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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykologiska konsekvenser av förlossningsskador : Kvinnors upplevelser / Psychological consequences of birth trauma : Women’s experiences

Johansson, Isabella, Lindberg, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bäckenbottenskador är vanligt förekommande vid vaginala förlossningar och kan orsaka många besvärande symtom. Den fysiska påfrestningen påverkar även kvinnors välmående och kan leda till psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva psykologiska konsekvenser av bäckenbottenskador i samband med förlossning för kvinnor. Metod: Syftet besvarades genom att göra en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på nio kvalitativa artiklar. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades, därefter skapades en övergripande huvudkategori och tre underkategorier. Resultat: Huvudkategorin var Förlossningsskador medför psykiskt lidande, och dess underkategorier Känsla av skuld och skam, Förlust av kvinnlighet och sexualitet och Besvikelse över vårdens bristande information och stöd. I resultatet framkom att psykologiska konsekvenser såsom oro, skam, ångest, hopplöshet, depression och posttraumatiskt stressyndrom, är en följd av bäckenbottenskador och dess somatiska besvär. Vidare framkom att kvinnor inte fick den vård de var i behov av och upplevde att vården försummade dem och orsakade ytterligare psykisk påfrestning. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien bidrar till en ökad förståelse om hur bäckenbottenskador påverkar kvinnors psykiska välmående. Det behövs utveckling av riktlinjer vad gäller uppföljning och behandling av förlossningsskador. Vidare forskning krävs om hur bäckenbottenskador och sekundärt psykiskt trauma kan förebyggas, repareras, behandlas och rehabiliteras. / Background: Pelvic floor injuries are common due to vaginal delivery and can cause many troublesome symptoms. The physical symptoms affect women’s well-being and can lead to psychological morbidity. Aim: The aim was to describe the psychological consequences of pelvic floor injuries in relation to childbirth for women. Method: The aim was answered by conducting a general literature study based on nine qualitative articles. The articles were quality-tested and analysed, then one overreaching head category were created and three under categories. Results: The head category was Birth injuries causes psychological suffering, and it’s under categories Feeling guilt and shame, Loss of femininity and sexuality and Disappointment with the lack of information and support in healthcare. Women experienced psychological consequences such as shame, anxiety, hopelessness, depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome, secondary to pelvic floor injuries. It was also found that women didn’t receive the care they needed and felt that healthcare professionals neglected them and caused further psychological distress. Conclusion: The general literature study contributes to an increased understanding of how pelvic floor injuries affect women’s mental well-being. There is a need for development of guidelines as to monitoring and treatment of birth injuries. Further research is needed on how pelvic floor injuries and secondary to it psychological trauma can be prevented, repaired, treated and rehabilitated.

Impact of psychological trauma on the development of psychotic symptoms: relationship with psychosis proneness

Spauwen, Janneke, Krabbendam, Lydia, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim January 2006 (has links)
Background. The reported link between psychological trauma and onset of psychosis remains controversial. Aims. To examine associations between self-reported psychological trauma and psychotic symptoms as a function of prior evidence of vulnerability to psychosis (psychosis proneness). Method. At baseline, 2524 adolescents aged 14-24 years provided self-reports on psychological trauma and psychosis proneness, and at follow-up (on average 42 months later) participants were interviewed for presence of psychotic symptoms. Results. Self-reported trauma was associated with psychotic symptoms, in particular at more severe levels (adjusted OR1.89,95% CI1.16-3.08) and following trauma associated with intense fear, helplessness or horror. The risk difference between those with and without self-reported trauma at baseline was 7% in the group with baseline psychosis proneness, but only 1.8% in those without (adjusted test for difference between these two effect sizes: χ2=4.6, P=0.032). Conclusions. Exposure to psychological trauma may increase the risk of psychotic symptoms in people vulnerable to psychosis.

