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Intégration d'antennes pour objets communicants aux fréquences millimétriques / Integrated antennas for wireless devices at millimetre-wave frequenciesZevallos Luna, Jose Alberto 13 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude d'antennes intégrées sur silicium aux fréquences millimétriques, dans le but d'aboutir à des modules d'émission-réception totalement intégrés et reportés par des technologies standards dans un objet communicant. Ce travail comprend deux axes majeurs: Le première axe traite de l'étude, la conception et la réalisation d'antennes intégrées dans un boitier standard QFN couplées à un circuit émetteur-récepteur Ultra Large Bande (ULB) à 60 GHz comprenant des antennes intégrées de type dipôle replié fabriquées en technologie CMOS SOI 65-nm sur silicium haute résistivité. Dans un premier temps, nous avons défini le modèle de simulation à partir duquel nous avons étudié les performances des antennes prenant en compte l'influence de l'environnement (boitier, capot, fil d'interconnexions et technologie de fabrication). Dans un second temps, nous avons réalisé une optimisation des performances en adaptation et en rayonnement en ajoutant au sein du boitier un substrat et des éléments rayonnants couplés aux antennes intégrées sur la puce. Ce dispositif permet de réaliser des communications très haut débit (jusqu'à 2.2 Gbps) avec une très faible consommation d'énergie. Nous montrons qu'il est possible d'atteindre une distance de communication de plusieurs mètres grâce à un réseau transmetteur réalisé en technologie imprimée.Le deuxième axe porte sur la conception et la réalisation d'antennes multifaisceaux en bande V pour applications à long portée; il propose d'associer un réseau transmetteur réalisé sur technologie imprimée à un réseau focal constitué d'un petit nombre d'antennes intégrées sur silicium afin d'obtenir un compromis intéressant entre le niveau de gain, le coût et les capacités de dépointage de faisceau. Plusieurs réseaux sont démontrés avec un faisceau en polarisation circulaire, un gain de 18.6 dBi et une capacité de dépointage de ±24°. / This PhD thesis investigates the integration of antennas on silicon substrates at millimetre-wave frequencies in order to obtain fully-integrated and packaged transceiver modules using standard technologies in wireless devices. This work is organized in two main parts:In the first part, we investigated the design and realization of integrated antennas in a standard QFN package coupled to a 60 GHz Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) transceiver chip with two integrated folded-dipole antennas implemented in a 65-nm CMOS-SOI technology on high-resistivity silicon. We defined a simulation model from which we studied the performance of integrated antennas, taking into account the influence of the environment (package, lid, wirebonding and manufacturing technology). Then, we optimized the antenna performances in impedance matching and radiation gain using radiating elements printed on a substrate and coupled to the on-chip folded dipoles. This antenna led to the demonstration of high-data rate communications (up to 2.2 Gbps) with a very low power consumption. We showed that the communication distance can be extended up to several meters using a transmit array printed on a low-loss substrate.In the second part, we investigated the design and realization of multibeam antennas in V-band for long-range applications; it is based on a transmit-array realized in standard printed technologies associated with a focal source array, which consists of a small number of integrated antennas on silicon in order to achieve a good compromise between the radiation gain, the cost and the beam steering capabilities. Several arrays were demonstrated with a circularly-polarized beam, a gain of 18.6 dBi et a beam-steering capability of ±24°.
