Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychosomatic"" "subject:"sychosomatic""
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Aktuální psychický stav pacienta ve fyzioterapeutické péči / Affective mood states of the patient in physiotherapy careFormanová, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
Title: Affective mood states of the patient in physiotherapy care Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part is to summarise the available findings about the chosen physiotherapeutical procedures, the psychosomatic attitude to the patients, the emotional states, the affective mood states and the possibilities how to influence them. The aim of the practical part is to evaluate the affective mood states of the patients before and after the physiotherapy care. Methods: The research involves fifty patients who underwent physiotherapeutical care in the centres specialised in holistic treatment. Their state was observed with the help of the POMS Questionnaire. The patients filled in the forms before and after the physiotherapeutical intervention with the psychosomatic attitude. The non-parametric version of the Wilcoxon's test was used for the evaluation of the differences of the dependent selected groups. Results: The results have proved all of the three hypotheses. After the physiotherapeutical intervention the current psychical state changed, the decrease of the tension, depression, anger, fatigue and confussion was significant. The vitality was increased significantly. Keywords: Emotional states, physiotherapy, psychosomatic attitude, POMS
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Vliv duševního života na tělesnost v gestalt terapii / The Influence of Spiritual Life on Physical LifeLegátová, Natália January 2011 (has links)
This thesis attempts to investigate the possibilities for application of Gestalt therapy to deal with psychosomatic problems. The induction of thesis presents the development of Gestalt psychology from its beginning until today. The next section highlights the differences in other psychotherapeutic approaches, specifically deal with Daseinanalysis, which has a different approach to a holistic understanding of man. On the other hand, thesis attempts to map the same statements with psychosomatic approach or options when these two directions can complement each other. The following section of this thesis is the opportunities to get know more techniques in Gestalt therapy, which are divided into soft, hard and expressive. The practical implementation of these techniques we can find in the fourth chapter which demonstrates the interconnection of Gestalt therapy and Psychosomatics in practice. The spiritual approach in Gestalt therapy is described in the last section. This approach provides an unusual insight into the possible role of spirituality in Gestalt therapy
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Enjeux psychiques de la très grande prématurité- Approche psychosomatique / Psychological stakes of extreme prematurity- Psychosomatic approachMoulin, Geraldine 12 January 2010 (has links)
Notre recherche vise à éclairer les enjeux psychiques de la très grande prématurité chez la femme enceinte. Nous avons exploré les vécus de grossesse de 18 femmes enceintes à l’aide de l’I.R.M.A.G (Interview pour les Représentations Maternelles pendant la Grossesse) et du dessin. En questionnant les relations que les femmes enceintes entretiennent avec leur mère, ainsi que leur rapport à l’image (échographies, rêves) et aux perceptions, nous avons mis en évidence des liens mères-filles dépourvus de tendresse chez les femmes qui accouchent très prématurément et un surinvestissement du perceptif visant à les protéger de la dimension traumatique de la grossesse. Nous avons repéré la difficulté de ces femmes à investir le fœtus et à érotiser la grossesse. Notre recherche vise à mettre en relation, l'absence d'investissement de la présence du fœtus et l'expulsion de ce dernier avant terme. Les interrelations psyché-soma dans le processus de la prématurité sont au cœur de notre travail. / The aim of our research is to clarify the psychological stakes of extreme prematurity for the pregnant woman. We explored the factual pregnancy experience of 18 pregnant women with the aid of I.R.M.A.G (Interview for Maternal Representations during Pregnancy) and of drawings. By questioning the relationships that the pregnant women maintain with their mother, as well as their relation to pictures (ultrasound scan, dreams) and to perception, we highlighted mother-daughter bonds devoid of tenderness for women who give birth very prematurely and an overinvestment of perceptive aiming at protecting them from the traumatic dimension of the pregnancy. They do not manage to accept the foetus and to eroticise the pregnancy. The aim of our research is to demonstrate the relationship between the absence of accepting the presence of the foetus and the expulsion of it before term. The psyche-soma interrelationships in the prematurity process are the core of our work.
