Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic place"" "subject:"cublic glace""
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Co-designing with Older Adults to Create an Age-friendly Evaluation Tool for Public PlacesFromme, Adam 27 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Konsten att skapa en plats för alla : En fallstudie över projektet Nya Drottningtorget i Trollhättan / The art of creating a square for all : A case study of the project Nya Drottningtorget in TrollhättanKvist, Erica January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie försöker jag att belysa det offentliga rummet och platsens innebörd i den västerländska postindustriella staden. Uppsatsen tar sig an uppgiften att undersöka hur nyliberalismens påverkan i urban stadsutveckling fungerar tillsammans med grundläggande demokratiska värden. Det görs genom en fallstudie av projektet Nya Drottningtorget i Trollhättan. Staden planerar i skrivande stund om sitt centrala torg och har valt en annorlunda väg, målet är att torget ska bli en plats för alla. Studiens empiri bygger på en intervju med Trollhättans Stadsbyggnadschef som även är projektledaren i Nya Drottningtorget. Vidare bygger studien på en dokumentanalys över en omfattande medborgardialog. Dialogen bygger på flera olika metoder, så som en husvagnsturné med enkäter, tävling i Minecraft, tankar och idéer från aktiviteter genom skolan med barn och unga. Analysen av studiens empiri och teoretiska bakgrund visar att Trollhättan följer en trend som syftar till att förnya stadens offentliga platser och rum för att skapa en attraktiv stad att bo och vistas i, detta syns inte minst i att stadens torg äntligen planeras om. Tre förslag på Nya Drottningtorget har tagits fram av arkitektbyrån Temagruppen AB under styrning av Trollhättans Stads sex prioriterade funktioner och med inslag av Trollhättebornas tankar och åsikter. De tre förslagen har olika inriktningar och speglar såväl kommunens som medborgarnas visioner. Om Nya Drottningtorget blir en plats för alla återstår att se. Diskussionen om huruvida detta är möjligt eller om det snarare handlar om en utopi behandlas i analysen. Trots den diskussionen, visar Trollhättans tillvägagångssätt i förnyelsen av torget tecken på att vara en bra grund. Torget som offentliga rum och plats har förutsättningarna att bli av god kvalitet. / With this essay, I have attempted to elucidate the meaning of public places and spaces in a Western post-industrial city. The essay looks more closely on how the neoliberal influence on urban planning functions together with democracy. It does so through a case study on the project Nya Drottningtorget in Trollhättan. The city is in the progress of remaking its central square and have chosen a different path, with the purpose to create a square for all. The empirics of this essay is based on an interview with the city planning director, who is also the manager of the project Nya Drottningtorget. The empirics is also based on analysis of a major civil dialogue. The civil dialogue has been made through out a variety of methods, such as a tour with a caravan, questionnaires, a Minecraft-contest and different activities with school to reach the young citizens of Trollhättan. The analysis of this essays empirics and theoretical foundation shows that Trollhättan is following a global trend which aims to renew public spaces and places in cities. This renewal projects aims to create an attractive city to live and be in. Three proposals have been designed by the architectural firm, Temagruppen AB, based on the civil dialogue and directions from six prioritized functions made by the politicians in Trollhättan. Those three suggestions on the new square focuses on different things but reflects both the citizens’ opinions and the politicians’ directions. If the new central square will be a place and space for all remains to see. The discussion whether this is possible or a utopic wish is discussed in the analysis of this essay. However, Trollhättans approach and so far progress in this renewal project points in a right direction. This square as a public space and place has all the conditions to be of good quality.
