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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läsa - ett måste eller ett måste? : Barns tankar om läslust, läsolust och vilka faktorer som skapar läsmotivation / Reading - Have to Do or Must Do? : Children´s Thoughts about Reading Engagement, Lack of Reading Engagement and Factors that Create the Motivation to Read

Sundin, Anette January 2016 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie inspirerad av hermeneutisk metodansats. Studien syftar till att försöka förstå hur elever i åk 3 och 9 upplever fenomenet läslust och vad som motiverar dem att läsa. Genom att utgå från elevers texter och deras beskrivningar av läslust och av vilka faktorer som motiverar eller hämmar läsning, har jag försökt att tolka elevernas uppfattningar om läslust. Studien är genomförd i två klasser på låg- respektive högstadiet och eleverna har med hjälp av frågor på en tankekarta fått skriva helt fritt om fenomenet läslust. Med stöd i en del av läs- och motivationsforskningen har jag försökt koppla elevernas texter till teorin och i analysen lyft fram och tolkat deras uppfattningar, känslor och upplevelser av vad läsning kan vara. Resultatet visar att elever uppfattar läsning som ett positivt måste om engagemanget, läslusten, finns. Eleverna beskriver hur de gör "mentala förflyttningar" eller känner "ett sug" efter att läsa. Elever som istället upplever olust och inte ser läsningen som något viktigt för dem, beskriver läsning som ett negativt måste, något "trist" eller "meningslöst" som skolan tvingar dem till. En slutsats i min studie är att undervisningen i skolan inte spelar den aktiva roll som den borde göra. Eleverna skriver inte i sina texter att lärare eller undervisning fungerat som en motiverande faktor för deras läslust. Denna slutsats har jag dragit utifrån ett begränsat antal elever och utifrån den uppgift jag gav dem och säger inget generellt om undervisningens betydelse för läslusten.

Instructional Approaches in Social Studies: A Comparison of the Impact on Student Achievement and Attitude

Tucker, Carolyn Gaye 11 May 2013 (has links)
Many students feel that studying social studies is boring and not relevant to their lives. In social studies, the most common method of instruction is the transmission model in which the textbook becomes the curriculum and the teacher transmits knowledge through lecture. In the participatory model of instruction, the teacher facilitates student-led literature discussion groups utilizing narrative and expository trade books with the textbook as a resource. Previous research has indicated that instructional methods may affect student attitude and achievement; however, there is limited empirical research that is definitive on which instructional method is significantly better for students. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of literature-based instruction with lecture-style instruction on student achievement and attitude toward social studies. Participants included 76 Grade 8 U.S. History students from two middle schools in a southern state of the United States. Of these 76 students, 28 were in the experimental group and 48 were in the control group. All students were administered a content knowledge test and an attitude toward social studies survey before beginning the unit of study and again after the conclusion of the unit. To analyze the data from content knowledge, a repeated-measures analysis of variance was used with the difference scores serving as the dependent variable. Results showed that there was not a significant difference in content knowledge difference scores from pretest to posttest between students taught through literature-based instruction and those taught through lecture-style instruction. To analyze the data from the attitude survey, the two groups’ difference scores were compared on a repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance. The results indicated that two of the nine constructs tested showed a significant difference from the pre-study survey to the post-study survey which were: (a) attitude toward social studies and (b) student perception of the usefulness of social studies. The findings from this study suggest that when students are taught social studies through literature-based instruction, they are more likely to have significantly higher attitudes toward the subject and find relevance to their own lives than when they are taught through lecture-style instruction using only the textbook.

Influencing Reading Engagement of Recidivistic Youth by Using the Graphic Novel

Guy, Frederick T., III January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

From Theory to Practice: Promoting Reading Engagement through Literature in High School EFL Classrooms

Norén, Jenny, Lövstedt, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to identify and evaluate how teachers effectively can bring literature to life in the EFL classroom and promote high school students’ engagement and understanding of the text. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of empirical data, this study will provide recommendations for teachers on how to enhance the teaching of literature and improve students’ comprehension, critical thinking, and engagement with texts. While challenges in the EFL classroom have been studied, research exploring literature as a means of promoting reading engagement is limited and outdated. Our study contributes to this area of research and presents a few examples of how teachers can incorporate literature in dynamicand engaging ways. As research in this area evolves, new ideas and approaches will undoubtedly emerge. Keywords: literature in the classroom; teaching literature; why literature; effective strategies for teaching literature; teaching literature EFL; effective strategies literature; More Happy Than Not; Adam Silvera.

