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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comunicação de más notícias no departamento de emergência: uma análise comparativa entre as percepções de médicos residentes, pacientes e familiares / Breaking bad news in the emergency department: a comparative analysis amongst residents, patients and family members\' perceptions

Gabriela Toutin Dias 15 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A comunicação de más notícias é uma prática difícil, porém frequente, tornando-se praticamente rotineira no dia-a-dia de médicos. No departamento de emergência, esta categoria de comunicação adquire aspectos bastante particulares. Objetivos: O principal objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a percepção de pacientes e familiares acerca da comunicação de más notícias no departamento de emergência, comparando-as à percepção de médicos residentes. Método: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado no departamento de emergência de um hospital universitário terciário. Com o intuito de comparar as percepções de médicos residentes e receptores (pacientes e familiares), foi criado um questionário baseado nas seis recomendações provenientes do protocolo SPIKES (Setting [Ambientação]: questões 1-5; Perception [Percepção]: questão 6; Invitation [Convite]: questão 7; Knowledge [Conhecimento]: questões 8-12; Emotions [Emoções]: questões 13-15; Strategy and Summary [Estratégia e Resumo]: questão 16). Os questionários foram aplicados aos participantes imediatamente após a comunicação de uma má notícia no departamento de emergência. A concordância entre médicos residentes e receptores foi analisada utilizando os testes estatísticos de Kappa e Qui-quadrado. Resultados: Um total de 73 comunicações de más notícias foram analisadas. Os participantes foram 73 médicos residentes, 69 familiares e 4 pacientes. Em geral, houve um baixo nível de concordância entre médicos residentes e receptores acerca de como se deu a comunicação da má notícia no departamento de emergência. O nível de satisfação de pacientes e familiares sobre como os médicos residentes comunicaram estas notícias apresentou média de 3,7 + 0,6 pontos. Em contraste, os médicos residentes demonstraram uma pior percepção do mesmo encontro (2,9 + 0,6 pontos), sendo p < 0.001. Conclusão: Médicos residentes e receptores tendem a discordar em relação a diversos aspectos da comunicação de uma má notícia. As discrepâncias foram mais evidentes em questões envolvendo emoções, convite e privacidade. No entanto, uma importante concordância entre as percepções foi encontrada nas questões técnicas e de conhecimento que surgiram durante a comunicação / Introduction: Breaking bad news is a common and routine practice, performed practically every day by physicians. In the Emergency Department, communication acquires unique aspects. Objective: Our main objective was to assess patient and family member\'s perception about bad news communication in the Emergency Department and compare these with physicians\' perceptions. Method: This is a cross-sectional study performed at the Emergency Department of a tertiary teaching hospital. To compare physicians\' and receivers\' (patient and/or family member) perceptions, we created a survey based on the six attributes derived from the SPIKES protocol (Setting: questions 1-5; Perception: question 6; Invitation: question 7; Knowledge: questions 8-12; Emotions: questions 13-15; Strategy and Summary: question 16). The surveys were applied immediately after bad news communication happened in the Emergency Department. We analyzed agreement amongst participants using Kappa statistics and Qui-squared test to compare proportions. Results: A total of 73 bad news communication encounters were analyzed. The survey respondents were 73 physicians, 69 family members and 4 patients. In general, there is a low level of concordance between physicians\' and receivers\' perceptions of how breaking bad news transpired. The satisfaction level of receivers in regards to breaking bad news by doctors presented a mean of 3.7 + 0.6 points. In contrast, the physicians\' perception of the communication was worse (2.9 + 0.6 points), with p < 0.001. Conclusions: Doctors and receivers disagree in relation to what transpired throughout the bad news communication. Discrepancies were more evident in issues involving emotion, invitation and privacy. However, an important agreement between perceptions was found in technical and knowledge related aspects of the communication

Egressos de programas de residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade do estado de São Paulo, 2000-2009 / Graduates of residency programs in Family and Community Medicine of the state of São Paulo, 2000-2009

