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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Evaluating Servitization in the Manufacturing Equipment Industry / Utvärdering av Tjänstefiering inom Tillverkningsindustrin

Samuelsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
In the manufacturing equipment industry, sensors integrated in manufacturing equipment is a prerequisite for higher levels of servitization, such as maintenance and product support services, as the sensors can provide data of equipment usage. In this study, a framework called Evaluation of readiness of servitization has been developed, where manufacturing equipment companies can evaluate whether they benefit from developing new solutions with a higher level of servitization. In the evaluation of servitization, a company in the manufacturing equipment industry should consider the following three factors; Value proposition’s fulfilment of customer needs, Market acceptance of value proposition and Internal capabilities to develop and deliver the solution. This study shows that all three factors must be considered for a justified evaluation. The study is based on a single case study on the manufacturing equipment company Atlas Copco Industrial Technique, and a literature review on servitization in the manufacturing industry. This study shows that uncertainty about customer needs and market acceptance of the new value proposition that servitization entails, constitute obstacles to develop new solutions with a higher level of servitization. Thereby, it is of great importance to a manufacturing equipment company to assess readiness both internally and externally when evaluating if they benefit from developing new solutions with a higher level of servitization. / Inom tillverkningsindustrin är sensorer i verktyg en möjliggörare för att utveckla tjänster, såsom underhålls- och produktsupporttjänster, då sensorerna kan tillhandahålla data om verktygens användning. I denna studie har ett ramverk benämnt Utvärdering av beredskap för tjänstefiering utvecklats. Med hjälp av ramverket kan tillverkande företag utvärdera om de profiterar av att utveckla nya lösningar med högre servicegrad. Vid utvärdering av tjänstefiering bör ett företag inom tillverkningsindustrin beakta följande tre faktorer; Värdeerbjudandets uppfyllande av kundbehov, Marknadens acceptans av värdeerbjudandet och Intern förmåga att utveckla och leverera lösningen. Denna studie visar att samtliga faktorer måste beaktas för en motiverad utvärdering. Denna studie är baserad på en litteraturstudie om tjänstefiering inom tillverkningsindustrin och en fallstudie om tillverkningsföretaget Atlas Copco Industriteknik. Studien visar att bristande kunskap om kundbehov och marknadens acceptans av det nya värdeerbjudande som tjänstefiering innebär utgör hinder för företag inom tillverkningsindustrin för att kunna utveckla värdeerbjudande med högre servicenivå. Studien visar även att det av stor betydelse för tillverkningsföretag att bedöma beredskap både internt och externt vid utvärdering av beredskap för tjänstefiering.

”Man samverkar där man samverkar skall” : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag kan dra nytta av sitt nätverk i processen att utveckla och bemöta digitalisering / ”You cooperate where you should” : A qualitative study on how companies can benefit from their network in the process of developing and responding to digitalization

Ali, Nazenin, Olofsson, Hampus, Lundberg, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
Det finns idag en rad exempel på branscher där ett nytt företag förändrat hur kärnverksamheten genomförs. Detta har skett genom implementation av teknologi i en traditionell bransch. Mycket har skrivits om hur disruptiva företag verkar, men det finns bristande kunskap kring hur etablerade företag påverkas, och anpassar sin verksamhet. En framträdande skillnad mellan disruptiva och etablerade företag är att det etablerade företaget har ett befintligt nätverk att stödja sig mot. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur företags nätverk påverkas av digitalisering inom industrin till följd av en disruptiv innovatörs etablering i industrin. Studien applicerar ARA-modellen, ekosystem och konceptet tjänstefiering som teoretiskt ramverk. En abduktiv forskningsansats appliceras, med en kvalitativ metod och fallstudie som forskningsstrategi. Fordonsindustrin väljs ut som en lämplig bransch att genomföra studien i, och Volvo som fallföretag. Det empiriska materialet består av sexton semistrukturerade intervjuer och sekundärdata. Intervjuerna har genomförts dels hos fallföretaget, dels med informanter i fallföretagets nätverk, vilket analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys. Studiens resultat identifierade tre teman: digitalisering, samarbete och en fysisk och digital syntes. Studiens slutsatser är att konkurrensfördelar erhålls genom samarbete, där gemensamma resurser leder till ökad effektivitet. Konfigureringen av nya aktörsroller inom företaget möjliggör denna process. Digitalisering och tjänstefiering har påvisats vara ömsesidigt förstärkande processer, som sammantaget främjar implementationen av ett ekosystem. Inom hela processen är den disruptiva innovatören en drivande part. / There are several examples today of industries where a new company has changed how the core business is conducted. This has consistently occurred through implementation of technology in an otherwise traditional industry. Much has been written on how disruptive companies operate, but there is a lack of knowledge concerning how established companies are affected and adapt their operations. A prominent difference between the disruptive and the established companies is that the established companies have an existing network to rely on. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a company’s network is affected by digitalization within the industry as a result of a disruptive innovator’s establishment in the industry. The study applies the ARA-model, ecosystem and the concept of servitization as a theoretical framework. An abductive research approach is applied, with a qualitative method and case study as its research strategy. The automotive industry is chosen as a suitable industry for the study, and Volvo is chosen as the case company. The empirical material consists of sixteen semi-structured interviews and secondary data. The interviews were conducted both at the case company and with informants in the case company’s network, which is analyzed using thematic analysis. The study’s findings identified three themes: digitalization, collaboration, and a physical and digital synthesis. The conclusions of the study is that competitive advantages are acquired through collaboration, where shared resources lead to an increased efficiency. The configuration of new actor roles makes this process possible. Digitalization and servitization has shown to be mutually reinforcing processes that collectively promote the implementation of an ecosystem. Through the entire process, the disruptive innovator is a driving force.