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Compensation de la fréquence des résonateurs MEMS pour des applications de référence temps / Control of the frequency of the electromechanical resonators MEMSCivet, Yoan 16 May 2012 (has links)
A l’heure actuelle, les Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) sont devenusincontournables dans les produits technologiques quotidiens. De par leur taille,leurs performances et leur intégration, les microsystèmes résonants se sontinscrits dans la diversification de la fameuse Loi de Moore. Cependant les applications detype base de temps demeurent le segment de marché où les MEMS ne parviennent pas às’imposer durablement. En effet, grâce à une stabilité en fréquence de quelques parties parmillions, l’oscillateur à base de résonateur en Quartz reste le produit numéro 1 d’unmarché estimé à dix-sept milliards de dollars.Etant donné le lien entre la fréquence d’un résonateur silicium MEMS et ses dimensionsintrinsèques, les différentes étapes de fabrication induisent un décalage de cette fréquencepar rapport à la valeur visée. C’est donc cet écart que nous tenterons d’adresser. Dans cecontexte, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode de correction à l’échelle du substrat.Cette méthode consiste en une ultime étape technologique, après une première mesureélectrique des dispositifs qui permet de quantifier l’erreur, à ramener la fréquence à lavaleur souhaitée par un ajout localisé de matière. Nous montrerons qu’il est possible, enune seule étape, de réduire la Gaussienne représentative de la variation de la fréquence ausein du substrat à quelques parties par million. Pour cela, nous avons développé deuxmodèles physiques qui permettent de quantifier la correction pour atteindre les objectifs.En parallèle, nous avons mis en place un processus de fabrication compatible avec la filièreCMOS avec seulement dix-sept étapes et deux masques photolithographiques dont le pointde départ est un substrat de type SOI. Ce procédé a permis la fabrication de résonateur àmodes de flexion et ondes de volume, dont les performances intrinsèques (f et Q)permettent de concurrencer les résonateurs Quartz. Enfin, nous avons validé notre conceptet nos modèles physiques par des caractérisations électriques de nos dispositifs.L’analyse des résultats nous a permis de dresser une liste des pistes d’amélioration pourétablir une voie vers l’industrialisation durable des résonateurs MEMS. Dans un premiertemps, une attention toute particulière se portera sur le choix du substrat et la technologieutilisée pour garantir des performances optimales. La méthode de correction nécessite unemesure électrique intermédiaire, cette étape doit être précisée et il faudra s’assurer qu’ellen’augmente pas le coût global de la fonction. Bien que discutés, le packaging du MEMS etl’intégration seront des points à étudier, tout particulièrement pour conserver lesspécifications du résonateur lui-même. / Present, Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) have become essential ineveryday technology products. Thanks to their size, performances andintegration, resonant microsystems have been enrolled in the diversification ofthe famous Moore's Law. However, the time based applications remain the market segmentwhere MEMS are unable to settle permanently. Indeed, the oscillator-based Quartz is thenumber one product on the market, a market estimated at $ 17 billions, thanks to afrequency stability of a few parts per million over its lifetime.Given the link between the frequency of a MEMS resonator and its intrinsic dimensions,the various manufacturing steps induce a shift of this frequency from the target value. Wewill try to address this difference.In this context, we proposed a new method of correction across the wafer. This methodconsists of a final technological step after a first electrical measurement to quantify theshift. We will show that it is possible in one step, to reduce the Gaussian representing thefrequency variation within the wafer to a few parts per million. From this perspective, wehave developed two physical models that quantify the correction to achieve the objectives.Moreover, we set up a manufacturing process CMOS compatible with only 17 steps and2 photolithographic masks starting with a SOI wafer. This process has enabled theproduction of flexural mode resonators and bulk mode resonators, whose intrinsicperformances (f, Q) can compete with Quartz. Finally, we validated our concept and ourphysical models thanks to electrical characterization of our devices.Analysis of the results allowed us to develop a list of possible improvements to establish aroute to the industrialization of MEMS resonators. First, special attention will be focusedon the choice of substrate and the technology used to ensure perfect performances.Correction method requires a preliminary electrical measurement, this step must bedetailed and one have to ensure that it does not increase the overall cost. Although partiallystudied, the packaging of MEMS and integration are the points to consider in particularkeeping the specifications of the resonator itself.
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Etude de la variabilité en technologie FDSOI : du transistor aux cellules mémoires SRAM / Variability study in Planar FDSOI technology : From transistors to SRAM cellsMazurier, Jérôme 24 October 2012 (has links)
