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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation / Unilateral administrative acts that serve as instruments to sectoral regulation

Kaloudas, Christos 05 December 2016 (has links)
Même si la régulation est associée à l’apparition de nouvelles formes de normativité, les actes administratifs unilatéraux occupent une place importante parmi ses différents outils. Envisagée comme une police spéciale visant la protection de l’ordre public économique, la régulation trouve dans les actes administratifs unilatéraux ses moyens d’exercice naturels. Il y a quatre types d’actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation : les autorisations d’accès au marché, les actes réglementaires qui fixent les conditions d’exercice de la concurrence en son sein, les actes de règlement des différends et les décisions adoptées en matière de sanction. Au sein du système de régulation par voie d’actes administratifs unilatéraux se rencontrent plusieurs objectifs qui participent à la confection d’un régime inédit. L’étude du régime des actes administratifs unilatéraux de régulation confirme leur spécificité. Celle-ci se manifeste tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Adoptés par des autorités administratives indépendantes, ces actes peuvent être précédés d’une consultation publique, attribués après mise en concurrence des opérateurs ou cédés par leurs titulaires. Les évolutions que connaît leur régime les rapproche du droit souple, au point de rendre parfois difficile la distinction entre les deux instruments pour les opérateurs et le juge, au détriment de la sécurité juridique. Le juge administratif occupe une place centrale au sein du mécanisme de régulation. Confronté à un mécanisme normatif à deux vitesses et aux exigences que pose la régulation, il est amené à faire évoluer ses méthodes de contrôle et à construire progressivement son office de juge de la régulation. / Regardless of the fact that sectoral regulation is usually associated with the emergence of new forms of normativity, unilateral administrative acts have a prominent place among its various instruments. Conceived of as a special mission of the Administration whose main objective is the protection of public economic order, sectoral regulation is indeed normally exercised through unilateral administrative acts. There are four types of unilateral administrative acts that serve as instruments to sectoral regulation: decisions authorising access to the market, regulatory acts that set the conditions for competition in the market, dispute resolution decisions and decisions imposing sanctions. Regulating through unilateral administrative acts serves various objectives leading to a unique regime. Studying the latter confirms the specificity of these acts, a specificity that is evident throughout their life cycle. Adopted by independent administrative authorities, these acts can be submitted to public consultation, attributed to the operators on the basis of a competitive tender or transferred from one beneficiary to another. The evolution of their regime raises the question of their relationship with soft law: the distinction between the two instruments can at times be difficult both for the operators and the judge at the expense of legal security. The Administrative Judge plays a central role in the mecanism of sectoral regulation. Confronted with a two-geared normative mechanism and with the obligations that derive from sectoral regulation, his control methods are destined to evolve and his role as a regulatory judge is progressively refined.

Les moyens procéduraux de lutte contre la criminalité organisée en France et en Italie / I mezzi procedurali di lotta contro la criminalità organizzata in Francia e in Italia

