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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos baseino teikiamų paslaugų pasirinkimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of rendering services selection by the swimming pool of Lithuanian academy of physical education

Stalygienė, Laima 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos teikiamų baseino komercinių paslaugų pasirinkimo ypatumai. Aktualumas: paslaugoms būdingi kiti ypatumai nei materialinėms vertybėms. Šiuos ypatumus lemia paslaugų verslo prigimtis ir paslaugų savybės: jų neapčiuopiamumas, nedalijamumas (t. y. neatskiriamumas nuo teikimo šaltinių), epizodiškumas, kokybės nepastovumas ir kt. Paslaugų savybių visuma lemia nevienodą paslaugų kokybę ir sudėtingą jos vertinimą. Norint įvertinti paslaugų kokybę, pirmiausia būtina išsiaiškinti, kaip ją suvokia klientai. Tik tuomet paslaugų teikėjas galės kontroliuoti ir koreguoti šiuos vertinimus norima linkme. Neatsižvelgiant į klientų nuomonę dėl kokybės, galima suklysti, o išleisti pinigai ir laikas bus prarasta investicija. Paslaugos šiandien atsidūrė ekonominės veiklos dėmesio centre: jos tampa privaloma priemone siekiant patenkinti svarbiausius norus bei reikmes ir kelti visuomenės gerovę (Kindurys, 1998), tačiau ekonominiu aspektu LKKA teikiamos baseino paslaugos šiame darbe neanalizuojamos. Paslaugos pasirinkimo motyvai kiekvieno vartotojo yra individualūs. Vartotojo reikšmingumas įpareigoja paslaugų teikėjus nuodugniai išanalizuoti visus veiksnius ir imtis reikiamų sprendimų, susijusių su paslaugų kokybės tobulinimu. Todėl norint teikti atitinkamos kokybės paslaugas, svarbu žinoti, kokie motyvai vartotojams yra svarbiausi renkantis paslaugų teikėją ir kokiais kriterijais remdamasis jis suvokia gaunamos paslaugos kokybę. Šio darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An object of the work: peculiarities of selection rendering commercial services by the swimming pool of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. Relevance: Services, compare it to material values, are incident to particular peculiarities. Those peculiarities are determined by the nature of service business, services characteristics, for instance, its impalpability, indivisibility that is inherency of its rendering derivation, transience and impermanence of their quality and etc. Totality of services characteristics determine complicated quality of services and even more complicated its evaluation. First of all on purpose to evaluate the quality of services it is necessary to ascertain, how clients perceive it themselves. At that point the services supplier can control these evaluations and shift it on desirable direction. Irrespective of clients’ opinion in point of quality, could be initiated deceptive actions while expended money and time would be meaningless investment. Services appeared in the center of economical brief: it’s become compulsory implement on purpose to satisfy the main desires and needs also to increase public welfare (Kindurys, 1998), however services provided by LAPE swimming pool will not be analyzed in economical aspect. Services organization, which provides qualitative services, gains the acceptance and loyalty of consumers, increases market share, forms and maintains competent personnel and becomes less exposed concerning the strife of prices... [to full text]

Synthesis and evaluation of geometric textures

AlMeraj, Zainab January 2013 (has links)
Two-dimensional geometric textures are the geometric analogues of raster (pixel-based) textures and consist of planar distributions of discrete shapes with an inherent structure. These textures have many potential applications in art, computer graphics, and cartography. Synthesizing large textures by hand is generally a tedious task. In raster-based synthesis, many algorithms have been developed to limit the amount of manual effort required. These algorithms take in a small example as a reference and produce larger similar textures using a wide range of approaches. Recently, an increasing number of example-based geometric synthesis algorithms have been proposed. I refer to them in this dissertation as Geometric Texture Synthesis (GTS) algorithms. Analogous to their raster-based counterparts, GTS algorithms synthesize arrangements that ought to be judged by human viewers as “similar” to the example inputs. However, an absence of conventional evaluation procedures in current attempts demands an inquiry into the visual significance of synthesized results. In this dissertation, I present an investigation into GTS and report on my findings from three projects. I start by offering initial steps towards grounding texture synthesis techniques more firmly with our understanding of visual perception through two psychophysical studies. My observations throughout these studies result in important visual cues used by people when generating and/or comparing similarity of geometric arrangements as well a set of strategies adopted by participants when generating arrangements. Based on one of the generation strategies devised in these studies I develop a new geometric synthesis algorithm that uses a tile-based approach to generate arrangements. Textures synthesized by this algorithm are comparable to the state of the art in GTS and provide an additional reference in subsequent evaluations. To conduct effective evaluations of GTS, I start by collecting a set of representative examples, use them to acquire arrangements from multiple sources, and then gather them into a dataset that acts as a standard for the GTS research community. I then utilize this dataset in a second set of psychophysical studies that define an effective methodology for comparing current and future geometric synthesis algorithms.