Avoiding the Service Paradox : A Capability-Based Framework for Sustained Financial Performance in Triadic Service Ecosystems / Att undvika tjänsteparadoxen : Ett kapacitetsbaserat ramverk för varaktig ekonomisk utveckling i triadiska tjänsteekosystem

Månsson, Fredrik, Linhart, Norbert January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to enhance the current literature by investigating the causes for the service paradox in service ecosystems and the capabilities required to avoid them. To fulfill this purpose the following research questions were derived: RQ 1: What are the possible key causes for the service paradox for integrated solution providers in a triadic value constellation? RQ 2: What key capabilities allow integrated solution providers to avoid the service paradox in a triadic value constellation? This study used an exploratory, qualitative, single-case study of a service ecosystem, with an abductive research approach. In total, 13 companies within the ecosystem took part in the research, and the data was collected through five unstructured interviews, 19 semi-structured interviews, and one workshop. The result from the interviews was derived using thematic analysis. The findings are divided into three parts. First, we identified four key causes of the service paradox for integrated solution providers in a triadic value constellation. The four key causes are: (1) Cost creep, (2) Unsustainable in-house costs, (3) Brand damage, and (4) Industry-specific factors. Second, we identified five key capabilities for integrated solution providers to mitigate the service paradox. The five key capabilities are: (1) Relational capabilities, (2) Technological capabilities, (3) Learning and communication capabilities, (4) Operational capabilities, and (5) Market capabilities. Finally, the two previous findings were combined into a framework that provides a guide for which key capabilities mitigate which key causes. This study contributes to current servitization literature by deepening knowledge on factors affecting the success of servitization efforts. Furthermore, this study extends the knowledge of how a dynamic and collaborative approach impacts the development of novel servitization solutions. For practitioners seeking to develop integrated solution offerings, the framework developed in this study provides a list of priorities for the servitization effort. The framework also allows managers to evaluate their servitization process and implement quick actions to improve performance. / Denna avhandling syftar till att bidra till den aktuella litteraturen genom att undersöka orsakerna till tjänsteparadoxen i tjänsteekosystem och de färdigheter som krävs för att undvika dem. För att uppfylla detta syfte formulerades följande forskningsfrågor: RQ 1: Vilka är de möjliga huvudorsakerna till tjänsteparadoxen för integrerade lösningsleverantörer i en triadisk värdekonstellation? RQ 2: Vilka nyckelfunktioner gör det möjligt för integrerade lösningsleverantörer att undvika tjänsteparadoxen i en triadisk värdekonstellation? För att besvara dessa frågor använde vi oss av en undersökande, kvalitativ, enfallsstudie av ett tjänsteekosystem, med en abduktiv forskningsmetod. Totalt deltog 13 företag inom ekosystemet och data samlades in genom fem ostrukturerade intervjuer, 19 semistrukturerade intervjuer och en workshop. Intervjusvaren analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys och resultaten presenteras i tre delar. För det första identifierade vi fyra huvudorsaker till tjänsteparadoxen för integrerade lösningsleverantörer i en triadisk värdekonstellation. De fyra huvudorsakerna är: (1) Smygande kostnader, (2) Ohållbara interna kostnader, (3) Varumärkesskador och (4) Branschspecifika faktorer. För det andra identifierade vi fem nyckelfärdigheter för integrerade lösningsleverantörer för att motverka tjänsteparadoxen. De fem nyckelfärdigheterna är: (1) Relationskapacitet, (2) teknisk kapacitet, (3) inlärnings- och kommunikationskapacitet, (4) operativ kapacitet och (5) marknadskapacitet. Slutligen kombinerades de två tidigare resultaten till ett ramverk som ger en vägledning för vilken nyckelfunktionerna minskar vilka viktiga orsaker. Denna studie bidrar till aktuell tjänstefieringslitteratur genom att fördjupa kunskapen om faktorer som påverkar framgången för tjänstefieringsinsatser. Vidare utökar denna studie kunskapen om hur ett dynamiskt och samarbetsinriktat förhållningssätt påverkar utvecklingen av nya tjänstefieringslösningar. För utövare som försöker utveckla integrerade lösningserbjudanden ger ramverket som utvecklats i denna studie en lista över prioriteringar för tjänstefieringsarbetet. Ramverket gör det också möjligt för chefer att utvärdera sin egen tjänstefieringsprocess och vidta relevanta åtgärder för att undvika tjänsteparadoxen.

