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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'auto-incrimination / Self-incrimination

Giorgi, Marine 22 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste à expliquer les lacunes que connait le droit français en matière d'auto-incrimination. Cette notion est inexistante en france et ne permet pas d'assurer aux justiciables un respect des droits de la défense affirmé. En effet, l'absence de ce droit au sein du code de procédure pénale ou de tout autre texte français, pose difficultés car les droits de la défense ne sont pas pleinement garantis. Certains mécanismes sont donc validés alors qu'ils sont attentatoires. Il est impératif que cette notion, avec tous les aspects qu'elle englobe soit prise en compte en droit français. Si le système américain et canadien le privilégie tant c'est bien que ce droit de ne pas s'auto-incriminer requiert un développement approfondi. Il sera également important d'observer comment le doit pénal français tente de le contourner, notamment au regard de certaines alternatives au jugement tel que le plea-bargaining. La question sera donc de se demander s'il est préférable de privilégier une atteinte aux droits de la défense ou la peine qui peut en découler. / This thesis consists of explaining the shortcomings of French law in self-incrimination. This notion is non-existent in France and does not ensure that litigants respect the rights of the defense asserted. Indeed, the absence of this right in the Code of Criminal Procedure or any other French text poses difficulties because the rights of the defense are not fully guaranteed. Some mechanisms are validated while they are detrimental. It is imperative that this notion, with all the aspects it encompasses, be taken into account in French law. If the American and Canadian system privileges it so much it is good that this right not to incriminate itself requires a deep development. It will also be important to observe how the French criminal law attempts to circumvent it, especially with regard to some alternatives to judgment such as plea-bargaining. The question will therefore be whether it is preferable to favor an infringement of the rights of the defense or the sentence that may result from it

Rise and Fall of the Constitutional Right to a Jury Trial for Criminal Cases in the United States / Apogeo y declive del derecho constitucional a un juicio por jurado para causas penales en los Estados Unidos

Arrieta Caro, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
Since its appearance in Europe, the trial by jury had to travel a long path until it became the official procedure to try criminal cases in the United States. Although it was not really created with that specific purpose, over the years it experienced memorable moments in which it was granted with the prestige and value required to be inserted in the Constitution of that country, as a safeguard against the arbitrariness of the governmental power. Today, however, the great importance that it had in the past has significantly decreased. The needs and practices of a system with a particularly high rate of convictions have relegated and transformed it into a real endangered specie. The following article describes and explains its birth and rise, as well as its subsequent virtual disappearance due to the not so efficient as dangerous guilty pleas. / Desde su aparición en Europa, el juicio por jurados tuvo que recorrer un largo camino para convertirse en el método oficial de juzgamiento de casos penales en los Estados Unidos. A pesar de que no fue creado exactamente con esa finalidad, tuvo varios momentos memorables durante su desarrollo que le otorgaron el prestigio y valor necesarios para insertarse en la Constitución de ese país como una garantía frente al abuso del poder. Hoy, sin embargo, la gran importancia que alguna vez tuvo ha quedado atrás. Las necesidades y prácticas propias de un sistema con una altísima tasa de condenas han terminado por relegarlo, convirtiéndolo en una verdadera especie en peligro de extinción. El siguiente artículo describe y explica el nacimiento y auge de los juicios por jurados para causas penales y su posterior virtual desaparición a manos de los no tan eficientes como peligrosos acuerdos negociados de condena.

Role Plea Bargaining v USA / Role of Plea Bargaining in the USA

Doležal, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Role of Plea Bargainingin the US The aim of this thesis is to explain to the reader the term Plea Bargaining, to explain the principles of this legal institute and its role in the penal system of the United States of America. The Author does not only describe the Plea Bargaining, but also analyses the institute thoroughly, accenting its positive and negative aspects, considering the point of view of the particular participants of the process. Last but not least, the thesis contains the author's critical evaluation. The institute of Plea Bargaining appears in the common law system from the second half of the nineteenth century, while evincing a quantitative growth in the long term. Currently, it is being used in the absolute majority of penal proceedings, and a change in this trend can in no way be expected in the closest future - therefore, this institute shall be considered as absolutely indispensable for the law of the United States of America. Despite its wide use, its application also gives rise to negative emotions. Relatively often, there are opinions appearing, questioning its legitimacy and legality, for Plea Bargaining is not regulated in the statute law and is not only directly contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America, but also to multiple international treaties on...