Truglia, Giusy 11 July 2011 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années déjà, un phénomène particulièrement dangereux se répand et s’étend désormais partout, suscitant des inquiétudes au sein de la société : la criminalité organisée. Pour l’endiguer et pour garantir la protection des personnes, on a essayé d’employer une politique de prévention des crimes. A cette fin, de nombreux procédés législatifs ont été adoptés au niveau national et international. La communauté européenne et internationale est intervenue plusieurs fois dans la lutte contre la criminalité organisée, à partir du Traité de Maastricht, d’Amsterdam, du Conseil de Tampere jusqu’au récent Traité de Lisbonne. Ces traités ont permis l’adoption d’importantes mesures pour lutter contre la criminalité organisée. Il est également possible de relever que la Convention des Nations Unies contre la criminalité transnationale organisée et la Convention du 29 mai 2000 ont eu un apport non négligeable. Des accords bilatéraux ont été adoptés par la France et l’Italie pour combattre plus efficacement ce péril et cette plaie qui infecte des points vitaux de la société (par exemple l’Administration Publique et les banques, dont le contrôle est nécessaire pour le blanchiment). La France, avec l’adoption de la loi Perben II du 9 mars 2004 portant adaptation de la justice aux évolutions de la criminalité et l’Italie avec les « paquets sécurité » de 2009 et 2010, ont employé beaucoup de moyens pour réduire et limiter le champ d’action de ces criminels. Un rôle fondamental a été celui des collaborateurs de justice que avec leurs aveux, en échange de réductions de peine, ont dévoilé la structure et la hiérarchie des associations criminelles permettant aux autorités compétentes de mieux les comprendre, de repérer les associés, et en nombreux cas de les détruire. Il faut souligner qu’une mesure efficace a été la confiscation des biens cumulés par les malfaiteurs (bien meubles et immeubles, c’est-à dire des dépôts bancaires, investissements financiers, propriétés, terrains, maisons) et leur utilisation de la part de l’administration publique à des fins sociales à l’avantage de toute la communauté (écoles, édifices publics et hôpitaux). La confiscation du bien, en fait, empêche la criminalité organisée d’en disposer et d’en tirer des revenus, mine sa structure et son pouvoir. Parallèlement, elle donne confiance aux populations souvent tourmentées et effrayées (pensons par exemple au racket imposé aux commerçants et aux entreprises de constructions, d’exploitation agricole), et alimente l’espoir d’une possible libération. La lutte contre les organisations criminelles est longue et difficile, mais si elle est mené avec détermination sur plusieurs fronts, avec la collaboration et la coordination des moyens répressifs des États et de leurs gouvernements, les succès ne pourront pas manquer / For quite a few years now, a particularly dangerous and unsettling phenomenon has been spreading and extending in various degrees throughout all the regions, and that phenomenon is organized crime. In order to check (limit) its spread and guarantee the protection of the population, a crime prevention policy has been imposed. To such an end, numerous legislative provisions have been adopted on both the national and international level. The European and international community have repeatedly intervened in the last years to fight against organized crime, beginning with the Treaty of Maastricht, the Council of Tampere, up to the recent Essay in Lisbon. These treaties have allowed for the adoption of important measures to fight against organized crime, and one should not overlook the Convention of the United Nations and the Convention of May 29, 2000 (in doing the same). Bilateral accords have been stipulated from both France and Italy to more effectively oppose this danger and social evil that threatens with infecting, if it has not already done so, the organs of modern societies (for example; Public Administration, banks (the control of which is necessary in order to recycle dirty money). France, with the approval of the Perben II Law of March 9, 2004 intended to bring up to date the tools of justice in order to make them more incisive in relationship to the evolution of criminality. Italy has done the same thing with the “safety packets” of 2009 and 2010. Furthermore, these two countries have employed many resources in order to try to reduce and limit criminality’s field of action. A fundamental role was carried out by those who collaborated with the judicial system who, by their confessions in exchange for reduced punishment, have disclosed the structure and the hierarchy of criminal associations allowing the authorities involved to better understand, individualize their affiliates (i.e. members) and, in numerous cases, to dismantle them. By contrast, a very effective measure has been and still is the confiscation of goods accumulated by (those) in organized crime (real and financial goods, that is, banking deposits, financial investments, property, land, houses) and their re-use by Public Administration for the social well-being and to the advantage of the entire community (schools, public buildings, hospitals). The forfeiture of such goods, in fact, deprives the criminal underworld the lifeblood and profits that it draws from them; it mines the structure its power, contemporaneously providing safety to the people who are often oppressed and intimidated (one needs only to think about the extortions imposed on shopkeepers, construction and agricultural enterprises) and heightens their hope of a possible liberation from the above. The struggles against criminal organizations is long and difficult, but if it is conducted with determination on more fronts, with the collaboration and the coordination of the repressive apparatuses of nations and their governments, success cannot fail

