Spelling suggestions: "subject:"renovation"" "subject:"enovation""
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The Building Skin: Recladding as RenovationTomlan, Christopher J. 06 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Renovation in the Campo Vaccino: The Churches on the Roman Forum from Clement VIII to Alexander VIICloud, Jasmine R. January 2014 (has links)
The Forum, once the most central and sacred part of the ancient city of Rome, evolved over the course of centuries into a cluttered space at the threshold of the built-up city and its more rural periphery. Among the rubble of antique monuments--destroyed by earthquakes, flooding, or purposeful spoliation--livestock grazed at the site, giving it the appellation Campo Vaccino, or cow pasture, in the early modern period. Despite these obstacles, the Forum remained a vital part of the spiritual life of Romans after several of its structures were Christianized beginning in the sixth century. It became the province of the Catholic Church, and underwent a significant rehabilitation through papal patronage in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The seven churches ringing the Forum's periphery were restored or rebuilt over the course of about fifty years, allowing the patrons to harness the symbolism of the pagan and Christian past of the site to promote the glorious reviving Church. In this dissertation, I examine the Forum from a variety of vantage points, in order to reconstruct the antiquarian understanding of the site, its monuments, and history in the seventeenth century. The first chapter examines the historiography of the Forum and its churches, while outlining the issues at stake in the refashioning of this urban center. Chapter Two provides an overview of the Forum's history up to the sixteenth century. In Chapter Three, I consider the phenomenon of the Paleochristian Revival of the Counter-Reformation, and the ways in which it manifested itself at the Campo Vaccino. Chapter Four begins a series of case studies, organized by papacy, to elucidate the state of the Forum and its churches. Clement VIII Aldobrandini's direct patronage and other projects dating to his papacy initiated the wave of renovations that continued over the next several decades. The papacies of Paul V Borghese and Gregory XV Ludovisi are the subject of Chapter Five, when the urban environment at the edge of the Forum underwent new developments, in addition to works at the churches themselves. In Chapter Six, I focus on the two projects commissioned by Urban VIII Barberini: SS. Cosma e Damiano and SS. Luca e Martina, which demonstrate two very different approaches to ancient buildings. Finally, Chapter Seven considers works in the Campo Vaccino during the reign of Innocent X Pamphili, and the unification of these disparate renovations by the dramatic remaking of the central space by Alexander VII Chigi. These numerous projects carried out between 1592 and 1656 completely remade the Forum, renewing its historical importance in the city while highlighting its connection to Rome's dual history. The imperial and Early Christian past at the Forum now stood alongside the monuments of early modern Rome. The seventeenth century project added a new layer to the palimpsest of this eminently historical site. / Art History
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GurraEngardt, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Gurra is primarily an attempt to both engage and foster appreciation of the locale. The project looks at Gustavsbergsteatern, a theatre and cultural centre located in Gustavsberg,20 km east of Stockholm. The area is undergoing extensive redevelopment, which will include new housing, schools and a cultural centre. Meanwhile, historic buildings in thearea are being privatised and parts of the cultural heritage, that cannot be commercialised, forgotten. To solve this, the foyer and entrance have been redesigned to highlight the building’s historic and cultural importance, as well as its presence in the local community. Through conversation, material research and design, I have deepened my own understanding of the site in both time (its history) and space (present geography and functions), and Gurra attempts to translate this personal connection into an act of material consolidation to strengthen the theatre’s position as an anchor institution and place. Underpinning this intervention is a novel approach to renovation and material, which conceives physical renovation as static performance linked to the site’s cultural heritage. This will result in a new activation of the place, an expansion of its use, and the creation of a space which evolves with its users, therefore encouraging activity and change.
