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La science en mouvement : la presse de vulgarisation scientifique au prisme des dispositifs optiques (1851-1903) / Science in motion : optical devices in popular science magazines (1851-1903)Hohnsbein, Axel 05 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le mouvement des études interdisciplinaires portant sur la presse. Son objet est double : la presse de vulgarisation scientifique et les dispositifs optiques. Notre étude débute en 1851, moment de la fondation des premiers titres représentatifs, et s’achève en 1903, période de crise où ces périodiques entament une redéfinition de leurs lignes éditoriales. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la façon dont la presse de vulgarisation scientifique s’empare des dispositifs optiques. Nous montrons que ces dispositifs, mieux que tout autre objet, permettent de comprendre efficacement l’évolution générale de la presse de vulgarisation scientifique dans ses pratiques d’écriture, dans le choix de ses rédacteurs et dans l’évolution des lignes éditoriales. L’étude conjointe de la presse photographique, laquelle se rattache explicitement au mouvement de vulgarisation scientifique, et des périodiques de vulgarisation scientifique généraliste, montre que, si ces deux types de presse cohabitent initialement en s’ignorant largement, ils finissent par se rencontrer et s’influencer mutuellement. Cette thèse visant à offrir une cartographie détaillée des périodiques et du personnel qui y officie, elle s’accompagne d’annexes incluant un répertoire des périodiques traités, ainsi qu’un premier répertoire des personnalités de la vulgarisation scientifique et une chronologie. / This dissertation is part of interdisciplinary studies dealing with the press. Its subject-matter is twofold: french popular science newspapers and optical devices. Our study begins in 1851 with the founding of the first popular science magazines, and ends in 1903, year of crisis during which this periodical press begins to redefine its editorial lines.The purpose of this work is to study how the popular science press got hold of optical devices. We show that these devices, better than any other object, allow effectively to understand the general development of the popular science press in its writing practices, in the choice of its writers, and in the evolution of its editorial lines. The joint study of photographic newspapers, which are explicitly linked to the popular science movement, and general popular scientific journals, shows that both types of press initially ignore each other, but eventually meet and influence each other.This dissertation aims at providing a detailed description of this periodical press and its staff: it is accompanied by appendices including a detailed index of those newspapers, and another detailed index of popular science writers. It also includes a chronology.
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Manilius on the nature of the Universe : a study of the natural-philosophical teaching of the AstronomicaColborn, Robert Maurice January 2015 (has links)
The thesis has two aims. The first is to show that a more charitable approach to Manilius, such as Lucretian scholarship has exhibited in recent decades, yields a wealth of exciting discoveries that earlier scholarship has not thought to look for. The thesis' contributions to this project centre on three aspects of the poem: (I) the sophistication of its didactic techniques, which draw and build on various predecessors in the tradition of didactic poetry; (II) its cosmological, physical and theological basis, which has no exact parallel elsewhere in either astrology or natural philosophy, and despite clear debts to various traditions, is demonstrably the invention of our poet; (III) the extent to which rationales and physical bases are offered for points of astrological theory – something unparalleled in other astrological texts until Ptolemy. The second, related aim of the thesis is to offer a more satisfying interpretation of the poem as a whole than those that have hitherto been put forward. Again the cue comes from Lucretius: though the DRN is at first sight primarily an exposition of Epicurean physics, it becomes clear that its principal concern is ethical, steering its reader away from superstition, the fear of death and other damaging thought-patterns. Likewise, the Astronomica makes the best sense when its principal message is taken to be not the set of astrological statements that make up its bulk, but the poem’s peculiar world- view, for which those statements serve as an evidential basis. It is, on this reading, just as much a poem ‘on the nature of the universe', which provides the title of my thesis. At the same time, however, it finds new truth in the conventional assumption that Manilius is first and foremost an advocate of astrology: it reveals his efforts to defend astrology at all costs, uncovers strategies for making the reader more amenable to further astrological study and practice, and contends that someone with Manilius' set of beliefs must first have been a devotee of astrology before embracing a natural- philosophical perspective such as his. The thesis is divided into prolegomena and commentaries, which pursue the aims presented above in two different but complementary ways. The prolegomena comprise five chapters, outlined below: Chapter 1 presents a comprehensive survey of the evidence for the cosmology, physics and theology of the Astronomica, and discovers that a coherent and carefully thought-out world-view underlies the poem. It suggests that this Stoicising world- view is drawn exclusively from a few philosophical works of Cicero, but is nonetheless the product of careful synthesis. Chapter 2 explores the relationship between this world-view and earlier Academic criticism of astrology and concludes that the former has been developed as a direct response to these criticisms, specifically as set out in Cicero’s De divinatione. Chapter 3 examines the later impact of Manilius’ astrological world-view, as far as it can be detected, assessing the evidence for the early reception of his poem and its role in the history of philosophical astrology. The overwhelming impression is that the work was received as a serious contribution to debate over the physical and theological underpinnings of astrology; its world-view was absorbed into the mainstream of astrological theory and directly targeted in the next wave of Academic criticism of astrology. Chapter 4 looks at the more subtle strategies of persuasion that are at work in the Astronomica. It observes, first, a number of structural devices and word- patternings that set up the poem as a model of the