Spelling suggestions: "subject:"necess"" "subject:"recess""
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Barns handlingsutrymme under skolans raster : en etnografisk studieSöderholm, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att uppmärksamma, förstå samt öka kunskapen om funktionen och meningen med skolans rast. På så vis bidrar studien till ökad kunskap kring såväl barns perspektiv och vilket handlingsutrymme de såväl skapar som nämner som meningsskapande. Genom att använda etnografi som vetenskaplig teknik avser studien belysa rasten utifrån aktiviteter och handlingar som sker. Utifrån 50 timmars deltagande observation under en skolas förmiddags- och lunchraster består empirin av fältanteckningar, inspelade intervjuer och samtalspromenader . Data har från studiens början producerats under bearbetning, tolkning och analys av materialet. Utifrån denna har tre områden synliggjorts i såväl observationer, intervjuer och samtalspromenader. I studien redogörs detta för under följande rubriker: Skillnader i handlingsutrymme mellan flickor och pojkar, Utemiljöns betydelse för barns aktörskap och Vuxnas normer versus barns normer. Studiens resultat lyfter fram viktiga aspekter av hur barnen själva uppfattar sitt aktörskap och handlingsutrymme utifrån rastens kontext genom sina berättelser och de observationer som genomförts. Resultatet visar skillnader i agerande och handlingsutrymme utifrån kön, där flickor uttrycker ett tydligt behov i att få förhandla kring vad som ska göras under rasten. Naturliga inslag i utemiljön som träd och buskar får en större betydelse och påverkan för barns meningsskapande än rastaktiviteter. Vuxnas normer versus barnens normer skapar hinder för det handlingsutrymme som barnen har behov av, framförallt när det gäller vissa former av lek och regelsättande men resultatet visar även skillnader i hur vuxna förhåller sig till skolans rast kontra hur barnen vill att de vuxna ska agera. / The purpose of the study is to pay attention to, understand and increase the knowledge of the school's recess. In this way, the study contributes to increased knowledge about both children´s perspective and what room of action they feel they have and need in order to create meaning. By being inspired and by using ethnography as a method, the study aims to highlight the recess based on activities and actions that take place Based on 50 hours of participant observation during one school's morning and lunch breaks, the empiricism consists of field notes, interviews and walk-and-talk sessions. Data has since the beginning of the study been produced during processing, interpretation and analysis of the material. The process has made three areas visible in both observations, interviews and conversation walks. The study describes this under the following headings: Differences in space of action between girls and boys, Environmental importance for the children’s agency and Adult norms versus children's standards. The findings of the study highlight important aspects of how the children themselves perceive their agency and room of action, based on the context of the recess through their own stories and the observations made. The result shows differences in behavior and space of action based on gender, where girls express a clear need to negotiate what to do during the recess. Natural elements in the outdoor environment such as trees and shrubs have a greater significance and impact on children's meaning creation than adult controlled recess activities. Adult norms versus children's standards create barriers to the room for maneuver that the children need, especially when it comes to certain forms of play and regulation, but findings also show differences in how adults relate to the school's recess versus how the children want the adults to act.