L'autorité des évêques et le gouvernement de la vie et du ministère des prêtres : doctrine, droit et praxis en Afrique / The authority of bishops and the governement of the ministry and life of priests : doctrine, law and praxis in Africa

Rakotoarisoa, Faustin 03 July 2019 (has links)
L’évêque détient une autorité inhérente à la succession apostolique, à la plénitude du sacrement de l’ordre, aux multiples pouvoirs que lui confère le droit canonique. Pour les évêques africains, leur autorité est renforcée par la particularité de leur statut au niveau social, culturel et politique. Ce sont des hommes que l’on ne peut que difficilement contester. Les prêtres, dans l’exercice de leur ministère, quel que soit sa dimension, doivent se référer toujours à leur évêque du fait du lien juridique de l’incardination. Cela permet de bien gouverner les prêtres, de garantir la hiérarchie et le bon fonctionnement du diocèse. Toutefois, en Afrique, l’autorité épiscopale ne s’impose pas toujours à cause du tribalisme, d’abus de pouvoir de certains prêtres, de la désobéissance mettant à rude épreuve l’efficacité de l’autorité. Force est de constater que des évêques abusent également de leur autorité et de leur pouvoir, violent dans l’impunité les normes ecclésiales, n’assument pas vraiment leur responsabilité au préjudice des prêtres. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de revenir à l’importance du sens du service dans l’exercice du ministère épiscopal et de renforcer l’application rigoureuse de la loi universelle de l’Église catholique. Par rapport à la volonté de l’autorité suprême de l’Église, qui manifeste une évolution en sanctionnant des évêques défaillants, l’occasion est opportunément donnée afin que l’institution ecclésiale, notamment face aux réalités diocésaines en Afrique, avance plus largement en termes de contrôle, de vigilance, de sanction, de protection des droits des prêtres et des laïcs. / The bishop holds an inherent authority from the apostolic succession, the fullness of the sacrament of orders, the multiple power that canon law bestows upon him. The authority of the bishops in Africa is reinforced by the distinctiveness of their status, whether it is at the social, cultural or political level. They are hardly disputable. Presbyters always have to refer to their bishop in the exercise of their ministry, no matter the size of that ministry, and that because of the legal binding of the incardination. This guarantees the governance of the priests, the hierarchy and the efficiency of diocesan administration. However, the bishop’s authority doesn’t always prevail because of the tribalism, the abuse of power of certain priests and the disobedience that puts a strain on the authority. It must be noted that certain bishops also abuse of their authority, violate in impunity the ecclesiastical norms and fail to exercise their responsibilities to the priests’ detriment. Therefore, it is necessary to return to the importance of service in the exercise of the episcopal ministry and to reinforce the rigorous application of universal law of the Catholic Church. If the Supreme authority of the Church is willing to manifest its evolution by severely sanctioning the bishops who fail their mission, there will be a true opportunity for change in order, for the ecclesiastical institution who faces the diocesan realities in Africa, to advance more largely in terms of control, caution, sanction and protection of the rights for both the priests and the laity.

An exploration of organizational behavior that affects California community colleges’ ability to remove sanctions and have accreditation reaffirmed

Reynolds, Steven James 17 July 2014 (has links)
Accreditation is a federally recognized review process of quality assurance in higher education and is intended to engage institutions in continuous efforts to improve quality. If a college does not receive a positive evaluation as a result of an accreditation review, its regional accrediting agency may impose a sanction until that time when the college can fix deficiencies identified during the evaluation process. In California, the number of public community colleges having a sanction imposed by the western region’s Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) has increased since the turn of the century, rising from one college on sanction in 2003 to as many as 27 colleges on sanction in 2012. From 2008 through 2013, 70 of California’s 112 community colleges had experienced a sanction. Of those, 49 made recommended improvements and had their accreditation reaffirmed within two years. However, some colleges take longer to make improvements and to have the sanction lifted. Focusing on colleges that successfully removed a sanction, this study employed a qualitative research approach using multiple methods: a survey questionnaire and a multiple case study of two colleges. Accreditation Liaison Officers from eight colleges responded to the survey. Two colleges participated in the multiple case study in which administrators, managers, faculty, and classified staff were interviewed. Survey and interview participants were asked what they believed were the organizational behaviors and characteristics that contributed to their successful removal of the sanction. Findings indicate that successful colleges did not delay responding to the sanction; they organized human resources into work groups to accomplish tasks; they mapped out plans and created timelines for completion; they increased communication efforts across campus; they involved many persons from their multiple constituent groups; and they documented all work and accomplishments. Findings also indicate that leaders at successful colleges are effective communicators and organizers; value the accreditation process; exhibit trust, respect, and openness, and work collaboratively and collegially. The findings in this study may provide helpful information to sanctioned colleges in the future. / text

