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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyresniųjų gimnazijos klasių moksleivių profesinio apsisprendimo charakteristika / Decision Making Characteristic of Older Gymnasium Pupils

Vansevičiūtė, Rūta 27 June 2006 (has links)
Decision Making Characteristic of Older Gymnasium Pupils It was searched in this work decision making peculiarities of older gymnasium pupils. Determinant of professional purposefulness and revealed subjective and objective conditions: sex, age, academic progress, decision making conditions, dominating valuable orientations were investigated. 508 pupils from Utena Adolfas Šapoka Gymnasium were observed using S. Kregždė questionnaire of professional interests and H. J. Eysenck personality test. ( extraversion- intraversion, neurotisme and lie scales ). The aim of the work was investigate decision making of pupils from X, XI, XII forms. This aim was realized solving such tasks: 1. Compare decision making decisive circumstances of pupils from X, XI, XII forms. 2. Compare decision making peculiarities of pupils in different levels of professional purposefulness ( decided and non-decided) groups. 3. Investigate the relation between pupils’ personal characteristics ( extraversion, introversion and neurotisme ) and decision making. 4. Establish the relation between pupils’ academic progress and decision making. 5. Compare decision making peculiarities of pupils from X – XII forms in ladies and lasses groups. Decision making differences were found in different professional purposefulness level ( decided and non-decided) groups. The hypothesis was confirmed partly that characteristics of personality (extraversion, introversion and neurotisme) are connected with decision making of... [to full text]

Pedagogų ir neaukštos kompetencijos darbuotojų kvalifikacijų kaita kaip tęstinio profesinio rengimo prielaida Panevėžio rajone / The fluctuation of the educators and low remit employees qualification as premise of continual training in Panevezys district

Turčinskienė, Dalia 27 June 2006 (has links)
Having a job occupies an important place in person’s life. At losing a job the person becomes an inferior citizen of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus it becomes important to learn. The object of research – the attitudes of educators and other social groups towards the development of continuous professional training and its improvement. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of professional training and requalification and their improvement as well as the assumption of lifetime learning in the context of village community. The theoretical part reviews and interprets the scientific literature, documents of educational system are analysed. The research results displayed as follows: - The necessity to improve qualification among the teachers of the province is formulated as the background to sustain the work positions however does not have deeper intrinsic motifs resultant. The need for requalification is understood by the unemployed in the village as an essential condition in order to get a job or a possibility to sustain it. - The operating structures and systems are designed for teachers as well as the unemployed in order to provide them with possibilities to improve qualification or to retrain. Thus neither working experience nor higher education among teachers reveal the fact that inner need for lifetime learning exists. Even respondents who have a university education do not think that once received their education can do enough for the whole span of their... [to full text]

Muzikos mokytojų profesinio tobulinimosi poreikiai ir galimybės: muzikos mokytojų nuostatų raiška / Demands and Possibilities for Professional Self-Improvement of Music Teachers: Expression of Attitudes of Music Teachers

Damaševičienė, Jolita 17 October 2006 (has links)
In the present-time society, where constant and intensive changes of life take place, where the idea of lifelong learning is being focused on, educational systems as well as the situation of school’s and pedagogues’ activities are undergoing changes. The significance of teachers’ constant up-dating increases; not the finite knowledge but the ability to constantly learn, improve one’s personality and professional skills become the main feature of professional mastery. Exactly this is the point towards which the system which is being formed at the moment for improvement of pedagogues is oriented in order to provide conditions for every teacher to constantly improve one’s own competency; it also reduces the gap between institutions training pedagogues and schools which undergo changes. Training of music teachers who are able to effectively strive for aims of musical education always has been among the most topical and problematic issues; that is why a special role falls on lifelong professional improvement of music teachers themselves. In order to ensure successfulness of this process, researches which disclose peculiarities of self-improvement of music teachers and factors which predetermine it are a must. The present study explores the demands and conditions for self-improvement of music teachers in the context of lifelong learning. It is aimed to disclose the factors which stimulate and limit professional self-improvement as well as to assess existing educational conditions... [to full text]

Vadovų požiūris į profesinį orientavimą kolegijoje / Managers' attitude towards vocational counseling