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Les phénomènes psychosomatiques à la lettre : Une application clinique au trait unaireDiebold, Lionel 14 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est orientée vers les souffrances ressenties par les sujets avec un phénomène psychosomatique (PPS). Ma pratique clinique en chirurgie à l’hôpital public fonde l’intérêt des PPS dans une maladie somatique. Le caractère énigmatique du phénomène évoque la butée des discours médical et psychologique. Généralement, ces discours buttent sur le PPS. Ces patients sont rapidement diagnostiqués comme psychosomatique. Ce diagnostic évite la question du soin. Ces patients sont disqualifiés (défaut de pensée ou émotion inadaptée), sans solution de traitement. C’est un problème de santé publique. Beaucoup de théories considèrent que les psychotiques ne peuvent avoir des troubles somatiques. De quoi meurent ils alors ? Pour discuter ces positions théoriques et descriptives, cette thèse revient à la pratique, avec des patients souffrant de PPS. Généralement, les interprétations des PPS sont centrées sur le signifiant ou l’objet a, un objet pulsionnel. Quelque chose s’écrit inconsciemment, sur la répétition en nombre. La problématique conduit à l’hypothèse : « avec un sujet de structure psychopathologique, psychose ou névrose, la clinique des PPS à l’hôpital est une clinique du trait unaire, qui peut se transformer en une clinique de la lettre ».La méthodologie adoptée est une praxéologie, une articulation entre pratique et théorie. Des études de cas illustrent ce chemin. Le paradigme est la psychanalyse. L’hypothèse est mise à l’épreuve par la clinique. Une autre interprétation est efficace pour le PPS, le trait unaire. La répétition en nombre s’arrête et le PPS disparaît. Cette psychothérapie préserve la réponse subjective du PPS, limite la Jouissance et autorise une autre position subjective, avec des structures psychopathologiques différentes. / This thesis is orientated by the suffering felt by the subjects with a psychosomatic phenomenon (PSP). My clinical practice at the surgery unit of the public hospital is basis toward PSP on a somatic disease. This enigmatic character of the phenomena evokes well the abutting of medical and psychological discourses. Usually, these discourses bump into PSP, and these patients are rapidly qualified, like psychosomatic. This diagnosis avoids the caring, and patients are disqualified (deficit of mentation or maladapted emotion), without care’ solution. More this reality is a problem for Public Health. Some theories considered psychosis unable to have some somatic troubles. But how explain they died ?To discuss theses theoretical and descriptive positions, this thesis has decided to turn back to the practice, with some patients suffering from PSP. Usually about PSP, the interpretations are focusing on the signifier and the object “a”, which is an object of Pulsion. Something is writing unconsciously, in the repetition in number.Problematic leads us to posit an hypothesis: “With a subject of psychopathologic structure, psychosis or neurosis, the clinical practice of PSP at the hospital, is a clinical practice of “trait unaire” which can moved in clinical practice of letter”.Methodology adopted is praxeology, an articulation between practice and theory. Studies of cases illustrate this way. The paradigm is psychoanalysis.Hypothesis is corroborated by the clinical practice. An other interpretation is efficiente with PSP, “trait unaire”. The repetition in number stop and PSP disappears. This psychotherapeuty preserv the subjective answer of PSP, limit to the Jouissance and authorize an other subjective position, with the different psychopathologic structures.
