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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa i mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal inom öppen- och slutenvård : En litteraturöversikt utifrån ett patientperspektiv / Elderly people with mental illness encounters with healthcare professionals, in outpatient and inpatient care settings : A literature review from a patient perspective

Qvarfordt, Madeleine, Råström, Morgan January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns begränsat med studier som behandlar äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa i mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen. Psykisk ohälsa hos äldre personer är vanligt förekommande. Nationella samt internationella kartläggningar visar att äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa har erfarit negativa upplevelser i mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal möter äldre personer med psykisk och fysisk samsjuklighet och de har en skyldighet att erbjuda god vård på lika villkor för hela befolkningen. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal påverkar mötet med äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att undersöka hur äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa upplever mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal inom öppen- och slutenvård Metod: Litteratursökningar från januari 2005 till April 2018 samlades in från CINAHL Complete, PsycINFO och Nursing & Allied Health Database. Artiklar från Australien, Norge, Nederländerna, Sverige, Storbritannien och USA inkluderades från databaserna. Resultat: Resultatet består av huvudtemat Vårdrelation med sex underteman:  Psykosociala faktorer, Personlig relation, Motiverande samtal och praktiskt stöd, Misstro, Meningsskiljaktigheter samt Att inkluderas och att exkluderas. Diskussion: Äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa klargör positiva och negativa aspekter i mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen. Vänligt bemötande och en personlig relation där patienter tilläts vara delaktiga och samtala om sådant som de önskade ansågs positivt i mötet med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen. Negativa erfarenheter som framkom var patienternas upplevelse av misstro och stigmatisering från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen. Vidare resonemang synliggör att bemötandet hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen brister vilket även strider mot den filosofi som Hildegard Peplau förespråkar. Det framgår även att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens förhållningssätt skiljer sig åt beroende på i vilken vårdkontext som de är verksamma inom. Det talar för att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen saknar adekvat kunskap inom ämnet och är i behov av utbildning för att kunna erbjuda god vård på lika villkor för alla. / Background: There is paucity of research to assess the elderly people with mental disorders encounter with healthcare professionals´. National and international research elucidate that elderly people with mental disorders have had negative experiences in the encounter with healthcare professionals´. Healthcare professionals´ encounter elderly people with physical and psychological comorbidity and they are required to offer satisfactory care on equal terms for the entire population. Healthcare professionals impact the encounter with elderly people with mental illness. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate elderly people with mental illness experiences of the encounter with healthcare professionals in an outpatient and an inpatient care setting Method: Literature searches from January 2005 to April 2018 was conducted using CINAHL Complete, PsycINFO and Nursing & Allied Health Database. Articles from Australia, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and USA were drawn from the databases. Results: The result consists of one main theme: Caring relationship and it represents six subtopics:  Psychosocial factors, Personal relationship, Motivating conversation and practical support, Distrust, Difference of opinion and Being included or being excluded. Discussion: Elderly people with mental illness acknowledge positive and negative aspects about the encounter with healthcare professionals. Friendly healthcare professionals who engaged in personal conversations with the patients were considered positive. Negative aspects that emerged were patients' experiences of distrust and stigma. Further argumentations elucidate that healthcare professionals fail to uphold a good standard of the care provided which also contradicts the framework that Hildegard Peplau is advocating. The healthcare professionals approach appear to differ depending on the care setting that they are working in. It indicates that healthcare professionals lack adequate awareness and need education to offer quality care on the same terms for all people.