Servitized industrial machinery as a new real asset for institutional investors / Tjänstefierade industriella maskiner som en ny realtillgång för institutionella investerare

Menezes, Bryan January 2021 (has links)
The increased penetration of servitization is an ongoing trend within the industrial machinery space. This typically means that industrial machinery manufactures themselves retain ownership of the machinery they manufacture whilst also taking over maintenance operations. Essentially, offering customers a netresult. Servitization has several documented benefits for both customers and manufactures. Forcustomers it offers certainty in terms of operationality and costs. Whilst for manufacturers it generates stability in revenue generation and increasingly ties customers closer to their orbit. On a different note, record low interest levels coupled with developments within asset management such as the endowment model has resulted in that institutional investor such as pension funds have redirected capital towards alternative assets such as non-listed real assets. The shift has been so profound that many are struggling to find attractive real assets and thus institutional capital is looking for new types of real assets. Servitization and institutional investment has largely existed in separate silos. The study has studied an intersection of these two domains and has firstly found that servitized industrial machinery has several core attributes clearly align with infrastructure. These traits include non-cyclical and long-term revenue, long(er) lifetime, quasimonopolistic, and environmental benefits. The study indicates that as servitization becomes more widespread, industrial manufactures realize that servitization will result in more deployed capital. Therefore, companies will need to find new forms of financing for their servitization operations. From a financing point of view, companies prefer debt-based financing such as asset backed securities such that operational control can still be had. The study found that the core attributes of servitization and its closeness to infrastructure is appealing for institutional investors and see it as a possible future real asset investment class however, institutional investors feel unsure how to properly gauge the longevity of specific types of industrial machinery. Institutional investors who participated in the study have almost exclusively invested in real asset through equity. However, in regard to the financing of servitized industrial machinery, investors are also willing to invest via debt, if the expected returns justify the risk taken. The study indicates that there is a clear linkage between servitized industrial machinery and infrastructure whilst also demonstrating a substantial interest from industrial machinery manufacturers and institutional investors to engage with each other for the financing of servitized industrial machinery going forward. / Inom maskintillverkningsindustrin har tjänstefiering (servitization) blivit en allt viktigare del. Tjänstefiering innebär att maskintillverkare behåller ägandeskap av de maskiner de tillverkar samtidigt som de ansvarar för underhållet av dessa. Därmed erbjuder maskintillverkare sina kunder en tjänst dvs kapabiliteten i vad en industriell maskin kan leverera. Tjänstefieringen av industriella maskiner har ett flertal dokumenterade fördelar både för kunder och maskintillverkare. För kunder innebär tjänstefiering en ökad kännedom kring kostnader och en ökad säkerhet för att maskiner skall fungera. För maskintillverkare medför tjänstefieringen ökad stabilitet i försäljning samt ökar betydelsen av dem hos sina kunder. På ett helt annat plan, har rekordlåga räntenivåer tillsammans med utveckling inom fondförvaltning såsom endowment modellen resulterat i att institutionella investerare allokerat en allt större andel av sitt kapital i alternativa tillgångar såsom i icke-noterade reala tillgångar. Detta skifte har resulterat i att många investerare har svårt att hitta tillräckligt attraktiva tillgångar då kampen om dessa reala tillgångar hårdnat vilket har resulterat till att driva upp priset på dessa tillgångar. Tjänstefiering och institutionell investering har till stor del existerat i skilda domäner. Denna studie har undersökt en skärningspunkt mellan dessa två domäner och har bland annat funnit att tjänstefierade industriella maskiner besitter flera likheter med infrastruktur så som icke-cykliska och långsiktiga intäktströmmar, långa tekniska livslängder, kvasi-monopolistisk ställning samt positiva hållbarhetsaspekter. Industriella maskintillverkare som deltagit i studien vittnar om att nya finansieringsformer kommer behövas då tjänstefieringen med all sannolikhet kommer utgöra en väsentlig del av affären framöver och därmed binda mer kapital, allt annat lika. För att finansiera denna affär föredrar företagen skuldfinansiering då det blir enklare att hantera organisatoriskt. Studien finner att attributen av tjänstefierade industriella maskiner och dess likheter med infrastruktur är intressanta för investerare och de ser detta som en framtida realtillgångsklass. Däremot känner sig investerarna osäkra kring hur man skall beakta livslängden kring olika typer av maskiner. Investerare som deltagit i studien har tidigare allokerat ytterst lite av sina realtillgångar via skuldinstrument. Investerare är däremot öppna att investera vi både skuldtillgångar och via eget kapital, såvida den förväntade avkastningen upplevs som fördelaktig i relation till den risk som tas. Studien indikerar att den finns en koppling mellan tjänstefierade industriella maskiner och infrastruktur samt visat att det finns intresse från både investerare och maskintillverkare för att nya former av finansiering för tjänstefierade industriella maskiner i framtiden.