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Que devient le symptôme fibromyalgique dans l’espace transférentiel ? : Entre psychanalyse et médecine, un nouage dans la douleur / What becomes the fibromyalgique symptom in the transferentiel space ? : Between psychoanalysis and medicine, a knotting in the pain.Quesne, Valdo 07 December 2013 (has links)
La fibromyalgie est un trouble qui intéresse la médecine somatique, dont le principal signe relève des douleurs chroniques et diffuses qui s’additionnent ou se déplacent dans l’ensemble du corps et de ses organes. L’absence de possibilité d’imagerie médicale à l’assise de ce trouble rend la parole du patient nécessaire pour l’établissement de son diagnostic.Nous nous intéressons à l’équivoque de cette parole, notamment avec le principe de l’assertion subjective. Dans ce contexte, la théorisation psychosomatique sera critiquée dans la réduction qu’elle autorise entre les sphères psychique et somatique. Nous questionnons également la dynamique transférentielle, au travers de la distinction entre l’angoisse et l’effroi.La parole du patient et le contexte médical de la fibromyalgie invitent à interroger la théorisation lacanienne des quatre discours. Il n’en reste que deux : celui du médecin sur le mode universitaire – il a créé le maître comme une ombre factice – et celui du patient sur le mode hystérique – dont l’analyste se fait l’écho. Nous détournons également les dimensions Réel-Symbolique-Imaginaire en restituant leur ordonnancement I.S.R. au fil de l’histoire du patient. / The fibromyalgia is a disorder which interests the somatic medicine, of which the main sign raiseschronic and diffuse pains which add up or move in the whole of the body and of its organs. The absence of possibility of medical imaging in the basis of this disorder returns the word of the patient necessity for the establishment of its diagnosis.We are interested in the ambiguity of this word, in particular with the principle of the subjective assertion. In this context, the psychosomatic theorization will be criticized in the reduction which it authorizes between the psychic and somatic spheres. We also question the transférentielle dynamics, through the distinction between the anxiety and the dismay.The word of the patient and the medical context of the fibromyalgia invite to question the Lacanian theorization of four speeches. There is there only two: that of the doctor on the university mode - He(it) created master as an artificial shadow - and that of the patient on the hysteric mode - which the analyst echoes. We also divert the dimensions Réel-Symbolique-Imaginaire by restoring their sequencing I. S. R. in the course of the story of the patient.
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Silence des affects chez des enfants présentant des troubles dysorthographiques / Silence of affects for children presenting spelling disordersBernabé, Jean-Luc 14 December 2012 (has links)
La dysorthographie est considérée en psychiatrie comme un trouble spécifique des apprentissages. Les découvertes neuropsychologiques de la place des émotions dans les apprentissages confirment une idée soutenue par l’approche psychopathologique psychanalytique selon laquelle le développement cognitif ne peut être dissocié du développement affectif. Notre recherche a porté sur le silence des affects repéré chez certains enfants présentant ce trouble dans notre pratique clinique, émettant l’hypothèse d’une logique psychosomatique sous-tendant ce symptôme. L’analyse du CAT d’un groupe de vingt enfants et l’analyse de la thérapie d’une enfant de neuf ans ont permis de mettre en évidence une répression majeure des affects, une restriction de l’expression fantasmatique, une prévalence des agirs et des sensations en lien avec un attachement fort au perçu. La présence de ces éléments laisse envisager que dans ces cas, le symptôme dysorthographique peut témoigner de l’action de défenses de type opératoire et ne constitue pas un symptôme psychonévrotique exprimant un conflit symbolique. Au-delà de l’hétérogénéité du fonctionnement psychique de ces enfants, l’existence de telles constantes cliniques nous conduit à établir un parallèle entre le symptôme dysorthographique et un symptôme psychosomatique. Ceci ne le laisse cependant pas dépourvu de sens, que nous avons tenté de rechercher à travers l’analyse des mouvements transféro-contre-transférentiels de la thérapie de Jeanne. Nous avons ainsi été amené à proposer l’hypothèse d’un défaut de subversion libidinale à l’origine d’un maintien dans une écriture purement fonctionnelle et mécanique chez certains patients dysorthographiques. / The spelling disorder is considered in psychiatry as a specific learning disorder. The recent neuropsychological discoveries of the role of emotions in the learning process confirm the idea, supported by the psychopathologic psychoanalytical approach, according to which the cognitive development cannot be separated from the emotional one. Our research concerned the silence of affects which we had already found with children presenting this specific disorder in our clinical practice ; therefore making us utter the hypothesis of a psychosomatic logic underlying the symptom of spelling disorder. The analysis of a projective test, the CAT, for a group of twenty children and the analysis of Jeanne’s therapy, a child presenting this disorder, highlighted a main repression of affects, a limitation of the fantasmatic expression, prevalency of acts and feelings linked to a very strong importance put on perceptions. These aspects lead us to consider that in those cases, the spelling disorder syptom may be the result of operating defenses but is not necessarily a psychonevrotic symptom expressing a symbolic conflict. Beyond the variety of psychic process of these children, the presence of such steady clinical aspects, leads us to establish a link between the spelling disorder symptom and the psychosomatic symptom. We tried to find a reason for it through the analysis of the transfert movements in Jeanne’s therapy. This brought us to utter the hypothesis of a lack of libidinal subversion leading some patients with spelling disorders to remain in a purely functional and mechanical writing.
