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Critérios para avaliação pericial da macro e microtextura de pavimento asfáltico em local de acidente de trânsito / Criteria for the expert evaluation of macro and micro texture of the asphalt pavement at traffic accident sitesBucharles, Luciano Gardano Elias 28 March 2014 (has links)
Muito embora a micro e a macrotextura dos pavimentos sejam importantes para o tráfego seguro, principalmente em condição de pista molhada e com velocidades superiores a 50 km/h, nos locais de acidentes de trânsito no Brasil esses parâmetros não são avaliados quando das perícias técnicas. Assim, o objetivo principal desta tese é estabelecer critérios de avaliação de pavimentos asfálticos que possam integrar um protocolo para a perícia técnica em locais de acidentes de trânsito. Foi baseada em coleta de dados de micro e de macrotextura dos revestimentos asfálticos em três rodovias no Estado do Paraná, num total de 106 locais, e em quatro vias urbanas na cidade de Londrina-PR, num total de 148 locais, todas com velocidades permitidas iguais ou superiores a 50 km/h, especificamente em trechos onde ocorreram acidentes de trânsito, o que permitiu a determinação da aderência na interface pneu/pavimento, se os valores encontram-se dentro das faixas de aceitabilidade do DNIT, da ANTT e da ARTESP e se houve efetiva contribuição do pavimento para a ocorrência e para a severidade dos acidentes. Dos 106 acidentes rodoviários analisados, em 19 deles as alturas médias de mancha de areia, parâmetro empregado para avaliar a macrotextura, apresentaram-se com valor inferior ao mínimo recomendado (0,60 mm), enquanto que dos 148 acidentes ocorridos em vias urbanas, 22 ocorreram em trechos com alturas médias de mancha de areia também inferiores ao valor mínimo recomendado. Nesses casos também foram realizados ensaios de microtextura, com uso do pêndulo britânico, e posteriormente foram calculados os valores do Índice de Atrito Pneu-Pavimento Internacional (International Friction Index, IFI). Os resultados e as análises deste trabalho indicam que uma melhor condição de macrotextura pode reduzir entre 6% e 19% as energias cinéticas envolvidas nos acidentes em rodovias e de 3% a 11% em vias urbanas, com real possibilidade de redução tanto das avarias produzidas nos veículos quanto, principalmente, das lesões nas vítimas. Dada a importância da micro e da macrotextura, recomenda-se que o protocolo de avaliação de pavimentos para perícias técnicas em locais de acidentes de trânsito em rodovias e em vias urbanas estabeleça a realização dos ensaios de Pêndulo Britânico e de Mancha de Areia em até 24 horas após o evento e que a área a ser levantada contemple toda a extensão das marcas de frenagem dos veículos envolvidos ou, no caso de inexistência de marcas, que compreenda uma extensão de 10 a 70 metros, respectivamente para vias com velocidade máxima permitida de 40 km/h e de 120 km/h. Espera-se, complementarmente, que um protocolo com critérios simples e objetivos, como o desenvolvido neste trabalho, permita a adoção de políticas públicas preventivas, de maior alcance e periodicidade, com as avaliações não somente nos trechos onde ocorrem acidentes, mas ao longo das vias. / Although the micro and macro textures of pavements are important factors for safe driving, especially on wet tracks and with speeds above 50 km/h, such parameters are not even evaluated during technical inspections in traffic accident sites in Brazil. Thus, the main purpose of this thesis is to establish criteria for the evaluation of asphalt pavements that may become integral part of a protocol for technical inspection in traffic accident sites. This work is based on the collection of data concerning the micro and macro texture of asphalt pavements on three roads in the State of Paraná, totaling 106 locations, and on four urban streets in the city of Londrina, State of Paraná, totaling 148 locations. All such locations have a speed limit of equal to or higher than 50 km/h, especially on the sites where traffic accidents occurred, which allowed for the determination of the tire/pavement adherence, and whether the values found were in accordance with the acceptable levels established by DNIT, ANTT and ARTESP, and whether there was effective contribution on the part of the pavement for the occurrence as well as the severity of the accidents. Out of the 106 road accidents that were analyzed, it was observed that in 19 of them the average heights of the sand spot, a parameter used to evaluate the macro-texture, were lower than the minimum value recommended (0,60 mm), while out of the 148 accidents taken place in urban streets, 22 took place in areas where the average heights of the sand spot were also lower than the recommended minimum value. In the case of the accidents that occurred in places where the heights of the sand spots were lower than the minimum recommended, micro texture essays were also carried out by use of the British Pendulum Tester, and later the values of the International Friction Index (IFI) were calculated. The results and the analyzes of this work indicated that a better condition in the macro texture would reduce the kinetic energies involved in road accidents between 6% and 19%, and from 3% to 11% on urban streets, with the real possibility of minimizing both damages caused to the vehicles and especially the lesions on the victims. Given the importance of micro and macro textures, it is recommended that the protocol for the evaluation of pavements for the purpose of technical inspection in traffic accident sites both on roads and urban streets require the carrying out of the British Pendulum Tester and the Sand Spot within 24 hours of the time of the accident and that the area to be tested should include the entire extension of the braking skid marks of the vehicles involved in the accident, or, in the case of inexistence of such marks, covering 10 to 70 meters, respectively, for locations where the permitted maximum speed is 40 km/h, and for locations where the permitted maximum speed is 120 km/h. It is additionally expected that a protocol having simple yet objective criteria, such as the ones developed in this work, will allow for the adoption of preventive public policies, having greater scope and periodical applications, not only on sites where accidents take place, but also on the entirety of roads and streets.
