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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protecting the protector : exploring work-related challenges experienced by contract security guards employed by a security company in Johannesburg.

Sibanyoni, Nkosinathi Samuel 04 September 2014 (has links)
The high levels of crimes in society have led people to seek assistance outside public law enforcement agencies such as police and the army, to private law enforcement agencies such as the private security industry. Security guards are involved in providing protection to people, properties and their valuables and in South Africa, they intervene in high crime and violence situations, resulting in their working environment being dangerous and unpredictable. The study aimed to understand some of the factors contributing to the work-related challenges encountered by contract security guard officers. The study utilised a qualitative research design in exploring the narrations of 14 contract security guards, identified and selected using a non-probability purposive sampling procedures. For triangulation purposes, two key informants namely: senior supervisor and a site manager were interviewed. Semi-structured interview schedules were conducted, where in-depth one-on-one interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed into verbatim and subsequently analysed using thematic content analysis. The results revealed that economic factors such as poverty and unemployment contribute to one becoming a security guard officer. Furthermore, factors such as low wages, long working hours, lack of respect, safety, lack of water and sanitation facilities were identified as challenges encountered by security guard officer in the industry. The results also showed that the identified challenges impact on the work discipline and work motivation of security guards, their family responsibilities and to their occupational wellbeing. Recommendations emanating from the study included the involvement of occupational social workers in the private security industry, for the developing of interventional programmes in enhancing the effective use of coping strategies by security guards, and the collaboration between security companies and security guards within the contractual service negotiations process with clients.

An exploratory research : Fear and the need of security interplay as a business mechanism

Beltrán Alanis, Martha Alicia, Cruz Sánchez, Javier Arnulfo January 2011 (has links)
Background: Humanity builds and writes its history. Overtime the need of feeling secure has been present originated from an emotion, a condition and reaction: the fear of threats or danger. The impact of human fear over the humanity behaviour leads for searching ways of reducing such fear. Consequently, security companies have a potential opportunity for fulfilling this human need reducing the phenomenon of fear. Some organisations and companies discovered that human fear can be used as tool for influencing the individual behaviour and for consumption purposes. Aim: Developing a research and discussing some of the issues that concerns today‟s societies and business organisations as well as the managerial consequences arising by exploring the global fear and necessity of security trends as a critical issue for the decades to come. Therefore, the purpose of this study explores the extent to which companies can use human fear that an individual perceives as a potential strategy within the security industry to increase and expand their market. Definitions: When companies use fear in advertising influence human behaviour known in marketing as fear appeal. In this research, mass media does not use fear as a conscious way to manipulate or persuade human behaviour. However, the usage of fear messages in mass media has an impact on human fear perception. Then, there is evidence of a positive relationship between marketing fear appeal and mass media spreading information of threats, violence and crime. Both create fear on humans‟ perception but marketing in a direct conscious way and mass media in an indirect unconscious way, what we have identified and called „unacquainted-indirect fear appeal‟. Results: The findings in this exploratory thesis show a functional relationship between the phenomenon of fear and the phenomenon of the need of security which are persistent variables overtime. Therefore, it is possible for security companies to take advantage of this trend and to develop a potential strategy to increase and expand their market while taking into account that fear appeal needs a very specific treatment and testing along this process due to the several results that can be achieved from such a strategy. The results can vary depending on the circumstances of the individual and the environment not always controllable by the companies within business in a constant changing world.

