Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rewriting"" "subject:"rewritings""
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Tessituras argumentativas: um espaço para a interação / Argumentative weavings: a space for interactionGonçalves, Simone 23 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho foi elaborado com o objetivo de encontrar respostas para questões relacionadas às práticas de produção de textos na escola e caracteriza-se como pesquisa-ação, por tratar-se de uma alternância de papéis entre professor e pesquisador, ora participando dos movimentos relativos ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, construindo as práticas de sala de aula, ora se posicionando como pesquisador reflexivo, buscando discutir a relação entre as práticas da sala de aula e a teoria, levantando hipóteses e buscando respostas para os desafios que emergem das práticas discentes e docentes em sala de aula. O que se pretende é investigar práticas de produção textual por alunos do 9º ano de uma escola particular de ensino fundamental do Estado de São Paulo, buscando refletir sobre como se dão os processos de escrita e reescrita. Os questionamentos colocados foram os seguintes: de que forma os alunos lidam com processos de reescrita de textos? que movimentos podem ser observáveis no percurso entre as versões do texto? Que escolhas os alunos fazem, quando orientados a melhorar seus textos? Buscam ampliar? Buscam reduzir? Como se dão os processos de escrita e reescrita de textos durante a execução de uma sequência didática voltada para o ensino de textos argumentativos? A qualidade das mudanças está ligada ao status do solicitante? De que forma os alunos lidam com processos de reescrita do texto? O gênero discursivo escolhido para a investigação foi a justificativa de projeto de iniciação científica, um gênero criado pelo professor-pesquisador por conter características sociodiscursivas que implicam em reflexão, engajamento e posicionamento. As etapas do trabalho foram: (1) construção de uma sequência didática para o ensino do gênero justificativa; (2) aplicação da sequência didática; (3) seleção do corpus: textos produzidos por um total de seis alunos, sendo três meninos e três meninas; (4) análise de dados referentes às réplicas: que modificações foram feitas nos textos depois das intervenções do professor? Que modificações foram feitas nos textos depois das intervenções de um colega de turma? / This paper was elaborated with the purpose of finding answers to methodological issues related to the practices of textual production at school and is characterized as an action-research, because of the alternation of roles between teacher and researcher, sometimes participating in activities about teaching and learning, building the practices of classroom, sometimes positioning itself as a reflective researcher, trying to discuss the relation between classrooms practices and theory, bringing up hypotheses, seeking answers to challenges that come from students and teachers practices in classroom. What is intended is to investigate practices of textual production from 9th grade students of a private primary school located in São Paulo reflecting on how does the process of writing and rewriting happens. The questions that arise are the following: What actions can be observed in the course between the texts versions? What choices do the students make, when advised to improve their texts? Do they try to enlarge it? Do they try to shorten it? How do the processes of writing and rewriting during the implementation of an instructional sequence focused on argumentative texts happen? Is the quality of the changes connected to the requesters status? The chosen genre discourse to the investigation was the justification, a genre created by the teacher-researcher for including socio-discursive features that imply in reflection, engagement and positioning. The works steps were: (1) Building an instructional sequence for teaching the genre justification; (2) Applying the instructional sequence; (3) Selecting the corpus: texts produced by six students, three boys and three girls; (4) Analyzing data on replies: what changes were made on the texts after the teachers interventions? What changes were made on the texts after a classmates interventions?