Stigmatiserad, ensam och utlämnad : Att leva och vårdas med meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - En litteraturstudie

Jonsson, Elin, Nordström Brown, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a multidrug-resistant bacterium that causes serious infections. Specific measures to prevent the spread of MRSA are required within health care, and insufficient knowledge and lack of compliance to these measures have been identified in healthcare professionals. The need to adhere to special guidelines in order to prevent the spread of infection have been shown to create negative feelings for carriers of multidrug-resistant bacterium. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate different aspects of living and being cared for with known carriage of MRSA. The fist aspect aimed to investigate how people experience their knowledge and the information they receive from the healthcare. The second aspect aimed to investigate their feelings and existence in relation to their carriage. The third aspect aimed investigate their experiences and encounters with health care. Method: Literature study with systematic approach and inductive method. The results were analysed with inspiration from thematic synthesis and based on ten qualitative original articles.  Results: Getting MRSA was shocking and shameful, and many blamed the health care for contracting MRSA. Living with MRSA had a negative impact on daily life. Life felt lonely and isolated, and people were scared to infect others. Being cared for with MRSA was described with experiences of lack knowledge from the health care professionals, inconsistencies in adherence to hygiene measures and unprofessional behaviour. Being cared for in isolation had a negative impact on the persons’ independence, their relations with the health care professionals and the quality of care. Conclusion: Getting MRSA is perceived as stigmatising and frightening, and the health care fails to provide adequate information to counteract these feelings. People feel sadness, abandonment and uncertainty about the future. The behaviour of health care professionals and their compliance with hygiene measures is inconsistent. This results in people feeling extradited to health care, which contributes to enhanced feelings of shame and stigmatisation, and people with MRSA do not receive health care on equal terms. / Bakgrund: Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är en multiresistent bakterie som orsakar allvarliga infektioner. För att förhindra spridning av MRSA krävs särskilda hygienrutiner inom vården, och otillräcklig kunskap och bristande följsamhet till dessa har identifierats hos vårdpersonal. För att inte sprida smitta behöver personer med bärarskap av multiresistenta bakterier förhålla sig till särskilda riktlinjer, vilket har visat sig skapa negativa känslor för personerna. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka olika aspekter av att leva och vårdas med känt bärarskap av MRSA. Den första aspekten syftade till att undersöka hur personerna upplever sin kunskap och informationen de får från vården. Den andra aspekten syftade till att undersöka deras känslor och tillvaro i relation till bärarskapet. Den tredje aspekten syftade till att undersöka deras erfarenheter och upplevelser av mötet med vården. Metod: Litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats och induktiv metod. Resultatet analyserades med inspiration av tematisk syntes och baseras på tio kvalitativa originalartiklar. Resultat: Att få MRSA var chockartat och skamfyllt, och många beskyllde vården för att ha fått MRSA. Att leva med MRSA påverkade vardagen negativt. Livet kändes begränsat, ensamt och isolerat och personerna var rädda för att smitta andra. Att vårdas med MRSA beskrevs med upplevelser av bristande kunskap hos vårdpersonalen, inkonsekvens i följsamhet till hygienrutiner och oprofessionellt bemötande. Att vårdas under isolering för MRSA inverkade negativt på personernas upplevelse av självständighet, relationen till vårdpersonalen och kvaliteten på omvårdnaden. Slutsats: Att få MRSA upplevs stigmatiserande och skrämmande och vården misslyckas med att ge adekvat information för att motverka dessa känslor. Personerna känner sorg, övergivenhet och framtiden känns osäker. Vårdpersonalens beteende och följsamhet till hygienrutiner är inkonsekvent, vilket gör att personerna känner sig utlämnade till vården. Detta bidrar till förstärkta känslor av skam och stigmatisering, och personer med MRSA får inte vård på lika villkor.

