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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O impacto de um curso de ensino a distância (EAD) de prevenção em LER/DORT na qualidade de vida de um grupo de enfermagem

Silva, Renata Cristina Rocha da January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: As Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER) ou Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT) são afecções músculo esqueléticas. A enfermagem é uma das categorias da área da saúde mais atingidas por estas, devido aos fatores de risco da profissão. Apresentar desconforto e dor em regiões específicas do corpo, faz parte do cotidiano de muitos destes trabalhadores, que acabam apresentando alterações em sua qualidade de vida. Estes fatores levam ao aparecimento do presenteísmo observado quando o trabalhador está presente no trabalho apesar de doente ou com algum problema físico ou psicológico e ao absenteísmo que ocorre quando este trabalhador falta ao trabalho. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto de um Curso de Ensino à Distância (EAD) de Prevenção em LER/DORT na qualidade de vida destes trabalhadores e avaliar também desconforto e dor, presenteísmo e absenteísmo. Métodos: Sessenta funcionários da enfermagem de um hospital geral universitário participaram do ensaio clínico, randomizados aleatoriamente em dois grupos.Os critérios de inclusão foram: ser contratado do hospital nas categorias profissionais enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem e atuarem em unidades de internação. Foram excluídos trabalhadores com diagnóstico de LER/DORT auto-referido.O grupo intervenção participou de um curso em EAD com duração de 8 horas, composto por estratégias e dicas laborais para a prevenção de LER/DORT, literaturas disponíveis e provas teóricas, o grupo controle foi submetido a uma palestra educativa com duração de 30 minutos, com os mesmos conteúdos do curso em EAD. Foram avaliados antes da intervenção, duas e oito semanas após. Resultados: Quando comparada a qualidade de vida entre os grupos não observamos melhores resultados na percepção do grupo intervenção. O domínio de dor apresentou pior percepção. Presenteísmo foi observado em ambos os grupos, observamos redução do presenteísmo nos grupos sendo no grupo controle uma diferença significativa.Em relação ao desconforto e dor, ambos os grupos apresentaram alta prevalência, houve mudança significativa no grupo controle, com redução na escala do basal para a 8ª semana depois na região das costas inferior. No grupo intervenção não há uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, apesar de haver uma importante redução. Já o absenteísmo apresentou diferença entre os grupos, sendo que no vii grupo intervenção teve redução do número de horas de afastamento por doença. Conclusão: Não há evidência do impacto de um curso de ensino a distância (EAD) de prevenção em LER/DORT na melhora da percepção de qualidade de vida de um grupo de enfermagem. / Introduction: Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) or Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are musculoskeletal disorders. Nursing is one of the health categories that area most affected by these, due to the profession risk factors. Many of these workers show discomfort and pain in specific regions of the body as part of the daily life that end up presenting changes in their quality of life. These factors lead to the appearance of presenteeism observed when the worker is present at work despite being ill or with some physical or psychological problem and to absenteeism that occurs when this worker is absent from work. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a distance learning (DL) course on prevention of RSI and WMSDs in the quality of life of these workers and also to assess discomfort and pain, presenteeism and absenteeism. Methods: Sixty nursing staff from a general university hospital participated in the randomized trial, randomly divided into two groups. The inclusion criteria were: to be a hospital employee in the categories professional nurses, technicians, nurse assistants and to work in hospitalization units. Workers with self-reported diagnosis of RSI/WMSDs were excluded. The intervention group participated in an 8h DL course, consisting of strategies and work tips for the prevention of RSI/ WMSDs, available literature and theoretical evidence, the control group was submitted to a 30 minute educational lecture, with the same content of the DL course. They were evaluated before the intervention, two and eight weeks after. Results: When comparing the quality of life between the groups, the we did not observe better results in the perception of the intervention group. The pain domain presented worse perception. Presenteeism was observed in both groups, we observed reduction of presenteeism in the groups being a significant difference in the control group. Regarding to discomfort and pain, both groups presented a high prevalence, there was a significant change in the control group, with a reduction in the baseline scale to the 8th week later in the lower back region. In the intervention group there is no significant difference statistically, although there is a significant reduction. On the other hand, absenteeism presented a difference between the groups and in the intervention group there was a reduction in the number of hours of sick leave. Conclusion: There is no evidence of the impact of a distance learning prevention course on RSI/WMSDs on the improvement of the perception of the quality of life of a nursing group

Návrh automatického obchodního systému pro obchodování na forexu / Design of an Automatic Trading System For Forex Trading

Poláchová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of automated trading system for trading the currency market. On the basis of technical indicators is created a trading system in MQL4 for the MetaTrader4 platform. Part of the thesis is optimization of the proposed system and testing on historical data in order to increase stability and maximize profit.

