Spelling suggestions: "subject:"resettlement"" "subject:"esettlement""
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"We will do it our own ways": a perspective of Southern Sudanese refugees resettlement experiences in Australian society.Lejukole, James Wani-Kana Lino January 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of my thesis is to understand, from the perspectives of Southern Sudanese themselves, their resettlement experiences in Australia, to provide knowledge about how their experiences of exile reshape their thinking of home, place, identity, gender roles, and traditional practices, to explore the extent of their resettlement and integration into Australian society, and to inform policy on the resettlement of refugees and the settlement services offered to them. The thesis explores the range of interactions and relationships among Southern Sudanese and between them and their Australian hosts. It demonstrates how these interactions and relationships shaped and reshaped the Southern Sudanese sense of identity and belonging in resettlement in Australia. The thesis also provides insights into the relationships between the war that forced them out of their homeland, their flight, life in refugee camp or in exile, and how these affected their ability to resettle. To understand these, I have listened to how they described their lives before and during the war, while seeking refuge, and of their present and future life in Australia. From this I will show how they reproduce and maintain some aspects of their culture within the context of the Australian society, as well as how they are adapting to some aspects of life in that society. In this thesis I also explore the concepts of place, home and identity. In order to understand these concepts and how fluid they are in the current transnational era, I follow Thomas Faist’s (2000) thinking about the causes, nature and the extent of movement of international migrants from poorer to richer countries (also Cohen 1997; Kaplan 1995; Appadurai 1995). Faist in particular examines the process of adaptation of newcomers to host countries and the reasons why many migrants continue to keep ties to their home or place of origin. These ties, according to Faist, link transnational social spaces which range from border-crossing families and individuals to refugee diaspora. In this, I argue that resettlement involves complex interactions between newly arrived Southern Sudanese and members of Australian society. These complex interactions include firstly an array of social interactions occurring between Southern Sudanese and the staff of support organisations delivering settlement services to them. I show how the Southern Sudanese perceived the services they receive vis-à-vis the staff’s perceptions of Southern Sudanese as recipients of their services. Secondly they include various kinds of social interactions, relationships and networks among the Southern Sudanese and between them and members of Australian society through making friendships, home visitations, joining social and cultural clubs, and becoming involved in professional associations and churches which are predominantly Australian. I show how these social relations and networking are being enacted and maintained and/or fall apart over time. I ascertain whether these relationships have enhanced their resettlement or not. Thirdly, the thesis shows the impact of a shift in gendered roles and intergenerational conflicts between parents and children on family relationships and how these in turn affect their actual settlement. This thesis is based on these themes and on the analysis drawn from detailed qualitative ethnographic research which I conducted over a period of fourteen months between January 2006 and March 2007 and from the literature. In keeping with the traditions of ethnographic fieldwork practices, I carried out structured and unstructured in-depth interviews and Participant Observation of informants during the fieldwork. The subjects of this thesis are the Southern Sudanese refugees who resettled in South Australia and some staff of organisations which delivered settlement services to them. The fundamental questions which these ethnographic explorations attempt to answer are how do the Southern Sudanese experience resettlement in Australian, interact with members of their host society, construct their identities in relation to their notions of home and place, and negotiate shifting gender roles and relationships in the family. I show how their previous life experiences in Southern Sudan, their plight, their flight from war, their life in refugee camps and/or in refugee settings in other countries, their personal socio-economic and historical backgrounds, have affected their resettlement in Australia. I also explore their current and ongoing relations with their homeland and other Southern Sudanese diaspora and show how this perpetuates their identity as Southern Sudanese. I argue that success or failure in resettlement hinges mostly on the Southern Sudanese ability or inability to understand and speak the English language, their access to employment and stable housing, relationships with Australians, and the quality and quantity of settlement services which they access and receive. I assert that the interplay between/among these factors have combined to influence significantly the settlement processes and the extent of integration of Southern Sudanese into Australian society. Furthermore, I assert that these factors are inseparable and need to be examined and explained in relation to one another as they tend to be interwoven into the daily life experiences of Southern Sudanese. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1373733 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2009
