ratio was also observed. Predominance of FT1 fibers and higher MHCI expression were already evident in the soleus muscle even in 21 days old animals. Analysis of mATPase showed that FT2D fibers were predominant in the plantar muscle as were the isoforms MHCIId and MHCIIb. Immobilization produced high tissue reactivity, diameter reduction in all fiber types, changes in fiber proportion (reduction of FT1 in the soleus and increase of FT2D numbers in the plantar muscles) and MHC isoform expressions and decreased number of transversal capillars. Both, stretching and eccentric exercises induced important adaptations like increased fiber diameter, modified fiber proportions and increased capillary/ fiber ratios in the soleus and plantar muscles. Morphological analysis indicated that the soleus was more reactive as compared to the plantar muscle, showing large quantities of centralized nuclei and a basophilic halo. Eccentric training induced greater hypertrophic and angiogenic responses, specially during the 21 days rehabilitation. Thus, normal muscular development in this phase was accompanied by major adaptations, which correspond to advancing age and increased functional demand. The immobilization apparatus was efficient in preventing use and promoting shortening of the muscles evaluated. Sharp differences between adaptive responses of soleus and plantar muscles were observed in both rehabilitation protocols applied to baby animals.
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Anatomische Voraussetzungen für pedale Bypass-RevaskularisationenWacker, Anne 26 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Gefäßerkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus nehmen als Krankheiten der modernen Zivilisation zu. Sie gehen oft mit dem Risiko einer Amputation einher. Trotz verbesserter Therapie aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts steigen die Amputationsraten. Besonders gefährdet sind Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Aufgrund des besonderen Atherosklerosebefallsmusters mit Verschluss der kruralen Gefäße bei relativer Aussparung der Oberschenkel- und Fußarterien erzielen pedale Bypässe bei diabetischen Patienten besonders gute Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Wiederherstellung der Fußdurchblutung. Ein pedaler Bypass kann eine drohende Amputation oft verhindern. Voraussetzungen für eine pedale Bypass-Operation sind umfassende anatomische Kenntnisse über die Variabilität der Arterien im Operationsgebiet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Gefäßvariationen an Unterschenkel und Fuß.
Mit unterschiedlichen Methoden wurden Alkohol-fixierte (n=12) und Thiel-fixierte (n=10) Beinpräparate auf arterielle Variabilität untersucht. Die Alkohol-fixierten Präparate wurden makroskopisch präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert, außerdem erfolgte eine Probenentnahme zur histologischen Untersuchung der Atherosklerosegrade in verschiedenen Gefäßregionen (n=32) und die Herstellung von zwei Dauerpräparaten. An Thiel-fixiertem Material wurde die Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA) getestet.
Folgende Fragestellungen waren zu beantworten:
1. Welche Variationen der Blutgefäße finden sich für den Unterschenkel und Fuß? Wie kommunizieren die Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken?
2. Wie können kleinste Gefäße am Fuß präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert werden?
3. Lässt sich an fixiertem Leichenmaterial eine Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie durchzuführen?
4. Zeigen proximale und distale Blutgefäße des Beines einen unterschiedlichen Befall der Atherosklerose?
5. Welche Bedeutung hat die Herstellung von Dauerpräparaten für den studentischen Unterricht?
6. Welche Bedeutung hat die makroskopische Anatomie für die Klinik?
Die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sind:
1. Während der makroskopischen Präparation fanden sich folgende Variationen: Trifurkation, Truncus tibiofibularis anterior mit hohem Abgang der A. tibialis posterior und Abgang der A. tibialis anterior aus der A. fibularis, eine sehr dominante A. fibularis bei schwach ausgeprägter A. tibialis posterior, ein Arcus plantaris durch den zweiten intermetatarsalen Spalt laufend, kräftig ausgebildete A. plantaris profunda, kräftiger tiefer Ast der A. plantaris medialis, stark ausgeprägte A. arcuata.
Die den Arcus plantaris versorgenden Arterien, vor allem die A. plantaris lateralis und die A. plantaris profunda, variieren stark in ihrer Ausprägung. Sie sind Teil der „Ringanastomose”, die eine Durchblutung des Fußes über die Verbindungen verschiedener Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken gewährleistet.
Neben der A. plantaris profunda, die auch als Ramus perforans I bezeichnet wird, gibt es zwischen den Aa. metatarsales plantares und dorsales Verbindungen, die Rr. perforantes II-IV, die bei schwach ausgeprägter A. plantaris profunda die Gefäßversorgung sicherstellen und entsprechend stärker ausgebildet sein können.
Die A. fibularis kann über ihre kommunizierenden Äste, dem Ramus perforans zur A. dorsalis pedis oder dem Ramus communicans zur A. tibialis posterior, an der arteriellen Versorgung der Fußsohle beteiligt sein. Bei schwacher Ausbildung der A. tibialis posterior und/oder A. tibialis anterior kann diese durch die A. fibularis als phylogenetisch ältestes und damit konstantestes Gefäß der drei Unterschenkelarterien sogar teilweise oder vollständig ersetzt werden. Die „Ringanastomose“ hat für die Gefäßchirurgie eine große Bedeutung. Beim popliteodistalen Bypass orientiert sich die Wahl des distalen Anschlussgefäßes daran, über welches Gefäß sich der Arcus plantaris angiographisch füllt.