Déficits cognitifs associés au trouble de stress post-traumatique aigu : une investigation longitudinale

LaGarde, Geneviève January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Coaching Athletes with Post-Traumatic Stress: Exploring Trauma-Related Competencies and Coaching Efficacy

Leibovitz, Amanda Patricia 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) assess cycling coaches' trauma-related competencies, as measured by trauma knowledge (i.e., trauma-specific education, familiarity with post-traumatic stress [PTS]), stigma of persons with PTS (i.e., fear/dangerousness, help/interact, forcing treatment, negative emotions), and interpersonal skills (i.e., self-reported emotional intelligence, perceived quality of coach-athlete relationships); and (b) examine the influence that trauma knowledge and stigma of persons with PTS has on coaching efficacy specific to coaching trauma-impacted athletes (i.e., trauma-informed coaching efficacy), after controlling for general coaching experience. Descriptive statistics indicated the majority of coaches had no trauma-specific education, a high degree of familiarity with PTS, and a low level of stigma via four attribution variables. Moreover, participants highly appraised their own emotional intelligence, the quality of their coach-athlete relationships, and their trauma-informed coaching efficacy. A hierarchical regression analyses indicated that familiarity with PTS helped to explain additional variance in trauma-informed coaching efficacy over and above demographic and general coach experience variables. The study establishes trauma-informed coaching as a distinct area of research and highlights the need for improved continuing education opportunities for coaches related to psychological trauma and PTS.

Psychische Traumatisierung bei Verkehrsunfallopfern / eine Längsschnittstudie

Poldrack, Andreas 14 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Jeder Vierte erleidet im Laufe seines Lebens einen Verkehrsunfall. Obwohl psychische Folgen verbreitet und vielfältig sind, bleiben sie oft unbeachtet oder ihnen wird erst Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, wenn wenn das Leiden oder die Beeinträchtigung durch sie zu stark werden oder die Symptomatik sich längst chronifiziert hat. Am Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der TU Dresden wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Christoph-Dornier-Stiftung für Klinische Psychologie in Dresden ein Forschungsprojekt zu psychischer Traumatisierung nach Verkehrsunfällen durchgeführt. Schwerpunkt dieser Studie war es, herauszufinden, inwieweit psychische Beeinträchtigungen wenige Tage nach einem Verkehrsunfall sowie 3 und 6 Monate danach auftreten und welche auslösenden bzw. aufrechterhaltenden Faktoren für die psychischen Beeinträchtigungen zu finden sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in einer Unfallklinik Patienten mit einer Fragebogenbatterie untersucht, die dort nach einem Verkehrsunfall eingeliefert worden waren. Die Auftretenshäufigkeit von posttraumatischer Belastungssymptomatik steigt über den Untersuchungszeitraum hinweg leicht an, dies gilt sowohl für klinische als auch subklinische Symptomatik. Interessant sind hier v.a. die verschiedenen Verlaufstypen. Die Gedanken-kontrollstrategien "Ablenkung" und "Sorgen" scheinen beim Umgang mit auftretenden Intrusionen eine relevante Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der posttraumatischen Belastungssymptomatik spielen. Weiterhin zeigte sich, daß Variablen wie die subjektiv wahrgenommene Kontrollierbarkeit der Unfallsituation oder die Beschäftigung mit der Frage "Warum gerade ich?" Einfluß auf die Entwicklung posttraumatischer Symptomatik ausüben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie haben mehrere Implikationen: Erstens konnte repliziert werden, daß posttraumatische Belastungssymptomatik nach Verkehrsunfällen ein relevantes Problem ist, das nicht einfach ignoriert werden darf. Zweitens konnten Erkenntnisse über den längsschnittlichen Verlauf der Symptomatik bereitgestellt werden, die eine Früherkennung von potentiellen Betroffenen näher rücken läßt. Drittens und letztens konnte die wichtige Rolle der kognitiven Variablen bei der Entstehung einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung nach Verkehrsunfällen untermauert werden.

Déficits cognitifs associés au trouble de stress post-traumatique aigu : une investigation longitudinale

LaGarde, Geneviève January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Policininkų trauminė patirtis ir jos psichologiniai padariniai / Traumatic experience and psichological effects in police