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Out of sight, out of mind : hinder för att ersätta rätten att söka asyl med enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem / Out of sight, out of mind : limitations to replacing the right to seek asylum with only a common EU resettlement systemHovemyr, Tove January 2018 (has links)
I kölvattnet av den så kallade flyktingkrisen 2015 har allt fler röster höjts i Europa om att förändra asylrätten för skapa ett mer förutsebart och hållbart asylmottagande. Diskursen synliggör asylrättens centrala rättighetskonflikt där det allmännas intresse av reglerad invandring vägs mot den enskildes rätt till asyl. Denna uppsats utreder möjligheterna att ersätta EU:s nuvarande asylsystem med ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är ett förslag som Moderaterna under oktober 2017 antog i sitt partiprogram vars innebörd är att EU ska övergå till ett gemensamt asylsystem med enbart kvotflyktingmottagande. Frågeställningen är vilka hinder som föreligger för en sådan förändring med hänsyn till gällande rätt och ändamålen bakom asylrätten. Moderaterna föreslår alltså en ordning som skulle inskränka rätten att söka asyl. Rättighetsinskränkningar ska vara proportionerliga. Uppsatsen besvarar därför huvudfrågeställningen utifrån fyra delfrågor som påminner om en proportionalitetsbedömning för att avgöra om förslaget är möjligt eller lämpligt. Först diskuteras om dagens asylsystem behöver förändras med hänsyn till den så kallade flyktingkrisen 2015, sedan utreds andra brister i dagens system. Slutsatsen nås att det finns brister med dagens system som motiverar en förändring som exempelvis de höga dödstalen för migranter som reser över Medelhavet för att söka asyl i EU. Därefter undersöks vilka möjligheter en förändring till enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem skulle kunna medföra och det konstateras att förslagets största fördel är att vidarebosättning utgör en laglig och säker väg för asylsökande till EU. Kärnan i uppsatsen är utredningen av de praktiska och juridiska hinder som finns för en förändring till enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Där finner jag att det största hindret är svårigheten att organisera systemet på ett sätt som är förenligt med principen om non-refoulement enligt såväl folkrätten som Europakonventionen. Jag identifierar även andra allvarliga praktiska och juridiska hinder för en sådan ordning. Slutligen undersöks om det finns alternativa lösningar att tillgå som är mindre ingripande än förslaget om enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Jag finner att så är fallet. Till exempel kan medlemsstaterna öka sitt kvotflyktingmottagande, införa humanitära visum eller inrätta en EU-centraliserad asylprövning. Min slutsats är att rätten att söka asyl på plats i EU måste kvarstå och att de mindre ingripande lösningarna som tas upp i uppsatsen är att föredra framför ett asylsystem i EU med enbart kvotflyktingmottagande.
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Resettlement and sustainable livelihoods in Ethiopia : a comparative analysis of Amhara and southern regionsKassa Teshager Alemu 02 1900 (has links)
Resettlement as a development discourse has become a worldwide phenomenon. This
phenomenon is mainly caused by population pressure, war or prolonged hostilities between countries or groups within the country, irreversible environmental degradation and development projects. While there are diverse causes of resettlement situations, this study focused on state sponsored resettlement programmes caused by socio-economic, political and environmental problems in Amhara and the southern regions of Ethiopia. The main objective of this empirical study was to analyse the effects of planned government intra-regional resettlement programme on the sustainable livelihoods of resettled households in Ethiopia. The central research question was: Does a planned intra-regional resettlement programme provide sustainable livelihoods for settler households in the two selected regions of Ethiopia? If it does, what chain of factors explains the livelihood security and sustainability? If it does not, what are the interacting variables and how
have they generated a process of livelihood insecurity? To this end, the combination of Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) and Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) models were used as the pillars of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. Mixed method design that combines both quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources were used in this study. Primary data were collected through a household survey, key informants interview, focus group discussion and field observation. A total of 250 households were surveyed and a total of 28 interviewees were contacted from the two regions. A total of 6 focus group discussions were also conducted with purposively selected participants. This study concludes that the effects of planned resettlement on the sustainable livelihoods of resettlers were mixed and challenged the generic representation of the scheme as a success or a failure. The adverse effects
were mainly due to policy gaps, the mismatch between policy and practice, poor inter-sectoral and inter-regional integration and inadequate capacity building efforts. Recommendations were provided in line with these gaps. In addition, the knowledge documented through the application of SLF and IRR in mixed method design contributed to the methodological and theoretical advancement of resettlement and livelihood studies. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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An assessment of environmental impacts associated with the land reform process in Matobo District: ZimbabweNdlovu, Lister 11 1900 (has links)
At independence and in the post-colonial era most countries embarked on a series of land
reform, land redistribution and land restitution with some adopting the land tenure system.