Elisa Toffoli Rodrigues 18 December 2012 (has links)
No Brasil, a qualificação dos recursos humanos para trabalhar na Estratégia Saúde da Família é baixa. Considerando a importância do Estado de São Paulo como pólo formador de recursos humanos para a área da saúde, estudou-se a situação dos egressos dos Programas de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade (PRMFC) do Estado de São Paulo (ESP), que finalizaram a residência entre 2000 e 2009. Foi caracterizado o perfil sociodemográfico desses médicos e suas trajetórias profissionais após o término da residência médica, além da satisfação com o trabalho. Os dados foram coletados em 2012, por meio de um questionário eletrônico, dividido nos seguintes blocos: perfil sócio-econômico, atuação profissional, e atividades de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (MFC). Do universo de 234 egressos de 17 PRMFC do ESP, foram incluídos no estudo 129 pessoas de 14 instituições. A maior parte é do sexo feminino (58,1%) e está na faixa etária de 30 a 34 anos (55,8%). Moram predominantemente no ESP (79,1%) e em municípios de grande porte ou em metrópoles (89,1%). A graduação em medicina foi realizada principalmente na região sudeste (92,3%), sendo majoritária a participação do ESP (72,1%). Dos egressos respondentes, 98,4% atuam na área da saúde, sendo que 74,6% atuam na Medicina de Família e Comunidade e 48,1% atuam na docência. Referiram trabalhar em um posto de trabalho 33,9%, dois postos 33,9% e três postos 15,0%, estes não relacionados à docência. O local de trabalho atual mais frequente foi a Estratégia Saúde da Família (49,6%), seguida da Urgência e Emergência (26,7%), consultório particular e Unidade de Saúde Tradicional, com 19,7% cada e, por último, a gestão/gerência (18,9%). Em relação à trajetória acadêmica após a residência de MFC, 10,1% dos egressos fizeram outra residência médica, 57% realizaram especialização lato sensu e 31,8% stricto sensu. Possuem título de especialista em MFC 41,9% dos entrevistados. Mais da metade dos egressos participam da formação de médicos de família (52,7%), sendo que 83,7% têm interesse em realizar esse tipo de atividade. Dos médicos de família que atuam na área da MFC, a maioria está satisfeita ou muito satisfeita e 44,8% deles estão motivados. Conclui-se que os médicos de família egressos de PRMFC do ESP são predominantemente jovens e mulheres e moram em grandes centros urbanos, tendendo a se fixar mais no próprio ESP, local onde fizeram a residência médica. O local de atuação dos egressos é bastante diverso, já que a formação em MFC é ampla. Muitos egressos participam de atividades relacionadas à formação dos médicos de família sendo, portanto, peças fundamentais para a formação de novos profissionais capacitados para atuarem na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Além disso, a maioria deles está satisfeita com o trabalho na MFC, mas ainda faltam reconhecimento e valorização da especialidade. / In Brazil, human resource qualification to work in the Family Health Strategy is low. Considering that the State of São Paulo (SSP) is an important human resource forming center for healthcare, the situation of graduates in Residency Programs in Family and Community Medicine (RPFCM), who finalized their residency between 2000 and 2009, was assessed. The sociodemographic profile from these physicians was characterized, along with their professional careers after residency and job satisfaction. The data was collected in 2012 through an online questionnaire, which was divided into the following sections: socioeconomic profile, professional performance, and activities in Family and Community Medicine (FCM). From the total of 234 graduates from 17 RPFCMs of SSP, this study included 129 people from 14 institutions. The majority of participants are females (58.1%) and between the ages of 30 and 34 (55.8%). Most of them live in SSP (79.1%) and in larger cities or metropolitan areas (89.1%). Their medical degree was predominantly obtained in the southeast region (92.3%), mostly from the SSP (72.1%). From the 129 participants, 98.4% are healthcare practitioners. From these, 74.6% work in Family and Community Medicine and 48.1% work in education. They reported having one (33.9%), two (33.9%), or three (15.0%) job positions, not related to education. The most frequently reported current workplace was Family Health Strategy (49.6%), followed by Urgency and Emergency (26.7%), private practice (19.7%), Traditional Health Unit (19.7%) and healthcare management (18.9%). Regarding academic career after FCM residency, 10.1% did another residency, 57.0% obtained a lato sensu specialization and 31.8% acquired a stricto sensu degree. A specialization in FCM was perfomed by 41.9% of the participants. Over half of the participants are training the next generation of family physicians (52.7%), while 83.7% of these intend to follow this career. The majority of family physicians working in FCM are satisfied or very satisfied in the chosen career, and 44.8% of them are motivated. In conclusion, residency graduates from RPFCM-SSP are predominantly women and young, living in large urban centers, tending to locate in SSP where their residency was acquired. The working environment of the graduates is quite diverse, since the aptitude learned at FCM is ample. Many graduates actively participate in activities related to the training of family physicians, therefore, are a fundamental part in training new professionals to work in Primary Health Care. Moreover, most of them are satisfied with their jobs in FCM, despite the lack in recognition and appreciation for this healthcare specialty.

