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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecological Schoolyards Landscapes of Empowerment

Belcher, Sarah E. 06 January 2004 (has links)
This thesis explores the ecological design of schoolyard environments. It employs a systems approach, and considers energy, hydrologic, biotic, and social systems and their interrelation. The question of how to integrate experiential learning with the school landscape is also examined, as the concept of empowerment through experience in the landscape is a strong component of this project. With insights gained from an extensive literature review, the author tests the design position through the design explorations of a single schoolyard. The design process, described herein, illustrates the potential for ecological schoolyard design. / Master of Landscape Architecture

Exploring the schoolyard: potentials for creating a learning-rich environment at Bergman Elementary School

Talbert, Scot Boyd January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Mary C. Kingery-Page / The landscapes that surround our elementary schools today do very little to support the education being taught in the classrooms, and often fail to meet the most basic needs of children. This is due to a myriad of different reasons, such as budget-tight school districts spending very little of their resources on outside learning environments, fear of litigation leading to sterile and lifeless schoolyards, and lack of time and resources for educators to implement desired changes. Children learn through direct interactive experience and, as a result, they need complexity and variety in the landscape to stimulate their imaginations and promote self-guided learning. A natural outdoor environment is ideally suited for both interactive learning and a diversity of experiences. Many schools are missing an opportunity to make their outdoor spaces into interactive learning environments. This report explores the issues and opportunities to create stimulating environments at Frank V. Bergman Elementary School in Manhattan, Kansas. Numerous studies have identified the benefits of interactive natural environments on children’s development and academic performance(Moore and Wong 1997; Louv 2008; Bell and Dyment 2006;Fjortoft 2001; Malone and Tranter 2003). Building upon this research, goals and objectives for Bergman’s schoolyard are outlined that focus on creating a positive learning environment for all students, supporting school curriculum, encouraging interaction with nature, and linking the schoolyard to the surrounding community. A master plan for Bergman’s schoolyard is presented. The plan addresses the current needs of the schoolyard to improve accessibility. In addition, the master plan presents ideas for strengthening the circulation pathways to connect all areas of the schoolyard together, developing outdoor classroom spaces with connections to state academic standards, and incorporating community amenity features into the landscape. Recommendations for construction, maintenance, and phasing are suggested.

Therapeutic schoolyard: design for children with autism

King, Chelsey January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Mary Catherine (Katie) Kingery-Page / It is estimated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that approximately 1 in every 88 children are diagnosed with some level of autism or various degrees of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (2012). Pervasive Developmental Disorders are commonly referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorders (and hereafter referred to as autism). Many children with autism have difficulty communicating, must cope with their disorder, and may need special considerations in the classroom. Needs of children with autism vary from child to child, but they all can benefit from environments that are designed with awareness of challenges and characteristics associated with autism. Schoolyards commonly contain asphalt, turf, and traditional play structures that do not take into consideration the needs of children with mental or physical disabilities. However, schoolyards can be designed to provide therapeutic benefits on these children without segregating them from the larger school community. In order to understand how a schoolyard might be designed as a therapeutic environment for children with autism the challenges, needs, and common therapies for children with autism must be understood. The characteristics of therapeutic landscapes for children must be considered in addition. After examining both therapeutic landscapes and the many facets of autism, the researcher applied lessons learned to the design of a schoolyard master plan for Amanda Arnold Elementary School in Manhattan, Kansas.

Floodplains on the prairie: an ecological schoolyard design

Weatherholt, Laura January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture, Regional and Community Planning / Mary Catherine (Katie) Kingery-Page / Man has been learning in the outdoors since the beginning of humankind. Modern times have reduced the amount of time people spend learning and exploring outside. This causes humans to be disconnected from the natural environment. By making schoolyards more environmentally focused, conducive to outdoor education and play, formal education can return to the original classroom–nature– and inspire people to reconnect with their environment. Much literature supports the ideas of aligning the efforts of play and education, environmental interpretation and education, and outdoor education with formal education; by incorporating all of these elements in a schoolyard, the potential for enriched learning is greatly increased. This project explores nature interpretation strategies used by public botanic gardens and translates these strategies to an ecological schoolyard. At Northview Elementary School in Manhattan, Kansas, the students face a simple, sterile play-yard with flooding limiting site use after storm events. The design for Northview Elementary will integrate stormwater features with school needs into a new ecological master plan for campus. Interpreting this landscape using the strategies adapted from botanical gardens for educational approaches, methods, and interpretive displays, provides the school and community a resource to enhance their lives, education, and the environment.