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Approche psychologique de la résilience chez les personnes en situation d’obésité sévère candidates à une chirurgie bariatrique : étude des effets d’une prise en charge multidisciplinaire avant chirurgie / Psychological approach to resilience among people with severe obesity seeking bariatric surgery : effect study of a multidisciplinary care before surgeryMathieu, Joris 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les candidats à la chirurgie bariatrique ont une trajectoire biopsychosociale singulière : obésité très sévère ou compliquée, psychopathologies fréquentes et histoires de vie difficiles et traumatiques. Considérant le traitement médical comme un échec, ils voient la chirurgie comme l’ultime solution. Le concept de résilience permet d’aborder la fragilité psychique et sociale de ces personnes. Les objectifs principaux de l’étude visent à mieux cerner leurs fonctionnements psychiques et à identifier leurs évolutions au cours d’un parcours de préparation à la chirurgie bariatrique, selon une approche semi-quantitative d’inspiration psychodynamique. Deux cents sujets candidats à la chirurgie bariatrique (153 femmes et 47 hommes ; âge : 43,5 ± 11,74 ans ; IMC : 45,54 ± 7,19 kg/m²) ont été recrutés au début de leurs parcours de préparation au CHRU de Nancy. Ce parcours qui dure un an est basé sur un abord cognitivo-comportemental et propose des ateliers collectifs d’éducation thérapeutique.Trois méthodologies ont été utilisées au début et à la fin de ce parcours pour explorer les différentes dimensions de la résilience dans le contexte de l’obésité sévère : des entretiens cliniques de recherche, des données projectives (102 protocoles Rorschach) et des auto-questionnaires permettant d’apprécier la qualité de vie (EQVOD et SF-36), les Troubles des Conduites Alimentaires (TCA) (DEBQ et BES), les psychopathologies (HAD et MINI), les mécanismes de coping (Briefcope), l’alexithymie (TAS), et la résilience (RSA). Le processus de résilience est inexistant en début de parcours. Les résultats indiquent que les sujets présentent une faible qualité de vie ainsi que de nombreuses psychopathologies : compulsions alimentaires (62,89 %, dont 56,6 % de Binge Eating Disorder (BED)), dépressions (15 %), anxiétés (34,5 %) ou encore addictions (29,5 %). Un nombre important d’événements de vie difficiles et traumatiques est relevé : 86 % des sujets ont un vécu polytraumatique remontant majoritairement à l’enfance et l’adolescence. Les réponses paradoxales données par certains sujets aux auto-questionnaires permettent de les classer selon un profil comportemental dit "discordant" (sous-évaluation du binge eating à la BES et surévaluation de la résilience à la RSA) qui se caractérise par un défaut de mentalisation relevé à l’entretien clinique et au Rorschach. Une nette amélioration de l’ensemble des indicateurs est constatée à la fin du parcours. La qualité de vie des sujets, notamment psychique, augmente. La prévalence des psychopathologies, elle, diminue fortement, avec des réductions significatives des TCA en termes de fréquence (64,78 %) et d’intensité (13,21 % avec forte compulsivité), des dépressions (3,14 %), de l’anxiété (8,18 %) et des comportements addictifs (13,84 %). Enfin, les difficultés de mentalisation ont régressé, bien que la majorité des sujets présente toujours une absence de processus résilient juste avant la chirurgie. Les sujets présentant un profil "concordant" d’après les auto-questionnaires, connaissent une amélioration significativement plus importante à la plupart des indicateurs, par rapport aux sujets "discordants" / Candidates for bariatric surgery have a singular biopsychosocial trajectory: very severe or complicated obesity, frequent psychopathologies and difficult and traumatic life histories. Considering medical treatment as a failure, they see surgery as the ultimate solution. Resilience’s concept enables to come closer the psychic and social fragility of these people. The main objectives of the study are to pinpoint their psychic functioning and to identify their evolution during a healthcare pathway of preparation for bariatric surgery, using a semi-quantitative approach of psychodynamic inspiration. Two hundred subjects who are candidates for bariatric