Ensinando psicodinâmica para residentes de psiquiatria / Teaching psychodynamics to psychiatric residents through psychiatric outpatients interviews

Eva Helena Costa Cardoso Zoppe 26 June 2007 (has links)
Objetivo: Este estudo apresenta um curso de psicodinâmica para residentes de psiquiatria, direcionado ao atendimento psiquiátrico ambulatorial, com o propósito de favorecer a integração entre as abordagens biológica e psicodinâmica. O objetivo foi investigar o aprendizado dos residentes após o curso, em relação à aquisição de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes específicas. Método: Dezoito residentes de primeiro ano do IPq-HC-FMUSP freqüentaram o curso em 2005. Os residentes foram avaliados no primeiro e no último dia do curso através de uma prova escrita que foi corrigida por dois juízes independentes. A análise de variância (ANOVA) e testes não paramétricos, quando necessário, foram utlizados para a análise estatística. A concordância entre os juízes foi testada através do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. Os residentes também foram entrevistados, após o curso, com a intenção de verificar se os conceitos psicodinâmicos haviam sido integrados em sua prática clínica (avaliação qualitativa). As respostas foram submetidas à metodologia do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: Houve um alto grau de concordância entre os juízes (r =0,90). Demonstrou-se uma diferença (p= 0,000) entre as notas do período final e do período inicial, com um acréscimo das notas totais no período final, em média, de 2,5 pontos (o valor total da prova era 10,0 pontos). Adicionalmente, verificou-se que os residentes passaram a fazer mais psicoterapia pessoal após o curso (p= 0,031). Nas entrevistas, eles enfatizaram o aprendizado adquirido e uma melhora do relacionamento com os pacientes. Conclusões: Este estudo constatou que, através do método de ensino proposto, os residentes adquiriram conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes especificamente relacionados aos princípios psicodinâmicos abordados durante o curso. / Objective: The author designed and taught a course for first-year psychiatry residents that specifically addressed psychodynamic principles that can be applied to outpatient psychiatric treatment, in order to integrate biological and psychodynamic approaches. The goal was to evaluate whether this course fostered residents? progress in knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding these psychodynamic concepts. Method: This course was given in the 2005 academic year to all residents (n=18) in their first psychiatric postgraduate year at the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School. The residents were assessed in the first and the last sessions of the course through a written test that was blindly rated by two independent judges. They were also interviewed afterwards to observe whether the psychodynamic concepts had been integrated into actual practice (qualitative assessment). Their responses were subjected to content analysis. Significance was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) or nonparametric tests when necessary. The agreement between the judges was tested using intraclass correlation coefficients. Results: The judges demonstrated a high level of agreement (minimum r=0.90). There was a difference in mean scores before and after the course (p=0.000), such that the total score increased by a mean of 2.5 points (total score for tests was 10.0 points). Additionally, it was seen that the residents started to undergo more personal psychotherapy after the course (p=0.031). In the interviews, they reported that this course had markedly improved their relationship with patients. They emphasized the opportunities for self-reflection and gaining insights into themselves and patient treatment issues. Conclusions: This initial study indicates that this educational method can effectively promote psychodynamic knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes among our residents for managing psychiatric outpatients.