Free-to-fee - en fråga om affärslogik : Utmaningen att ta betalt för tjänster / Free-to-fee - a question of business logic : The challenge to get paid for services

Gustin, Bernt, Thunholm, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Inledning: Den tillverkande industrin har länge ansetts ha en stor tillväxtpotential i en ökad tjänstefiering och att det finns en stor outnyttjad potential i tjänster för sålda produkter som kan realiseras genom intäkter för tidigare upplevda gratistjänster genom en process som kallas Free-to-Fee. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka tillverkande företags interna förståelse av de processer som leder till behovet att genomföra en Free-to-Fee-transition, det vill säga hur man idag hanterar tjänster relativt produkter i sina erbjudanden till marknaden och varför man i vissa fall inkluderar tjänster “gratis” i samband med en produktförsäljning.  Metod: Vi har valt att göra en studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer av medarbetare på större tillverkande företag med erfarenhet av att arbeta med tjänsteaffären. Medarbetarna återfinns på stora tillverkande företag inom olika branscher. Slutsats: Vi har funnit att intresset för tjänstefiering och Free-to-Fee övergångar är mycket begränsade, även om det finns en förståelse för värdet av en mer tjänstedominant affärslogik. Industrin är starkt påverkad av traditioner och institutioner där tjänster betraktas som adderat värde i en produktdominant affärslogik. / Introduction: The manufacturing industry has been perceived to have a substantial growth potential in an increased servitization. There is a great untapped potential for service for already sold products that can be realized through a transition from free services to paid service, in a process called Free-to-Fee. Purpose: The purpose with the study is to investigate manufacturing companies internal understanding of the processes that leads to the need to conduct a Free-to-Fee transition, how they today manage service related to products in their offerings to the market and why services are included for free, in some cases with a product sales.  Method: We have chosen to conduct a study of semi structured interviews with professionals working in manufacturing companies, with experience from the service business. The professionals are found at major manufacturing companies representing different branches.  Conclusion: We found that the interest for servitization and Free-to-Fee transitions is very limited, even if there is an understanding of the value of a more Service-Dominant Logic. The industry is strongly affected by traditions and service is perceived as an added value in a Product-Dominant Logic.

Individanpassat ledarskap vid tjänstefiering : Att leda förändringen av medarbetares förhållningssätt

Edlert, Hanna, Orgum, Suzanne January 2024 (has links)
I dagens dynamiska och ständigt föränderliga affärsmiljö står många företag inför utmaningen att anpassa sig till nya trender och teknologier för att upprätthålla sin konkurrenskraft. Detta har medfört att många tillverkningsföretag tjänstefieras, vilket innebär att företag övergår från en produktcentrerad till en tjänstecentrerad logik. Tjänstefiering innebär dock mer än att enbart addera en ny tjänst, det är en komplex process där normer, värderingar och tillvägagångssätt förändras till följd av den fundamentala förändringen av företagets logik. Många företag misslyckas med tjänstefiering, och en anledning till det är att ledare ofta underskattar den centrala roll som medarbetare har under tjänstefiering. Det råder brist på forskning gällande förändringsledning vid tjänstefiering och dess specifika organisationsförändringar. Således är syftet med studien att förstå hur ledare anpassar sitt ledarskap för att vägleda medarbetares förhållningssätt vid tjänstefiering. För att besvara syftet har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sju ledare samt två konsulter inom olika företag som aktivt arbetat med tjänstefiering. Studiens resultat visar att faktorer som påverkar ledarskap vid tjänstefiering inkluderar medarbetares förståelse och attityd för förändring. Ledarskapet bör individanpassas utifrån medarbetares nivå av förståelse och attityd gentemot tjänstefiering. Studien identifierade fyra olika typer av ledarskap för att möjliggöra denna individanpassning: inspirerande-, vägledande-, förtydligande- och stödjande ledarskap. Studiens praktiska bidrag påvisar hur ledare kan individanpassa sitt ledarskap beroende av medarbetares grad av förståelse samt attityd för att förändra medarbetares förhållningssätt vid tjänstefiering. / In today's dynamic and constantly evolving business environment, many companies face the challenge of adapting to new trends and technologies to maintain their competitiveness. This has led to many manufacturing companies undergoing a process of servitization, where companies transition from a product-centric to a service-centric logic. However, servitization entails more than simply adding a new service, it is a complex process where norms, values, and approaches change as a result of the fundamental shift in the company's logic. Many companies fail in their servitization efforts, with one reason being that leaders often underestimate the central role that employees play during this transition. There is a lack of research on change management in servitization and its specific organizational changes. Thus, the purpose of the study is to understand how leaders adapt their leadership to guide employees’ attitudes during servitization. To address this purpose, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven leaders and two consultants from various companies actively engaged in servitization. The study's findings indicate that factors influencing leadership during servitization include employees' understanding and attitude towards change. Leadership should therefore be tailored based on employees' levels of understanding and attitude towards servitization. The study identified four types of leadership to enable this customization: inspirational, guiding, clarifying, and supportive leadership. The practical contribution of the study demonstrates how leaders can tailor their leadership depending on employees' level of understanding and attitude to change employees' attitudes during servitization