Eine Kollateralbildung beim Erwachsenen infolge atherosklerotischer Veränderungen über ursprünglich embryologische Gegebenheiten ist denkbar.
2. Die makroskopische Präparation kleinster Gefäße am Fuß wird durch die Injektion der roten Injektionslösung Microfil® erleichtert. Zur fotografischen Dokumentation ist eine Farbmarkierung der Arterien von außen notwendig, um den Gefäßverlauf sichtbar zu machen.
3. Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie an Leichenmaterial ist nur an Thiel-fixiertem Material möglich, da diese Methode die Gewebeverhältnisse in ihrer natürlichen Konsistenz erhält. Das Einbinden der Schleusen und die Injektion von Kontrastmittel in das Gefäßsystem sind durchführbar, weil die Gefäßlumina durchgängig bleiben. Alkohol- oder Formaldehyd-fixiertes Material ist für diese Zwecke ungeeignet, da das Gewebe aushärtet und in den Gefäßen befindliche Blutreste koagulieren. Dadurch wird eine Kontrastmittel-Injektion unmöglich.
4. Dass histologische Färbungen an langzeitfixiertem Material möglich sind, konnte bestätigt werden. Nach Modifikation der Färbevorschriften erlauben sie die Bewertung des Atherosklerosegrades. Der schwerste Befall mit Grad 4 befindet sich in den Arterien der Kniekehle. Die Fußarterien sind mit Grad 2 geringer befallen.
5. Dauerpräparate verbleiben in der anatomischen Lehrsammlung bzw. im Fundus von Anschauungsmaterial. Sie werden zukünftig zur Demonstration anatomischer Strukturen im Rahmen klinischer Kurse und im Studentenunterricht verwendet.
6. Die Anatomie als Grundlagenfach der Medizin hat in der Lehre einen hohen Stellenwert und in allen Studienabschnitten eine hohe klinische Relevanz. Gemeinsame Lehrveranstaltungen von Anatomie und Klinik wecken bei Studenten großes Interesse und fördern die Motivation. Im Rahmen der ärztlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in klinischen Kursen am Institut für Anatomie beispielsweise Untersuchungsmethoden und Operationsbedingungen simuliert. Kliniker wiederholen, festigen oder vertiefen ihre anatomischen Kenntnisse. Vor allem die chirurgischen Fächer profitieren von diesen praktischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten.
Wie die Arbeit am Beispiel der Gefäßchirurgie zeigt, bedingt eine gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anatomie und Klinik eine sichere klinische Praxis und eine lebendige Anatomie mit klinischen Bezügen. / Summary
Vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus show rising frequency in the Western world and are often accompanied by amputation. The amputation rate is still increasing despite major developments in diagnostics and therapy. Especially patients with diabetes mellitus are at high risk. Because of the special pattern with more severe atherosclerosis in the crural vessels than in the femoral and pedal arteries, the pedal bypass surgery provides excellent vessel patency and limb salvage rates in diabetic patients and can often prevent amputation. A solid knowledge about anatomical variations in the operating area is a precondition for bypass operations. This dissertation deals with variations of arteries from the lower leg and foot.
Lower legs from alcohol-fixed and Thiel-fixed cadavers were examined with different methods: The alcohol-fixed legs (n=12) were dissected macroscopically for variations of the arteries and documented by photographes. Samples along the vessel course (n=32) were taken for histological evaluation of the atherosclerotic degrees. Two legs were plastinated with polyethylene glycol. The Thiel-fixed legs (n=10) were tested for digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
The following questions had to be answered:
1. Which arterial variations can be found for the lower leg and foot? How do the vessels communicate between the sole and the dorsum of the foot?
2. How are small foot vessels dissected for photographical documentation?
3. Can Thiel-fixed material be used for DSA?
4. Do proximal and distal vessels show different degrees of atherosclerosis?
5. Which relevance does plastination have for the medical education?
6. How important is Gross anatomy for the clinicians?
Results and conclusions:
1. The following variations occurred: trifurcation, anterior tibiofibular truncus with high branching from the posterior tibial artery and the anterior tibial artery originating from the fibular artery, dominant fibular artery, plantar arch running through the second interosseus space, dominant deep plantar artery, dominant deep branch of the medial plantar artery, prominent arcuate artery. The arteries for the plantar arch, supplying most of the foot arteries, show a high diversification. They are part of the “ring anastomosis” which assures a good blood supply via different vessels connecting the dorsum and the sole of the foot. Beside the deep plantar artery, also named as “perforating branch I”, there are other connecting branches between the plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries - the perforating braches II, III and IV. These branches are highly developed in case of an undeveloped deep plantar artery. The fibular artery can be involved in the blood supply of the foot via a communicating branch to the posterior tibial artery and the perforating branch to the dorsalis pedis artery. The fibular artery, which is phylogenetically the oldest crural vessel, can be highly developed in case of inferior anterior tibial artery and/or posterior tibial artery. The “ring anastomosis” is very important for vascular surgery. The inflow and outflow vessels of a popliteodistal bypass are chosen after angiography of the plantar arch showing the vessel for the supply of the plantar arch.