They're just not that into it: adolescent reading engagement in French immersion

Whittington, Jesse 10 May 2013 (has links)
Middle school French immersion teachers often report that they have a difficult time engaging their students in second language reading. This research used a constructivist, critical, and pragmatic approach to case study to explore middle school French immersion students’ perceptions of themselves as readers of French and of their experiences with reading in French. The research sought to understand, through thematic cross-case analysis, which themes appear most prominently in student accounts of their experiences with reading in French. Four major themes were identified: choice, assigned work, understanding, and interest. Additionally, the research sought to identify which instructional strategies might be most effective in promoting student engagement in reading in an additional language. The findings suggest a need for highly differentiated instructional models that emphasize teaching students how to assess a text for its appropriateness to their interests and reading level and providing students with ample time for free, independent reading. / Graduate / 0515 / 0282 / 0279 / 0535 / 0727 / 0525 / jwhittin@uvic.ca

Med lust att läsa : Intervjuer med speciallärare om läsmotivation hos elever i lässvårigheter i grundskolans tidigare år

Nielsen, Liv January 2021 (has links)
Elever i svensk grundskola verkar läsa allt mindre, både i skolan och på fritiden. Forskning och PISA- resultat visar att läsintresse och läsförmåga går hand i hand och kan skapa den s.k. Matteuseffekten eller läsklyfta som kan uppstå när läsförmågan styr elevers läsmotivation, hur mycket de läser och utvecklas som läsare. Tidigare forskning visar att olika faktorer inverkar på en elevs läsmotivation, läsintresse och attityder till läsning. Många inom forskningsfältet menar att skolans insatser behöver riktas mot att stärka både läsförmågan och läsmotivationen, särskilt för elever i lässvårigheter. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur några speciallärare i grundskolans tidigare år beskriver att de arbetar för att motivera elever i lässvårigheter att lästräna samt öka läsintresset och skapa positiva attityder till läsning. Studiens resultat visar att speciallärarna beskriver att de motiverar eleverna att lästräna under lekfulla former, olika anpassningar beskrivs, t.ex. texter på rätt nivå, val kring läsning, realistiska utmaningar och tydliga mål som gynnsamma faktorer för ökad läsmotivation. Att eleverna ges möjlighet att lyckas och tro på sin egen förmåga och bli medbestämmande beskrivs kunna öka motivationen, samt att eleverna ser på sig själva som läsare, oavsett om de har lässvårigheter eller inte. Detta genom att skilja på lästräning och lustläsning för att stärka elevernas läsintresse och attityder till läsning. Ett brett utbud av texter beskrivs stärka elevernas läsintresse och en del i speciallärarens arbete för att skapa läsmotivation beskrivs handla om samarbete med bl.a. lärarkollegiet som också kan behöva motiveras och ges stöd, uppmuntran och vägledning. Diskussion förs bl.a. kring att synen på vem som ska jobba med läsmotivation och läsfrämjande arbete tydligare kan behöva uttalas samt att samordnade insatser kan bidra till ökad läsning och stärkt läsengagemang och gynna läsmotivationen. Studien förväntas bidra med några speciallärares beskrivningar av sin förståelse av läsmotivation, läsintresse och attityder till läsning när det kommer till elever i lässvårigheter.

Bringing books to life in Augmented Reality : An exploratory design study of an Augmented Reality reading experience for children to increase engagement / Väcka böcker till liv i förstärkt verklighet : En utforskande designstudie av en läsupplevelse i förstärkt verklighet till barn för att öka engagemang

