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Informal Knowledge Sharing : Grasping the Complexity of Sharing Knowledge in Ericsson’s Software DevelopmentWittwång, Arvid, Perlind, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Many organizations have realized the importance of managing what they know in a proper way, with the sharing of knowledge as one of the most central aspects. However, the practices of knowledge sharing are seldom fully understood, and thus implementations of technical systems intended to improve knowledge sharing have less effect than expected. This master's thesis project identifies that the case company – the well-known, Swedish telecom giant Ericsson – suffers some potential knowledge gaps regarding its knowledge sharing practices, and the project thus serves the purpose to identify how and why employees indulge in sharing, with emphasis on the informal and employee-driven knowledge sharing. To understand and find ways to improve the knowledge sharing practices, the thesis project performs a case study in the rapidly expanding Ericsson Cloud RAN project. The qualitative approach of Multi-Grounded Theory is used, to focus on the perceived situation as described by the employees, with previous research as a second grounding-point. The qualitative data is collected through literature analysis, semi-structured interviews, and exploration of the digital platforms and tools internally used to share and document knowledge. The research identifies that the Cloud RAN project needs improvements of the knowledge sharing culture, and create a norm to reuse the documented knowledge. In spite of this, many employees appreciate shared knowledge and contribute to the common good of knowledge. A joy in helping others, personal benefits, and contributions to a greater good drive many employees to share. On the flipside are barriers such as a high bar for contributions from a technical point of view, and a risk of limited reuse of knowledge. As reuse is key to make use of knowledge sharing, the master's thesis report contains identified mechanisms realized in mock-up versions of tools and websites. There, emphasis is put on the importance of having proper tools and access to a contact network to navigate the documented knowledge. Summarized, the findings suggest to utilize the enthusiasm for knowledge sharing among employees for a supportive role, to champion a refined culture and lower the bar to contribute. Frequent reminders of available tools and the impact of sharing what is known in a good way, alongside creating awareness of the direction of the organization, can create company-wide awareness and motivations for improving knowledge sharing.
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The Solo Violin Works of Samuel Adler, Chen Yi, and Shulamit Ran: A Performer's PerspectiveGalu, Ioana 16 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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An Empirical Study on AI Workflow Automation for Positioning / En empirisk undersökning om automatiserat arbetsflöde inom AI för positioneringJämtner, Hannes, Brynielsson, Stefan January 2022 (has links)
The maturing capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have resulted in increased attention in research and development on adopting AI and ML in 5G and future networks. With the increased maturity, the usage of AI/ML models in production is becoming more widespread, and maintaining these systems is more complex and likely to incur technical debt when compared to standard software. This is due to inheriting all the complexities of traditional software in addition to ML-specific ones. To handle these complexities the field of ML Operations (MLOps) has emerged. The goal of MLOps is to extend DevOps to AI/ML and therefore speed up development and ease maintenance of AI/ML-based software, by, for example, supporting automatic deployment, monitoring, and continuous re-training of models. This thesis investigates how to construct an MLOps workflow by selecting a number of tools and using these to implement a workflow. Additionally, different approaches for triggering re-training are implemented and evaluated, resulting in a comparison of the triggers with regards to execution time, memory and CPU consumption, and the average performance of the Machine learning model.
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Collaborative Mobile System Design, Evaluation, and ApplicationsZhang, Jinran 07 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the integration and optimization of advanced communication technologies within the collaborative mobile system (CMS), focusing on the system design, implementation, and evaluation over unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Collectively, this dissertation tackles the key challenges of connectivity and performance within CMS. This work demonstrates practical implementations and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for CMS. The dissertation emphasizes the importance of adaptability and scalability in network design and implementation, particularly in leveraging the integration of hardware and software to adapt to promising architectures. By providing insights into performance under real-world conditions, this work explores the interplay of innovations in UAVs, mobile communications, network architecture, and system performance, paving the way for future network investigation and development.