Modèles de rivières animées pour l'exploration interactive de paysages

Yu, Qizhi 17 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé un modèle multi-échelle pour l'animation de rivière. Nous avons présenté un nouveau modèle pour chaque échelle. A l'échelle macro, nous avons proposé une méthode procédurale permettant de générer une rivière réaliste à la volée. A l'échelle méso nous avons amélioré un modèle phénoménologique basé sur une représentation vectorielle des ondes de choc près des obstacles, et proposé une methode pour la reconstruction adaptative de la surface de l'eau. A l'échelle micro, nous avons présenté une méthode adaptative pour texturer des surfaces de grande étendue avec des performances indépendantes de la scène. Nous avons également propos é une méthode d'advection de texture. Ces deux modèles reposent sur notre schéma d'échantillonnage adaptatif. En combinant ces modèles, nous avons pu animer des rivières de taille mondiale en temps réel, tout en étant contr?olable. Les performances de notre système sont indépendantes de la scène. La vitesse procédurale et l'échantillonage en espace écran permettent à notre système de fonctionner sur des domaines illimités. Les utilisateurs peuvent observer la rivière de très près ou de très loin à tout moment. Des vagues très détaillées peuvent être affichées. Les différents parties des rivières sont continues dans l'espace et dans le temps, même lors de l'exploration ou de l'édition de la rivière par un utilisateur. Cela signifie que l'utilisateur peut éditer les lits des rivières ou ajouter des îles à la volée sans interrompre l'animation. La vitesse de la rivière change dès que l'utilisateur en édite les caractéristiques, et l'utilisateur peut auss modifier son apparence avec des textures.

Vzorkování důležitosti v simulaci transportu světla založené na adjungovaném řešení / Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling in Light Transport Simulation

Vorba, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Title: Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling in Light Transport Simulation Author: RNDr. Jiří Vorba Department: Department of Software and Computer Science Education Supervisor: doc. Ing. Jaroslav Křivánek, Ph.D., Department of Software and Computer Science Education Abstract: Monte Carlo light transport simulation has recently been adopted by the movie industry as a standard tool for producing photo realistic imagery. As the industry pushes current technologies to the very edge of their possibilities, the unprecedented complexity of rendered scenes has underlined a fundamental weakness of MC light transport simulation: slow convergence in the presence of indirect illumination. The culprit of this poor behaviour is that the sam- pling schemes used in the state-of-the-art MC transport algorithms usually do not adapt to the conditions of rendered scenes. We base our work on the ob- servation that the vast amount of samples needed by these algorithms forms an abundant source of information that can be used to derive superior sampling strategies, tailored for a given scene. In the first part of this thesis, we adapt general machine learning techniques to train directional distributions for biasing scattering directions of camera paths towards incident illumination (radiance). Our approach allows progressive...

Caractérisation de la qualité des éclairages artificiels (rendu des couleurs et confort visuel) en particulier pour les sources à lumières à diodes électro-luminescentes (DEL) / Characterization of the quality of artificial lighting (color rendering and visual comfort) in particular for light sources in light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