Kuodienė, Vilma 23 June 2014 (has links)
Policininkai, kaip specifinė profesinė grupė, tarnyboje susiduria su trauminiais įvykiais, darbe patirtą stresą dažniausiai įveikia neigiamomis strategijomis. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti policininkų patirtų traumų padarinių ir veiksnių, susijusių su traumine patirtimi, ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo įvertinti subjektyvų pareigūnų trauminį patyrimą, potrauminio streso simptomatikos intensyvumą, nevilties išgyvenimo intensyvumą, patiriamą potrauminį augimą, gaunamą socialinę paramą. Tyrime dalyvavo 81 policijos pareigūnas, per pastaruosius 3 metus tarnyboje patyręs trauminį įvykį. Tyrime taikytos šios metodikos: Įvykio poveikio skalė – revizuota (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; liet. k. Kazlauskas ir kt., 2006), Subjektyvaus trauminio patyrimo skalė (STP) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), Potrauminio augimo skalė (PTA) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; liet. k. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Becko nevilties skalė (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1988) ir parengtas specialus Policininko sukrečiančio įvykio ir potrauminio patyrimo klausimynas (sudarė darbo autorė). Tyrimas atskleidė, kad apie 60 proc. policijos pareigūnų profesinėje veikloje patiria trauminius įvykius. Dažniausiai traumines situacijas policininkai patiria tada, kai yra sunkiai sužalota arba nužudyta auka. Nepaisant trauminės patirties, neigiamų policininkų traumos psichologinių padarinių nenustatyta: silpna neviltis, maži potrauminio streso sutrikimo požymių rodikliai. Taip pat žemas potrauminio augimo lygis. Rezultatai rodo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Policemen, as a specific professional group, often encounter traumatic events at service and usually handle the stress experienced at work with the help of negative strategies. The purpose of this research is to determine the peculiarities of consequences of traumas and factors related to traumatic experience. The goals of the research were to assess the subjective experience of officers, symptomatics of post-traumatic stress disorder, intensiveness of the feeling of hopelessness, post-traumatic growth and social assistance received. 81 police officer who has experienced a traumatic event at service during the 3 recent years, participated in the research. The methods applied in the research are as follows: The Impact of Event Scale – revised (IES-R) (Weiss, 2004; Lith.: Kazlauskas et al., 2006), The Subjective Traumatic Experience Scale (STE) (Kazlauskas, Gailienė, Šimėnaitė, 2007), The Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 1996; Lith. Gailienė, Kazlauskas, 2005), Beck’s Hopelessness Scale (BHS) (Beck, Steer, 1998) and specially compiled questionnaires for policemen on a shocking event and post-traumatic experience (created by the author of this study). The research has revealed that about 60 percent of police officers experience traumatic events in their professional activities. Most frequently experienced traumatic situations by policemen are those, where there is a heavily injured, or killed victim. Regardless of traumatic experience, negative... [to full text]

Vulnérabilité et processus de résilience en formation infirmière : quels tuteurs pour les étudiants vulnérabilisés ? / Vulnerability and resilient processes in nursing training : which tutors of resilience for the weakened nursing students?

