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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUCIANA DA SILVA RIBEIRO 01 October 2018 (has links)
[pt] Fanfictions são histórias ficcionais escritas por fãs, baseadas em séries de televisão, filmes, obras literárias, jogos de videogame: os fãs se apropriam de personagens e universos previamente existentes para desenvolver novos enredos. Esta pesquisa parte de uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista e segue dois caminhos que se complementam: em um primeiro momento, examina a fanfiction à luz de proposições teórico-conceituais do estudioso da tradução André Lefevere (1982, 1992) — noções de refração/reescrita e patronagem; em um segundo momento, dialoga com Mal de Arquivo, de Jacques Derrida (1995), e suas ricas contribuições para a noção de arquivo. Este trabalho se concentra particularmente em investigar os seguintes aspectos desse tipo de texto escrito por fãs: como as fanfictions afetam o tradicional modus operandi de sistemas literários ou, em maior ou menor grau, identidades de outros tipos de escrita, a começar pelo pastiche? Considerando as especificidades do gênero, como é possível caracterizá-lo a partir de uma perspectiva filosófica? A pesquisa mostra em especial (a) que a fanfiction pode ser pensada como um tipo de reescrita nos termos de Lefevere, que tais narrativas ficcionais de fãs desestabilizam alguns mecanismos de controle da patronagem, e que há diferenças entre os gêneros fanfiction e pastiche, assim como há diferenças entre estas e outras formas de reescrita, como a tradução, a adaptação, a crítica literária; e (b) que a fanfiction pode ser produtivamente concebida como uma reescrita arcôntica, nos termos de Derrida, sendo utilizada pelas ditas minorias como meio de expressar insatisfação e como um caminho à representatividade (DERECHO, 2006), sem, no entanto, deixar de dar testemunho da tensão entre forças conservadoras e instituidoras destacada na teoria do arquivo proposta pelo filósofo. Por fim, são analisados trechos de fanfictions de três universos ficcionais diferentes, à luz dos pressupostos de Lefevere, Derecho e Derrida, a fim de ilustrar e reforçar as discussões teóricas apresentadas. / [en] Fanfictions are fictional stories written by fans, based on TV shows, movies, literary works, videogames: fans borrow from previously existing characters and universes to develop new plots. From a post-structuralist perspective, this study follows two complementary lines of research: first, it examines fanfiction in light of the theoretical-conceptual propositions of André Lefevere (1982, 1992) — notions of refraction/rewriting and patronage; second, it dialogues with Jacques Derrida s Archive Fever (1995), and his rich contributions to the notion of archive. This research focuses particularly on investigating the following effects of this type of rewriting: how does fanfiction disrupt the traditional modus operandi of literary systems? How do fan narratives destabilize, to a greater or lesser extent, identities of other rewritings, such as the pastiche? Considering the specificities of the genre, how can one characterize it from a philosophical perspective? This research shows in particular that (a) fanfiction can be thought of as a type of rewriting in Lefevere s terms, fan narratives destabilize some patronage control mechanisms, there are differences between fanfiction and pastiche, as well as between these and other forms of rewriting, such as translation, adaptation and literary criticism; and (b) fanfiction can be productively conceived as an archontic rewriting, in Derrida s terms, as it is used by so-called minorities as a way of expressing dissatisfaction and a path to representativity (DERECHO, 2006), while still corroborating the tension between conservative and institutive forces, as proposed by the philosopher in his archive theory. Finally, excerpts of fanfictions from three different fictional universes are analyzed, in light of the theories of Lefevere, Derecho and Derrida, in order to illustrate and reinforce the theoretical discussions presented.

The Basic Scheme for the Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs

Peters, Arthur 01 January 2012 (has links)
Functional logic languages provide a powerful programming paradigm combining the features of functional languages and logic languages. However, current implementations of functional logic languages are complex, slow, or both. This thesis presents a scheme, called the Basic Scheme, for compiling and executing functional logic languages based on non-deterministic graph rewriting. This thesis also describes the implementation and optimization of a prototype of the Basic Scheme. The prototype is simple and performs well compared to other current implementations.