Nonne, Jordi 15 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en parallèle avec le projet de recherche « ENG05 lighting », un programme européen de recherche en métrologie réunissant une quinzaine d’instituts nationaux de métrologie en Europe. L'apparition de nouvelles solutions d’éclairage utilisant des diodes à électroluminescence (DEL) n’apporte pas seulement une efficacité en termes de diminution de puissance consommée mais elles doivent également répondre à des critères dequalité delumière pour l’utilisateur selon l’environnement.L'étude se concentre sur les problématiques du confort visuel ainsi que sur les indices du rendu des couleurs conformes à ceux de la Commission International de l'Eclairage (CIE) qui ne permettent pas de prédire une évaluation fiable en ce qui concerne ces nouveaux éclairages à l’état solide.Cette recherche s’appuie sur les calculs informatisés des métriques existantes, les résultats de plusieurs expériences subjectives réalisées dans un environnement contrôlé et reproductible et leurs caractérisations. Un premier modèle capable de prédire le confort visuel d'un scénario d'éclairage est réalisé et décrit. Plusieurs axes d'amélioration des métriques du rendu des couleurs sont étudiés.L'ensemble des expériences intègre des solutions d'éclairages traditionnelles. A l’aide de carte de luminance, les résultats obtenus sont comparés aux performances des sources respectives.Mots-clefs : Rendu des couleurs, confort visuel, qualité des éclairages, expérience subjective, DEL, DEL, UGR, IRC, CRI, éblouissement, carte de luminance. / The ENG05 project funded by the European Research Metrology Programme (EMRP) addresses measurement aspects of both quantity and quality of new lighting such as solid-state lighting (SSL).The current Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) fails to predict the subjective ranking of the lighting sources based on DEL (light emitting diode). Along with a study of colour rendering metrics based on an extensive computation of relevant metrics and colorimetric calculations, a study on visual comfort is performed and both are presented in this thesis.For interior lighting standards it doesn’t exist a metric able to predict the visual comfort of an environment. Therefore, the aim of this study consists in a contribution to the human visual comfort characterization according to various realistic configurations considering the comparison between DEL luminaries and traditional lighting technologies (fluorescent, halogen).The analysis of the results DEL to develop a model which could be deemed worthy of consideration by CIE.Keywords: color rendering, visual comfort, lighting quality, subjective experiment, DEL, UGR, CRI, glare, luminance maps.

Simulation et rendu de vagues déferlantes / Simulation and rendering of breaking waves

Brousset, Mathias 07 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, la communauté informatique graphique s’intéresse à la simulation physique du mouvement et du rendu des fluides. Ils nécessitent d’approcher numériquement des systèmes complexes d’équations aux dérivées partielles, coûteux en temps de calcul. Ces deux domaines trouvent entre autres des applications dans le domaine vidéoludique, qui requiert des performances pouvant offrir des résultats en temps interactif, et dans la simulation d’écoulements réalistes et complexes pour les effets spéciaux, nécessitant des temps de calcul et d’espace mémoire beaucoup plus considérables. Les modèles de la dynamique des fluides permettent de simuler des écoulements complexes, tout en offrant à l’artiste la possibilité d’interagir avec la simulation. Toutefois, contrôler la dynamique et l’apparence des vagues reste difficile. Cette thèse porte d’une part sur le contrôle du mouvement des vagues océaniques dans un contexte d’animation basée sur les équations de Navier-Stokes, et sur leur visualisation réaliste. Nos deux contributions principales sont : (i) un modèle de forces externes pour contrôler le mouvement des vagues, avec leur hauteur, leur point de déferlement et leur vitesse. Une extension du modèle pour représenter l’interaction entre plusieurs vagues et des vagues tournantes est également proposée. (ii) une méthodologie pour visualiser les vagues, à l’aide d’une méthode de rendu réaliste, en s’appuyant sur des données optiques des constituants océaniques pour contrôler l’apparence du fluide considéré comme milieu participant. La simulation et le contrôle de la dynamique des vagues sont mis en oeuvre dans un simulateur basé sur la méthode SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics). Afin d’obtenir des performances interactives, nous avons développé un moteur de simulation SPH tirant parti des technologies GPGPU. Pour la visualisation physico-réaliste, nous utilisons un moteur de rendu existant permettant de représenter des milieux participants. Utilisés conjointement, les deux contributions permettent de simuler et contrôler la dynamique d’un front de mer ainsi que son apparence, sur la base de ses paramètres physiques. / Physics based animation and photorealistic rendering of fluids are two research field that has been widely addressed by the computer graphics research community. Both have applications in the video-entertainment industry and used in simulations of natural disasters, which require high computing performance in order to provide interactive time results. This thesis first focuses on simulating breaking wave on modern computer architecturesm and then to render them in the case of oceanic environments. The first part of this thesis deals with physics-based animation of breaking waves, and describes a simple model to generate and control such waves. Current methods only enable to simulate the effects but not the causes of water waves. The implementation of our method takes advantage of GPGPU technologies because of its massively parallel nature, in order to achieve interactive performances. Besides, the method was designed to provide the graphist user-control of the physical phenomena, which enables to control in real time all the physical parameters of the generated waves, in order to achieve the desired result. The second part of this thesis deals with the optical properties of water in oceanic environments and describes a model that enables to realistically render an oceanic scene. Its second goal is to provide user-control of the oceanic constituants amount to tune the appearance of the oceanic participating media.