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A Study of the Purpose and Value of Recess in Elementary Schools as Perceived by Teachers and AdministratorsBeard, Vickie 01 August 2018 (has links)
Children spend at least seven and a half hours or 46.9% of their waking hours in the school setting, which brings a unique responsibility to schools (Beighle, Erwin, Morgan, & Alderman, 2012). School systems are expected to educate children according to adopted state standards and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. The concept then is to increase knowledge by putting focus on academic achievement as well as promoting good citizenship by developing children’s social, emotional, and physical development, which happens during recess. Yet, recess and free play opportunities are on the decline in school systems across our nation. This reduction or elimination is being attributed to the federal and state accountability measures being instituted on state assessments. The growing trend is for schools to increase the amount of academic time and reduce the amount of time children can experience recess or free play opportunities. Research is being conducted through qualitative methods to assess the purpose and value of recess in the elementary school setting in a rural school district in southern middle Tennessee. Findings from this study will be useful in establishing school and district recess policies and evaluating recess practices within the district.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if a novel physical activity intervention game (Bingocize®) designed for use in confined spaces and modified to include age appropriate activities would increase the time spent engaged in physical activity (PA) during indoor recess. Methods: Fifty-two third grade children wore triaxial accelerometers during three different recess conditions. The recess conditions included: “typical” indoor recess (TIR), indoor recess with children engaged in Bingocize® (IRB), and “typical” outdoor recess (TOR). Results: There were significant (p < 0.05) differences among the recess conditions for the time spent in sedentary, light, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) intensity categories, as well as PA counts, and steps. During IRB, TIR, and TOR the subject were sedentary 42.4% (±0.10), 71.9%(±0.10), and 17.5% (±0.10) of the recess time, respectively. During IRB, TIR and TOR the subjects spent 43.4%(±0.10), 18.5%(±0.10), and 74.2%(±0.12) engaged in MVPA, respectively. Conclusions: These results indicate that Bingocize® promotes increased PA during times when inclement weather necessitates indoor recess and larger space requirements for activity are not available.
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The Effects of a Buddy Bench on Students' Solitary Behavior at RecessGriffin, Andrew Alan 01 March 2017 (has links)
Students with internalizing behaviors are often overlooked in terms of receiving interventions that could change academic outcomes and prevent problems that could have serious implications, including social withdrawal, social isolation, and suicidal ideation. Recent research has found the use of social emotional learning (SEL), school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS), and social skill instruction, to be effective in treating students with both internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. The use of peers has also shown promise in helping students with behavior problems. In this study, a multiple baseline across participants' design was used across two playgrounds to evaluate a buddy bench intervention, which utilized peers to help socially withdrawn students increase social engagement and peer interactions and decrease social isolation. All students (N = 448) in grades 1st through 6th were observed during the pre-lunch recess period. Results revealed that from baseline to intervention phases there was a decrease of between 19% (on the 4th to 6th grade playground) and 24% (on the 1st to 3rd grade playground) in the number of students engaged in solitary behavior on the playground. The majority of students reported positive attitudes towards the intervention. Teachers reported mixed feelings about the social validity of the Buddy Bench. Limitations and implications are discussed.
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Möjlighet till rörelse : En studie om sambandet mellan utbudet av faciliteter på skolgården, och lågstadieelevers fysiska aktivitet under rast. / Possibility for movement : a study of the relationship between the supply of facilities in the schoolyards, and physical activity during recess in primary school.Johansson, Robert, Andersson, Carl-Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Aim and research questions The aim of the study was to examine pupils’ physical activity on schoolyards in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities, based on the schoolyards’ design regarding supply of spaces, material, equipment and gender. The research questions were: 1. Was there any association between how well spaces, materials and equipment were represented in the schoolyards and pupils’ physical activity during recess? If so, how did the association come to expression? 