The impact and constitutionality of delayed trials on the rights of a suspect or accused person during criminal proceedings

Gopaul, Arusha 02 1900 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees every person a fair trial; the right to a fair trial right trial must begin and conclude within a reasonable time and without undue delay. Internationally the same guarantees and protections are available to unconvicted suspects. However, the South African criminal justice system lacks behind internationally and falls short of promoting these guarantees. Investigation was done on delays in commencing and finalising trials in light of constitutional provisions, the consequence and the impact of the delay with discussion on prison conditions and overcrowding with reference to the Constitutiton, legislation and case law. Delayed trial, prison overcrowding and poor prison conditions are still an issue in South Africa and there needs to be positive change to enforce and practice prescribed directives. South Africa‟s justice system through its servants, need to do more to gain a higher status of having a constitutionally democratic country that fully promotes‟ rights of detainees. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LLM

The impact and constitutionality of delayed trials on the rights of a suspect or accused person during criminal proceedings

Gopaul, Arusha 02 1900 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa guarantees every person a fair trial; the right to a fair trial right trial must begin and conclude within a reasonable time and without undue delay. Internationally the same guarantees and protections are available to unconvicted suspects. However, the South African criminal justice system lacks behind internationally and falls short of promoting these guarantees. Investigation was done on delays in commencing and finalising trials in light of constitutional provisions, the consequence and the impact of the delay with discussion on prison conditions and overcrowding with reference to the Constitutiton, legislation and case law. Delayed trial, prison overcrowding and poor prison conditions are still an issue in South Africa and there needs to be positive change to enforce and practice prescribed directives. South Africa‟s justice system through its servants, need to do more to gain a higher status of having a constitutionally democratic country that fully promotes‟ rights of detainees. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLM

Système pénal et politique criminelle : interférences et spécificités / Penal system and criminal policies : interferences and specificities

Beji, Noël 09 May 2011 (has links)
La politique criminelle est liée à un mode de fonctionnement particulier rattaché aux différences conceptuelles et structurelles des systèmes pénaux. Ainsi les solutions au phénomène criminel sont spécifiques à un mode de construction sociale dont la cohérence et l’efficience exigent la compatibilité de la conception de la politique criminelle avec le système pénal.La construction d’une justice pénale se distingue par sa configuration exclusive et par une lecture particulière des institutions qui la compose. Elle se réalise à travers un enchainement intellectuel spécifique qui intègre sa filiation historique, politique et sociale pour former un ensemble de références communes. / The conceptual and structural differences between penal systems and the operating mode of the criminal policies linked to these differences.The solutions to the criminal phenomenon are specific to a social construction model, which its consistency and efficiency require the compatibility of the criminal policy and the penal system.The construction of a criminal justice is distinguished by the exclusivity of its configuration and by a particular lecture of its institutions. It is performed throw an intellectual chaining that incorporates its historical, political and social filiations to realize a set of common references.

La négociation en matière pénale / Negotiating in the field of criminal law

Cabon, Sarah-Marie 05 December 2014 (has links)
Parler de négociation en matière pénale peut, de prime abord, semblerantinomique. Issue par tradition du modèle accusatoire de justice pénale, la logiqued’intégration du consensus dans le champ de la répression s’observe pourtant dans lesystème procédural à l’égard de procédures dont le fonctionnement est entièrementconditionné par l’aveu. Instrument au service de la répression des pratiquesanticoncurrentielles, du traitement du contentieux de masse ou de la lutte contre lacriminalité organisée, la négociation se présente aujourd’hui comme un processus dont lelégislateur ne peut plus faire l’économie. De ce constat est née la volonté d’appréhender lephénomène au moyen d’une définition qui permet d’une part, de mieux cerner l’articulationdes diverses modalités de la négociation avec les modes de réponse pénale traditionnels,d’autre part d’en apprécier les conséquences notamment au regard des principes directeursde la matière. Plaçant l’autorité de poursuite au rang d’acteur principal du système judiciaire,le processus de négociation nécessite l’élaboration d’un cadre juridique strict afin d’assurerla garantie des droits fondamentaux du justiciable. Si l’échange qui s’établit entre l’autoritéde poursuite et la personne mise en cause révèle l’existence d’un accord, l’étude dufonctionnement concret des procédures de négociation ne permet pas de conclure à laréalité d’un contrat. Illustration de la logique probatoire à l’oeuvre dans le système répressifnord-américain, le développement de la négociation doit s’inscrire dans le respect d’unéquilibre entre les impératifs d’efficacité et le respect des principes qui confèrent à la justicepénale française son identité. / One can have reservations about the idea of negotiation in criminal law. Yet, theinitiative of reaching consensus in the field of repression – an initiative that derives from thetraditional adversarial model of criminal justice – can nevertheless be observed in theprocedural system with regard to procedures the implementation of which is entirelydetermined by the confession. The negotiation has been used to curb anti-competitivepractices, to handle class action lawsuits or to fight organized crime, and has definitelybecome a key process for lawmakers to consider. This observation has led to an examinationof this phenomenon through a definition which shall help to understand, on the one hand, thearticulation of the many forms of negotiation with the standard criminal procedure, and on theother, to appraise its consequences, especially those that are in conformity with the mainguiding principles of criminal justice. By placing the prosecution at the center of the justicesystem, plea-bargaining requires a strict legal framework to protect the basic rights of peoplesubject to trial. If discussions between the prosecution and the defendant have brought tolight some sort of agreement, the study of the inner workings of the bargaining procedureshas not exposed the existence of a contract. This dissertation aims to demonstrate that thecurrent development of plea-bargaining, a process which is illustrative of the probationaryrationale of the repressive North American criminal justice system, calls for some balancebetween the imperatives of efficiency and the respect of the distinctive characteristics of theFrench justice system.