2. Macroscopical dissection of very small foot vessels can be facilitated by injection of a special plastic, Microfil®-solution. The arteries have to be additionally coloured by help of special markers for photographical documentation.
3. DSA can just be done with Thiel-fixed material. Thiel-fixation allows DSA because maintained in situ conditions. The blood is not coagulated and the vessels stay patent for contrast medium. Alcohol-fixed or formaldehyde-fixed material is not suitable for DSA because of clotted blood in the vessels impeding injection of contrast agent.
4. It is confirmed that histological examination is possible with long fixed material. After modification of the staining protocol the sections could be used for evaluation of the atherosclerotic degree. The popliteal arteries are more affected with degree 4 in comparison to the foot arteries with degree 2.
5. Plastinates are displayed in the anatomical collection of the Institute for Anatomy. They will be used for anatomical demonstrations in the lessons of students and in clinical courses.
6. Anatomy as basic knowledge is very important for teaching medical students and has a high clinical relevance in every phase of the medical course. Interdisciplinary lessons between anatomy and clinical disciplines awake interest and motivate students. Advanced medical training is obtained at the Institute for Anatomy by simulating endoscopic examination and developing new surgical techniques. Clinicians repeat, stabilize and deepen their anatomical knowledge. Especially surgeons benefit from these training possibilities.
Using the example of vascular bypass surgery the present dissertation shows the value of a good cooperation between anatomy and clinic to provide a safe clinical practice and a lively anatomy with clinical references.
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Biofeedback pour l'optimisation de la locomotion : conception et validation d'un système embarqué d'évaluation de la locomotion à partir des pressions plantaires / Biofeedback for the optimization of locomotion : design and validation of an embedded system for evaluating locomotion from plantar pressuresClaverie, Laetitia 19 June 2017 (has links)
Avec le projet nommé " Dynalyser ", la société MEDICAPTEURS (France, Balma) et le laboratoire PRISSMH EA4561 (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III) ont obtenu un financement du Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées (AO AGILE-IT 2012) pour mettre au point un nouveau système embarqué de mesure des pressions plantaires. Composé d'un système communiquant sans fil avec 9 capteurs isolés par pied il permet, à partir d'un smartphone, de retourner sous la forme consciente d'une mélodie sonore (3 sons) les informations de pressions plantaires. L'objectif de ce système est d'informer en temps réel (détection de zones d'hyperpression ou au con-traire, d'une absence de pression) et de conforter ou suppléer les moyens de détection naturelle pour un contrôle de l'appui plantaire dans des activités cliniques ou sportives. Dans un premier temps, une étude a permis de développer et de valider une méthode de placement des capteurs isolés à partir de la résultante des forces enre-gistrées par chaque capteur comparée à la force externe mesurée par une plateforme de forces. Les résultats ont mis en évidence des corrélations élevées entre les données de la plateforme de forces (centre des pressions et force verticale de réaction (Fz)) et celles du Dynalyser (barycentre des pressions et Fz), confirmant la pertinence et la nécessité d'un tel placement pour une analyse de certains paramètres biomécanique de la marche aussi pré-cise que celle permise par des systèmes éprouvés d'analyse du mouvement. Dans un second temps, le dévelop-pement de la partie logicielle permettant un retour sonore a été réalisé. Une étude vérifiant la faisabilité d'une modulation de l'appui plantaire grâce au biofeedback (BFB) a été menée sur une population saine. Reprenant le principe d'un retour en " Do majeur " (FB_Gruss) validé pour son intelligibilité, les résultats révèlent une diffi-culté des participants à s'approprier rapidement le FB_Gruss lors de la marche. Ces observations mettent en évi-dence la difficulté à traiter plusieurs informations dans un laps de temps très bref (le contact pied-sol). Par ail-leurs, une variabilité naturelle importante est observée sous certaines zones (partie latérale et surtout médiale de l'avant-pied). Elle est quelque fois supérieure à la marge de tolérance mise en place pour déclencher les sons et perturbe la quantification des appuis réussis. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs car ils révèlent, de plus, l'absence d'effet délétère du BFB sur la répartition des pressions plantaires ipsi et controlatérale. Dans un troi-sième temps, un modèle de prédiction des pics de pressions plantaires en fonction des paramètres spatio-temporels adimensionnels (Nombre de Froude, de Strouhal et de Modela-w) a été développé. Le but est d'obtenir un système autonome, capable de moduler une mélodie en comparant les valeurs de pics de pressions obtenues en temps réel à celles du modèle de référence. Les premiers résultats révèlent une prédiction élevée des pressions sous les zones qui servent au BFB (R² > 0.95). Ce modèle devra être validé pour être incorporé au logiciel afin d'obtenir un dispositif totalement autonome permettant d'informer en temps réel de la distribution des pressions