SaaS-baserade affärsmodeller : Utvecklingen av en SaaS-baserad affärsmodell och dess fundamentala komponenter / SaaS Business Models : The Development of a SaaS Business Model and its Fundamental Components

Kamil, Maryam, Nordenback, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Digital teknik används alltmer av företag för att utveckla sina erbjudanden, och framstegen inom området har haft en betydande inverkan på att företag omprövar och förändrar sina affärsmodeller. En viktig teknologi inom detta område är molntjänster (eng. Cloud Computing), som möjliggör lagring och tillhandahållande av information som en tjänst via internet. Inom molntjänster finns olika tjänstemodeller, och en av dem är Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). SaaS utgör en tredjedel av den totala mjukvarumarknaden och förväntas fortsätta växa inom industrin för internetbaserad mjukvara och tjänster. SaaS har potentialen att främja transformationen av affärsmodeller genom att introducera en ny logik för att skapa, leverera och fånga värde. För att lyckas med användningen av SaaS behöver tjänsteleverantören implementera och införa nya affärsmodeller. Trots att många företag strävar efter att utveckla digitala tjänster, upplever många företag svårigheter med att skapa verkligt kundvärde med sina digitala tjänster. Dessutom möter företagen utmaningar när det gäller att generera en lönsam intäktsström och bedöma vilken intäktsmodell som är lämpligast för tjänsten. Med grund i detta formulerades studiens syfte: att undersöka hur ett företag kan styra affärsmodellens utveckling mot ett SaaS-baserat erbjudande. En litteraturstudie genomfördes inom områdena affärsmodeller och affärsmodellsinnovation. I denna studie betraktas affärsmodellen som en modell bestående av tre komponenter: skapa, fånga och leverera värde, där varje komponent byggs upp av aktiviteter. Baserat på dessa teoretiska områden utvecklades en analysmodell. I litteraturstudien presenteras även tjänstefiering och digital tjänstefiering för att ge förståelse för drivkraften och relevansen av molntjänster. Studien utfördes som en flerfallsstudie av åtta företag som erbjuder en SaaS-lösning. Dessa företag är verksamma inom olika branscher och befinner sig på olika stadier i utvecklingen av sitt SaaS-erbjudande. Empirisk data samlades in genom 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer, där respondenterna var personer med relevant kompetens inom studieområdet. Studien visade att kunderna spelar en central roll i utvecklingen av affärsmodellen för en SaaS-baserad lösning. Kunden har särskild betydelse i de tidiga faserna av affärsmodellens utveckling, och deras påverkan på styrningen av affärsmodellens utveckling är av stor vikt. När det gäller affärsmodellens komponenter framkom det att komponenten för att fånga värde spelar en betydande roll i styrningen av affärsmodellens utveckling. Vidare har studien visat att mognadsgraden och vidareutvecklingen av affärsmodellens komponenter sker i en särskild ordning (skapa värde→leverera värde→fånga värde), där företagets mognadsgrad styr vilken affärsmodellskomponent deras utvecklingsaktiviteter fokuseras på. Studien visade också att utvecklingsprocessen mot en SaaS-baserad affärsmodell är en iterativ process, där det är svårt att undvika behovet av att aktivt iterera affärsmodellen mot kunder för att fortsätta utveckla den. / Digital technology is increasingly being used by companies to develop their offerings, and advances in the field have had a significant impact on businesses reconsidering and changing their business models. One important technology in this area is cloud computing, which enable the storage and provision of information as a service over the internet to customers. Within cloud services, there are different service models, and one of them is Software-as- a-Service (SaaS). SaaS accounts for one-third of the total software market and is expected to continue growing in the industry of internet-based software and services. SaaS has the potential to promote the transformation of business models by introducing a new logic for creating, delivering, and capturing value. To succeed in the use of SaaS, the service provi- der needs to implement and adopt new business models. Despite many companies striving to develop digital services, many of them struggle to create real customer value with their digital services. Additionally, companies face challenges in generating a profitable revenue stream and choosing the appropriate revenue model for their service. Based on this, the following purpose of the study was formulated: to investigate how a company can steer the development of its business model towards a SaaS-based offering. A literature review was conducted in the areas of business models and business model innovation. In this study, the business model is considered as a model consisting of three components: creating, capturing, and delivering value, where these components consist of activities. Based on these theoretical areas, an analytical model was developed. The litera- ture review also presents servitization and digital servitization to provide an understanding of the driving force and the relevance of cloud services. The study was conducted as a multiple case study of eight companies offering a SaaS so- lution. These companies operate in different industries and are at different stages in the development of their SaaS offering. Empirical data was collected through 15 semi-structured interviews, where the respondents were individuals with relevant expertise in the study area. The study showed that customers play a central role in the development of the business model for a SaaS-based solution. Customers have particular significance in the early stages of business model development, and their influence on the development of the business model is of great importance. Regarding the components of the business model, it emerged that the value capture component plays a significant role in guiding the development of the business model. However, the study has shown that the maturity and further develop- ment of the business model components occur in a specific order (value creation→value delivery→value capture), where the company’s maturity level determines which business model component their development activities focus on. The study also demonstrated that the development of a SaaS-based business model is an iterative process, where companies need to actively iterate their business model with customers to continue its development.

