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“The missing lights of Nairobi”: Cyclists' Perceptions of safety by cycling after-dark in Nairobi, KenyaTumakova, Yana, Cap, Constant, Legese, Azeb T., Klosterkamp, Marie, Francke, Angela 28 December 2022 (has links)
Promotion of cycling is important to reach the goals for climate mitigation of the Paris Agreement and Goals ofthe Agenda 2030. Sustainable transport, both rural and urban, could contribute to at least seven of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ITDP 2015). There is relatively little research on cycling in Africa, and there is also much less research on cycling at night. Some studies show the importance of road lighting for minimising the reduction in the numbers of cyclists after-dark and suggest 'only a minimal amount of lighting can promote cycling after-dark, making it an attractive mode of transport year-round' (Uttley at el. 2020). So far, these studies have little relation to the
situation in developing countries, which is why a first study in Nairobi, Kenya, is carried out here as an example. ... [From: Introduction]
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More than a billion motives to focus on NMT Africa - Enhancing the quality of infrastructure to improve cycling safety and cycling culture in Africa, case in EthiopiaLegese, Azeb T., Prakash, Abhimanyu, Francke, Angela, Tumakova, Yana, Klosterkamp, Marie, Papendieck, Paul 28 December 2022 (has links)
Urban quality of life is measured by how clean the environment is, how safe people feel, how close they are to green spaces, and in general by the quality of outdoor space. Good quality public spaces are spaces that reduce road accidents through managing appropriately different transport modes, especially walking and cycling [1]. Cycling is healthy, economical, and environmentally sound form of mobility that is fundamental to life. More than one billion of the people in African cities walk or cycle for more than 55 minutes every day - to reach work, home, school, and other essential services [2]. One-third of the population of the African continent uses active mobility as a daily means of transport. This reveals that there is a potential of using cycling as a daily mode of travel in Africa. However, the poor quality of infrastructure for cycling sends a message that cyclists are not welcome in the urban environment. Despite the widespread use of non-motorized modes, transport planning and the provision of infrastructure in most of the cities in Africa have become carcentered, undermining the importance of cycling and walking. While the majority in the global south are active mobility users, they are not being respected by the public policies and experience 93% of the world's traffic fatalities and injuries [3]. Road traffic accidents are a major shes are not different in Africa. The World Health Organization Global Status report on Road Safety 2018 showed that the African region had 26.6 deaths per 100,000 populations, which is the highest among all regions [5]. Sub-Saharan Africa still has the highest per capita rate of road fatalities of any region in the world. Unfortunately, in most cases, the victims of traffic casualties are primarily pedestrians and cyclists [6]. Much of that is linked to the neglect of the infrastructure needs for pedestrians' and cyclists' safety. [From: Introduction]
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An experimental study of driver fatigue: subjective driver fatigue score, driving performance, and driver fatigue countermeasuresLIU, Shixu 05 1900 (has links)
Two experiments were conducted to study driver fatigue. The first investigated driver fatigue and driving performance. Thirty one Participants completed a questionnaire to obtain their Subjective Driver Fatigue Score (SDFS) quantifying fatigue levels. Driving performance was evaluated by measuring steering wheel, lateral position, etc. The results showed significant increases in the SDFS and driving performance impairment following simulated driving sessions. Further analysis suggested a linear relationship between the SDFS and the standard deviation of lateral acceleration. Subjective fatigue assessment and driving performance were plotted as radar diagrams to show the multidimensional characteristics. The second experiment examined effects of caffeine and music on the SDFS, driving performance, and 8 EEG signal parameters. Initially, there was no significant inter-sessional variation in the dependent variables, suggesting all sessions were started at similar states. The final SDFS for caffeine and music sessions were significantly lower than control sessions, suggesting both inhibited subjective fatigue increase. Driving performance deteriorated less significantly in caffeine sessions than in control and music sessions. The results suggested that caffeine was more effective than music. EEG was not changed significantly. However, the amplitude of α wave increased significantly for an extremely fatigued individual, along with vehicle drifting and micro-sleep. In conclusion, the SDFS developed in this study successfully estimated subjective driver fatigue levels and showed a linear relationship with driving performance during driving tasks. Caffeine and music reduced driver fatigue subjectively similarly, but caffeine also helped subjects maintain driving performance. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In this project, two experiments were conducted to study driver fatigue. A subjective driver fatigue score was specially developed and used as a driver fatigue indicator. This score was sensitive to driver fatigue changes, and showed a linear relationship with the standard deviation of lateral acceleration. Two popular driver fatigue countermeasures, caffeine and music, were examined to investigate the effects on subjective driver fatigue and driving performance. The results showed that caffeine reduced subjective driver fatigue and helped driver maintain good driving performance; however, music only helped drivers reduce subjective driver fatigue.