Marinho, Tanimar Pereira Coelho 12 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-09-04T20:50:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TANIMAR PEREIRA COLEHO MARINHO.pdf: 2545584 bytes, checksum: 82ed7ae8c16937c157e257d887e51dd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-04T20:50:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TANIMAR PEREIRA COLEHO MARINHO.pdf: 2545584 bytes, checksum: 82ed7ae8c16937c157e257d887e51dd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-12 / The Multiprofessional Residency in Health, as a training proposal, is a significant field in the strategic for the Health Unic System (SUS), stimulating multiprofessional teamwork, which contributes to the qualification of specialized human resources, with a view to guarantee integral health care. However, it is essential to problematize the context of attack on health and education policies that directly influence the direction of health education. The object of this study is the implementation of the Multiprofessional Integrated Residency Program in Urgency and Trauma Health (PRIMUT) at the Emergency Hospital of Goiânia (HUGO), in the perspective of integrality and interdisciplinarity of health training. The research aims to identify and analyze whether the health training of the program facilitates the integration of in-service teaching among resident health professionals (Social Workers, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists, Nutritionists and Psychologists) in the perspective of integrality and interdisciplinarity. This is a descriptive and exploratory research, developed from the qualitative approach, which was carried out in an urgency and emergency hospital, with seventeen members of the PRIMUT who met the inclusion criteria, from June to August 2016. In the technical approach of the fieldwork, the semi-structured interview was highlighted. The study contemplated the integrality and interdisciplinarity themes in health training within the scope of the PRIMUT. The sample consisted of tutors, preceptors and health professionals residents in the second year. All the ethical aspects of the researches with human beings ruled in Resolution nº 466/12 of the National Council of Health were respected. We consider that the training in the Multiprofessional Residency in Health (MRH), characterized by in-service teaching, takes place within a complicated context of interactions and relations between preceptors, residents, tutors and other professionals from different knowledge fields. The characteristics of the MRH are: in-service teaching; direct supervision of trained professionals (preceptory); academic supervision (tutoring); exclusive dedication system; fields for training and practice in services of the health care network of the SUS. In a context that is contrary to the universal Health System, we consider absolutely important to train critical professionals who are in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the SUS. We highlight the need to discuss the 60-hour weekly workload, as well as the many difficulties of establishing a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary relationship, like: differences of understanding the role of residents in the service and the guidelines of the health training; the resistance of the defenders of the biomedical model in carrying out multiprofessionals activities; and the impasses in articulating the specific field with the common, without the supremacy of one profession over the other. The effectiveness of integral and interdisciplinary practices is still a challenge to be fully achieved in the health education in the context of the residency. / A Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS), como proposta de formação, constitui-se em um espaço significativo nas áreas estratégicas para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), estimulando o trabalho em equipe multiprofissional, o que contribui para a qualificação dos recursos humanos especializados, com vistas a garantir a assistência integral à saúde. No entanto, é primordial problematizar o contexto de ataque às políticas de saúde e educação, o que influencia diretamente no direcionamento da formação em saúde. Este estudo tem como objeto a efetivação do Programa de Residência Integrada Multiprofissional em Urgência e Trauma (PRIMUT) no Hospital de Urgências de Goiânia – Dr. Valdemiro Cruz (HUGO), na perspectiva da integralidade e da interdisciplinaridade na formação em saúde. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e analisar se a formação em saúde do Programa propicia a integração ensino em serviço entre os profissionais da saúde residentes (Assistentes Sociais, Enfermeiros, Fisioterapeutas, Fonoaudiólogos, Nutricionistas e Psicólogos), na perspectiva da integralidade e interdisciplinaridade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva e exploratória, desenvolvida a partir da abordagem qualitativa, a qual foi realizada em um hospital de urgência e emergência, com dezessete integrantes do PRIMUT que preencheram os critérios de inclusão, entre os meses de Junho e Agosto de 2016. Na abordagem técnica do trabalho de campo, destacou-se a entrevista semiestruturada. O estudo contemplou as temáticas integralidade e interdisciplinaridade na formação em saúde no âmbito do PRIMUT/HUGO. A amostra foi composta por tutores, preceptores e profissionais da saúde residentes do segundo ano. Foram respeitados todos os aspectos éticos das pesquisas com seres humanos, pautados na Resolução nº 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Considera-se que a formação na RMS, caracterizada por ensino-serviço, ocorre dentro de um contexto complexo de interações e relações entre preceptores, residentes, tutores e demais profissionais de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. As características da RMS são: formação em serviço; supervisão direta por profissionais capacitados (preceptoria); supervisão acadêmica (tutoria); regime de dedicação exclusiva; e cenários de formação e prática em serviços da rede de atenção à saúde no SUS. Em um contexto avesso ao SUS universal, considera-se de suma importância que se formem profissionais críticos e consonantes com os princípios e diretrizes do SUS. Destaca-se a necessidade de debater a carga horária semanal de 60 horas, bem como as dificuldades no estabelecimento da relação multiprofissional e interdisciplinar de diversas ordens: diferenças na compreensão acerca do papel dos residentes nos serviços e dos pressupostos da formação em saúde; a resistência dos defensores do modelo biomédico em realizar atividades multiprofissionais; e os impasses em articular o campo específico com o comum, sem a supremacia de uma profissão sobre a outra. A efetivação das práticas integrais e interdisciplinares constitui um desafio a ser alcançado em sua plenitude na formação em saúde no contexto da residência.