Gérer le risque? : e Canada et les firmes militaires privées

Lussier, Vincent January 2013 (has links)
Partant des incidents (Carré Nissor, 2007; Abu Grahib, 2004) ayant amené les services de sécurités privés à l'avant-scène médiatique durant le conflit irakien des années 2000, cette recherche se concentre sur le développement de ces derniers au sein des zones de conflits en Afghanistan et en Irak. En explorant la littérature existante, les nombreux questionnements subsistants donnèrent naissance aux fondements de cette recherche : Qu'en est-il du Canada? Quelles tâches sont sous-traiéees par le Canada à cette industrie? Et plus important encore : Comment le Canada encadre-t-il cette industrie? Faisant le choix de centrer la problématique sur cet encadrement, le chercheur adopte une approche politico-administrative afin d'adresser la situation selon l'angle de l'acteur ayant le plus d'influence, soit le gouvernement canadien. La recherche s'amorce par un détour conceptuel analysant les approches utilisées pour étudier cette industrie, la nature de cette dernière et les fonctions lui étant dévolues. De nombreuses approches sont utilisées pour aborder cette industrie, certaines axées sur les aspects légaux, d'autres sur les impacts sur le domaine militaire ou encore sur les répercussions de l'arrivée de ce "nouveau" joueur sur la scène internationale. Par la suite, l'auteur fait un détour important afin de situer les concepts et la nature de l'industrie et des compagnies qui la compose. On apprend ainsi que cette industrie se définit à la fois selon les types de services offerts et la nature commerciale des compagnies. De nombreuses différences sont notables entre les entreprises composant cette industrie, entre celles fournissant des services logistiques ou celles possédant d'imposantes capacités de projection de la force létale, ou encore entre celles étant des multinationales jouant sur divers échiquiers et celles fondées pour des contrats particuliers. Afin de procéder à une réflexion pertinente sur l'usage canadien de l'industrie des services militarisés, l'auteur s'impose l'étude de l'état de la réflexion sur l'emploi de cette industrie par les gouvernements britannique et américain. En ressortent, le difficile questionnement sur la méthode d'encadrement à adopter, des risques du laisser-aller, des besoins de surveillance de l'exécution des contrats en théâtre d'opérations, des risques de fraudes, des failles législatives relatives aux actions prisent par le personnel civil employé, etc. Le portrait dresse des conclusions tirées par ces États souligne nombre de risques devant être considérés dans le recours au personnel privé pour combler les besoins au sein des zones de combats. L'étude du cas canadien se doit de commencer par un état des lieux de la sous-traitance canadienne. Celui-ci est essentiellement obtenu grâce à une demande d'accès à l'information listant les contrats ayant été octroyés dans le cadre du conflit en Afghanistan par les ministères de la Défense nationale et des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international. L'étude se concentre par la suite sur le processus contractuel ainsi que l'approche officielle du gouvernement canadien soit le respect des engagements contenus dans le Document de Montreux. Finalement, la recherche procède à l'analyse des risques reliés aux tâches et de la politique, en ébauche, du Ministère de la Défense nationale sur le recours aux sous-traitants en zone de conflit.

Podnikatelský plán pro založení bezpečnostní společnosti / Business Plan for Creation of the Security Company

Jiroutová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on the business plan for the establishment of a security company. In the first part is processed the theoretical foundation, which is used in other parts of the thesis. The analytical part of my thesis includes an analysis of internal and external factors affecting the company. Last charter proposes individual steps of the business plan, which serve as a base source for strategic decisions that the author will have to make while realizing the project.

金控證券商法人部客戶服務品質評估與分析 / The Study on Service Quality of a Financial Holding Security Company's Institutional Department