surgery (153 women and 47 men, age: 43.5 ± 11.74 years, BMI: 45.54 ± 7.19 kg/m2) were recruited at the beginning of their healthcare pathway of preparation at CHRU of Nancy. This one-year circuit is based on a cognitive-behavioral access and offers collective therapeutic education working group.Three methodologies were used at the beginning and end of this circuit in order to explore the different dimensions of resilience in severe obesity context: clinical research interviews, projective data (102 Rorschach protocols) and self-questionnaires enabling the quality of life (EQVOD and SF-36), eating disorders (ED) (DEBQ and BES), psychopathologies (HAD and MINI), coping mechanisms (Briefcope), alexithymia (TAS), and resilience (RSA) to be assessed.The resilience process is nonexistent at the beginning of the circuit. Results indicate that the subjects have a poor quality of life as well as many psychopathologies: food compulsions (62.89%, including 56.6% of Binge Eating Disorder (BED)), depressions (15%), anxieties (34, 5%) or addictions (29.5%). A significant number of difficult and traumatic life events is noted: 86% of the subjects have polytraumatic past life experiences mostly going back to childhood and adolescence periods.Paradoxical responses given by some subjects at self-questionnaires authorize them to be classified according to a behavioral profile known as "discordant" (underestimate of binge eating at BES and overvaluation of resilience at RSA) which is characterized by a deficit of mentalization identified at the clinical interview and at Rorschach.A clear improvement of all these indicators is certified at the end of this circuit. The quality of life of subjects, especially psychic, increase. The prevalence of psychopathologies, it, strongly decreases, with significant reductions in eating behavior disorders in terms of frequency (64.78%) and intensity (13.21% with sizable compulsivity), depressions (3.14%), anxiety (8.18%) and addictive behaviors (13.84%). Lastly, mentalization’s difficulties decreased, although the majority of subjects still have an absence of resilient process just before surgery. Subjects with a "consistent" profile according to the self-questionnaires, know a significant improvement in the majority of indicators, compared to "discordant" subjects
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A constituição do mundo psíquico e as doenças relacionadas ao trabalho /Simões, Fátima Itsue Watanabe. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco Hashimoto / Banca: Manoel Antonio dos Santos / Banca: Wilka Coronado Antunes Dias / Resumo: O exercício de uma atividade profissional proporciona ao ser humano fazer parte da vida em sociedade, como membro de uma cultura. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho confere a possibilidade de construção de identidade profissional e pessoal. Entretanto, há algumas situações em que o trabalhador adoece. O presente estudo tem por objetivo principal compreender a relação existente entre a constituição do mundo psíquico do indivíduo, ou seja, a formação inicial da mente humana, que é subjetiva e inconsciente, e a ocorrência da doença relacionada ao trabalho; que é a doença decorrente do exercício profissional. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas psicológicas semidirigidas e individuais com quatro participantes que receberam diagnóstico de doença relacionada ao trabalho. A psicanálise e a psicossomática psicanalítica constituem as principais referências teóricas desta dissertação. Como resultado deste estudo, pôde-se observar que as experiências infantis e as relações que se estabelecem no seio familiar são determinantes para a constituição do psiquismo humano e interferem na vivência profissional destes trabalhadores. Entretanto, fatores relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho também contribuem decisivamente para o adoecimento do indivíduo no trabalho. Os entrevistados apresentavam algum componente psíquico que facilitava a ocorrência da doença relacionada ao trabalho, mas todos queixavam-se da sobrecarga de trabalho, falta de humanização nos ambientes de trabalho e atribuíam o agravamento de seu quadro de saúde às más condições a à insalubridade ... / Abstract: The exercise of a professional activity provides