Patienter och partners upplevelser och psykosociala omvårdnadsbehov i samband med en inducerad abort : En litteraturöversikt / Patient and their partners experiences as well as their psychosocial needs of care during an induced abortion : A litterature review

Kempe, Hanna, Larsson, Jack January 2020 (has links)
Background: ​Induced abortion involves intentionally terminating a pregnancy. This can be donemedically or surgically. Abortion is a common procedure around the world, where the globalspectrum of cultures and perceptions regarding abortion is very varied. Person-centered care,treatment and support are important aspects of the concepts of nursing-care. Aim: ​The purpose of this study is to investigate experiences and psycosocial needs of carerelated to induced abortion, independent of abortion method or length of pregnancy. Method: ​This is a general literature study where previous research has been used to answer thepurpose. The articles were quality reviewed and analyzed thematically. Results: ​Patients and partners experience strong emotions in connection with the abortionprocess, some of which are ambivalent. Experiences of being judged by the care staff also occur,at the same time as the care staff seem to have the opportunity to influence the experience withthe help of different nursing measures. Patients and partners value good treatment and support,while maintaining integrity and autonomy. These factors contributed to a good experience withinduced abortion. Conclusion: ​In an induced abortion situation, patients and partners may experience strongemotions, ambivalent emotions and fear of being convicted. Healthcare professionals play animportant role in ensuring that patients and partners have a good abortion experience. Furtherresearch on the subject is recommended. / Bakgrund: Inducerad abort innebär att avsiktligt avsluta en graviditet. Detta kan utföras medicinskt eller kirurgiskt. Abort är ett vanligt förekommande ingrepp världen över, där det globala spektrumet av kulturer och uppfattningar gällande abort är mycket varierad. Omvårdnadsbegreppen personcentrerad omvårdnad, bemötande och stöd är viktiga inom abortvården. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka upplevelser och psykosocialt omvårdnadsbehov i samband med inducerad abort, oberoende av abortmetod eller graviditetslängd. Metod: Detta är en allmän litteraturstudie där tidigare forskning har använts för att besvara syftet. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades samt analyserades tematiskt.  Resultat: Patienter och partners upplever starka känslor i samband med abortprocessen, varav vissa är ambivalenta. Upplevelser av att bli dömd av vårdpersonalen förekommer också, samtidigt som vårdpersonalen tycks ha möjlighet att påverka upplevelsen med hjälp av omvårdnadsåtgärder. Patienter och partners värderar ett gott bemötande och stöd samt bibehållen integritet och autonomi. Dessa faktorer bidrog till en god upplevelse vid inducerad abort.  Slutsatser: I en inducerad abortsituation kan patienter och partners uppleva starka känslor, ambivalenta känslor och rädsla inför att bli dömd. Vårdpersonal har en viktig roll i om patienter och partners får en god abortupplevelse. Fortsatt forskning kring ämnet rekommenderas.

Kvinnors upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande vid bröstcancer : en litteraturöversikt / Women´s experience of the encounter with health care professionals during breast cancer treatment : a literature review

Lindqvist, Madeleine, Algelin, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer drabbar cirka 9000 kvinnor varje år i Sverige. Kvinnor drabbas både psykisk och fysiskt. Beroende på vilket stadium man är i livet hanterar kvinnor bröstcancerdiagnoser på olika sätt. Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att se hela patienten för att kunna skapa en god vårdrelation och ge god vård. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av vårdpersonalen bemötande vid bröstcancer. Metod: Litteraturöversikten har utförts av tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga  studier som analyserats enligt Fribergs beskrivning av sammanställning av kvalitativ forskning. Vetenskapliga artiklar var hämtade från CINAHL Complete och Pubmed och har analyserats och delats upp i teman. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras fyra teman utifrån tio artiklar (1) Att känna stöd från vårdpersonal (2) Att känna sig ensam i sin sjukdom (3) Att känna sig informerad (4) Kvinnors behov av kommunikation. Slutsats: Kvinnor med bröstcancers känsla av delaktighet och trygghet påverkas av vårdpersonalens bemötande. Vårdpersonalens förmåga att inkludera och integrera med patienten i kombination med kommunikationen är viktig för att främja vård upplevelsen och ge kvinnor med bröstcancer hopp och trygghet. / Background: Breast cancer affects about 9,000 women each year in Sweden. Women are affected both mentally and physically. Depending on the stage you are in in life, women handle breast cancer diagnoses in different ways. As a nurse, it is important to see the whole patient in order to create a good care relationship and to provide good care. Aim: The purpose was to describe women's experiences of healthcare professionls treatment of breast cancer. Method: The literature review that has been performed by ten qualitative scientific studies that have been analyzed according to Friberg's description of a compilation of qualitative research. Scientific articles were taken from CINAHL Complete and Pubmed and have been analyzed and divided into themes. Results: The result present four themes based on ten articles (1) Feeling supported by healthcare professionals (2) Feeling alone in their illness (3) Feeling informed (4) Women's need for communication. Conclusion: Breast cancer patient’s feeling of inclusion and safety depends on how they are received by health care professionals. Their ability to integrate with the patient and maintain healthy communication is paramount to further their experience and to give women with breast cancer hope and stability. Breast neoplasms, professional-patient relations, communication, qualitative studies, literature review, nurse-patient relations.