This study sought to assess the environmental impacts associated with the land reform in
resettlement wards of Matobo District in Zimbabwe. The study adopted both social impact
assessment approaches and the environmental assessments. The findings revealed farreaching
repercussions resulting from activities associated with land reform in Matobo
District which altered the physical landscape. The program is accompanied by inter alia
excessive poaching, unsustainable agricultural practises, reduced farm production and
ecosystem degradation. Therefore, urgent sustainable measures are recommended to be
implemented from this study in order to avoid further environmental damage. / Environmental Management / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Imagined Communities: The Role of the Churches During and After Apartheid in SophiatownMafuta, Willy January 2016 (has links)
Many around the world have come to know South Africa as the rainbow nation, yet this notion has been subject to enormous critiques in the political discourse. The rainbow nation was conceived by the Government of National Unity that came to power in 1994, but it failed to materialize. What post-apartheid South Africa has yielded instead is a nation, or an imagined community, where race and ethnicity never receded. Although they are no longer pathological, race and ethnicity have become normative typifications of an overarching identity. Churches in particular have played a major role in creating a new identity.
Churches have managed to move beyond the yoke of race and ethnicity enforced during the Apartheid under the Group Areas Act and the Resettlement Acts, and epitomized by the destruction of the vibrant city of Sophiatown and, in its place, the building of Triomf, an Afrikaner imagined community. Churches have led the way in deconstructing the perceived or realized power or disempowerment that is residual to the Apartheid. In reconstructing the community, they have re-imagined an environment where race and ethnicity remain the standard component of the South African national identity. This re-imagining requires that race and ethnicity be constructed as relational rather than hierarchical. Moreover, it requires that one acknowledge the woundedness (e.g., shame, anger, guilt, hurt, humiliation, betrayal, fear, resentment) that racial typifications create. As a social construction, Churches in Sophiatown are fostering this ethical environment where these values are embraced.
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Is Self-Sufficiency Really Sufficient? A Critical Analysis of Federal Refugee Resettlement Policy and Local Attendant English Language Training in Portland, OregonMcParland, Domminick 22 April 2014 (has links)
Since the 1951 United Nations Convention, nations have dealt with refugee issues in various ways. In the United States, since the Vietnam War, there has been great debate and a significant amount of research on issues of refugee resettlement, with these discourses inherently involving issues of power and ideology. English language training and the promotion of economic self-sufficiency have been interventions used to integrate and assimilate refugees into American culture and society. These two interventions were the subject of the current investigation.
The purpose of this study was to look into the way federal refugee resettlement policy mandated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) construes the notion of self-sufficiency in policy documents; and whether or not that constructed version of self-sufficiency is reflected or reinforced in the local attendant English language training, provided by the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization's (IRCO) Pre-Employment Training's English language training courses.
Through a combination of Critical Discourse Analysis and analytic techniques influenced by Corpus Linguistics, this study was able to investigate the construal of self-sufficiency in ORR refugee resettlement policy and its reflection in IRCO PET ELT.
The ORR policy Title 45: Public Welfare, Part 400: Refugee Settlement Program and the lesson plans and materials of IRCO's PET's SPL levels 2 and 3 were analyzed with a textual analysis, process analysis, and social analysis. The ORR policy also underwent a collocation comparison analysis that employed the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA).
The results of this qualitative study indicate that the federal resettlement policy exploits a common connotation of self-sufficiency to mask its underlying subjugating policies that position resettled refugees into early employment positions with little opportunities for higher education or occupational advancement. The ELT provided by IRCO's PET program reflects and reinforces the ORR's construed notion of self-sufficiency as well as its underlying hegemonic agenda.
These findings this relate to broader discourses of immigration, neoliberalism, and education in the United States. Conclusions drawn from this investigation have pedagogical implications and applications that are discussed.
