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Rezas, ervas e búzios: religiosidades e práticas de cura na "Ilha da Magia" um exercício histórico no tempo presente / Prayers, herbs and shells: religiosity and practices of crude on the "Isle of Magic", a historical exercise in the present tense.Martins, Marcelo Sabino 16 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The goal of this work is to map religious healing and myth-magic practices, pointing them at the present time on Ilha de Santa Catarina. The text runs around the hypothesis that they reveal world views which, like in the second half of 20th century, remains in the memories of many inhabitants of the Island in 19th century. The evaluated corpus is constituted, basically, of written texts and ads featured in local newspapers, such as in almanacs, pamphlets, and printed and handwritten prayers, photographs, pictures from the period corresponding to the second half of 20th century and to the beginning years of 19th century. The argument presented in this essay tries showing that, in that period s Ilha de Santa Catarina , there is an written texts production which is intended to be read from and to a specific amount of the population as an attempt to civilize the body-healing practices through reading / O objetivo deste trabalho é mapear práticas de curas religiosas e mito-mágicas, localizando-as no tempo presente na Ilha de Santa Catarina. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que elas revelam visões de mundo que, assim como na segunda metade do século XX, continuam a existir e residir na memória de muitos moradores da Ilha no século XXI. O corpus em apreço se constitui, principalmente, de textos e anúncios escritos veiculados em jornais locais, além de almanaques, panfletos, orações manuscritas ou impressas, fotografias, imagens, do período correspondente à segunda metade do século XX e aos primeiros anos do século XXI. A discussão apresentada nesta dissertação busca mostrar que, na Ilha de Santa Catarina nesse período, há uma produção de textos escritos que é dada a ler por e para uma determinada parcela da população como uma tentativa de civilizar as práticas de cura do corpo via leitura
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Slovesné projevy nepomucenské úcty zachycené svatojanským dotazníkem Viléma Bitnara / Verbal Expressions of Reverence for St. John of Nepomuk in Vilém Bitnar's Saint-John-QuestionnaireBoukal, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Verbal Expressions of Reverence for St. John of Nepomuk in Vilém Bitnar's Saint-John- Questionnaire The goal of this thesis is a description of verbal expressions of reverence (legends, songs, prayers etc.) for St. John of Nepomuk in the Czech lands, which were collected by Výbor svatojanský in the questionnaire edited by Vilém Bitnar. This questionnaire was sent out to Czech and Moravian parishes at the occasion of the 200th anniversary of canonization of St. John of Nepomuk in 1929 and now it is deposited in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature in Bitnar's estate. The mutual points in the questionnaire are seeked as well as regional specifics. These are situated into context of trends in religious life in the Czech lands in 1920s in general and also of relationship between contemporary Czech society and the Roman Catholic Church with reverence for St. John of Nepomuk. Bitnar's questionnaire is also situated into context of other Bitnar's scientific and publication activities. Keywords Hagiography; hymnology; St. John of Nepomuk; Vilém Bitnar; religiousness; legend; religious song; First Czechoslovak Republic
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A Mixed Qualitative Investigation of the Gender Conceptions of White, Heterosexual, Cisgender, Catholic MenGerdes, Zachary 02 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A teoria evolutiva é considerada um dos eixos organizadores da biologia. No entanto, seu ensino enfrenta diversas dificuldades em vários países. No Brasil, a resistência à teoria evolutiva é mais comum entre os evangélicos pentecostais e neopentecostais, grupos religiosos que passaram por intenso crescimento ao longo das últimas décadas. Nesta pesquisa, investigamos o ensino de evolução em duas escolas da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Realizamos observações ao longo de nove meses, em turmas de primeiro ano do ensino médio, entrevistas com professores e estudantes e aplicamos um questionário aos últimos. Os resultados indicam grande complexidade e diversidade em relação às concepções de criacionismo e evolução por parte dos professores e estudantes, mesmo dentre os evangélicos pentecostais e neopentecostais. Poucos conflitos foram observados em sala de aula, porém eles foram expressos nas entrevistas e nos questionários. Os dados quantitativos indicam que os estudantes evangélicos tendem a aceitar mais a narrativa bíblica para a origem dos seres vivos e possuir maiores índices de religiosidade do que os demais grupos religiosos. Concluímos que mais pesquisas sobre as discussões sobre essa temática nas aulas de biologia são fundamentais para que estratégias didáticas que visem o entendimento da teoria evolutiva sejam desenvolvidas. / [en] The evolutionary theory is considered one of main axes of biology. However, its teaching faces many difficulties in several countries. In Brazil, the resistance to evolutionary theory is more common among Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal, religious groups that have strongly grown over the past decades. In this study, we investigated the teaching of evolution in two schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We performed observations over nine months in classes of the first year of high school, interviews with teachers and students and applied a questionnaire to latter. The results indicate great complexity and diversity in relation to the concepts of creationism and evolution among teachers and students, even among the Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal. Few conflicts were observed in the classroom, but they were expressed in the interviews and questionnaires. Quantitative data indicate that Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal students tend to accept more the biblical account of the origin of living beings and have greater religiosity rates than other religious groups. We conclude that more research on this topic in biology classes are essential to develop teaching strategies aimed at understanding the evolutionary theory.