La miniaturisation des transistors MOSFETs sur silicium massif présente de nombreux enjeux en raison de l'apparition de phénomènes parasites. Notamment, la réduction de la surface des dispositifs entraîne une dégradation de la variabilité de leurs caractéristiques électriques. La technologie planaire totalement désertée, appelée communément FDSOI (pour Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator), permet d'améliorer le contrôle électrostatique de la grille sur le canal de conduction et par conséquent d'optimiser les performances. De plus, de par la présence d'un canal non dopé, il est possible de réduire efficacement la variabilité de la tension de seuil des transistors. Cela se traduit par un meilleur rendement et par une diminution de la tension minimale d'alimentation des circuits SRAM (pour Static Random Access Memory). Une étude détaillée de la variabilité intrinsèque à cette technologie a été réalisée durant ce travail de recherche, aussi bien sur la tension de seuil (VT) que sur le courant de drain à l'état passant (ISAT). De plus, le lien existant entre la fluctuation des caractéristiques électriques des transistors et des circuits SRAM a été expérimentalement analysé en détail. Une large partie de cette thèse est enfin dédiée à l'investigation de la source de variabilité spécifique à la technologie FDSOI : les fluctuations de l'épaisseur du film de silicium. Un modèle analytique a été développé durant cette thèse afin d'étudier l'influence des fluctuations locales de TSi sur la variabilité de la tension de seuil des transistors pour les nœuds technologiques 28 et 20nm, ainsi que sur un circuit SRAM de 200Mb. Ce modèle a également pour but de fournir des spécifications en termes d'uniformité σTsi et d'épaisseur moyenne µTsi du film de silicium pour les prochains nœuds technologiques. / The scaling of bulk MOSFETs transistors is facing various difficulties at the nanometer era. The variability of the electrical characteristics becomes a major challenge which increases as the device dimensions are scaled down. Fully-Depleted Silicon On Insulator (FDSOI) technology, developed as an alternative to bulk transistors, exhibits a better electrostatic immunity which enables higher performances. Moreover, the reduction of the Random Dopant Fluctuation allows excellent variability immunity for the FDSOI technology due to its undoped channel. It leads to a yield enhancement and a reduction of the minimum supply voltage of SRAM circuits. The variability has been analyzed deeply during this thesis in this technology, both on the threshold voltage (VT) and on the ON-state current (ISAT). The correlation between the electrical characteristics of MOSFETs devices (i.e., the threshold voltage and the standard deviation σVT) and SRAM cells (i.e., the SNM and σSNM) has been investigated thanks to an extensive experimental study and modeling. This purpose of this thesis is also to analyze the specific FDSOI variability source: silicon thickness fluctuations. An analytical model has been developed in order to quantify the impact of local TSi variations on the VT variability for 28 and 20nm technology nodes, as well as on a 200Mb SRAM array. This model also enables to evaluate the silicon thickness mean (µTsi) and standard deviation (σTsi) specifications for next technology nodes.
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Etude et réalisation de réseaux d'adaptation d'impédances accordables linéaires et non linéaires, sur PCB et silicium CMOS, pour des applications en radiofréquences / Design, realization of lineaire and non lineaire matching networks in PCB and CMOS technology, for mobile phone applications.Freitas, Vitor 22 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’aborder la conception de réseaux d’adaptation d’impédance accordable (RAA) dans deux contextes bien distincts en radiofréquences : le RAA en faible signal et le RAA en fort signal.Concernant les aspects faible signal, des critères de performance de RAA ont été établis et étudiés. Une nouvelle expression générale de l’efficacité d’un RAA a été développée. Elle permet de prédire le rendement d’un RAA à partir des facteurs de qualité des composants dont on dispose dans une technologie donnée et du rapport de transformation à réaliser. Des abaques de couverture d’impédances en fonction des pertes d’insertion ont été calculés. Ils mettent en évidence les régions de couverture où le RAA apporte une amélioration à la performance du système, pour diverses topologies de RAA.Un démonstrateur sur PCB a été réalisé. Il est constitué de deux RAA, qui assurent l’adaptation simultanée d’un amplificateur de puissance sur une large plage d’impédances, comprises dans un cercle de l’abaque de Smith d’équation VSWR < 5 :1. La zone de couverture a été mesurée et présentée en fonction des pertes d’insertion, qui mettent en évidence les régions où les RAA contribuent à l’amélioration de la performance de l’amplificateur et celles où les pertes d’insertion du RAA n’arrivent pas à compenser le gain du à la réduction des coefficients de réflexion.Dans une seconde partie, la conception de RAA en fort signal a été traitée. L’objectif a été de présenter à la sortie d’un amplificateur de puissance les impédances qui optimisent son efficacité pour chaque puissance de travail. Un démonstrateur en technologie CMOS SOI 130 nm a été conçu et simulé. Il consiste en un amplificateur de puissance pour le standard WCDMA, fonctionnant à 900 MHz, et un RA accordable par des varactors MOS, capable de générer les impédances optimales correspondant à des puissances de sortie comprises entre 20 et 30 dBm. Les résultats ont mis en évidence le bénéfice apporté par l’insertion d’un RA accordable par rapport à un RA fixe. / The aim of this research was the design of tunable matching networks, in two different contexts: the TMN at low and high signals.Performance criteria of TMN were studied. A general expression has been developed that estimates the TMN efficiency in function of the quality factor of the components used. The impedance coverage of different RAA topologies was plotted in function of the insertion losses.For the small signal, we designed a prototype in PCB, composed by two TMN, which ensure the simultaneous matching of a power amplifier in a wide range of impedances, included in a circle of the Smith chart VSWR < 5: 1. The coverage area was measured and presented in function of the insertion losses, emphasizing the areas where the TMN contribute to improve the amplifier performance and those where insertion losses of the TMN are not able to compensate gain with the reduction of the reflection coefficients.Subsequently, we discussed the design of TMN for the large signal. The objective is to present at the output of a power amplifier, the impedances that optimize efficiency for each power of operation. A 130 nm SOI prototype was designed and simulated, consisting of a power amplifier for WCDMA standard, 900 MHz, and a MN tunable by MOS varactors able to produce the optimal impedances corresponding to an output power between 20 and 30 dBm. The results showed the benefit provided by inserting a tunable MN compared to a fixed one.