Trygg på skolgården? : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som skapar trygghet och otrygghet enligt yngre elever. / Safe at schoolyard? : A qualitative study on the factors that create security and insecurity according to young students

Andersson , Jessica, Frisén, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Enligt styrdokumenten är det lärarens ansvar att få varje elev att känna sig trygg. Syftet är att genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever i årskurs 2-3 visa faktorer som kan innebära trygghet respektive otrygghet på en skolgård. Avsikten är att härigenom identifiera faktorer som påverkar elevers upplevelser av trygghet respektive otrygghet. Vi vill också undersöka om det finns särskilda områden som utgör potentiella riskzoner för eleverna.   Vi började med att göra en pilotstudie som testade frågorna. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med elever i årskurs 4-5. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med fokusgruppintervjuer. Det genomfördes fem stycken fokusgruppintervjuer med fem elever vid varje intervju.   Vårt resultat visar upp flera faktorer som eleverna antingen upplevde som skapande av trygghet eller av otrygghet. De faktorer som angavs som bidragande till trygghet var bekräftelse ifrån kompisar, att lek skapar gemenskap, skolgårdens storlek, utrymme för lek, tillgång till lekmaterial, frihet i att kunna välja aktivitet och lärarnas närvaro. Faktorer som bidrog till otrygghet var bråk, utanförskap, fordonstrafik och lärarnas frånvaro. Resultat visar också på var det existerar potentiella riskzoner för elever. Slutligen dras det slutsatser om hur trygghet är bundet till det sociala samspelet och en kategorisering av elevutsagor ifrån helt trygg till otrygg görs.   I diskussionen reflekterar vi kring den valda metoden. Därefter diskuteras resultatet och litteraturen i förhållande till den problematik som kan uppstå när man arbetar med olika elever. Även det sociala samspelets positiva fördelar och utanförskapets nackdelar diskuteras samt de pedagogiska implikationer som berör kompisrelationer och konfliktlösning. Slutligen ges förslag på vidare forskning. / According to the steering documents it is the teacher's responsibility to make every student feel safe. The aim is that through interviews with students in grades 2-3 from the focus groups show the factors that can provide security and insecurity in a schoolyard, in order to provide identifying factors that affect students' perception of security and insecurity. We also want to examine whether there are specific areas that constitute potential risk zones for students.   We began by doing a pilot study to test the questions. Subsequently we conducted interviews with students in grades 4-5. We have used a qualitative approach with focus interviews. Five focus interviews with five students at each interview were performed.   Our results show several factors that students either felt created security or insecurity. The factors identified as contributing to security was confirmation from friends, the game creates community, the size of the schoolyard and space for play, access to playmaterial, freedom to choose the activity and the teachers' presence. Factors that contributed to the insecurity was a fight, exclusion, vehicular and teachers' absence. Results also show where there is potential danger zones for students. Finally, the conclusions drawn about how security is tied to social interaction and a categorization of student statements from entirely safe to precarious was made.   In the discussion we reflect on the method chosen. Then discussed the results and the literature in relation to the problems that can arise when working with different students. Although the social interaction positive advantages and disadvantages discussed utanförskapets and the pedagogical implications affecting friend relations and conflict resolution. Finally, suggestions for further research.

Möjlighet till rörelse : En studie om sambandet mellan utbudet av faciliteter på skolgården, och lågstadieelevers fysiska aktivitet under rast. / Possibility for movement : a study of the relationship between the supply of facilities in the schoolyards, and physical activity during recess in primary school.