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Acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos / Accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São CarlosThais de Cássia Martinelli Guerreiro 22 July 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o resultado de estudo sobre a acidentalidade no transporte coletivo da cidade de São Carlos - Brasil, utilizando como fontes de informações os registros contidos em boletins de ocorrência de acidentes da polícia militar e em relatórios de ocorrências, elaborados pela empresa operadora do transporte coletivo, ambos relativos aos anos de 2005 e 2006. O método utilizado compreende as seguintes etapas: i) Coleta dos dados; ii) Processamento e sistematização dos dados; iii) Caracterização dos acidentes; iv) Análise das informações e preparação de diagnóstico; e, v) Elaboração de ações mitigadoras. O processamento e a sistematização dos dados foram realizados utilizando o Banco de Dados de Acidentes de Trânsito (BDAT) da cidade de São Carlos, ao passo que a caracterização foi realizada com foco na gravidade, tipologia, distribuição temporal e espacial dos acidentes. De forma a identificar os pontos, interseções, trechos e regiões críticas de ocorrência de acidentes de trânsito, utilizou-se um sistema de informação geográfica - SIG, aplicado à área de transportes. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se: i) maior ocorrência de acidentes que resultaram em danos materiais e de acidente do tipo colisão transversal; ii) acidentes que resultaram em vítimas não fatais ocorreram em maior número às sextas-feiras e os que resultaram em vítimas fatais aos finais de semana; iii) os acidentes encontraram-se espalhados por toda a cidade, com maior concentração no eixo norte-sul e próximo a pólos de serviços de saúde, dentre outros. As ações mitigadoras propostas foram de caráter geral, como por exemplo, melhoria da sinalização, realização de campanhas educativas, dentre outros; e de caráter específico, direcionada para o cruzamento que apresentou o maior número de acidente no período em estudo. / This work presents the results of a study on accident occurrence in public transportation (buses) in the city of São Carlos - Brazil, using as information sources the records from police accident reports from the local police and accident reports performed by the company responsible for the public transportation (buses), both for calendar years 2005 and 2006. The method applied comprises the following steps: i) Data collection; ii) Processing and data systematization; iii) Accident characterization; iv) Information analysis and diagnosis preparation; and v) Development of mitigation actions. Processing and data systematization were carried out using Traffic Accident Database (BDAT) from the city of São Carlos, whereas characterization was done focusing on severity, typology, temporal and spatial distribution of accidents. Geographic information system (GIS) applied to transportation field was used to identify intersections, road stretches and critical areas of traffic accident occurrence. The main results obtained were: i) most accidents resulted in property damage and side impacts ii) most nonfatal accidents occurred in greater number on fridays and fatal ones on weekends ii) accidents took place throughout the city, with greater concentration on north-south routes and around heath care centers, among others. Proposed mitigation actions were of general nature, such as improvements to signals, educational campaigns, among others; and specific ones towards the intersection that presented the highest number of accidents during this study.
