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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ÅLDRANDE, HÄLSA, MINORITET : äldre finlandssvenskar i Finland och Sverige / AGEING, HEALTH, MINORITY : Older Finland-Swedes in Finland and Sweden

Kulla, Gunilla January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Minoritetsgrupper, inklusive invandrargrupper, tenderar att skatta sin hälsa sämre i jämförelse med majoriteten. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande avhandling var att beskriva, analysera, jämföra och fördjupa förståelsen för äldre finlandssvenskars hälsa i form av upplevd och självskattad hälsa återspeglad ur ett livsloppsperspektiv. Upplevd hälsa studerades kvalitativt bland äldre finlandssvenskar i Finland och bland äldre finlandssvenskar i Sverige och som återflyttare till Finland (delstudierna I, IV). Självskattad hälsa studerades kvantitativt bland äldre finlandssvenskar i Finland (delstudie II), samt bland äldre finlandssvenskar i Sverige jämfört med äldre finskspråkiga i Sverige (delstudie III). Migration (III, IV) och åldrandet (I, II, IV) återspeglade sig i äldres hälsa. Metod: Urvalen erhölls från Befolkningsregistet i Finland samt Statistiska Centralbyrån i Sverige. Studiegrupperna bestod av totalt n=982 personer. Data insamlades genom strukturerad muntlig och inbandad intervju, halvstrukturerad inbandad intervju, strukturerat intervjuformulär samt postad enkät. Data analyserades genom hermeneutisk ansats med kärnberättelser, tematisk kvalitativ innehållsanalys, kumulativ multipel regressionsanalys samt Chi2-test. Resultat: Äldres upplevda hälsa tog sig uttryck genom personligheten, fysisk hälsa, sociala relationer och samhället. Över hälften skattade sin hälsa som god. Hälsa skattades som bättre ju mindre mediciner man behövde, ingen värk/smärta, bättre funktionsförmåga, bättre livslust och bättre ekonomi. Äldre finlandssvenskar i Sverige skattade sin hälsa som bättre jämfört med finskspråkiga i Sverige. Migration hade medfört svårigheter i samband med flyttningen till Sverige och arbetslivet i Sverige. Återflyttningen kunde försvåras av ohälsa och åldrandet. Åldrandet medförde en anpassning till att sätta egen hälsa och nuläge i perspektiv. Resultaten visade att äldre kan bidra med kunskaper om friskfaktorer. Konklusion: Ur ett folkhälsovetenskapligt hälsofrämjande perspektiv är det av relevans att lyfta fram minoritetsgrupper ur ett resursperspektiv. Det är centralt att beakta att det kan förekomma skillnader i hälsa mellan minoriteter, inom minoriteter och inom etniska minoriteter. Sociala och kulturella skillnader kan inverka på hur äldre skattar sin hälsa. Äldre i minoritet kan vara mera sårbara på grund av ohälsa, migration och kön / Background: Minority groups, including immigrants, generally tend to report lower self-rated health than the majority. Aims: The overall object of the dissertation was to describe, analyze and compare the self-rated health of older Finland-Swedes, and deepen the understanding of their experience of health in a life-course perspective. The experience of health was qualitatively studied among older Finland-Swedes in Finland, Finland-Swedes in Sweden and after re-migration in Finland (parts I, IV). Self-rated health was quantitatively studied among older Finland-Swedes in Finland (part II), and among older Finland-Swedes in Sweden compared to older Finnish-speakers in Sweden (part III). Migration (parts III, IV) and ageing (parts I, II, IV) were reflected in the health of older persons. Methods: The sample was obtained from the Population Register Centre of Finland and Statistics Sweden. The target groups consisted of 982 persons. The data was collected in structured oral and taped interviews, semi-structured taped interviews, structured interview forms, and postal enquiries. The data were analyzed through a hermeneutic approach with core narratives, thematic qualitative content analysis, cumulative multiple regression analysis, and chi-square test. Results: The experiential health of older persons manifested itself in personality, physical health, social relations, and society. More than a half of the respondents rated their health as good. Better health was reported with less medicine, no pain/suffering, better functional capacity, more zest for life, and better financial position. Older Finland-Swedes in Sweden reported better health than the Finnish-speaking respondents in Sweden. Migration had caused difficulties in connection with the move to Sweden and with working life in Sweden. Ill-health and ageing could cause problems with remigration. Ageing involved an adjustment in setting own health and the present in perspective. The results showed that older persons could contribute knowledge about health factors. Conclusions: From the perspective of public health science and health promotion, it is relevant to present minority groups from the vantage point of resources. It is essential to realize that there can be health differences between minorities, within minorities, and among ethnic minorities. Social and cultural variations can affect the way older persons evaluate their health. Older persons in minorities can be more vulnerable owing to ill-health, migration and gender.