蔡麗玲, Tsai, Li Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文利用研究服務品質的「缺口模型」(PZB Model或Gap Model),篩選近半年內某一月成交量超過新台幣伍千萬元以上之A金控證券商公司法人部客戶。利用SERVQUAL量表以選擇題式問卷對特定族群做訪談來收集資料,以期找出台灣證券市場中,成交重心客戶群對證券商五大服務構面(即有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性)之22個量表項目的重視程度。研究結論發現,投資者的「期望服務水準」與「認知服務水準」間確實具有顯著差異。其次,從服務缺口分析來看,二項最需要改善的項目分別屬於「關懷性」與「可靠性」二構面。 此外,從服務缺口差距較小(服務品質較高)的項目來看,「有形性」問項,對投資者的期望相對來說都最低。因此,對於「有形性」構面,管理者可以在其他缺口較大的項目改進到一定的服務水準之後,再來考慮提升其服務品質。進一步將服務構面與證券商交易頻率進行迴歸分析。結果發現,服務品質與投資者和證券商交易頻率之間有顯著關係,而各構面中,只有「信任性」達顯著水準,故可推論若金控證券商在信任性構面因素表現愈好,則投資者和證券商再次交易的意願愈強烈。 最後,由單因數變異數分析,探討各人口統計變數與服務品質構面的影響,發現性別、與證券商交易頻率、同時與多少家證券商交易等因素,對金控證券商服務品質的評估有顯著差異。 / This study aims to analyze service quality of a financial holding security company’s institutional department. Using PZB Model and SERVQUAL scale presented to measure customer satisfaction of the study. SERVQUAL scale is used to evaluate service quality, which is defined as “perceived service quality” is the difference between customers “perceptions” and “expectations.” The research used these two elements to evaluate service quality and customers satisfaction, and to take perception-minus- expectations measurement of service quality as an improving index. This study proposed the five dimensions including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The analyzed result revealed that there were obvious differences between service expectation and perceived service performance, and had to improve two dimensions: “empathy” and “reliability.” In addition, customers had more satisfactions with “tangibility,” means managers should improve firstly other service dimensions with less satisfactions. Meanwhile, according to the regression analysis, this study showed there had a significant difference between service quality and transaction frequencies with security companies. If financial holding security company can improved the “reliability,” the investors would have more willingness to deal with. Finally, according to One-Way ANOVA analysis, this study showed that there were also some obvious difference between the population statistic variables (gender, transaction frequencies and numbers of security companies), service expectation, perceived service performance and overall satisfaction of maintenance.

Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus? / Does Private Military Companies represent a threat or an asset to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding re-recruitment with the focus on the soldiers of FS21?