Recorte volumétrico usando técnicas de interação 2D e 3D / Volume Sculpting with 2D and 3D Interaction Techniques

Huff, Rafael January 2006 (has links)
A visualização de conjuntos de dados volumétricos é comum em diversas áreas de aplicação e há já alguns anos os diversos aspectos envolvidos nessas técnicas vêm sendo pesquisados. No entanto, apesar dos avanços das técnicas de visualização de volumes, a interação com grandes volumes de dados ainda apresenta desafios devido a questões de percepção (ou isolamento) de estruturas internas e desempenho computacional. O suporte do hardware gráfico para visualização baseada em texturas permite o desenvolvimento de técnicas eficientes de rendering que podem ser combinadas com ferramentas de recorte interativas para possibilitar a inspeção de conjuntos de dados tridimensionais. Muitos estudos abordam a otimização do desempenho de ferramentas de recorte, mas muito poucos tratam das metáforas de interação utilizadas por essas ferramentas. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver ferramentas interativas, intuitivas e fáceis de usar para o recorte de imagens volumétricas. Inicialmente, é apresentado um estudo sobre as principais técnicas de visualização direta de volumes e como é feita a exploração desses volumes utilizando-se recorte volumétrico. Nesse estudo é identificada a solução que melhor se enquadra no presente trabalho para garantir a interatividade necessária. Após, são apresentadas diversas técnicas de interação existentes, suas metáforas e taxonomias, para determinar as possíveis técnicas de interação mais fáceis de serem utilizadas por ferramentas de recorte. A partir desse embasamento, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de três ferramentas de recorte genéricas implementadas usando-se duas metáforas de interação distintas que são freqüentemente utilizadas por usuários de aplicativos 3D: apontador virtual e mão virtual. A taxa de interação dessas ferramentas é obtida através de programas de fragmentos especiais executados diretamente no hardware gráfico. Estes programas especificam regiões dentro do volume a serem descartadas durante o rendering, com base em predicados geométricos. Primeiramente, o desempenho, precisão e preferência (por parte dos usuários) das ferramentas de recorte volumétrico são avaliados para comparar as metáforas de interação empregadas. Após, é avaliada a interação utilizando-se diferentes dispositivos de entrada para a manipulação do volume e ferramentas. A utilização das duas mãos ao mesmo tempo para essa manipulação também é testada. Os resultados destes experimentos de avaliação são apresentados e discutidos. / Visualization of volumetric datasets is common in many fields and has been an active area of research in the past two decades. In spite of developments in volume visualization techniques, interacting with large datasets still demands research efforts due to perceptual and performance issues. The support of graphics hardware for texture-based visualization allows efficient implementation of rendering techniques that can be combined with interactive sculpting tools to enable interactive inspection of 3D datasets. Many studies regarding performance optimization of sculpting tools have been reported, but very few are concerned with the interaction techniques employed. The purpose of this work is the development of interactive, intuitive, and easy-to-use sculpting tools. Initially, a review of the main techniques for direct volume visualization and sculpting is presented. The best solution that guarantees the required interaction is highlighted. Afterwards, in order to identify the most user-friendly interaction technique for volume sculpting, several interaction techniques, metaphors and taxonomies are presented. Based on that, this work presents the development of three generic sculpting tools implemented using two different interaction metaphors, which are often used by users of 3D applications: virtual pointer and virtual hand. Interactive rates for these sculpting tools are obtained by running special fragment programs on the graphics hardware which specify regions within the volume to be discarded from rendering based on geometric predicates. After development, the performance, precision and user preference of the sculpting tools were evaluated to compare the interaction metaphors. Afterward, the tools were evaluated by comparing the use of a 3D mouse against a conventional wheel mouse for guiding volume and tools manipulation. Two-handed input was also tested with both types of mouse. The results from the evaluation experiments are presented and discussed.