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L'influence normative des groupes de référence sur les réponses à la musique : le rôle modérateur du construit de soi / Reference groups normative influence on responses to music : the moderating role of self-construalGentet, Youri 18 November 2014 (has links)
Malgré le nombre important d'observations témoignant de l'étendue de l'influence des normes sociales sur les réponses individuelles (i.e. les croyances, l'attitude, le comportement), une catégorie de réponses, les réactions hédoniques, a reçu trop peu d'attention pour qu'il soit possible de savoir si elle est, elle aussi, affectée par les normes de groupe. L'absence de résultats concernant l'existence d'un tel effet des normes sociales est problématique en marketing dans la mesure où l'évaluation de nombreux produits dépend du plaisir que leur consommation procure (i.e. les biens expérientiels). Dans cette recherche, c'est le cas de l'influence normative directe des groupes de référence, pour des motifs relatifs au soi, sur les réponses à la musique qui est plus spécifiquement abordé. Par ailleurs, le rôle modérateur des différences d'accessibilité dans les dimensions d'indépendance et d'interdépendance du construit de soi dans le phénomène d'influence normative des groupes de référence est envisagé. Certaines recherches s'accordent sur l'idée que les indépendants sont moins influencés que les interdépendants par les normes des groupes de référence. Néanmoins, les résultats de plusieurs recherches suggèrent que loin d'être insensibles aux normes sociales, les indépendants peuvent même, dans certaines situations, être plus influencés que les interdépendants. Il est alors proposé que si un groupe véhicule une identité sociale cohérente avec les buts des indépendants, alors ils devraient s'y identifier plus fortement et être plus influencés par ce groupe que les interdépendants. Une expérience en ligne (n=278) et une expérience en laboratoire (n=190) sont réalisées. Les résultats montrent que les groupes de référence exercent une influence normative directe, pour des motifs relatifs au soi, sur les réactions hédoniques à la musique, la réaction affective globale qui en découle (i.e. l'attitude), les croyances relatives à la qualité « objective » de la musique et le besoin que ressentent les personnes d'en refaire l'expérience. Contrairement à ce qui était attendu, le construit de soi ne modère pas l'influence normative. Cependant, les résultats suggèrent que les indépendants peuvent s'identifier plus fortement à certains groupes de référence que les interdépendants. Les apports académiques et managériaux qu'impliquent ces résultats sont discutés. / Normative influence has proved to be pervasive. However, despite the large amount of empirical results showing the extent of social norms influence on individual's responses (i.e. beliefs, attitude, behavior), a type of response, hedonic reactions, has been largely ignored by research. Thus, normative influence effect on hedonic reactions remains fundamentally unknown. Lack of results regarding such an effect raises important issues for marketing as many products' assessment depends on the pleasure their consumption provides (i.e. experiential goods). This research investigates immediate normative reference group influence for self-related motives on responses to music. Self-construal, a key moderator of normative influence is also considered. Few researches agreed on the idea that individuals with an independent self-construal (i.e. independents) are less sensitive to normative influence that individuals with an interdependent self-construal (i.e. interdependent). However, some results suggest that far from being insensitive to social norms, independents can even be, in particular settings, more influenced than interdependent. Thus, the hypothesis is made that if a group conveys a social identity which is consistent with independents' goals, then independents should identify to a greater extent with this group and be positively more influenced by the group norms than interdependent. An online experiment (n=278) and a laboratory experiment (n=190) are conducted. Results show that reference groups can exert an immediate normative influence for self-related motives on hedonic reactions to music, overall affective response (i.e. attitude), beliefs regarding the music “objective” quality and need to reexperience the music. Contrary to what was expected, self-construal do not moderate normative influence. However, results suggest that independents can identify to a greater extent to some groups than interdependents. Implications for research and marketing strategies are discussed.