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Incidence occurrence and response on urban freeways / Modélisation pour l'estimation des probabilités d'incidents et pour le traitement de leur réponse sur les réseaux d'autoroutesChristoforou, Zoi 01 December 2010 (has links)
Les recherches en sécurité routière suscitent largement l'intérêt des chercheurs. Indépendamment des techniques de modélisation, un facteur important d'imprécision -qui caractérise les études dans ce domaine- concerne le niveau d'agrégation des données. Aujourd'hui, la plupart des autoroutes sont équipées de systèmes permanents de surveillance qui fournissent des données désagrégées. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de la thèse est d'exploiter les données trafic recueillies en temps réel au moment des accidents, afin d'élargir le champ des travaux précédents et de mettre en évidence un potentiel d'applications innovantes. À cette fin, nous examinons les effets du trafic sur le type d'accident ainsi que sur la gravité subie par les occupants des véhicules, tout en tenant compte des facteurs environnementaux et géométriques. Des modèles Probit sont appliqués aux données de trafic et d'accidents enregistrés pendant quatre années sur le tronc commun aux autoroutes A4 et A86 en Ile-de-France. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que le type d'accident peut être presque exclusivement défini par les conditions de trafic prévalant peu avant son occurrence. En outre, l'augmentation du débit s'avère exercer un effet constamment positif sur la gravité, alors que la vitesse exerce un effet différentiel sur la gravité en fonction des conditions d'écoulement. Nous établissons ensuite un cadre conceptuel pour des applications de gestion des incidents qui s'appuie sur les données trafic recueillies en temps réel. Nous utilisons les résultats de la thèse afin d'explorer des implications qui ont trait à la propension et à la détection des incidents, ainsi qu'à l'amélioration de leur gestion / Research on road safety has been of great interest to engineers and planners for decades. Regardless of modeling techniques, a serious factor of inaccuracy - in most past studies - has been data aggregation. Nowadays, most freeways are equipped with continuous surveillance systems making disaggregate traffic data readily available ; these have been used in few studies. In this context, the main objective of this dissertation is to capitalize highway traffic data collected on a real-time basis at the moment of accident occurrence in order to expand previous road safety work and to highlight potential further applications. To this end, we first examine the effects of various traffic parameters on type of road crash as well as on the injury level sustained by vehicle occupants involved in accidents, while controlling for environmental and geometric factors. Probit models are specified on 4-years of data from the A4-A86 highway section in the Ile-de -France region, France. Empirical findings indicate that crash type can almost exclusively be defined by the prevailing traffic conditions shortly before its occurrence. Increased traffic volume is found to have a consistently positive effect on severity, while speed has a differential effect on severity depending on flow conditions. We then establish a conceptual framework for incident management applications using real-time traffic data on urban freeways. We use dissertation previous findings to explore potential implications towards incident propensity detection and enhanced management
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Exploration de la perception d’adolescents et d’experts sur les campagnes de sensibilisation et les programmes de prévention en sécurité routière pour adolescentsCoulombe, Marilène 10 1900 (has links)
Cette étude qualitative descriptive de type exploratoire avait pour but l’exploration de la perception des adolescents et des experts en sécurité routière sur les campagnes de sensibilisation actuelles et les programmes de prévention en sécurité routière s’adressant aux adolescents, afin de proposer de nouvelles pistes d’action en prévention des accidents de la route. Le modèle de planification Precede/Proceed de Green et Kreuter (2005) a été utilisé comme cadre de référence. Un groupe de discussion a été réalisé auprès de huit adolescents et des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de trois experts en sécurité routière. Les résultats montrent que peu de similitudes existent entre les propos des adolescents et ceux des experts en sécurité routière. Par contre, les similitudes portent sur des aspects importants en sécurité routière comme la prise du risque à l’adolescence, l’implication des parents et l’implication du milieu scolaire.