Hur patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet i primärvården : En litteraturöversikt / How patients with mental illness experience encounters in primary care : A literature review

Rasmusson, Oscar, Åkesson, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa innebär ofta plågsamma symtom och en ökad samsjuklighet för individen. Samhället har stigmatiserat personer med psykisk ohälsa långt tillbaka i vår historia. Psykiatrin har genomgått stora förändringar under det senaste århundradet. Idag är var tredje besök i primärvården av en person som har någon form av psykisk ohälsa. Sjuksköterskor inom primärvården upplever sig inte vara tillräckligt förberedda i mötet med den psykiatriska patientgruppen. Hur bemötandet utformas är betydande för patientens välbefinnande, värdighet, delaktighet, jämlikhet och säkerhet. Bemötandet bör vara personcentrerat och utgå från patientens livsvärld. En god dialog, inkluderande god kommunikation och information, krävs för att ge ett gott bemötande. Syfte: ​Syftet var att beskriva hur patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet i primärvården.​ Metod: ​En litteraturöversikt av tio redan publicerade originalartiklar. Datainsamlingen av artiklar utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Fribergs analysmetod. Resultat: ​I resultatet framkom tre teman; ”Att se hela människan och möta individuella behov”, ”en respektfull vårdrelation“ och ”en kamp för att få likvärdig och rättvis vård”.​ Sammanfattning: ​Ur resultatet framkom att patienter med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet inom primärvården på olika sätt. Vid ett bra bemötande etablerades en god vårdrelation och patienterna upplevde sig delaktiga och bemötta med respekt och värdighet. Vissa patienter beskrev istället ett dåligt bemötande, med dålig kommunikation och en fragmenterad vård. Patienter upplevde sig även stigmatiserade av vårdpersonal.​ / Background: ​Mental illness often involves painful symtoms and an increased co-morbidity for the individual. Society has stigmatized people with mental illness far back in our history​. Psychiatry has undergone major changes over the past century. Today, every third visit to primary care is by a person who has some form of mental illness. Nurses in primary care do not fell sufficently prepared when meeting patients in the psychitric patient group. How the treatment is framed is important for the patients well-being, dignity, patient participation, equality and safety. Treatment should be person-centred and based on how the persons percive her world. A good dialogue, including good communication, is required to provide a good treatment. Aim: ​The aim was to describe how patients with mental illness experience encounters in primary care.​ Method: ​A literature review of ten original articles already published. The data collection of articles was carried out in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. The articles were analyzed according to Friberg's analysis method.​ Results: ​​In the result, three themes emerged; "Seeing the whole person and meeting individual needs", "a respectful care relationship" and "a fight to get equal and fair care".​ Summary: ​The result showed that patients with mental illness experience the treatment in primary care in different ways. With good treatment, a good care relationship was established and the patients felt involved and treated with respect and dignity. Some patients instead described poor treatment, with poor communicationand fragmented care. Patients also felt stigmatized by healthcare staff.