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Estudo psicofísico sobre conspicuidade, estética e harmonia ambiental de sinais de trânsito / Psychophysics study on conspicuity, aesthetics and urban environment harmony of traffic signsFontana, Adriane Monteiro 15 December 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisadas a conspicuidade (impacto visual), a estética e a harmonia com o meio ambiente dos principais sinais verticais de trânsito na área urbana. A análise é realizada com base nas respostas de questionários aplicados a grupos de pessoas (sujeitos), utilizando o método de comparação aos pares, da psicofísica. A pesquisa se concentrou nos seguintes sinais de regulamentação: sinal vertical de parada obrigatória, sinal vertical de sentido de circulação de via, sinal vertical de lombada, e no sinal de orientação de indicação de lugares. No caso dos sinais de regulamentação foram investigadas as seguintes características: tamanho da placa, largura do suporte e cor do suporte. No sinal de indicação de lugares, foram investigadas a cor do fundo da placa e a cor da estrutura de sustentação. No que concerne ao sinal de parada obrigatória, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicados uma largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha ou branca. Quanto ao sinal de sentido de circulação de via, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa entre 60 e 70 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha. Em relação a placa de lombada, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor preta. No que diz respeito de indicação de lugares, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicadas as seguintes características: cor da placa azul (distinta da cor verde regulamentada pelo Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) e suporte de sustentação da placa de cor verde (cor regulamentada pelo código do país) na cor preta ou verde. A comparação de alguns dos resultados encontrados no trabalho com aqueles obtidos em outras pesquisas mostram grande conformidade. Cabe ressaltar, contudo, que os resultados obtidos no trabalho devem ser vistos como tendências, pois o tamanho e a estratificação das amostras não satisfazem os requisitos para que os resultados tenham confiabilidade estatística. / In this work the conspicuity (visual impact), aesthetic and the environment harmony of the main traffic signs in the urban area are analyzed. The analysis is performed based on questionnaires answers applyed the groups of people (subjects), using the psychophysics method of comparison in pairs. The research is focus in the following traffic signs: regulatory signs - stop sign, one way sign - , speed bump warning sign and guide signs. In the case of the regulatory and warning signs the next attributes had been investigated: size of the sign, width and color of the support. In guide sings, the ground color sign and structure color had been investigated. About stop sign, the research points as more indicated a sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red or white color. Concerning on one way sign, the pointed out characteristics are: sign width between 60 and 70 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red color. In relation the speed bump warning sign, the more indicated characteristics: sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and black color. About guide sings, the research indicates as more indicated the following featuress: blue color to the sign ground (distinct of the green sing regulated by the brazilian traffic code) and black or green color to sustentation structure of the green color sign (color regulated by country laws). The comparison of some results found in the work with those gotten in other early research shows a great conformity. Its important to highlightes, however, that the results gotten in the work must be seen as tendencies, because the sample size and stratification does not satisfy the requirements to the trustworthiness statistics results.
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Acidentalidade em algumas cidades do Estado de São Paulo: análise da evolução e ações associadas / Accidentality in some cities of State of São Paulo: analysis of evolution and associated actionsFernando Hideki Hirose 08 November 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo da evolução da acidentalidade viária em cinco municípios do Estado de São Paulo: Araraquara, Franca, Matão, Ribeirão Preto e São Carlos. O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os fatores que influenciaram na alteração da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade estão relacionados a ações de Engenharia, Educação e Esforço Legal, e se a acidentalidade é proveniente de adaptações comportamentais dos usuários do sistema viário de cada município. Para que isso fosse possível, foi utilizada uma metodologia composta pelas seguintes etapas: (1) realização de entrevistas de grupo investigativas com as autoridades de cada município analisado, (2) elaboração e aplicação de um questionário junto aos usuários do sistema viário e (3) análise dos resultados obtidos para devidas considerações. Na primeira etapa foram realizadas entrevistas seguindo as técnicas de Grupos Focais com as autoridades competentes responsáveis pela gestão do trânsito nas áreas de engenharia, educação e esforço legal. A partir dos resultados obtidos na primeira etapa, foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário que visava identificar qual a sensibilidade da população frente às ações implementadas em cada um dos municípios analisados composto por questões ligadas à avaliação da qualidade do trânsito dos municípios do ponto de vista dos usuários do sistema e à avaliação da frequência de investimentos em engenharia, educação e esforço legal por parte das autoridades competentes. Por fim, com os dados obtidos através dos questionários, foi possível realizar uma investigação sobre os principais fatores que afetaram os índices de acidentalidade de cada município. Em alguns municípios foi possível observar que as ações implementadas foram percebidas pela população, ficando claro que houve adaptação comportamental dos usuários do sistema, fato que pode explicar a alteração da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade. Em outros, não foi possível chegar a conclusões por não ser possível identificar as causas da mudança da tendência dos índices de acidentalidade devido a dificuldades encontradas