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Den urbana parkens användning och potential för social interaktion : En studie av Stadsträdgården i GävleÅberg, Christer, Österberg, Maya January 2016 (has links)
Urbana grönområden blir allt viktigare i det moderna samhället, inte enbart till följd av de hälsofrämjande effekter grönområden visat sig ha, utan även för sociala ändamål. Parker anses därför vara de bäst lämpade platserna för möten mellan människor med olika bakgrund och referensramar och utgör därför en viktig komponent i strävan mot ett minskat främlingskap i världens städer. Urbana parker har historiskt sett gått från att vara en plattform för eliten att visa upp sig till att bli en gemensam mötesplats för alla. Trots att parken framställs som en öppen och välkomnande plats hävdas det att användarna fortfarande utgör en homogen grupp vilket i sin tur omintetgör potentialen att främja social interaktion mellan olika samhällsgrupper. I detta examensarbete har en del av Gävles stadspark, Stadsträdgården, undersökts med avsikt att studera och kartera dess användning, användare och utbud. De metoder som har tillämpats är en enkätstudie samt observationer. Under observationerna har momenten frekvensräkning, mapping, ett kvalitativt experiment och en inventering av parkens befintliga utbud genomförts. I parken återfinns en varierad sammansättning av besökare av varierande ålder, kön och etnicitet. Del av Stadsträdgården är zonindelad utifrån användning och användare och tiden är en avgörande dimension som styr förekomsten av mänskliga möten. Social interaktion sker i mycket liten utsträckning mellan främlingar, och om det äger rum krävs en tredje komponent, exempelvis en händelse eller ett fysiskt objekt som påkallar ett gemensamt intresse. Parken saknar enligt besökarna ett flertal kvaliteter i det befintliga utbudet. I dagsläget är det oklart om någon form av medborgardialog sker vid planering av befintliga parker i Gävle. / Urban green-spaces are considered to be more important today than ever before. Parks arenot only beneficial for their positive effects on human health, but also for their social aspects. Parks are consequently considered to be the most suitable environment for encounters between people with different backgrounds and interests. Urban parks have developed from a place where the city-eliteexpressedtheir power to the public into a common place for all. Even though the parksareconsidered to be an open and welcoming place,users are considered to represent a homogenous group of people, which in turn, eliminates the potential of social interaction between different social groups. In this thesis a part of the urban park, Stadsträdgården, is investigated with the intention to study and map its use, its users and the existing supply. The methods used in this project are a questionnaire and observations. During the observations elements like counting, mapping, a qualitative experiment and an inventory of the park-attributes have been implemented. In the park, a broad composition of visitors consisting of varied age, gender and ethnicity, can be found. The focus area of this case study is divided into zones through the area of use and the users. In parks, time is an important dimension controlling whether different people will meet or not. Social interaction between strangers occurs in a small amount, and when it does, it depends on a third component, an event or a physical object that calls for a common interest. The parklacksnumerous qualities in the existing supply of the parkaccording to the users. However, it is uncertain towhat extent the public influencesthe planning of existing urban parks in Gävle, and thus if their considerations are ever involved in the planning process.