universe it describes. This first part of the chapter concludes by asking what didactic and/or philosophical purpose such modelling could serve. The second part examines how, by a gradual process of habituation-through-metaphor, the reader is made familiar with the conventional astrological way of thinking about the world, which might otherwise have struck him as a baffling mass of contradictions. The third part looks at the use of certain rhetorical figures, particularly paradox, to re-emphasise important physical claims and assist the process of habituation. Chapter 5 takes on the task of making sense of the Astronomica as a whole, seeking out an underlying rationale behind the choice and ordering of material, accounting as well as is possible for its apparently premature end, and asking why, if it is a serious piece of natural-philosophical teaching, it so often appears to be self- undermining. A short epilogue asks what path can have led Manilius to embark on such a work as the Astronomica. It offers a sketch of the author as an adherent (but not a practitioner) of astrology, who had developed a philosophical system first as scaffolding for an art under threat, but had then come to see more importance in that philosophical underpinning than in the activities of prediction. The lemmatised commentaries that follow cover several passages from the first book of the Astronomica. As crucial as the remaining four books are to his natural-philosophical teaching, it is in this part of the poem that Manilius concentrates the direct expositions of his world-view. Like the chapters, the commentaries' two concerns are the nature and the exposition of the work's world-view. Each of the commentaries has its own focus, but all make full use of the format to tease out the poet's teaching strategies and watch his techniques operate 'in real time' over protracted stretches of text. Finally, an appendix presents the case for the Astronomica as the earliest evidence for the use of plane-image star maps. At two points in his tour of the night sky Manilius describes the positions of constellations in a way that suggests that he is consulting a stereographic projection of each hemisphere, and that he is assuming his reader has one to hand, too. This observation casts valuable new light on the development of celestial cartography.
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Är det en kvasar eller en galax? : Att översätta en populärvetenskaplig text – informativa och expressiva aspekter / Is this a quasar or a galaxy? : Translation of popular science – informative and expressive aspects.Kolesnikova, Olga January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en översättning från svenska till ryska av ett utdrag ur Ulf Danielssons bok Mörkret vid tidens ände och en kommentar, där de översättningsstrategier som tillämpats samt deras teoretiska utgångspunkter analyseras. Den översättningsteoretiska ramen för uppsatsen utgörs av Katharina Reiss’ texttypteori, men även de översättningsteorier som fokuserar på hur översättaren kan undvika en stilistisk utarmning vid översättning av expressiva texter beaktas, nämligen Antoine Berman negativa analys och Jiří Levýs undersökning av översättningstendenser. Översättningsanalysen visade att de vanligast förekommande strategierna vid översättningen av källtextens informativa sakinnehåll var explicitering och syntaktiska modifikationer, medan fokus vid arbetet med bildspråket låg på att bevara källtextens känsloladdning och estetiska verkningskraft eller på att kompensera för eventuella förluster. Även den översättningsproblematik som skapades av källtextens intertextualitet tas upp, och de lösningar som möjliggör att bevara både de informativa och estetiska funktioner som de intertextuella inslagen har i texten diskuteras. / This study consists of the translation of an excerpt from Ulf Danielsson’s book Mörkret vid tidens ände (Darkness at the end of time, my own translation) from Swedish to Russian, as well as a commentary, which provides analysis of applied translation strategies and their theoretical background. The theoretical framework of this study is comprised of Katharina Reiss’ theory of text types, along with the translation theories conceptualising the ways to avoid stylistic impoverishment of the translated expressive texts, namely Antoine Berman’s negative analytics and Jiří Levýs study of common translation tendencies. The translation analysis shows that the translation strategies most commonly used while working with the informative content of the source text, were explicitation and syntactic modifications. In the process of working with figurative language, the focus was either on transferring the emotional connotations and aesthetic character of the source text or on compensation for eventual losses. Moreover, the issue of intertextuality is discussed and analysis is provided of those solutions that allowed preservation of both informative and aesthetic functions, fulfilled by intertextual elements in the source text.
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Motivations for Indoor Tanning: Theoretical ModelsHillhouse, Joel J., Turrisi, Rob 01 January 2016 (has links)
This chapter reviews the literature applying health behavior theories to indoor tanning. Few studies have tried to fit full versions of health behavior models to indoor tanning. Theoretical models from the family of theories referred to as the reasoned action approach (e.g., theory of planned behavior, behavioral alternative model, prototype willingness model, etc.) have been most commonly used to study indoor tanning. Results indicate that these models fit indoor tanning data moderately to extremely well. Two lesser known models, problem behavior theory and the terror management health model, have also demonstrated a reasonable fit. Two other common models, the health belief model and social cognitive theory, have never been fully tested with indoor tanning. However, key constructs from these models (e.g., perceived susceptibility and threat, modeling) have been used to understand indoor tanning. Empirical research conducted represents a solid start toward developing strong, comprehensive models of indoor tanning that can guide intervention efforts. This initial work needs to be expanded by conducting longitudinal studies and by including a broader age range in studies because the majority of existing work has focused on young adults. Incorporating findings related to tanning dependency, peer group affiliation, media influences and other constructs into these foundational models will also improve our understanding and ability to develop efficacious interventions to reduce engagement in this health risk behavior.