plantaires dans un contexte clinique ou sportif. / With the project named " Dynalyser ", the MEDICAPTEURS Company (France, Balma) and the PRISSMH EA4561 laboratory (Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse III) have obtained a funding by the Midi-Pyrenees Regional Council (AO AGILE-IT 2012) to develop a new plantar pressure embedded biofeedback sys-tem. Consisting of a wireless communicating system with nine isolated sensors per foot, it aims to deliver infor-mation about plantar pressures in the conscious of a sound melody (3 sounds), by means of a smartphone. The system's aim is to reinforce or supplement the intrinsic (i.e., natural) plantar pressure feedback by informing in real time (detection of hyperpressure area or, on the contrary, absence of pressure) in order to improve the con-trol of walking in clinical or sporting activities. First, a study allowed to develop and validate a method to locate isolated sensors by means of a force platform. Results revealed high correlations between the force platform data (center of pressure and vertical ground reaction force (vGRF)) and the Dynalyser data (barycenter of pressure and vGRF), confirming the relevance and necessity of such method for an analysis as precise as motion analysis systems of certain biomechanical parameters of walking. Second, the development of the auditory biofeedback (BFB) system was realized. A study verifying the feasibility of a modulation of plantar support using BFB was conducting on a healthy population. Following the principle of a "C-major" return (FB_Gruss) validated for its intelligibility, the results revealed a difficulty for the participants to appropriate quickly the FB_Gruss during walking. These observations, highlight the difficulty of processing several information in a very short period of time (the foot-to-ground contact). On the other hand, a significant natural variability is observed under two areas (lateral and especially medial part of the forefoot). It is sometimes superior to the tolerance range set up to trigger sounds and disrupts the quantification of successful supports. The results obtained are promising because they also reveal the absence of deleterious effect of the BFB on the distribution of ipsi and contralateral plantar pres-sures. Third, a model of prediction of plantar pressure peaks as a function of the dimensionless spatio-temporal parameters (Froude number, Strouhal and Modela-w) was developed. The aim is to obtain an autonomous system capable of modulating a melody by comparing the peak pressure values obtained in real time with those of the reference model. The first results reveal a high prediction of the pressures under the three areas that serve the BFB (R² > 0.95). This model must be validated to be incorporated into the software in order to obtain a totally autonomous device allowing to inform in real time the distribution of the plantar pressures in a clinical or sports context.
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Características biomecânicas dos pés durante a marcha de crianças tipícas e com síndrome de DownCastro, Kelli Cristina de 24 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-24 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The developmental evaluation in children s feet between the age of two and six years-old may be one of Health Professionals duty in a pre-school. In this age the more important changes in children s feet occur and it may be important to identify dysfunctions that require intervention as soon as possible. Thus the purpose of this study was to evaluate the static structure and dynamic function of pre-school children s feet in order to classify them according to a reference profile. Twenty five healthy children (mean age of 3.4 ± 0.65 years) had their feet anthropometry measured to classify the static foot structure and plantar pressures measured with a platform to evaluate dynamic foot function. The results evidenced that our children showed increased arch índex, midfoot width and peak pressure over the midfoot and decreased force-time integral for the forefoot, compared to a reference study. Thus, our results suggest that our children in some aspects present foot structure and function not as developed as expected for their age. / Avaliar o desenvolvimento dos pés em crianças entre dois e seis anos de idade pode ser uma das tarefas de profissionais da Saúde inseridos na Educação Infantil. Nessa faixa etária ocorrem as principais mudanças na estrutura dos pés e a avaliação destas pode contribuir para a identificação precoce de disfunções que podem exigir intervenção. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a estrutura estática e a função dinâmica dos pés de um grupo de escolares da educação infantil, a fim de classificá-los de acordo com um perfil de referência. Foram avaliadas 25 crianças saudáveis (idade média de 3,4 ± 0,65 anos) que andaram na passarela, passando sobre a plataforma de pressão. A função dinâmica dos pés foi avaliada pela FRS e a estrutura estática dos pés foi avaliada por meio da plantigrafia. Os resultados evidenciaram que o índice do arco, a largura do mediopé e o pico de pressão na região do mediopé são maiores nas crianças avaliadas em nosso estudo, quando comparadas com um estudo de referência. Tais resultados sugerem que em alguns aspectos tanto a estrutura quanto a função dos pés ainda não estão plenamente desenvolvidos nessas crianças como o esperado para a idade.