Les résultats de cette étude fourniront aux décideurs de programmes de prévention ou aux personnes agissant de près ou de loin auprès de cette clientèle des pistes de recherches et d’actions pour de futures interventions prometteuses en prévention des accidents de la route chez les adolescents afin de réduire le nombre d’accidents chez les jeunes conducteurs. / The goal of this qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study is to explore road safety experts and adolescents perceptions of current public awareness campaigns and road safety prevention programs aimed at adolescents, in order to find ways to prevent car accidents. Green & Kreuter’s Precede/Proceed Planning Model (2005) is the frame of reference used. A focus discussion group composed of eight adolescents and semi-directed interviews with three road safety experts were conducted. The results show very few similarities between the perceptions of adolescents and those of road safety experts. However, both agree on vital aspects of road safety, such as risk-taking during adolescence, and the involvement of parents and school environments. Also, the road safety experts comments were very similar to each other.
The results of this study are important for people responsible of prevention campaigns and people working with this clientele. It provides research avenues and action plans focused on the prevention of car accidents in order to decrease the number of car accidents involving young drivers.
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Dissuasion, sécurité routière et inférence causale : le cas des actions policières contre la délinquance routièreGagné, Marie-Eve 08 1900 (has links)
Objectifs. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de parfaire nos connaissances quant à l’effet des actions policières sur les collisions routières au Québec. Ultimement, ce mémoire permettra d’identifier les conditions nécessaires pour que l’action policière influe sur les comportements des automobilistes. Pour se faire, deux études de cas sont employées. Dans un premier temps, nous évaluons l’effet d’un relâchement d’environ 60 % dans l’émission de constats d’infraction par les policiers de la ville de Québec sur les collisions avec blessures. Dans cet article, nous distinguons également les effets respectifs des constats d’infraction, des interceptions policières sans constat et des médias. Dans un second temps, nous évaluons l’impact d’une stratégie de sécurité routière mise en place conjointement par l’Association des directeurs de police du Québec (ADPQ) et la Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ). Dans les deux cas, un changement important est survenu dans l’émission de constats d’infraction émis en vertu du Code de la sécurité routière (CSR).
Méthodologie. Afin d’évaluer l’effet de ces deux stratégies, nous avons agrégé les données sur les collisions et infractions au CSR sur une base mensuelle. Ces données proviennent principalement des rapports de collisions et des constats d’infraction remplis par les policiers et transmis à la SAAQ. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons utilisé un devis quasi-expérimental, soit celui des séries chronologiques interrompues.
Résultats. Les résultats des deux articles démontrent que les policiers sont des acteurs clés en matière de sécurité routière. Les collisions avec blessures sont affectées par les fluctuations de leurs activités. La première série d’analyses établit qu’un relâchement d’environ 60 % dans le nombre de constats émis par les policiers se traduit par une hausse d’environ 10 % des collisions avec blessures, ce qui correspond à 15 collisions avec blessures supplémentaires par mois sur le territoire du Service de police de la ville de Québec. De plus, nos résultats montrent qu’une interception policière suivie d’un avertissement verbal n’est pas suffisante pour prévenir les collisions. De même, l’effet observé n’est pas attribuable aux médias. La deuxième série d’analyse montre que la stratégie conjointe de l’ADPQ et de la SAAQ, caractérisée par une hausse des constats émis et des campagnes médiatiques, fut suivie de baisses variant entre 14 et 36 % des collisions avec blessures graves.
Interprétation. Les résultats démontrent que les actions policières ont une influence sur le bilan routier. Par contre, avant d’influer sur le comportement des automobilistes, certaines conditions doivent être respectées. Premièrement, l’intensité des contrôles policiers doit être suffisamment modifiée par rapport à son niveau initial. Deuxièmement, que ce soit une hausse ou une baisse, ce niveau doit être maintenu sur une période relativement longue (entre 12 et 24 mois environ) pour que les automobilistes soient exposés au message pénal et qu’ils considèrent ce changement dans le niveau de répression comme étant crédible. Troisièmement, l’émission de constats est un élément clé; la simple présence policière n’est pas suffisante pour prévenir les collisions. Enfin, les campagnes de sensibilisation semblent importantes, mais d’autres études sont nécessaires pour mieux apprécier leur rôle. / Objectives. The goal of this thesis is to further our understanding about the effect of police activities on traffic collisions in the Province of Quebec. The study also aims to pinpoint conditions that must be met to insure the effectiveness of such police interventions. To do so, we use two case studies. In the first place, we assess the impact of a 60% reduction in traffic citations issued by police officers on collisions with injuries. In this article, we are also able to estimate the respective effects of traffic citations, police interceptions not leading to the issuance of a citation and media coverage. In the second place, we evaluate a road safety program implemented by the Quebec Association of Chiefs of Police (ADPQ) and the Societé de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ). In both cases, there was a substantial change in the level of traffic citations handed down by police officers.