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Att uppfatta platser : En studie om hur offentliga platser uppfattas och hur det påverkar individers förhållande till dem / Place perception : A study about how public places are perceived and how that affects how peoples relate to themMyr, Erik, Lange, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar sitt avstamp i en enkel fundering; varför är det så många platser som ser ut att vara planerade på ett sätt men används på ett annat? För att smalna ner funderingen till ett konkret syfte med konkreta frågeställningar har vi tagit lärdom av olika teorier, bland annat Tuan (1997) som beskriver platser och hur de kan förstås. Vi har också läst Cattell et al. (2008) som gjort en studie inom ett snarlikt område som vårt, fast undersökt hur personer med olika kulturell bakgrund och etnicitet använder offentliga platser av olika typer och hur det påverkar hälsan. Teori och tidigare forskning likt dessa mynnar ner i syftet med arbetet som är att undersöka hur personer uppfattar offentliga platser och hur deras platskännedom, känslor och erfarenheter påverkar hur de använder platserna. Frågeställningarna som följer syftet är Hur påverkar uppfattningen av offentliga platser personers sätt att förhålla sig till dem? samt Vilka lärdomar kan dras av uppfattningen kring platser kopplat till samhällsplanering? För att kunna besvara dessa frågeställningar har vi valt att göra kvalitativa intervjuer eftersom känslor och erfarenheter bör få beskrivas snarare än värderas i ett kvantitativt formulär. Intervjuerna har resulterat i en förståelse för vad uppfattningen är, hur det påverkar personers förhållande till offentliga platser och hur det kan komma till nytta inom samhällsplanering. Av studien framkommer att det finns skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i hur de använder olika platser, kvinnor är bland annat mer säkerhetsorienterade och eftertänksamma. Ålder är också en aspekt som visat sig spela roll då erfarenheten av platser och platskännedomen oftast är större hos de som är äldre, vilket kan väcka känslor som nostalgi, vilket yngre personer i studien inte kopplar till de platser vi undersökt. Slutligen konstateras att uppfattningen av platser kan bidra i planeringen av offentliga platser eftersom de ger viktiga infallsvinklar på hur platser används. / This Bachelors Thesis was formulated from a simple question, why is it that so many places seem to be planned a certain way but are used differently? To narrow down the research questions and to make concrete problem statements, we have reviewed some of the literature in the field. For example, Tuan (1997) on place and the understanding of place and Cattell et al. (2008). The literature and previous research amounts to the purpose of researching how the place knowledge and sense of place affect people’s usage of a different variety of public places. The experience of place is based on the person’s knowledge, feelings and experiences linked to place and is of value for planers to learn as to why and how places are used. The statement of the problem is as follows: How do place knowledge and sense of place affect different people’s relations to public places? and What can be learned from how people experience place to benefit urban planning as a profession? To answer these questions, we chose a qualitative research with interviews, since feelings and experiences is better described than checked in boxes. The interviews have resulted in an understanding of how place is perceived and lived, how it affects the usage of public places and how it can be used in planning. This thesis finds that there is a difference between women and men in how they use different places, women are for example more thoughtful and oriented towards security. Age is also a factor that matters in experience and knowledge gathering, which also leads to nostalgia in some cases. Finally, it can be concluded that an understanding of peoples usage and experience of place can, and according to us should, affect planning as it gives new perspective on how places are used.
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Entre a implantação e a aclimatação: o cultivo de jardins públicos no Brasil nos séculos XIX e XX / Between implantation and acclimatization: the cultivation of public gardens in Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuriesSilva, Aline de Figueirôa 25 May 2016 (has links)
Esta tese examina o processo de implantação de jardins públicos no Brasil entre o final do século XIX e início do XX, buscando identificar soluções de aclimatação das matrizes paisagísticas estrangeiras ao contexto cultural, social e geográfico do país. O trabalho toma como objeto de estudo os jardins das cidades do Recife, Fortaleza e João Pessoa e os analisa a partir de quatro variáveis - seus nomes, usos, elementos naturais e equipamentos -, privilegiando fontes documentais, relatos de cronistas e memorialistas e levantamento in loco, em diálogo com a historiografia do paisagismo. Assim, a tese evidencia que o cultivo de jardins públicos no Brasil refletiu ritmos e modos diversos de interpretação dos conceitos e elementos formais dos jardins estrangeiros frente a circunstâncias locais, como preexistências arquitetônicas e urbanísticas; recursos naturais, materiais e tecnológicos; usos; aspectos climáticos e terminológicos. / This thesis examines the process of implantation of public gardens in Brazil between the The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, seeking to identify solutions for acclimatization of Foreign landscape to the cultural, social and geographical context of the country. Work takes Study of the gardens of the cities of Recife, Fortaleza and João Pessoa, and analyzes the From four variables - their names, uses, natural elements and equipment - Privileging documentary sources, reports of chroniclers and memorialists and survey in loco, In dialogue with the historiography of landscaping. Thus, the thesis evidences that the cultivation of Public gardens in Brazil reflected different rhythms and modes of interpretation of concepts and Formal elements of foreign gardens in the face of local circumstances such as pre-existing Architectural and urban planning; Natural, material and technological resources; Uses; aspects Climatic and terminological.