Patient-vårdarrelationens betydelse för motivationen till egenvård hos patienter med egentlig depression : En litteraturstudie

Aowad, Sami, Maandi, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Egentlig depression är ett växande folkhälsoproblem i Sverige. Sjukdomen drabbar samhället, vården och individen. En utmaning för personer med egentlig depression är att hålla en hälsosam struktur och regelbundenhet i sin vardag. Det leder till svårigheter med egenvård, att följa medicinska ordinationer och hälsoråd. Egenvård är handlingar som individen utför för att förbättra sin hälsa. Det är en viktig del i behandlingen av egentlig depression som kan lindra symtom och påskynda tillfrisknande. Syfte: Att undersöka hur relationen mellan patient och vårdpersonal påverkar motivationen till egenvård hos patienter med egentlig depression. Metod: En litteraturstudie av 13 kvalitativa vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Sökningen omfattade artiklar publicerade mellan 2002 och 2022 i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo. En manifest litteraturanalys användes för att identifiera faktorer som påverkat patienternas motivation till egenvård. Materialet kondenserades till meningsbärande enheter varefter de kategoriserades. Resultat: Litteraturstudien identifierade två kategorier av avgörande delar i bemötandet: specifika ageranden och förhållningssätt. I kategorin specifika åtgärder inkluderas de enskilda handlingarna involvering, informerande, att ställa specifika frågor och att ge patienten tillräcklig tid. De är alla faktorer med en positiv effekt på patientens självbild, motivation och egenvårdsförmåga. Kategorin förhållningssätt innehåller subkategorierna tillit, förståelse, uppmuntran och kontinuitet. De beskriver delar i bemötandet som sjukvårdspersonalen behöver bemästra för att ge patienten goda förutsättningar att sköta sin egenvård. Slutsats: För att ge patienter med egentlig depression goda förutsättningar för egenvård måste vårdpersonalen tillgodose patientens behov av både specifika ageranden och förhållningssätt som ökar motivationen. / Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a growing public health concern in Sweden. The illness affects the society, healthcare system and the individual. One challenge for people with MDD is to maintain a healthy structure and regularity in everyday life. This leads to difficulties in self-care, following ordinations and medical advice. Self-care are actions performed by the individual to improve health. It is an important part of the treatment of MDD which can ease symptoms and expedite recovery. Aim: To investigate how the relation between patient and health professionals affect motivation related to self-care concerning patients with MDD. Method: A literature study of 13 qualitative original articles published between 2002 and 2022 in the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycInfo. A manifest literature analysis was employed to identify factors affecting the motivation to self-care. The material was condensed into meaningful units and then categorized.  Results: The study identified two categories crucial to the approach: specific acts and disposition. The specific acts category includes involvement, information, asking specific questions and giving the patient enough time. All of them are factors with a positive effect on patients’ self-image, motivation and it strengthened capabilities for self-care. The category disposition included the subcategories trust, understanding, encouragement and continuity. They describe parts in the approach that healthcare professionals need to master to give good prerequisites for patients to handle their self-care. Conclusion: To provide patients with MDD optimal conditions for self-care, health professionals need to fulfil the patient’s requirements of both specific acts and disposition at every healthcare contact.

Cuidando de quem cuida: estudo das situaçöes vivenciadas pelos profissionais de saúde, no lidar com doença crônica e iminência de morte, em um hospital pediátrico terciário / Caring whose care: study of the situations experienced by health professionals, in dealing with chronic disease and imminent death in a tertiary pediatric hospital