Method. In order to assess the impact of both strategies, data on collisions and citations were aggregated on a monthly basis. These data come from police reports on traffic citations and collisions that are transmitted and managed by the SAAQ. In all cases, we used a quasi experimental design: interrupted time series.
Results. Results from both articles show that police officers are key players in a road safety policy. Collisions with injuries vary according to the intensity of police enforcement activities. The first set of analyses establishes that a 60% reduction in the issuance of traffic citations is associated with a 10% increase in collisions with injuries (about 15 additional collisions per month on the Quebec City Police jurisdiction). Furthermore, simple interceptions (not leading to the issuance of a citation) as well as media coverage were not statistically linked to this increase. The second series of analyses demonstrate that the joint strategy of the ADPQ and SAAQ, characterized by an increase in police arrests and media campaigns, was associated with decreases varying between 14 and 36% in collisions with serious injuries in the Province of Quebec.
Conclusion. Results from our analyses show that police activities have an important impact on the road toll. However, some conditions must be met in order to stimulate changes in driver behaviors. First, the intensity of police controls must be substantially leveled up relatively to the previous level. Second, this new level must be maintained for a long lasting period (between 12 and 24 months). By doing so, automobilists will have the opportunity to be exposed the legal threat and consider this threat as credible. Third, the issuance of traffic citations is a key component; the simple presence of police officers is not sufficient to produce a preventive effect on collisions. At last, media campaigns appear to be a central component of police enforcement programs but further studies are need to precisely estimate their role and contribution to collision prevention.
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Analýza výuky dopravní výchovy v 5. ročnících na vybraných pražských základních školách / Analysis of traffic education teaching 5th grades in selected primary schools in PraguePíša, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Analysis of traffic education teaching 5th grades in selected primary schools in Prague Objectives: The main aim of this thesis was to explore and compare the knowledge of traffic education for pupils who have completed 4th year of primary school who used to teach traffic playground compared to students who do not receive instruction in the transport field. Methods: The research group has a total of 111 fifth grade students from four schools in Prague. The method for obtaining data used questionnaires to evaluate it using Excel. Results: The results highlighted in the testing of hypotheses on the conformity of success responses of the two test files of students who received instruction on traffic playground and students who did not pass the teaching. The absolute values of the survey results (its parts) shows a slight increase in the success of students using the transport field. Keywords: road safety, traffic education, school education, children in traffic, 5th class Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Medborgares synpunkter på trafiksäkerhet : En fallstudie om Huddinge kommun / Citizens’ opinions regarding traffic safety : A case study of Huddinge municipalityLarsson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Nollvisionen, som Sveriges trafiksäkerhet utgår från, uttrycker explicit att medborgares åsikter, krav och behov ska tas hänsyn till. De studier som undersökt hur medborgarnas åsikter hanteras av den offentliga sektorn har främst visat på ett tvetydigt resultat. Det saknas i stort sett forskning kring medborgares synpunkter angående trafiksäkerhet idag. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka medborgarnas synpunkter om trafiksäkerhet och hur de relaterar till trafikolyckor och trafiksäkerhetsåtgärder. Metod: 400 synpunkter från Huddinge kommun för perioden 2014-2018 inhämtades och kategoriserades. Detta kompletterades med olycks- och skadestatistik från STRADA och trafiksäkerhetsåtgärder från kommunen. Materialet analyserades utifrån en gatu- och områdesanalys baserad på DeSo-indelningen, med hjälp av GIS. Eventuella samband analyserades vidare med hjälp av regressionsanalyser. Resultat: 78 % av synpunkterna var riktade mot en plats inom kommunens tätorter. Hastigheter på 30- och 40 km/h stod för 54 % respektive 32 % av synpunkterna, men 40 km/h visade på en överrepresentation efter den totala längden på vägsträckan. Synpunkterna kunde kategoriseras i 11 olika kategorier och vanligaste synpunkten var riktad mot hastigheter som utgjorde 38 % av synpunkterna. I de olika Deso-områdena var spannet av synpunkter mellan 0-39 stycken. Regressionsanalyserna visade inte på något samband till synpunkterna i gatuanalysen, men i områdesanalysen visade olyckor på ett R²-värde på 0,254 och trafiksäkerhetsåtgärder ett R²-värde på 0,413. Slutsats: Synpunkterna visade på en stor variation i typ, men det var framförallt hastigheter som bekymrade medborgarna. Det fanns stora skillnader baserat på områden och gator, och dessa skillnader kunde inte förklaras utifrån olycksstatistiken. Studien visade på att socio-ekonomiska faktorer delvis kan ligga bakom motivationen till synpunkterna. Kommunens trafiksäkerhetsåtgärder stämde delvis överens med synpunkternas karaktär och områdesplats, dock inte i hög grad på gatunivå. Det kan indikera att kommunen försöker åtgärda synpunkterna eller att medborgarnas syn på trafiksäkerhet delvis stämmer överens med kommunen. / Introduction: The zero-vision policy, on which Sweden’s traffic safety is