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Imitation et création dans le" théâtre moderne" (1550-1650) : la question des cycles d’inspiration / Imitation and Creation in French “Modern Drama” (1550-1650) : the Question of Inspiration CyclesFournial, Céline 25 January 2019 (has links)
La seconde moitié du XVIe siècle voit naître le théâtre moderne français sous l’effet d’une vaste réflexion sur la littérature, indissociable de la théorie de l’imitation créatrice promue comme méthode d’écriture universelle par les Humanistes. Les termes et les enjeux de cette réflexion se transforment dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, notamment à partir de la fin des années 1620, où s’engagent des débat sur le théâtre, alors très riche en tentatives de renouvellement dramatique. Dans ces circonstances, le choix des sources d’inspiration n’est pas indifférent. Les auteurs ne sont pas seulement en quête de sujets, ils cherchent aussi des formes nouvelles chez les écrivains étrangers, qui nourrissent tant la pratique que la théorie. L’étude d’un siècle de théâtre permet de dégager plusieurs cycles d’inspiration dans l’histoire de la tragi-comédie, de la tragédie et de la comédie, et de constater que ces cycles correspondent aux étapes majeures de l’évolution de chacun de ces genres. Inventio et dramaturgie entretiennent des liens étroits. L’étude des cycles met en évidence le sens et les conséquences de la pratique de l’adaptation ou de la récriture et du choix de sources antiques, italiennes, espagnoles ou françaises, à une époque où la question des modèles est centrale et débattue. La notion de cycle permet d’envisager les sources d’inspiration comme des phénomènes périodiques et de montrer comment le théâtre s’élabore et trouve sa singularité à travers l’imitation. Enfin, l’étude du rapport cyclique des auteurs français aux sources antiques et modernes conduit à réfléchir à la circulation des sujets et des formes en Europe et à la question des cycles européens. / In the second half of the sixteenth century, modern French drama is developed from humanist reflection upon both past literature and the theory of imitation, considered a universal writing method by period scholars. In the first half of the 17th century, especially from the 1620s on, the evolving terms and stakes of such reflection produce numerous debates about drama, a genre then full of dramatic experimentation and renovation. Under these circumstances, the choice of inspiration is not insignificant. The dramatists not only look for subjects, but also for novel literary forms from foreign writers that could feed practice as much as theory. Studying one century of dramatic creations enables us to outline several cycles of inspiration within the history of tragicomedy, tragedy and comedy, and to record how these cycles match the main stages of evolution of those three genres. Throughout, Inventio and dramaturgy maintain close relations with each other. At a time when the central and most debated question is one of models, analyzing these cycles highlights the meaning and consequences of the use of adaptation and rewriting, and the choice of ancient, Italian, Spanish or French inspirations. The concept of cycles enables the comprehension of the sources of inspiration as periodical phenomenon and to show how drama uniquely evolves through imitation. In conclusion, studying the cyclic relation between the French playwrights and their ancient and modern inspirations leads to the examination of Modern French drama’s European nature and the circulation and transference of subjects and literary forms.
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Formalization and Verification of Rewriting-Based Security PolicesVeselinov, Roman Nikolov 30 April 2008 (has links)
Term rewriting -- an expressive language based on equational logic -- can be used to author and analyze policies that are part of an access control system. Maude is a simple, yet powerful, reflective programming language based on term rewriting that models systems along with the subjects, objects and actions within them. We specify the behavior of the system as a theory defined by conditional rewrite rules, and define the access control policy as an equational theory in a separate module. The tools that Maude provides, such as the Maude Model Checker and the Sufficient Completeness Checker, are used to reason about the behavior and verify properties of access control systems in an automated manner.
