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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Profesinis konsultavimas ir orientavimas šiuolaikiniame profesinio rengimo kontekste / Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training Context

Šiaučiūnienė, Stanislava 17 June 2005 (has links)
Šiaučiūnienė S. Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training Context: Master’s Paper in Andragogic/ research mentor prof. habil. dr. M. Barkauskaitė; Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy-Psychology, Department of Educology. – Vilnius, 2005. – 96 p. The subject of this Master’s Paper in Andragogic is talking-point. As Lithuania is integrating into the European social and economical space, vocational consulting had become an underlying field which helps people to realize vocational perfection’s solutions. This Paper was aiming to study the evolution of vocational training system in the last ten years establishing the importance of vocational consulting and guidance for the planning of professional career. The object of research was pedagogical process in vocational training. The goals of this Paper were to: 1. Analyze the variety of theories on vocational guidance in sight of pedagogical psychology. 2. Establish the requirements for the vocational guidance and consulting. 3. Evaluate Lithuanian reforming vocational training system and its alterations in the dimension of vocational consulting and career planning. 4. Study the impact of vocational teachers on the further planning process of professional career. 5. Explore relations between choice of profession and vocational consulting in the conditions of contemporary labour market’s demands. It was hypothesized: analyze of regional state demonstrates that it is possible to bargain for... [to full text]

Kauno kolegijos studentų savęs vertinimo ir profesinio tinkamumo tyrimas / The research of Professional suitability and self-knowledge of students in Kaunas College

Garbauskienė, Rita 01 June 2006 (has links)
The profession’s pick is the most significance task during adolescence and juvenescence. This profession’s pick has a strong influence for all person‘s life. According to professor L.Jovaisa (1999) the profession’s pick is multifold act and permanent process. The social economical status depends from the profession’s pick too. According to the profession a lot of people qualify theirs conditions and signification in the society. Occupation gives a financial security, high self-esteem, social acceptance, guaranties good social conditions and public‘s respect. Occupation also enables to develop social contacts and to reach personnel’s life‘s quality. The profession needs good knowledge, competences and skills. The profession’s pick depends on many factors such as physicomental maturity, social force, economical situation, cultural degree and psychic income. Person‘s orientation has an influence in the profession‘s pick. The person‘s orientation affords for better understanding of tendency in personage‘s career, the process of employable action, satisfaction of job, aspiration and strides. John Holland, a career specialist, developed a theory that people and careers can be characterized by six basic „types“.These „types“, or Holland Codes, are commonly referred to as RIASEC to reflect the first letter in each of the themes (R – Realistic, I – Investigative, A – Artistic, S – Social, E – Enterprising, C – Conventional).

Profesinio orientavimo, informavimo ir konsultavimo vadyba vidurinėje mokykloje / Management of professional orientation, information and consultation in secondary school