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A Systematic Review of Intervention Efforts to Reduce Indoor TanningTurrisi, Rob, Hillhouse, Joel J., Mallett, Kimberly, Stapleton, Jerod L., Robinson, June K. 01 January 2012 (has links)
This chapter reviews the literature examining interventions to reduce indoor tanning (IT). The first objective was to highlight programs that show promise for large scale dissemination. The second objective was to promote criteria and standards for future intervention research efforts. The scope of interest for this review includes universal (for everyone in the population), selective (for those in the population who are at a greater risk), and indicated (for those who already are experiencing conditions that identify them as at risk) programs. The evaluation of the interventions resulted in three levels of evidence: (1) most promising, (2) emerging, and (3) mixed. For an intervention to be considered “most promising”, it was required that ten criteria be met through examination of research findings in published reports consistent with Flay and colleagues (Prev Sci 6(3):151–175, 2005). Interventions that were classified as “emerging” met most of the criteria. Finally, interventions classified as “mixed” did not reach threshold on more than two criteria that were deemed critical. The results revealed that there was very limited research on IT interventions that meet all the evaluation criteria. Only one intervention approach met all of the criteria (Appearance Booklet) (Hillhouse and Turrisi, Behav Med 25(4):395–409, 2002; Hillhouse et al., Cancer 113(11):3257–3266, 2008). Although the number of published papers in the IT area has increased dramatically over the past decade, these efforts have yet to translate into rigorously conducted intervention trials. The review points to important issues that need to be addressed in future research on the prevention of IT. Keywords
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Ett genis trovärdighet : En retorisk analys av Albert Einsteins vetenskapliga ethos / The Credibility of a Genius : A Rhetorical Analysis of Albert Einstein's Scientific EthosGöransdotter, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Albert Einstein published the English translation of Relativity: The Special and General Theory in the midst of two big events in 1920: the confirmation of the two theories of relativity and spacetime in 1919 and the Nobel prize in physics in 1921. The new global celebrity wanted to make the theories intelligible and readable for an international English-speaking audience, an audience that also included antagonistic scientists and even anti-Semites. The aim of this thesis is to do a rhetorical analysis of Einstein’s character, his ethos, in Relativity, with a specific focus on creation of credibility in regard to his historical context: scientific ideals, values and norms as well as the political and cultural tendencies in Europe during the early 20th century. This was done firstly by identifying the implied auditor. Secondly, based on the material, I have identified three stereotypes or characters – the professional idealist, the mentor and the internationalist – which emphases different features and capacities that are crucial for the credibility of the text. Thirdly, by using these stereotypes and in regard to the specific historical context, I investigated how Einstein developed his primary ethos into a secondary ethos in the text. The rhetorical analysis of Einstein’s Relativity shows that his ethos stands in relation to the social and cultural perception of the virtuous epistemic scientist; to fight prejudices regarding being a Jewish-German theoretical physicist; and, noteworthy, a way to produce a well-needed international space – a crucial alternative to continue the positivistic knowledge production counter to the nationalistic project.
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The midlife crisis, gender, and social science in the United States, 1970-2000Schmidt, Susanne Antje January 2018 (has links)
This thesis provides the first rigorous history of the concept of midlife crisis. It highlights the close connections between understandings of the life course and social change. It reverses accounts of popularization by showing how an idea moved from the public sphere into academia. Above all, it uncovers the feminist origins of the concept and places this in a historically little-studied tradition of writing about middle age that rejected the gendered "double standard of aging." Constructions of middle age and life-planning were not always oppressive, but often used for feminist purposes. The idea of midlife crisis became popular in the United States with journalist Gail Sheehy's Passages (1976), a critique of Erik Erikson's male-centered model of ego development and psychoanalytic constructions of gender and identity more generally. Drawing on mid-century notions of middle life as the time of a woman's entry into the public sphere, Sheehy's midlife crisis defined the onset of middle age, for men and women, as the end of traditional gender roles. As dual-earner families replaced the male breadwinner model, Passages circulated widely, read by women and men of different generations, including social scientists. Three psychoanalytic experts-Daniel Levinson, George Vaillant, and Roger Gould-rebutted Sheehy by putting forward a male-only concept of midlife as the end of a man's family obligations; they banned women from reimagining their lives. Though this became the dominant meaning of midlife crisis, it was not universally accepted. Feminist scholars, most famously the psychologist and ethicist Carol Gilligan, drew on women's experiences to challenge the midlife crisis, turning it into a sign of emotional instability, immaturity, and egotism. Resonating with widespread understandings of mental health and social responsibility, and confirmed by large-scale surveys in the late 1990s, this relegated the midlife crisis to a chauvinist cliché. It has remained a contested concept for negotiating the balances between work and life, production and reproduction into the present day.
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