Johansson, Robert, Andersson, Carl-Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Aim and research questions The aim of the study was to examine pupils’ physical activity on schoolyards in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities, based on the schoolyards’ design regarding supply of spaces, material, equipment and gender. The research questions were: 1. Was there any association between how well spaces, materials and equipment were represented in the schoolyards and pupils’ physical activity during recess? If so, how did the association come to expression? 2. Did the results differ from the previous question, regarding gender? If so, how did the difference come to expression? Method A total of 122 second grade pupils, from six schools, in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities participated. A systematic observation was the basis for the categorisation of the schoolyards. The schoolyards were categorised in adequate facilities and inadequate facilities. Questionnaires were distributed to the pupils’ guardians in order to identify the pupils’ socioeconomic status and everyday physical activity. Measurement of the pupils’ physical activity was done by equipping the pupils with pedometers during a morning recess. Results The results showed that girls on schoolyards with adequate facilities were more physically active than girls on schoolyards with inadequate facilities (p<0.05). No significant results on the matter were found regarding the boys. The boys in the study were more physically active than the girls during the morning recess (p <0.05). The results could not reveal that any factor in the schoolyard was more important than any other. The results also showed that the only pupils who took less than 31 steps / min were based on schoolyards with adequate facilities. Conclusion The study shows that increased supply of equipment and surfaces may well be an important aspect in order to stimulate a bigger number of girls to be physically active during recess. There are, however, pupils who are physically inactive during recess, despite a variety of surfaces and equipment available on the schoolyard. We believe it to be of utmost importance, to stimulate this group of pupils to be more physically active during recess. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka elevers fysiska aktivitet på skolgårdar i Stockholms norra kranskommuner, utifrån skolgårdarnas utformning gällande ytor, material, utrustning och kön. Frågeställningarna var följande: 1. Fanns det något samband mellan hur väl ytor, material och utrustning representerades på skolgårdarna och elevernas fysiska aktivitet under rast? Hur yttrade sig i så fall sambandet? 2. Skiljde sig resultaten i föregående frågeställning något gällande kön? Hur yttrade sig skillnaderna i så fall? Metod Sammanlagt deltog 122 elever i årskurs två, från sex skolor, i Stockholms norra kranskommuner. En systematisk observation av skolgårdarnas utformning låg till grund för en kategorisering av skolgårdarna. Skolgårdarna delades in i de två kategorierna tillräckliga faciliteter och otillräckliga faciliteter. Enkäter delades ut till elevernas målsmän med syftet att kartlägga elevernas socioekonomiska status samt fritidsaktiviteter. Mätning av elevernas fysiska aktivitet skedde genom att eleverna utrustades med stegräknare under en förmiddagsrast. Resultat Resultaten visade att flickor på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter rörde sig mer än flickor på skolgårdar med otillräckliga faciliteter (p<0,05). Bland pojkar fanns inga signifikanta resultat. Pojkarna i studien rörde sig mer än flickorna på rasten (p<0,05). Resultaten kunde inte visa på att någon faktor på skolgården var viktigare än någon annan. Resultaten visade även att de enda elever som tog mindre än 31 steg/min fanns på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter. Slutsats Studien visar att ökat utbud av utrustning och ytor kan vara en väg att gå för att stimulera fler flickor till fysisk aktivitet på rasterna. Det finns dock elever som är fysiskt inaktiva på rasten, trots att utbud av ytor och utrustning finns på skolgårdarna. Det är framförallt den gruppen elever vi anser behöver stimuleras att röra sig mer.

Man kan ju inte gå ut på en utevistelse och tro att man går ut på rast : En studie om förskollärares syn på förskolegården som pedagogisk miljö / You can’t act as you are on a break, when being outside : A study on pre-school teachers’ view upon the schoolyard as a pedagogical environment

Christensen, Ida, Isaksson, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
Vårt syfte med denna studie är att beskriva hur förskollärare planerar och stimulerar barns lärande ute på förskolegården, samt vilken roll förskollärare har i de planerade respektive de fria aktiviteterna på förskolegården. För att få svar på våra frågeställningar har vi intervjuat sex förskollärare på fyra olika förskolor utan någon uttalad utomhusprofilering. Resultatet av studien visar att det måste finnas ett syfte med utevistelsen på förskolegården. Det behövs en jämn fördelning av förskollärarens arbetsuppgifter vad gäller tid för observation, planering och genomförande av pedagogiska aktiviteter. Förskollärarna i studien menar att de även behöver tid för andhämtning, vilket det främst ges utrymme till i förskolans utemiljö. Förskolegården ses som en bra pedagogisk miljö för barnen att leka fritt i, där vuxna också har möjlighet att observera barnen. Barnen väljer företrädelsevis att leka i den naturmiljö som finns tillgänglig på förskolegården. Däremot används inte denna miljö i den pedagogiskt planerade verksamheten i så stor utsträckning som den skulle kunna göra. Vår tolkning är att miljön utanför förskolans gränser ges högre pedagogiskt värde än den som finns inne på förskolegården.

Skolgårdens utformning och barns aktiviteter under raster – utifrån ett genusperspektiv

Bergman, Mårten, Pettersson, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker vi barns aktiviteter på skolgården under raster samt om skolgårdens utformning kan påverka barnens val av aktiviteter. Vi har valt att göra denna studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Tillvägagångssättet för insamlingen av empirin utgjordes av en fallstudie som innehöll en observation på en skolgård. Resultatet i denna studie visar hur/vad/var pojkar och flickor är aktiva på skolgården. Resultatet pekar på skillnader mellan yngre och äldre barn. I de yngre åldrarna tycks aktivitetsvalen mellan pojkar och flickor vara relativt liknande, samt att barnen utan problem kan interagera och leka tillsammans i könsblandade konstellationer. Samtidigt visar studien att mellanstadiebarnens val av aktiviteter skiljs åt mellan pojkar och flickor i större utsträckning än för barnen på lågstadiet. Resultatet visar att barnen i mellanstadieåldern sällan leker könsblandat. Studiens resultat är baserat ur ett grupperspektiv och inte på individnivå, vi vill påpeka att det fanns pojkar och flickor i både låg- och mellanstadiet som stod utanför resultatets slutsats. Resultatet bekräftar de tydliga könsmönstren som råder i dagens samhälle med få undantag. Dessa undantag pekar på enskilda individer som medvetet eller omedveten väljer att bryta klassiska könsmönster i aktiviteter och lekar. I diskussionen kommer vi fram till att det råder klassiska stereotypa könsmönster i lekar och aktiviteter på skolgården. Pojkar och flickor på X-skolan verkar hålla sig till den genusmall som råder i samhället, exempelvis verkar mellanstadieflickorna inte vara beredd att genom leken offra den ”bild” av vad femininitet är. Istället ägnar flickorna sig åt stillasittande aktiviteter som passar den feminina mallen bättre.