Rychloběžná turbína s nepravidelnou lopatkovou mříží / High Speed Turbine with Non-Uniform Cascade

Stareček, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on hydraulic design of axial turbine by CFD and FEM analyses. The results are runners with nonuniform cascades. Nonuniform runners consist of blades with different axial positions, blades with different pitch angles in runner or indifferent blades. Each runner is designed with respect to 3D printing by FDM or SLS technology and hydraulic measuring. The analyses of the excitation frequencies, modal analysis, shape of the turbine operating range, maximal efficiency, output parameters and cavitation properties are emphasized.


LUZZANI, GLORIA 28 April 2021 (has links)
Questo progetto ha lo scopo di delineare e rappresentare un quadro adatto a sostenere la transizione del sistema vitivinicolo italiano verso un modello sostenibile. A tal fine, ho sviluppato un disegno di ricerca interdisciplinare il cui percorso e risultati sono presentati nella tesi. Nel capitolo 1 viene mostrato il contesto in cui questa ricerca ha avuto origine e si è svolta. La parte introduttiva fornisce una panoramica sulla definizione giuridica di sostenibilità, su come la sostenibilità è intesa e adottata nel settore alimentare italiano e nell'industria del vino. In seguito, sono stati identificati i problemi e i gaps di ricerca rispetto all'integrazione della sostenibilità nel settore vitivinicolo italiano, questo è servito per identificare e delineare gli obiettivi della presente ricerca. Ho esaminato la relazione tra le aziende vinicole e i loro territori, considerando gli aspetti più cruciali dell'embeddedness locale e della sostenibilità delle aziende vitivinicole come la percezione del rischio legato all'esposizione ai pesticidi usati in agricoltura, la consapevolezza e l'impegno verso la responsabilità sociale d'impresa, e lo sviluppo di un quadro di riferimento volto a valutare la sostenibilità e a guidare le migliori pratiche nella produzione del vino. / This project aims to outline and represent a suitable framework to support the transition of the Italian wine system towards a sustainable model. To this end, I framed an interdisciplinary research design whose path and results are presented herein. In Chapter 1, the context in which this research has originated and taken place is shown. The introductory part provides an overview about the pending legal definition of sustainability, how sustainability is intended and adopted in Italian food sector and in the wine industry. Afterwards, the research issues and gaps with respect to the integration of sustainability into the Italian wine industry were noted, this served to identify and clearly state the research objectives. I examined the relationship between wine companies and their territories, by considering the most crucial aspects of local embeddedness and wine companies sustainability such as the perception of risk related to the exposure to pesticides used in agriculture, the awareness and commitment on corporate social responsibility, and the development of a framework aimed at assessing sustainability and guiding best practices in wine production.

Profitability of Technical Trading Strategies in the Swedish Equity Market / Lönsamhet för tekniska handelsstrategier på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Alam, Azmain, Norrström, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to see if it is possible to generate abnormal returns in the Swedishstock market through the use of three different trading strategies based on technicalindicators. As the indicators are based on historical price data only, the study assumesweak market efficiency according to the efficient market hypothesis. The study isconducted using daily prices for OMX Stockholm PI and STOXX 600 Europe from theperiod between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2019. Trading positions has beentaken in the OMX Stockholm PI index while STOXX 600 Europe has been used torepresent the market portfolio. Abnormal returns has been defined as the Jensen’s αin a Fama French three factor model with Carhart ­extension. This period has beencharacterised by increasing prices (a bull market) which may have had an impact onthe results. Furthermore, a higher frequency of rebalancing for the Fama ­French andCarhart model could also increase the quality of the results. The results indicate thatall three strategies has generated abnormal returns during the period. / Denna studie syftar till att se om det är möjligt att generera överavkastning på densvenska aktiemarknaden genom att använda tre olika handelsstrategier baserade påtekniska indikatorer. Eftersom indikatorerna endast baseras på historiska prisdataantar studien svag marknadseffektivitet enligt den effektiva marknadshypotesen.Studien genomförs med hjälp av dagliga priser för OMX Stockholm PI och STOXX 600Europe från perioden 1 januari 2010 till 31 december 2019. Positionerna i studien hartagits i OMX Stockholm PI medan STOXX 600 Europe har använts för att representeramarknadsportföljen . Överavkastning har definierats som Jensens α i en Fama French trefaktormodell med Carhart-­utvidgning. Perioden som används i studien har präglatsav stigande priser (en bull market) som kan ha påverkat resultatet. Dessutom skulleen högre frekvens av ombalansering av Fama ­French och Carhart-­modellen ocksåkunna öka kvaliteten på resultaten. Resultaten visar att alla tre strategier har genereratonormal avkastning under perioden.