Abranches, Cecy Dunshee de January 1998 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-06T01:12:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) 92.pdf: 405699 bytes, checksum: dee2cd942e41060c08a06eff567e9208 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Tem por objeto de estudo, as situaçöes vivenciadas pelos profissionais de saúde, no lidar com doença crônica e iminência de morte, em um hospital pediátrico terciário. Procura-se compreender melhor estas situaçöes, para que se tornasse possível buscar instrumentos que diminuíssem os efeitos negativos dessa natureza de trabalho, resultando assim, em melhoria da prática no campo assistencial. Na obtençäo e leitura do material de análise foram utilizados princípios da metodologia qualitativa. As técnicas do trabalho de campo realizadas foram: a observaçäo participante e a entrevista semi-estruturada com representantes da equipe que atende a doença Fibrose Cística, no Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Deste estudo, concluí-se que cuidando de quem cuida, poder-se-á ter uma melhoria nos processos terapêuticos pois, uma clientela submetida a uma equipe que possa usar mais espontânea e criativamente seus conhecimentos específicos, tenderá a apresentar uma atitude mais colaborativa e participante em seu próprio tratamento, com aumento de sua capacidade de autocuidados e crescimento em qualidade de vida. / The purpose of this study is describe the living situations that the health professionales have with deal the chronic illness and the imminence of death, in a tertiary pediatric hospital. As the objective we looked for the better comprehension of these situations, so it is able to look for instruments that can reduce the negative effect of that kind of work, and it could turn into the imporvement of the practice in the assistant field. Qualitative methodology principles have been used in the gathering and interpretation of the material analysed. The participant observation andthe semi-strutured interview with the representative for the team whose toil with a Cystic Fibroses illness in the Fernades Figueira Institute, were the tecnique involved. This study leads one to conclude that taking care of who takes care, we can make better in the terapeuts process, because a clientele submited to a team whose can be more spontaneous and creative with they specific knowledge, should be able to present also an attitude with more collaboration and can be more participant with their own tretment, with increse their capacity to take care of themselves and the growth of their life quality.

The role of informational support in relation to health care service use among individuals newly diagnosed with cancer /

Dubois, Sylvie. January 2008 (has links)
Background: The relationship between informational support and use of health care services among individuals newly diagnosed with cancer remains little documented despite its importance for optimal care delivery. Aim: To document the role of informational support in light of patterns of health services used by women and men newly diagnosed with cancer. Method: A sequential mixed methods approach (i.e., quantitative-qualitative) was conducted among women and men newly diagnosed with either breast or prostate cancer. First, an existing quantitative database was used to determine whether an intervention relying on multimedia tool as a complement to the provision of usual cancer informational support to patients (N = 250) would modify subsequent health care service use. A follow-up qualitative inquiry with distinct individuals also newly diagnosed (N = 20) was conducted to explore this relationship further. Next, the resulting quantitative and qualitative findings were merged and reanalyzed using a quantitative-hierarchical approach to enhance our understanding of the phenomenon. Findings: Several personal and contextual factors were found to qualify the relationship between cancer informational support and health service use. Although quantitative analyses showed no significant differences in terms of overall reliance on health care services among participants who received more intense cancer informational support as opposed to those who received care as usual, several sex differences were noted in terms of number of visits to health care professionals, time spent with nurses and satisfaction with cancer information received. Qualitative findings revealed that participants reported a variety of experiences pertaining to cancer information received (e.g., positive, unsupportive or mixed) as well as several processes at play (e.g., cancer information seen as enabling, confirming, or conflicting). These differences in informational support, in turn, influenced their subsequent service utilization (e.g., more phone calls made to health professionals, reduction in face-to-face visits, reluctance to use cancer-related services). The mixed data analysis clarified further the findings allowing a broader perspective to emerge. Conclusion: Findings underscore that the relationship between cancer information and use of services is not as straightforward as initially anticipated. These findings provide initial insights that may inform future research on the topic and assist health care providers in optimizing their cancer informational interventions to guide patients in their reliance on health care services.

Att göra det ovanliga normalt : kommunikativ varsamhet och medicinska uppgifter i barnmorskors samtal med gravida kvinnor /

Bredmar, Margareta, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Linköping : Univ.