Avaliação de competência clínica de médicos residentes de Urologia na realização de exame urodinâmico

Honji, Valter Yasushi 21 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T13:10:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valter Yasushi Honji.pdf: 1086643 bytes, checksum: 959ccebbe46c11a10291e9a55d84d166 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Clinical skills assessment is an essential step in the medicine students´ graduation and must be done by the teacher through direct performance observation in a real situation. The usage of Mini-Cex is an additional formative and summative evaluation option that assesses pre or post graduates students´ medical expertise. Objectives: Evaluate clinical residents competence on performing urodynamic exames; quantify performance development after feedback attainment, quantify technical improvement quality of urodynamic examination by the resident doctor ; quantify the time spent in applying the Mini-Cex by the observer; detect and quantify medical disabilities during urodynamic examination, evaluate the reliability and internal consistency of the Mini exercise Clinical Evaluative ( Mini-Cex ) for the urodynamic examination. Methods: A quantitative and qualitative study conducted with graduated students in urology during the performance of urodynamic examination, through the Mini-Cex instrument application, which is based on a Likert Scale of 9 categories, which grades 1 to 3 refer to unsatisfactory performance ; 4 to 6 to satisfactory performance and 7 to 9 the exemplary performance . This instrument allowed residents' performance assessment in achieving the urodynamic examination by the researcher on the following questions: on interviewing, physical examination, clinical reasoning skills, humanistic and professional qualities, orientation, organization/efficiency and overall, clinical competence. At the end of the consultancy the researcher conducted a feedback to each student pointing their failures and successes in achieving the urodynamic testing, setting up formative assessment. Results: The findings recommend the usage of the Mini-Cex in performing urodynamic studies (Cronbach's alpha between 0.8 and 0.9) and performing feedback advantages on development of residents´ learning / A avaliação de competências clínicas constitui etapa essencial na formação do estudante de Medicina e deve ser feita pelo professor, por meio da observação direta do desempenho em situação real. O uso do Miniexercício Clínico Avaliativo (Mini-Cex) é uma opção complementar de avaliação formativa e somativa, que avalia as competências clínicas do estudantes pré ou pós-graduados. Objetivos: Avaliar a competência clínica, de médicos residentes, na realização do exame urodinâmico; quantificar a evolução do seu desempenho após a realização do feedback; quantificar a melhora da qualidade técnica do exame urodinâmico pelo médico residente; quantificar o tempo gasto na aplicação do Mini-Cex pelo observador; detectar e quantificar as deficiências médicas durante o exame urodinâmico; avaliar a confiabilidade e a consistência interna do Mini-Cex para o exame urodinâmico. Material e Método: Estudo quanti-qualitativo realizado com estudantes de pós-graduação em Urologia durante a realização do exame urodinâmico, por meio da aplicação do instrumento Mini-Cex, que é baseado em uma Escala de Likert de 9 categorias, em que as notas de 1 a 3 referem-se a um desempenho insatisfatório; de 4 a 6 a um desempenho satisfatório e de 7 a 9 a um desempenho exemplar. Este instrumento possibilitou a avaliação do desempenho dos residentes na realização do exame urodinâmico por parte do pesquisador nos seguintes quesitos: habilidades na entrevista, habilidades no exame físico, qualidades humanísticas/profissionalismo, raciocínio clínico, habilidades de orientação, organização/eficiência e competência clínica geral. Ao final da consulta, o pesquisador realizou um feedback com cada estudante, apontando suas falhas e acertos na realização do exame urodinâmico, configurando a avaliação formativa. Resultados: Os achados recomendam o uso do Mini-Cex na realização de exames urodinâmicos (Alpha de Cronbach entre 0,8 e 0,9) e vantagens da realização do feedback na evolução do aprendizado de médicos residentes

Formação (in)comum e caminhos de sua produção: cenas da residência multiprofissional em saúde / (In)Common training and paths of their production: scenes of multi-professional residencies in health