Dietary habits and risk factors of overweight and obesity in school aged children (11, 13 and 15 years old) in Lithuania / Mitybos ypatumai ir antsvorio bei nutukimo rizikos veiksniai tarp 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleivių

Ajaere, Tobechukwu Jones 18 June 2014 (has links)
Aim of the study: To get better insights into the profile of body composition, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children aged 11, 13 and 15 years old and to analyze relationship of overweight and obesity with some behavioral and social health factors in Lithuania. Objectives: To establish the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-age children (11, 13 and 15 years old) in Lithuania. To describe the distribution of obesity and overweight by age, gender, nationality, family affluence, living place and household groups of school age children. To establish the statistical relationship of obesity and overweight with nutritional habits and physical activity and to analyze the relation of overweight and obesity with self-rated health and self body image. Methods: In this master’s research work the selected primary source of existing research raw data from the HBSC questionnaire survey 2009/10 was used. The author of the master’s thesis has provided his own contribution by selecting the research topic, formulating the research questions, identifying the questionnaire items relevant to the topic and also conducting statistical analysis, interpretation of data. The analysis of the data (3338 questionnaires of 11, 13 and 15 year old school children were analyzed) was calculated in percentages, averages. IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 and MS Excel 2007 were applied for calculations and visual presentation of the results. The significance level when p<0.05 was... [to full text] / Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleivių kūno sudėjimą, antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimą bei išanalizuoti jų sąsajas su kai kuriais elgsenos ir socialiniai sveikatos veiksniais. Uždaviniai: Nustatyti antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimą tarp mokyklinio amžiaus (11, 13 ir 15 metų) vaikų Lietuvoje. Aprašyti mokinių antsvorio ir nutukimo pasiskirstymą pagal amžių, lytį, tautybę, šeimos pragyvenimo lygį, gyvenamąją vietą, šeimyninę sudėtį. Nustatyti antsvorio ir nutukimo statistines sąsajas su mitybos ypatumais ir fiziniu aktyvumu bei išanalizuoti sąryšį su savo sveikatos vertinimu bei savo kūno įvaizdžio suvokimu. Metodai: Duomenys šiam magistriniam tiriamajam darbui buvo paimti iš 2009/10 metų HBSC anketinio tyrimo. Magistro tezių autorius pats pasirinko tyrimo temą, suformulavo tyrimo klausimus, atrinko su tema susijusius anketos klausimus, atliko statistinę duomenų analizę ir interpretaciją. Išanalizuotos 3338 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus moksleivių anketos, rezultatai pateikti procentais, vidurkiai. Statistiniams skaičiavimams naudotas IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 paketas, grafinis rezultatų pateikimas atliktas MS Excel 2007 pagalba. Reikšmingumo lygmuo, kai p<0,05, buvo laikomas kaip statistiškai reikšmingas. Rezultatai: 10,8% 11, 13 ir 15 metų amžiaus Lietuvos moksleivių turėjo antsvorį, 1,6% iš jų nustatytas nutukimas. Be to, procentai mažėja didėjant amžiui. Statistiškai reikšmingai (p<0,05) antsvorio ir nutukimo paplitimas buvo didesnis tarp berniukų (16... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