澳門刑事和解制度初探 / Primary research on the criminal reconciliation system in Macau

楊秀莉 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

La justice restaurative : étude comparée du droit thaïlandais et du droit français

Wiboonsamai, Sakwut 06 December 2011 (has links)
L’émergence de la justice restaurative est le résultat d’une certaine inefficacité de la justice pénale classique. Le concept de la justice restaurative propose de répondre d’une façon novatrice à la criminalité et aux conflits. La justice restaurative se révèle être aujourd’hui une voie prometteuse de consolidation de l’harmonie sociale. Elle cherche à soutenir toutes les personnes impliquées (les victimes, les délinquants et les membres de la communauté), à leur donner des possibilités de participer et de communiquer et ainsi à favoriser une démarche de réparation afin de rétablir les liens sociaux brisés suite à l’infraction. Ces travaux de thèse ont pour objectif de connaître et comprendre la justice restaurative, les modalités et les mesures rencontrées notamment en France et en Thaïlande. À cet effet, nous avons posé deux questions centrales, à savoir : Quel est le cadre général et juridique de la justice restaurative ? ainsi que : Quelles sont les mesures existantes déclinées pour la mise en œuvre de la justice restaurative ? Grâce aux réponses apportées à ces questions, nous pourrons mieux connaître et comprendre la justice restaurative en France et en Thaïlande. / The emergence of restorative justice is the result of inefficiency of the classic criminal justice process. The concept of restorative justice offers innovative approach to crime and conflict. It appears to be a promising way to consolidate social harmony by supporting all the people involved (victims, offenders and community members). Restorative justice gives them opportunities to participate and communicate; and encourages a process of repair in order to mend the broken society bonds caused by offense. The aim of this thesis is to know about and understand terms and measures encountered during restorative justice programme in Thailand and in France. To do this, we need to answer two questions: what are the general and legal frameworks of restorative justice? and what are the existing measures implemented on the restorative justice? The answers of these questions should give us a better understanding of the restorative justice of both countries.

The trial in literature. A study of the legal aspects in three emblematic novels: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, by Dickens; Billy Budd, by Melville; and The Bonfire of the Vanities, by Tom Wolfe / El proceso en la literatura. Análisis de los aspectos jurídicos de tres obras emblemáticas: Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, de Dickens; Billy Budd, de Melville; y La hoguera de las vanidades, de Tom Wolfe

Zolezzi Ibárcena, Lorenzo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The plots of Billy Budd and The Bonfire of the Vanities are organized entirely around a lawsuit. In The Pickwick Papers the trial is only a part, though an important one, of a series of related adventures in which the main characters of the novel participate. In the three novels there is a trial in which the accused is found guilty, although he is actually innocent. In The Posthumous Papers of the Club Pickwick, the author’s main purpose is to present the operation of the legal system, in which the modus operandi of unscrupulous lawyers, who rely only on cheating and deceiving methods, is atthe beginning of and determines the outcome of the lawsuit. In Billy Budd, an innocent is sentenced to death in order to preserve a supposed higher interest: the common good. In The Bonfire of the Vanities, political factors, personal interests, resentments and other worldly elements determine the outcome of the trial. In the three cases, the watchmaking mechanism that a lawsuit appears to be is completely overcome by factors outside it. / Las tramas de Billy Budd y La hoguera de las vanidades están organizadas íntegramente alrededor de un juicio. En Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, el proceso es una parte importante de la obra, pero también existen aventuras relacionadas en las que participan los diversos personajes. En los tres juicios se juzga a un inocente. En Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, el autor busca presentar el funcionamiento real del sistema legal, en el cual el modus operandi de abogados inescrupulosos, quienes emplean únicamente métodos tramposos y fraudulentos, determina el origen y el resultado del proceso. En Billy Budd, un inocente es condenado a muerte para preservar un supuesto interés mayor: el bien común. En La hoguera de las vanidades, factores políticos, intereses personales, resentimientos y otros elementos de carácter mundano determinan el resultado del proceso. En los tres casos, el mecanismo de relojería que parece ser el proceso es totalmente sobrepasado por factores externos al mismo.

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