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A Study of Teacher Experiences During a Renovation ProjectShifflett, Douglas Wayne Jr. 08 April 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate and report teacher perceptions during a renovation project. A quantitative analysis of six demographic variables and a 24 item survey questionnaire provided information related to school renovation, school leadership, student academic achievement, and teacher morale. This phenomenological study included survey responses from 74 out of a possible 76 teachers who were present during one of the two almost identical high school renovation projects in a rural school division in Virginia. These two high schools had the same renovation timeline, floor plan, architectural design team, and construction company. Independent sample t-tests and one-way Analysis of Variances (ANOVA) were used to determine differences in teacher satisfaction, schools, or demographic variables. The first major finding found overall teacher satisfaction was minimally affected by the renovation project (satisfied 36.5%, neutral 59.5%, and dissatisfied 4%). Factors that may have affected this finding include: lapse in teacher memory due to collection of data 10 months after the completion of the project, a feeling of ambivalence by the teachers, or the fact that the principal of one of the schools was also the researcher which may have caused survey responses to be more neutral. Both males and females felt satisfied but the females were less satisfied regarding safety, cleanliness, job satisfaction, and school rating. Differences between satisfied and dissatisfied teachers involving cleanliness, considering relocating during the project, seeking a transfer to avoid another project, and room temperature were found to have significance and moderate effect sizes. The schools had differences in overall satisfaction levels with one school having more satisfied teachers versus more teachers coded as neutral at the other school. While teachers at both schools felt safe during the renovation project and odor had an effect on satisfaction, satisfaction levels were different at each school. The last finding was a difference in job satisfaction levels between the age categories of 21-25 and 26-35 which could affect teacher retention. This study also concludes the need for doctoral and principal preparation programs to include information regarding the leadership role during a renovation project and how decisions may affect teacher satisfaction. / Ed. D.
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The Ratio of Forces: Their Application Within the Initiation of a VillageShirley, Bruce Jarrett 12 May 1998 (has links)
In discovering and forming thoughts about architecture I came to harbor a theory for all things around and within me. A complimenting ratio of forces that, thought their union, create a third equally important force. 1 + 1 = 3. This concept is presented here in its raw form thought the use of analogies and examples, then separated into five simple categories demonstrating its use within architecture: Preservation, Restoration, Renovation, Addition, New Fabrication. Architectural integrity of any given project is reviled by the character and skill of the architect's manipulation of the contributing forces present.
As an in depth example of how these ratios of forces can be applied to an architectural project, an abandoned coal mine sited in Montgomery County, Virginia is selected for the initiation of a village. The historic forces of the Tower and Plaza are transferred to the individual and private scale aiding in the development of the village unit. Existing structures and site features compliment new elements creating the town fabric of units and streets as well as the village's own towers and plazas. A community created trough renovation-complimenting forces. / Master of Architecture
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Guidelines for Greening (Renovation) of Existing HomesShaikh, Gilman Yusuf 12 1900 (has links)
This Thesis is aimed at evaluating the options of renovation for an existing residential building to make it more energy efficient. The various aspects in the basic structures of residential homes are discussed in order to help the user identify the areas of the house for which renovation is required to improve the energy efficiency of the building. These aspects include doors, roof and wall in addition to various systems of electrical wiring, mechanical systems of ventilation, heating and cooling and plumbing systems for the efficient flow of water throughout the house. The renovation options have been described in detail to provide as many possibilities to the user as possible. The building taken for renovation is a 1953 suburban home which has been awarded the honor of being the first building to be labeled as Zero Energy Home in its vicinity. This has made the home so efficient that its expenditure of energy has become equivalent to its energy generation, therefore, cancelling each other out and creating an estimate of zero energy.
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How effective are UK policies at addressing factors affecting consumer decisions to carry out energy efficient renovation?Sullivan, Joe January 2017 (has links)
The UK’s housing stock is among the oldest and least efficient in Europe. 85% of the UK’s existing homes will still be standing and in use in 2050. Improving the energy efficiency of UK housing stock is an essential requirement in order for the UK to meet its 2008 Climate Change Act obligations. Energy efficiency in buildings is the focus of European (EU) policies with the intention of creating a low-carbon economy by 2020. Reducing energy consumption in existing buildings is essential to achieving this. Government policies are the primary mechanism for lowering energy consumption through changing consumer behaviour, promoting low carbon technology and energy efficient renovations of old building stock.The objective of this thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of UK policies at addressing factors affecting consumer decisions to carry out energy efficient renovations. This is with the intention of determining if UK policies are effectively contributing to the government’s long term climate change commitments.Using a theory developed by Parker (2000) as a conceptual framing of policy compliance, this study conducts interviews with consumers in order to analyse their awareness, understanding and perception of UK energy efficiency policies. Therefore, it can be determined how effective policies are at affecting consumer decisions to carry out energy efficient renovations.The thesis informs that consumers are motivated and willing to comply with policies but there are several key barriers preventing them from complying with these policies and therefore adopting energy efficient renovations. Policies are deemed to be somewhat ineffective at affecting consumer decisions to carry out energy efficient renovations.