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Isolation galvanique intégrée pour nouveaux transitors de puissance / Galvanic isolation integrated for new power transistorsLe, Thanh Long 19 November 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse proposent une approche de réalisation d'intégration d'isolation galvanique optique plus performante entre la partie de commande éloignée et la partie de puissance d'un convertisseur d'énergie. Ce mémoire de thèse est composé de trois chapitres. Après une étude bibliographique et un positionnement de l'approche dans le premier chapitre, la conception de la puce de commande, les différentes fonctions développées seront vus en détail, et les résultats pratiques et les performances des réalisations effectuées seront présentés, avec plusieurs études de photodétecteurs et circuits de traitement intégrés en technologie CMOS. Dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse, un autre aspect sera abordé, en intégrant une alimentation flottante isolée générée par voie optique. Les avantages résultant de cette approche seront également discutés. Les puces de commande sont fabriquées en technologie CMOS standard C35 AMS pour les premiers prototypes et transférées en technologie CMOS SOI Xfab 018 afin de tester nos fonctions à haute température. La mise en œuvre du circuit de commande par voie optique dans un convertisseur de puissance sera réalisée afin de valider le fonctionnement de notre « gate driver ». / This works proposes an approach of optical galvanic isolation between the control parts on one side and the power transistors and their associated drivers on the other side. This thesis consists of three chapters. After a literature review and the proposition of our approach in the first chapter, the design of the control chip and the different developed functions will be seen in detail in the second chapter. The practical results and performance achievements will be presented with several integrated photodetectors and signal processing circuit in CMOS technology. In the last chapter of the thesis, an integrated optically floating power supply will be investigated. The benefits of this approach will be discussed. These fabricated chips are manufactured in standard CMOS AMS C35 technology for first prototypes and transferred in SOI Xfab 018 CMOS technology to test these functions at high temperature. The implementation of the optically control circuit in a power converter will be presented to validate the operation of our "gate driver".
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Ressoadores WGM baseados em grafeno como plataforma para moduladores de eletro-absorção / Graphene-based WGM resonator as a plataform for electroabsorption modulatorsDaniel Marchesi de Camargo Neves 15 May 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a aplicação ressoadores WGM (Whispering-Gallery Mode) em plataforma SOI (silicon-on-insulator) baseados em grafeno como candidatas potenciais para aplicações como moduladores de eletro-absorção. O grafeno apresenta variação de condutividade considerável quando submetido a uma aplicação de tensão, o que reflete na parte imaginária de seu índice de refração (relacionada às perdas de propagação). Com isso, é possível atribuir estados ligado e desligado (on-off) que conferem ao dispositivo sua característica de modulação óptica. A geometria utilizada é do tipo anel, o que permite uma elevada seletividade em frequência possibilitando, assim, uma grande profundidade de modulação. As simulações foram realizadas no software de elementos finitos COMSOL Multiphysics, o qual é bastante apropriado para a definição das diferentes figuras de mérito a serem utilizadas para a caracterização do desempenho do modulador. / The goal of this work is to investigate SOI (silicon on insulator) WGM (Whispering-Gallery Modes) resonators based on graphene as potential candidates for electro-absorption modulator applications. Graphene conductivity varies substantially when submitted to an applied voltage, which reflects directly in the imaginary part of its refractive index (responsible for the propagation losses). Therefore, it is possible to assign on-off states that render the device its optical modulation characteristics. The geometry adopted for the design is the ring type, which allows high frequency selectivity and modulation depth. The simulations were carried out in the finite elements software COMSOL Multiphysics, which is quite appropriate for the definition of the different figure of merits to be used in the modulator characterization.