WTO爭端解決機制下貿易制裁手段缺失及改革方案之探討 / The Study of the Problems and Reform Proposals of Trade Sanctions Authorized by WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

王韋傑, Wang Wei-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 「世界貿易組織」(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)爭端解決下之貿易制裁,對於確保其任務之達成,扮演著十分重要的角色。惟自WTO成立後至今的數年間,所出現之「爭端解決機構」(The Dispute Settlement Body)授權貿易制裁之實例,透露了本機制之引發之問題,例如除了被制裁國強力反彈外,採取制裁措施之國自身也倍嚐其苦。針對上述問題,不論是學界或WTO會員國均有一些檢討改革的方案。 上述改革方案包括倡議以其他手段完全取代現行「爭端解決程序與規則瞭解書」(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes,以下簡稱DSU)之貿易制裁者,經過本文之分析,發現此等手段縱然取代DSU之貿易制裁,仍無法解決問題,蓋彼等或不具可行性、或有強制執行之困難。 鑑於貿易制裁對WTO規範遵循之確保,目前無可取代,故本文肯定其繼續存在之必要,同時強調貿易制裁之法制化並無礙WTO協定整體架構之邏輯一貫性。此外,法制化的結果,不但可確保貿易制裁受到監督,降低濫用的空間,更可藉由內建之定期檢討與修正,促使授權貿易制裁得以持續獲得改善,將負面影響降到最低。 / The authorization of trade sanction, which secures the objectives of the World Trade Organization (hereinafter the “WTO”) to be achieved, plays a very important role in WTO dispute settlement mechanism. However, since the establishment of the WTO, the DSB authorization of trade sanctions in some cases has revealed some problems. In some instances, the exercise of the trade sanctions triggers counter-measures of the respondent member, while in others, the complaint member also suffers for the trade sanction it imposes as authorized. In response to the aforementioned problems, commentators as well as WTO members have proposed some ideas of reform. The reform proposals include replacing the WTO trade sanctions with alternative measures. Nevertheless, after careful analyses of these proposals for alternatives, it is found in this thesis that the replacement of the WTO trade sanctions cannot resolve the aforementioned problems, in the sense that those alternatives suggested are not feasible or lack of ways to enforce them. In light of the fact that currently no feasible alternative can have the function as trade sanction has in assuring the compliance of the WTO rules, this thesis argues that it needs to be preserved. Besides, this thesis believes that it does not cause any conflict in the current WTO legal framework. To preserve it under the WTO framework, the abuse can be avoided through the surveillance of the DSB. Moreover, the built-in review mechanism, which will continue reform trade sanction measures, can minimize their negative effects.