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Ruminations on Renovation in Beira (Mozambique)Gupta, Pamila 04 February 2022 (has links)
This paper explores specific sites of leisure-swimming pools, movie theatres, hotels, and cafés that were built at the height of colonial tourist aspirations in Beira, Mozambique (1950s-1970s) and that were formally reserved for colonial elites, specifically in this case, Portuguese citizens, British Rhodesian sugar plantation managers who were stationed in Beira at the time, and visiting (white) tourists, and their families. What do these infrastructures tell us about colonial urban planning, including sites of leisure and their histories of racialized restrictions? What can they say about tourism in a (Portuguese) colonial city that was once the centre of the
East African corridor and an access point to the ocean for neighbouring (British) Malawi and Rhodesia? That these same swimming pools, theatres, hotels, and cafés are very much in use today by a very different set of inhabitants says something about this „reluctant city“ (Forjaz 2007, 2) in the making. Through my ethnographic observations and impressions during two visits to the city in April 2009 and February 2016 I will attempt to think productively with „ruins of empire“ (Stoler 2008) in order to chart a set of ruminations on acts of renovation in present day Beira. These ruminations are intended to show a complex city in its daily habitus by way of relationships (both of materiality and affect) between people and certain build environments. My focus suggests that these particular sites (and by way of their features such as colours, tiles, fixtures) afford a window onto Beira‘s condition of postcoloniality (as well, the simultaneity of its conditions of colonialism, socialism and war) through the creative ability of its African inhabitants to take specific urban infrastructures left behind by its Portuguese colonial possessors in the wake of Mozambique‘s rapid decolonization in 1975, and adapt them to their own strategic and innovative purposes.
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Hållbara strategier för renovering av bostäder : Lämpliga strategier vid olika förutsättningar / Sustainable strategies for housing renovation : Suitable strategies given different conditionsMustafa, Riham, Massioui Sehmi, Sanae January 2017 (has links)
Mer än hälften av Sveriges samtliga lägenheter är byggda mellan 1950 och 1975. Renoveringstakten har inte kunnat hänga med konstruktionstakten av dessa lägenheter. Detta har lett till ett stort behov av renovering av bostäder. Renovering kan ske på olika sätt, genom olika strategier och i olika nivåer. Valet av strategi kommer att påverka renoveringstakten. De studerade strategierna i detta examensarbete är: totalrenovering, renovering med en åtgärd i taget samt renovering av styckvisa lägenheter. Detta projekt avser att öka effektiviteten av renovering och energi och samtidigt möta samhällets krav på hållbara och moderna bostäder. Detta görs genom att sätta fokus på hållbarhetsaspekter, d.v.s. de ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera lämplighet och hållbarhet av olika strategier med hjälp av följande frågor: vilka strategier använder kommunala bostadsföretag och erbjuder de sina hyresgäster olika nivåer på renovering? Vilken hållbarhetsaspekt prioriteras under renoveringsprocessen? Vilken typ av upphandlingsform: entreprenad, partnering eller egen regi används under renoveringsprocessen? Motsvarande till dessa frågor har tre hypoteser gjorts och sedan jämförts med resultaten för att undersöka om det finns någon korrelation mellan dessa två. En mixad metodik har använts för att hjälpa att besvara frågeställningen: 23 semistrukturerade intervjuer och en självadminstrerad enkätundersökning med 101 svarande. Resultaten beträffande strategier visar att totalrenovering är den vanligaste strategin vid renovering ett helt område och där renoveringsbehovet är stort. Totalrenovering och renovering av styckvisa lägenheter är också vanligt förekommande bland bostadsföretag som erbjuder olika upprustningsnivåer, och den sistnämnda föredras när lägenheten är vakant. Renovering med en åtgärd i taget används mestadels av företag som har en svårighet att erbjuda sina hyresgäster evakueringslägenheter samt även i de fall där endast några få åtgärder behöver genomföras i byggnaden. v Vidare visar resultaten att prioritering av hållbarhetsaspekterna skiljer sig beroende på om intervjuer eller enkätundersökning används. Enligt intervjuerna är den sociala aspekten mest prioriterad, medan enkäten visar att den ekonomiska aspekten har företräde. Emellertid är den miljömässiga aspekten minst prioriterad i båda fallen. Det kan bero på faktumet att lagen gör det svårt att bygga något som direkt skadar miljön. Detta i åtanke med lagändringen 2011 som anger att varje projekt ska vara lönsamt, är det rekommenderat att den sociala aspekten bör ges mest fokus, följt av den ekonomiska och den miljömässiga aspekten. Detta är