Pärnering, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers’ attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees. Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I’m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions. The soldiers and squad leaders isfurther referred to as “the soldiers”. These soldiers were consisting of 59 males and femaleswhich were in the final stage of the preparation for their Afghanistan tour. The name of thetour is FS21. Result: According to the survey a great number of respondent soldiers claimed they wouldleave the Swedish Armed Forces in order to be employed in a PMC if the salary would proveto be better. The things that were most important to the soldiers were the colleagues and a funjob as well as the closest in command. After that the salary was vital. At the bottom,according to the soldiers, was an ethical and fair job which would be highly valued in the eyesof the public. According to the statements made by the soldiers the main reasons to stay in theArmed Forces was the group cohesion, the fellowship, the friends and the closet in command.It’s not about the Armed Forces as a department or an employer, it’s the colleagues. Conclusion: This doesn’t collide with van Doorns theory1, it merely enhance the statementwhich van Doorn expresses; that the abandonment of the conscript system will force the statemanagement out on the labour market embossed by a harsh competition of the working force.In lack of possibility to measure up with the civil salary capacity the consequence could fairlybe that the troops are recruited from marginalized groups, which threatens the Armed Forcescapacity. This could also mean that the Armed Forces train and educate individuals frommarginalized groups, as well as the ordinary male or female, and of a sudden they are mostattractive at the civil sector which appreciate military skills and knowledge and se it assomething they could benefit from.This request that the Swedish Armed Forces have an ambition to keep the soldiers it educate,a more active work in keeping the soldiers in the own organisation – merely by meeting theneeds of the soldiers. It is a constant necessitate re-recruiting every day, not when thecontracts reaches its due date. / Ämne: Självständigt arbete i Krigsvetenskap (15HP) som behandlar frågan huruvida PrivataMilitära Företag är en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällandeåterrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus. Med återrekrytering menas förnyelse avkontrakt som löper mot sitt slut.Det som undersöks är bland annat den generella inställningen hos soldater som har gjortmilitärtjänst enligt det gamla värnpliktssystemet och nu är anställda med målsättning attgenomföra utlandsmission med Afghanistan som operationsområde. Vidare undersöks derasinställning till Försvarsmaktens personalpolitik samt deras inställning till den privata sektornsom vill/kan dra nytta av kompetensen som soldaterna besitter. Skulle dessa soldater kunnatänka sig att lämna Försvarsmakten till förmån för privata företag som säger sig kunna lösaliknande uppgifter, och detta innan kontraktet med Försvarsmakten löpt ut? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap om inställningen hos anställdasoldater ur FS21. Hur är deras inställning till Privata Militära Företag? Vidare att undersökaom Försvarsmakten, enligt dessa soldater, erbjuder dem det som önskas/anses skäligt för attinte lämna sin anställning till förmån för PMF och därigenom klargöra vad det är soldaternavärderar som anställd. Genomförande, Metod, Material: Metoden jag nyttjat mig av är en respondentundersökninggenom en enkät. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts där soldater och gruppchefer har svaratpå frågorna. Soldaterna och gruppcheferna benämns genom uppsatsen som enbart”soldaterna”. Dessa soldater utgjordes av 59 män och kvinnor som då var i slutskedet på sinutbildning och i sina förberedelser för utlandsmission till Afghanistan. Missionens benämningär FS21. Resultat: Genom enkätundersökningen påpekade väldigt många av de tillfrågade soldaternaatt de skulle lämna Försvarsmakten för att istället ta anställning inom ett PMF om lönenvisade sig vara bättre. Det som var viktigast för soldaterna var arbetskamrater och ett roligtjobb samt den närmaste chefen. Därefter var lönen att betrakta som vital. På näst sista platshamnade enligt soldaterna ett etiskt och korrekt arbete som i allmänhetens ögon är högtvärderat. Enligt de uttalanden som soldaterna gjort i fritextsvaren så är det främstgruppsammanhållningen, samhörigheten, kamraterna och den närmsta chefen som äranledningen till att stanna. Det är inte Försvarsmakten som myndighet eller arbetsgivare i sig,utan kollegorna. Slutsatser: Detta krockar inte med van Doorns teori2, utan snarare förstärker det påståendetsom van Doorn uttrycker om att övergivandet av värnpliktssystemet medför att statsledningentvingas ut på en arbetsmarknad präglad av en hård konkurrens om arbetskraften. I brist avmöjligheter att följa de civila lönetrenderna kan följderna bli att manskapet kan komma attrekryteras ur marginaliserade grupper och därigenom äventyra försvarskraften. Det kan ävenbetyda att Försvarsmakten tränar upp och utbildar individer ur marginaliserade grupper, tillikasom gemene man och kvinna, så att dessa plötsligt blir attraktiva hos den civila sektorn somser soldaternas kunskap och militära färdigheter som något de kan dra nytta av.Det krävs av Försvarsmakten att det finns en ambition att behålla de soldater som utbildas, ettmer aktivt arbete i att behålla soldaterna i de egna leden – främst genom att möta soldaternasbehov.Det är en ständig nödvändighet att återrekrytera varje dag, inte enbart när kontrakten börjarnärma sig sina slut.

Komparace českých a slovenských soukromých bezpečnostních služeb v letech 1993 - 2012 / Comparative Analysis of Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 1993-2012

Doskočilová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis practically and theoretically deals with the concept - privatization of security. The aim of the practical part is to compare the conception of private security companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The comparison focuses on the factual data (number of PSC, employees, police forces, the amount of wages, the turnover), state regulation and mutual relation of public and private security providers. The findings of the practical part are applied to the theoretical concept of Rita Abrahamsen and Michael Williams - Theory of Security Assemblages. It is based on the claim that the privatization of security is part of a broader process of partial dismantling of the state and at the same time emerging "global assembly, which brings together national and global structures. The privatization of security is enshrined in both the social and the legal environment, and therefore the state itself can participate on its own dismantling by its acting. This is the case of the Czech Republic due to the absence of PSC's regulation, control mechanisms, minimum requirements for skilled employees PSC and the non-definition of the relationship between public and private security sector. It results in weakening the role of the Czech Republic as a guarantor of security. The aforementioned inaction...