e sentidas de adesão e colaboração por parte das autoridades gestoras responsáveis pelo trânsito, ou por parte da população. / This thesis presents a study of the evolution of road accidentality in five municipalities of the State of São Paulo: Araraquara, Franca, Matão, Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos. The study has as objective to verify if the factors that influenced the change in the tendency of accidentality indexes are related to engineering, education and enforcement actions and if the accidentality is coming from road users behavioral adaptations in each municipality. In the first step, group interviews were conducted following the Focus Groups techniques with the competent authorities responsible for the traffic management in the areas of engineering, education and enforcement. To make this possible, the following methodology was used: (1) carrying out investigative group interviews with authorities of each targeted municipality, (2) development and application of a questionnaire to road users and (3) analysis of the results obtained, and its proper considerations. From the results obtained in the first step, a questionnaire was prepared and applied to identify the sensitivity of the population to the actions implemented in each analyzed municipalities. This questionnaire resulted in road users evaluations regarding the quality of urban road transport and the frequency of investments in engineering, education and enforcement by the competent authorities. Finally, with the data obtained from the questionnaires, it was possible to conduct an investigation into the major factors affecting the accidentality rates of each municipality. In some municipalities it was observed that the implemented actions were perceived by the population, making it clear that there were road users behavioral adaptations, which may explain the change in the tendency of accidentality rates. In other municipalities, it was not possible to reach conclusions that could explain the causes of changes in the tendency of accidentality rates due to experienced difficulties in getting the cooperation from the administrative authorities responsible for traffic, or from the population.
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Apport des études expérimentales en conduite automobile dans la mise en place d’une formation à la sécurité routière lors d’interactions avec les systèmes d’aide / The contribution of driving experimentation to the development of a training programme for advanced driver assistance systemsPetit-Boulanger, Claire 19 December 2011 (has links)
La conduite automobile est l’une des rares tâches nécessitant un apprentissage et le passage d’un examen initial, qui ne prévoit pas de mise en situation critique ni l’obligation de recyclages réguliers. En conséquence, les conducteurs ne connaissent pas les nouveaux systèmes d’aide et de sécurité proposés par les constructeurs automobiles et risquent de ne pas ou de mal s’en servir en conduite nominale. L’objectif de ce travail a été de vérifier, auprès de conducteurs novices et expérimentés, leur réelle capacité à utiliser les systèmes d’aide et de sécurité impliqués dans la régulation longitudinale du véhicule, en situation nominale et en situation d’urgence. Des essais ont été menés sur route, piste et simulateur de conduite. L’originalité de l’étude a porté sur la mesure du comportement du conducteur et de ses performances, pour approcher au mieux leur état fonctionnel (éveil physiologique, attention) induit par la charge mentale lorsqu’ils étaient confrontés à ces situations. On a privilégié l’utilisation de mesures physiologiques en continu et, en particulier, celles de l’activité électrodermale. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de conclure que les conducteurs -soumis à une situation critique, et en conséquence à une charge mentale élevée - utilisaient ces systèmes d’aide de manière inappropriée. Découlent de ces conclusions, deux offres de formations pour pallier la méconnaissance et la mauvaise utilisation des systèmes d’aide et de sécurité / Driving is one of the few activities which require both training and initial examination, but for which there are neither critical situation testing nor regular refresher courses. This creates two key problems: Through a lack of knowledge of the driving aids and safety systems offered by car manufacturers, drivers may fail to use or may misuse them in normal driving situations; secondly, an emergency situation may become critical if the driver has not previously experienced it in controlled conditions. The aim of this study was to check novice and experienced drivers’ ability to use the driving aids and safety systems proposed for vehicle longitudinal control in both nominal and critical situations. Trials were carried out in the field, on tracks and on driving simulators. The uniqueness of the study comes from combining driver behaviour and performance measurements to best correspond to the attention and workload observed when drivers were subjected to these situations. We therefore favoured the use of continuous physiological measures, and in particular electrodermal activity. The results enabled us to conclude that the use of these systems in critical situations was often inappropriate and necessitated a high workload. These conclusions led to the development and deployment of two training programmes in order to compensate for the lack of knowledge and misuse of the driving aids and safety systems
