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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'écriture de la prostitution dans l'oeuvre de Marguerite Duras. Écrire l'écart / Prostitution in the Works of Marguerite Duras. Writing distance

Chouen-Ollier, Chloé 04 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’analyser comment la prostitution dans l’oeuvre écrite de Marguerite Duras se décline sous différentes formes. En croisant histoire littéraire,philosophie et psychanalyse, ce travail montre que la prostitution, loin d’être un simple motif,participe à l’acte créateur. L’écriture de Duras, façonnée par l’écart, est constamment prise dans une tension productrice de sens : c’est depuis l’écart en effet que l’écrivain construit son oeuvre (écart par rapport à la doxa, par rapport à la langue), préférant subvertir la norme plutôt que de la suivre.Nous commencerons par envisager la prostitution d’un point de vue thématique : ce motif, prégnant dans l’oeuvre depuis les premiers textes, tisse une véritable fantasmatique et donne à voir une oeuvre qui, renversant l’axiologie, sacralise le profane et fait de l’écart son centre. La prostitution, véritable creuset de l’écrit, devient dès lors un enjeu poïétique (elle fonde l’écriture même). Mais au-delà de l’idéalisation d’un don de soi, il appert que la prostitution a un enjeu plus profond : un enjeu métaphysique. Nous montrerons ensuite comment le fait de s’offrir participe d’une quête infinie, celle de l’Absolu. Proposer son corps est un acte tendu entre désir et deuil et s’apparente à une recherche de l’Alèthéia (la vérité par le dévoilement) plus qu’à une simple transaction dépourvue d’érotisme. Dans tous les cas, se prostituer relève avant tout d’une mise en scène où la théâtralité domine ; c’est ce point que nous analyserons en dernière partie. À partir des années 1980 le rapport de la prostituée à la vérité évolue, et l’écart, plus que le rapprochement entre les êtres, est monnayé. / This dissertation analyses the different meanings of prostitution in the writings of Marguerite Duras. Through the intersecting analytical lenses of literary history, philosophy and psychoanalysis, our research shows that prostitution, far from being a simple subject, is inherent to the creative art and act of the author. Writing, for Duras, is the product of a creative tension shaped by distance : the very margin (away from the doxa, the language itself) from which the author crafted her work is the creative force that informs her desire to diverge from the norm and effectively strive to overturn rather than follow it.We will first consider the thematic of prostitution – prevalent from her earliest texts – throughout Duras’s work and how it weaves a veritable fantasy matrix proposing a body of work that reverses the common axiology by sacralizing profanity and placing the margin at the center. Prostitution becomes a melting pot of the writing process and reveals the agenda of the potentialities within creation (it shapes writing itself). Nevertheless, beyond the idealization of giving oneself to another, prostitution runs deeper than the skin : it has ametaphysical sense. Indeed, we demonstrate how offering one’s body is linked to an infinite quest or thirst that only the Absolute of life can quench. Offering one’s body is a tense act situated between desire and mourning and that can be interpreted as the quest for Aletheia(truth through unveiling), rather than a simple transaction free of any eroticism. In any case,to prostitute oneself is above all, a staged performance deeply rooted in theatricality, and this point is analyzed in the last part of our work. After the 1980s the rapport between the prostitute and the truth changes and distance, far more than the rapprochement between bodies and beings, is then paid in cash.

Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade / Agency : the art of seeing action beyond the expected

Holm, Tanya January 2005 (has links)
<p>The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways. My theoretical perspective proceeds from the idea that action manifests not only in forms we usually discern but also in shapes we tend to overlook, that agency as a phenomena exists independently of beholders’ abilities to see and recognize actions for what they mean to the performer. By examining what the act to not report sex-buyers means for four women I find that women express their dislike of the law as such as well as of the dogmas it’s based upon by not using it. The women also find reporting incompatible with their own interests as they define them. Therefore I conclude that their repudiation from the law is a political practice, a protest against a law they find unjust and a possibility, for those who wish, to see their opposition against Swedish prostitution policy.</p>

Diskurser om det "äldsta yrket" En komparativ studie om attityden till, och synen på prostitution i Sverige och Nederländerna.