2. Did the results differ from the previous question, regarding gender? If so, how did the difference come to expression? Method A total of 122 second grade pupils, from six schools, in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities participated. A systematic observation was the basis for the categorisation of the schoolyards. The schoolyards were categorised in adequate facilities and inadequate facilities. Questionnaires were distributed to the pupils’ guardians in order to identify the pupils’ socioeconomic status and everyday physical activity. Measurement of the pupils’ physical activity was done by equipping the pupils with pedometers during a morning recess. Results The results showed that girls on schoolyards with adequate facilities were more physically active than girls on schoolyards with inadequate facilities (p<0.05). No significant results on the matter were found regarding the boys. The boys in the study were more physically active than the girls during the morning recess (p <0.05). The results could not reveal that any factor in the schoolyard was more important than any other. The results also showed that the only pupils who took less than 31 steps / min were based on schoolyards with adequate facilities. Conclusion The study shows that increased supply of equipment and surfaces may well be an important aspect in order to stimulate a bigger number of girls to be physically active during recess. There are, however, pupils who are physically inactive during recess, despite a variety of surfaces and equipment available on the schoolyard. We believe it to be of utmost importance, to stimulate this group of pupils to be more physically active during recess. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka elevers fysiska aktivitet på skolgårdar i Stockholms norra kranskommuner, utifrån skolgårdarnas utformning gällande ytor, material, utrustning och kön. Frågeställningarna var följande: 1. Fanns det något samband mellan hur väl ytor, material och utrustning representerades på skolgårdarna och elevernas fysiska aktivitet under rast? Hur yttrade sig i så fall sambandet? 2. Skiljde sig resultaten i föregående frågeställning något gällande kön? Hur yttrade sig skillnaderna i så fall? Metod Sammanlagt deltog 122 elever i årskurs två, från sex skolor, i Stockholms norra kranskommuner. En systematisk observation av skolgårdarnas utformning låg till grund för en kategorisering av skolgårdarna. Skolgårdarna delades in i de två kategorierna tillräckliga faciliteter och otillräckliga faciliteter. Enkäter delades ut till elevernas målsmän med syftet att kartlägga elevernas socioekonomiska status samt fritidsaktiviteter. Mätning av elevernas fysiska aktivitet skedde genom att eleverna utrustades med stegräknare under en förmiddagsrast. Resultat Resultaten visade att flickor på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter rörde sig mer än flickor på skolgårdar med otillräckliga faciliteter (p<0,05). Bland pojkar fanns inga signifikanta resultat. Pojkarna i studien rörde sig mer än flickorna på rasten (p<0,05). Resultaten kunde inte visa på att någon faktor på skolgården var viktigare än någon annan. Resultaten visade även att de enda elever som tog mindre än 31 steg/min fanns på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter. Slutsats Studien visar att ökat utbud av utrustning och ytor kan vara en väg att gå för att stimulera fler flickor till fysisk aktivitet på rasterna. Det finns dock elever som är fysiskt inaktiva på rasten, trots att utbud av ytor och utrustning finns på skolgårdarna. Det är framförallt den gruppen elever vi anser behöver stimuleras att röra sig mer.
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Skolgårdens utformning och barns aktiviteter under raster – utifrån ett genusperspektivBergman, Mårten, Pettersson, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker vi barns aktiviteter på skolgården under raster samt om skolgårdens utformning kan påverka barnens val av aktiviteter. Vi har valt att göra denna studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Tillvägagångssättet för insamlingen av empirin utgjordes av en fallstudie som innehöll en observation på en skolgård. Resultatet i denna studie visar hur/vad/var pojkar och flickor är aktiva på skolgården. Resultatet pekar på skillnader mellan yngre och äldre barn. I de yngre åldrarna tycks aktivitetsvalen mellan pojkar och flickor vara relativt liknande, samt att barnen utan problem kan interagera och leka tillsammans i könsblandade konstellationer. Samtidigt visar studien att mellanstadiebarnens val av aktiviteter skiljs åt mellan pojkar och flickor i större utsträckning än för barnen på lågstadiet. Resultatet visar att barnen i mellanstadieåldern sällan leker könsblandat. Studiens resultat är baserat ur ett grupperspektiv och inte på individnivå, vi vill påpeka att det fanns pojkar och flickor i både låg- och mellanstadiet som stod utanför resultatets slutsats. Resultatet bekräftar de tydliga könsmönstren som råder i dagens samhälle med få undantag. Dessa undantag pekar på enskilda individer som medvetet eller omedveten väljer att bryta klassiska könsmönster i aktiviteter och lekar. I diskussionen kommer vi fram till att det råder klassiska stereotypa könsmönster i lekar och aktiviteter på skolgården. Pojkar och flickor på X-skolan verkar hålla sig till den genusmall som råder i samhället, exempelvis verkar mellanstadieflickorna inte vara beredd att genom leken offra den ”bild” av vad femininitet är. Istället ägnar flickorna sig åt stillasittande aktiviteter som passar den feminina mallen bättre.
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In a well-defined subrecess in the Appalachian thrust belt in northwestern Georgia, two distinct regional strike directions intersect at approximately 50°. Fault intersections and interference folds enable tracing of both structural strikes. Around the subrecess, tectonically thickened weak stratigraphic layers—shales of the Cambrian Conasauga Formation—accommodated ductile deformation associated with the folding and faulting of the overlying Cambrian–Ordovician regional competent layer. The structures in the competent layer are analogous to those over ductile duplexes (mushwads) documented along strike to the southwest in Alabama.