金元宇 Unknown Date (has links)
由於固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)能依據投資者本身的風險偏好來選定參數,並透過簡單的公式動態調整風險性資產及保留性資產的部位,以達到投資組合保險的目的,因此成為常用的投資組合保險策略之一。然而在固定乘數的選定中,僅考慮投資人的效用函數而並未考慮市場變化情況,因此投資組合的報酬往往未必為最適化之結果。   本研究以台灣股市為例,旨在討論透過技術分析指標來動態調整乘數,對固定比例投資組合保險策略之影響。實證方面以1992~2003年間台股指數作為研究標的,配合固定時點調整法及相對強弱指標來調整投資組合中風險性資產及保留性資產之投資比例。並討論動態調整與固定乘數在要保誤差、平均報酬、報酬變異、偏態、交易成本及不同市況下績效表現。

Le statut social des dirigeants de sociétés / The Social Status of Companies’ Leaders

Turc, Annabelle 14 October 2014 (has links)
Le statut social des dirigeants de sociétés est un sujet en constante évolution en raison des changements de législation, et du rapprochement du régime social des indépendants vers le régime salarié, en particulier pour les petites et moyennes entreprises.Un phénomène d’optimisation à la fois sociale et fiscale a gagné les dirigeants. Ils sont amenés à s’interroger sur le choix d’un régime salarié ou non salarié. Mais pour connaître ou choisir son statut social, le dirigeant doit s’interroger sur la forme de la Société qu’il souhaite créer, ou intégrer, sur la structure juridique, les conditions d’exercice de son activité et sur sa situation tant personnelle que professionnelle. La protection sociale diffère selon le régime salarié ou non salarié non agricole, et confère ainsi des avantages plus ou moins attractifs pour le dirigeant. Le statut social du dirigeant peut lui conférer des avantages non négligeables en matière de rémunération et bénéficier ainsi de dispositifs, jusque là réservés aux salariés.Le statut social des dirigeants est-il susceptible d’évoluer vers une harmonisation du régime salarié et du régime social des indépendants ? Quel conseil donner au dirigeant en quête du statut le plus rentable pour lui, à long terme ?Deux principaux thèmes sont traités : le premier relatif à la détermination des critères, entrant en ligne de compte dans le choix du statut social du dirigeant, le second relatif aux conséquences de ce choix en vue de proposer au dirigeant, une optimisation de son statut et de sa rémunération. / The social status of corporate leaders is a topic constantly changing due to changes in legislation and the reconciliation of the non-employee to a salaried, especially for small and medium enterprises.A phenomenon of optimizing both social and fiscal won the leadership. They are led to question the choice of a salaried or self-employed. But to know or choose their social status, the officer must investigate the form of the Company that wants to create or integrate the legal structure, the conditions for the exercise of its activity and its status as personal professional.Social protection differs depending on a salaried or self-employed, and thus confers benefits more or less attractive to the manager. The status of the leader may confer significant advantages in terms of remuneration and benefit from device, hitherto devoted employees.The social status of leaders it is likely to move towards harmonization of employees and self-employed? What advice would you give to an officer in search of the most profitable status for him in the long run?Two main topics are treated : the first relating to the determination of criteria come into account in the choice of the social status of the leader, the second on the consequences of this choice in order to offer the manager.

Repetitive strain injury among South African employees : prevalence and the relationship with exhaustion and work engagement / Gillian Schultz