O perfil de ensino das disciplinas de bioética, ética profissional (ou deontologia) e odontologia legal das faculdades de odontologia brasileiras

Gonçalves, Patrícia Elaine [UNESP] 23 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-04-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:04:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 goncalves_pe_dr_araca.pdf: 817779 bytes, checksum: 3ca2b6c15437ebd6913a156ea61f33ce (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A Bioética, a Ética Profissional e a Odontologia Legal estudam aspectos presentes na Odontologia, tanto no relacionamento profissional-paciente, como no próprio atendimento clínico, entre outros temas. O estudo consiste em uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa do perfil de ensino das disciplinas de Bioética, Ética Profissional (ou Deontologia) e Odontologia Legal das Faculdades de Odontologia Brasileiras. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de questionários semi-estruturados enviados por e-mail e correspondência. Para a análise qualitativa, empregou-se a análise de conteúdo das perguntas abertas, por meio da técnica de análise de categorização temática, conforme preconizado por Bardin, já para a análise quantitativa utilizou-se o levantamento das freqüências absolutas e relativas das respostas. Dentre as 182 Faculdades de Odontologia em atividade no Brasil, 57 (31,3%) apresentam na sua grade curricular a disciplina Bioética, 100 (54,9%) Ética Profissional e 121 (66,5%) Odontologia Legal, sendo que o retorno de questionários à pesquisa foi 38(66,7%), 48(48%) e 61(50,4%), respectivamente. Os principais assuntos abordados na disciplina de Bioética são dilemas bioéticos (76,3%) que tratam, principalmente, sobre questões polêmicas e atuais como clonagem, aborto, transplante de órgãos, atendimento do paciente portador de HIV, enquanto na disciplina de Ética Profissional foi o Código de Ética Odontológica (52%) e na Odontologia Legal foi a Identificação (78,7%). Com relação às sugestões para a melhoria do ensino nas disciplinas, foram mencionadas a interdisciplinaridade e aplicabilidade com as demais, tanto nos cursos de graduação como nos cursos de pósgraduação. Observou-se que as disciplinas são geralmente ministradas de forma teórica (77,8%), (60,4%) e (52,2%). As principais formas de avaliação são: prova escrita (100%), (93,8%) e (100%)... / Bioethics, Professional Ethics and Forensic Dentistry are matters of interest for Dentistry, in the patient/professional relationship and in the clinical attendance, among others. This study consists of a quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the teaching profile of the Bioethics, Professional Ethics (or Deontology) and Forensic Dentistry disciplines in the Brazilian Dental Schools. The data were collected by semi-structured questionnaires sent to all Brazilian Dental Schools. The qualitative analysis was based on the analysis of the contents of the open questions, employing the thematic categorization analysis, as advocated by Bardin. The quantitative analysis was based on calculating the absolute and relative frequencies of the answers. Among all the 182 Brazilian Dental Schools, 57 (31.3%) present Bioethics, 100 (54.9%) present Professional Ethics and 121 (66.5%) present Forensic Dentistry in their teaching curricula. The return of questionnaires was 38 (66.7%), 48 (48%) and 61 (50.4%) for Bioethics, Professional Ethics and Forensic Dentistry, respectively. The principal themes broached in the Bioethics discipline are the bioethical dilemmas (76.3%), related mainly to polemical and up-todate questions, like cloning, abortion, organ transplantation and attending the HIV-bearing patient. In the Professional Ethics discipline, the main interest focuses on the Ethical Code for Dentistry (52%) and in Forensic Dentistry it is the Identification (78.7%). As suggestions for improving the teaching of these disciplines were mentioned the interdisciplinary relation and applicability, in the graduation as well as in the post-graduation courses. It was noticed that, in general, the disciplines are treated theoretically (77.8%, 60.4% and 52.2%). Evaluation of the teaching consists mainly in written tests (100%, 93.8% and 100%) and seminars (75%, 54.2% and 45.9%). Most of the Dental Schools... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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