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Operação analógica de transistores de múltiplas portas em função da temperatura. / Analog operation of multiple gate transistors as a function of the temperature.Rodrigo Trevisoli Doria 28 October 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma análise da operação analógica de transistores de múltiplas portas, avaliando a tensão Early, o ganho de tensão em malha aberta, a razão da transcondutância pela corrente de dreno (gm/IDS), a condutância de dreno e, em especial, a distorção harmônica, exibida por estes dispositivos. Ao longo deste trabalho, foram estudados FinFETs, dispositivos de porta circundante (Gate-All-Around GAA) com estrutura de canal gradual (Graded-Channel GC) e transistores MOS sem junções (Junctionless - JL). Inicialmente, foi efetuada a análise da distorção harmônica apresentada por FinFETs com e sem a presença de tensão mecânica biaxial, com diversas larguras de fin (Wfin) e comprimentos de canal (L), quando estes operavam em saturação, como amplificadores de um único transistor. Nesta análise, as não-linearidades foram avaliadas através da extração das distorções harmônicas de segunda e terceira ordens (HD2 e HD3, respectivamente), mostrando que a presença de tensão mecânica tem pouca influência em HD2, mas altera levemente a HD3. Quando os ganhos de tensão em malha aberta dos dispositivos são levados em conta, transistores sem tensão, também chamados de convencionais, mais estreitos apresentam grande vantagem em termos de HD2 em relação aos tensionados. Ainda nesta análise, percebeu-se que HD2 e HD3 de transistores tensionados pioram com a redução da temperatura, especialmente em inversão mais forte. Na seqüência, foi efetuada uma análise de HD3 em FinFETs com e sem tensão mecânica de vários comprimentos e larguras de canal, operando em região triodo e aplicados a estruturas balanceadas 2-MOS, mostrando que presença de tensão mecânica traz pouca influência em HD3, mas reduz a resistência do canal dos dispositivos (RON), o que não é bom em estruturas resistivas, como as avaliadas. Nesta análise, ainda, pode-se perceber uma melhora em HD3 superior a 30 dB ao se incrementar VGT de zero a 1,0 V, em cuja tensão dispositivos mais estreitos apresentam curvas mais lineares que os mais largos. Então, foi estudada a distorção apresentada por transistores GAA e GC GAA operando em regime triodo, aplicados a estruturas 2-MOS, onde se pôde perceber que GC GAAs com maiores comprimentos da região fracamente dopada apresentam vantagem em HD3 em relação aos demais, para valores de VGT superiores a 2 V. Na avaliação destas estruturas em função da temperatura, percebeu-se que, para VGT superiores a 1,1 V, HD3 depende fortemente da temperatura e piora conforme a temperatura diminui. O estudo envolvendo transistores sem junções foi mais focado em seus parâmetros analógicos, comparando-os aos apresentados por dispositivos de porta tripla ou FinFETs. Em inversões moderada e forte, transistores sem junção apresentaram menores valores para gm/IDS em relação a dispositivos de FinFETs polarizados em um mesmo nível de corrente, entretanto, a dependência de gm/IDS com a temperatura em transistores sem junção também foi menor que a apresentada por FinFETs. JL e FinFETs apresentaram comportamentos distintos para a tensão Early e o ganho de tensão em malha aberta em função da temperatura. Estes parâmetros sempre melhoram com o aumento da temperatura em dispositivos JL, enquanto que exibem seu máximo valor em temperatura ambiente em FinFETs. Nas proximidades da tensão de limiar, transistores sem junção com largura de fin de 30 nm exibiram tensão Early e ganho superiores a 80 V a 57 dB, respectivamente, enquanto que FinFETs mostraram Tensão Early de 35 V e ganho de 50 dB. Em todos os estudos efetuados ao longo do trabalho, procurou-se apontar as causas das não-linearidades apresentadas pelos dispositivos, a partir de modelos analíticos que pudessem relacionar a física de funcionamento dos transistores com os resultados experimentalmente obtidos. / In this work it is presented an analysis of the analog operation of multiple gate transistors, evaluating the Early Voltage, the open-loop voltage gain, the transconductance over the drain current ratio (gm/IDS), the drain conductance and, especially, the harmonic distortion exhibited by these devices. Along the work, FinFETs, Gate-All-Around (GAA) devices with the Graded-Channel (GC) structure and MOS transistors without junctions (Junctionless - JL) were studied. Initially, an analysis of the harmonic distortion presented by conventional and biaxially strained FinFETs with several fin widths (Wfin) and channel lengths (L) was performed, when these devices were operating in saturation as single transistor amplifiers. In this analysis, the non-linearities were evaluated through the extraction of the second and the third order harmonic distortions (HD2 and HD3, respectively), and it was shown that the presence of strain has negligible influence in HD2, but slightly changes HD3. When the open loop voltage gain of the devices is taken into consideration, narrower conventional transistors present a huge advantage with respect to the strained ones in terms of HD2. Also, it was perceived that both HD2 and HD3 of strained FinFETs worsen with the temperature decrease, especially in stronger inversion. In the sequence, an analysis of