Schultz, Gillian January 2010 (has links)
The work environment of today is synonymous with stress, fatigue and exhaustion. As a result, the incidence of workplace injury and disease is increasingly commonplace. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is the most common form of work–related ill–health. If the symptoms are not recognised and addressed early, serious and more chronic manifestations of the symptoms can emerge, subsequently affecting the quality and duration of a persons' working life. RSI also has significant implications for organisations in terms of lost productivity, drops in work quality and costly compensation claims. Although there is ongoing international research available concerning workplace injury and disease to inform business and the employee, there is less comprehensive and regularly updated research within the South African context. Considering employers can be held accountable for diseases that have arisen out of and in the course of an individual's employment, this research adds value in ascertaining the magnitude of RSI in South Africa. Bearing in mind international research has expanded its focus to include the potential influence of ergonomic and psychosocial factors in the development of RSI, it has become necessary to consider additional factors that may play a role in the development and maintenance of RSI. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the frequency of RSI experienced amongst South African employees; 2) examine the frequency of RSI across three well–being groups; and 3) identify whether there are significant differences across the three well–being groups. An availability sample (N = 15 664) was utilised to determine the frequency of experience of RSI in a sample of South African employees. Frequencies were used to determine the incidence of RSI symptoms for the total sample. Participants were then selected into groups based on their experience of vitality, work devotion and exhaustion (n = 4 411) in order to determine the frequency of RSI experienced for three well–being groups. ANOVA was used to determine if there were significant RSI differences between these three well–being groups. The results of this study highlight that RSI is prevalent amongst the South African population. Of those participants who responded 'sometimes' and 'frequently' (experiencing RSI), 47% indicated experiencing neck, shoulder and back discomfort, followed by 42% reporting eyestrain, and 24% muscle stiffness. These results are comparable with international statistics, indicating that a relatively large percentage of South African employees experience RSI. The results further showed that the frequency of experience of RSI symptoms does differ across the three well–being groups. It is evident that RSI is more prevalent in the well–being group that demonstrates vital exhaustion when compared to those who are work engaged yet exhausted, and those who are truly work engaged. Secondly, the results clearly revealed statistically significant differences between all of these groups. Thus, those individuals who are vitally exhausted experience significantly greater RSI symptoms than those who are truly work engaged or engaged with exhaustion. In addition, those individuals who are work engaged with exhaustion demonstrate significantly more RSI symptoms than those who are truly work engaged. Thus, this study suggests the potential role of exhaustion in the development of RSI. Recommendations were made for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Repetitive strain injury among South African employees : prevalence and the relationship with exhaustion and work engagement / Gillian Schultz

Schultz, Gillian January 2010 (has links)
The work environment of today is synonymous with stress, fatigue and exhaustion. As a result, the incidence of workplace injury and disease is increasingly commonplace. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is the most common form of work–related ill–health. If the symptoms are not recognised and addressed early, serious and more chronic manifestations of the symptoms can emerge, subsequently affecting the quality and duration of a persons' working life. RSI also has significant implications for organisations in terms of lost productivity, drops in work quality and costly compensation claims. Although there is ongoing international research available concerning workplace injury and disease to inform business and the employee, there is less comprehensive and regularly updated research within the South African context. Considering employers can be held accountable for diseases that have arisen out of and in the course of an individual's employment, this research adds value in ascertaining the magnitude of RSI in South Africa. Bearing in mind international research has expanded its focus to include the potential influence of ergonomic and psychosocial factors in the development of RSI, it has become necessary to consider additional factors that may play a role in the development and maintenance of RSI. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the frequency of RSI experienced amongst South African employees; 2) examine the frequency of RSI across three well–being groups; and 3) identify whether there are significant differences across the three well–being groups. An availability sample (N = 15 664) was utilised to determine the frequency of experience of RSI in a sample of South African employees. Frequencies were used to determine the incidence of RSI symptoms for the total sample. Participants were then selected into groups based on their experience of vitality, work devotion and exhaustion (n = 4 411) in order to determine the frequency of RSI experienced for three well–being groups. ANOVA was used to determine if there were significant RSI differences between these three well–being groups. The results of this study highlight that RSI is prevalent amongst the South African population. Of those participants who responded 'sometimes' and 'frequently' (experiencing RSI), 47% indicated experiencing neck, shoulder and back discomfort, followed by 42% reporting eyestrain, and 24% muscle stiffness. These results are comparable with international statistics, indicating that a relatively large percentage of South African employees experience RSI. The results further showed that the frequency of experience of RSI symptoms does differ across the three well–being groups. It is evident that RSI is more prevalent in the well–being group that demonstrates vital exhaustion when compared to those who are work engaged yet exhausted, and those who are truly work engaged. Secondly, the results clearly revealed statistically significant differences between all of these groups. Thus, those individuals who are vitally exhausted experience significantly greater RSI symptoms than those who are truly work engaged or engaged with exhaustion. In addition, those individuals who are work engaged with exhaustion demonstrate significantly more RSI symptoms than those who are truly work engaged. Thus, this study suggests the potential role of exhaustion in the development of RSI. Recommendations were made for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

O trabalho do atendente de call center: adoecimento por LER/DORT e descartabilidade / The call center work: diseasementt for RSI/WRMD and dismissabled