Miller, Peta, Peta.Miller@dewr.gov.au, petajohnmiller@bordernet.com.au January 2004 (has links)
The primary purpose of this project was to investigate some relationships between workload and employee wellbeing. The necessary first stage was to formulate a theoretical framework � the JobLoad Model � to support a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the main factors that contribute to a job's workload. Building on the ergonomics concept of �workload�, this Model incorporates task- and job-level factors that have been identified within the research literatures of physical and cognitive ergonomics as important; additional constructs were added to take account of additional factors shown to be relevant to employee wellbeing, drawing on evidence from occupational health and organizational psychology literatures. Using this framework, available questionnaire-based measurement instruments for assessing workload and employee wellbeing were reviewed, new items were developed as required, and the JobLoad Index (JLI) was developed. The JLI was used to collect data from public servants in two different workplaces, with participation rates of 63% and 73% respectively. Relationships were determined between major task, job and organisational environment factors, self-perceived performance adequacy, and various aspects of employee wellbeing including job satisfaction, physical discomfort and psychological fatigue, stress and arousal. For a sub-sample of participants in one of the two workplaces, levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol were also measured from 24-hour urine collections. The factors measured by the JLI accounted for a very substantial proportion of variance in these various dimensions of work-related wellbeing. The results provide potentially very useful insights into the relative influences of a wide range of work- and job-related variables on people's perceived abilities to cope with their job demands, and on several aspects of their wellbeing. Further, the importance of measuring multiple dimensions of wellbeing, and differentiating their separate sets of work-related determinants, was well demonstrated. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, this study has identified the powerful role that self-perceived performance plays as an intervening variable between job demands and people's work-related wellbeing.

Capital social, características do local de residência e autopercepção do estado de Saúde / Social capital, neighborhood characteristics and self rated health