Georgia Silva Romcy 11 June 2018 (has links)
Este estudo discute a formação em saúde, utilizando como cena os programas de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS), modalidade de pós-graduação lato sensu, com duração de 2 anos e caracterizada pela multiplicidade de arranjos de seus processos formativos. Entendemos a RMS como uma invenção, e por isso a discutimos a partir de uma exercício genealógico, reconhecendo as forças que se apropriam de determinados conceitos, as disputas produzidas e os valores construídos em diferentes contextos. Além disso, discutir outros modos de formação significa pensar em novas apostas, de forma que dialogamos neste estudo sobre o que estamos chamando de Formação (In) Comum, utilizando conceitos-ferramentas: transversalidade, trabalho vivo em ato e produção do comum. Assim, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender como o processo formativo de residência multiprofissional em saúde, está sendo construído e vivenciado, na perspectiva da produção do comum, tendo como campo de pesquisa os Programas de Residência em Rede de Atenção Psicossocial da Universidade Federal de São Paulo campus Baixada Santista e de Residência em Saúde da Família da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. A abordagem utilizada foi a cartografia, enquanto uma estratégia de encontro com o(s) outros(s), ao experienciando, construindo percursos acompanhados dos efeitos que eram causados na pesquisadora, nos sujeitos, no campo e na própria produção da pesquisa. O principal sujeito de pesquisa foi a \"equipe-guia\", em cada um dos programas que se constituem como campo de pesquisa, no qual o processo formativo das residências multiprofissionais em saúde será investigado sob o olhar desses sujeitos, das suas histórias, suas relações, suas escolhas e caminhos. Foram realizadas conversas com residentes, preceptores, tutores e coordenadores, da observação participante, acompanhando o cotidiano desses atores nesse processo formativo, em seus mais diversos espaços e da análise de documentos. Construímos três analisadores, a partir da vivências e do diário de campo, para discutir a produção do comum nos programas de RMS: os cenários de prática em que as residências acontecem, incluindo aqui a preceptoria; os próprios programas em si e seus instituídos e instituinte; e os dispositivos de produção do comum produzidos em cada programa. Por entendermos que não somente cada programa se configura de forma distinta, mas que a Saúde Mental e a Saúde da Família se configuram de formas singulares, os serviços e seus arranjos também se apresentam assim, bem como as apostas dos programas e a própria vivência formativa. Entendemos que as cenas de produção do comum nos programas de RMS são fortemente marcado pelos cenários de prática, sendo essa produção de subjetividade da equipe-guia da RMRAPS/UNIFESP marcada pela desinstitucionalização, a luta antimanicomial, a construção de equipe e o usuários e a da equipe-guia da RMSF/UEL pelo território, as ações programáticas, a criticidade dos processos e a comunidade. Além disso, outras forças presentes em ambos os processos formativos, cada uma a sua forma, são a necessidade de saúde dos usuários/comunidade, a produção do cuidado e a defesa pelo processo formativo. Neste sentido, os processos de formação da residências multiprofissional em saúde podem potencializar produção de subjetivação não somente atravessada pelos princípios do SUS e pelos saberes dos núcleos profissionais, mas também pelos campos de atuação. / This study discusses health education, using as a scene the Multi-professional Health Residency (MHR) Programs, a two-year post-graduation program, characterized by the multiplicity of arrangements of its training processes.We understand MHR as an invention, and so we discuss it from a genealogical exercise, recognizing the forces appropriating certain concepts, the disputes produced, and the values constructed in different contexts. In addition, discussing other modes of formation means thinking about new bets, so that we dialogue in this study about what we are calling (In)Common Training, using tool concepts: transversality, live work in action and production of the common. Thus, this research aims to understand how the residency training process multi-profession in health, is being constructed and experienced in the perspective of production of the common, having as research field the Programs of Residency in Psychosocial Care Network of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo campus Baixada Santista and Residence in Family Health of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina. The approach used was cartography, as a strategy of meeting with the other(s), experiencing, building paths accompanied by the effects that were caused on the researcher, the subjects, the field and the production of the research itself. The main subject of research was the \"guide team\", in each of the programs that constitute a field of research, in which the training process of multi-professional residencies in health will be investigated under the eyes of these subjects, their histories, their relationships, your choices and your ways. Talks were held with residents, preceptors, tutors and coordinators, participant observation, accompanying the daily life of these actors in this training process, in their various spaces and document analysis. We constructed three analyzers, from the experiences and the field diary, to discuss the production of the common in the MHR programs: the practice scenarios in which the residencies happen, including here the preceptory; the programs themselves and their institutions and institutions; and the production of the commom devices produced in each program. Because we understand that not only are each program configured in a different way, but that Mental Health and Family Health are configured in unique ways, services and their arrangements are presented as well, as well as the bets of the programs and the formative experience itself . We understand that the scenes of production of the common in the MHR programs are strongly marked by the scenarios of practice, and this production of subjectivity of the RMRAPS/UNIFESP \"guid team\" marked by deinstitutionalization, the antimanicomial fight, the team building and the users and the of the RMSF/UEL \"guide team\" by the territory, the programmatic actions, the criticality of the processes and the community. In addition, other forces present in both formative processes, each in its form, are the health needs of the users/community, the production of care and the defense by the formative process. In this sense, the processes of formation of multi-professional residencies in health can enhance the production of subjectivity not only crossed by the principles of the SUS and the knowledge of the professional nuclei, but also by the fields of action.