Exploring some effects of different types of error correction feedback on ESL student writing

Arege, Jackline Bonareri 09 1900 (has links)
This study uses a predominantly quantitative approach to explore the effect of different error correction feedback mechanisms on students’ English as a Second Language writing (narrative and descriptive) amongst high school students in Botswana. A longitudinal, quasi-experimental design is used, with a control group that received no correction feedback while the experimental groups received direct, coded and uncoded feedback. Three hypotheses define the study in terms of fluency, correction success and accuracy development over time. No significant increases in fluency were found between the pretests and posttests. Correction success achieved by the three treatment groups when rewriting texts reflected the explicitness of the feedback, with the direct group highest, followed by the coded and uncoded groups. Findings were mixed on the important issue of accuracy development, although they strongly suggest that for spelling, any type of feedback is significantly better than none and that coded feedback is better than direct feedback despite the latter being more explicit. Students from all the treatment groups expressed similarly positive opinions on correction feedback. / Applied Language / M.A. (Spec. in Applied Linguistics)

Tractable query answering for description logics via query rewriting

Perez-Urbina, Hector M. January 2010 (has links)
We consider the problem of answering conjunctive queries over description logic knowledge bases via query rewriting. Given a conjunctive query Q and a TBox T, we compute a new query Q′ that incorporates the semantic consequences of T such that, for any ABox A, evaluating Q over T and A can be done by evaluating the new query Q′ over A alone. We present RQR—a novel resolution-based rewriting algorithm for the description logic ELHIO¬ that generalizes and extends existing approaches. RQR not only handles a spectrum of logics ranging from DL-Lite_core up to ELHIO¬, but it is worst-case optimal with respect to data complexity for all of these logics; moreover, given the form of the rewritten queries, their evaluation can be delegated to off-the-shelf (deductive) database systems. We use RQR to derive the novel complexity results that conjunctive query answering for ELHIO¬ and DL-Lite+ are, respectively, PTime and NLogSpace complete with respect to data complexity. In order to show the practicality of our approach, we present the results of an empirical evaluation. Our evaluation suggests that RQR, enhanced with various straightforward optimizations, can be successfully used in conjunction with a (deductive) database system in order to answer queries over knowledge bases in practice. Moreover, in spite of being a more general procedure, RQR will often produce significantly smaller rewritings than the standard query rewriting algorithm for the DL-Lite family of logics.

Implication textuelle et réécriture / Textual Entailment and rewriting

Bedaride, Paul 18 October 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose plusieurs contributions sur le thème de la détection d'implications textuelles (DIT). La DIT est la capacité humaine, étant donné deux textes, à pouvoir dire si le sens du second texte peut être déduit à partir de celui du premier. Une des contributions apportée au domaine est un système de DIT hybride prenant les analyses d'un analyseur syntaxique stochastique existant afin de les étiqueter avec des rôles sémantiques, puis transformant les structures obtenues en formules logiques grâce à des règles de réécriture pour tester finalement l'implication à l'aide d'outils de preuve. L'autre contribution de cette thèse est la génération de suites de tests finement annotés avec une distribution uniforme des phénomènes couplée avec une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation des systèmes utilisant les techniques de fouille d'erreurs développées par la communauté de l'analyse syntaxique permettant une meilleure identification des limites des systèmes. Pour cela nous créons un ensemble de formules sémantiques puis nous générons les réalisations syntaxiques annotées correspondantes à l'aide d'un système de génération existant. Nous testons ensuite s'il y a implication ou non entre chaque couple de réalisations syntaxiques possible. Enfin nous sélectionnons un sous-ensemble de cet ensemble de problèmes d'une taille donnée et satisfaisant un certain nombre de contraintes à l'aide d'un algorithme que nous avons développé. / This thesis presents several contributions on the theme of recognising textual entailment (RTE). The RTE is the human capacity, given two texts, to determine whether the meaning of the second text could be deduced from the meaning of the first or not. One of the contributions made to the field is a hybrid system of RTE taking analysis of an existing stochastic parser to label them with semantics roles, then turning obtained structures in logical formulas using rewrite rules to finally test the entailment using proof tools. Another contribution of this thesis is the generation of finely annotated tests suites with a uniform distribution of phenomena coupled with a new methodology of systems evaluation using error minning techniques developed by the community of parsing allowing better identification of systems limitations. For this, we create a set of formulas, then we generate annotated syntactics realisations corresponding by using an existing generation system. Then, we test whether or not there is an entailment between each pair of possible syntactics realisations. Finally, we select a subset of this set of problems of a given size and a satisfactory a certain number of constraints using an algorithm that we developed