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Autopromotion, paradoxe et réécriture dans l'oeuvre d'Ortensio Lando / Self-promotion, Paradox and Rewriting in Ortensio Lando's works.Greco, Federica 24 September 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est une étude globale de l’œuvre et de la pensée de l’humaniste milanais Ortensio Lando (1506 env.- 1553 env.). Cet auteur, redécouvert par la critique dans les années 70, notamment grâce aux recherches menées par les américains Conor Fahy et Paul Grendler, connaît aujourd’hui un intérêt renouvelé en raison du caractère paradoxal et ambigu de sa production. Mais, si son ouvrage le plus célèbre, les Paradossi (1543), est désormais bien connu par les spécialistes, la plus grande partie de ses écrits reste encore méconnue. Nous prendrons par conséquent en considération tout le corpus de Lando, qui compte au moins une vingtaine d’ouvrages, pour mener une étude complète de son œuvre.Nous porterons aussi une attention particulière à la vie d’Ortensio Lando qui reste encore en grande partie obscure. Nous reprendrons les quelques documents de l’époque qui nous donnent des informations utiles et les différentes théories sur la biographie de Lando, notamment l’hypothèse qu’il était dans sa jeunesse un moine augustin qui aurait par la suite abandonné son ordre pour fuir en France.L’analyse des œuvres permet de dégager trois axes principaux :1) L’autopromotion.Lando employait différents pseudonymes. À notre avis, cet usage était dicté seulement en partie par la nécessité de cacher son identité d’auteur hétérodoxe. L’utilisation de pseudonymes et de jeux linguistiques faisait aussi partie d’une stratégie réfléchie d’autopromotion dont nous analyserons les techniques rhétoriques. Lando était conscient des nouveaux enjeux de l’industrie typographique et démontre qu’il sait les utiliser à sa faveur pour se construire une image de lettré irrégulier et excentrique.2) Le paradoxe.Les Paradossi sont considérés comme la première œuvre du genre paradoxal en langue vulgaire, genre qui connaîtra un énorme succès pendant tout le XVIe siècle. La critique a déjà reconstruit la façon dont l’humanisme a récupéré cette tradition d’origine antique, notamment à travers Lucien de Samosate, elle en a isolé les thématiques principales comme celle "asinienne" et la critique du savoir. Jusqu’à présent, peu d’attention a été accordée aux autres textes paradoxaux de Lando et il manque encore une interprétation satisfaisante des raisons qui se cachent derrière cette stratégie stylistique. Les théories qui considèrent Ortensio Lando comme un antihumaniste, anticicéronien et antiérasmien ne sont pas complètement convaincantes et nous développerons une autre thèse pour expliquer l’emploi du paradoxe : l’ambiguïté du message ne représente ni un refus sceptique de toute position, ni une prise de position contre l’héritage humaniste mais le rejet de toute forme de dogmatisme intellectuel.3) Les formes de réécriture.Si Lando ne peut pas être considéré comme antihumaniste, il est certain que nous nous trouvons dans une période de crise et de changement des modèles littéraires. La problématique sera donc d’analyser quels sont les rapports de Lando avec la culture classique dont il reprend et parodie les genres, et avec la culture humaniste qui bien que critiquée reste au centre de ses œuvres. Nous nous concentrerons aussi sur les raisons qui se cachent derrière l’emploi de longues catalogues d’exemples érudits, tirés surtout de l’Officina de Jean Tixier, en proposant de lier cette pratique à une parodie des dérives de la récupération du savoir classique, se fondant sur les mêmes prémisses de littérature paradoxale. / The aim of this study is to analyse the work and thought of Italian humanist Ortensio Lando (c. 1506 – c. 1553). This writer has been rediscovered by critics in the 1970s, mostly thanks to Fay’s and Grendler’s studies, and today many researchers are interested by paradox and ambiguity in his works. But, except for the Paradossi, his literary production remains mostly unknown. For this reason we considered the whole Lando’s corpus, about 27 works, in order to propose a monographic study of this writer.We also focused on Ortensio Lando’s biography, of which we have only few documents, and on the theory that he was an Augustinian monk who committed apostasy and fled to France.The analysis of Lando’s works has permitted to define three research axes:1) Self-promotionLando used different pseudonyms. We assume that this strategy was not only a way to cover his identity, but also a self-promotion stratagem of which we analysed the rhetorical function. Lando knew how to exploit printing innovations and he showed how they could be used to build his eccentric writer’s image.2) ParadoxThe Paradossi are considered as the first vernacular paradoxical work, a successful literary genre in 16th century. Literary criticism reconstructed the way paradoxical tradition was reworked by Humanism, especially through Lucian of Samosata, and has defined its main issues, like the “donkey’s praise” and the critical of learning. But so far, little consideration has been given to others paradoxical Lando’s works and there’s still no satisfying interpretation of the reason behind this strategy. Several assumptions considered Lando as an anti-humanist, anti-Ciceronian and anti-Erasmian writer, but we believe that paradox doesn’t carries a sceptical rejection of any opinion or a criticism against Humanistic heritage; paradox is rather a denunciation of intellectual dogmatism.3) RewritingEven if Lando cannot be considered as an anti-humanist, he clearly lived in times of intellectual crisis and paradigmatic shift in literary models. We will analyse the relationship between Lando and classical culture by parody and imitation, and the relationship between the writer and humanistic culture that remains, despite criticism, the focus of his work. We will also focus on the reasons behind the long and erudite catalogues that Lando copies, especially from Ravisius’s Officina, by proposing to link this practice to the parody of uncritical classical imitation, as in the case of paradoxical literature.
