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Whiteboxrouter för små kontorsnätverk - En prestandajämförelseLundberg, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Inom nätverksbranchen finns en strävan att gå från proprietära lösningar till en öppen standard för hård- och mjukvara. En term för detta är Whiteboxing och det innebär att användaren ges möjlighet att plocka ihop komponenter efter behov, och själv välja vilken mjukvara som används. I sin enklaste form byggs en Whiteboxrouter av en konventionell PC med två nätverkskort och en mjukvarubaserad routingapplikation. Företaget ÅF är intresserade av att veta hur Whitebox-lösningar för routrar står sig prestandamässigt i relation till konventionella routerlösningar med Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Detta arbete har undersökt prestandan genom att mäta throughput och goodput hos en Cisco 2911-router, en Whiteboxrouter med mjukvaran pfSense, samt en Whiteboxrouter som körde pfSense virtualiserat på ESXi. Dessutom undersöktes respektive konfigurations prestanda när trafiken skickades över IPsec VPN. För mätningarna användes filöverföringar med FTP och mätprogrammet Iperf3. Målet med arbetet var att skapa ett beslutsunderlag som klargjorde eventuella prestandaskillnader och utarbetade rekommendationer för framtida val av routerlösning. Resultatet visade att vid generell paketförmedling var prestandan mellan routrarna relativt jämn, dock rekommenderas den virtualiserade Whiteboxroutern då den fick det bästa resultatet. När trafiken sedan krypterades med IPsec VPN var det stora prestandaskillnader mellan enheterna. Bäst prestanda fick Whiteboxroutern. Författaren ser en vinning med Whitebox-tekniken i stort då den medger att serverutrustning som ska utrangeras på grund av prestandakrav, istället kan fungera som nätverksutrustning (routrar och brandväggar) och fortsätta användas under en större del av den tekniska livslängden. Detta kan på sikt leda till minskad miljöpåverkan och besparingar för företaget.
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Determinação de posicionamento de nós roteadores em redes sem fio utilizando redes imunológicas. / Determining positioning of router nodes in wireless networks using immune networks.Luciane Fernanda de Arruda Barreira 24 July 2013 (has links)
A tecnologia sem fio (wireless) vem tomando conta do mundo. A cada dia mais
pessoas estão trocando seus equipamentos com fio por equipamentos com a tecnologia
wireless. Isso vem crescendo, devido as suas vantagens, tais como: facilidade de instalação e
manutenção, redução de tempo de instalação de dispositivos, inexistência de estrutura de
cabeamento, economia no custo de projetos, economia em infraestrutura, flexibilidade de
configuração de dispositivos, economia no custo de montagem, flexibilidade na alteração de
arquiteturas existentes e outros. Por essas facilidades supracitadas a área de automação
industrial está também aumentando o seu interesse nessa tecnologia wireless. Nessa área, a
segurança, confiabilidade e robustez dos dados são de suma importância. Então, para
minimizar os efeitos das interferências geradas nesse meio são usadas técnicas de
espalhamento em frequência e topologia em malha ou árvore para transmissão dos dados
enviados pelos sensores aos nós roteadores até chegar ao gateway. Sendo assim, o
posicionamento dos nós roteadores na rede em malha garantirá a menor influência dessas
interferências. Esse trabalho propõe uma ferramenta de posicionamento de nós roteadores
intermediários, chamado POSIMNET (Positioning Immune Network Rede Imunológica de
Posicionamento), que auxilia o projetista da rede de automação industrial a encontrar a
melhor configuração da rede sem fio. O POSIMNET é baseado nas redes imunológicas
artificiais, que propõe criar n caminhos quaisquer ou disjuntos para as informações enviadas
pelos nós sensores chegarem ao gateway, através da supressão, clonagem e reconfiguração de
nós roteadores intermediários. Além disso, o algoritmo também é capaz de atender os critérios
de baixo grau de falha e baixo número de retransmissão pelos roteadores. Esses critérios
podem ser habilitados individualmente ou combinados com pesos iguais ou diferentes para
cada um, a critério do usuário. A ferramenta POSIMNET é formada por dois módulos: (i)
Rede Imunológica agrega elementos de dois modelos de redes imunológicas (SSAIS e
AiNet); (ii) Campos Potenciais - posiciona os nós roteadores pelos campos potenciais, onde
os sensores críticos os atraem enquanto que os obstáculos e outros roteadores os repelem.