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Estudo psicofísico sobre conspicuidade, estética e harmonia ambiental de sinais de trânsito / Psychophysics study on conspicuity, aesthetics and urban environment harmony of traffic signsAdriane Monteiro Fontana 15 December 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisadas a conspicuidade (impacto visual), a estética e a harmonia com o meio ambiente dos principais sinais verticais de trânsito na área urbana. A análise é realizada com base nas respostas de questionários aplicados a grupos de pessoas (sujeitos), utilizando o método de comparação aos pares, da psicofísica. A pesquisa se concentrou nos seguintes sinais de regulamentação: sinal vertical de parada obrigatória, sinal vertical de sentido de circulação de via, sinal vertical de lombada, e no sinal de orientação de indicação de lugares. No caso dos sinais de regulamentação foram investigadas as seguintes características: tamanho da placa, largura do suporte e cor do suporte. No sinal de indicação de lugares, foram investigadas a cor do fundo da placa e a cor da estrutura de sustentação. No que concerne ao sinal de parada obrigatória, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicados uma largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha ou branca. Quanto ao sinal de sentido de circulação de via, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa entre 60 e 70 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha. Em relação a placa de lombada, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor preta. No que diz respeito de indicação de lugares, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicadas as seguintes características: cor da placa azul (distinta da cor verde regulamentada pelo Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) e suporte de sustentação da placa de cor verde (cor regulamentada pelo código do país) na cor preta ou verde. A comparação de alguns dos resultados encontrados no trabalho com aqueles obtidos em outras pesquisas mostram grande conformidade. Cabe ressaltar, contudo, que os resultados obtidos no trabalho devem ser vistos como tendências, pois o tamanho e a estratificação das amostras não satisfazem os requisitos para que os resultados tenham confiabilidade estatística. / In this work the conspicuity (visual impact), aesthetic and the environment harmony of the main traffic signs in the urban area are analyzed. The analysis is performed based on questionnaires answers applyed the groups of people (subjects), using the psychophysics method of comparison in pairs. The research is focus in the following traffic signs: regulatory signs - stop sign, one way sign - , speed bump warning sign and guide signs. In the case of the regulatory and warning signs the next attributes had been investigated: size of the sign, width and color of the support. In guide sings, the ground color sign and structure color had been investigated. About stop sign, the research points as more indicated a sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red or white color. Concerning on one way sign, the pointed out characteristics are: sign width between 60 and 70 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red color. In relation the speed bump warning sign, the more indicated characteristics: sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and black color. About guide sings, the research indicates as more indicated the following featuress: blue color to the sign ground (distinct of the green sing regulated by the brazilian traffic code) and black or green color to sustentation structure of the green color sign (color regulated by country laws). The comparison of some results found in the work with those gotten in other early research shows a great conformity. Its important to highlightes, however, that the results gotten in the work must be seen as tendencies, because the sample size and stratification does not satisfy the requirements to the trustworthiness statistics results.
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The effects of visual clutter on driving performanceEdquist, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
Driving a motor vehicle is a complex activity, and errors in performing the driving task can result in crashes which cause property damage, injuries, and sometimes death. It is important that the road environment supports drivers in safe performance of the driving task. At present, increasing amounts of visual information from sources such as roadside advertising create visual clutter in the road environment. There has been little research on the effect of this visual clutter on driving performance, particularly for vulnerable groups such as novice and older drivers. The present work aims to fill this gap. Literature from a variety of relevant disciplines was surveyed and integrated, and a model of the mechanisms by which visual clutter could affect performance of the driving task was developed. To determine potential sources of clutter, focus groups with drivers were held and two studies involving subjective ratings of visual clutter in photographs and video clips of road environments were carried out. This resulted in a taxonomy of visual clutter in the road environment: ‘situational clutter’, including vehicles and other road users with whom drivers interact; ‘designed clutter’, including road signs, signals, and markings used by traffic authorities to communicate with users; and ‘built clutter’, including roadside development and any signage not originating from a road authority. The taxonomy of visual clutter was tested using the change detection paradigm. Drivers were slower to detect changes in photographs of road scenes with high levels of visual clutter than with low levels, and slower for road scenes including advertising billboards than road scenes without billboards. Finally, the effects of billboard presence and lead vehicles on vehicle control, eye movements and responses to traffic signs and signals were tested using a driving simulator. The number of vehicles included appeared to be insufficient to create situational clutter. However billboards had significant effects on driver speed (slower), ability to follow directions on road signs (slower with more errors), and eye movements (increased amount of time fixating on roadsides at the expense of scanning the road ahead). Older drivers were particularly affected by visual clutter in both the change detection and simulated driving tasks. Results are discussed in terms of implications for future research and for road safety practitioners. Visual clutter can affect driver workload as well as purely visual aspects of the driving task (such as hazard perception and search for road signs). When driver workload is increased past a certain point other driving tasks will also be performed less well (such as speed maintenance). Advertising billboards in particular cause visual distraction, and should be considered at a similar level of potential danger as visual distraction from in-vehicle devices. The consequences of roadside visual clutter are more severe for the growing demographic of older drivers. Currently, road environments do not support drivers (particularly older drivers) as well as they could. Based on the results, guidance is given for road authorities to improve this status when designing and location road signage and approving roadside advertising.