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Prenatal Substance Use: Religious Women Report Lower Use Rates, but Do They Use Less?Clements, Andrea D., Cyphers, Natalie A. 27 May 2019 (has links)
An inverse relationship exists between self-reported religiousness and substance use. However, we question whether religious culture impacts the veracity of self-reported substance use. The primary aim of this study of low-income pregnant women in South Central Appalachia was to determine the accuracy of self-reported substance use in pregnant women as well as to determine whether there were differences in use rates and/or differences in the degree to which women would accurately report substance use depending on their religiousness. Self-reported use and toxicology screening results taken from a larger prospective, longitudinal, smoking cessation study were compared for five substances (cannabinoids [marijuana or other cannabinoids], benz/barb/sed [including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or any sedative], opioids [including heroin, methadone or other medication-assisted treatment medications, or other opiates], crack/cocaine [crack or cocaine], and meth/amph [including methamphetamine or any other amphetamine]). Women who attend church frequently reported lower rates of substance use than infrequent or nonattenders, as did women who rated themselves as high in intrinsic religiosity (IR), although the difference between high and low groups is less extreme for IR as opposed to attendance. Women who attended church frequently were far less likely to report use or to have use confirmed than any of the other groups including those high in IR. Rates of positive toxicology screens did not differ statistically across religiousness groupings, but the pattern of proportionally fewer positive toxicology results was seen in frequent attenders but not in women self-reporting as high IR. Women’s tendency to underreport substance use was unrelated to religiousness variables, indicating underreporting is not necessarily driving this difference in reported substance use.
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[pt] Os adultos emergentes de 18 a 29 anos estão na fase do desenvolvimento
que precede a vida adulta marcada pela autonomia e independência. Além dos
desafios peculiares, a pandemia da COVID 19 os expôs à maior tragédia
humanitária desde a segunda guerra mundial. O estudo propôs avaliar a
espiritualidade, religiosidade, materialismo e ansiedade perante a morte como
preditores para presença e busca de sentido neste contexto sociocultural com
intensas ameaças psíquicas. A pesquisa obteve 434 respondentes brasileiros e 615
portugueses. O objetivo da investigação foi verificar o quanto religiosidade,
espiritualidade, materialismo e ansiedade perante a morte podem explicar a
presença e a busca de sentido de vida. Após averiguar os dados de cada país, fez-se
uma comparação dos resultados. O estudo utilizou-se dos instrumentos: Escala de
Sentido de Vida (Steger et al., 2006); Escala de Não-Religiosidade e Não-Espiritualidade (Cragun, 2015); Escala de Materialismo (Richins, 2004) e o
Questionário de Ansiedade Perante a Morte (Conte et al., 1982). Os resultados
demonstraram seguintes os resultados tanto para os respondentes brasileiros quanto
portugueses: (1) a religiosidade predisse a presença de sentido na vida. Uma menor
religiosidade explicou a busca pelo sentido; (2) a espiritualidade não explicou
presença de sentido, mas explicou a busca pelo sentido na vida; (3) o materialismo
não explicou nem a presença e nem a busca do sentido de vida; (4) por fim, a menor
ansiedade de morte predisse a presença de sentido. A análise qualitativa da pergunta
Sena, Alexandre Rodrigues; Pessôa Luciana Fontes; Lins, Samuel Lincoln
Bezerra. Religiosidade, espiritualidade, materialismo e ansiedade de
morte como preditores do sentido de vida dos adultos emergentes. Rio
de Janeiro, 2023. 240p. Tese de Doutorado – Departamento de Psicologia,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
aberta: o que lhe vem à mente quando pensa sobre o sentido da vida?, foi realizada
a partir do software IRAMUTEQ. O estudo dos dados textuais revelou que
agnósticos e sem religião possuem menor presença de sentido e, consequentemente,