the HD3 presented by conventional and strained FinFETs of several fin widths and channel lengths operating in the triode regime was performed. These devices were applied to 2-MOS balanced structures, showing that the presence of the strain does not influence significantly the HD3, but reduces the resistance in the channel of the transistors (RON), which is not good for resistive structures as the ones evaluated. In this analysis, it can also be observed an HD3 improvement of 30 dB when VGT is increased from zero up to 1,0 V, where narrower devices present transfer characteristics more linear than the wider ones. Then, it was studied the distortion presented by GAA and GC GAA devices operating in the triode regime, applied to 2-MOS structures. In this case, it could be perceived that GC GAAs with longer lightly doped regions present better HD3 in comparison to the other devices for VGT higher than 2.0 V. In the evaluation of these structures as a function of the temperature, it could be seen that for VGT higher than 1.1 V, HD3 strongly depends on the temperature and worsens as the temperature decreases. The study involving JL transistors was focused on their analog parameters, comparing them to the ones presented by triple gate devices or FinFETs. In moderate and strong inversions, Junctionless showed lower values for gm/IDS with respect to triple gate devices biased at a similar current level. However, the dependence of gm/IDS from Junctionless with the temperature was also smaller than the one presented by FinFETs. Junctionless and FinFETs exhibited distinct behaviors for the Early voltage and the open-loop voltage gain as a function of the temperature. These parameters always improve with the temperature raise in JL devices whereas they exhibit their maximum values around room temperatures for FinFETs. In the proximity of the threshold voltage, Junctionless with fin width of 30 nm presented Early voltage and intrinsic gain larger than 80 V and 57 dB, respectively, whereas FinFETs exhibited Early voltage of 35 V and gain of 50 dB. For all the studies performed in this work, the probable causes of the non-linearities were pointed out, from analytic models that could correlate the physical work of the devices with the experimental results.
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Influência da tensão mecânica (strain) no abaixamento de barreira induzido pelo dreno (DIBL) em FinFETs de porta tripla. / The influence of strain technology on DIBL effect in triple gate FinFETs.Sara Dereste dos Santos 05 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo da influência do tensionamento mecânico (strain) no efeito de abaixamento de barreira induzido pelo dreno (DIBL) em dispositivos SOI FinFETs de porta tripla com e sem crescimento seletivo epitaxial. Também é analisada a influência do uso de crescimento seletivo epitaxial nesses dispositivos em relação ao efeito de canal curto mencionado. O uso de transistores verticais de múltiplas portas tem permitido a continuidade do escalamento dos dispositivos, apresentando melhora nos níveis de corrente bem como a supressão dos efeitos de canal curto. No entanto, ao reduzir a largura do canal, aumenta-se a resistência total do transistor, diminuindo seu desempenho. A fim de melhorar essa característica, as técnicas de tensionamento mecânico e crescimento de fonte e dreno tem sido empregadas. No primeiro caso, ao se deformar mecanicamente a estrutura do canal, altera-se o arranjo das camadas eletrônicas que ocasiona o aumento da mobilidade dos portadores. Conseqüentemente, a corrente aumenta tal como a transcondutância do dispositivo. A técnica de crescimento de fonte e dreno chamada de crescimento seletivo epitaxial (SEG) tem como finalidade reduzir ainda mais a resistência elétrica total da estrutura, uma vez que a área dessas regiões aumenta, possibilitando o aumento das áreas de contato, que são responsáveis pela maior parcela da resistência total. Esse trabalho baseia-se em resultados experimentais e simulações numéricas tridimensionais que analisam o comportamento dos transistores com as tecnologias acima apresentadas em função do efeito de DIBL. / This work presents a study about the influence of strain in the drain induced barrier lowering effect (DIBL) in triple gate SOI FinFETs. Also it is analyzed the selective epitaxial growth used in that structures, comparing their behavior in relation to DIBL effect. Using the vertical multi-gate devices become possible the downscale whereas they present higher current level and suppressed short channel effects. However, reducing the channel width, the transistors total resistance increases and consequently its performance decreases. In order to improve this feature, the strained technology and the Source/Drains growth technique has been employed. In the first case, the mechanical deformation causes a change in the electron shell, which improves the carrier mobility. Consequently, the current level and the transconductance also improve. The selective epitaxial growth technique aims to reduce the devices total resistance since these regions areas increase, allowing large contacts which are responsible for the main parcel of the total resistance. This work is based on experimental results and tridimensional simulations that analyze the transistor behavior using the technologies above presented as a function of DIBL effect.