The intersection and fold interference exemplify a long-standing problem in volume balancing of palinspastic reconstructions of sinuous thrust belts. Cross sections generally are constructed perpendicular to structural strike, parallel to the assumed slip direction. An array of cross sections around a structural bend may be restored and balanced individually; however, restorations perpendicular to strike across intersecting thrust faults yield an imbalance in the along-strike lengths of frontal ramps. The restoration leads to a similar imbalance in the surface area of a stratigraphic horizon, reflecting volume imbalance in three dimensions.
The tectonic thickening of the weak-layer shales is evident in palinspastically restored cross sections, which demonstrate as much as 100% increase in volume over the restored-state cross sections. The cause of the surplus shale volume is likely prethrusting deposition of thick shale in a basement graben that was later inverted. The volume balance of the ductile duplex is critical for palinspastic reconstruction of the recess, and for the kinematic history and mechanics of the ductile duplex.
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A comparison of children's heart rates during physical education class and recess timeWerling, Beverly A. January 1997 (has links)
This study investigated the heart rates of children in the first, third, and fifth grades of two schools during physical education class and recess time. One hundred and nine children (56 females, 53 males) participated in the eight-week study. Each participant wore a Polar Vantage XL receptor strap and watch receiver during physical education class and recess time on the same day. The average heart rates and percentage of time in and above the target heart zone of 150 to 200 beats per minute were recorded. A MANOVA analysis revealed no significant difference between heart rates during physical education and recess over the eight-week period. Gender differences, however, were significant as boys average heart rates were higher than girls and boys were in or above the target heart zone a higher percentage of the time than girls. This difference was especially evident at recess. / Fisher Institute for Wellness
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Increasing Physical Activity in Elementary School ClassroomsHecht, Mindy Feldman January 2020 (has links)
The benefits of physical activity (PA) for children are well-researched and extend into the realms of physical health, mental health and executive function (EF). Nonetheless, most U.S. children fail to meet the recommended target of daily PA. Although elementary schools can provide an ideal setting for PA, school-based PA time has been reduced in favor of increased sedentary instructional time. This contradicts research that supports the role of PA in enhancing students’ EF and academic achievement. Moreover, low-income and minority populations have inequitable access to school-based PA opportunities. For these reasons, researchers and public health officials have proposed integrating additional opportunities for PA during the school day, including classroom-based active breaks. This dissertation aims to study existing U.S. classroom-based active break programs, examine the feasibility of implementing a classroom-based active break program and analyze the impact of an integrated program on both PA and EF, all among underserved, minority populations.
This dissertation includes four chapters in total. The second chapter is a systematic review that evaluated the impact of school-based PA interventions on children’s PA, with a focus on diverse populations. The third chapter describes a pilot study that assessed the feasibility of implementing a classroom PA program (HYPE) in a diverse urban setting. Teacher and student acceptability of HYPE were evaluated, as well as HYPE’s impact on student PA. HYPE was feasible and well-received, although time and space were challenges. Children’s median step count/day increased.
The waitlist-control study presented in Chapter IV examined whether a multifaceted program (“POWER”) that incorporates both PA and EF would impact fifth graders positively. We also investigated whether POWER could assist teachers with classroom behavioral management. Overall, the positive changes in the intervention group and their favorable reception of POWER demonstrate the ability of POWER to improve children’s socioemotional, mental and physical health.
Altogether, these studies highlight the potential for school-based PA interventions to improve the holistic wellbeing of children, particularly low-income, minority youth. Interventions that incorporate a teacher-led, multimodal approach to improving children’s PA and EF synergistically may be well-received by administrators, teachers and students and help children adopt healthy, lifelong habits.
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Environmental Deficit Phenomenon: The Effect of Recess on Attention and Emotion Regulation and Implications for the Connectedness of People and the Natural WorldBates, Lauren January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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