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The Great Opening of the West development strategy and its impact on the life and livelihood of Tibetan pastoralists / sedentarisation of Tibetan pastoralists in Zeku County as a result of implementation of socioeconomic and environmental development projects in Qinghai Province, P.R. ChinaPtackova, Jarmila 19 September 2013 (has links)
‚Die Große Öffnung des Westens bedeutet eine große Entwicklung für Qinghai’. Seit einigen Jahren begrüßen solche Parolen die Besucher der Provinz Qinghai und sind ebenfalls in administrativen Zentren aller Ebenen in tibetischen Nomadengebieten zu finden. Diese Parolen kündigen die Implementierung der Entwicklungsstrategie, die als die Große Öffnung des Westens (GÖW) bekannt wurde, an und versprechen allen Bewohnern von Chinas Westen eine blühende und reiche Zukunft. Aber wie genau sieht die Entwicklung in tibetischen Nomadengebieten aus? Wie kann sich die Lokalbevölkerung in diesen Entwicklungsprozeß einbinden und die versprochenen Vorteile nutzen? Welche Auswirkung wird die Entwicklungsstrategie auf das Leben und die Existenzgrundlage der tibetischen Nomaden haben? Im Kontrast zu den größeren Urbanzentren und ökonomisch wichtigen Lokalitäten, wo die Entwicklungsmaßnahmen sofort eingeleitet wurden, konnte man während der ersten Jahren nach der Implementierung der GÖW auf dem Grasland von Qinghai keine signifikanten Veränderungen feststellen. Erst später wurde der wichtigste und direkte Einfluß in den Nomadengebieten sichtbar. Es wurden neue Siedlungen um bereits existierende Städte oder direkt im Grasland errichtet und die Anzahl der neuen Häuser steigt jedes Jahr. Die Ansiedlungsstrategie dient Zwecken, wie der ökonomischen und sozialen Entwicklung, dem Umweltschutz und der politischen Kontrolle. Für die Nomaden bedeutet die Teilnahme an Ansiedlungsprojekten aber nicht nur Vorteile im Form von neuem Haus, sondern sie stellt auch eine enorme Herausforderung für die Haushalte, die sich an eine komplett neue, urbane Umgebung anpassen müssen, dar. Die verheißungsvollen Parolen über die GÖW mögen vielleicht aus der Sicht der Regierung, nach der Auswertung der nationalen Einkommensstatistiken der Wahrheit entsprechen, aus der Sicht der tibetischen Nomaden jedoch, bleibt die erzwungene Entwicklung auf dem Grasland ein umstrittenes und widersprüchliches Thema. / ‘The Great Opening of the West means great development for Qinghai.’ For several years now, signs bearing such slogans have been welcoming people entering the western Chinese Province of Qinghai and other administrative centres in Tibetan pastoral areas. They announce the implementation of the development strategy known as the Great Opening of the West (GOW) and promise a beneficial, prosperous and comfortable future to all inhabitants of rural regions in China’s West. But, what exactly does development in the Tibetan pastoral areas mean? In what way can the local people involve themselves in the processes of development and the benefits they promise? What impact is the development strategy likely to have on the lifestyle and livelihood of the Tibetan pastoralists? In contrast to the major urban areas and economically important localities, where the development work has begun in full scale, not many changes were observed on the grasslands of Qinghai Province during the early years of the GOW. Only later did the main, direct impact of the development strategy in the pastoral areas become visible. It consisted of an annually increasing number of settlement sites emerging around existing administrative centres or even in the middle of the grasslands. Sedentarisation methods are implemented for the purpose of economical or social development, or to solve the issues of environmental and political control. For the Tibetan pastoralists, participation in a sedentarisation project does not mean solely the provision of concrete benefits in the form of a house supplied by the government, but also the extraordinary adjustment of households to a new, urban environment. While the promising slogans promoting the GOW might appear true from the general point of view of the government when evaluating national income statistics, from the perspective of pastoral households, the forced development in pastoral areas remains a matter of contention and contradiction.
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The displacement of a Northern Cape community : an anthropological researchBecker, Elize 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana with keywords in English and Tswana / Displacement in the South African context is a complex and diverse phenomenon which is
under-researched, particularly from the point of view of post-resettlement stress. The
Meetse-a-tala community from Groenwater, Northern Cape, was resettled in 1964 and
returned in 1999 to their ancestral land after a 25 year struggle to do so. The community
anticipated that the land would present all the natural resources they had in 1964, but
unfortunately, when they returned, the outlook seemed a lot different. / Verskuiwing in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is ‘n diverse en komplekse verskynsel wat
nog nie voldoende nagevors is, veral vanuit die oogpunt van post-hervestigingsstres nie.