Les agressions et atteintes sexuelles en droit pénal français : contribution à l'étude des incriminations et de leur régime / Sexual assauts and minor's sexual abuses in French criminal law

Perrin, Julie 19 December 2012 (has links)
Le développement croissant de règles créatrices d'un dispositif juridique particulier, notamment à l'aune des lois du 23 décembre 1980 ayant redéfini le crime de viol et du 17 juin 1998 relative à la prévention et la répression des infractions sexuelles ainsi qu'à la protection des mineurs, permet à certains auteurs de la doctrine de constater l'existence d'un ensemble de règles spécifiques. Aucune étude approfondie n'a à ce jour été effectuée sur les agressions et atteintes sexuelles, si ce n'est par le prisme des infractions à caractère sexuel ou celui des infractions violentes et sexuelles commises à l'encontre des mineurs. Il a semblé intéressant d'effectuer une approche synthétique de ces deux catégories d'incriminations au regard de la réponse pénale particulière qu'elles suscitent. La présente étude tend à étudier la persistance de ce dispositif apparemment spécifique. Sur le plan législatif et jurisprudentiel, il est apparu au regard de l'analyse synthétique, bien que non exhaustive, de ces dispositions, que le mouvement de spécificité n'a pas perduré et s'est éloigné des objectifs initiaux poursuivis, de préservation de la victime et de prévention de la récidive équilibrée entre surveillance et réinsertion. Le caractère initialement spécifique de ces dispositions doit aujourd'hui être relativisé concernant l'appréhension pénale de ces faits, comme leur sanction pénale. / A whole set of specific rules has been recorded about sexual assaults and minor's sexual abuses, in the light of two different laws. The first one is dated December 23rd 1980 and redefined the crime of rape. The second one dates back to June 17th 1998 and refers to the prevention and repression of sexual offences as well as to minors' protection. Until today, neither sexual assaults nor sexual abuses have been studied thoroughlly, except for sexual offences or sexual and violent offences committed on minors. Considering the particular penal sentence that both of these categories of incrimations raise, it seemed interesting to carry out a synthetic approach. The following work aims at studying the persistence of these rules which appear to be specific. From a legislative and judicial point of view, the global analysis of these rules showed that this movement of specifity did not last and even moved away from its first objectives which were protecting the victim and preventing from a second offence; the latter being balanced between surveillance and rehabilitation. The initially specific nature of these rules have to be put into perspective regarding the penal understanding of these facts and their penal sanction.

La responsabilité pénale pour crime de guerre : étude comparée des droits français et congolais

Wane Bameme, Bienvenu 14 May 2012 (has links)
Depuis un peu plus de dix ans, les règles de la responsabilité pénale en matière de crime de guerre ont connu d'importants changements en droits français et congolais. Les États affichent une certaine frilosité face à la réglementation internationale du crime de guerre. En effet, la mise en conformité des règles nationales aux instruments internationaux a entraîné dans les législations de ces Etats, comme dans certaines d'autres d'ailleurs, deux démarches successives : l'internalisation des notions du crime et du criminel de guerre ainsi que l'externalisation des structures et mécanismes d'établissement de la responsabilité. D'abord, le crime international de guerre est redéfini selon l'entendement et dans les concepts usuels internes des législations des Etats. Il est de ce fait, tantôt partiellement correctionnalisé et en conséquence soumis au régime juridique de tout autre crime ou délit interne, en l'occurrence les règles de la prescription. Tantôt, bien que conservant sa nature d'infraction internationale, ce crime se trouve consacré dans une législation militaire sans en préciser les faits constitutifs et sanctions applicables à l'auteur avéré. Ensuite, le criminel de guerre n'est plus que la personne physique. Lorsqu'il est établi qu'une personne physique a agi pour le compte de l'être moral, peu importe que celle-là soit le préposé de jure ou de facto de celui-ci, la législation française en vigueur punit aussi bien l'exécutant capable de discernement que le bénéficiaire, à l'exception de l'Etat. C'est vers cette solution que tend le droit pénal congolais dans son processus de réforme. / For a little over a decade, the rules of criminal responsibility for war crimes have been major changes under French and Congolese. States show a certain reluctance to face the international regulation of war crime. Indeed, the compliance of national rules with international instruments resulted in the legislation of these states, as in some others besides, two successive steps: the internalization of notions of crime and war criminal and outsourcing structures and mechanisms for establishing accountability. First, the international crime of war is redefined according to the understanding and the usual concepts of internal laws of the States. It is therefore sometimes partially correctionnalisé and therefore subject to the law of any other crime or misdemeanor domestic, namely the rules of prescription. Sometimes, though retaining its character as an international offense, this crime is enshrined in legislation military without specifying the facts constituting and penalties proved to the author.