Venckienė, Inesa 09 June 2005 (has links)
In the current Final Paper Work the role of colleges in vocational counseling has been analysed. Object of the research - vocational counseling in the college. Purpose of the research - to investigate the attitude of the college executive staff towards vocational counseling. Tasks of the research: ü To investigate the importance of vocational counseling in the context of life long learning; ü To review the site of colleges in the educational system; ü To carry out the research of the attitude of the executive staff in the college; ü To summarize the results of the research and to provide with the practical recommendations for improvement of vocational counseling. In conformity with the research results it is aimed to substantiate (negate) the hypothesis that colleges largely do not use completely all opportunities of vocational counseling. In the first part of the work it is focused on the educational reforms in Lithuania and the main influencing factors. Importance of life long learning has been stressed and importance of vocational counseling within constant learning process has been substantiated. In the second part the role of colleges in vocational counseling has been reviewed. Career advising and vocational training matters have been discussed, the role of colleges in the system of higher education has been assessed. In the third part the results of empiric research have been introduced. It has been stated that colleges do not use opportunities of vocational counseling... [to full text]

MTP konsultantų vaidmuo efektyvinant pagrindinių mokyklų ugdomąją veiklą / The Role of a Consultant in Schools Perfection Educational Activity of Basic Schools

Kirtiklis, Sigitas 14 June 2005 (has links)
In an attempt to improve the quality of education in basic schools of Lithuania, the Ministry of Education has prepared and is now realizing a Schools Improvement Program. (SIP) The main goal of this program is to improve 5th – 10th forms students’ achievements modernizing general education and making sure the funds for education are used in an effective and rational way. The Schools Improvement Program is being realized with the help of teachers-consultants. Their goal is to ensure the achievements and realization of the educational tasks set in the Schools Improvement Program. However, their activities and role in ensuring the spread of SIP ideas have not been investigated yet. Therefore, it is vital to find out and investigate the way consultants perform their role and functions. The goal of the investigation: to ascertain SIP consultants’ role realization in improving educational activity of basic schools. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To analyze pedagogical, psychological and managerial literature related to educational reform and schools improvement questions. 2. To discuss the peculiarities of consulting in the professional improvement system. 3. To carry out a survey of SIP 2nd round consultants and determine their role in this program. 4. To provide recommendations to school principals and teachers about educational and managerial activity improvement of basic schools, creating better studying conditions at schools, increasing studying possibilities for... [to full text]

Mokymosi pasiekimų vertinimo ypatumai neformaliajame profesiniame suaugusiųjų mokymo centre / The pecularities of progress assessment of non-formal vocational training in adult education centre

Surkienė, Elena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais Lietuva patyrė daugybę pokyčių – visuomenėje, pramonės šakose, politikoje, neaplenkė jie ir švietimo. Įdiegus naujus darbo metodus bei technologijas, iškilo būtinybė plėtoti visą gyvenimą trunkančio mokymosi idėjas, nes ekonominė bei socialinė kaita tokia didelė, kad norint išlikti paklausiam darbo rinkoje, teks ne kartą keisti specialybę ar nuolat kelti kvalifikaciją. Dabartinė profesinio rengimo sistema jau nebesugeba pilnai patenkinti darbo rinkos poreikių. Daugelyje Europos šalių jau yra įdiegtos, kitur dar ruošiamasi diegti (tame tarpe ir Lietuvoje) neformaliojo mokymosi pripažinimo sistemas. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti mokymosi rezultatų vertinimo ypatumus neformaliajame profesiniame suaugusiųjų mokyme. Siekiant realizuoti darbe užsibrėžtus tikslą bei uždavinius, buvo taikyti šie tyrimo metodai: 1. Teoriniai: mokslinės literatūros, publikacijų bei norminių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių neformalų profesinį rengimą, analizė; 2 .Diagnostiniai: parengti du klausimynai ir atlikta neformalaus profesinio mokymo centro besimokančių suaugusiųjų bei mokymo vadovų anketinė apklausa, kurios metu tirti neformaliajame profesiniame mokyme taikomi vertinimo metodai bei nuomonės apie jų taikymo tikslingumą; 3. Matematiniai statistiniai metodai: tyrimo duomenų apdorojimui, procentinių dažnių, suderinamumo kriterijų apskaičiavimui bei demonstracijai buvo naudojamos kompiuterinės programos SPSS 12.0 ir Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Tyrimo tikslinės grupės: privačios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During recent years Lithuania has experienced many changes in society, trade and education. After implementing new work methods and technologies it became essential to spread the ideas of Life Long Learning, as economical and social shifts made people change their specialities or constantly improve their professional skills. The present system of vocational training doesn’t meet marketing needs. Many European countries are going to (e.g. Lithuania) or have already implanted the acceptance systems of non-formal education. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of progress assessment in non-formal adult education during the process of vocational training. While seeking to reach the goal and the tasks two research methods were applied: 1. Theoretical: the analysis of nonfiction material, publications and standard documents regulating non-formal professional training; 2. Diagnostic: two questionnaires were prepared to be given to adult learners and their educators about the methods of progress assessment and their implementation in non-formal education during the process of vocational training in education centre. 3. Mathematical statistical methods: computer programs SPSS 12.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 were applied for data-processing, rate percentage and estimate as well as demonstration of criteria compatibility. The objective groups consisted of respondents of education centre belonging to private enterprise that were following the programs of public... [to full text]