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Análise das respostas musculares adaptativas frente a protocolos de alongamento e exercício excêntrico, aplicados após desuso do membro posterior de ratas em desenvolvimento pós-natal / Analysis of adaptive muscular responses to stretching and eccentric exercises applied after immobilization of the hindlimb in female rats in postnatal developmentPriscila Cação Benedini de Oliveira Elias 08 December 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou as mudanças e adaptações geradas pelos protocolos de alongamento e exercício excêntrico nos músculos sóleo e plantar, após 10 dias de imobilização do membro posterior de ratas em desenvolvimento pós-natal. Para isso, 45 ratas da raça Wistar, com 21 dias de idade, foram divididas em 10 grupos: grupo imobilizado (GI); grupo imobilizado e treinado excentricamente por 10 dias (GITE(10)) ou 21 dias (GITE(21)); grupo imobilizado e alongado por 10 dias (GIAL(10)) ou 21 dias (GIAL(21)); grupo anestesiado (GA); grupo controle de 21 dias de idade (GC(zero)); grupo controle do imobilizado de 31 dias de idade (GC(Imob)); grupo controle de 10 dias com 41 dias de idade (GC(10)); grupo controle de 21 dias com 52 dias de idade (GC(21)). A imobilização foi aplicada por 10 dias no membro posterior direito dos animais, a fim de manter a posição de encurtamento dos músculos sóleo e plantar. Posteriormente, as ratas do GITE(10) e GITE(21) passaram pelo período de treino excêntrico em esteira declinada, por 40 minutos. Enquanto os animais do GIAL(10) e GIAL(21) foram submetidos ao alongamento mantido por 40 minutos, através da fixação da dorsiflexão máxima permitida pelo tornozelo. Após os protocolos, os fragmentos dos músculos sóleo e plantar foram retirados e submetidos às reações histoquímica, imunoistoquímica e bioquímica. Análise qualitativa e quantitativa (isoformas de MHC, proporção de fibras, diâmetro menor e relação capilar/fibra) foram realizadas. Para análise estatística foi usado o Modelo Linear de Efeitos Mistos com nível de significância de 5% e Intervalo de Confiança de 95%. A partir da análise temporal do desenvolvimento muscular dos animais, foram observadas características de imaturidade dos músculos sóleo e plantar (fibras arredondadas, núcleos volumosos, reatividade do tecido), principalmente em animais com 21 e 31 dias de idade. Aumento progressivo do diâmetro das fibras e da relação capilar/fibra, em ambos os músculos, foram observados. O predomínio de FT1 e maior expressão da MHCI já estavam evidentes no músculo sóleo, mesmo de animais com 21 dias de idade. O músculo plantar apresentou predomínio de FT2D na análise da mATPase, e a avaliação das isoformas indicou predomínio da MHCIId e MHCIIb. O procedimento de imobilização desencadeou alta reatividade do tecido, redução do diâmetro de todos os tipos de fibras, mudança na proporção das fibras (redução de FT1 no sóleo e aumento de FT2D no plantar) e na expressão das isoformas de MHC, e queda do número de capilares transversais. A aplicação do alongamento e exercício excêntrico provocou adaptações importantes como o aumento do diâmetro das fibras, modificação da proporção das fibras e aumento da relação capilar/fibra, em ambos os músculos. Da análise morfológica, o músculo sóleo apresentou maior reatividade, quando comparado ao músculo plantar, com grande quantidade de núcleos centralizados e halo basofílico. O treino excêntrico foi capaz de intensificar as respostas hipertrófica e angiogênica, principalmente no período de 21 dias de reabilitação. Portanto, o desenvolvimento muscular normal foi acompanhado por adaptações importantes que correspondem ao avançar da idade juntamente com o aumento da demanda funcional nessa fase. O dispositivo de imobilização foi eficaz para promover o desuso e encurtamento dos músculos avaliados. Diferenças nítidas entre a resposta adaptativa dos músculos sóleo e plantar são observadas em ambos os protocolos de reabilitação no animal bebê. / This study analyzed changes and adaptations in the soleus and plantar muscles induced by stretching and eccentric exercise protocols applied after 10 days immobilization of the hindlimb in developing female rats. Fortyfive Wistar female rats, 21 days old, were divided into 10 groups: Immobilized (IG); Immobilized and trained eccentrically for 10 days (IEG(10)) or 21 days (IEG(21)); Immobilized and stretched for 10 days (ISG(10)) or 21 days (ISG(21)); Anesthetized (AG); Control, 21 days old (CG(zero)); Control of immobilized group, 31 days old (CG(Immob)); Control group of 10 days, 41 days old (CG(10)) or 21 days, 52 days old (CG(21)). The animals had the right hindlimb immobilized for 10 days keeping the soleus and plantar mucles in a shortened position. Rats in the IEG(10) and IEG(21) groups were further submitted to eccentric training in a declining threadmill for 40 minutes, while the ones in groups ISG(10) and ISG(21) were stretched for 40 minutes by fixing the maximum ankle dorsiflexion. Fragments of the soleus and plantar muscles were removed and analyzed by histochemical, immunohistochemical and biochemical assays, after sacrifice of the animals. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were made of Myosin Heavy-Chain (MHC) isoforms, fiber proportion, minimum diameter and capillary/fiber ratio. Data was statistically analyzed by the method of Mixed Effects Linear Models with a significance level of 5% and confidence interval of 95%. Temporal analysis of muscle development suggested immaturity of soleus and plantar muscles (rounded fibers, voluminous nuclei and tissue reactivity) specially in animals aged from 21-31 days. Progressive increase of fiber diameter and the capillary/ fiber ratio was also observed. Predominance of FT1 fibers and higher MHCI expression were already evident in the soleus muscle even in 21 days old animals. Analysis of mATPase showed that FT2D fibers were predominant in the plantar muscle as were the isoforms MHCIId and MHCIIb. Immobilization produced high tissue reactivity, diameter reduction in all fiber types, changes in fiber proportion (reduction of FT1 in the soleus and increase of FT2D numbers in the plantar muscles) and MHC isoform expressions and decreased number of transversal capillars. Both, stretching and eccentric exercises induced important adaptations like increased fiber diameter, modified fiber proportions and increased capillary/ fiber ratios in the soleus and plantar muscles. Morphological analysis indicated that the soleus was more reactive as compared to the plantar muscle, showing large quantities of centralized nuclei and a basophilic halo. Eccentric training induced greater hypertrophic and angiogenic responses, specially during the 21 days rehabilitation. Thus, normal muscular development in this phase was accompanied by major adaptations, which correspond to advancing age and increased functional demand. The immobilization apparatus was efficient in preventing use and promoting shortening of the muscles evaluated. Sharp differences between adaptive responses of soleus and plantar muscles were observed in both rehabilitation protocols applied to baby animals.