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Tipperary, by Frank Delaney: a reading of the rewriting of history of Ireland / Tipperary, by Frank Delaney: a reading of the rewriting of history of IrelandGabriela Romana Viveiros 25 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é o de discutir a reescrita da história da Irlanda, mais especificamente aspectos relacionados à construção da identidade nacional e de marcas da tradição, a partir da leitura do romance Tipperary, de Frank Delaney. Publicada em 2007, essa obra aborda de forma singular as querelas sobre identidade nacional, nacionalismo, passado, memória, e seus personagens principais e a trama estão significativamente ligados ao contexto político-social da história da Irlanda. Nessa reconstrução da história, o passado é revisitado através de diferentes pontos de vista. Nossa atenção estará voltada para a seleção de elementos/momentos da história do país que ganham foco na narrativa, e as possíveis repercussões deste processo. Além disso, nos concentraremos na questão das tênues fronteiras entre história e ficção, ou seja, as fronteiras pouco delimitadas entre o discurso histórico e o discurso ficcional. Na escrita da história em Tipperary, Delaney aborda questões relativas a mitos, lendas e tradições como importantes fatores de identidade nacional em uma Irlanda que emerge como uma nação independente. No romance em questão, podemos observar como história e memória se unem na jornada do protagonista, em sua empreitada de narrar a história de sua vida e de seu país / The goal of this present work is to discuss the rewriting of the history of Ireland, more specifically aspects related to the construction of national identity and marks derived by tradition from the reading of the novel Tipperary, by Frank Delaney. Published in 2007, the author works with the quarrels of national identity, nationalism, past, memory in a singular way, and its central characters and plot are significantly connected to the history and the political and social context of Ireland. In this process of reconstructing history, the past is revisited through different points of view. We will focus our attention in moments/elements in the history of this country that are highlighted in the narrative, and the possible repercussions of this procedure. Besides, we will concentrate in the issue of the possible boundaries between history and fiction, that is, boundaries that are not very clear between the historical discourse and the fictional discourse.The writing of history in Tipperary, Delaney addressed matters related to myths, legends and traditions that are important factors of national identity in the context of Ireland emerging as an independent nation. In this novel, we observe how history and memory come together in the journey of the protagonist in his enterprise to rewrite the history of his life and country
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O interacionismo na produção de textos dissertativos /Gonçalves, Adair Vieira. January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Odilon Helou Fleury Curado / Banca: Rony Farto Pereira / Banca: Alfredo Peixoto Martins / Resumo: Esta pesquisa investiga de que forma a concepção interacionista da linguagem pode facilitar a instauração da escrita de textos expositivo-argumentativos. Contrapondo tal concepção de linguagem às outras (linguagem como reflexo do pensamento e linguagem como instrumento de comunicação) e, a partir da definição de texto, segundo as mais recentes correntes de estudos da linguagem, o trabalho pretende evidenciar, através das