inte avsett att minimera betydelsen av andra aspekter, utan understryker snarare vikten av att lyfta fram den sociala faktorn. Resultaten beträffande den tredje frågeställningen indikerar att entreprenad är den vanligaste upphandlingsformen samt att partnering blir mer frekvent bland företagen. Det tredje alternativet, som inte är en egentlig upphandlingsform, är egen regi. Endast en liten andel av företagen använder sig av egen regi. Emellertid indikerar deras svar på en förhoppning om en framtida ökning av egen regi då det kan konkurrera med byggentreprenörer med syfte att pressa ner upphandlingspriserna. Slutsatsen är att den mest hållbara lösningen som tar hänsyn till både företagets och byggnadernas specifika förutsättningar är en kombination av alla tre strategier vid renovering av ett bostadsbestånd. Förslag till fortsatt forskning är att undersöka och vidareutveckla behovet av och tillgång till evakueringslägenheter vid renoveringar, vilket har visat sig vara en bristvara på olika marknader. Detta kan möjligen leda till andra typer av lösningar eller strategier för både kommunala och privata företag. / More than half of the current housing stock in Sweden was built between 1950 and 1975. The renovation pace of this housing stock has not been able to keep up with the pace at which it was constructed. This has led to an increase in the need for renovation of the housing stock. Renovation can be carried out in different ways, strategies and to different levels. The choice of strategy will influence the pace of the renovation. The strategies studied in this degree project are: total renovation, renovation one step at a time and renovation one apartment at a time. This project intends to increase the efficiency of renovation and energy whilst meeting society’s demand for sustainable and modern housing. This is done by putting focus on the sustainability aspects, i.e. economic, social and environmental. The aim of this degree project is to study the viability and suitability of different strategies by studying the following three questions: What strategies municipal housing companies use and whether they offer their tenants various levels of refurbishment? Which sustainability aspect is prioritised during the refurbishment process? Which type of contract form: tender, partnering or in-house, is used during the refurbishment process? Corresponding to these questions, three hypotheses were developed and then compared to the results in order to study if there is any correlation. A mixed method approach was used to help answer the research question: 23 semi-structured interviews and one self-administered survey with 101 respondents. Results from the first research question suggest that total renovation is the strategy used when renovating a housing stock consisting of several buildings and where there exists a comprehensive renovation need. Total renovation and renovation one apartment at a time are also common for companies that offer their tenants different refurbishment levels, and the latter is often chosen when the apartment is empty. Renovation one step at a time is mostly used by housing companies that have difficulty offering their tenants evacuation apartments and also in cases where only a few renovation measures need to be taken. Results regarding prioritization of the sustainability aspects differ depending on the interviews and survey. According to the interviews the social aspect was the most prioritized, whilst survey results showed that the economic aspect takes precedence. In both cases, the environmental aspect was the least prioritized. This could be due to the fact that law regulations make it hard to build anything that directly harms the environment. Keeping this in mind together with the amendment of 2011, which states that each project should be profitable, it is recommended that there should be more focus on the social aspect. This is not meant to minimize the importance of other aspects, but rather underlines the importance of highlighting the social factor. Results concerning the third research question indicate that while contract by tender might be the most common contract form, partnering is becoming more frequent. A third option studied in this project, which is not a contract form, is in-house. Only a minor percentage of the firms use renovation by in-house, however their answers attest to a hope for a future increase in in-house since it can compete with contractors in order to push the prices down. In conclusion, the most sustainable solution that takes into consideration both the company's and the buildings' specific conditions is a combination of all three strategies for the renovation of a housing stock. Proposal for further studies is to further develop the need for and the supply of evacuation apartments during renovation, which has proven to be a hardship for several housing companies in different locations. This could potentially lead to various solutions and/or strategies for both municipal and private companies.