Morenon, Olivier 23 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a été initiée à partir des constats suivants : les étudiants en soins infirmiers français réussissent en majorité à achever leurs scolarités en dépit d’un vécu de stress important durant celles-ci, les conduisant parfois au burnout. Grâce à une approche exploratoire avec en premier une revue de littérature puis une enquête auprès de 30 participants à l’aide d’entretiens semi-directifs analysés de manière thématique, nous avons étudié ces phénomènes sous l’angle de la vulnérabilité et de la résilience. D’une part, les principaux résultats nous permettent de confirmer que la formation infirmière place l’individu dans une situation de vulnérabilité conjoncturelle. Les facteurs personnels de vulnérabilité soulignés sont entre autres : le processus de transformation identitaire opérant lors de la scolarité, les enjeux dus à un apprentissage durant la jeunesse (alterner formation et premier travail d’étudiant, apprendre à s’autogérer dans un premier appartement, s’éloigner pour la première fois du cocon familial, etc.) ou plus tard dans la vie adulte (revenir à un statut financier plus précaire, se faire encadrer par des plus âgés que soi, assumer son rôle de parent en plus de celui de ses travaux d’étudiants, etc.). Les principaux facteurs de vulnérabilité liés à l’environnement sont : la mesure difficile de l’écart entre l’idéal et la réalité, le vécu émotionnel durant l’apprentissage en stage auprès des patients, des encadrants sur le terrain souvent en souffrance dans leur travail et dont la relation pédagogique avec l’apprenti est détériorée. Les symptômes qui en découlent vont d’un simple stress, à des angoisses, des insomnies, ou encore une perte d’espoir par exemple. Ces symptômes sont parfois l’expression d’un syndrome de stress post-traumatique ou d’un burnout. D’autre part, l’enquête a révélé que des processus résilients peuvent être observés pendant les études. D’un point de vue des facteurs de protection, l’apprentissage en lui-même et des pédagogues soutenants favorisent le processus de mentalisation. Des mécanismes de défense sont également activés durant la formation comme l’altruisme lors de la relation d’aide ou l’affiliation au cours des nombreux temps de partage entre pairs. Des tuteurs potentiels de résilience à la disposition des étudiants ont été identifiés : les apprenants entre eux, les formateurs, les directeurs, les cadres de santé/maître de stage, les infirmiers, les aides-soignants et des psychologues. Nous avons identifié leurs caractéristiques comme la bienveillance dont ils font preuve, le rôle de garant de la loi, de l’éthique et de la déontologie… Enfin, nous avons analysé les nouveaux éléments apportés par cette recherche et nous les avons éclairés par des investigations complémentaires dans la littérature. Nous avons notamment comparé les publications internationales sur les risques de burnout des étudiants en soins infirmiers. Nous avons approfondi la principale caractéristique de leurs tuteurs de résilience qui est ressortie de notre enquête : la compassion. Enfin, nous avons envisagé le suivi pédagogique et l’analyse de pratique professionnelle comme deux séquences d’apprentissage permettant d’accompagner la résilience. / The vast majority of French nursing students succeed in their studies despite having experienced stress factors, that can often be associated or, indeed, lead to burnout. We conducted a literature review followed by a semi-structured interview of 30 nursing students. The aim was to explore the concepts of vulnerability and resilience and how nursing students use these to succeed in their studies. Our main results confirm that nursing training places students in a situation of temporary vulnerability. Personal factors of vulnerability identified were: the stakes due to learning during the youth or later in adult life and the process of identity. The main factors of vulnerability relating to the environment were; the difficulty in measuring the gap between the ideal and reality, the emotional experience with the patient during their placement and establishment of difficult relationships with supervisors, who are often suffering in their work. The main consequences observed were stress, anxiety, insomnia, or loss of hope. These symptoms are sometimes the expression of post-traumatic stress disorder or of a professional burnout.On the other hand, the survey revealed that resilient processes can be observed during the studies. The main protective factors identified in the study that gave the students resilience were ; learning in oneself and supportive teachers, which allows the mentalization process. Defense mechanisms are also activated during training. Altruism in the supportive relationship both with mentors and the camaradery formed with fellow students were particularly evident amongst the interview responses. Potential sources of resilience identified were: student groups, trainers, directors, health managers / supervisors, nurses, nursing aides and psychologists. In summary, we have analyzed the new elements that this research has shown and compared to previous studies that have been conducted about the risk of among nursing students. We identified the main characteristic of their resilience tutors that emerged from our investigation: compassion. Finally, we considered the pedagogical follow-up and the analysis of professional practice as the two sequences of learning to promote resilience.

Psychické trauma a jeho vliv na lidský život / Psychological Trauma and its Effects on Human's Life

Skřivanová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the diploma work "Psychological Trauma and its Effects on Human's Life" is to find out the impact of an unexpected traumatic experience which appears in one's life. The theoretical background characterizes briefly the topic of psychological traumatic experiences, their origin, features and forms. It also discusses stress phenomenon, adaptation, defence and managing mechanisms, the ones which help people to deal with strain and difficulties. In the context of extreme stress impacts, the main part focuses on posttraumatic stress disorder as one of the most frequent diagnostic categories. This disorder appears as a consequence of insufficient treatment of a serious traumatic experience which manifests itself by persistence of mental and somatic problems. The work also deals with other consequences of trauma in the psychological and social sphere including posttraumatic growth. The thesis also deals with different trauma reactions and risk and protective factors influencing trauma processing and trauma reactions. The research project (Methodological analysis) provides with case studies and show trauma progress, processing and coping with a traumatic experience. It evaluates and confirms negative and positive impact and influence of psychical trauma on human's life.