熊麟徵, hsiung,jack Unknown Date (has links)
大陸證券發展,風起雲湧,大陸證券投資,蔚為主流。基於同文同種之故,市場發展的環境之相似,股民結構之雷同,又法規及監管制度之複雜,與早期我國的發展過程類似。在一遍全球化的聲浪中,企業在拓展版圖,大陸證券業已成為台灣券商的首選。 證券金融服務業乃高知識密集,高風險密集,高資訊密集的行業,如何利用資訊策略有效之運用,達到對內:提高整體綜效,對外:強化競爭優勢。所以,如何擬定合適的資訊策略,以導引資訊化的有效發展,進而促進公司整體綜效,為奠定本研究根基,本研究從大陸金融政策、大陸證券業競爭趨勢之下的企業經營策略、資訊策略對企業營運影響、證券業資訊實務之探討,進行文獻探討,得到如下資料: 一、策略對企業的經營、競爭等營運績效影響甚鉅。資訊策略,對企業的營運績效,同具密切影響力。而瞭解資訊策略的種類,有助企業的營運定位與資源分配,並可避免失敗,進而提升營運績效。 二、大陸證券業資訊化演進及現況,以及資訊化帶來的優勢與衝擊,了解資訊科技的應用情形,以利規劃證券業資訊科技的應用方向。 三、在企業營運策略下之資訊策略及資訊化實物之探究。 本研究的研究架構,為如下所示: 而研究的進行,一因此類合資券商在中國成立時間尚短且家數甚少。二則此類合資券商資訊策略的研究,目前並無較堅強理論的研究議題。所以,不適合進行精細的驗證性研究,故採行「探索性」與「個案式」的研究方式。而所選的個案公司,乃因其具有營運經歷之特殊性、投入時間的洽當性、進入資格之稀少性,故而以其研究主體。研究工具,以深入訪談、資料分析與企業流程模型為主軸。 對個案公司的研究,先從大陸證券業現況及競爭趨勢探討,次而制定公司的營運策略等相關資料的整理著手、次而探討公司制定資訊策略相關構面與資訊策略,最後針對公司現況與未來進行資訊策略面研究。而提出如下的結論與建議: (一) 結論: 1、不當的資訊架構造成設置成本增加與人員效率低落。 由個案研究中得知大陸證券業資訊系統演進成因,深受法規政策及上游交易所系統改善之影響。但始終圍繞著系統交易速度的即時性、系統海量交易、作業的正確性打轉。 又因證券市場發展初期,證照取得困難各分公司為了業務需求,盡其可能的把系統加大增員擴充,每家分公司資訊系統的完整及規模眼然像一家總公司。超大的交易大廳,大量的自助委託系統,獨立的財務系統,證券交易系統,超冗餘的硬體設備,備援系統,過多的交易席位,伴隨著資訊系統增加而資訊專業人員也大增,在市場行情不好時,這些設施及充員,都成為分公司經營的負擔。 這種分散式架構增加了分公司的自主性、彈性及效率,但也增加了分公司的經營成本及管理成本,不易達到資訊規模經濟。又系統分散,維護人員也分散到各分公司,平日維護系統及日常作業就浪費不少人力,剩餘時間也不大能夠參與總公司專案規劃,因此資訊人力資源使用不彰,人力重疊,因分公司自主效率反而損及整體運作效益。 2、不良的系統整合造成整體效益不彰與風險管控不易。 因發展初期大小券商因經營不當或虧污,造成券商重組或合併者眾,其原有的系統也陪嫁到新公司,並沒有完善的統一整合,證券公司的結算是由總公司對結算所做二級結算,之後再由分公司對客戶做第三級結算,又因分散式系統各分公司作業獨立性高,財務系統可能不一致的影響,總公司帳平但分公司帳不平,或分公司帳平總公司帳不平時有所聞,造成結算時間拉長,財務及資訊人員疲於奔命,管理性的績效報表也因延誤,錯過管理時機。 由於財務系統由當地控管,加上當地資訊人員的配合,經理人挪用客戶資金炒股的新聞屢見不鮮,也是造成券商於2002年因市場空頭巨額虧損的原因之一。又經紀系統分散在各地,無法在盤中即時監控交易狀況,僅能事後控管,總公司風險控管人員如同虛設。 3、資訊科技衝擊造成價值鏈的改變。 在大陸百分之九十九以上的交易委託使用自助式委託工具,成因來自於,市場發展初期交易所系統容量與處理速度不足,且券商系統也不太穩定、雙方容量都不足的狀態下,僅能透過營業櫃檯的營業員製單後,交由委託輸入人員輸入到交易系統中,藉此控制系統穩定度。 日後由於雙方上下游系統改善,處理速度大增,當時深交所開始實施無形席位,採用電腦直接接入交易所主機後交易量大增,隔年上海交易所也實施無席位交易後,交易容量到達新階段,此時交易瓶頸端已出現在券商端委託輸入人員了,當時股市走多頭,委託單量大,易造成錯過價位及帶來交易糾紛,此時自助式委託系統萌芽,各大小券商皆採用,也就造成日後自助式委託系統盛行於大陸的原因。 由於營業員的素質不高且功能本來就不彰顯,小道及內線消息充陳,投研報告的品質及可信度不高,易流於為做手或莊家的炒作工具,再加上五十年來的文化洗禮下,原本不信任”人”的觀念中,在幾次大規模的套牢下,股民放棄了研究報告,離開了營業員,擁抱自助式委託工具,營業員也離開了營業櫃檯,被自助式委託工具取代。 