Lindqvist, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Motivated by the alarming trends of decreased reading among young children and their increased use of technology, this thesis explored the design of an Augmented Reality (AR) reading experience aimed at increasing engagement among young readers in a non-educational setting. Research on technological reading experiences designed to further learning is well-established; however, fewer studies have assumed a non-educational perspective, and none have explored the naturalness of using head-mounted displays (HMD) AR. Following an exploratory Design Thinking process, a high-fidelity prototype of an HMD-AR reading experience designed to increase engagement was developed based on insights derived from related state-of-the-art research and a focus group conducted with children. The proposed AR reading experience was evaluated through tests with children aged 3-9 years old. A self-reported user engagement matrix was used to evaluate engagement based on seven different components, such as interest and challenge. The results suggest that the proposed AR reading experience had moderately positive effects on overall engagement. The engagement component interest elicited a collectively high engagement, with results indicating that reading with an interactive character in AR was the main aspect of interest. However, future research should include longitudinal testing for more conclusive results. / Motiverad av de alarmerande trenderna med minskad läsning bland unga barn och deras ökade användning av teknik, utforskade denna avhandling designen av en läsupplevelse i förstärkt verklighet (AR) avsedd att öka engagemang bland unga läsare i ett icke-pedagogiskt sammanhang. Forskning på teknologiska läsupplevelser utformade för att främja lärande är väletablerad; däremot har färre studier antagit ett icke-pedagogiskt perspektiv, och ingen har utforskat naturligheten av att använda head-mounted displays (HMD) AR. Genom att följa en explorativ design-tänkande process och baserat på insikter erhållna från relevant forskning och en fokusgrupp utförd med barn, utvecklades en fungerande prototyp av en HMD-AR-läsupplevelse designad för att öka engagemang. Den föreslagna AR-läsupplevelsen utvärderades genom tester med barn i åldrarna 3-9 år. En självrapporterad matris för användarengagemang användes för att utvärdera engagemang utifrån sju olika komponenter, däribland intresse och utmaning. Resultaten antyder att den föreslagna AR-läsupplevelsen hade måttligt positiva effekter på det övergripande engagemanget. Engagemangskomponenten intresse framkallade kollektivt högt engagemang, och resultatet indikerar att läsning tillsammans med en interaktiv karaktär i AR var den främsta aspekten av intresse. Framtida forskning bör inkludera längre studier för slutsatsgivande resultat.

Shared Reading med barn och unga : Läsledares erfarenheter av att leda läsgrupper med ungdomar i åldern 11–17 år / Shared Reading with children and young people : Reading leaders' experiences of leading reading groups with young people aged 11-17 years

Carlberg, Pernilla January 2024 (has links)
This master´s thesis is a qualitative study that examines reader leaders’ experiences of Shared Reading with children and young people aged 11-17 years. Ten reader leaders were interviewed about their arguments to work with Shared Reading with children and teenagers and whether they feel that Shared Reading contributes to increased engagement in reading among the young people they have met. The study also examines what motives the reader leaders have for working with Shared Reading in schools and if they see any problems or difficulties when working with Shared Reading in schools. To shed light on the work with Shared Reading in libraries and schools, the theory of practice architectures has been used. I conducted a qualitative interview study with ten informants. The qualitative results were analysed with content analysis.The results shows that the informants emphasize that reading aloud makes the texts accessible, even to those who are inexperienced or unwilling to read. The informants states that it gives participants a feeling of being accepted regardless of previous experiences of reading. The social context is an important part of Shared Reading. The informants appreciate the joint meaning-making and that the participants help each other to understand a text. The fact that everyone's voices are important in the group is inclusive, and to do things together in a group promotes reading engagement. Shared Reading is a method that promotes reading, but joint reading also promotes the participants' personal development and group relationships. Informants emphasize that the young participants see that people's differences and different opinions are good, and that they practice arguing and accepting the participants' different opinions. Thus, Shared Reading can promote the group's relationships and be a way of working for democratic values. Furthermore, this study shows many benefits for libraries to collaborate with schools through Shared Reading. In outreach work towards the school, Shared Reading reaches more children than those who come to the public library. By collaborating with the school and teachers, the opportunity to be more adults around reading sessions with Shared Reading increases. Informants have also experienced that young people are not used to relating reading to their own lives and that assessment affects students' relationship to text conversations and reading. Shared Reading can be a complement to the school's reading, which is more focused on an analytical reading of text and evaluative reading comprehension. Shared Reading can serve as a space free from assessment and a performance-oriented culture in schools.When young people see themselves as competent readers, it can motivate further reading. Sharing thoughts and discussing texts together with others motivates children and young people to participate in the joint reading. Informants see that the democratic and inclusive values that Shared Reading stands for can be motivating and engaging. Based on the results of this study, Shared Reading removes the barriers to reading and opens paths for literature to strengthen readers' self-confidence and reader identity. Shared Reading in libraries and schools can promote the reading of literature in a way that creates empathy, builds relationships, and is inclusive and democratic.

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