Carla Graciane dos Santos 05 April 2017 (has links)
Introdução. Capital social é definido como as características das associações e cooperações humanas que podem ter efeito na saúde. Estudos realizados na última década apontam para uma associação positiva entre maior capital social e melhores indicadores de saúde. Entretanto, algumas características da vizinhança de residência podem atuar como mediadores dessa associação, um tema ainda pouco analisado na literatura científica. Estudos nessa área podem ajudar a melhor entender o efeito do capital social em uma sociedade com altos índices de desigualdade e violência, como é o caso da brasileira. Objetivo. Analisar se as características da vizinhança atuam como mediadores da associação entre o capital social e a autopercepção de saúde. Metodologia. Foram usados os dados da linha de base (2008-2010) do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). O ELSA-Brasil é uma coorte multicêntrica, composta por 15.105 funcionários públicos, ativos e aposentados, de ambos os sexos e com idades entre 35-74 anos vinculados a seis diferentes instituições de ensino e pesquisa brasileiras. As variáveis independentes de interesse foram os domínios de apoio social e de prestígio e educação e de coesão social de vizinhança individual, todos analisados no nível individual. Para a análise dos efeitos da vizinhança foram considerados apenas os indivíduos residentes no mesmo endereço há pelo menos cinco anos. As características de vizinhança estudadas foram: ambiente para atividade física, disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis, segurança, violência percebida e vitimização. Modelos regressão logísticos foram sequencialmente ajustados para cada uma das características de vizinhança de interesse. Resultados. Os modelos apontam para uma associação consistente entre indicadores mais elevados de apoio e coesão social de vizinhança e melhor autopercepção de saúde, mesmo após o ajuste pelas características do local de residência. Por outro lado, a dimensão referente a prestigio e educação não apresentou uma associação significativa com a situação de saúde em nenhum dos modelos. O apoio social apresentou, na maioria dos modelos, um odds ratio (OR) de 0,81 (95 por cento , IC: 0,69-0,95) em indivíduos com apoio social moderado e OR de 0,62 (95 por cento , IC: 0,52-0,74) em indivíduos com apoio social elevado, mesmo após o controle pelas características da vizinhança. A coesão social da vizinhança também não apresentou modificação em seus efeitos e manteve para a maioria dos modelos um OR de 0,76 (95 por cento , IC: 0,67 0,85) para os indivíduos com coesão social moderada e OR de 0,82 (95 por cento , IC: 0,72 0,93) para os indivíduos com coesão social elevada. Apesar de todas as características de vizinhança terem apresentado associação significativa com a autopercepção de saúde, nenhuma causou modificação significante na associação entre os domínios de capital social e autopercepção de saúde. Conclusão. As características de vizinhança não alteraram significativamente a associação entre capital social e autopercepção de saúde, o que aponta para um efeito do capital social na saúde independentemente das características do local de residência. Entretanto, novos estudos são necessários para que os detalhes dos mecanismos envolvidos, principalmente em relação à possibilidade de causalidade reversa e ao tempo de exposição à vizinhança, sejam plenamente elucidados / Introduction. Social capital can be defined as the characteristics of human associations and cooperation that may have an effect on people\'s health. Studies conducted in the last decade point to a positive association between higher social capital and better health indicators. However, some characteristics of the neighborhood in which people live can act as mediators of this association, an area not yet analyzed in the scientific literature. Studies that analyze this association can help to improve the understanding of the effect of social capital in a society with high levels of inequality and violence, as is the Brazilian society. Objective. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether neighborhood characteristics act as mediators of the association between social capital and self-perception of health. Methodology. Baseline data (2008-2010) from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study for Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) was analyzed. ELSA-Brasil is a multi-center cohort of 15,105 active and retired civil servants of both sexes aged between 35-74 years linked to six different Brazilian teaching and research institutions. The multiple variables were the domains of social support, prestige and education and social cohesion of individual neighborhood, all analyzed at the individual level. For the analysis of neighborhood effects, only individuals residing at the same postal address for at least five years were included. The neighborhood characteristics studied were: physical activity environment, availability of healthy foods, safety, perceived violence and victimization. Logistic regression models were sequentially adjusted for each of the neighborhood characteristics of interest. Results. The models point to a consistent association between both higher support indicators and social neighborhood cohesion with better health status, even after adjusting for neighborhood characteristics. On the other hand, the dimension of prestige and education did not present a significant association with health situation in any of the models. Social support presented an odds ratio (OR) of 0.81 (95 per cent , CI: 0.69-0.95) for individuals with moderate social support and an OR of 0.62 (95 per cent CI, CI: 0.52-0.74) for individuals with high social support, even after controlling for neighborhood characteristics. Neighborhood social cohesion also did not presented modifications in its effects and remained stable in most OR models: 0.76 (95 per cent CI 0.67-0.85) for individuals with moderate social cohesion and 0,82 (95 per cent , CI: 0.72-0.93) for individuals with high social cohesion. Although all neighborhood characteristics presented a significant association with self-perception of health, none caused a change in the association between social capital domains and self- perception of health. Conclusions. The results indicate that neighborhood characteristics did not significantly alter the association between social capital and self-perception of health, which points to an effect of social capital on health regardless of neighborhood characteristics. However, new studies are needed in order to fully elucidate the details of the mechanisms involved, especially in relation to reverse causation and exposure time within a neighborhood

Dance Intervention for Adolescent Girls with Internalizing Problems : Effects and Experiences

Duberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Globally, psychological health problems are currently among the most serious public health challenges. Adolescent girls suffer from internalizing problems, such as somatic symptoms and mental health problems, at higher rates than in decades. By age 15, over 50 % of all girls experience multiple health complaints more than once a week and one in five girls reports fair or poor health. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the effects of and experiences with an after-school dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems. The intervention comprised dance that focused on resources twice weekly for 8 months. Specifically, this thesis aimed to: I) investigate the effects on self-rated health (SRH), adherence and over-all experience; II) evaluate the effects on somatic symptoms, emotional distress and use of medication; III) explore the experiences of those participating in the intervention; and IV) assess the cost-effectiveness. A total of 112 girls aged 13 to 18 years were included in a randomized controlled trial. The dance intervention group comprised 59 girls, and the control group 53. In paper I, the dance group showed increased SRH scores compared to the control group (p = .02). Girls in the intervention group showed high adherence and a positive overall experience. In paper II, the dance group exhibited a decrease in somatic symptoms (p = .021), emotional distress (p = .023) and use of medication (p = .020) compared to the control group. In paper III, a strategic sample of 24 girls was interviewed. Qualitative content analysis was performed, and five generic categories emerged. Two were “An Oasis from Stress” and “Supportive Togetherness”, which was shown to represent the fundamental basis and setting of the intervention. The main category, participants’ central experience, was understood as “Finding embodied self-trust that opens new doors”. Paper IV revealed that, due to decreased number of visits to the school nurse and an increase in health related quality of life; the intervention was considered to be cost-effective (combined with the usual school health services). In summary, the results of this thesis show that this dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems generated positive health effects and proved to be cost-effective. For this target group, a non-judgmental environment and supportive togetherness proved to be of importance for participation. The results of this study may provide practical information for school health care staff and caregivers in designing future interventions.

Late-life functional capacity and health among Finnish war veterans:Veteran Project 1992 and 2004 surveys

Leskinen, R. (Riitta) 16 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract Becoming involved in war is an experience that has the potential to shape later-life health. The aim of the present study was to explore Finnish Second World War veterans’ health status and the determinants of self-rated health (SRH) and functional capacity, especially the ability to walk, and to identify risk factors and their combinations that predict late-life mortality among veterans. The study population comprised Finnish Second World War veterans who participated in the Veteran 1992 and Veteran 2004 Project surveys. In 1992, a postal questionnaire was sent to all 242,720 war veterans living in Finland. The follow-up survey, the Veteran 2004 Project, was conducted with a randomized sample of veterans who participated in the Veteran 1992 Project. The total number of participants in the baseline survey was 177,989 men and 48,745 women, and in the follow-up survey, 4,348 men and 651 women. The response rate was high in both surveys: 93% in 1992 and 87% in 2004. All analyses were conducted separately for men without disability, men with disability and women. In a cross-sectional study, SRH and functional capacity was found to be better among 80–84-year-old Finnish war veterans in 2004 compared with 1992, although the prevalence of many diseases increased during the follow-up. Among the 4,999 veterans who participated in both surveys, the majority rated their health as improved or unchanged during the follow-up. Walking difficulties and cardiovascular (CVD), musculoskeletal and neurological diseases were found to be predictors of declined SRH. When exploring functional capacity among veterans, neurological and musculoskeletal diseases, but especially walking difficulties, predicted veterans’ future functional impairment as many as 12 years in advance, and worsening of these conditions was associated with impaired activities of daily living. During an average 9.9-year follow-up, walking difficulties alone or together with multimorbidity and/or with a third risk factor was the most important risk factor for total and for CVD mortality among all veteran groups. In conclusion, the majority of veterans rated their SRH as improved or unchanged during the follow-up. The importance of walking difficulties as a determinant of SRH and functional capacity and as a predictor of mortality was confirmed. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida suomalaisten toisen maailmansodan veteraanien terveydentilaa ja tutkia, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat veteraanien itsearvioituun terveyteen ja toimintakykyyn (erityisesti kävelykykyyn) sekä tunnistaa ne riskitekijät ja tekijäyhdistelmät, jotka ennustavat kuolleisuutta. Tutkimuspopulaationa käytettiin Veteraaniprojekti 1992 ja Veteraaniprojekti 2004 -tutkimuksiin osallistuneita veteraaneja. Vuonna 1992 kysely lähetettiin postitse jokaiselle Suomessa tuolloin asuneelle 242 720 veteraanille. Seurantatutkimukseen valittiin 5 750 veteraanin satunnaisotos vuoden 1992 tutkimukseen osallistuneista. Veteraaniprojekti 1992 -tutkimukseen osallistui 177 989 miestä ja 48 745 naista ja seurantatutkimukseen 4 348 miestä ja 651 naista. Osallistumisprosentti oli 93 % (1992) ja 87 % (2004). Analyysit tehtiin erikseen veteraanimiehille joilla ei ollut invaliditeettia, invalidimiehille ja naisille. Poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin 80–84-vuotiaiden veteraanien terveyttä ja toimintakykyä vuosina 1992 ja 2004. Vuonna 2004 veteraanit arvioivat terveytensä ja toimintakykynsä paremmiksi kuin samanikäiset veteraanit vuonna 1992, vaikka monet sairaudet yleistyivät seuranta-aikana. Suurin osa molempiin kyselyihin vastanneista 4 999 veteraanista arvioi terveytensä joko parantuneen tai pysyneen ennallaan seuranta-aikana. Veteraanien kokemat kävelyvaikeudet, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, tuki-ja liikuntaelinsairaudet sekä neurologiset sairaudet ennustivat itsearvioidun terveyden heikkenemistä. Sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia lukuun ottamatta edellä mainitut tekijät ennustivat myös toimintakyvyn laskua jopa 12 vuotta etukäteen. Myös kävelykyvyn heikkeneminen ja sairauksien paheneminen seuranta-aikana ennustivat toimintakyvyn laskua. Kävelyvaikeudet joko yksin tai yhdessä multimorbiditeetin ja/tai jonkin kolmannen riskitekijän kanssa oli tärkein sekä kokonaiskuolleisuutta että sydän- ja verisuonitautikuolleisuutta ennustava tekijä kaikissa veteraaniryhmissä keskimäärin 9,9 vuoden seuranta-aikana. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että enemmistö tutkimukseen osallistuneista veteraaneista arvioi terveytensä joko parantuneen tai pysyneen ennallaan seuranta-aikana. Koetut kävelyvaikeudet ovat erittäin tärkeä itsearvioitua terveyttä, toimintakykyä ja kuolleisuutta ennustava tekijä.