Análise, design e inovação de modelos de negócios para servitização / Analysis, design and innovation of business models for servitization.

Costa, Renato Machado 13 June 2017 (has links)
Empresas de manufatura tradicionalmente concentram os seus esforços em concepção, desenvolvimento, fabricação e comercialização de produtos físicos. No entanto, alguns fabricantes têm alterado suas estratégias de negócio, complementando a venda de produtos com o fornecimento de serviços, incorporando conhecimentos e atividades associados ao seu uso, e gerando maior percepção de valor por parte dos seus clientes. Com isso, a competição estratégica por meio de serviços tem se tornado uma marca distintiva das empresas de manufatura inovadoras, proporcionando à empresa um meio robusto para proteger o seu mercado dos concorrentes. Assim, observa-se um interesse crescente em pesquisas sobre o papel dos serviços para sustentar a competitividade da indústria. Abordagens orientadas a serviço, que incorporam esta mudança de foco do negócio, da oferta de produtos isolados para soluções integradas, têm sido tratadas na comunidade acadêmica como servitização, e tipicamente acarretam inovações no modelo de negócios (MN) da empresa. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as empresas podem promover inovações em seus MNs para suportar suas estratégias de servitização, e propor um conjunto de artefatos para apoiá-las na implantação destas estratégias, a partir do seguinte problema de pesquisa: \"Como inovar o MN de uma empresa que adota a estratégia de servitização?\", que se desdobra nas seguintes questões: (i) quais são os principais fatores motivadores para uma empresa adotar a estratégia de servitização?; (ii) como representar o MN de uma empresa incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, mais adequada para servitização?; (iii) como inovar o MN de uma empresa para implantar sua estratégia de servitização?; e (iv) como aplicar os artefatos propostos para apoiar a implantação da estratégia de servitização em uma empresa? Realiza-se uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e prescritiva, baseada no método design scienceresearche amparada por uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os temas correlatos, visando propor artefatos em resposta às questões colocadas. A demonstração de um dos artefatos propostos é feita com suporte de um estudo de caso em uma empresa multinacional, fabricante de equipamentos médicos, seguida por uma avaliação empírica desta demonstração, suportada pelo método thinkingaloud. A partir das quatro questões de pesquisa, são obtidos os seguintes resultados: (i) identificação, análise e categorização dos principais fatores motivadores para adoção da servitização; (ii) proposição de uma arquitetura de MN incorporando a lógica dominante de serviço, para facilitar o estudo da servitização; (iii) proposição de um processo de inovação do MN da empresa, para implantar a servitização. e (iv) demonstração e avaliação da arquitetura proposta de MN para servitização. A pesquisa oferece contribuições à literatura de MN e servitização, e aos gestores de empresas, propondo os artefatos canvas do modelo de negócios para servitização (CMNS) e o processo IPIDI para inovação do MN para servitização, além de contribuições metodológicas relativas a design scienceresearch e thinking aloud. / Manufacturing companies traditionally are focused on designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing physical products. However, some manufacturers are changing their business strategies, complementing the sale of products by providing services, adding knowledge and activities associated with their use, and creating a higher perception of value by their customers.Strategic competition through service delivery has become a hallmark of the innovative manufacturing companies, providing the companies with a robust means to protect their market from competitors. Thus, there is a growing interest in researching the role of services in sustaining the competitiveness of manufacturing industry.Service-oriented approaches, which incorporate this shift in business\' focus from offering isolated products, to proposing integrated solutions, have been addressed in the literature as servitization, and typically entail innovations in the company\'s business model (BM). The goal of this research is investigating how companies can promote transformations in their BMs to support their servitization strategies, and proposing a set of artifacts to support them in the implementation of these strategies, since the following research problem: \"How to innovate the BM of a company which adopts the servitization strategy? \", which unfolds in the following questions: (i) what are the main motivating factors for a company to adopt the servitization strategy?; (ii) how to represent the BM of a company incorporating the service-dominant logic, more suitable for servitization?; (iii) how to innovate a company\'s BM to implement its servitization strategy ?; and (iv) how to apply the proposed artifacts to support the implementation of the servitization strategy in a company? An exploratory and prescriptive research is carried out, based on the design science research methodology, and supported by a systematic literature review on the related subjects, aiming at proposing artifacts in response to the questions posed. The demonstration of the proposed artifacts is done by means of a case study in a multinational company, which manufactures medical devices, followed by an assessment of this demonstration, supported by the thinking aloud method. From the four research questions, the following results are obtained: (i) identification, analysis and categorization of the main motivating factors for servitization adoption; (ii) proposing a BM architecture according to the service-dominant logic, to help the servitization study; (iii) proposing an innovation process for the company\'s BM, to implement the servitization; and (iv) demonstration and assessment of the proposed BM architecture for servitization. The research offers contributions to the literature of BM and servitization, and to practitioners, proposing the artifacts business model canvas for servitization (BMCS) and the IPIDI process for innovation of BM for servitization, besides some methodological contributions related to design science research and thinking aloud.