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Towards a Road Safety Development Index (RSDI) : Development of an International Index to Measure Road Safety PerformanceAl Haji, Ghazwan January 2005 (has links)
<p>Aim. This study suggests a set of methodologies to combine different indicators of road safety into a single index. The RSDI is a simple and quick composite index, which may become a significant measurement in comparing, ranking and determining road safety levels in different countries and regions worldwide. Design. One particular concern in designing a Road Safety Development Index (RSDI) is to come up with a comprehensive set of exposure and risk indicators which includes as far as possible the main parameters in road safety related to human-vehicle-road and country patterns instead of considering few and isolated indicators such as accident rates. The RSDI gives a broad picture compared to the traditional models in road safety.</p><p> Challenges. The differences in definitions, non-collection of data, no reliability of data and underreporting are problems for the construction of RSDI. In addition, the index should be as relevant as possible for different countries of the world, especially in developing countries.</p><p>Empirical study. This study empirically compares the road safety situation and trends between ten Southeast Asian countries and Sweden for the period 1994- 2003. Methodologies. Eleven indicators are chosen in RSDI, which have been categorised in nine dimensions. Four main approaches (objective and subjective) are used to calculate RSDI and determine which one is the best. One approach uses equal weights for all indicators and countries, whereas the other approaches give different weights depending on the importance of indicators.</p><p>Findings. The thesis examines the RSDI for the ten ASEAN countries and Sweden in 2003. The results from this study indicate a remarkable difference between ASEAN countries even at the same level of motorisation. Singapore and Brunei seem to have the best RSDI record among the ASEAN countries according to the indicators used, while Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam show lower RSDI records. Conclusions. The RSDI results seem very promising and worth testing further applications with bigger samples of countries and from different parts of the world.</p> / ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic 2005:29
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Förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete inom föreningslivet : En intervjustudie bland idrottsföreningar / Prevention of road safety work in the voluntary sector : An interview study among sportsJönsson, Linda, Allansson, Johny January 2010 (has links)
<p>Nollvisionens mål är att ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt i trafiken. Varje år dör ungefär sex personer och många flera skadas i samband med idrottsresor. Att arbeta förebyggande med trafiksäkerhet hos idrottsföreningar kan vara ett sätt att bidra till en ökad trafiksäkerhet i Sverige. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka vad idrottsföreningar uttryckte kring förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete. Vilka uppfattningar som framfördes gällande trafiksäkerhetspolicy och vilka förutsättningar som fanns, samt vad som kunde förstärka trafiksäkerhetsarbetet. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer hos nio olika idrottsföreningar i en kommun i Skåne. I analysen plockades de viktigaste meningsbärande enheterna ut. Dessa grupperades och fick sedan utgöra grunden för de olika kategorier som skapades. Resultatet visade på att intresset för förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete generellt var lågt och att en trafiksäkerhetspolicy inte upplevdes som motiverad hos idrottsföreningarna. Det var svårt att engagera föräldrar och andra frivilliga, då arbete med frågor som inte rörde själva idrottandet inte var något som intresserade dessa. Diskussionen tar upp att brist på tid och vilja i samhället har minskat resurserna för idrottsrörelsen. Även att trafiksäkerhet inte sågs som en angelägen fråga att arbeta med. Detta på grund av att det inte fanns ett konkret problem att koppla till den arbetsinsats som krävdes. Studiens slutsatser förmedlar att intresset för denna typ av frågor inom idrottsföreningar var lågt och att ideellt arbete spelade en avgörande roll för föreningars prioriteringar. Vidare att det krävdes någon utanför föreningen för att skapa uppmärksamhet kring ämnet och att denna någon mycket väl skulle kunna vara en folkhälsopedagog.