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Modélisation de l’équilibre et système de surveillance posturale / Balance modeling and postural monitoring systemsAbou Ghaida, Hussein 13 October 2014 (has links)
Les problèmes liés à l'équilibre sont diagnostiqués à l'aide de systèmes de cartographies des pressions plantaires ou de plateformes de force mesurant le déplacement du centre de pressions. Ces systèmes professionnels sont restreints à une utilisation en milieu médical, et on constate qu'aucun dispositif de surveillance de l'équilibre ne donne entière satisfaction en termes de mobilité et d'acceptabilité. Dans le contexte de la télémédecine et de l'e-santé, notre objectif a consisté à développer des outils pour la surveillance ambulatoire de l'équilibre postural, et contribuer à la compréhension du contrôle de l'équilibre. Nous avons d'abord entrepris une étude théorique de la faisabilité de la mesure des pressions plantaires et du déplacement dynamique du centre de pression, à partir d'un nombre très réduit de capteurs. Nous avons proposé pour cela un modèle mécanique simplifié du pied, ainsi que les hypothèses spécifiques à ces applications. Le modèle décrit la relation physique entre la posture du pied et la répartition des pressions plantaires suivant ses caractéristiques biomécaniques. Sur la base d'un prototype de semelle instrumentée à 3 capteurs uniquement, nous avons vérifié expérimentalement la capacité du système et des méthodes à générer le stabilogramme et les cartographies de pressions plantaires. Ceux-ci ont été comparés à un système matriciel de référence, et caractérisés en termes d'incertitude dans le cas du pied normal en position debout et durant la marche. Les stabilogrammes ainsi mesurés peuvent être analysés pour caractériser la signature de l'équilibre. Nous proposons un modèle spécifique à trois dimensions, décrivant la dynamique de l'équilibre et permettant d'identifier, par simulation, les principaux paramètres physiologiques qui assurent le maintien de l'équilibre postural. / Problems of balance are often diagnosed thanks to plantar pressure cartography systems or forces platform that measure the center of pressure displacement. These professional systems are restricted in use to medical environments, and until now, the balance monitoring systems do not offer complete satisfaction in terms of mobility and acceptability. In order to overcome these limitation and in the context of telemedicine and e-health, we aimed to develop tools for ambulatory monitoring of postural equilibrium and to understand the balance control. We have first undertaken a theoretical study on the feasibility of measuring plantar pressure and dynamic displacement of the center of pressure, from a very small number of sensors. For these applications, we have proposed a simplified mechanical foot model, as well as related assumptions. The model describes the physical relationship between foot posture and distribution of plantar pressures following its biomechanical characteristics. Based on a prototype of an instrumented insole with only 3 sensors, we have verified experimentally the ability of the system and the methods to generate both the stabilogram and the plantar pressure maps. Comparison is made with a matrix reference system, and characterization in terms of uncertainty in the case of normal foot in standing position and during walking is detailed. The measured stabilogram can be analyzed to characterize the signature of balance. We have also proposed a specific three-dimensional model describing the dynamics of balance. Based on simulation, it leads to identify the main physiological parameters related to balance control.
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Analýza distribuce plantárních tlaků u pacientů po mikrodisektomii L5/S1 / Analysis of plantar pressures distribution at patients after microdiscectomy L5/S1Végsöová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Title: Analysis of plantar pressures distribution at patients after microdiscectomy L5/S1 Author: Petra Végsöová Objective: The topic of the thesis is to analyze distribution of plantar pressure at "broken" and "healthy" foot. The work is based on comparison of plantar pressure distribution on "broken and healthy" footprint in static position before and after intensive daily rehabilitation. Method of solution: Twelve 40-65 years-old individuals were chosen for the study. They were treated for L5/S1 microdiscectomy and rehabilitated daily at Rehabilitation clinic Malvazinky in Prague. This group of individuals was examined in two ways; by a physiotherapist, who analysed their state of health using kinesiology analysis, and by Plantograph V07, which is used for examination of state of pressure between sole of foot and miniature pressure sensors shaped in a grid. Three weeks of rehabilitation was ended by the same ways of examination used at the beginning of therapy. The results were processed and compared by a computer. Key words: back pain, radicular syndrome, microdiscectomy, radicular pain, analysis of plantar pressures, plantograph
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Anatomische Voraussetzungen für pedale Bypass-RevaskularisationenWacker, Anne 08 December 2011 (has links)
Gefäßerkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus nehmen als Krankheiten der modernen Zivilisation zu. Sie gehen oft mit dem Risiko einer Amputation einher. Trotz verbesserter Therapie aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts steigen die Amputationsraten. Besonders gefährdet sind Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Aufgrund des besonderen Atherosklerosebefallsmusters mit Verschluss der kruralen Gefäße bei relativer Aussparung der Oberschenkel- und Fußarterien erzielen pedale Bypässe bei diabetischen Patienten besonders gute Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Wiederherstellung der Fußdurchblutung. Ein pedaler Bypass kann eine drohende Amputation oft verhindern. Voraussetzungen für eine pedale Bypass-Operation sind umfassende anatomische Kenntnisse über die Variabilität der Arterien im Operationsgebiet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Gefäßvariationen an Unterschenkel und Fuß.