Corporeal punishment and child abuse : a pastoral perspective

Brown, Samuel Jacob January 2013 (has links)
For many decades, violence that is perpetuated by parents and loved ones against children in the name of physical child discipline or corporal punishment, has been a major concern for various governments and church leaders among most nations of the world. This does not only take into account hitting or beating a child with a stick, belt, slapping, or choking, but also spanking; especially when it is aggressive or excessive (Bradshaw 2009; Straus 1994; Kanyandago in Waruta & Kinoti 2005, Wolfe 1991; Carl 1985). A very prominent and highly respected religious figure, here in South Africa, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, made the following notable assertion to show his support towards the elimination of the practice of corporal punishment in the home: I support the Global Initiative to eliminate all corporal punishment at home, at school, in institutions and community. … Progress towards abolishing corporal punishment is being made, but millions of the world’s children still suffer from humiliating acts of violence and these violations …can have serious lifelong effects. Violence begets violence and we shall reap whirlwind. Children can be disciplined without violence that instills fear and misery, and I look forward to church communities working with other organizations to… make progress towards ending all forms of violence against children. If we really want a peaceful and compassionate world, we need to build communities of trust where all children are respected, where home and school are safe places to be and where discipline is taught by example” (http://www.rapcan.org.za/wgpd/documents: Waterhouse 2012. Retrieved 23th February 2013). However, in spite of the various voices and movements against corporal punishment of children; especially the aggressive form of this practice (as will be analyzed later on in this study), the practice is still a common phenomenon in many African countries, including South Africa. Furthermore, as some research studies have shown, a literalistic view of certain texts of Scriptures in the OT (which are mostly from the Book of Proverbs) do not only seem to influence the widespread of corporal punishment of children, but also the abuse of this form of physical discipline (e.g., Prov. 13:24; 22:15; 23:13-14, 22:15) (Bradshaw 2009; Capps 1995; Straus 1994; Greven 1991). This assumption seems plausible, seeing that as Tripp T & Tripp M (2008:138) rightly allude to, as Christians, “God’s Word is our rule for faith and practice.” The authors, also expressed that, “the Biblical laws and standards sound oppressive and strict in our lawless, arrogant, twenty-first century culture.” However, it is important to also acknowledge that we, as Christians, can be wrong in our interpretation and application of certain Scriptures; thereby, leading to flawed practices (Pohlmann 2007; Pollard 1997). As Pollard (1997:91) has rightly observed, “Clearly, both personal experience and church history teach us that we can be wrong. It is vital, then, that we have a genuine humility as Christians. We must recognize our fallibility, and constantly reassess what we believe.” In other words, there are many well-meaning Christian parents who have put their children in harm’s way by frequently administering spanking to them in ways that are, evidently, excessive or aggressive: while claiming that they are obeying scriptural injunction on child discipline, and are also doing it for the moral and ethical good of their children (Bradshaw 2009; Greven 1991). The researcher, himself, was brought up in a Christian home; where the use and abuse of both high violence (e.g., beating a child with belt, stick, etc) and low violence (e.g., forcefully beating a child with bear hand) methods of physical child discipline were the order of the day (or a frequent occurrence). Furthermore, his well-meaning father often seemed to find justification for his actions based on scriptural grounds. Incidentally, the researcher noticed that this form of child discipline also seems to be widely used by many parents in his local church and many other Christian parents, whom he has come in contact with. And many of these parents seem not to be aware of the immediate and long term negative effects that aggressive corporeal punishment has on their children. The widespread of this phenomenon (corporeal punishment of children) and the traumatic impact it has on children, has led the researcher to do this research study in his local church context (a Pentecostal church), and to develop/propose a biblically sound or balanced model of pastoral care that can help pastors in rendering effective care, to those faced with this problem situation within the church. The theoretical frame work of this research study is based on Pollard’s model of positive deconstruction, as well as some contributions from Straus’ book Beating the Devil out of Them; Corporal Punishment in American Families. The purpose for choosing Pollard’s model of positive deconstruction was to help the researcher in: 1) Identifying the underlying worldview. 2) Analyzing the worldview. 3) Affirming the elements of truth in it (as every world view has some truth in it that needs to be recognizes and affirmed, which makes the process positive and 4) discovering the error in the worldview. These are the four elements in the process of positive deconstruction, as proposed by Pollard. Straus explores the phenomenon of corporal punishment and the traumatic effects of this method of child discipline both in term of its immediate and long term harm (later in life or in adulthood) psychological harm to children. The research methodology that was employed by the researcher in carrying out this research study is qualitative. Consequently, questionnaires were given out to 50 parents in the researcher’s church to fill. Also, one-on-one interviews were arranged with four parents, two children, and also with two pastoral caregivers in the church, on the issues of corporal punishment and child abuse within the Christian home. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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