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Ordflöde och läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi : En undersökning av FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde / Verbal fluency in relation to reading ability in students with and without dyslexia : An examination of semantic, action, and letter fluencyShareef, Zeinab January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte. Ordflödestest undersöker en persons förmåga att generera så många ord som möjligt under en minut. Orden kan börja på en viss bokstav eller tillhöra en särskild kategori. FAS är ett vanligt ordflödestest där orden som ska genereras börjar på bokstäverna F, A och S. Exempel på kategoriska ordflödestest är djurflöde, som går ut på att säga så många djur som möjligt, samt verbflöde där instruktionen är att säga så många saker man kan göra (handlingar). Forskare har undersökt vilka mentala färdigheter som ligger till grund för ordflödesförmågan, framför allt planerande och reglerande (exekutiva) funktioner samt språklig förmåga. I forskning används ofta FAS och djurflöde för att undersöka olika delar av den språkliga förmågan. Även verbflöde har undersökts i dessa sammanhang, men inte i lika stor utsträckning. Däremot har verbflöde en större roll i forskning på planerande och reglerande funktioner hos äldre personer som har exempelvis Alzheimers eller Parkinson. Forskningen har lett till att ordflödestest används i kliniska sammanhang som en del i utredningen av dessa sjukdomar. I praktiken används även FAS och djurflöde vid utredningar av dyslexi, språkstörning och koncentrations-/hyperaktivitetssvårigheter (ADHD). Forskning har visat motstridiga resultat om vilka typer av ordflödestest som är nedsatta vid dyslexi och språkstörning, eller vilka mentala förmågor som är viktiga vid genomförande av ordflödestest. I denna studie undersöks FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde hos studenter inom högre utbildning med och utan dyslexi. Syftet är att utreda om ordflödesförmågan är nedsatt hos studenter med dyslexi. Studien undersöker om ordflöde kan bidra till att förklara spridningen i läsförmåga. Metod. I undersökningen deltog 42 studenter, varav 16 hade dyslexidiagnos och 26 kontroller utan dyslexidiagnos. Deltagarna genomförde test som undersöker läsförmåga, fonologisk förmåga, snabb benämning samt ordflöde av FAS, djur och verb. Resultat. Prestationen på ordflödesförmåga var signifikant nedsatt hos studenter med dyslexi jämfört med kontrollgruppen. En multipel regression med bakåteliminering genomfördes för att undersöka om FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde kunde förutsäga spridningen i läsförmåga när fonologisk medvetenhet och snabb benämning kontrollerades för. Regressionsanalysen visade att verbflöde, tillsammans med fonologisk medvetenhet, kunde förutsäga läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi. Diskussion. Den nedsatta ordflödesförmågan hos studenter med dyslexi diskuteras utifrån faktorer som utbildning och andra mentala förmågor. Resultatet pekar på ett unikt samband mellan verbflöde och läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi. De strukturer i hjärnan som aktiveras vid verbflöde är även strukturer som ligger till grund för andra mentala förmågor. Dessa mentala förmågor har även visats vara nedsatta hos personer med dyslexi. Generellt indikerar dessa nya fynd att verbflöde har en betydelse i förhållande till läsförmåga och dyslexi som behöver undersökas vidare. Resultatet diskuteras även utifrån ett kliniskt perspektiv. / Verbal fluency is commonly measured in cognitive assessments and has been shown to measure aspects of verbal ability and executive function, as well as to involve specific cortical areas during performance. Verbal fluency tasks, in which participants generate words during a given time limit, have been used in research and assessments of neurobiological disorders and impairments. Dyslexia is a neurobiologically based reading disorder that is characterized by difficulties in word decoding and spelling. Research on verbal fluency in individuals with dyslexia shows that semantic and letter fluency is impaired. However, studies show inconsistent results. This study examines performance on semantic fluency (animals), action fluency (verbs), and letter fluency (FAS) in 42 students with developmental dyslexia (DD, n = 16) and a control group with typical reading development (TD, n = 26). Participants also perform a test battery that measures reading and phonological abilities, amongst others. Additionally, it is examined if verbal fluency performance can contribute to predicting reading ability, when phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming (RAN) are taken into account. Results show that verbal fluency performance was impaired in the DD group, and that action and letter fluency were relatively more impaired than semantic fluency. A backward elimination regression showed that action fluency and phonological awareness were significant predictors of reading ability, together explaining 48 % of the variance. The impaired verbal fluency ability is discussed in relation to factors such as education and cognitive abilities. Further, the findings point to a possible unique connection between action fluency and reading ability in students, in addition to phonological awareness. The possibility that the relationship between action fluency and reading may be partly explained by common neurocognitive underpinnings is discussed. These novel findings indicate that action fluency has a pertinent role in reading ability and dyslexia, which should be further examined.