Trestání přestupků a bodový systém v zákoně o provozu na pozemních komunikacích / Punishing administrative transgressions and the system of penalty points under the Highway Traffic Act

Ferancová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Punishing of administrative transgressions and the system of penalty points under the Highway Traffic Act Abstract The content of the diploma thesis focuses on matter of the system of penalty points and selected issues regarding punishing of administrative transgressions. The paper is composed of five parts. Chapter One introduces Czechoslovak historical predecessors of the system of penalty points and examines the development of its current legal regulation in the Highway Traffic Act. The second part deals with fundamental principles of the system of penalty points and particularly assesses the function of prevention principle. The following chapter analyzes the actual legal regulation of the system of penalty points. The author warns against relating insufficiencies and recommends the appropriate solution. The goal of the Chapter Four is based on survey of the fact, whether the system of penalty points represents the sanction by its nature. The author critically researches the proportionality of the system of penalty points and its accordance with the Czech constitutional order. This chapter also concerns with judicial decisions of Czech courts and the European Court of Human Rights referring to the character of the system of penalty points. The last chapter evaluates the proportionality and compliance...


PEDRO HENRIQUE VEIGA CHRISMANN 31 October 2013 (has links)
[pt] Embora as sanções estejam bastante presentes nas experiências jurídicas ao redor do mundo, durante muito tempo o tema foi negligenciado pelos teóricos analíticos do direito. O motivo é o entendimento corrente de que a sanção não é um elemento necessário para a normatividade jurídica e que, portanto, não é objeto da jusfilosofia. O direito, no entanto,é melhor explicado não apenas pelo estudo das características necessárias e suficientes, mas pela observação de seus aspectos considerados importantes.Se o trabalho do jusfilósofo é conceituar ou descrever o fenômeno jurídico, ou fornecer material normativo para aqueles que vivem a experiência jurídica, ele deve compreender essas características que se mantêm presentes em vários ordenamentos.Com esse foco, este trabalho utiliza uma abordagem interdisciplinar para estudar as sanções. As sanções geralmente são usadas como estímulo para o cumprimento de regras. Experimentos com jogos econômicos têm confirmado a eficiência dessa prática. Há, contudo, casos em que a introdução de sanções produz o resultado contrário ao pretendido. Como o uso de regras tem um valor positivo para a coletividade, o estudo sobre a forma como as pessoas compreendem o emprego de sanções pode ajudar a melhorar a produção legislativa. A despeito da discussão normativa, estudos psicológicos apontam para uma tendência punitiva retributivista no julgamento das pessoas comuns. Além disso, a psicologia tem indicado algumas assimetrias no comportamento punitivo.O filósofo do direito deveria fazer um esforço para integrar as diferentes informações para fornecer explicações mais adequadas do fenômeno jurídico e para construir teorias normativas mais factíveis. / [en] Although sanctions are a constant presence on law systems around the world, the analytic philosophers of law neglected this subject for a long time. The reason is that sanctions were though as an unnecessary element to explain legal normativity. However, law is better explained by the observation of what is understood as its important features and not by its necessary and sufficient ones. If the work of those philosophers its to conceptualize or to describe the legal phenomenon, or to provide normative material, they must comprehend features that are presents in almost every legal system. Following this line of thought, this study is an interdisciplinary approach to sanctions. The sanctions are usually used as incentives for rules observance. Experiments made of economic games have confirmed the efficiency of this method. There are, nevertheless, cases in which sanctions make the opposite result that is expected. As much as rules have a positive value for society, the study about the way people understand the use of sanctions can help improve legal production. Despite the normative debate, psychological studies are pointing to a retributivist tendency in folk people punitive judgments. Besides that, psychology has showed some asymmetries in punitive behavior. The philosopher of law should make an effort to integrate different information in order to provide more accurate explanations to the legal phenomenon and create more feasible normative theories.