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Lugares públicos: a dimensão cotidiana no centro de São Paulo / Public places: everyday dimension in downtown Sao PauloRupf, Lilian Dazzi Braga 15 May 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe a investigação dos lugares públicos - entendidos como a dimensão espacial da cotidianidade e locus da esfera de vida pública - buscando compreender relações entre os processos de apropriação do espaço urbano e a forma urbana contemporânea. O centro da cidade de São Paulo foi definido como objeto empírico para um ensaio a fim de apreender relações entre o espaço produzido e suas vivências. A escolha de uma área de importante significado simbólico e histórico, assim como, de intensa dinâmica de atividades e pessoas é devido à sua diversidade e potencial ao encontro público, propiciando uma leitura e interpretação sobre uma base empírica que estimula a reflexão proposta. Ao contrário de alguns discursos não há redução de sua vida pública, o que há é uma mudança nesta que adquire maior complexidade, novos usos e dinâmicas ocupam e recriam seus espaços em constante processo de transformação. O centro tem como herança um rico e ativo sistema de lugares públicos, protagonistas de grandes momentos da vida pública paulistana, palco de encontros, de trocas, de convergências, de conflitos e de manifestações. / This research proposes the investigation of public places - understood as the spatial dimension of daily life and locus of the public life sphere - trying to understand relationships between the urban space appropriation processes and the contemporary urban form. The center of the city of São Paulo was defined as empirical object to an essay in order to understand relations between his produced space and their experiences. The choice of an area of important symbolic and historical significance, as well as the intense dynamics of activities and people is because of its diversity and potential to the public meeting, providing a reading and interpretation on an empirical basis that encourages the reflection proposal. Unlike some speeches there no is a reduction of his public life, there is a change in this getting more complex, new uses and dynamics occupy and recreate their spaces in a constant process of transformation. The city center has as heritage a rich and active system of public places, protagonists of the great moments of São Paulo\'s public life, socializing stage, of exchanges, convergences, conflicts and events.
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Natures plurielles : pour une contribution à l'habitabilité de l'espace public contemporain / Plural nature : for a contribution to the habitability of public contemporary spaceDelabarre, Muriel 29 November 2013 (has links)
L'objet de cette recherche-action - dont les terrains d'analyse s'inscrivent dans l'agglomération Lyonnaise - a trait à la question de la nature et de l'habitabilité urbaine. La particularité et l'enjeu du sujet résident dans la confrontation entre vision urbanistique de l'espace public, approche physique de la matérialité urbaine et prise en compte de la perception de l'environnement naturel et construit. À ce titre, cette recherche mobilise plus largement des savoirs réunis autour des écologies urbaines. En premier lieu, nous procédons à une analyse de la composante naturelle et matérielle des milieux urbains sélectionnés, de leurs usages ainsi que de leurs fonctions par l'intermédiaire d'une grille évaluative (1). Toute la complexité d'une telle démarche réside dans les critères de choix des indicateurs, notamment lorsque l'objet d'étude se révèle mouvant spatialement et temporellement. Cet examen nous permet de distinguer des modes d'agencements spécifiques contenus dans chaque configuration spatiale examinée. Puis, nous portons un vif intérêt à la dimension idéelle et subjective, deuxième versant de l'habitabilité (2). Nous nous inscrivons dans une problématique de l'expérience à travers laquelle le corps et les sens des acteurs de l'urbain trouvent droit de cité. Des parcours sur sites nous offrent l'opportunité de croiser les regards d'acteurs multiples de la production urbaine afin de recueillir leurs représentations. Ainsi, en croisant les données empiriques de ces deux protocoles d'investigation, il nous est possible d'esquisser des figures plurielles de nature constitutives de l'habitabilité des milieux de vie. / The purpose of this research-action – which fields of analysis are located in the greater Lyons - relates to the question of nature and urban habitability. The particularity of the subject and its stake lie in the confrontation between the urban vision of public space, the physical approach to urban materiality and the consideration of the perception of natural and built environment. In this respect, this research involves more widely knowledge gathered around urban ecologies. First, we conduct an analysis about the natural and physical component of selected urban areas, their uses and their functions through an evaluation grid (1). The complexity of such an approach lies in the criteria used for the selection of indicators, especially when the object of the study reveals unstable spatially and temporally. This examination allows us to distinguish patterns of specific arrangements contained in each spatial configuration subject of the study. Then we take a keen interest in the ideational and subjective dimension, which appears to be the second side of habitability (2). We fall within the issue of experience through which the body and the senses of urban actors become part of the picture. Routes on sites offer us the opportunity to confront the vision of many stakeholders of urban production in order to collect their representations. Thus, by crosschecking empirical data from these two protocols of investigation, we are able to sketch plural figures of nature that constitute the habitability of living environments.