Mythes et intertextes bibliques dans l'oeuvre d'Anne Hébert

Gligor, Adela January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La scène de première rencontre de Baudelaire à Breton : du choc à l'échec amoureux / The scene of first meeting from Baudelaire to Breton : from shock to loving failure

Bourkhis, Rimel 22 April 2013 (has links)
Partant du sonnet « À une passante » de Baudelaire pour aboutir aux écrits de Breton en parcourant un florilège de textes traitant de la première rencontre, nous avons exploré dans un premier temps les spécificités de la scène poétique relativement à la scène romanesque étudiée par Jean Rousset. Dans un second temps, nous avons cherché à saisir les nouvelles caractéristiques du scénario moderne par rapport aux configurations classique et romantique. En adressant à l’inconnue croisée dans une rue de Paris le poème qu’elle a suscité l’instant d’un coup d’œil fugitif, Baudelaire crée un poncif amoureux nouveau. Dans ce sonnet, le cadre spatio-temporel, les acteurs, la rencontre et l’amour portent l’empreinte de la modernité jusqu’à en devenir l’emblème. D’autres poètes reprendront sur le mode de l’imitation ou de la variation le modèle baudelairien, et notamment la figure de la passante. Le poème de la première rencontre devient alors le lieu de la célébration d’une nouvelle figure féminine mais surtout d’une nouvelle lyrique qui n’est rien de moins qu’une érotique de la distance séparatrice. Chaque poème nous montre à sa façon que l’unique scène signifiante est celle du désir (qui déchire le poète et son lecteur) et que l’écriture d’une rencontre sans issue est l’ultime échappatoire contre l’absence. / Starting from the sonnet "To a passer-by" of Baudelaire to lead to the writings of Breton by traversing a group of texts treating of the first meeting, we initially explored specificities of the poetic scene compared to the romantic scene studied by Jean Rousset. In a second step, we sought to understand the new features of modern scenario compared ti the classical and romantic settings. By sending to unknown crossed in a street of Paris the poem that she aroused the moment all at once of escaped eye, Baudelaire creates a new loving common place. In this sonnet, the spatiotemporal frame, the actors, the meeting and the love carry the imprint of the modernity until become the emblem. Other poets will take back on the mode of simulation or of variation the baudelerian model, and notably the figure of the passer-by. The poem of the first meeting becomes then the place of the celebration of a new feminine figure but especially of the lyric news which is nothing at least than an erotic of dividing distance.

Macros como mecanismos de abstração em transformações textuais. / Macros as abstraction mechanisms in textual transformations.