</p> / <p>The goal of Vision Zero is that no one is going to be killed or seriously injured in traffic. About six people dies each year and many more is getting hurt in sports- related travels. Working with the prevention of road safety in sports can be one way to contribute to increased road safety in Sweden. The aim of this study was to examine what sports thought about preventive road safety work. What were their beliefs concerning road safety policy and the conditions that existed. Further what could enhance road safety. This study was conducted with a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews in nine different sports in a municipality in southern Sweden. Within the analysis we picked out the most important meaning-bearing units. These were placed into groups and then composed for the different categories we created. Results showed that interest in the prevention of road safety work in general was low and that a road safety policy was not perceived as motivated by sports. It was difficult to involve parents and other volunteers, when work on issues not related to the sport itself was not something that interested them. The discussion addresses that lack of time and will in the community have reduced resources for the sport. Also that road safety was not seen as an important issue to work with. All this because there was not a practical problem in connecting to the effort necessary. The conclusion of this study conveyes that interest in these types of issues in sports was low and volunteers played a crucial role in the union's priorities. Furthermore, the need for someone outside the club to create attention around the topic. This person could perfectly well be a pedagogue of public health.</p>
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Förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete inom föreningslivet : En intervjustudie bland idrottsföreningar / Prevention of road safety work in the voluntary sector : An interview study among sportsJönsson, Linda, Allansson, Johny January 2010 (has links)
Nollvisionens mål är att ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt i trafiken. Varje år dör ungefär sex personer och många flera skadas i samband med idrottsresor. Att arbeta förebyggande med trafiksäkerhet hos idrottsföreningar kan vara ett sätt att bidra till en ökad trafiksäkerhet i Sverige. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka vad idrottsföreningar uttryckte kring förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete. Vilka uppfattningar som framfördes gällande trafiksäkerhetspolicy och vilka förutsättningar som fanns, samt vad som kunde förstärka trafiksäkerhetsarbetet. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer hos nio olika idrottsföreningar i en kommun i Skåne. I analysen plockades de viktigaste meningsbärande enheterna ut. Dessa grupperades och fick sedan utgöra grunden för de olika kategorier som skapades. Resultatet visade på att intresset för förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete generellt var lågt och att en trafiksäkerhetspolicy inte upplevdes som motiverad hos idrottsföreningarna. Det var svårt att engagera föräldrar och andra frivilliga, då arbete med frågor som inte rörde själva idrottandet inte var något som intresserade dessa. Diskussionen tar upp att brist på tid och vilja i samhället har minskat resurserna för idrottsrörelsen. Även att trafiksäkerhet inte sågs som en angelägen fråga att arbeta med. Detta på grund av att det inte fanns ett konkret problem att koppla till den arbetsinsats som krävdes. Studiens slutsatser förmedlar att intresset för denna typ av frågor inom idrottsföreningar var lågt och att ideellt arbete spelade en avgörande roll för föreningars prioriteringar. Vidare att det krävdes någon utanför föreningen för att skapa uppmärksamhet kring ämnet och att denna någon mycket väl skulle kunna vara en folkhälsopedagog. / The goal of Vision Zero is that no one is going to be killed or seriously injured in traffic. About six people dies each year and many more is getting hurt in sports- related travels. Working with the prevention of road safety in sports can be one way to contribute to increased road safety in Sweden. The aim of this study was to examine what sports thought about preventive road safety work. What were their beliefs concerning road safety policy and the conditions that existed. Further what could enhance road safety. This study was conducted with a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews in nine different sports in a municipality in southern Sweden. Within the analysis we picked out the most important meaning-bearing units. These were placed into groups and then composed for the different categories we created. Results showed that interest in the prevention of road safety work in general was low and that a road safety policy was not perceived as motivated by sports. It was difficult to involve parents and other volunteers, when work on issues not related to the sport itself was not something that interested them. The discussion addresses that lack of time and will in the community have reduced resources for the sport. Also that road safety was not seen as an important issue to work with. All this because there was not a practical problem in connecting to the effort necessary. The conclusion of this study conveyes that interest in these types of issues in sports was low and volunteers played a crucial role in the union's priorities. Furthermore, the need for someone outside the club to create attention around the topic. This person could perfectly well be a pedagogue of public health.
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