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Exploration architecturale et étude des performances des réseaux sur puce 3D partiellement connectés verticalement / Architectural exploration and performance analysis of Vertically-Partially-Connected Mesh-based 3D-NoCBahmani, Maryam 09 December 2013 (has links)
L'utilisation de la troisième dimension peut entraîner une réduction significative de la puissance et de la latence moyenne du trafic dans les réseaux sur puce (Network-on-Chip). La technologie des vias à travers le substrat (ou Through-Silicon Via) est la technologie la plus prometteuse pour l'intégration 3D, car elle offre des liens verticaux courts qui remédient au problème des longs fils dans les NoCs-2D. Les TSVs sont cependant énormes et les processus de fabrication sont immatures, ce qui réduit le rendement des systèmes sur puce à base de NoC-3D. Par conséquent, l'idée de réseaux sur puce 3D partiellement connectés verticalement a été introduite pour bénéficier de la technologie 3D tout en conservant un haut rendement. En outre, de tels réseaux sont flexibles, car le nombre, l'emplacement et l'affectation des liens verticaux dans chaque couche peuvent être décidés en fonction des exigences de l'application. Cependant, ce type de réseaux pose un certain nombre de défis : Le routage est le problème majeur, car l'élimination de certains liens verticaux fait que l'on ne peut utiliser les algorithmes classiques qui suivent l'ordre des dimensions. Pour répondre à cette question nous expliquons et évaluons un algorithme de routage déterministe appelé “Elevator First”, qui garanti d'une part que si un chemin existe, alors on le trouve, et que d'autre part il n'y aura pas d'interblocages. Fondamentalement, la performance du NoC est affecté par a) la micro architecture des routeurs et b) l'architecture d'interconnexion. L'architecture du routeur a un effet significatif sur la performance du NoC, à cause de la latence qu'il induit. Nous présentons la conception et la mise en œuvre de la micro-architecture d'un routeur à faible latence implantantl'algorithme de routage Elevator First, qui consomme une quantité raisonnable de surface et de puissance. Du point de vue de l'architecture, le nombre et le placement des liens verticaux ont un rôle important dans la performance des réseaux 3D partiellement connectés verticalement, car ils affectent le nombre moyen de sauts et le taux d'utilisation des FIFOs dans le réseau. En outre, l'affectation des liens verticaux vers les routeurs qui n'ont pas de ports vers le haut ou/et le bas est une question importante qui influe fortement sur les performances. Par conséquent, l'exploration architecturale des réseaux sur puce 3D partiellement connectés verticalement est importante. Nous définissons, étudions et évaluons des paramètres qui décrivent le comportement du réseau, de manière à déterminer le placement et l'affectation des liens verticaux dans les couches de manière simple et efficace. Nous proposons une méthode d'estimation quadratique visantà anticiper le seuil de saturation basée sur ces paramètres. / Utilization of the third dimension can lead to a significant reduction in power and average hop-count in Networks- on-Chip (NoC). TSV technology, as the most promising technology in 3D integration, offers short and fast vertical links which copes with the long wire problem in 2D NoCs. Nonetheless, TSVs are huge and their manufacturing process is still immature, which reduces the yield of 3D NoC based SoC. Therefore, Vertically-Partially-Connected 3D-NoC has been introduced to benefit from both 3D technology and high yield. Moreover, Vertically-Partially-Connected 3D-NoC is flexible, due to the fact that the number, placement, and assignment of the vertical links in each layer can be decided based on the limitations and requirements of the design. However, there are challenges to present a feasible and high-performance Vertically-Partially-Connected Mesh-based 3D-NoC due to the removed vertical links between the layers. This thesis addresses the challenges of Vertically-Partially-Connected Mesh-based 3D-NoC: Routing is the major problem of the Vertically-Partially-Connected 3D-NoC. Since some vertical links are removed, some of the routers do not have up or/and down ports. Therefore, there should be a path to send a packet to upper or lower layer which obviously has to be determined by a routing algorithm. The suggested paths should not cause deadlock through the network. To cope with this problem we explain and evaluate a deadlock- and livelock-free routing algorithm called Elevator First. Fundamentally, the NoC performance is affected by both 1) micro-architecture of routers and 2) architecture of interconnection. The router architecture has a significant effect on the performance of NoC, as it is a part of transportation delay. Therefore, the simplicity and efficiency of the design of NoC router micro architecture are the critical issues, especially in Vertically-Partially-Connected 3D-NoC which has already suffered from high average latency due to some removed vertical links. Therefore, we present the design and implementation the micro-architecture of a router which not only exactly and quickly transfers the packets based on the Elevator First routing algorithm, but it also consumes a reasonable amount of area and power. From the architecture point of view, the number and placement of vertical links have a key role in the performance of the Vertically-Partially-Connected Mesh-based 3D-NoC, since they affect the average hop-count and link and buffer utilization in the network. Furthermore, the assignment of the vertical links to the routers which do not have up or/and down port(s) is an important issue which influences the performance of the 3D routers. Therefore, the architectural exploration of Vertically-Partially-Connected Mesh-based 3D-NoC is both important and non-trivial. We define, study, and evaluate the parameters which describe the behavior of the network. The parameters can be helpful to place and assign the vertical links in the layers effectively. Finally, we propose a quadratic-based estimation method to anticipate the saturation threshold of the network's average latency.