Cereda, Paulo Roberto Massa 29 June 2018 (has links)
Abstração é um processo que consiste em encontrar similaridades em artefatos e omitir detalhes desnecessários em um particular momento. Em geral, tal processo resulta em simplificação, substituindo situações do mundo real complexas e excessivamente detalhadas por modelos compreensíveis que admitem resolução. Na computação, existem estilos de programação que fornecem ao programador uma visão particular sobre a organização e execução de um programa. Cada estilo viabiliza formas de representação e tratamento de abstrações aderentes ao conjunto de conceitos, valores, percepções e práticas compartilhadas por uma comunidade. Em particular, o fenômeno de reescrita de termos viabiliza transformações entre espaços de abstração. Como instância de tal fenômeno, macros constituem um padrão sintático que especifica uma transformação simbólica ou algorítmica sobre uma sequência de símbolos associada. Na ocorrência de uma instância de tal padrão sintático, este é substituído pela aplicação de sua transformação correspondente. Dada a importância da disponibilização de estruturas de representação mais convenientes às necessidades dos usuários, o objetivo principal desta tese é tratar da utilização de sistemas de reescrita como mecanismos de abstração em transformações textuais. Para tal, técnicas de projeto e aspectos de implementação de tais sistemas são apresentados, com enfoque em macros. / Abstraction is a process of finding similarities in artifacts and omitting unnecessary details at a particular moment. In general, such a process results in simplification, replacing complex and overly detailed real-world situations with understandable models that admit resolution. In computing, there are programming styles that give the programmer a particular insight into the organization and execution of a program. Each style enables forms of representation and treatment of abstractions adhering to the set of concepts, values, perceptions and practices shared by a community. In particular, the term rewriting phenomenon enables transformations along spaces of abstraction. As an instance of such a phenomenon, macros constitute a syntactic pattern that specifies a symbolic or algorithmic transformation over an associated symbol sequence. In the occurrence of an instance, the matched syntactic pattern is replaced by the application of its corresponding transformation. Given the importance of making representation structures more convenient to users\' needs, this thesis aims at addressing the use of rewriting systems as abstraction mechanics in textual transformations. To this end, design techniques and implementation aspects of such systems are presented, focusing on macros.

Un îlot formel pour les transformations de modèles qualifiables / A formal island for qualifiable model transformations

Bach, Jean-Christophe 12 September 2014 (has links)
Le processus de développement logiciel est composé d'un grand nombre d'étapes qui intègrent de plus en plus d'outils. Les chaînes de développement de systèmes critiques (aéronautique, domaine médical) font appel à des outils de génération de code basés sur des modèles. Cette complexification a des conséquences sur la vérification des logiciels critiques. Les contraintes légales imposant qu'ils soient certifiés, la qualification des outils utilisés lors de leur développement est nécessaire. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons d'aider le processus de qualification en élaborant des méthodes et outils pour le développement fiable. Pour ce faire, nous présentons une méthode hybride de transformation de modèles par réécriture. Nous nous appuyons sur le langage Tom qui fournit de nouvelles fonctionnalités aux langages généralistes par l'ajout de constructions dédiées. Nous proposons aussi une traçabilité de ces transformations afin de répondre aux exigences de la qualification. La trace générée peut être utilisée a posteriori à des fins de vérification. / Software development process is composed of steps which integrate an increasing number of tools. Development chains for critical systems (avionics, health field) have gradually adopted model-based code generation tools. This increase of complexity has consequences on critical software verification. As legal constraints require to certify them, tools used during the development have to be qualified. In this thesis, we propose to help the qualification process by providing methods and tools for liable development. To do so, we present an hybrid models transformation method based on rewriting. We rely upon Tom language which provides new features to general purposes languages by adding dedicated constructs. We also propose a traceability in order to respect qualification requirements. The generated trace can then be used for verification purpose

Tradução, adaptação e reescrita da obra de Virginia Woolf por Michael Cunningham em The hours (1998) / Translation, adaptation and rewriting of Virginia Woolfs work by Michael Cunningham with the novel The Hours (1998)