based upon, expressly states that citizens’ opinions, demands and needs should be taken into consideration. Studies that have investigated the management of public opinions have mostly shown an ambiguous result. The empirical evidence for citizens’ opinions regarding traffic safety is largely lacking as of today. The purpose of this study is to investigate citizens’ opinions regarding traffic safety and how they relate to traffic accidents and road safety measures. Method: 400 opinions were gathered and categorised from Huddinge municipality for the period 2014-2018. This was supplemented by accident and injury statistics from STRADA and road safety measures from the municipality. The data was analysed using a street analysis and a regional analysis, based upon the DeSo classification, using GIS. Correlations were further investigated using regression analyses. Results: 78 % of the opinions were aimed at a place within the municipality’s urban areas. Speed limits of 30- and 40 km/h accounted for 54 % and 32 % respectively of the opinions, but 40 km/h showed an overrepresentation after the total length of the road section. The opinions were categorized into 11 different categories and the most common opinion was regarding speed and accounted for 38 % of the opinions. In the various DeSo-areas the range of opinions was between 0-39. The regression analyses did not show any relationships towards the opinions in the street analysis, but in the area analysis traffic accidents showed an R²-value of 0.254 and road safety measures an R²-value of 0.413. Conclusion: The opinions showed a great variation in type but is was mainly speeds that worried the citizens. There were large differences based on area and streets, and these differences could not be explained by traffic accidents. This study showed that socio-economic factors could partly underlie the motivation behind the opinions. The municipality’s road safety measures were partly in line with the nature of the opinions and their DeSo location, but not to a great extent at street level. This may indicate that the municipality is trying to address the opinions or that the citizens’ view of traffic safety is partly in line with that of the municipality.
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Acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos / Accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São CarlosGuerreiro, Thais de Cássia Martinelli 22 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o resultado de estudo sobre a acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos - Brasil, utilizando como fontes de informações os registros contidos em boletins de ocorrência de acidentes da polícia militar e em relatórios de ocorrências, elaborados pela empresa operadora do transporte coletivo, ambos relativos aos anos de 2005 e 2006. O método utilizado compreende as seguintes etapas: i) Coleta dos dados; ii) Processamento e sistematização dos dados; iii) Caracterização dos acidentes; iv) Análise das informações e preparação de diagnóstico; e, v) Elaboração de ações mitigadoras. O processamento e a sistematização dos dados foram realizados utilizando o Banco de Dados de Acidentes de Trânsito (BDAT) da cidade de São Carlos, ao passo que a caracterização foi realizada com foco na gravidade, tipologia, distribuição temporal e espacial dos acidentes. De forma a identificar os pontos, interseções, trechos e regiões críticas de ocorrência de acidentes de trânsito, utilizou-se um sistema de informação geográfica - SIG, aplicado à área de transportes. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se: i) maior ocorrência de acidentes que resultaram em danos materiais e de acidente do tipo colisão transversal; ii) acidentes que resultaram em vítimas não fatais ocorreram em maior número às sextas-feiras e os que resultaram em vítimas fatais aos finais de semana; iii) os acidentes encontraram-se espalhados por toda a cidade, com maior concentração no eixo norte-sul e próximo a pólos de serviços de saúde, dentre outros. As ações mitigadoras propostas foram de caráter geral, como por exemplo, melhoria da sinalização, realização de campanhas educativas, dentre outros; e de caráter específico, direcionada para o cruzamento que apresentou o maior número de acidente no período em estudo. / This work presents the results of a study on accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São Carlos - Brazil, using as information sources the records from police accident reports from the local police and accident reports performed by the company responsible for the public transportation (buses), both for calendar years 2005 and 2006. The method applied comprises the following steps: i) Data collection; ii) Processing and data systematization; iii) Accident characterization; iv) Information analysis and diagnosis preparation; and v) Development of mitigation actions. Processing and data systematization were carried out using Traffic Accident Database (BDAT) from the city of São Carlos, whereas characterization was done focusing on severity, typology, temporal and spatial distribution of accidents. Geographic information system (GIS) applied to transportation field was used to identify intersections, road stretches and critical areas of traffic accident occurrence. The main results obtained were: i) most accidents resulted in property damage and side impacts ii) most nonfatal accidents occurred in greater number on fridays and fatal ones on weekends ii) accidents took place throughout the city, with greater concentration on north-south routes and around heath care centers, among others. Proposed mitigation actions were of general nature, such as improvements to signals, educational campaigns, among others; and specific ones towards the intersection that presented the highest number of accidents during this study.