estão numa busca mais intensa pelo sentido de vida. A análise de correlações e o
teste t corroboraram com os resultados encontrados nas regressões e na análise
qualitativa. A investigação contribui para a compreensão do sentido de vida dos
adultos emergentes. A presença de sentido de vida demonstrou a possibilidade de
maior saúde psicológica e bem-estar durante o enfrentamento da pandemia da
COVID 19. / [en] Emerging adults from 18 to 29 years old are in the development phase that
precedes adult life marked by autonomy and independence. In addition to the
unique challenges, the COVID 19 pandemic has exposed them to the greatest
humanitarian tragedy since the second World War. The study aims at evaluating
spirituality, religiosity, materialism and anxiety before death as predictors for
presence and search for meaning in this sociocultural context with intense psychic
threats. The survey obtained 434 Brazilian and 615 Portuguese respondents. The
objective was to verify how much religiosity, spirituality, materialism and anxiety
before death can explain the presence and the search for meaning in life. After
examining the data for each country, the results were compared. The study used
instruments as Meaning of Life Scale (Steger et al., 2006); Non-Religiousness and
Non-Spirituality Scale (Cragun, 2015); Materialism Scale (Richins, 2004) and the
Death Anxiety Questionnaire (Conte et al., 1982). The results showed the following
results for both Brazilian and Portuguese respondents: (1) religiosity predicted the
presence of meaning in life. Less religiosity explained the search for meaning; (2)
spirituality did not explain the presence of meaning, but it did explain the search
for meaning in life; (3) materialism did not explain neither the presence nor the
search for the meaning of life; (4) finally, lower death anxiety predicted the
presence of meaning. The qualitative analysis of the open question: What comes
Sena, Alexandre Rodrigues; Pessôa Luciana Fontes (Advisor); Lins,
Samuel Lincoln Bezerra (Co-advisor). Religiosity, spirituality,
materialism and death anxiety as predictors of the meaning of life of
emerging adults. Rio de Janeiro, 2023. 240p. Tese de Doutorado –
Departamento de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
to your mind when you think about the meaning of life? was performed using the
IRAMUTEQ software. The study of textual data revealed that agnostics and those
without religion have less presence of meaning and, consequently, are in a more
intense search for life meaning. The analysis of correlations and the t test
corroborated the results found in the regressions and in the qualitative analysis. The
investigation contributes to understanding the life meaning of emerging adults. The
presence of meaning in life demonstrated the possibility of greater psychological
health and well-being while facing the COVID 19 pandemic.
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Sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet - en jämförande studie av beroendebehandlare i kriminal- och beroendevårdHultén Sandeheim, Jonna January 2011 (has links)
Religiositet och andlighet tycks ha samband med fysisk och psykisk hälsa. I uppsatsen undersöks sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet, två grupper behandlare jämförs och mätegenskaper hos skalorna Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs Field-Test Instrument (WHOQOL-SRPB), Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS), Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) och Utbrändhet i arbetet (UA) undersöks. Studiedeltagarna var 38 programledare för kriminalvårdens tolvstegsprogram och 39 behandlare i ett psykoterapinätverk inom beroendevården (svarsfrekvens 61,5%). Andlighet korrelerade med personlig prestation (personal accomplishment; r = 0,315, p < 0,05). I beroendevården fanns ett samband mellan hög grad av andlighet/religiositet och högre grad av utbrändhet. Studien visar att andlighet skulle kunna ge ökat självförtroende, och genom detta påverka hälsa och allmänt välbefinnande samt att effekten av andlighet/religiositet verkar vara positiv i andliga/religiösa sammanhang men inte i mer sekulariserade miljöer. Slutligen konstateras att validiteten hos utbrändhetsmåtten kan ifrågasättas och att vidare utveckling av andlighetsmåtten bör ske.