Atuação administrativa consensual: estudo dos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador / Consensual administrative action: study of the substitutive agreements in administrative process for imposition of sanction

Palma, Juliana Bonacorsi de 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a atuação administrativa consensual, com enfoque nos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador. A questão que se pretende responder consiste em verificar se há necessário relacionamento entre prerrogativas públicas e desenvolvimento das atividades administrativas. Para respondê-la, a consensualidade administrativa é trabalhada em três frentes: normativa, teórica e prática. Na primeira parte, realiza-se a reconstrução do modelo de atuação administrativa típica, formalizada em atos unilaterais e imperativos, a fim de estabelecer o paradigma com o qual a atuação administrativa consensual dialoga. Na seqüência, há a análise do modelo de atuação administrativa consensual, repartida em dois capítulos. No primeiro, são mapeados os debates doutrinários a respeito do tema, indicados os pressupostos teóricos da consensualidade no Direito Administrativo e enfrentada a questão da viabilidade de a Administração Pública transacionar pela análise crítica dos princípios da supremacia e da indisponibilidade do interesse público. No segundo capítulo, é identificado o modelo de consensualidade adotado pelo Direito Administrativo brasileiro com base na apreciação das normas que prevêem instrumentos consensuais levantadas. A terceira parte da dissertação destina-se a avaliar o plano prático da atuação administrativa consensual por meio do estudo empírico do compromisso de cessação, na qualidade de acordo substitutivo no processo administrativo sancionador do CADE. Neste capítulo, são depreendidos os principais impasses relacionados à atividade sancionatória e a forma de emprego do referido acordo administrativo pela autoridade antitruste a fim de verificar os efeitos da consensualidade na prática do Direito Administrativo. Ao final, são analisados os principais vetores dos acordos substitutivos, quais sejam, legalidade, negociação das prerrogativas públicas, controle judicial e cultura repressiva prevalecente na Administração Pública. Na conclusão, a questão é retomada e as hipóteses lançadas - viabilidade da negociação das prerrogativas públicas e preferência dos acordos substitutivos pelo Poder Público em razão dos expressivos efeitos positivos que detêm - testadas. / This essay intends to analyze the consensual administrative action, approaching to the substitutive agreements in the administrative process for imposition of sanctions. The question to be answered herein is to verify if there is a necessary relation between public prerogatives and development of administrative activities. To answer it, the administrative consensus is worked in three perspectives: normative, theoretical and practical. In the first part, it is done the reconstruction of the typical administrative actions model, formalized in unilateral and imperative acts, in order to establish the paradigm to which the consensual administrative action dialogues. After that, it is done the analysis of the consensual administrative action, distributed in two chapters. In the first, doutrinariess debates involving the theme are identified, consensuss theoretical premises in Administrative Law are indicated and the issue of availability of transaction in Public Administration is faced by the principles of supremacy and non-availability of public interests critical analysis. In the second chapter, it is identified the model of consensus adopted by brazilian Administrative Law through appreciation of the norms that dispose about consensual instruments. The essays third part intends to evaluate the practical field of the consensual administrative action through empirical study of the consent decree, as a substitutive agreement, in the CADEs administrative process for imposition of sanctions. In this chapter, it is recognized the main problems with the imposition of sanctions and the use of that administrative agreement by the antitrust authority, in order to discover the consensus effect in Administrative Law. Finally, substitutive agreements main guides are analyzed, which are: legality, public prerogatives negotiation, judicial control and repressive culture that prevails into Public Administration. In the conclusion, the question is retaken and the hypotheses exposed - negotiation of the public prerogatives availability and preference of the substitutive agreements bi Public Power because of its expressive positive effects - tested.

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