Blomér, Emma, Öhlén, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen har till syfte att titta på hur verksamma inom stödorganisationer ser på sina klienter, samt vad de har för attityder till prostitution. Genom en diskursanalys lyfts diskursen om prostitution utifrån det nederländska och svenska samhället fram. Frågeställningar i uppsatsen är: Vilket syfte har organisationerna i arbetet med prostitution? Vilken syn på prostitution har de anställda på stödorganisationerna? Vad har organisationerna att erbjuda och hur arbetar de? Går det att finna skillnader eller likheter mellan synen på prostitution i de olika länderna? Uppsatsen har en beskrivande och tolkande design med ett kvalitativt diskursanalytiskt förhållningssätt. Frågeställningar rörande de anställdas värdegrund och förhållningssätt till sina klienter utgjorde grunden i uppsatsen. Intervjuer med sammanlagt tolv personer utfördes, sex stycken i Sverige och sex stycken i Nederländerna varav samtliga arbetar inom stödorganisationer för prostituerade. Textmaterial från organisationerna samlades även in vid intervjuerna. De två ländernas intervjuer och textmaterial bearbetades separat och jämfördes sedan. Resultatet visade på en rad olika subjektpositioner som karaktäriserar diskursen om prostitution. Den svenska diskursen präglas av radikalfeministiska värderingar, och den nederländska diskursen av liberalfeministiska värderingar. Mikroperspektivet, eller individperspektivet finns hos den svenska diskursen om prostitution, då det fokuseras mycket på den prostituerade individen. I det nederländska samhället ligger fokuset på makro eller samhällsnivå, där prostitutionsfrågan är en samhällsfråga och har mindre att göra med individen som prostituerar sig. / The aim of the essay is to look at how support organizations are working and dealing with prostitution clients and the attitude the employees of these organizations have toward their clients. Discourse analysis is used in the interpretation of the data collected. The questions of the study were: What is the purpose of the organizations, which work with prostitution? What are the views of the employees of these organizations towards prostitution? What do the organizations have to offer their clients? Are there differences or similarities in the Swedish and Dutch discourse on prostitution? Interviews with a total of twelve respondents were performed, six in Sweden and six in the. Text material from the organizations was also collected and used in the study. The interview results and the text material collected from the two countries were analyzed separately and then compared. The result showed different subject positions. The Swedish discourse showed influences from radical feministic values, and the Dutch discourse from liberal feministic values. A micro- or individual understanding of the question is reflected in the Swedish discourse of prostitution. In the Dutch material, the focus is on the macro- or the society understanding, where prostitution is a question of society and has less to do with the prostitutes as individuals.

Trafficking/människohandel : En människas egentliga värde

Lindberg, Hannah January 2012 (has links)
With focal point on the national directions, created by Länsstyrelsen (Swedish county administration) in cooperation with National Method support against Trafficking (NMT), this paper aims to depict the phenomena trafficking and also portray the concurrent counteracting against trafficking in Sweden that authorities exert. All involved participants in this mechanism have their particular remit and their ability to interact is hence of utmost significance. In order to fully comprehend and be able to analyze these unified operative execution-elements and processes in Sweden we also have to understand what is proceeding in the international arena. The organized crime-combine is not restrained by boundaries and continuously develop and refine methods in sexual trafficking, that has grown into an expanding multibillion industry. International counteracting is consequently a worldwide existing matter of utmost interest. Therefore we will also, in our report, present international machines such as International Organization for Migration (IOM). In regard to the proceedings in the international arena, concerning empirical and methodical techniques and information of research findings, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) occupies the leading place in the analysis. The main focus, the cornerstone of this paper, is an inquiry into the formerly relatively unknown and unexplored aspects of what happens to individuals who have been subjected to sexual trafficking in Sweden after governmental intervention implicating forced re-allocation to the country-of-origin. There is an essential need for permanent structures for rehabilitation, acceptable socio-economic standard and effective methods to prevent victims of crime to be exposed to reoccurring exploitation. The basis for the analysis has been an organizational theory of society. This has been the foundation also for the understanding of collaboration between different actors and has accordingly given insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanism of interaction.

Prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål : En kartläggning av förekomsten och motkrafterna i Värmland / Prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes : A survey about the presence and the counterforces in Värmland

Sjöstam, Pernilla, Thelin, Linda January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie är en kartläggning av prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål i Värmland. Den gjordes på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Värmland. Syftet med kartläggningen var att få en uppfattning om förekomsten av prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål i Värmland, att undersöka om och hur myndigheter, frivilligorganisationer och näringsidkare arbetar mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål samt att se vilka resurser som finns tillgängliga för detta arbete. För att undersöka detta gjorde vi inledningsvis en förstudie i form av en observationsstudie på Internet för att få en uppfattning om det överhuvudtaget förekom försäljning av sexuella tjänster i Värmland. Denna följdes sedan upp av en enkätundersökning som skickades till myndigheter, frivilligorganisationer, bostadsbolag samt privata näringsidkare. När resultatet sammanställdes kunde vi konstatera att det förekommer både prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål i Värmland och att både män, kvinnor, unga och barn kan vara utsatta för den sexuella exploateringen. Vad gäller det arbete som bedrivs mot denna exploatering kunde vi konstatera att den sker endast i begränsad utsträckning och att samverkan mellan berörda verksamheter är bristfällig. I kartläggningen kunde vi även se att kunskapen hos de yrkesverksamma inom de berörda verksamheterna är begränsad samt att myndigheterna saknar resurser för arbetet mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål. / This study is a survey of prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes in Värmland. This was done as an assignment from the County Authorities of Värmland. The purpose of this survey was to get a comprehension of the presence of prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes in Värmland, to examine if and how the authorities, the voluntary organizations and associations working against prostitution and people trade as well as seeing which resources are available for this work. To examine this we did initially do a preparatory study in form of an observation study through the Internet to get an idea if overall it exists. This was then followed up with an official survey that was sent to the authorities, the voluntary organizations, the housing authority as well as private sectors. When the result was compiled we were able to state that both prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes does exist in Värmland and that both men, women, adolescents and children can be exposed to sexual exploitation. In consideration of the work that is being done against this exploitation we were able to state that it happens only in moderate scale and that the cooperation between the involved parties is lacking. In the survey we were also able to see the knowledge of the different working officials within the involved authorities is limited, as well as the authorities are lacking the resources for the work against prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes.