categorias eleitas para análise, quais sejam, progressão e repetição, congruência, argumentação, desdobramento da linguagem monológica em dialógica e progressão, de que forma uma redação dissertativa deve se configurar quando tem o propósito de ser intersubjetiva. Num segundo momento de instauração de um exercício interacionista de escrita, o trabalho, mediante uma metodologia intitulada de correção interativa, pretende avaliar os benefícios ou não de tal prática. / Abstract: This essay analyses in what ways the interectionist conception of the language can make easy the writing of argumentative-expositive texts contrasting this conception to the others (language as a reflex of the thought and language as an instrument of communication) and from this text definition, according to the latest tendencies of language studies of the language, the composition intends to show through the chosen categories for analyses, such as progression and repetition, congruence, argumentation, monologic language transposition into dialogic and progression, in what ways a argumentative-expositive composition must be configured, when objective be inter subjective. In a second moment it intends to evaluate the good or the bad points of this practice through the instauration of an interecionist writing exercise by means of a methodology entitled interactive correction. / Mestre
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Psyché, le mythe et l’idéal : ou les métamorphoses d'une figure antique dans les littératures de langue anglaise / Psyche, the myth and the ideal : or the metamorphoses of an antique figure in English-language literaturesGrivel, Ian 10 December 2016 (has links)
Comment une figure antique comme celle de Psyché a-t-elle su trouver une place dans les littératures de langue anglaise? La réponse est multiple car les auteurs anglophones ont multiplié les approches, mais souvent en rapport avec la notion d'idéal. En effet, au fil des siècles, le mythe de Psyché s’est peu à peu inscrit dans une tradition idéaliste faisant de cette déesse une figure à la fois idéalisée, et à laquelle on a fait correspondre différents idéaux. Mais à l’inverse, Psyché a aussi vu son image être ternie. De nombreux auteurs ont voulu rompre avec la tradition idéaliste en cherchant à détourner l’histoire. Cette lecture nouvelle est souvent fondée sur une décomposition physique et morale du personnage. Cette dégradation lui permet alors de s’extraire du carcan que lui imposaient ses formes trop idéalisées, et d’investir de nouveaux champs littéraires plus modernes, dans des versions anti-idéalisées de ses aventures et de son mariage avec Cupidon. / How did an antique character such as Psyche, with a Mediterranean background, find a place within English-language literatures? English-writing authors have in fact multiplied the ways in which they have approached and ceaselessly reinvented the myth, generally around the notion of ideal. Indeed, throughout the centuries, the myth gradually brought about an idealistic tradition whereby this goddess became a figure both idealised and which was made to fit into various ideals.But conversely, Psyche also had this perfect image tarnished. Many writers decided to part with this idealistic tradition, looking for ways in which to distort the story. This rewriting is often based on a physical and moral decomposition of the character. This degradation thus releases her from her previous idealised and constraining forms, and enables her to enter new literary and modern fields, with anti-idealised versions of both her adventures and her marriage to Cupid.