Ensinando psicodinâmica para residentes de psiquiatria / Teaching psychodynamics to psychiatric residents through psychiatric outpatients interviews

Zoppe, Eva Helena Costa Cardoso 26 June 2007 (has links)
Objetivo: Este estudo apresenta um curso de psicodinâmica para residentes de psiquiatria, direcionado ao atendimento psiquiátrico ambulatorial, com o propósito de favorecer a integração entre as abordagens biológica e psicodinâmica. O objetivo foi investigar o aprendizado dos residentes após o curso, em relação à aquisição de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes específicas. Método: Dezoito residentes de primeiro ano do IPq-HC-FMUSP freqüentaram o curso em 2005. Os residentes foram avaliados no primeiro e no último dia do curso através de uma prova escrita que foi corrigida por dois juízes independentes. A análise de variância (ANOVA) e testes não paramétricos, quando necessário, foram utlizados para a análise estatística. A concordância entre os juízes foi testada através do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. Os residentes também foram entrevistados, após o curso, com a intenção de verificar se os conceitos psicodinâmicos haviam sido integrados em sua prática clínica (avaliação qualitativa). As respostas foram submetidas à metodologia do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: Houve um alto grau de concordância entre os juízes (r =0,90). Demonstrou-se uma diferença (p= 0,000) entre as notas do período final e do período inicial, com um acréscimo das notas totais no período final, em média, de 2,5 pontos (o valor total da prova era 10,0 pontos). Adicionalmente, verificou-se que os residentes passaram a fazer mais psicoterapia pessoal após o curso (p= 0,031). Nas entrevistas, eles enfatizaram o aprendizado adquirido e uma melhora do relacionamento com os pacientes. Conclusões: Este estudo constatou que, através do método de ensino proposto, os residentes adquiriram conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes especificamente relacionados aos princípios psicodinâmicos abordados durante o curso. / Objective: The author designed and taught a course for first-year psychiatry residents that specifically addressed psychodynamic principles that can be applied to outpatient psychiatric treatment, in order to integrate biological and psychodynamic approaches. The goal was to evaluate whether this course fostered residents? progress in knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding these psychodynamic concepts. Method: This course was given in the 2005 academic year to all residents (n=18) in their first psychiatric postgraduate year at the Institute of Psychiatry, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School. The residents were assessed in the first and the last sessions of the course through a written test that was blindly rated by two independent judges. They were also interviewed afterwards to observe whether the psychodynamic concepts had been integrated into actual practice (qualitative assessment). Their responses were subjected to content analysis. Significance was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) or nonparametric tests when necessary. The agreement between the judges was tested using intraclass correlation coefficients. Results: The judges demonstrated a high level of agreement (minimum r=0.90). There was a difference in mean scores before and after the course (p=0.000), such that the total score increased by a mean of 2.5 points (total score for tests was 10.0 points). Additionally, it was seen that the residents started to undergo more personal psychotherapy after the course (p=0.031). In the interviews, they reported that this course had markedly improved their relationship with patients. They emphasized the opportunities for self-reflection and gaining insights into themselves and patient treatment issues. Conclusions: This initial study indicates that this educational method can effectively promote psychodynamic knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes among our residents for managing psychiatric outpatients.

Residency Education in Preparing Adolescent and Young Adults for Transition to Adult Care: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study