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The eagle and the albatross : Australian aerial maritime operations 1921-1971Wilson, David Joseph, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) regarding the operation of aircraft from ships of the RAN and from RAAF shore bases. The effects of the separate intellectual development of maritime doctrine in the RAAF and RAN, and the efforts of the two Australian services to transfer theory into practice will be considered in the pre- (and post) World War II period, with due consideration of the experience of the services in both wars. The thesis will also discuss the problems that were faced by the RAAF and RAN to develop mutually acceptable operational procedures to enable the efficient use of aircraft in a maritime setting. The influence and effect on RAAF and RAN doctrine and equipment procurement, as a result of the special relationships that developed between the Air Force and Navy of Australia and Britain will be critically examined. A similar approach to the post war US/Australian relationship, and its effect on the Australian services, will also be critically examined. The thesis being propounded is that the development of a unique Australian maritime policy was retarded due to a combination of the relationship with Britain and the United States, lack of suitable equipment, lack of clear operational concepts in both the RAAF and RAN and the parochial attitude of the most senior commanders of both Services. The study has been based on Department of Navy, Department of Air and Department of Defence documents held in the National Archives of Australia in Canberra and Melbourne. In addition, relevant documents from the Admiralty and Air Ministry related to the development of naval aviation on RAN vessels during World War I, the attitude of the RAF toward the deployment of RAAF units to Singapore, and the negotiations that resulted in the procurement of HMA Ships Sydney and Melbourne, have been perused. Wartime operational records of the RAAF have been examined to obtain data to enable a critical study to be made of the RAAF anti-submarine campaign, torpedo bomber operations and the maritime campaign undertaken from bases in North Western Area during World War II. The influence of the commander of the United States 5th Air Force has also been incorporated in the discussion. The research uncovered procedural and operational variations between the two Services, the diversion of key elements from Australian command and the priority given to the American line of advance that resulted in Australian operations being given a secondary, supportive, status. A conclusion reached as a result of this research has been that the development of a unique Australian maritime aerial capability was restricted by the requirement of Britain to deploy flying units to Singapore in 1940. Similarly, the pressure exerted on the RAN by the Admiralty to purchase the Light Fleet Carriers in the late 1940s was more in the interests of the RN and British foreign policy than that of the RAN. Overall, the relationship with the Britain and the United States masked the real weakness in Australia???s maritime operations and retarded its development.
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The eagle and the albatross : Australian aerial maritime operations 1921-1971Wilson, David Joseph, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) regarding the operation of aircraft from ships of the RAN and from RAAF shore bases. The effects of the separate intellectual development of maritime doctrine in the RAAF and RAN, and the efforts of the two Australian services to transfer theory into practice will be considered in the pre- (and post) World War II period, with due consideration of the experience of the services in both wars. The thesis will also discuss the problems that were faced by the RAAF and RAN to develop mutually acceptable operational procedures to enable the efficient use of aircraft in a maritime setting. The influence and effect on RAAF and RAN doctrine and equipment procurement, as a result of the special relationships that developed between the Air Force and Navy of Australia and Britain will be critically examined. A similar approach to the post war US/Australian relationship, and its effect on the Australian services, will also be critically examined. The thesis being propounded is that the development of a unique Australian maritime policy was retarded due to a combination of the relationship with Britain and the United States, lack of suitable equipment, lack of clear operational concepts in both the RAAF and RAN and the parochial attitude of the most senior commanders of both Services. The study has been based on Department of Navy, Department of Air and Department of Defence documents held in the National Archives of Australia in Canberra and Melbourne. In addition, relevant documents from the Admiralty and Air Ministry related to the development of naval aviation on RAN vessels during World War I, the attitude of the RAF toward the deployment of RAAF units to Singapore, and the negotiations that resulted in the procurement of HMA Ships Sydney and Melbourne, have been perused. Wartime operational records of the RAAF have been examined to obtain data to enable a critical study to be made of the RAAF anti-submarine campaign, torpedo bomber operations and the maritime campaign undertaken from bases in North Western Area during World War II. The influence of the commander of the United States 5th Air Force has also been incorporated in the discussion. The research uncovered procedural and operational variations between the two Services, the diversion of key elements from Australian command and the priority given to the American line of advance that resulted in Australian operations being given a secondary, supportive, status. A conclusion reached as a result of this research has been that the development of a unique Australian maritime aerial capability was restricted by the requirement of Britain to deploy flying units to Singapore in 1940. Similarly, the pressure exerted on the RAN by the Admiralty to purchase the Light Fleet Carriers in the late 1940s was more in the interests of the RN and British foreign policy than that of the RAN. Overall, the relationship with the Britain and the United States masked the real weakness in Australia???s maritime operations and retarded its development.
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Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacySnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension
of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings
together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure,
vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby
providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners
(LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary
deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the
statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and
comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language
other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational
minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD).
In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at
risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The
envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacySnelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension
of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings
together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure,
vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby
providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners
(LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary
deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the
statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and
comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language
other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational
minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD).
In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at
risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The
envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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