Rethinking the landscapes of learning: the power of place on children's identities

Carey, Marie 09 April 2015 (has links)
This practicum investigates the role of landscape architects in identifying and understanding the development of place identity in children with application to schoolyard design, specifically in Lorette, Manitoba. Through a review of literature, design principles were developed to reflect place identity, as well as enable outdoor learning experiences, cognitive development, and provide long-term community investment in the success of the project. These principles were used to direct a series of case studies, which helped inform design features in the conceptual design section of this practicum. Community engagement became integral to the design process, where students, staff and community members were invited to participate and share their opinions about Lorette, the current schoolyard and suggestions for the future schoolyard. The conceptual design integrates elements representative of local culture and history, all the while emphasizing connecting children to naturalized outdoor spaces, bringing learning outdoors and providing children with places to play.

Trygg på skolgården? : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som skapar trygghet och otrygghet enligt yngre elever. / Safe at schoolyard? : A qualitative study on the factors that create security and insecurity according to young students

Andersson , Jessica, Frisén, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Enligt styrdokumenten är det lärarens ansvar att få varje elev att känna sig trygg. Syftet är att genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever i årskurs 2-3 visa faktorer som kan innebära trygghet respektive otrygghet på en skolgård. Avsikten är att härigenom identifiera faktorer som påverkar elevers upplevelser av trygghet respektive otrygghet. Vi vill också undersöka om det finns särskilda områden som utgör potentiella riskzoner för eleverna.</p><p> </p><p>Vi började med att göra en pilotstudie som testade frågorna. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med elever i årskurs 4-5. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med fokusgruppintervjuer. Det genomfördes fem stycken fokusgruppintervjuer med fem elever vid varje intervju.</p><p> </p><p>Vårt resultat visar upp flera faktorer som eleverna antingen upplevde som skapande av trygghet eller av otrygghet. De faktorer som angavs som bidragande till trygghet var bekräftelse ifrån kompisar, att lek skapar gemenskap, skolgårdens storlek, utrymme för lek, tillgång till lekmaterial, frihet i att kunna välja aktivitet och lärarnas närvaro. Faktorer som bidrog till otrygghet var bråk, utanförskap, fordonstrafik och lärarnas frånvaro. Resultat visar också på var det existerar potentiella riskzoner för elever. Slutligen dras det slutsatser om hur trygghet är bundet till det sociala samspelet och en kategorisering av elevutsagor ifrån helt trygg till otrygg görs.</p><p> </p><p>I diskussionen reflekterar vi kring den valda metoden. Därefter diskuteras resultatet och litteraturen i förhållande till den problematik som kan uppstå när man arbetar med olika elever. Även det sociala samspelets positiva fördelar och utanförskapets nackdelar diskuteras samt de pedagogiska implikationer som berör kompisrelationer och konfliktlösning. Slutligen ges förslag på vidare forskning.</p><p> </p> / <p>According to the steering documents it is the teacher's responsibility to make every student feel safe. The aim is that through interviews with students in grades 2-3 from the focus groups show the factors that can provide security and insecurity in a schoolyard, in order to provide identifying factors that affect students' perception of security and insecurity. We also want to examine whether there are specific areas that constitute potential risk zones for students.</p><p> </p><p>We began by doing a pilot study to test the questions. Subsequently we conducted interviews with students in grades 4-5. We have used a qualitative approach with focus interviews. Five focus interviews with five students at each interview were performed.</p><p> </p><p>Our results show several factors that students either felt created security or insecurity. The factors identified as contributing to security was confirmation from friends, the game creates community, the size of the schoolyard and space for play, access to playmaterial, freedom to choose the activity and the teachers' presence. Factors that contributed to the insecurity was a fight, exclusion, vehicular and teachers' absence. Results also show where there is potential danger zones for students. Finally, the conclusions drawn about how security is tied to social interaction and a categorization of student statements from entirely safe to precarious was made.</p><p> </p><p>In the discussion we reflect on the method chosen. Then discussed the results and the literature in relation to the problems that can arise when working with different students. Although the social interaction positive advantages and disadvantages discussed utanförskapets and the pedagogical implications affecting friend relations and conflict resolution. Finally, suggestions for further research.</p>

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