Influência da interação entre os parâmetros reológicos de argamassas e a área potencial de contato de substratos na aderência de argamassas de revestimento / Interaction between mortar rheological parameters and surface potential contact area on mortar renderings bond strength

Stolz, Carina Mariane January 2011 (has links)
A falta de controle tecnológico e conhecimento técnico na produção de argamassas resultam muitas vezes no aparecimento de manifestações patológicas, o que compromete o adequado cumprimento de suas principais funções: proteção, estanqueidade e acabamento estético das edificações. Buscando-se um melhor entendimento dos parâmetros que influenciam na resistência de aderência à tração e ao cisalhamento dos revestimentos argamassados aos substratos de concreto, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em verificar a influência da interação entre a área potencial de contato do substrato e a reologia das argamassas de revestimento no desempenho quanto a estas propriedades. Ainda, verificou-se a influência das propriedades reológicas das argamassas afetadas pelo teor de aditivo incorporador de ar na resistência de aderência à tração e ao cisalhamento de revestimentos argamassados, bem como o controle da rugosidade durante a confecção de substratos de concreto, proporcionando um aumento da área potencial de contato da argamassa de revestimento assentada sobre ele, visando melhorar o desempenho do revestimento quanto à resistência de aderência à tração e ao cisalhamento. Para que fosse possível alcançar estes objetivos foram realizados procedimentos laboratoriais que compreenderam a moldagem de prismas de concreto, com resistência à compressão de 35MPa, de 25x35x5cm, sobre placas de borracha que estamparam três diferentes tipos de rugosidades em suas superfícies. Sobre estes prismas, foram assentadas três diferentes tipos de argamassas de proporcionamento 1:1:4 (cimento:cal hidratada:areia, em volume, material seco), variando-se o comportamento reológico destas através de diferentes adições de aditivo incorporador de ar. Este assentamento ocorreu com o uso de caixa de queda, visando uma maior uniformidade da energia de aplicação. Para analisar as diferentes características reológicas das argamassas foram realizados ensaios de caracterização no estado fresco e endurecido conforme as normas vigentes. Os substratos de concreto foram caracterizados quanto à sua rugosidade com Scanner 3D a laser, além de ensaios de controle tecnológico. Ao final desta pesquisa pode-se concluir que nem sempre um acréscimo da área de contato proporcionado pela rugosidade do substrato é sinônimo de aumento da extensão de aderência e consequentemente da resistência de aderência. A reologia da argamassa possui grande influência sobre estes fatores, sendo essencial uma compatibilidade entre rugosidade do substrato e reologia das argamassas para que se tenha um incremento na resistência de aderência dos revestimentos ao substrato. / and the shear bond strength of mortar rendering applied to concrete surfaces, this work intended to verify the influence of the interaction between surface potential contact area and mortar renderings’ rheology on these performance properties. Moreover, this work has the objective to verify the influence of the mortar’s rheology affected by the air-entraining agents in bond strength and the concrete surface roughness control in this property. In this study, three different pre-defined surface roughnesses were stamped with rubber plates (25x35x5cm) in a concrete mold then concrete prisms were molded. The surface concrete has a fix compressive strength of 35MPa. Three mortars with the 1:1:4 (cement: hydrated lime:sand, in volume, dry material) mix proportion, changing the air-entraining proportion to modify the rheology behavior were placed on these concrete surfaces, using a drop box for mortars. Tests of tensile bond strength (Ra), according to the requirements of Brazilian Standard - NBR 13528 (2010) and shear bond strength (Rc) had been carried out with these samples. Additionally characterization tests in fresh and hardened mortars had been done. The surfaces roughnesses were characterized by a 3D laser scanner and by technologic tests control. The results indicated that the increasing of the surface contact area is not an indicative that the bond strength will also increase. The mortar’s rheology has a very important influence in these factors, and it is essential the compatibility of the system to rise the contact area and consequently the bond strength.