Specialiųjų poreikių mokinių darbinis ugdymas kaip profesinio orientavimo veiksnys / Training children with special needs as a factor of professional orientation

Vaidelienė, Zita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija, įstatymai bei kiti norminiai aktai įpareigoja išskirtinį dėmesį skirti specialiųjų poreikių vaikų ir paauglių ugdymui. Todėl neįgaliesiems nuo pat vaikystės turi būti skirtas reikiamas pedagogų, medikų ir psichologų dėmesys, kad jie būtų ugdomi ir pagal savo galimybes įgytų profesijas bei adaptuotųsi darbo rinkoje. Žmogaus ugdymas darbu yra vienas svarbiausių asmenybės formavimo elementų, todėl vienas iš aktualiausių šiandieninių uždavinių tenka ir specialiųjų poreikių turinčių mokinių ugdymui, jų socializacijai ir natūraliai integracijai į visuomenę. Šiame baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami neįgaliųjų moksleivių darbinio ugdymo pagrindai, požiūris į lygių galimybių užtikrinimą, nes kuo didesnis dėmesys bus skiriamas neįgaliųjų darbiniam ugdymui ir profesiniam orientavimui, tuo platesnės taps jų ateities galimybės sėkmingai įsilieti į visuomeninį gyvenimą. Iškelta hipotezė, kad nuolatinis dėmesys darbinei veiklai ir profesiniam orientavimui skatina specialiųjų poreikių turinčių mokinių motyvaciją ir atveria jiems naujas galimybes integruotis į darbo rinką. Anketinės apklausos ir struktūrizuoto interviu metodais buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti specialiųjų poreikių turinčių vaikų darbinį ugdymą, kaip profesinio orientavimo veiksnį. Tyrime dalyvavo 50 specialiosios mokyklos pedagogų bei 100 specialiųjų poreikių turinčių mokinių tėvų. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: • Tyrime pasitvirtino kelta prielaida, kad mokiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, legislation and other deeds oblige to impose preferential attention to the education of the children and adolescents having special needs. Therefore the disabled must receive due attention from the educators, medics and psychologists from the childhood in order to be educated, be able to acquire occupations according to their capabilities and adapt themselves in the work market. Career education is one of the most important elements of personality formation for a person, so one of the most relevant tasks today is, as well, the education of the schoolchildren having special needs, their socialization and natural integration to society. The final master paper analyses the fundamentals of the career education for the disabled schoolchildren, the approach to the security of equal opportunities, for the more attention will be paid to the career education and careers counseling of the disabled, the more wide-ranging their future possibilities to successfully accede to the public life. Hypothesis: regular attention for working activity and professional orientation motyvates the school children having special needs and opens them new opportunities integrate themselves to the job market. During investigation using questionaire request and structurical interview which goal to investigate school childrens, which having special needs, as factor of professional orientation. Into the investigation have been involved 50 special education teachers... [to full text]

Veiksniai skatinantis profesinį tobulinimą(si) organizacijose / The factors stimulating occupational perfection in organization