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Lugares públicos: a dimensão cotidiana no centro de São Paulo / Public places: everyday dimension in downtown Sao PauloLilian Dazzi Braga Rupf 15 May 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe a investigação dos lugares públicos - entendidos como a dimensão espacial da cotidianidade e locus da esfera de vida pública - buscando compreender relações entre os processos de apropriação do espaço urbano e a forma urbana contemporânea. O centro da cidade de São Paulo foi definido como objeto empírico para um ensaio a fim de apreender relações entre o espaço produzido e suas vivências. A escolha de uma área de importante significado simbólico e histórico, assim como, de intensa dinâmica de atividades e pessoas é devido à sua diversidade e potencial ao encontro público, propiciando uma leitura e interpretação sobre uma base empírica que estimula a reflexão proposta. Ao contrário de alguns discursos não há redução de sua vida pública, o que há é uma mudança nesta que adquire maior complexidade, novos usos e dinâmicas ocupam e recriam seus espaços em constante processo de transformação. O centro tem como herança um rico e ativo sistema de lugares públicos, protagonistas de grandes momentos da vida pública paulistana, palco de encontros, de trocas, de convergências, de conflitos e de manifestações. / This research proposes the investigation of public places - understood as the spatial dimension of daily life and locus of the public life sphere - trying to understand relationships between the urban space appropriation processes and the contemporary urban form. The center of the city of São Paulo was defined as empirical object to an essay in order to understand relations between his produced space and their experiences. The choice of an area of important symbolic and historical significance, as well as the intense dynamics of activities and people is because of its diversity and potential to the public meeting, providing a reading and interpretation on an empirical basis that encourages the reflection proposal. Unlike some speeches there no is a reduction of his public life, there is a change in this getting more complex, new uses and dynamics occupy and recreate their spaces in a constant process of transformation. The city center has as heritage a rich and active system of public places, protagonists of the great moments of São Paulo\'s public life, socializing stage, of exchanges, convergences, conflicts and events.