Kietavičienė, Oksana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninė gerovė. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis moksleivio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad jaunuolis suprastų, jog adaptacija darbo pasaulyje ir asmenybės vidinė harmonija priklauso nuo tinkamo apsisprendimo. Dabar, kai vis labiau integruojamės į Europos Sąjungą, jaunimui susidaro vis didesnės galimybės laisvai pasirinkti profesiją, tačiau tuo pačiu padidėja jaunimo individualios kompetencijos ir asmeninės atsakomybės reikšmė. V.Stanišauskienė, straipsnyje „ Ugdymas karjerai mokykloje: kaip padėti moksleiviui įgyti šiuolaikinę karjeros kompetenciją“ teigia, kad mokytojui reikalinga šiuolaikinė karjeros kompetencija, įgalinanti vystyti savąją karjerą, ir ugdymo karjerai kompetenciją, apibrėžiama kaip nuostatų, žinių, gebėjimų, būtinų ugdant moksleivius karjerai, sistema. Taigi, norint keisti profesinio orientavimo metodus ir formas, kurie padės moksleiviui rasti tinkamiausią profesinį apsisprendim����, reikia supažindinti mokytojus su šiuolaikiniame darbo pasaulyje teikiamomis galimybėmis, mokinių ugdymo karjerai būdais ir leisti suprasti, kad tik įgyta ugdymo karjerai kompetencija, naudojama saviugdos procese, leis pasiekti laukiamo rezultato. Šiame darbe atlikto tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad profesinis orientavimas, informavimas ir konsultavimas vidurinėje mokykloje yra aktualus ir turi didelę įtaką tolesnei mokinio profesinei karjerai, kadangi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The choice of profession is the most topical problem, which is the key to every person’s welfare. It is very important that the first pupil’s decision would be aware and purposeful, and youngster would understand that adaptation in the world of job and individuality depends on the right decision. Nowadays, when everybody more and more integrates in European Union, the youth has larger opportunities to choose the profession, though, the individual competence and responsibility is large as well. V. Stanišauskienė in her article “Education for career at school: how to help the pupils to gain the up-to-date career competence” states, that teachers need the up-to-date career competence, which could help to develop their own career and give enough knowledge, useful to educate pupils for their career. Therefore, if we want to change the methods and forms of professional counseling, which will help to find the most suitable professional decision, the teachers must be acquainted with the possibilities of work in the nowadays world, career competences and how these competences could be used in the self-help process. In this study, using research methods was found, that professional counselling, information and consulting in the secondary school is very relevant and has great influence on pupil’s professional career, because most of them have no right decision about future profession; and teachers are not informed in this area, too. It is very important, that school would pay more... [to full text]

Aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių profesinio orientavimo karjerai prielaidos ir galimybės / Premises and possibilities to orient senior pupils towards profession career

Dilienė, Kristina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Profesinis orientavimas šiuolaikinėmis kaitos sąlygomis įgyja vis didesnę reikšmę, nes sparčiai plėtojantis rinkos santykiams, itin reikalingi tampa verslo specialistai, didėja kvalifikuotų specialistų, verslo žinovų poreikis. Tačiau mokykla vis dar nepakankamai orientuoja mokinius profesijoms. Darbe aptariami psichologiniai pedagoginiai profesinio orientavimo pagrindai, profesinio orientavimo vaidmuo ugdymo karjerai procese. Taip pat nagrinėjamas profesijos bei karjeros pasirinkimo galimybių ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, analizuojamos aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių profesinio orientavimo karjerai prielaidos bei galimybės gimnazijose. Pastebima tendencija, jog profesinio orientavimo sistema gimnazijose gerėja: moksleiviai informuojami apie profesijas, organizuojami profesinio orientavimo renginai, vykdomos individualios konsultacijos. Siekiant nustatyti profesinio orientavimo būklę bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, darbe nagrinėjamas Anykščių rajono gimnazijose besimokančių aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių bei jų tėvų požiūris į gimnazijose vykdomą profesinį orientavimą. / Vocational guidance in the conditions of modern world becomes more important than ever before. As the market intercourse develops rapidly, the demand of business people, qualified specialists and trade proficients is rising. However, school does not orient the students enough towards professions. This paper provides with psychological and pedagogical basics of carrers counseling and unfolds the role of vocational guidance in the process of training carrer. The study also reveals the choice of possibilities of career and profession education in a comprehensive school, analyses the assumption and chances to orient senior pupils studying in gymnasiums towards careers counseling. The results show that the system of vocational guidance in gymnasiums is getting better as the students are informed about professions, the events of careers counseling are organised and individual guidance is held. The study also helped to ascertain the conditions of vocational guidance in comprehensive schools. The paper analyses the attitude of parents’ and their children, who study in senior classes in the gymnasiums of Anyksciai district, towards the vocational guidance handed in gymnasiums.

DARBO KLUBŲ MOTYVUOJANTI VEIKLA SUAUGUSIŲJŲ PROFESINIO KRYPTINGUMO FORMAVIMUISI DARBO BIRŽOJE / Motivating activities of Work Clubs for formation of professional singleness in employment exchange

Gintalienė, Irina 30 May 2006 (has links)
On the ground of research data it was established that organisation of professional conveyance and consultation in Work Clubs stimulates busyness of the unenployed and cognition of new professions as well as their integration into work market. If work market professional teaching corresponds with adequate work market teaching requirements and personal learning needs, employment possibilities after finishing professional teaching courses increase. Employment possibilities are conditioned by motivation, personal, background and professional factors.