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Optimizing network design in regards of critical streaming mediaSkjaevesland, Ola January 2012 (has links)
When designing networks intended to carry real-time media that is critical to arrive several aspects must be considered. For instance, the network must have redundant connectivity, should this traffic (and if so, how) be prioritized in networks where other traffic also travel, which technology is best in the given situation etc. This report will describe technologies that can solve these problems after which some of some of them will be tested in laborations to see how well they measure up in a given problem. The report establishes that in a self-governed LAN link aggregation in collaboration with Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol is a solid solution for providing redundancy with fast reconvergence. On WAN-connections and other shared networks Quality of Service rules should be implemented and in the case of Internet Service Providers a Service Level Agreement should be established.
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Multicasting in Intra and Inter Domain NetworksKhan, Shahzad Hayat, Badshah, Jehan January 2011 (has links)
Multicasting in a network improves the efficiency to deliver an IP packet to multiple clients at the same time. Small to medium sized organizations implement this technology to enhance their network capability, which is otherwise not possible just with normal routing. However, to use this technology, it requires proper network design with tidy resource implementation.Network administrators prefer automatic deployment of multicast technology because it reduces the potential risk of prolonged down time during network troubleshooting. On the other hand, choosing an auto deployment technology could cause malfunctioning in the network. To avoid such malfunctioning, we used two technologies: Auto-RP (Auto- Rendezvous Point) [1] and Bootstrap [2] in our network. A problem that occurs here is that if different domains with similar or different technologies want to share their resources with each other, then regular multicasting cannot connect them for successful communication. Also, if an administrator wishes to provide short and redundant paths within a domain, then these two technologies do not possess the ability to do so.The thesis presents issues in intra-domain and inter-domain multicast networks; it also focuses on Auto-RP (Auto Rendezvous Point) and BSR (Bootstrap Router) which are technologies related to multicasting. This project highlights the importance of multicasting security and will brief the problems associated with these two technologies. It will offer a better solution with a properly implemented design guide. The study uses MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol) [3] which connects two domains with multicasting capabilities for exchanging the source and providing redundancy in intra- domain. The work implements MBGP (Multicast Border Gateway Protocol) [4] to avoid a situation in which there is no multicast support on one of the service provider(s) end. Keywords:Auto-RP (Auto-Rendezvous Point), BSR (Bootstrap Router), MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), MBGP (Multicast Border Gateway Protocol)
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Wi-Fi network security : Gender differences in ChinaLiuxinwei, Ma January 2015 (has links)
With the development of Wi-Fi networks, Wi-Fi connection become a very important part of people‟s life, it seems that Wi-Fi networks are everywhere, especially in China. However, Wi-Fi networks not only bring convenience to users, but also bring some security threats. Nowadays, Wi-Fi security problems become increasingly acute. This thesis investigates the differences between male and female users regarding Wi-Fi network security. By distributing a questionnaire in China, specific questions have been asked about key factors within the area of Wi-Fi security. The questions focus on the usage situation, information security awareness and the knowledge level in Wi-Fi related fields. The found result is: Wi-Fi security issues are more prominent for female users than for male users.
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Adaptive router bypass techniques to enhance core network efficiencyGhonaim, Fahad A. 30 April 2018 (has links)
Internet traffic is increasing exponentially, driven by new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and rich streaming media. The traditional IP router becomes a bottleneck for further Internet expansion due to its high power consumption and inefficiency in processing the growing traffic. Router bypass has been introduced to overcome capacity limitations and the processing costs of IP routers. With router bypass, a portion of traffic is provisioned to bypass the router and is switched by the transport layer. Router bypass has shown to provide significant savings in network costs. These advantages are limited by a reduction in the statistical multiplexing associated with the subdivision of the available bandwidth typically into bypass and traditional portions thus limiting the interest in bypass techniques.
This thesis will explore multiple techniques to enhance the efficiency of router bypass. The main goals are to address the issue of the reduction in statistical multiplexing and to add a dynamic approach to the router bypass mechanism. The recent advancements in the Optical Transport Network (OTN) play a major role in the transport network. This proposal takes full advantage of OTN in the router-bypassing context by applying recent developments such as Hitless Adjustments ODUflex (HAO), which
allow the provisioned channels to be adjusted without re-establishing the connections.