Die Meetse-a-tala-gemeenskap van Groenwater in Noord-Kaap is in 1964 hervestig en het
in 1999 teruggekeer na die land van hul voorouers na ‘n 25 jaarlange stryd om dit te
bewerkstellig. Die gemeenskap het verwag dat die gebied weer al die natuurlike
hulpbronne sou aanbied wat hulle in 1964 gehad het, maar ongelukkig, met hul terugkeer,
het die vooruitsigte heel anders gelyk. / Tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka dikgoka mo bokaong jwa Aforikaborwa e tlhagisa marara a a
farologaneng ka ntlha ya dipatlisiso tse di lekanyeditsweng malebana le kgatelelo ya
maikutlo e e amanang le morago ga go fudusiwa. Baagi ba Meetse-a-tala go tswa kwa
Groenwater, kwa Kapabokone, ba itemogetse tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka 1964 mme
morago ga go kgaratlha dingwaga tse 25 go boela kwa lefatsheng la badimo ba bona, ba
boetse ka 1999. Baagi ba ne ba solofetse gore lefatshe le tlaa ba neela ditlamelo tsotlhe tsa
tlholego tse ba neng ba na natso fa ba tsamaya ka 1964, mme ka bomadimabe, e rile fa ba
bowa, ba fitlhela le lebega le farologane thata. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)
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The mission of the local church amidst social disruption and transition : a study of the Ilitha and Ndevana communities in the Eastern CapeOdendaal, J. N. 01 1900 (has links)
The policy of Separate Development and its forceful implementation by the Nationalist Government from the !960's and into the 1980's resulted in the resettlement of thousands of Africans in the 'homeland' Ciskei in the Eastern Cape. All these changes had a profound and very often a disruptive influence on the lives of those involved. People's ability to survive amidst these circumstances, was tested to the limit. This study looks at the role of the local Christian faith community in supporting its members during these rapid and disruptive socioeconomic and political changes. The study is confined to two congregations of the Uniting
Reformed Church in Southern Africa in Ilitha and Ndevana in the Eastern Cape. Following an introductory chapter, Chapter 2 gives a historical outline of developments in the broader Ciskei. Attention is also given to demographic, social and economic conditions. Chapter 3 describes the culture and feeling of despair, powerlessness and mistrust that is deeply
entrenched in the minds of many people in the community due to depressive socio-economic situations. Chapter 4 gives an overview of the churches in the area and describes the supportive structures
and actions of two churches in the Ilitha-Ndevana area. No instant solutions are offered to members but through mutual support they find a sense of belonging and encouragement in the midst of their hardship.
In Chapter 5 a model for the mission of the local church in a context of social and economic change and disruption, is presented. It is shown how the image of Christianity and the Gospel have been distorted and misused in the past through the entanglement of mission and
colonialism, a negative attitude towards African culture, and by contributing to the subordination of women in society. A vision that people in Africa can have peace and dignity and become self-reliant is proposed. Within the local faith community this vision is built on an
understanding of God as the weak and suffering Lord, on fellowship and mutual support, a new reading of the Bible, a practical community based spirituality, and an emphasis on healing. / Die daarstelling en .kragdadige toepassing van die beleid van Afsonderlike Ontwikkeling vanaf die 1960's tot·die 1980's het tot gevolg_gehad dat duisende Swart Suid-AftilCaners hervestig is
in die Ciskei-tuisland in die Oos-Kaap. Al hierdie veranderinge het verreikende en baie dikwels ontwrigtende gevolge op die betrokkenes gehad. Mense se vermoens om binne hierdie omstandighede te oorlee:t: is tot die uiterste beproef. Hierdie studie kyk na die rol van die
plaaslike · Cbristelike. geloofsgemeenskap in die ondersteuning van sy lede tydens snelle en ontwrigtende sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke veranderinge. Die studie is beperk tot twee gemeentes van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Aftika in Ilitha en Ndevana in
die Oos-Kaap. Na 'n inleidende hoofstuk, gee hoofstuk 2 'n historiese oorsig van ontwikkelinge in die breere Ciskei-gebied. Aandag word ook gegee aan demografriese, sosiale en ekonomiese toestande. Hoofstuk 3 beskryf 'n kultuur en gevoel van moedeloosheid, magteloosheid en wantroue wat, as gevolg van neerdrukkende sosiaal-ekonomiese toestande, diep in menige mense se gemoedere vasgele is. Hoofstuk 4 gee 'n oorsig oor die kerke in die gebied en beskryf die ondersteunende strukture en optrede in twee gemeentes in die Ilitha-Ndevana area. Geen kitsoplossings word aan lede aangebied nie, maar deur onderlinge steun vind hulle geborgenheid en bemoediging te midde van swaarkry.