Milkutė, Viktorija 26 September 2008 (has links)
Visiems žinoma kaip yra sunku suspėti paskui naujoves, kurios atsiranda kiekvieną dieną. Kaip suspėti ne tik technikos priemonėmis, bet ir žiniomis. Žinios kas dieną atnaujinamos, papildomos. Tad visko žinoti neįmanoma, bet poreikis yra didelis. Norint pateikti klientams naujausią prekę, paslaugą ir nenusileisti konkurentams organizacijos negali atsilikti nuo vis sparčiau diegiamų naujovių, naujų reikalavimų. Švietimas, mokymasis, tobulėjimas tiek profesinėje, tiek ir kitoje srityje suteikia galimybę gauti kuo naujesnių žinių, kurių dėka yra sprendžiamos problemos, priimami nauji sprendimai, tobulinamos strategijos. Nuolatinė ekonominė ir socialinė kaita, spartus aukštųjų ir informacinių technologijų skverbimasis į mūsų kasdienį gyvenimą verčia suvokti, kad žinių ir įgūdžių, kadaise įgytų mokykloje, universitete, šiandien neužtenka. Privalome prisitaikyti ir reaguoti į pokyčius, nuolat atnaujinti žinias, profesinius įgūdžius ir kompetenciją, kad neprarastume darbo, užtikrintume visavertį saugų socialinį gyvenimą. Kiekvienas žmogus per savo gyvenimą susiduria su įvairiomis organizacijomis: darželiais, mokyklomis, darbo organizacija ir kt., taigi organizacija žmogų supa nuo pat gimimo iki mirties. Atitinkamų mokymosi sąlygų sudarymas yra vienas iš labai svarbių mokymosi visą gyvenimą komponentų. Tinkamų mokymosi modelių parinkimas, lygiaverčių mokymosi sąlygų sudarymas. Šiame darbe atlikto tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti darbuotojų profesinio tobulinimosi organizacijose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every one knows how difficult is catch the innovations, which emergent every day. How to catch not just technical innovation, but also new information? Everyday news is update, complement. It is impossible to know everything, but the influence is considerable. On purpose to propose to costumer new commodity, service and to stay in outface with rival organizations, no one can lag from apace instillation innovations, new requirements. Education, learning, perfection is possibilities to get new information in occupational and in other directions. With if is making decisions, getting new solution, improve strategies. Economical and social vicissitude, quick high and informational technologies penetration to a daily life full of suggestion, because that is not enough knowledge which we get in school or university. Everyone must adapt and react to changes, always update knowledge, occupational skills and competence, if we don’t what to lose the job and secure full-rate social living. Every person during his life confront with different organizations such as kinder garden, schools, job organizations and others. So organizations surround as from birth till death. The formation of appropriate learning circumstance is one of the main components for the learning all life. Selection of suitable learning models, formation of equal learning circumstance. To ascertain factor which can stimulate occupational perfection in organizations was performed quantitative and qualitative research... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų profesinio tobulinimosi motyvai ir galimybės planuojant karjerą / Motives and opportunities of the adults‘ professional training

Krauklytė, Lina 19 February 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje šiuo laikmečiu labai aktualus suaugusiųjų profesinis tobulinimasis, kadangi sparčiai kinta darbo rinka bei informacinės technologijos, sparčiai vystosi šalies ūkis. Vykstantys socialiniai ir ekonominiai pokyčiai verčia suaugusius nuolat tobulintis, įgyjant naujų žinių ir patirties. Suaugusiųjų profesinis tobulinimasis kyla ne tik dėl darbo rinkos kaitos ar informacinių technologijų kaitos, jis sudaro sąlygas suaugusiųjų bendrosios kultūros ugdymuisi bei suaugusiojo asmenybės socialinio statuso kilimui. Todėl labai svarbu aiškintis suaugusiųjų motyvus ir galimybes profesiniam tobulinimuisi, šioje gan sparčiai besikeičiančioje visuomenėje. Lietuvoje suaugusiųjų švietimu rūpinasi Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija, Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija. Suaugusiųjų mokymusi rūpinasi ne tik valstybė, bet ir nevyriausybinės organizacijos. Nemenką indėlį į suaugusiųjų mokymosi visą gyvenimą plėtotę, įdeda Lietuvos suaugusiųjų švietimo asociacija. Ši asociacija rūpinasi informacinės medžiagos leidimu, metodinės medžiagos leidimu. Informuoja visuomenę apie mokymosi visą gyvenimą prieinamumą. Remia ir organizuoja mokymo programas, tyrimų programas. Tyrimo probleminiai klausimai: - kokie suaugusiųjų profesinio tobulinimosi motyvai planuojant karjerą, - kokios suaugusiųjų profesinio tobulinimosi galimybės planuojant karjerą. Tyrimo objektas: suaugusiųjų profesinis tobulinimasis planuojant karjerą. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The society and its values are changing. Scientific discoveries which occur everyday and the changes of the economy and labor market are forcing us to change ourselves and strive for the new competencies. Europe is going towards the knowledge based society and economy. The term “Life long learning” is like a motto towards the new society – to the creation of the knowledge based society. The accessibility to the newest information and knowledge, motivation and skills to use wisely those resources in favor of whole society become a factor more than ever which rise the competence of Europe, people’s working capacity and applicability (the Life long learning Memorandum, 2001, p. 10) Lithuania hasn’t stayed apart when Lithuania joined the modern society of Europe which popularizes the life long learning. A lot of attention is devoted to the comprehensive adults‘ professional training in Lithuania as well as in other European countries. The adults‘ professional training is very urgent issue of nowadays in Lithuania when the labor market and information technologies are changing rapidly and the economy of the country is developing fast. The adults show the interest to be the modern and educated part of the society while accepting such a comprehensive and fast change. The adults are forced to train themselves continually and to acquire new knowledge and experience because of social and economic changes. The necessity of the adults‘ professional training rises not only because of the... [to full text]