Aderência de revestimentos de argamassa em substrato de concreto : influência da forma de aplicação e composição do chapisco / Mortar rendering bond in concrete substrate: influence of the application form and composition of slurry mortar

Gasperin, Josiane January 2011 (has links)
Revestimentos de argamassa, embora largamente utilizados, ainda e cada vez mais, geram interesse, tanto por parte do meio acadêmico quanto pelas empresas construtoras. Este fato se deve pela, sempre presente, necessidade de melhoria da tecnologia, visando, principalmente, maior conhecimento dos elementos constituintes do sistema de revestimento e, também, devido ao grande número de manifestações patológicas ocorridas neste tipo de revestimento, em especial o descolamento. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da camada de preparo da base, o chapisco, quanto a sua forma de aplicação e composição, na resistência de aderência de revestimentos de argamassa aplicados sobre substrato de concreto de baixa porosidade. Para isso, foram moldadas placas de concreto com dimensões de (35x25x5)cm e resistência, aos 28 dias de, aproximadamente, 30MPa, que receberam argamassa de chapisco e posteriormente foram revestidos com argamassa de revestimento. Afim de isolar o efeito do chapisco, nesta pesquisa, o substrato de concreto e a argamassa de revestimento foram mantidos fixos, sendo, então, o chapisco o único elemento variável do sistema. Em relação ao chapisco variou-se sua forma de aplicação (manual e mecanizada), sua composição, onde foi analisada a mudança de granulometria (uma contínua e bem graduada e uma descontínua e mal graduada), a introdução de sílica ativa e de aditivo retentor de água. O substrato de concreto teve cura submersa em água e cal, durante 28 dias, e a argamassa de chapisco e a argamassa de revestimento foram curadas à temperatura de 23±2°C e umidade relativa do ar de 60±10% por 3 e 28 dias, respectivamente. Após 59 dias do início da moldagem, o conjunto “substrato+chapisco+argamassa de revestimento” foi submetido aos ensaios de resistência de aderência à tração e ao cisalhamento. A partir dos resultados obtidos é possível afirmar que quanto a forma de aplicação, a aplicação mecanizada utilizada, de recipiente acoplado, a canequinha, não gerou resultados satisfatórios, uma vez que para as características da argamassa de chapisco utilizada, sendo está de alta relação água/cimento, a aplicação resultou em uma camada desuniforme, mostrando que aplicação manual, mesmo rústica, para chapiscos ainda é a melhor escolha. Quanto a composição do chapisco, os melhores resultados obtidos para a resistência de aderência foram obtidos com chapiscos confeccionados com areia de granulometria contínua e bem graduada. A introdução da sílica no chapisco mostrou uma tendência de melhora para a resistência de aderência à tração e uma melhoria significativa, comprovada por análise estatística, na resistência ao cisalhamento e a introdução de aditivo retentor de água, promoveu uma melhora significativa na resistência de aderência à tração e uma tendência de melhora na resistência de aderência ao cisalhamento. / Although widely used, mortar wall coverings still generate interest by both academia and construction companies. This fact is caused by the ever-present need for improved technology, having as principal objective the more refined knowledge about the constituents of the coating system and also the large number of pathologies occurring in this type of siding, in particular its detachment. In this context, this study had the objective of analizing the influence of the application form and composition of slurry mortar on the bonding strength of coatings applied over concrete substrate. For this, concrete plates of 35x25x5cm were molded, with compressive strength at 28 days of, approximately, 30MPa. After that, the plates were coated with coating mortar and slurry mortar. In order to isolate the effect of slurry mortar in this research, the concrete substrate and mortar coating were kept fixed, and the slurry mortar is the only variable element of the system. It was varied the form of application (manual and mechanized), the composition, where were analyzed the change of sand granulometry (a continuous and well-graded, a discontinuous and bad-graded), the introduction of silica and water retaining additive. The concrete substrate was curing in water and lime for 28 days, and mortar coating and slurry mortar were cured at 23±2°C and relative humidity of 60±10%, for 3 and 28 days, respectively. After 59 days from the start of the molding of concrete plates, the "substrate+slurry mortar+mortar coating" samples were subjected to tests of tensile bond strength and shear. From the results obtained, were is can be said that the mechanized application form used did not generate satisfactory results, possibly due to high water/cement ratio of the slurry mortar used, resulting in an uneven layer, showing that manual application, even rustic, for slurry mortar is still the best choice. For the composition of slurry mortar, the best results for bond strength were obtained with slurry mortars made with well-graded sand with a continuous granulometric. The introduction of silica in the slurry mortar showed a tendency to increase the tensile bond strength and a significant increase, proven by statistical analysis, in shear bond strength. The introduction of water retaining additive, a significant improvement in tensile bond strength and a tendency to increase the shear bond strength.