In hoofstuk 5 word 'n model aangebied vir die missie van die plaaslike kerk te midde van sosiale en ekonomiese veranderinge en ontwrigting. Daar word aangetoon hoe die beeld van die Christendom in die verlede verwring en misbruik is deur: die verstrengeling van sending en
kolonialisasie; 'n negatiewe houding teenoor kultuur in Afrika; en deur by te dra tot die ondergeskikte posisie van vroue in die samelewing. 'n Visie dat die mense van Afrika vrede en menswaardigheid kan geniet en self onderhoudend kan raak, word voorgestel. Binne die
plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap word aan hierdie visie gebou deur 'n begrip van God as die magtelose en lydende Here, deur onderlinge gemeenskap en ondersteuning, 'n nuwe lees en begrip van die Bybel, 'n praktiese gemeenskaps-gerigte spiritualiteit en 'n beklemtoning van
heling en herstel. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)
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Living with the Bui dam; implications for community livelihoodsArthur, Jones Lewis 04 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to develop an understanding of the effects of the construction of hydro dams on nearby communities. The construction of the 400 megawatt Bui dam (8o16I 42II N, 2o143I 9 I I W) in Ghana has inundated seven communities and nearly a quarter of Bui National Park, including the destruction of community resources that provide for the livelihood needs of the people living near the dam. The dam led to the resettlement of seven communities, coordinated by the Bui Power Authority. Concerns expressed about the resettlement process indicate some weakness in stakeholder consultations relating to the resettlement, as well as weakness in the development of opportunities to address the anticipated effects of the Bui dam, including effects on community assets.
These issues were examined through a study of how the construction of Bui Dam was perceived by local communities representing several ethnic-linguistic groups, including the Ewe, Mo, and Nafana.
A mixed methods approach was used in the research, including document analysis, quantitative interviews of 329 households, key informant interviews with 22 households, and case studies of four families, including two families each from resettled and non-resettled communities. Data was obtained from 13 nearby communities, 7 of which had been relocated because of the dam.
The study considered examined how the Bui Dam was perceived to influence seven capital assets: cultural; natural; social; human; political; physical; and financial. Overall, people perceive these capital assets to be decreasing in most aspects as a result of the Bui Dam, with some variability among households. This variability was explored through analysis of a number of predictor variables: relocation, ethnicity, livelihood type, age, and gender. Villages not relocated tended to perceive effects less negatively, as did people of Nafana ethnicity, and those who rely mainly on a farming livelihood. Gender and age had little effect: gender mediated effects on some aspects of social and political capital, while age affected only some aspects of cultural capital.
Further analysis through the use of multiple regression analysis was undertaken to determine the relative influence of each of these predictor variables. Overall, each multiple regression analysis was significant, with high R squared values ranging from 0.761 to 0.260. The most powerful predictor was whether communities had been relocated or not (“relocate”), which was significantly related to each capital asset, with beta values ranging from 0.826 to 0.418. “Livelihood” was the next most important predictor variable, significantly related to all capital assets and with beta values varying from 0.520 to 0.231. “Ethnicity” was a significant predictor for four of seven capital assets, with beta values ranging from 0.133 to 0.055. “Gender” was a significant predictor variable for two of seven capital assets (social capital, with a beta value of 0.084, and political capital, with a beta value of 0.119). “Age” was a significant variable for just one capital asset (cultural), with a beta value of 0.038.
In summary, this study is consistent with other studies that have examined the effect of dams on the livelihoods of nearby communities in that for most households the consequences have been negative, although not as severe for those households that were not forced to relocate, people of Nafana ancestry, or people who rely mainly on farming. The presence of Bui National Park may have moderated these negative effects somewhat, through employment provided in the park; and through ecosystem services such as vegetative cover in the park supporting cloud formation and rain occurrence / Graduate / 0366 / 0534 / 0628 / jonesarthur2002@yahoo.co.uk
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