The role of physical activity on emotional and behavioural problems, self-rated health and educational attainment among adolescents

Kantomaa, M. (Marko) 26 January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Physical activity provides important physical health benefits for young people. However, the information on physical activity in association with various social, educational and mental health factors among adolescents is scarce. This study aimed to evaluate how physical activity is related to adolescents’ emotional and behavioural problems, self-rated health, educational attainment and parental socio-economic position, and how these factors interrelate with each other. The study population consisted of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (N = 9432). Data on physical activity, emotional and behavioural problems, self-rated health, educational attainment and parental socio-economic position at age 15–16 years was collected by postal inquiries in 2001–2002. Logistic regression models were used to study the associations between these factors. High parental socio-economic position was associated with being physically active among adolescents. Physical inactivity was related to emotional, social, thought and attention problems, and rule-breaking behaviour. Physical inactivity, emotional, behavioural and social problems, and low parental socio-economic position were related to poor self-rated health. In addition, higher levels of physical activity, fewer behavioural problems, and higher parental socio-economic position were associated with high self-perceived academic performance and future plans for higher education. Physical inactivity during adolescence is associated with several emotional and behavioural problems, and poor self-rated health, whereas being physically active is related to higher educational attainment. Developmentally appropriate and enjoyable physical activity could have an important role in enhancing adolescents’ health, well-being, and educational attainment. / Tiivistelmä Liikunta edistää lasten ja nuorten fyysistä terveyttä. Liikunnan yhteyksistä sosiaalisiin tekijöihin, nuorten koulumenestykseen ja mielenterveyteen on kuitenkin vähän tietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää liikunnan yhteyksiä nuorten tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen häiriöihin, koettuun terveyteen ja koulumenestykseen. Lisäksi selvitettiin liikunnan, terveyteen ja koulutukseen liittyvien tekijöiden, sekä perheen sosioekonomisen aseman keskinäisiä suhteita. Tutkimusaineistona oli Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986 (N =  9432). Liikunta-aktiivisuus, perheen sosioekonominen asema, tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen häiriöiden esiintyvyys, koettu terveys ja koulumenestys selvitettiin postikyselyllä 15–16-vuotiaana vuosina 2001–2002. Muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä testattiin logistisella regressioanalyysilla. Vanhempien korkea sosioekonominen asema oli yhteydessä nuorten liikunnalliseen aktiivisuuteen. Vähäinen liikunnan harrastaminen liittyi tunne-elämän häiriöihin, sosiaalisiin ongelmiin, ajatus- ja tarkkaavuushäiriöihin sekä sosiaaliseen käytöshäiriöön. Vähäinen liikunta, tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen häiriöt sekä vanhempien alhainen sosioekonominen asema liittyivät huonoon koettuun terveyteen. Lisäksi liikunnallinen aktiivisuus, vähäiset käyttäytymisen häiriöt sekä vanhempien korkea sosioekonominen asema olivat toisistaan riippumatta yhteydessä nuorten hyvään koulumenestykseen ja opintosuunnitelmiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että vähäinen liikunta on yhteydessä nuorten tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen häiriöihin sekä huonoon koettuun terveyteen, kun taas liikunnallinen aktiivisuus liittyy hyvään koulumenestykseen. On mahdollista, että monipuolisen, ikä- ja kehitystasolle sopivan liikunnan avulla voidaan edistää nuorten terveyttä ja hyvinvointia sekä koulutuksellisia edellytyksiä.