從能力觀點探討製造業服務化趨勢−以扣件產業為例 / An exploration of servitization from the capability perspective – cases of the fastener industry

王閔泰, Wang, Min Tai Unknown Date (has links)
如製造業欲實行製造業服務化概念,第一步總是最難決定。因此,這項研究的目的是提供台灣扣件產業對於製造業服務化概念,一個實際採行內容分析。本研究採用動態能耐和作業性能耐為主要兩大構面的一個研究框架,這是由Gebauer等人在2012)所發展的分析框架。本研究探討企業如何在開始抓住機遇,感測機遇和重新配置企業資源。這項研究希望能發現有關企業如何運營再結構化組織企業能耐以支撐企業戰略。對作業面能耐,重點在於企業文化,績效評估系統,人力資源,創新過程和組織結構。 動態能耐和作業性能耐作為本研究中的框架。動態能力可以分為三個部分,感知和形狀的機會和威脅,抓住機遇,通過加強和重新配置企業的無形資產和有形資產,以保持競爭力。在這項研究中,發現是該產品為導向的製造商只有在創建關鍵資源的價值和再分配融入企業文化。此外,產品為導向的生產廠家應建立在製造業和非製造業部門的評估程序。在另一方面,以結果為導向的製造商重新分配所有資源的組織中為他們的客戶提供卓越的使用體驗,還建立了一套服務面和非服務面衡量績效指標系統。此外,結果為導向的製造業會執行的品牌建立和通路經營的,支持企業戰略。此外,台灣扣件產業能夠了解自身擁有的能耐之餘,並知悉如何踏實地實行製造業服務化。 有兩個理由說明這項研究的標的,選擇台灣扣件產業。首先,扣件產業在台灣擁有完整從上下游完整供應鏈。其次,其中在台灣一些扣件製造廠商已經成功執行製造業服務化,以加強於非價格競爭的競爭力。研究結果可分為,從能耐的角度具體探討執行內容,產品導向的服務以及結果為導向的服務之間的實際經驗。此外,這項研究指出兩種類型的產品服務化系統之間的相似與相異的能耐。 然而,這項研究的限制是,它僅選擇扣件產業。未來的研究方向可能會選擇其他行業的情況下,試圖找出這些行業中,對於製造業服務化,所需要能耐的相似性及長期觀察下,能耐擁有是否改變。 / As manufacturer adopts servitization to add value by adding services on their current value chain, the first step is always the hardest one. Thus this research aims to offer Taiwanese fastener industry insights to develop servitization. Moreover, it studies and recognizes what the key capabilities are that companies should have. This research uses the dynamic capability and operational capability, which were developed by Gebauer et al (2012) as the analytic framework. This research explores how enterprises initiate in seizing opportunities, sensing opportunities and reconfiguring corporate resources from dynamic capability perspective. Within the interview, this research hopes to discover findings on how business operations support corporate strategy. The research interview focuses on corporate culture, performance measurement systems, human resources, innovation process and organizational structures of operational capability perspective. There are two reasons why this research is focused on Taiwan’s fastener industry. Firstly, the fastener industry in Taiwan has a complete supply chain from upstream to downstream with an industry cluster. Secondly, some traditional industries such as fastener industry have adopted servitization to enhance the competitiveness for non-price competition. The results of the interviews include the capabilities that servitized companies have with the capability framework. Furthermore, the findings include practical experiences between product-oriented service and result-oriented service from capability perspective. This research also identifies the differences and similarities capabilities between two types of product-service system. Dynamic capability and operational capability are used as a framework within this research. Dynamic capability can be divided into three parts, to sense and shape opportunities and threats, to seize opportunities, and to maintain competitiveness through enhancing and reconfiguring the business enterprise’s intangible and tangible assets. During this research, the findings were that that product-oriented manufacturers only integrate corporate culture in value creation and reallocation of the key resources. In addition, product-oriented manufacturers should establish procedures for evaluation on manufacturing and non-manufacturing departments. On the other hand, the result-oriented manufacturers re-allocate all resources among the organization for a superb usage experience for their customers and also establish a set of service and non-service performance indicators for measurement systems. Additionally, the result-oriented company executes brand building and operates channels to support corporate strategy. Also, the Taiwanese fastener industry can ensure their own company's capabilities and understand how to perform servitization practically. However, this research focuses on the contents of capabilities that the companies initiate for servitization. The restriction of this research is that it only chooses the fastener industry. Future research directions may choose other industries as cases and try to find out similarities of capabilities for servitization among those industries.