Mit unterschiedlichen Methoden wurden Alkohol-fixierte (n=12) und Thiel-fixierte (n=10) Beinpräparate auf arterielle Variabilität untersucht. Die Alkohol-fixierten Präparate wurden makroskopisch präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert, außerdem erfolgte eine Probenentnahme zur histologischen Untersuchung der Atherosklerosegrade in verschiedenen Gefäßregionen (n=32) und die Herstellung von zwei Dauerpräparaten. An Thiel-fixiertem Material wurde die Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA) getestet.
Folgende Fragestellungen waren zu beantworten:
1. Welche Variationen der Blutgefäße finden sich für den Unterschenkel und Fuß? Wie kommunizieren die Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken?
2. Wie können kleinste Gefäße am Fuß präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert werden?
3. Lässt sich an fixiertem Leichenmaterial eine Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie durchzuführen?
4. Zeigen proximale und distale Blutgefäße des Beines einen unterschiedlichen Befall der Atherosklerose?
5. Welche Bedeutung hat die Herstellung von Dauerpräparaten für den studentischen Unterricht?
6. Welche Bedeutung hat die makroskopische Anatomie für die Klinik?
Die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sind:
1. Während der makroskopischen Präparation fanden sich folgende Variationen: Trifurkation, Truncus tibiofibularis anterior mit hohem Abgang der A. tibialis posterior und Abgang der A. tibialis anterior aus der A. fibularis, eine sehr dominante A. fibularis bei schwach ausgeprägter A. tibialis posterior, ein Arcus plantaris durch den zweiten intermetatarsalen Spalt laufend, kräftig ausgebildete A. plantaris profunda, kräftiger tiefer Ast der A. plantaris medialis, stark ausgeprägte A. arcuata.
Die den Arcus plantaris versorgenden Arterien, vor allem die A. plantaris lateralis und die A. plantaris profunda, variieren stark in ihrer Ausprägung. Sie sind Teil der „Ringanastomose”, die eine Durchblutung des Fußes über die Verbindungen verschiedener Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken gewährleistet.
Neben der A. plantaris profunda, die auch als Ramus perforans I bezeichnet wird, gibt es zwischen den Aa. metatarsales plantares und dorsales Verbindungen, die Rr. perforantes II-IV, die bei schwach ausgeprägter A. plantaris profunda die Gefäßversorgung sicherstellen und entsprechend stärker ausgebildet sein können.
Die A. fibularis kann über ihre kommunizierenden Äste, dem Ramus perforans zur A. dorsalis pedis oder dem Ramus communicans zur A. tibialis posterior, an der arteriellen Versorgung der Fußsohle beteiligt sein. Bei schwacher Ausbildung der A. tibialis posterior und/oder A. tibialis anterior kann diese durch die A. fibularis als phylogenetisch ältestes und damit konstantestes Gefäß der drei Unterschenkelarterien sogar teilweise oder vollständig ersetzt werden. Die „Ringanastomose“ hat für die Gefäßchirurgie eine große Bedeutung. Beim popliteodistalen Bypass orientiert sich die Wahl des distalen Anschlussgefäßes daran, über welches Gefäß sich der Arcus plantaris angiographisch füllt.
Eine Kollateralbildung beim Erwachsenen infolge atherosklerotischer Veränderungen über ursprünglich embryologische Gegebenheiten ist denkbar.
2. Die makroskopische Präparation kleinster Gefäße am Fuß wird durch die Injektion der roten Injektionslösung Microfil® erleichtert. Zur fotografischen Dokumentation ist eine Farbmarkierung der Arterien von außen notwendig, um den Gefäßverlauf sichtbar zu machen.
3. Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie an Leichenmaterial ist nur an Thiel-fixiertem Material möglich, da diese Methode die Gewebeverhältnisse in ihrer natürlichen Konsistenz erhält. Das Einbinden der Schleusen und die Injektion von Kontrastmittel in das Gefäßsystem sind durchführbar, weil die Gefäßlumina durchgängig bleiben. Alkohol- oder Formaldehyd-fixiertes Material ist für diese Zwecke ungeeignet, da das Gewebe aushärtet und in den Gefäßen befindliche Blutreste koagulieren. Dadurch wird eine Kontrastmittel-Injektion unmöglich.
4. Dass histologische Färbungen an langzeitfixiertem Material möglich sind, konnte bestätigt werden. Nach Modifikation der Färbevorschriften erlauben sie die Bewertung des Atherosklerosegrades. Der schwerste Befall mit Grad 4 befindet sich in den Arterien der Kniekehle. Die Fußarterien sind mit Grad 2 geringer befallen.