Profesinis orientavimas - viena iš sėkmingos socializacijos prielaidų / Vocational orientation service as one of presumption for successful socialization

Grinytė, Lina 01 July 2006 (has links)
Research object: parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school. Research aim: to discover parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school. Research objectives: • To define how parents who have 8th – 12th grades children are informed about vocational information sources and services lent in secondary school; • To find out expression of parents attitudes towards vocational orientation services at school; • To educe parents opinion about effectiveness of vocational orientation service at school. Research methods: • Quantitative research (questionnaire) • Statistical data analysis Conclusions: Parents’ awareness about vocational orientation services at school is not sufficient. It is a lack between supply and demand of vocational orientation services. Only half of 61 established vocational information places are allocated at schools and parents are not enough informed about such services at school. The most part of respondents have adequate understanding about vocational orientation aim, quality and timeliness. In most respondents view vocational orientation activities at school are not efficient and fall short of children requirements. According to the research data there are not enough vocational orientation activities for children and parents at school. Respondents emphasize that the most proper time to start intensive vocational orientation is 9th grade when children need to choose their study... [to full text]

Šiaulių apskrities profesinio rengimo sistema neformalaus ir savaiminio mokymosi kontekste / Siauliai County vocational training system in the context of informal and self-education

Daunienė, Vilma 03 June 2005 (has links)
This master’s work presents a detailed analysis of Siauliai County vocational training system: vocational training institutions, specialties, qualifications, variation of pupils’ number during the last three years. The main theoretical provisions of assessment of vocational training, informal and self-education are distinguished. Informal and self-education is characterized, the motivation of their importance in the context of professional perfection and career is presented. The analysis of vocational training standards in Lithuania and abroad is executed; Siauliai County vocational training SWOT analysis is presented. The need of readjusting and optimization of the programs of vocational training, basing on real situation in labor market is identified.

11-12 klasių Molėtų rajono mokinių profesinio kryptingumo ypatumai / Investigating the peculiarities of 11 – 12 form students’ professional purposefulness in Moletai region

Dubauskienė, Vilija 17 June 2005 (has links)
Investigating the peculiarities of 11 – 12 form students’ professional purposefulness in Moletai region is aimed at determining the links between students’ professional intentions and expectations with the social conditions of their families, parents’ education. In educating senior students, the importance of perceiving professional purposefulness of individuals and controlling is exposed. Taking it into consideration it is possible to control the process of upbringing in a more qualified way and, thus, achieve better results . Having evaluated the social context of the region we can forecast the needs, values and expectations of the members of the community, link them to the possibilities of the school, and knowing the dominating tendencies of professional purposefulness, to take them into account when determining strategic landmarks of the activity of the organization. The object of the research – professional purposefulness of the students of 11 – 12 forms of Moletai region. The aim of the research – to reveal the peculiarities of professional purposefulness 11 ���� 12 forms students in the social context of the region. The tasks of the research. Having analyzed pedagogical, psychological, sociologic and other scientific literature from the point of view of the problem under discussion, to research the influence of family’s social condition to students’ professional purposefulness; having determined the tendencies of students’ professional expectations and... [to full text]

Profesinių centrų veiklos ypatumai kaitos sąlygomis / Peculiarities of activity of vocational training centres under conditions of changes