Hess, Janet S. 18 December 2014 (has links)
Background: There is considerable evidence that physicians lack sufficient training in facilitating transition from pediatric to adult care systems for adolescents and young adults (A/YA). While several primary care residency programs have introduced health care transition (HCT) curricula in recent years, there are few studies that assess the effectiveness of HCT teaching models. Purpose: To assess the impact of a residency education program that uses electronic health records (EHR) and other methods to teach residents how to prepare A/YA for transition to adult care. Methods: In a mixed methods, quasi-experimental research design, quantitative methods were used to measure change in knowledge, confidence and experience among 67 Pediatrics and Med-Peds residents who participated in the program. All residents and a comparison group were invited to complete a 35-item pre/post-survey; a retrospective chart review provided documentation of age-specific HCT preparation tasks completed by residents during well visits for A/YA aged 12-21. Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted to compare differences between resident and control test scores for 5 outcome variables, and to measure resident utilization of the HCT tool in the EHR. Using the Reach Effectiveness-Adoption Implementation Maintenance (RE-AIM) evaluation model as a guide, semi-structured interviews were conducted concurrently with residents and faculty to assess program acceptability, feasibility, and other important attributes. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a constant comparative, iterative process. Results: Survey results showed residents (11 matched pairs) scored significantly higher than controls (13 matched pairs) in 2 of 5 outcomes: exposure to HCT learning activities (p=.0005) and confidence in providing primary care for YSHCN (p=.0377). Overall utilization of the EHR tool among 51 residents was 52.8% (57 of 108 patient visits). In interviews conducted with 16 residents and 6 faculty, both groups said that HCT training is a highly relevant need. Residents said they had little knowledge or experience in HCT prior to the intervention but felt more confident in their abilities afterwards. The HCT tool in the EHR was the only intervention element among multiple modalities that reached all study participants, with more than 80% of residents interviewed reporting they used the HCT tool "usually" or "always." Factors that influenced program adoption included accessibility of educational materials, ease of use, time constraints, patient age and health condition, and attending physicians' enforcement of the protocol. Conclusion: This study contributes to the body of knowledge concerning HCT by increasing our understanding of ways to effectively educate residents about transition preparation. Results show a positive intervention effect on selected dimensions of resident knowledge, confidence, and practice in HCT, highlighting program strengths and weaknesses. The program is distinctive in educating residents to prepare all A/YA for HCT, as recommended by major medical associations for pediatric and adult care physicians, and in its use of the EHR as a primary teaching tool, a consideration for reducing time-intensive didactic instruction. It provides a model that can be adapted by other residency and provider training programs, and suggests a need to integrate acquisition of health care self-management skills more broadly in child and adolescent health preventive care tools and policies.

Nurse Practitioner Residency Programs: An Educational Journey

Rys, Gregory Paul 01 January 2016 (has links)
Primary care is in a state of crisis due to the lack of clinicians and increasing numbers of insured patients. Encouraging more students to go directly through school for their doctor of nursing practice degree and nurse practitioner (NP) certifications is one proposal to alleviate this crisis. However, this approach would deliver graduates with minimal leadership and clinical experiences directly into practice. One resolution to mitigate this concern would be an NP residency program. Evaluating the knowledge and attitudes of stakeholders prior to the implementation of a NP residency program is an important first step to this implementation plan. The purpose of this project was to assess the knowledge and attitudes about NP residency programs of 2 stake holders: administrators and NPs at a rural upstate New York health care system, Bassett Healthcare, and to compare responses of those fiscally with those clinically oriented. Using literature less than 6 years old about NP residencies, a 28-question survey tool was created to assess knowledge and attitudes of NP residency programs. Content validity was established by 6 hand-selected NPs and administrators who had expert knowledge of residency programs. Once validity was established, the tool was distributed to a convenience sample of NPs and administrators at Bassett Healthcare Network via e-mail. The sample included 20 administrators and 44 NPs. A Mann-Whitney U test revealed no statistical differences between the 2 groups on any item. However, a majority of both groups felt the programs should be mandatory for all NPs. This project may be the first step in formation of a NP residency program that could alleviate transitional stress, decrease turnover, and produce better clinically-prepared NPs, thus benefitting the profession and society.

Constructing communities : The establishment and demographic development of sawmill communities in the Sundsvall district, 1850-1890

Bergman, Maria January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation studies the establishment and demographic development of the sawmill communities that emerged in the Sundsvall district during the latter half of the 19th century.  The intention is to highlight the importance of the sawmill communities and their resident populations by discussing community construction from a demographic perspective as well as socially and symbolically. Based on church registers, this is a longitudinal study that includes information from 31 individual sawmill communities. This study has shown that the establishment and demographic development of the sawmill communities was not an instant process that necessarily followed the construction of the sawmill industries. The prerequisites of the geographical locations and year of establishment influenced population development, but the speed and size of the settlements were individual to each mill site. More prosperous times for the industry during the 1870s resulted in that migration increased consequently leading to quickly populated communities and larger registered core populations in residence. Migration to the sawmill communities from within the parishes was infrequent and the geographical backgrounds revealed that an extremely small proportion of the populations had been born within the district, implying a migratory hesitation among locally born. The sawmill populations were male-dominated due to the large groups of temporary workers inhabiting the communities, although, adult males barely made up one-third of the registered populations. The largest demographic group was children aged 0-14 years. The strong presence of children and high proportions of married individuals suggests that the sawmill communities were family oriented communities, more so than non-sawmill areas. Long-time settled families had usually formed kinship networks with other residents. This dissertation concludes that while time was important for the development of the sawmill communities, so were the registered populations residing in these communities. Residency would have been key in claiming belonging to the sawmill communities and to be considered as a real sawmill worker. Residency, family and kin therefore contributed to the construction of community structures, geographically, socially and symbolically.

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