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Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering : En kvalitativ studie om hur bostadsbolags sociala ansvar påverkar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende / The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovationGustafsson, Jonathan, Luu, Kim January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Hyresgästens möjlighet till boende vid en omfattande renovering.Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi – inriktning: hur bostadsbolags värderar hyresgästers möjlighet till boende efter en omfattande renovering, 15 HP.Problembeskrivning: I samband med omfattande renovering av en bostadsfastighet tenderar nivån på hyresgästutflytt öka. Nivån är som högst i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden, vilket härleds till att de är mer exponerade mot en hyreshöjning. Alla omfattande renoveringar leder inte till någon större hyreshöjning men bostadsbolag har stora möjligheter att öka hyran markant. En kraftig hyreshöjning är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för fastighetsägaren men de som tvingas flytta på grund av oförmågan att betala hyran hamnar i kläm.Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar bostadsbolag för hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad vid en omfattande renovering?Syfte: Studien syftar till att analysera hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar och värderar hyresgästens möjlighet till boende i samband med en omfattande renovering och medförande hyreshöjning. Genom att analysera genomförda renoveringar vill vi kartlägga hur bostadsbolag tar socialt ansvar för hyresgästens boendemöjligheter vid en renovering. Studien ska bidra till en förståelse för hur bostadsbolag balanserar det sociala ansvarstagandet med sitt affärsmässiga intresse.Metod: Studien har genomförts med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Vetenskapliga artiklar på det valda forskningsområdet har lagt grunden för den forskningslucka som undersökts. Det är utifrån denna forskningslucka som problemformuleringen och forskningsfrågan skapats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter på sex olika bostadsbolag. Studien är utformad som en retrospektiv fallstudie där de valda bostadsbolagen äger miljonprogramsfastigheter som i relativ närtid genomgått omfattande renovering.Slutsats: De undersökta bostadsbolagen strävar åt att arbeta socialt och försöker upprätthålla en bild av företaget som socialt ansvarstagande. Studien påvisar att socialt ansvarstagande åtgärder som genomförs ibland har en ekonomisk agenda bakom. Trots det tyder studien på att bostadsbolagen generellt värnar om hyresgästens möjlighet till bostad genom att:- Endast utföra de renoveringar som anses nödvändiga och avstå från de standardhöjande åtgärder som inte efterfrågas.- Låta hyresgästen välja bland olika renoveringspaket, vilket ger dem möjlighet att påverka omfattningen på renoveringen i den utsträckning som de kan betala hyran.- Erbjuda ett alternativt boende som hyresgästen kan välja att flytta permanent till vid större renoveringar som ska göras i lägenheten. / Abstract Title: The tenant's opportunity for accommodation in the event of an extensive renovation.Subject: Bachelor's thesis in business administration – specialization: how housing companies value tenants' opportunity for housing after an extensive renovation, 15 HP.Problem statement: Associated with extensive renovation of a residential property, the level of tenant relocation tends to increase. The level of relocation is highest in socio-economically vulnerable areas, which is due to the fact that they are more exposed to a rent increase. Not all extensive renovations lead to a major rent increase, but housing companies have great opportunities to increase the rent significantly. A sharp rent increase is economically advantageous for the property owner, but those who are forced to move due to the inability to pay the rent are the ones ends up suffering.Question at issue: How do housing companies work for the tenant's opportunity for housing in the event of an extensive renovation?Purpose: The study aims to analyze how housing companies take social responsibility and evaluate the tenant's opportunity for housing in connection with an extensive renovation and the rent increase it result in. By analyzing implemented renovations, we want to map how housing companies take social responsibility for the tenant's housing opportunities during a renovation. The study will contribute to an understanding of how housing companies balance social responsibility with their business interest.Method: The study was conducted with an abductive research approach. Peer reviewed articles in the chosen research area have established the research gap that has been investigated. It is on the basis of this research gap that the problem formulation and research question has been created. The empirical material has been collected through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with six respondents at six different housing companies. The study is designed as a retrospective case study in which the selected housing companies own million-program properties that have undergone extensive renovation in the relative proximity.Conclusion: The surveyed housing companies strive to perform socially sustainable and try to maintain an image of the company as socially responsible. The study shows that social responsibility actions that are implemented, sometimes have an economic agenda behind them. The study indicates that housing companies generally take responsibility for the tenant's ability for housing by:- Only execute necessary renovations and not implement standard-raising measures that aren’t demanded- Let the tenant choose from different renovation alternatives, which gives them the opportunity to affect the scope of the renovation to the extent that they can pay the rent.- Offer an alternative accommodation that the tenant can choose to move to permanently in the case of major renovations to be done in the apartment.
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