5. Dauerpräparate verbleiben in der anatomischen Lehrsammlung bzw. im Fundus von Anschauungsmaterial. Sie werden zukünftig zur Demonstration anatomischer Strukturen im Rahmen klinischer Kurse und im Studentenunterricht verwendet.
6. Die Anatomie als Grundlagenfach der Medizin hat in der Lehre einen hohen Stellenwert und in allen Studienabschnitten eine hohe klinische Relevanz. Gemeinsame Lehrveranstaltungen von Anatomie und Klinik wecken bei Studenten großes Interesse und fördern die Motivation. Im Rahmen der ärztlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in klinischen Kursen am Institut für Anatomie beispielsweise Untersuchungsmethoden und Operationsbedingungen simuliert. Kliniker wiederholen, festigen oder vertiefen ihre anatomischen Kenntnisse. Vor allem die chirurgischen Fächer profitieren von diesen praktischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten.
Wie die Arbeit am Beispiel der Gefäßchirurgie zeigt, bedingt eine gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anatomie und Klinik eine sichere klinische Praxis und eine lebendige Anatomie mit klinischen Bezügen. / Summary
Vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus show rising frequency in the Western world and are often accompanied by amputation. The amputation rate is still increasing despite major developments in diagnostics and therapy. Especially patients with diabetes mellitus are at high risk. Because of the special pattern with more severe atherosclerosis in the crural vessels than in the femoral and pedal arteries, the pedal bypass surgery provides excellent vessel patency and limb salvage rates in diabetic patients and can often prevent amputation. A solid knowledge about anatomical variations in the operating area is a precondition for bypass operations. This dissertation deals with variations of arteries from the lower leg and foot.
Lower legs from alcohol-fixed and Thiel-fixed cadavers were examined with different methods: The alcohol-fixed legs (n=12) were dissected macroscopically for variations of the arteries and documented by photographes. Samples along the vessel course (n=32) were taken for histological evaluation of the atherosclerotic degrees. Two legs were plastinated with polyethylene glycol. The Thiel-fixed legs (n=10) were tested for digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
The following questions had to be answered:
1. Which arterial variations can be found for the lower leg and foot? How do the vessels communicate between the sole and the dorsum of the foot?
2. How are small foot vessels dissected for photographical documentation?
3. Can Thiel-fixed material be used for DSA?
4. Do proximal and distal vessels show different degrees of atherosclerosis?
5. Which relevance does plastination have for the medical education?
6. How important is Gross anatomy for the clinicians?
Results and conclusions:
1. The following variations occurred: trifurcation, anterior tibiofibular truncus with high branching from the posterior tibial artery and the anterior tibial artery originating from the fibular artery, dominant fibular artery, plantar arch running through the second interosseus space, dominant deep plantar artery, dominant deep branch of the medial plantar artery, prominent arcuate artery. The arteries for the plantar arch, supplying most of the foot arteries, show a high diversification. They are part of the “ring anastomosis” which assures a good blood supply via different vessels connecting the dorsum and the sole of the foot. Beside the deep plantar artery, also named as “perforating branch I”, there are other connecting branches between the plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries - the perforating braches II, III and IV. These branches are highly developed in case of an undeveloped deep plantar artery. The fibular artery can be involved in the blood supply of the foot via a communicating branch to the posterior tibial artery and the perforating branch to the dorsalis pedis artery. The fibular artery, which is phylogenetically the oldest crural vessel, can be highly developed in case of inferior anterior tibial artery and/or posterior tibial artery. The “ring anastomosis” is very important for vascular surgery. The inflow and outflow vessels of a popliteodistal bypass are chosen after angiography of the plantar arch showing the vessel for the supply of the plantar arch.
2. Macroscopical dissection of very small foot vessels can be facilitated by injection of a special plastic, Microfil®-solution. The arteries have to be additionally coloured by help of special markers for photographical documentation.
3. DSA can just be done with Thiel-fixed material. Thiel-fixation allows DSA because maintained in situ conditions. The blood is not coagulated and the vessels stay patent for contrast medium. Alcohol-fixed or formaldehyde-fixed material is not suitable for DSA because of clotted blood in the vessels impeding injection of contrast agent.
4. It is confirmed that histological examination is possible with long fixed material. After modification of the staining protocol the sections could be used for evaluation of the atherosclerotic degree. The popliteal arteries are more affected with degree 4 in comparison to the foot arteries with degree 2.
5. Plastinates are displayed in the anatomical collection of the Institute for Anatomy. They will be used for anatomical demonstrations in the lessons of students and in clinical courses.
6. Anatomy as basic knowledge is very important for teaching medical students and has a high clinical relevance in every phase of the medical course. Interdisciplinary lessons between anatomy and clinical disciplines awake interest and motivate students. Advanced medical training is obtained at the Institute for Anatomy by simulating endoscopic examination and developing new surgical techniques. Clinicians repeat, stabilize and deepen their anatomical knowledge. Especially surgeons benefit from these training possibilities.
Using the example of vascular bypass surgery the present dissertation shows the value of a good cooperation between anatomy and clinic to provide a safe clinical practice and a lively anatomy with clinical references.
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