Caribé, Yuri Jivago Amorim 09 December 2014 (has links)
Esta tese propõe uma análise do romance americano The Hours (1998), de Michael Cunningham, que afirmamos ser uma reescrita da obra da escritora canônica Virginia Woolf na contemporaneidade. Trabalhamos com a ideia principal de adaptação, nos referindo de forma particular às adaptações literárias, tendo em vista que Cunningham utilizou para a composição de The Hours diversos trabalhos de ficção e não ficção que chamamos de obra de Woolf, estando assim inserida no campo dos trabalhos acadêmicos relacionados aos Estudos da Tradução e da Adaptação. Por esse motivo, decidimos utilizar dois conceitos principais de adaptação para embasar esta discussão: o de Linda Hutcheon (2006) e o de Julie Sanders (2006), pesquisadoras que atuam nessas áreas. Embora o trabalho de Hutcheon seja mais direcionado às chamadas adaptações fílmicas, sua importante teorização em torno da adaptação e dos adaptadores foi amplamente utilizada dentro da discussão que propomos sobre Michael Cunningham e a problemática em torno da elaboração do romance em questão. Segundo Hutcheon (2006), a adaptação é vista como um processo que comporta tanto a repetição quanto a novidade, sendo os adaptadores responsáveis pela seleção dos textos adaptados e também pelo modo como esses textos serão configurados em um produto final. Também trabalhamos com os conceitos de adaptação e de apropriação de Sanders (2006). Esse último revela o aspecto autoral e ideológico dos adaptadores nas adaptações. As apropriações servem, segundo nossa conclusão, para mostrar a interferência direta do adaptador na narrativa, seus preceitos e propostas literárias. Também evidenciam sua interpretação particular de temas, argumentos e personagens do texto-fonte. Ainda nos valemos do conceito de reescrita de Lefevere (1992a) para caracterizar The Hours como o trabalho que retomou as discussões em torno da obra virginiana na contemporaneidade. Essa retomada se deu para dois públicos: os professional readers conhecedores de seus textos de ficção e não ficção, as refrações e também para os non-professional readers, novo público que não necessariamente teve contato com a obra dessa autora. Esta pesquisa examinou o segundo volume dos Diários (1980), o sexto volume das Cartas (1982), além do romance Mrs. Dalloway (1925), trabalhos de Woolf, para mostrar, através de alguns exemplos e comentários, como se deu o processo de adaptação e apropriação de temas, personagens e outros elementos desses textos. Também serviu para observar de que maneira o adaptador Cunningham alternou adaptações com apropriações para formar a narrativa The Hours, produto literário final. Esse romance reescreve a obra de Woolf no contexto atual porque dialoga principalmente com o conceito pertinente de apropriação, indispensável para a apreciação de formas narrativas que trabalham com a ideia de adaptação. O leitor contemporâneo busca na ideologia do escritor-adaptador seu entendimento particular e propostas atuais para esse diálogo. / This thesis proposes an analysis of the American novel The Hours (1998), by Michael Cunningham, which we claim to be a modern-day rewrite of the oeuvre of canonical writer Virginia Woolf. We worked with the main idea of adaptation, referring in particular to literary adaptations, considering that Cunningham used several works of fiction and nonfiction, which we call Woolfs oeuvre, for the composition of The Hours. As such, it belongs to the field of academic work related to the Translation and the Adaptation studies. Therefore, we used two main concepts of adaptation to provide a basis for this discussion: those of Linda Hutcheon (2006) and Julie Sanders (2006), researchers working in these areas. Although Hutcheons work is more directed toward so-called filmic adaptations, its important theorizing regarding adaptation and adapters was extensively used in the discussion that we put forward on the subject of adapter Michael Cunningham and the problems surrounding the creation of the novel The Hours. According to Hutcheon (2006), adaptation is considered to be a process that involves as much repetition as it does novelty, and adapters are responsible both for the selection of adapted texts and also for how these texts will be configured in a final product. We also worked with the concepts of adaptation and appropriation of Sanders (2006). The concept of appropriation reveals the authorial and ideological aspect of adapters in adaptations, the direct intervention of the adapter in the narrative, its precepts and literary proposition. Besides, it demonstrates the adapters particular interpretation of themes, arguments and characters of the source text. We also availed ourselves of Lefeveres concept of rewriting (1992a) to characterize The Hours as the work that resumed the discussions surrounding Woolfs work in current times. This resumption was aimed at two readerships: professional readers connoisseurs of her works of fiction and nonfiction, and the refractions and also for non-professional readers a new readership that has not necessarily had contact with Woolfs oeuvre. This research then examined the second volume of Diaries (1980), the sixth volume of Letters (1982), and the novel Mrs Dalloway (1925) works by Woolf to show, through examples and comments, how the process of adaptation of themes, characters and other elements of these texts played out. It was also necessary to observe how the adapter Cunningham alternated adaptations with his appropriations to create the narrative of The Hours, the final literary product. The novel The Hours rewrites Woolfs work in the current context because it principally maintains a dialog with the relevant concept of appropriation, indispensable to the enjoyment of narrative forms that work with the idea of adaptation. Present-day readers seek their own personal understanding and current propositions in the ideology of the writeradapter for this dialog.

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