Bedarbių ir nedarbo rizikos grupės asmenų profesinis konsultavimas skatinant praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimą / Vocational counselling of unemployed and the persons of unemployment risk in promoting the development of practical skills

Petkuvienė, Rasa 19 February 2009 (has links)
Vykstant pokyčiams darbo rinkoje keičiasi ir darbo jėgos pasiūlos ir paklausos pobūdis. Nuolat mažėja nekvalifikuotos darbo jėgos paklausa ir ypač didėja kvalifikuotų specialistų poreikis: darbo jėgos pasiūlos kvalifikacija neatitinka darbo rinkos paklausos. Darbdaviams reikia aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistų ir darbininkų. Siekiant kuo greičiau įsitvirtinti darbo rinkoje asmenims, baigusiems profesinio mokymo programas, būtinas geras ne tik teorinis, bet ir praktinis pasirengimas, kadangi darbdaviai dažniausiai pirmenybę įdarbinant atiduoda kandidatams į darbo vietas, turintiems profesinę patirtį arba puikius darbinius įgūdžius. Esant tokiems pokyčiams žmogus privalo būti lankstus ir prisitaikyti prie atsirandančių naujovių. Labai svarbu tampa pasinaudoti darbo rinkos teikiamomis galimybėmis - patobulinti savo profesinius įgūdžius, įgyti daugiau patirties ir tapti universalesniu darbuotoju. Darbe aptariami svarbiausi bedarbių ir nedarbo rizikos asmenų profesinio konsultavimo aspektai, skatinantys praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimą, sėkmingą įsidarbinimą. Įvairiuose žmogaus gyvenimo ir profesinės karjeros etapuose, siekiant įgyti, tobulinti kvalifikaciją, persikvalifikuoti ar pradėti individualią veiklą, svarbų vaidmenį atlieka profesinis konsultavimas. Profesinis konsultavimas tampa aiškiai suvokiama priemone, skatinančia žmogų planuoti savo profesinę veiklą, atsižvelgiant į darbo rinkos reikalavimus bei asmeninius pageidavimus. Darbas susideda iš įvado, trijų dalių, išvadų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the course of developments in the labour market the nature of labour force supply and demand is changing. The labour market today meets with the situation with steadily decreasing demand for unskilled labour force and the increasing demand for qualified specialists. Employers need highly skilled professionals and workers, which is reflected in the practice that employers often give preference to the recruitment of candidates for jobs with work experience or excellent working skills. This dictates high standards for vocational schools, colleges and universities’ graduates to have not only good theoretical knowledge but also the minimum standard of practical skills. In the ever changing labour market a person must be able to adapt to the new challenges and changes. One of the possibilities, offered by career consultants, is to develop new or improve the existing skills, which become of the most important prerequisites for effective employment. The work discusses the most important aspects of counselling, development of practical skills, elements of successful employment of unemployed and the persons of unemployment risk. Career counselling plays an important role to acquire, to develop skills, to retrain or to start the individual activities in career stages. Counselling is oriented towards increasing persons’ possibilities by planning professional activities taking into account labour market conditions and personal preferences. Work consists of an introduction, three... [to full text]

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