Perceptual guidance in mesh processing and rendering using mesh saliency / Direcionamento perceptual em processamento de malhas utilizando saliência

Munaretti, Rodrigo Barni January 2007 (has links)
Considerações de informação perceptual têm ganhado espaço rapidamente em pesquisas referentes a representação, análise e exibição de malhas. Estudos com usuários, eye tracking e outras técnicas são capazes de fornecer informações cada vez mais úteis para sistemas voltados a usuário, que formam a maioria das aplicações em computação gráfica. Neste trabalho nós expandimos sobre o conceito de Saliência de Malhas — uma medida automática de importância visual para malhas de triângulos baseada em modelos de atenção humana em baixo nível — melhorando, extendendo e realizando integração com diferentes aplicações. Nós extendemos o conceito de Saliência de Malhas para englobar objetos deformáveis, mostrando como um mapa de saliência em nível de vértice pode ser construído capturando corretamente regiões de alta importância perceptual através de um conjunto de poses ou deformações. Nós definimos saliência multi-pose como um agregado multi-escala de valores de curvatura sobre uma vizinhança localmente estável, em conjunto com deformações desta vizinhança em múltiplas poses. Nós substituímos distância Euclideana por geodésica, assim fornecendo melhores estimativas de vizinhança local. Resultados mostram que saliência multi-pose gera resultados visualmente mais interessantes em simplificações quando comparado à saliência em uma única pose. Nós também aplicamos saliência de malhas ao problema de segmentação e rendering dependente de ponto de vista, introduzindo uma técnica para segmentação que particiona um objeto em um conjunto de clusters, cada um englobando um grupo de características localmente interessantes. Saliência de malhas é incorporada em um framework para clustering propagativo, guiando seleção de pontos de partida para clusters e custos de propagação de faces, levando a uma convergência de clusters ao redor de características perceptualmente importantes. Nós comparamos nossa técnica com diferentes métodos automáticos para segmentação, mostrando que ela fornece segmentação melhor ou comparável sem necessidade de intervenção do usuário. Uma vez que o algoritmo de segmentação proposto é especialmente aplicável a rendering multi-resolução, nós ilustramos uma aplicação do mesmo através de um sistema de rendering baseado em ponto de vista guiado por saliência, alcançando melhorias consideráveis em framerate com muito pouca perda de qualidade visual. / Considerations on perceptual information are quickly gaining importance in mesh representation, analysis and display research. User studies, eye tracking and other techniques are able to provide ever more useful insights for many user-centric systems, which form the bulk of computer graphics applications. In this work we build upon the concept of Mesh Saliency — an automatic measure of visual importance for triangle meshes based on models of low-level human visual attention—improving, extending and integrating it with different applications. We extend the concept of Mesh Saliency to encompass deformable objects, showing how a vertex-level saliency map can be constructed that accurately captures the regions of high perceptual importance over a range of mesh poses or deformations. We define multipose saliency as a multi-scale aggregate of curvature values over a locally stable vertex neighborhood together with deformations over multiple poses. We replace the use of the Euclidean distance by geodesic distance thereby providing superior estimates of the local neighborhood. Results show that multi-pose saliency generates more visually appealing mesh simplifications when compared to a single-pose mesh saliency. We also apply Mesh Saliency to the problem of mesh segmentation and view-dependent rendering, introducing a technique for segmentation that partitions an object into a set of face clusters, each encompassing a group of locally interesting features. Mesh Saliency is incorporated in a propagative mesh clustering framework, guiding cluster seed selection and triangle propagation costs and leading to a convergence of face clusters around perceptually important features. We compare our technique with different fully automatic segmentation algorithms, showing that it provides similar or better segmentation without the need for user input. Since the proposed clustering algorithm is specially suitable for multi-resolution rendering, we illustrate application of our clustering results through a saliency-guided view-dependent rendering system, achieving significant framerate increases with little loss of visual detail.

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