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Entre a implantação e a aclimatação: o cultivo de jardins públicos no Brasil nos séculos XIX e XX / Between implantation and acclimatization: the cultivation of public gardens in Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuriesAline de Figueirôa Silva 25 May 2016 (has links)
Esta tese examina o processo de implantação de jardins públicos no Brasil entre o final do século XIX e início do XX, buscando identificar soluções de aclimatação das matrizes paisagísticas estrangeiras ao contexto cultural, social e geográfico do país. O trabalho toma como objeto de estudo os jardins das cidades do Recife, Fortaleza e João Pessoa e os analisa a partir de quatro variáveis - seus nomes, usos, elementos naturais e equipamentos -, privilegiando fontes documentais, relatos de cronistas e memorialistas e levantamento in loco, em diálogo com a historiografia do paisagismo. Assim, a tese evidencia que o cultivo de jardins públicos no Brasil refletiu ritmos e modos diversos de interpretação dos conceitos e elementos formais dos jardins estrangeiros frente a circunstâncias locais, como preexistências arquitetônicas e urbanísticas; recursos naturais, materiais e tecnológicos; usos; aspectos climáticos e terminológicos. / This thesis examines the process of implantation of public gardens in Brazil between the The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, seeking to identify solutions for acclimatization of Foreign landscape to the cultural, social and geographical context of the country. Work takes Study of the gardens of the cities of Recife, Fortaleza and João Pessoa, and analyzes the From four variables - their names, uses, natural elements and equipment - Privileging documentary sources, reports of chroniclers and memorialists and survey in loco, In dialogue with the historiography of landscaping. Thus, the thesis evidences that the cultivation of Public gardens in Brazil reflected different rhythms and modes of interpretation of concepts and Formal elements of foreign gardens in the face of local circumstances such as pre-existing Architectural and urban planning; Natural, material and technological resources; Uses; aspects Climatic and terminological.
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Gilberto de Alencar: faces de um intelectualAraújo, Cássia Aparecida Braz 02 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-05-21T19:44:50Z
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cassiaaparecidabrazaraujo.pdf: 7491770 bytes, checksum: cba5457d2c4d7e323c3874e596e3484b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-21T19:48:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
cassiaaparecidabrazaraujo.pdf: 7491770 bytes, checksum: cba5457d2c4d7e323c3874e596e3484b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-21T19:48:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
cassiaaparecidabrazaraujo.pdf: 7491770 bytes, checksum: cba5457d2c4d7e323c3874e596e3484b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-02 / PROQUALI (UFJF) / A presente tese tem por objetivo investigar o lugar ocupado pelo escritor Gilberto de Alencar (1886-1961), como um intelectual moderno que intervém no espaço público por meio da escrita, na sociedade de seu tempo. Para tal propõe-se caracterizar suas diversas faces enunciativas configuradas nos gêneros discursivos em que atuou: jornal, crônica, diário e romance. A pesquisa, realizada em consulta a hemerotecas digitais, bibliotecas e arquivos históricos, adotou, como recorte temporal, as publicações posteriores a 1930, cotejando-as, quando necessário e produtivo, com as do período anterior. Quanto ao recorte temático, priorizam-se o trabalho, a política e a escrita, com o propósito de procurar conhecer o desenvolvimento de suas abordagens sobre o assunto na variação de sua produção. Com base nos teóricos Sartre, Bobbio, Miceli, acredita-se que a exposição argumentativa do escritor pesquisado e suas reflexões, mediadas pela palavra no espaço público, possam ser entendidas como uma de suas características de intelectual moderno. A pesquisa também aponta os paradoxos que permeiam sua obra, em virtude dos momentos em que justifica os interesses da classe média, principalmente após a década de 1940, em contraponto com os momentos em que se posiciona a favor do trabalhador. / The present thesis aims at investigating the place occupied by the writer Gilberto de Alencar (1886-1961), as a modern intellectual who intervenes in public space through writing, in the society of his time. For this purpose, it is proposed to characterize his several enunciative faces configured in the discursive genres in which he acted: newspaper, chronicle, diary and novel. The research, conducted through consultation with digital libraries, libraries and historical archives, adopted, as a temporal cut, publications after 1930, comparing, when necessary and productive, with those of the previous period. As for the thematic clipping, work, politics and writing are prioritized, with the purpose of seeking to know the development of his approaches on the subject in the variation of their production. Based on the theorists Sartre, Bobbio, Miceli, it is believed that the argumentative exposition of the researched writer and his reflections, mediated by the word in the public space, can be understood as one of his characteristics of a modern intellectual. The research also points out the paradoxes that permeate his work, due to the moments in which he justifies the interests of the middle class, especially after the 1940s, in counterpoint to the moments in which he stands in favor of the worker.
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