SANTOS, Adna Oiridéia Rabelo dos January 2006 (has links)
SANTOS , Adna Oiridéia Rabelo dos. O trabalho do atendente de call center: adoecimento por LER/DORT e descartabilidade. 2006. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2011-11-29T19:17:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_dis_AORDSantos.pdf: 1139208 bytes, checksum: 91f43a3112823271daae9404b46e00f5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-01-12T13:33:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_dis_AORDSantos.pdf: 1139208 bytes, checksum: 91f43a3112823271daae9404b46e00f5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-01-12T13:33:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_dis_AORDSantos.pdf: 1139208 bytes, checksum: 91f43a3112823271daae9404b46e00f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Each year a considerable number of workers are obliged to stop working due to work-related health problems. Those who manage to recover and resume their professional activities often do so under certain health restrictions. The objective of the present study was to look into the work-disease-rehabilitation process of workers afflicted with repetitive strain injury (RSI)/work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMD). Semistructured interviews were applied to seven operators at a private call center in Ceará (five of whom presented RSI/WRMD), one supervisor and one trade union representative. The findings show that our subjects share a number of characteristics with call center operators described in other studies on RSI/WRMD, such as the prevalence of female workers (>70%) and outsourced jobs. On the other hand, our subjects differed from most studies with regard to their age range (18-22 years) and schooling (relatively high level). Many of our subjects were taking courses at the university in order to improve their professional qualification while on the job. The poor working conditions, long hours and pressure for productivity placed our subjects at increased risk for acquiring RSI/WRMD. In general, when workers present work-related diseases, companies may deny the existence of a causal relationship. When such relationships are recognized workers are referred to treatment and rehabilitation through public health care (SUS). When rehabilitated workers return to their respective companies they are often given jobs below their actual skill level to prevent recurrence of RSI/WRMD. Once the period expires during which rehabilitated workers are protected against dismissal by law, many such workers are laid off. Thus, workers in this category are caught in a dilemma: if they remain on the job after their rehabilitation, they will have to perform activities they consider meaningless or even humiliating, while being discriminated by peers and supervisors, and if they decide return to the labor market, they will do so as recently rehabilitated and not yet fully trained. / Dentro do atual contexto do trabalho, muitos trabalhadores têm sido afastados de seu exercício profissional em decorrência de adoecimento provocado pela própria situação de trabalho. Quando ocorre retornarem às suas atividades laborais, após o restabelecimento de sua saúde, muitas vezes o fazem com restrições de sua capacidade de trabalho. O objetivo deste trabalho é apreender a experiência dos atendentes quanto ao processo de trabalho-adoecimento por LER/DORT-reabilitação. A pesquisa envolveu sete atendentes de um call center de uma empresa privada de telecomunicações que atua no estado do Ceará, entre os quais cinco apresentavam sintomas de LER/DORT e dois permaneciam saudáveis, uma supervisora e um membro do sindicato da categoria. A técnica utilizada foi a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados encontrados revelaram que alguns aspectos do perfil do atendente são semelhantes aos apresentados em outros estudos, como, por exemplo, a predominância feminina com pouco mais de 70% e a preponderância da terceirização como vínculo de trabalho. Quanto aos aspectos que diferiram estão a predominância de atendentes com idade entre 18 e 22 anos e o nível de escolaridade elevada. Neste caso, encontramos um número expressivo de atendentes matriculados em cursos superiores, o que significa que se trata de trabalhadores que ainda estão buscando maior qualificação enquanto trabalham. Esses atendentes se defrontam com condições de trabalho precárias, ritmos intensos de trabalho e cobranças excessivas por produtividade, o que maximiza suas chances de adquirir a LER/DORT. Somando-se a isso, nas situações em que trabalhador adoece, a empresa tenta encobrir a relação com a situação de trabalho, negando-se a reconhecer o nexo causal entre os aspectos do trabalho e a doença. Nos casos em que se reconhece o nexo causal, o atendente é encaminhado para tratamento e reabilitação através do INSS. Quando este trabalhador retorna à empresa, em geral assume um posto de trabalho muito aquém de sua qualificação por praticamente não haver outra atividade que possa realizar sem riscos para o retorno dos sintomas de LER. Afora isto, uma vez findo seu período de estabilidade em razão do adoecimento, o atendente geralmente é demitido. Esses trabalhadores vivem, portanto, dois dilemas que os amedrontam: ao permanecer na empresa, são forçados a realizar atividades que consideram inúteis e até humilhantes, o que leva a sentirem-se discriminados por colegas e supervisores; ao serem demitidos, estarão no mercado de trabalho já com sua capacidade de trabalho comprometida, antes mesmo de estarem totalmente qualificados, e tendo que concorrer com aqueles que são considerados saudáveis.

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