Kniežaitė, Živilė 28 February 2011 (has links)
Profesinio rengimo tinklo veiklos tobulinimo problema kaitos kontekste Lietuvoje kaip niekada yra aktuali. EUROSTAT duomenimis, Lietuva yra tarp trijų labiausiai atsiliekančių Europos Sąjungos šalių pagal darbo jėgos dalyvavimą formaliajame ir neformaliajame mokyme. Šalies profesinio rengimo sektorius nespėja reaguoti į aplinkos pokyčius ir šalies ūkio poreikius, t.y. trūksta kvalifikuotų darbininkų, paslaugų sektoriaus darbuotojų, aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistų. Tyrimo objektas: profesinio rengimo centrų veiklos ypatumai. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti profesinio rengimo centrų veiklos ypatumus kaitos sąlygomis, pateikti rekomendacijas profesinio rengimo centrų veiklos tobulinimui. Tyrimo metodologija. Darbe remiamasi esminėmis profesinio rengimo teorinėmis nuostatomis. Nagrinėjami Lietuvos ir Europos Sąjungos norminiai aktai, reglamentuojantys profesinį rengimą. Į profesinio rengimo centrų veiklos ypatumus, kaitos sąlygomis, žvelgiama iš Lietuvos ir Europos profesinio rengimo konteksto. Analizuojami profesinio rengimo centrų veiklos ypatumai kaitos kontekste: kas pasikeitė, ko siekiama, ką reikėtų tobulinti pedagogų ir studentų požiūriu. Tyrimo metodologinį pagrindą sudaro: į asmenį nukreipto ugdymo filosofinė kryptis; į produktyvumą nukreipto ugdymo filosofinė kryptis; į problemos sprendimo įgūdžius nukreipto ugdymo filosofinė kryptis. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė, dokumentų analizė; anketinė apklausa, statistinės analizės metodas. Tyrimo imtis ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the context of changes the issue of improvement of vocational training network became highly relevant in Lithuania. In accordance with EUROSTAT data Lithuania is among three countries of the European Union with the least developed participation of labour force in formal and informal education. The sector of vocational training does not react to the changes of environment and country’s economy fast enough, i.e. there is a constant shortage of qualified workers, workers in service sector and high qualification specialists. Subject of the study: activity peculiarities of vocational training centres. Aim of the study: identify peculiarities of activity of vocational training centres under conditions of changes and give recommendations on this matter. Methodology of the study. Theoretic provisions of vocational training and regulatory legal acts of European Union regulating vocational training were analysed. Peculiarities of vocational training under conditions of changes are viewed through the context of vocational training applied in Lithuania and Europe. Analysis of activity of vocational centres under conditions of changes is carried out: what changed, what goals are set, what should be improved according to pedagogues and students. Methodological study is based on three alternatives – personality development trends originating from different philosophical traditions: philosophical trend of person-orientated education; philosophical trend of productivity-orientated... [to full text]

Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajone / Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajone

Mintaučkienė, Vida 17 June 2005 (has links)
Für Litauen, das mit dem ganzen Europa zur Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft der Kenntnisse geht, wurde der Zugang zur Information , Motivation und Kentnissen als Grund, der die Arbeit und Anpassenheit der Leute höher macht. Die Möglichkeit eine Arbeit zu haben ist die entscheidende Voraussetzung beim Streben von völliger Beschäftigung, wenn man die Konkurrenzfähigkeit und den Wohlstand der europäischen Länder in „neuer Wirtschaft" stärker macht. Die Konzeption das ganze Leben nach der Ausbildung zu streben und der lernenden Gesellschaft wird immer häufiger aktueller. Die Untersuchung des Arbeitsmarktes des Landes hat gezeigt, dass die Arbeitslosenrate sehr eng mit dem niedrigen Arbeitsniveau, mit der Berufslosigkeit, der Losigkeit von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten verbunden ist. Ungefähr 4/5 von registrierten Arbeitslosen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben keine Qualifikation oder ihre Qualifikation stimmt den heutigen Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes nicht. Doch die zur Zeit von der Regierung Litauen führende Sozialpolitik, das Grundbasis, das man ständig verstärkt, haben die Arbeitslosenrate des Landes verringert. Im Jahre 2005 (01-05) betrug die Arbeitslosenrate 8,6% (Mittelstand der EU -8,9%), im Bezirk von Utena 7,9%. Das Grundgesetz, gemäß dem der Staat den Arbeitsmarkt regelt, ist die Unterstützung der Arbeitslosen. Eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen des Arbeitsmarktes, die nach der Harmonie des Angebots und der Nachfrage der Arbeit streben, ist das Programm der Berufsschulung des... [to full text]

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