Förekomsten av hormonstörande ämnen i lösa föremål på svenska förskolor : - en kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan förekomst och självskattad kunskap och/eller byggnadsår

Sellfrid, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Abstract  Sellfrid, M. (2019) The occurrence of endocrine disruptors in objects on Swedish preschools: A quantitative study on the relationship between occurrence and self-rated knowledge and/or construction year. Bachelor thesis in Public Health Science. Department of Occupational and Public Health Science. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. University of Gävle, Sweden.  Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the occurrence of items containing Bisphenol A, forbidden phthalates and brominated flame retardants in all preschools in a Swedish municipality. Furthermore, to study whether the occurrence may have a connection with the factors self-related knowledge of the staff and/or construction year.  Method: The study is an explorative quantitative study using questionnaires answered anonymously by 270 preschool teachers out of 354. An inventory of all 24 preschools in the municipality was performed to investigate the occurrence. The numeric data was analyzed using an analysis of variances (Anova) or a Chi Square test.  The Results showed that the presence of objects containing endocrine disruptors clearly differed between preschools. Furthermore, the study finds that there is a significant correlation between the occurrence and the preschool's construction year (p= &lt;0,001). On the other hand, there are no significant connections between the occurrence and the self-rated knowledge of the teachers (p=0,985).  Conclusion: the older a preschool is, the more likely it is to have a higher occurrence of items containing these chemicals. The most logical reasons for this are that older preschools have the same items now as decades ago and donated items occur in a greater extent. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av lösa föremål som innehåller de hormonstörande ämnena Bisfenol A, Ftalater och Bromerade flamskyddsmedel på samtliga förskolor i en svensk kommun. Vidare att studera om förekomsten kan ha ett samband med faktorerna byggnadsår och/eller förskolepersonalens självskattade kunskap.   Examensarbetet är en empirisk studie med en explorativ studiedesign. Metoden som använts är kvantitativ och all insamlade data är numerisk. En inventering av 24 förskolor genomfördes för att få reda på hur många föremål med potentiella hormonstörande effekter som fanns i respektive förskola. Utöver det fick all förskolepersonal (354st) möjlighet att besvara ett frågeformulär utformat så att respondenterna själva får uppskatta sina kunskaper inom ämnet miljögifter och hormonstörande ämnen, 270st valde att delta. Både fast anställda och vikarier inkluderades, medan köks- och städpersonal exkluderades. All data hanterades i IBM:s programvara SPSS Statistics, version 24. Beroende på vilken variabel som undersöktes genomfördes antingen Chi2-analyser eller envägs variansanalyser (Anova) för att besvara studiens frågeställningar.  Resultatet visade att förekomsten av föremål innehållande hormonstörande ämnen skiljde sig tydligt mellan förskolorna. Vidare kan studien konstatera att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan förekomsten och förskolans byggnadsår (p= &lt;.001). Äldre förskolor hade äldre leksaker och kemikalierna som undersöks återfinns i dessa föremål. I studien finns inga signifikanta samband mellan förekomsten och personalens självskattade kunskap (p=.985).   Slutsatsen blir att ju äldre förskolan är desto större sannolikhet är det att föremål med Bisfenol A, förbjudna ftalater och bromerade flamskyddsmedel förekommer. Anledningen till det är för att förskolorna har kvar samma föremål som för decennier sedan och har samlat på sig donerade föremål över tid.