In addition, it will allow the bypassing mechanism to be flexible enough to meet the traffic behaviour needs of the future. This thesis will study multiple approaches to enhance the router bypass mechanism including: an adaptive provisioning style using various degrees of provisioning granularities and controlling the provisioning based on traffic behaviour. In addition, this thesis will explore the impact of automation in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) on router bypass. The application-driven infrastructure in SDN is moving the network to be more adaptive, which paves the way for an enhanced implementation of router bypass. Many challenges still face the industry to fully integrate the three layers (3, 2, and 1) to transform the current infrastructure into an adaptive application driven network. The IP router (layer 3) provisions and restores the connection regardless of the underlying layers (layer 2 and 1) and the transport layer does the same regardless of the IP layer. Although allowing every layer to develop without being constrained by other layers offers a huge advantage, it renders the transport layer static and not fully aware of the traffic behaviour. It is my hope that this thesis is a step forward in transforming the current network into a dynamic, efficient and responsive network. A simulation has been built to imitate the router bypassing concept and then many measurements have been recorded. / Graduate
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Hardware Architecture of an XML/XPath Broker/Router for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Data Dissemination SystemsEl-Hassan, Fadi January 2014 (has links)
The dissemination of various types of data faces ongoing challenges with the growing
need of accessing manifold information. Since the interest in content is what drives
data networks, some new technologies and thoughts attempt to cope with these challenges
by developing content-based rather than address-based architectures. The Publish/
Subscribe paradigm can be a promising approach toward content-based data dissemination,
especially that it provides total decoupling between publishers and subscribers.
However, in content-based publish/subscribe systems, subscriptions are expressive and
the information is often delivered based on the matched expressive content - which may
not deeply alleviate considerable performance challenges.
This dissertation explores a hardware solution for disseminating data in content-based
publish/subscribe systems. This solution consists of an efficient hardware architecture
of an XML/XPath broker that can route information based on content to either other
XML/XPath brokers or to ultimate users. A network of such brokers represent an overlay
structure for XML content-based publish/subscribe data dissemination systems. Each
broker can simultaneously process many XPath subscriptions, efficiently parse XML
publications, and subsequently forward notifications that result from high-performance
matching processes. In the core of the broker architecture, locates an XML parser that
utilizes a novel Skeleton CAM-Based XML Parsing (SCBXP) technique in addition to an
XPath processor and a high-performance matching engine. Moreover, the broker employs
effective mechanisms for content-based routing, so as subscriptions, publications, and
notifications are routed through the network based on content.
The inherent reconfigurability feature of the broker’s hardware provides the system
architecture with the capability of residing in any FPGA device of moderate logic density.
Furthermore, such a system-on-chip architecture is upgradable, if any future hardware
add-ons are needed. However, the current architecture is mature and can effectively be
implemented on an ASIC device.
Finally, this thesis presents and analyzes the experiments conducted on an FPGA
prototype implementation of the proposed broker/router. The experiments tackle tests
for the SCBXP alone and for two phases of development of the whole broker. The
corresponding results indicate the high performance that the involved parsing, storing,
matching, and routing processes can achieve.
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Performance Testing and Analysis of Qpid Dispatch Router / Performance Testing and Analysis of Qpid Dispatch RouterStejskal, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Výkonností testování aplikací nabírá v poslední době na důležitosti během vývoje všeho druhu. Tato práce mapuje základy testování výkonu, které jsou aplikovatelné na libovolné aplikace a následně analýzuje testování výkonu komponent používaných v Messaging systémech a to konkrétně Apache ActiveMQ Artemis a Qpid-Dispatch. Využívané metody testování výkonu je zaměřeno zejména na Apache ActiveMQ Artemis pomocí systému Messaging Performance Tool s názvem Maestro. Práce navrhuje vylepšení této aplikace o rozšíření testování systému Qpid-Dispatch a její možnosti při automatizovaném testování. Řešení je demonstrováno na sérii experimentů s různými topologiemi. Výsledná zpráva závěrem vyhodnocuje navržené rozšíření systému Maestro, zhodnocuje výkon komponenty Qpid-Dispatch a rozvíjí myšlenky pro další rozšíření.
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Realizace internetové brány na Linuxu s pokročilým filtrováním / Establishment of the Linux internet gateway using advanced filteringMatocha, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis Establishment of the Linux internet gateway using advanced filtering focuses on~the installation of~the Linux operating system on~the older computers, that functions as a gateway to connect clients in the internal network to the Internet. The thesis describes creation an advanced filter with using iptables. Shows some types of security against attacks from the Internet. The other chapters are discussed, advanced traffic control mechanism (such as a TC and a qdisc). The system queue, it is highly beneficial where it is necessary to hierarchically divide traffic between users. It describes types of queue and assembled configurations for clients in the internal network. Next chapter describes the DNS server caching-only type and application denyhosts, which increases the overall security system. Have your own DNS server is certified, especially if we want to reduce the data traffic. Last chapter describes the RADIUS server and its implementation using Apache and MySQL database. Furthermore, the configuration options are described and the examples of the particular configurations are provided. Finally, it presented a system for authentication through the RADIUS server. The thesis seeks to provide a~complex view of security and filtering.
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