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Macros como mecanismos de abstração em transformações textuais. / Macros as abstraction mechanisms in textual transformations.Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda 29 June 2018 (has links)
Abstração é um processo que consiste em encontrar similaridades em artefatos e omitir detalhes desnecessários em um particular momento. Em geral, tal processo resulta em simplificação, substituindo situações do mundo real complexas e excessivamente detalhadas por modelos compreensíveis que admitem resolução. Na computação, existem estilos de programação que fornecem ao programador uma visão particular sobre a organização e execução de um programa. Cada estilo viabiliza formas de representação e tratamento de abstrações aderentes ao conjunto de conceitos, valores, percepções e práticas compartilhadas por uma comunidade. Em particular, o fenômeno de reescrita de termos viabiliza transformações entre espaços de abstração. Como instância de tal fenômeno, macros constituem um padrão sintático que especifica uma transformação simbólica ou algorítmica sobre uma sequência de símbolos associada. Na ocorrência de uma instância de tal padrão sintático, este é substituído pela aplicação de sua transformação correspondente. Dada a importância da disponibilização de estruturas de representação mais convenientes às necessidades dos usuários, o objetivo principal desta tese é tratar da utilização de sistemas de reescrita como mecanismos de abstração em transformações textuais. Para tal, técnicas de projeto e aspectos de implementação de tais sistemas são apresentados, com enfoque em macros. / Abstraction is a process of finding similarities in artifacts and omitting unnecessary details at a particular moment. In general, such a process results in simplification, replacing complex and overly detailed real-world situations with understandable models that admit resolution. In computing, there are programming styles that give the programmer a particular insight into the organization and execution of a program. Each style enables forms of representation and treatment of abstractions adhering to the set of concepts, values, perceptions and practices shared by a community. In particular, the term rewriting phenomenon enables transformations along spaces of abstraction. As an instance of such a phenomenon, macros constitute a syntactic pattern that specifies a symbolic or algorithmic transformation over an associated symbol sequence. In the occurrence of an instance, the matched syntactic pattern is replaced by the application of its corresponding transformation. Given the importance of making representation structures more convenient to users\' needs, this thesis aims at addressing the use of rewriting systems as abstraction mechanics in textual transformations. To this end, design techniques and implementation aspects of such systems are presented, focusing on macros.
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Tessituras argumentativas: um espaço para a interação / Argumentative weavings: a space for interactionSimone Gonçalves 23 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho foi elaborado com o objetivo de encontrar respostas para questões relacionadas às práticas de produção de textos na escola e caracteriza-se como pesquisa-ação, por tratar-se de uma alternância de papéis entre professor e pesquisador, ora participando dos movimentos relativos ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, construindo as práticas de sala de aula, ora se posicionando como pesquisador reflexivo, buscando discutir a relação entre as práticas da sala de aula e a teoria, levantando hipóteses e buscando respostas para os desafios que emergem das práticas discentes e docentes em sala de aula. O que se pretende é investigar práticas de produção textual por alunos do 9º ano de uma escola particular de ensino fundamental do Estado de São Paulo, buscando refletir sobre como se dão os processos de escrita e reescrita. Os questionamentos colocados foram os seguintes: de que forma os alunos lidam com processos de reescrita de textos? que movimentos podem ser observáveis no percurso entre as versões do texto? Que escolhas os alunos fazem, quando orientados a melhorar seus textos? Buscam ampliar? Buscam reduzir? Como se dão os processos de escrita e reescrita de textos durante a execução de uma sequência didática voltada para o ensino de textos argumentativos? A qualidade das mudanças está ligada ao status do solicitante? De que forma os alunos lidam com processos de reescrita do texto? O gênero discursivo escolhido para a investigação foi a justificativa de projeto de iniciação científica, um gênero criado pelo professor-pesquisador por conter características sociodiscursivas que implicam em reflexão, engajamento e posicionamento. As etapas do trabalho foram: (1) construção de uma sequência didática para o ensino do gênero justificativa; (2) aplicação da sequência didática; (3) seleção do corpus: textos produzidos por um total de seis alunos, sendo três meninos e três meninas; (4) análise de dados referentes às réplicas: que modificações foram feitas nos textos depois das intervenções do professor? Que modificações foram feitas nos textos depois das intervenções de um colega de turma? / This paper was elaborated with the purpose of finding answers to methodological issues related to the practices of textual production at school and is characterized as an action-research, because of the alternation of roles between teacher and researcher, sometimes participating in activities about teaching and learning, building the practices of classroom, sometimes positioning itself as a reflective researcher, trying to discuss the relation between classrooms practices and theory, bringing up hypotheses, seeking answers to challenges that come from students and teachers practices in classroom. What is intended is to investigate practices of textual production from 9th grade students of a private primary school located in São Paulo reflecting on how does the process of writing and rewriting happens. The questions that arise are the following: What actions can be observed in the course between the texts versions? What choices do the students make, when advised to improve their texts? Do they try to enlarge it? Do they try to shorten it? How do the processes of writing and rewriting during the implementation of an instructional sequence focused on argumentative texts happen? Is the quality of the changes connected to the requesters status? The chosen genre discourse to the investigation was the justification, a genre created by the teacher-researcher for including socio-discursive features that imply in reflection, engagement and positioning. The works steps were: (1) Building an instructional sequence for teaching the genre justification; (2) Applying the instructional sequence; (3) Selecting the corpus: texts produced by six students, three boys and three girls; (4) Analyzing data on replies: what changes were made on the texts after the teachers interventions? What changes were made on the texts after a classmates interventions?