The relationship between perceived own health state and health assessments of anchoring vignettes

Hinz, Andreas, Häuser, Winfried, Glaesmer, Heide, Brähler, Elmar January 2016 (has links)
Self-reported health depends on the internal frame of reference and on response styles. One way of studying this dependency is using anchoring vignettes. Response shift effects are assumed to induce a negative correlation between self-reported health and the health assessments attributed to the vignettes. Method: A representative sample of the German adult population (N = 2,409) was selected. Participants were asked to rate their health state and the health states of two rather complex vignettes representing patients with several health complaints on a 0-100 scale. Results: The mean score of self-assessed health was M = 76.20 (SD = 20.6). There was a very small positive correlation between the assessment of the vignettes and the self-assessed health state (r = .12). After controlling for a proxy of objective health, measured in terms of chronic conditions, the relationship remained slightly positive. Chronic conditions were only marginally associated with the assessments of the vignettes (0 conditions: M = 44.8; ≥ 2 conditions: M = 42.2). Conclusions: The lack of the postulated association between self-reported health and vignettes’ ratings means that we cannot derive tools to correct the subjective ratings for differential use of frames of reference.

A WALK IN THE PARK: Associations between urban green spaces, social cohesion, and self-rated health in Swedish adults

Marquardt, Tahnee January 2023 (has links)
Background: Urban green spaces (UGS) have been shown to benefit both social cohesion and health outcomes. A new framework by Jennings and Bamkole (2019) suggests that social cohesion might act as a social determinant of health mediating the health benefits provided by UGS. Aim: To investigate associations between UGS, social cohesion, and self-rated health (SRH) in Swedish adults. Methods: A cross-sectional survey for adults living in Västerås (n=106) was conducted. Questions about UGS covered type, visit frequency, proximity, time spent, and UGS quality. Social cohesion was measured using a 13-item scale developed by de Vries et al. (2013). SRH was assessed with one Likert-scale item. Results: A t-test showed that forests were associated with higher social cohesion (M=46.44, SD=8.25) compared to parks (M=42.34, SD=6.56; p=.006), while logistic regressions revealed higher social cohesion was associated with better SRH when adjusted for age (OR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.03 - 1.18, p = .008). No relationships between UGS and SRH were identified, and social cohesion did not affect that relationship further. Discussion: The small sample size, convenience sampling, and limited assessment of possible confounders have to be considered. Conclusion: The results from this study partially support Jennings and Bamkole’s (2019) framework, indicating its merits and confirming the need to investigate social cohesion as a central factor in the relationship between UGS and health outcomes further.

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