Le proxénète et sa place parmi les prostituées

Savoie-Gargiso, Isa January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

My life is my ceremony: indigenous women of the sex trade share stories about their families and their resiliency.

Pooyak, Sherri 16 November 2010 (has links)
The current discourse on women who work in the sex trade is often viewed through a lens based on “victim and abuse” (Gorkoff and Runner, 2003, p. 15) positioning them as being helpless, needing to be rescued and reformed in hopes they will become upstanding citizens. Constructing a resilient identity of Indigenous women who have had involvement in the sex trade aims to shed new light on the identities of a population who are often portrayed negatively. One of the ways this reconstruction can be done is to focus on their familial relationships, thereby challenging the existing discourse that often blames the families of women in the sex trade as reasons for their involvement. Using narrative analysis, this qualitative study focused on the lives of five Indigenous women who have had involvement in the sex trade. The purpose of this study was twofold: First was to gain an understanding of the familial relationships of Indigenous women who have had involvement in the sex trade; second was to gain an understanding of how these relationships have contributed to their resiliency. The Indigenous women who participated in this study shared stories of their familial relationships highlighting the supportive and constructive aspects derived from their familial relationships. Secondly, they discussed the economic violence that found them making a constrained choice to engage in the sex trade as a means of survival. Thirdly, they spoke of how their familial relationships created family bonds, their connections to their families, and described their families as a source of strength, courage, and unconditional love, which positively contributed to their resilience. The fourth theme challenges the victim and abuse paradigm, as their narratives of resilience reveal how these women have sought to construct new identities and outlines the struggles they have encountered in their efforts to develop these new identities.

Att arbeta med prostituerade kvinnor : en kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser och insatser

Berzelius, Frida, Gustafsson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Att arbeta med prostituerade kvinnor är en kvalitativ studie om hur arbetet med prostitution bedrivs och upplevs av socialarbetare. Studiens resultat bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem kvinnliga socialarbetare varav tre från prostitutionsenheten, som är den enda myndigheten i Sverige som arbetar med frågor som rör prostitution, och två från Rose Alliance som är en frivillig organisation som arbetar för sex- och erotikarbetares rättigheter i Sverige. Studiens syfte är även att jämföra om det finns likheter och/eller skillnader i yrkesutövningen beroende på om arbetet bedrivs från en myndighet eller frivillig organisation. I tolkningsramen presenteras olika stressteorier, lagrum och organisationsbeskrivningar som sedan används för att analysera studiens resultat. I studiens resultat framkommer det bland annat att respondenterna upplever sitt arbete som betydelsefullt men att olika typer av stress och dilemman kan förekomma. De slutsatser som framkommit i studien är bland annat att respondenterna på prostitutionsenheten upplever negativ stress i större utsträckning än de på Rose Alliance. En ytterligare slutsats är att det krävs mer resurser för både prostitutionsenheten och Rose Alliance för att förbättra upplevelsen av arbetet såväl som de insatser som erbjuds. / Working with women in prostitution is a qualitative study about how the work is conducted and experienced by social workers. Results of the study is based on semi structured interviews with five female social workers from whom three works at the unit of prostitution, which is the only authority in Sweden who works with questions concerning prostitution, and two from the voluntary organization Rose Alliance who works for sex workes rights in Sweden. The aim of this study is also to compare similarities or/and differences in the professional practice depending on whether the work is performed by social workers from an authority or a voluntary organization. In our interpretive are different theories about stress, sections of the law and organization descriptions presented which is used to analyze the study’s result. The study’s result reveals that the participants experience their work as important, although different kinds of stress and dilemmas are occurring. The conclusion of this study is for example that the participants from the unit of prostitution experience negative stress in greater extent than the participants from Rose Alliance. Another conclusion is that it requires more resources, for the unit of prostitution as well for Rose Alliance, to improve the experience and action that is being offered.

"Kultprostitution" im Alten Testament? die Qedeschen der Hebräischen Bibel und das Motiv der Hurerei /

Stark, Christine, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral) - Universität, Zürich, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [219]-239).

Regulating prostitution in British Columbia, 1895-1930

Smith, Charleen P. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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