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Through the Looking-glass World of Harry Potter : Literature, Language and History / À travers le monde-miroir de Harry Potter : littérature, langage et histoireCartellier-Veuillen, Éléonore 23 November 2018 (has links)
« À travers le monde-miroir de Harry Potter : littérature, langage et histoire » (« Through the Looking-glass World of Harry Potter : Literature, Language and History ») est une thèse qui propose d’analyser Harry Potter non pas comme un ouvrage à succès mais en tant que littérature à part entière. Les films, la marchandisation, le parc à thème et autres annexes aux œuvres sont donc mis de côté pour se concentrer sur le texte qui recèle un nombre important de joyaux littéraires. Notre but sera de démontrer que Harry Potter fait partie du canon littéraire et qu’il permet au lecteur de re-découvrir son propre monde.Quatre grands thèmes dans l’œuvre de J. K. Rowling sont mis en avant – le lien avec la littérature de jeunesse, l’intertextualité, le langage et l’Histoire – pour mieux étudier la qualité littéraire de Harry Potter. Notre problématique se centre sur la question de passage entre notre monde et le monde magique à travers la notion de langage. En effet le langage permet de créer un pont entre notre culture, notre littérature, nos mythes et notre histoire et le monde enchanté du livre. Cette transposition permet au lecteur de redécouvrir son propre monde à travers un habile jeu de miroirs dans le texte. En poursuivant sa lecture le lecteur est capable de passer à travers le miroir et de découvrir un univers à la fois merveilleux et terrible qui reflète et déforme le nôtre.Cette thèse se propose d'analyser la littérarité du texte tout en pointant les liens avec notre propre culture, que ce soit avec la réécriture des classiques anglophones pour adultes et enfants dans Harry Potter, ou la réécriture de notre Histoire. Ce travail a pour but de démontrer que Harry Potter est digne du canon de la littérature et qu'un examen poussé de l’œuvre permet d’apprécier et de découvrir cette saga à un niveau universitaire. / “ travers le monde-miroir de Harry Potter : littérature, langage et histoire » (« Through the Looking-glass World of Harry Potter : Literature, Language and History” is a thesis whose aim is to analyse J. K. Rowling’s set of magical novels through the lens of literature. We will focus on the text in order to uncover the literary gems which are hidden within the weft of the text. The aim of this thesis is to explain why Harry Potter can be considered as part of the literary canon and how the text creates a mirror-universe which enables the reader to rediscover his own world.In order to better analyse the literary qualities of the text four main themes are put forward in this thesis: the links with children’s literature, intertextuality, language and history. Our thesis question centres on the question of passage between our world and the magical one through the notion of language. Indeed, language enables bridges to be built between our culture, our literature, our myths and our history and the magical universe of the books. This transposition enables the reader to rediscover his own world thanks to a clever hall of mirrors effect. Through his reading process the reader is thus able to go through the looking-glass and discover a wonderful and terrifying world where the best and the worst of our society and history is represented.This thesis reveals how in-depth analyses of intertextuality, language and history display the literary qualities of Harry Potter and enable an academic reading of the text.
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