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Efeito da tensão mecânica no ruído de baixa frequência de transistores SOI planares e tridimensionais. / Effects of mechanical stress on low frequency noise in panar and three-dimensional transistors.Márcio Alves Sodré de Souza 29 October 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo do efeito da tensão mecânica uniaxial e biaxial no ruído de baixa frequência nos transistores SOI planares e tridimensionais (MuGFETs de porta tripla) com diferentes orientações cristalográficas, além de um estudo das características analógicas nos transistores planares e tipo MuGFET de porta tripla. Nos transistores planares, o estudo do ruído de baixa frequência demonstrou uma melhora para os transistores tensionados no regime de saturação, independente do comprimento de canal, entretanto para a região linear, a tensão mecânica somente reduziu o ruído para um comprimento de canal pequeno (160nm). Nas características analógicas, foi utilizado o recurso da simulação numérica bidimensional para obtenção dos resultados. Os resultados mostram que os transistores tensionados são capazes de promover um melhor desempenho na transcondutância, na ordem de um aumento no mínimo de 40% , indicando para comprimentos longos de canal (910 nm) uma aumento de 56% para tensão mecânica biaxial e o oposto para a uniaxial (45%) (160 nm): entretanto, na condutância de saída, a tensão mecânica de forma geral promove uma maior degradação, aumento de 3% para um transistor uniaxial e aumento de 105% para o transistor biaxial. No ganho intrínseco de tensão, mais uma vez os transistores tensionados melhoraram de desempenho: contudo, neste caso, melhor resultado foi para o transistor biaxial, chegando a 5 dB de ganho. Nos transistores de porta tripla, a análise do ruído foi realizada nos transistores tensionados e convencionais operando em saturação e, de forma geral, a tensão mecânica piora o ruído de baixa frequência em uma ordem de grandeza para o transistor estreito, ocorrendo apenas uma melhora quase imperceptível num transistor largo ou quase planar. Na análise do ruído para os transistores rotacionados para a região linear, apresentaram dependência 1/f, com o ruído governado pela flutuação do número de portadores associado à flutuação na mobilidade: a tensão mecânica piora o ruído, entretanto, adicionando a rotação do substrato, ocorre uma melhora do ruído devido à redução das armadilhas de interface, ocasionando numa melhor interface lateral. Para dispositivos largos, o plano de topo sofre um aumento da concentração das armadilhas, piorando a interface superior devido a rotação do substrato, resultando um pior ruído. Nas características analógicas, os transistores de MuGFETs de porta tripla com tensão mecânica e substrato rotacionado foram estudados, onde a rotação do substrato em 45º mais a presença da tensão mecânica promoveram uma piora nos resultados, principalmente na transcondutância, onde a piora variou de 45 % até 15 %, para um dispositivo estreito (20 nm ) e um largo (870 nm). / This work presents a study of the uniaxial and biaxial mechanical stress effect on low frequency noise in planar and three-dimensional SOI transistors (triple gate) with different crystal orientation, and an study of analog parameters in planar and for triple gate MuGFET. In planar transistor, the study of low frequency noise showed an improvement in low frequency noise for strained transistors in saturation regime, regardless of the channel length, however for the linear regime, the mechanical stress only reduced the noise in a small channel length (160nm). In the analog characteristics was used the feature of two-dimensional numerical simulation for the expansion of the results. The results shows that the strained transistors are capable to promoting a better performance in transconductance in a order at least 40%, indicating for a long channel lengths (910nm) an improvement of 56% in favor of biaxial stress and the opposite to uniaxial (45%) (160nm), however in the output conductance, the mechanical stress promotes higher degradation, ranging from 3% to uniaxial transistor and 105% for biaxial transistor. The intrinsic voltage gain, the strained transistors improved the performance, but in this case a best result was found for the biaxial strain reaching 5 dB. In triple gate transistors, the analysis of noise was performed on strained and conventional operating in saturation, and generally the worsening of mechanical stress on the low frequency noise in a order of magnitude for the marrow transistor, occurring only barely perceptible improvement seen in wider transistor or quasi-planar. The noise analysis for rotated transistors in linear region, showed a 1/f noise characteristic governed by the carrier number of fluctuations associated with fluctuations in mobility, the mechanical stress worsens the noise, however, by adding the substrate rotation occurs improves noise due to reduction of interface traps leading to a better sidewall interface. For larger devices the top plane suffer an increase of interface traps, worsening the top interface due to rotation of the substrate, causing a worse noise. In the analog characteristics, the triple gate MuGFETs transistors with mechanical stress and rotated substrate were studied, where the rotation of the substrate in 45º plus mechanical stress promoted a worsening of the results, particularly in the transconductance, where the worsening ranged from 45% up to 15% for a narrow device (20 nm) and a large (870 nm).
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