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Acidentalidade em algumas cidades do Estado de São Paulo: análise da evolução e ações associadas / Accidentality in some cities of State of São Paulo: analysis of evolution and associated actionsHirose, Fernando Hideki 08 November 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo da evolução da acidentalidade viária em cinco municípios do Estado de São Paulo: Araraquara, Franca, Matão, Ribeirão Preto e São Carlos. O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os fatores que influenciaram na alteração da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade estão relacionados a ações de Engenharia, Educação e Esforço Legal, e se a acidentalidade é proveniente de adaptações comportamentais dos usuários do sistema viário de cada município. Para que isso fosse possível, foi utilizada uma metodologia composta pelas seguintes etapas: (1) realização de entrevistas de grupo investigativas com as autoridades de cada município analisado, (2) elaboração e aplicação de um questionário junto aos usuários do sistema viário e (3) análise dos resultados obtidos para devidas considerações. Na primeira etapa foram realizadas entrevistas seguindo as técnicas de Grupos Focais com as autoridades competentes responsáveis pela gestão do trânsito nas áreas de engenharia, educação e esforço legal. A partir dos resultados obtidos na primeira etapa, foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário que visava identificar qual a sensibilidade da população frente às ações implementadas em cada um dos municípios analisados composto por questões ligadas à avaliação da qualidade do trânsito dos municípios do ponto de vista dos usuários do sistema e à avaliação da frequência de investimentos em engenharia, educação e esforço legal por parte das autoridades competentes. Por fim, com os dados obtidos através dos questionários, foi possível realizar uma investigação sobre os principais fatores que afetaram os índices de acidentalidade de cada município. Em alguns municípios foi possível observar que as ações implementadas foram percebidas pela população, ficando claro que houve adaptação comportamental dos usuários do sistema, fato que pode explicar a alteração da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade. Em outros, não foi possível chegar a conclusões por não ser possível identificar as causas da mudança da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade devido a dificuldades encontradas e sentidas de adesão e colaboração por parte das autoridades gestoras responsáveis pelo trânsito, ou por parte da população. / This thesis presents a study of the evolution of road accidentality in five municipalities of the State of São Paulo: Araraquara, Franca, Matão, Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos. The study has as objective to verify if the factors that influenced the change in the tendency of accidentality indexes are related to engineering, education and enforcement actions and if the accidentality is coming from road users behavioral adaptations in each municipality. In the first step, group interviews were conducted following the Focus Groups techniques with the competent authorities responsible for the traffic management in the areas of engineering, education and enforcement. To make this possible, the following methodology was used: (1) carrying out investigative group interviews with authorities of each targeted municipality, (2) development and application of a questionnaire to road users and (3) analysis of the results obtained, and its proper considerations. From the results obtained in the first step, a questionnaire was prepared and applied to identify the sensitivity of the population to the actions implemented in each analyzed municipalities. This questionnaire resulted in road users evaluations regarding the quality of urban road transport and the frequency of investments in engineering, education and enforcement by the competent authorities. Finally, with the data obtained from the questionnaires, it was possible to conduct an investigation into the major factors affecting the accidentality rates of each municipality. In some municipalities it was observed that the implemented actions were perceived by the population, making it clear that there were road users behavioral adaptations, which may explain the change in the tendency of accidentality rates. In other municipalities, it was not possible to reach conclusions that could explain the causes of changes in the tendency of accidentality rates due to experienced difficulties in getting the cooperation from the administrative authorities responsible for traffic, or from the population.
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