又自助式委託系統同質性太高,無法有效地提出投資建議,券商唯一可以行銷的工具就是調降傭金,因此股民的忠誠度也隨傭金調降而改變。營業員或所謂理財專員在經紀業務之價值鏈中佔有祟高的地位,如今用機器取代營業員有點本末倒置,所以在大陸從來沒聽過證券業有超級營業員。 研究報告寫得不用心,客戶就賺不到錢;客戶不賺錢,員工就賺不到錢;員工賺不到錢,公司也賺不到錢;自然地客戶就沒有品牌忠誠度。 員工賺不到錢,就沒有好人才願意投如這個產業,人員的流動就加大,造成惡性循環。 這樣以自助委託為主的改變,也破壞了以”營業員”為中心的經紀業 務價值鏈。 (二)建議:個案公司訂定資訊策略應考量如下幾點: 1、系統架構採大集中或區域集中架構。 以外包方式建置大集中或區域集中式的系統架構,讓資源適度化,人員配置合理化,維護、災備簡易化,成本最適化,人員控管最易化,達到成本降低,人員及系統效率增長。 2、應用系統設計採取B/S應用。 透過瀏覽器及滑鼠的應用,人性化的操作介面,防呆防愚的設計,讓操作風險降到最低,系統集約在叢集及負載平衡的架構下,達到容錯及擴容的彈性。 3、單一入口的後台整合集中控管系統及工作流程控管系統。 透過單一系統入口,整合的集中控管系統,達到財務、資金控管一致性,風險控管功能獨立性,績效分析即時性,工作流簡化,以盡後線部門管控職能,進而增進整體效益。 4、加強投顧研究報告品質。 透過研究報告考評系統輔助,有系統的考評每個分析師的投研報告,並長期追蹤其研究建議與客戶持股的變化,做為報告品質的參考依據。 5、重建以”人”為中心的業務流程。 透過營業員工作站的輔助,將投研報告、營業員推薦投資組合、輔導投資建議、委託、成交、結算、交割、資金划劃、交叉銷售、向上銷售等活動連結成無縫的環,重建以營業員為主、資訊系統為輔的價值活動。 6、建立投行專案控管系統。 投行業在輔導一個項目的時間長達一年,其中旅行往返及長程電話費用支出很高,原本投行業務的費用就不易控管,且投行人員平均成本高,如果同時進行多個項目,若無資訊系統做成本控制,不易評估出專案效益。 投行業不是成功就是失敗,輔導上市才有錢賺。如果遇到股市不佳,配售狀況不好,券商可能要包銷就會造成資金積壓效應,如果股市不好還可能造成股價下跌雙重損失。 又大陸採計劃型經濟体制,產業成長都要宏觀調控,受政府政策影響非常大,去年火紅的項目,今年可受到打壓,所以時機很重要。 因此一個項目的成敗除了項目本身因素外,項目專案時程管理符合市場需要,是決定成敗的最主要因素。 7、業務分析、決策支援。 中國大陸地大物博,各省份股民喜好不一,光是飲食就有「南甜、北鹹、東酸、西辣」的特性之分,何況是對風險的好惡及風險的承受度。2003年統計股民近6700萬人,平均一家券商就有50萬個客戶,更別說是大行。客源分析,客戶喜好分析,貢獻度分析是未來行銷管理上必備的工具,適時建立CRM系統有助於決策支援,業務拓展。 8、建立教育訓練體制。 公司要有好的財務狀況,必須要找到貢獻度大的客戶,要找到貢獻度大的客戶,則營業員素質、投研報告的品質要好、內部服務流程要佳。要營業員素質、投研報告的品質要好、內部服務流程要佳,則內部流程的改善、人員的成長訓練要有適當的指標去評量,最後改變公司財務狀況,增進股東權益。 / The theme of this thesis is to study strategy planning for Management Information System of A foreign security company,whom will be to operate a company in mainland China . The study is intended for finding out a strategy of business to guide the company’s strategy of MIS and MIS practice. It has three aims : 1.The security company’s competition of mainland China. 2. According to the competition status to setup a company’s strategy for MIS. 3.According to the strategy of MIS to setup a MIS practice to fit a new joiner. Finally,According to the study to finding out strategy for MIS to consolidate business ,core competition.