the human beings the possibility of making part of the life in society, as members of a culture. In this perspective, the work confers the possibility of the construction of the professional and personal identity. However, there are some situations in which the worker gets sick. The present study has as principal objective to comprehend the existent relation between the individual's psychic world constitution, that is to say the initial formation of the human mind, which is subjective and unconscious, and the occurrence of the disease related to the work; the disease derived of the professional exercise. To the data collection, semi-directed psychological and individual interviews with four participants, who received diagnosis of disease related to the work, were utilized. The psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic psychosomatic constitute the main theoretical references of this dissertation. As results of this study, it was possible to observe that the childish experiences and the relations established in the familiar heart are determinant to the constitution of the human psychism and interfere in these workers' professional living. However, factors related to the work environment also contribute decisively to the individual to get sick in the work. The interviewees presented some psychic component that facilitated the occurrence of the disease related to the work, but all of them complained about the work overload, lack of humanization in the work environment and they attributed the aggravation of their picture of health to the bad conditions and the insalubrity of the environment where the professional activities are developed. The interviewees presented impediments to return to exercise the work activities in the function of getting sick in the work ... / Mestre
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Acompanhamento psicológico e manutenção da perda de peso após a cirurgia bariátrica do tipo bypass / Psychological therapy and maintenance of weight loss after bariatric by-pass surgeryVaccaro, Regiane Valim 23 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-13T11:44:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-11-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Obesity is a complex disease and one that is difficult to treat. The bariatric surgery has been considered the most efficient treatment for weight loss. The expectations of medicine concerning the result of bariatric surgery is to improve the patient’s quality of life, as well as his/her life expectancy through weight loss. However, this surgical method does not prevent the patient from regaining weight. The etiology of obesity is complex and multifactorial involving biological, historical, ecological, political, social economic, psychosocial and cultural aspects. The psychological aspects that intervene in bariatric surgery are related to self-image, difficulty in changing habits, eating disorders, social and family relationships, as well as low coping capacity. The current study had the objective to observe if the outcome of psychological follow-up after bariatric surgery is related to long-term weight maintenance. We use the “snowball” method to recruit participants who underwent bypass bariatric surgery 36 to 60 months prior this study. The sample consisted of men and women aged 30 to 60 years who were divided into two groups: participants who underwent psychotherapy after the surgery and those who did not. We collected data through semi-structured interviews and calculate PEP%, as approved by the Baros method, to identify positive and negative results of post-surgery weight loss. The analysis of data was carried out by using the “Discourse of the Collective Subject”. Eleven out of twenty participants underwent psychotherapy and three out of the nine who did not undergo psychological counseling believed that they should have done so. Therefore, 14 participants acknowledged the importance of psychotherapy in the treatment of obesity through bariatric surgery. PEP results did not show a significant difference between the groups. Participants' responses are in agreement with the literature by showing that psychic and emotional factors permeate the pre and post bariatric surgery treatment and that psychotherapy may contribute as a support enabling the development of greater awareness about those aspects. However, more in-depth studies and, possibly, a larger sample are needed to substantiate the contribution of psychotherapy to this process / A obesidade é uma doença complexa e de difícil tratamento. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido considerada o tratamento mais eficaz para perda de peso. A expectativa da medicina com relação ao resultado desse procedimento é a melhora da qualidade e da expectativa de vida do paciente por meio do emagrecimento, mas esse método cirúrgico não impede que o paciente volte a engordar. A etiologia da obesidade é complexa e multifatorial, envolvendo aspectos biológicos, históricos, ecológicos, políticos, socioeconômicos, psicossociais e culturais. Os aspectos psicológicos que permeiam o tratamento bariátrico relacionam-se a: autoimagem, dificuldade de mudança de hábitos e de estilo de vida, transtornos alimentares, relações sociais e familiares, assim como baixa capacidade de enfrentamento. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar se o resultado do acompanhamento psicológico de pacientes que realizaram cirurgia bariátrica está associado à manutenção do peso em longo prazo. A amostra foi composta por homens e mulheres de 30 a 60 anos que foram submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica do tipo Bypass, decorridos 36 a 60 meses da realização do procedimento. Participaram 20 pessoas divididas em dois grupos: pacientes bariátricos que fizeram psicoterapia após terem sido operados e aqueles que não haviam passado por tal acompanhamento. O recrutamento dos participantes foi realizado por meio do método “bola de neve”. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevista semidirigida e o cálculo do PEP%, indicador aprovado pelo relatório BAROS, foi utilizado para avaliar resultados positivos e negativos da perda de peso pós- cirurgia. O “Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo” foi o método de análise dos dados obtidos. Dos 20 participantes, onze tiveram acompanhamento psicológico e três, dos nove que não fizeram terapia, acreditam que precisariam ter feito. Portanto, 14 participantes reconhecem a importância da psicoterapia no tratamento da obesidade por meio da cirurgia bariátrica. Os valores de PEP não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos. As respostas dos participantes estão de acordo com a literatura, pois os fatores psíquicos e emocionais permeiam o pré e o pós-cirúrgico do tratamento bariátrico, e a psicoterapia pode contribuir como apoio, facilitando a ampliação da consciência sobre tais fatores. Todavia, é necessário estudos mais aprofundados e, possivelmente, com uma amostra maior para que seja comprovada a contribuição da psicoterapia nesse processo
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EM NOME DE JESUS... O PROCESSO DE TRANSFERÊNCIA NA CURA / On behalf of Jesus... the transfer process in the cure.Laudares, Terezinha das Graças 28 February 2007 (has links)
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TEREZINHA DAS GRACAS LAUDARES.pdf: 315638 bytes, checksum: 4d8cdaf1e043fff4aef6b30be8d87427 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / The present study was accomplished with objective of evidencing the transfer and
the faith in the cure of psychosomatic diseases, in the religious and psychological
context, standing out the religious languages. We presented two narratives of
people's cases that looked for solutions for psychosomatic diseases. The first in the
Universal Church of Kingdom of God (UCKG), and second in the Psychological
Clinic. In both cases the transfer process was observed in the cure, for the religious
illustration or for the therapist's illustration. / O presente estudo foi realizado com objetivo de evidenciar a transferência e a fé na
cura de doenças psicossomáticas, no contexto religioso e psicológico, destacandose
as linguagens religiosas. Apresentamos duas narrativas de casos de pessoas que
buscaram soluções para doenças psicossomáticas. A primeira na Igreja Universal do
Reino de Deus (IURD), e a segunda no Consultório. Em ambos os casos observouse
o processo transferencial na cura, seja para a figura religiosa ou para a figura do
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