產品服務化對傢俱零售產業供應鏈管理之影響 – 以A公司為例 / The influence of servitization on supply chain management in the furniture retail industry: A case study of Company A

蘇國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
產品服務系統的概念是在八十年代被提出,當時基於國際化導致各國產業日趨競爭,企業因而積極尋求更多的途徑來創造成長,而當時許多企業,如: IBM、Xerox 等,由原本的產品銷售事業逐漸 跨足服務的提供,這帶給這些企業許多市場競爭優勢,進而促使更 多不同產業的企業開始應用類似的策略實施。 有鑑於國內產業目前積極地推廣產品服務系統,以創造各個領域的產業升級,因此本研究以產品服務系統的供應鏈管理做為討論的核心,希望了解企業在產品服務系統的落實中,應如何應對這商 業模式的變化。對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討 以整理出研究的分析模型,再配合產品服務系統實施成功的國內傢 俱零售廠商做為研究個案,以進行調查。其中,分析模型主要由三個面向所構成,分別為下游供應網絡、焦點企業與上游供應網絡 , 並且在下游供應網絡的環節重點討論企業與顧客的互動模式,在焦 點企業的部分探討企業內部的管理措施,而在上游供應網絡探究企業與供應商的合作模式。 本研究發現產品服務系統的採行會直接地改變企業與顧客之間的互動關係,這促使企業必須與顧客進行密切的溝通,同時還需要積極獲取顧客的資訊。而由企業內部角度來看,則需要創造服務能力,調整績效管理模式,以及培養服務導向的組織文化。最後,企 業應與供應商應建立作業連結、資訊共享管道與誘因同盟,使彼此促成長期的合作關係,並讓整合方案能夠更效率地傳遞給顧客。 本研究透過實際案例的深入探討,了解到企業在執行產品服務系統的過程中,對於供應鏈採行了何種管理因應,其結果不但擴充 了“產品服務系統供應鏈”的理論探討,同時能夠也提供給未來相關領域的研究者與其他相關企業發展的參考。 / The concept of Product Service System (PPS) has been expanded since 1980s, when the globalization boosted the competition of various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to explore new business model to facilitate their performance within the market and at that period several companies (including IBM, Xerox) successfully obtained outstanding competitive advantages through providing service, which is derived from their product business, and formed the idea of PPS and Servitization. And so, more and more companies involve in PPS, hence PPS have already applied in numerous industries nowadays. Previously, Taiwan’s local market put a lot of emphasis on PPS, in order to promote upgrade in various industries. Therefore, this paper is aim to discover implementational insight of PSS in the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) and realize how should company responds, when facing the change of business model. In this case, this paper utilize case study methodology with analysis model, which is contrived by desk research on PPS supply chain related paper, and execute in-depth analysis on case study of local furniture retailer, which possess successfully experience in PPS. In this research, the analysis model is consisted with three major dimensions, that is upstream supply network, focal company and downstream supply network. In the aspect of upstream supply network will focus on the discussion of customer interaction, but when it comes to the aspect of focal company will put emphasis on inner management and last would be the dimension of downstream supply network with understanding of supplier relationship management in the background of PPS. The research results indicate that the application of PPS would bring direct change on the interrelationship of customer and focal company, this would cause the company to have frequent communication with customer and shall obtain customer information during interaction. And in the viewpoint of focal company, it should alter the performance evaluation model and acquire new ability of service and service-oriented culture. Last but the least, focal company should establish comprehensive operational linkages, information sharing methods and incentive alignment with supplier to deliver integrated solution to the customer efficiently. With in-depth case study, this paper unveils the SCM detail information of Servitization and the result is not only contributive toward the academic research of PPS, but also provides valuable insight for industry with further expansion on PPS.

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