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Existentiell hälsa: En litteraturstudie / Existential health: A literature studyIlic, Martina, Martinsson Axell, Charlotta January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Enligt World Health Organisation (WHO) definieras hälsa som ett tillstånd av fysiskt, mentalt och socialt välbefinnande och inte endast frånvaro av sjukdom. Utifrån denna definition kan en människa uppleva hälsa och livskvalitet hela livet, oavsett ålder, diagnos eller prognos. Förhållningssättet till livet påverkar den självskattade psykiska, fysiska och sociala hälsan. I Sverige används begreppet existentiell medan begreppet andlig oftast används internationellt. Både existentiell och andlig relaterar till en inre dimension som interagerar med den yttre världen; den egna kroppen, andra människor och de sekulär eller religiösa system som en individ kan relatera till. Syfte: Syftet är att bedöma hur WHO:s åtta faktorer för existentiell hälsa definieras och hur de används i vetenskapliga studier. Metod:Studien bygger på en litteraturstudie i vilken tjugo vetenskapliga artiklar granskats och analyserats. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier, som undersöker existentiell hälsa har inkluderats. För att besvara forskningsfrågan och uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats valts för att söka en slutsats utifrån tidigare forskning. De vetenskapliga artiklarna som valts ut har inhämtats via tillförlitliga databaser som PsychInfo, PubMed, SwePub,Google Scholar, och från Socialmedicinsk tidskrift. Resultat: Vid analys av artiklarnas innehåll har vi använt följande teman: andlig kontakt, mening och syfte med livet, upplevelse av förundran, helhet och integration, andlig styrka, harmoni och inre frid, hoppfullhet och optimism samt tro som resurs. Av dessa kom behovet av optimism, inre frid och hopp först. På andra plats kom behovet av mening och syfte med livet. Resultat visade att det är notoriskt svårt att definiera och mäta andlighet på grund av dess omtvistade definition, förhållandet till religiositet och olika kulturer. De olika definitionerna utmanar tillämpningen av begreppen i olika kontexter och kulturer. Slutsats: Då forskning kring existentiell hälsa är begränsad och relativt outforskat behöver framtida forskning fler kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningsinsatser för att analysera faktorer som påverkar den existentiella hälsan utifrån ett kulturellt och kontextuellt perspektiv. Teorier och metoder kan på så sätt utvecklas för att skapa en evidensbaserad existentiell hälsointervention. / Introduction: According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. Based on this definition, a person can experience health and quality of life throughout their life, regardless of age, diagnosis or prognosis. The approach to life affects the self-assessed mental, physical and social health. In Sweden, the term existential is used, while the term spiritual is most often used internationally. Both existential and spiritual relate to an inner dimension that interacts with the outer world; one's own body, other people and the secular or religious systems to which an individual can relate. Purpose: The purpose is to assess how the WHO's eight factors of existential health are defined and how they are used in scientific studies. Method: The study is based on a literature study in which twenty scientific articles were reviewed and analyzed. Both qualitative and quantitative studies investigating existential health have been included. In order to answer the research question and fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative method with an inductive approach has been chosen to seek a conclusion based on previous research. The scientific articles that have been selected have been obtained via reliable databases such as PsychInfo, PubMed, SwePub, Google Scholar, and from the Journal of Social Medicine. Results: When analyzing the content of the articles, the following themes were used to categorise findings: spiritual contact, meaning and purpose in life, experience of wonder, wholeness and integration, spiritual strength, harmony and inner peace, hopefulness and optimism and faith as a resource. Out of theseeight themes, the need for optimism, inner peace and hope came first. In second place came the need for meaning and purpose in life. Results showed that it is notoriously difficult to define and measure spirituality due to its contested definition, relationship to religiosity and different cultures. The different definitions challenge the application of the concepts in different contexts and cultures. Conclusion: As research on existential health is limited and relatively unexplored, future research needs more qualitative and quantitative research efforts to analyze factors that affect existential health from a cultural and contextual perspective. Theories and methods can thus be developed to create an evidence-based existential health intervention.
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Spirituality and depression: a qualitative approachRobertson, Alan Charles 30 November 2006 (has links)
Spirituality is a neglected dimension in psychology, but has recently been growing in importance. Depression is a widespread phenomenon, worldwide, although presenting differently in different cultures, including South Africa. The aim of this study was to give an opportunity to those who have experienced spirituality and depression to voice their experiences in their respective contexts.
The ontological framework was postmodernism and the guiding epistemology was social constructionism. Qualitative research was the method of research selected, because it suited the aims of the research. The specific method of analysis was a "categorical content analysis". In depth interviews with eight participants from various faith backgrounds were conducted. The participants' stories were interpreted by the researcher in the form of themes. Recurring and pertinent themes were compared and discussed with other voices in the field, such as the literature and societal and cultural discourses.
The study facilitated rich, detailed and complex descriptions of people's experience of spirituality and depression. The researcher hopes the voice of this research will lead to new understandings of these phenomena in a South African context. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Die religiöse Entwicklung in der Adoleszenz: Wissenschaftliche Kontroverse über die traditionellen Kognitiv-Strukturellen Stufentheorien / Religious development in adolescence: scientific controversy surrounding the traditional cognitive-structural stage theoriesKulcsar, Benjamin 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in German / This study analyses, mainly within the scope of the stage theories of Fritz Oser/Paul Gmünder and James W. Fowler, the development of religiosity during adolescence. After an introduction into the social and scientific significance of religiosity, the developmental and functional theories of religiosity are explored. The study then shows, by examining multiple perspectives on the scientific controversy, to what extent the stage theories of Oser/Gmünder and Fowler effectively open up the field of religious development for pastoral and religious educational practice. This clarification of the stages of religious development has many consequences for pastoral care and religious education. Some of the proposed applications either complement or modify significantly the stage theories of Oser/Gmünder and Fowler. Altogether the study provides a critical view of the cognitive-structural theory itself, its empirical reliability and range of applicability, as well as its theological suitability. / Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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