O padrão de atuação das empresas de segurança privada: o caso de Angola

Paoliello, Tomaz Oliveira 09 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tomaz Oliveira Paoliello.pdf: 761489 bytes, checksum: 275a7feae0dded7e385ae9ca9032b10e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / Nowadays, one of the phenomena that draws attention and raises the debate within the discipline of international relations is the rise of the so-called private security companies. The present dissertation studies the inclusion of such companies in the Angolan context during the 1990s. This inclusion is marked by two moments, the first one paradigmatic for the literature on the subject, the particular action of the company Executive Outcomes. Secondly, we discuss the development of a local market for private security, built by a series of devices that make the Angolan landscape a unique and poorly studied model. Angola was a testing ground for the actions of the private security companies, but turned out to be an exceptional case with a number of local companies providing security for the country during its own internal conflict, and making them fundamental for the design of Power in Angola. This situation is derived from a number of specific features of the Angolan history, especially the continued violence and the perpetuation of state fragility. We further explore the discussion on the role of private security companies as new actors in the international system, and observe the range of findings about these companies when confronted with the case of Angola / Nos dias de hoje, um dos fenômenos que chama atenção e suscita o debate no âmbito da disciplina de relações internacionais é a ascensão das chamadas empresas de segurança privada. A atual dissertação se dedica ao estudo da inserção de tais empresas no contexto angolano durante os anos 1990. Essa inserção é marcada por dois momentos, um primeiro, paradigmático para a literatura sobre o tema, trata da ação particular da empresa Executive Outcomes. Num segundo momento, abordamos o desenvolvimento de um mercado local para a segurança privada, construído por uma série de dispositivos que fazem do panorama angolano um modelo único e ainda pouco estudado. Angola foi um campo de teste para a atuação das empresas de segurança privada, mas acabou se transformando num caso excepcional, com uma série de empresas locais provendo a segurança para o país durante o conflito interno, e tornando-se fundamentais para o desenho de poder em Angola. Essa situação é derivada de uma série de especificidades da história angolana, notadamente a permanente violência, e a perpetuação da fragilidade do Estado. Desenvolvemos a discussão sobre o papel das empresas de segurança privada como novos atores no sistema internacional, e observamos o alcance das descobertas sobre tais empresas quando confrontadas com o caso de Angola

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