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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Povos de terra e água:a comunidade pesqueira Canto do Mangue, Canguaretama (RN) - Brasil. / Peoples of land and water: the fishing community Canto do Mangue, Canguaretama (RN) – Brazil.

Márcia Regina da Silva 29 June 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar as mudanças ocorridas nas condições de vida da população humana, na comunidade Canto do Mangue em Canguaretama (RN), e as possíveis relações com a introdução da carcinicultura a partir de 1980. Foram utilizadas técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa (análise documental, entrevistas e observações in loco) e quantitativa (análise de tendência central, dispersão e correlação). Constatou-se que as alterações ocorridas no espaço local estão associadas às pressões ocasionadas por fatores de ordens externa e interna, como a implantação e expansão dos projetos de carcinicultura, que levaram ao avanço da especulação imobiliária e intensificaram o desmatamento das áreas de manguezais ao longo do estuário do rio Curimataú/Cunhaú, contribuindo para o abandono da agricultura de subsistência nessa comunidade, além de estar levando também ao abandono da pesca artesanal, por conseguinte, a perda dos saberes da tradição aplicados na realização dessa atividade. Verificou-se, ainda, que as alterações no uso do território e dos recursos ameaçam a biodiversidade e têm contribuído para a redução dos estoques pesqueiros do município de Canguaretama e, conseqüentemente, do Canto do Mangue, sobretudo o estoque de caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cardatus). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a produção em larga escala numa economia de mercado, como se constitui a carcinicultura, desconsidera a busca de equilíbrio nas configurações territoriais. Assim, as perturbações ambientais decorrentes da carcinicultura têm conseqüências de dimensões sócio-culturais, afetando diretamente o modo de vida dos moradores do Canto do Mangue. As empresas de camarão têm absorvido parte dos pescadores que estão deixando a atividade pesqueira. No entanto, o baixo nível de escolaridade associado à idade são fatores que deixam muitos deles fora do quadro de funcionários dessas empresas. Portanto, há necessidade de se criar condições que possibilitem o desenvolvimento da carcinicultura sem colocar em risco a sustentabilidade da região. / The objective of this research was to analyze the changes occurred in the conditions of life in the human population, at community Canto do Mangue in Canguaretama (RN), and also their possible relationships with the introduction of the shrimp creation in captivity after 1980. Techniques of qualitative research were used (documentary analysis, interviews and observation in locus ) and quantitative (analysis of central trend, dispersion and correlation). It was evidenced that the occurred alterations in the local space are associated to the pressures caused by factors of external and internal order, such as implantation and expansion of the creation of shrimp in captivity projects. This led to the advance of the real estate speculation and intensified the deforestation of mangroves areas at the estuary of the river Curimataú/Cunhaú. It contributed to the abandon of the agriculture of subsistence in this community, as well as of handcraft fishing activity. Consequently, there was a loss of knowing traditional in the accomplishment of this activity. It was still verified that alterations in the use of territory and the resources threaten biodiversity and have contributed to the reduction of fishing supplies boats of the community of Canguaretama and consequently, the decrease of the quantity of shrimp (Ucides cardatus) at Canto do Mangue. The results allowed to conclude that the production in wide scale inside market economy, it disrespects the search of balance in the territorial configurations. Thus, the environmental disturbances caused by the shrimp creation of in captivity have social and cultural consequences, affecting directly the way of life of the Canto do Mangue inhabitants. The shrimp companies have employed part of the fishermen that are leaving the fishing activities, however the low level of scholarship and old age are factors that leave them out of team of employees of these companies. Therefore, conditions should be created to make possible to conciliate the shrimp creation in captivity and sustentability of the region.

Dinâmica populacional e avaliação do estoque do camarão rosa (Farfantepenaeus subtilis Pérez-Farfante 1967) na plataforma continental amazônica brasileira / Population dynamics and stock assessment of the brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus subtilis, (Pérez-Farfante 1967) in the Amazon continental shelf

José Augusto Negreiros Aragão 12 September 2012 (has links)
O camarão rosa (Farfantepenaeus subtilis) explotado pela pesca industrial na plataforma continental amazônica brasileira possui um ciclo de vida curto, mas complexo, habitando áreas oceânicas, mais ao norte da área de ocorrência, na fase adulta e larval, e áreas estuarinas e lagunares na fase de pós-larva e juvenil. O período de maior intensidade de reprodução se estende de maio a setembro e logo após a reprodução as larvas eclodem e iniciam sua migração para áreas costeiras, passando por diversas fases, onde se assentam e residem principalmente entre junho e outubro. A partir de setembro até janeiro do ano seguinte é maior a intensidade de recrutamento de juvenis às áreas oceânicas, onde passam a amadurecer e, a partir de dezembro, começam a ser capturados pela pesca industrial. A maior abundância da população adulta em termos de biomassa vai de março a agosto quando também se verificam as maiores capturas. As fêmeas crescem mais que os machos e estão presentes sempre em maior proporção nas capturas (61%). Os comprimentos assintóticos foram estimados em 231 mm ( k = 1,6 \'ano POT.-1\') e 205 mm (k = 0,94 \'ano POT.-1\'), para fêmeas e machos respectivamente. A população apresenta taxa de mortalidade natural relativamente elevada, 2,53 \'ano POT.-1\' para fêmeas e 1,83 \'ano POT.-1\' para machos, sendo observadas acentuadas flutuações de recrutamento e abundância, com evidências de que são fortemente governadas pelas condições ambientais. O estoque vem sendo explotado em níveis moderados nos anos recentes (E = 0,45), embora tenha sofrido elevadas taxas de explotação na década de 80, o que levou a uma redução do tamanho da população. O rendimento máximo sustentável, considerado uma média de longo prazo, foi estimado em 4.032 toneladas de cauda por ano, para um esforço de pesca de 19.370 dias de mar. Nos últimos anos, se observa uma tendência de recuperação da biomassa populacional, mas com as oscilações anuais características da espécie. A vazão do rio Amazonas é o fator ambiental que governa com mais intensidade as condições do ambiente costeiro na região e verificou-se que suas flutuações estão correlacionadas a alterações na abundância da população da espécie. Postula-se que o aporte e sobrevivência das larvas e pós-larvas no ambiente costeiro seja influenciada pela intensidade da vazão do rio. O período em que se assentam nos berçários na zona costeira coincide com a estação de vazante do rio, sendo a sobrevivência favorecida por vazões abaixo da média e vice-versa. Portanto, medidas de ordenamento voltadas para o uso sustentável do recurso devem estar associadas ao conhecimento das condições ambientais nesta fase, bem como a estudos sobre a abundância de pós-larvas e juvenis na faixa costeira. / The brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus subtilis) exploited by the industrial fishery on the continental shelf of the Brazilian Amazon has a short but complex life cyele, inhabiting oceanic areas, at the north of the area of occurrence, during the adult and larval stages, and estuarine areas and lagoons in post-larval and juvenile. The period of highest intensity of reproduction extends from May to September and soon after the hatch, the larvae start their migration to coastal areas, passing through several stages, where they settle and remain resident between June and October. From September to January of the following year the intensity of recruitment to ocean areas is higher, and once there they start to mature and are caught by the industrial fishery from December on. The highest abundance of the adult population in terms of biomass is observed from March to August when the largest catches also occur. Females grow larger than males and are always present in greater proportion in catches (61%). The asymptotic lengths were estimated at 231 mm (k = 1.6 \'year POT.-1\') and 205 mm (k = 0.94 \'year POT.-1\') for females and males respectively. The population has a natural mortality rate relatively high, 2.53 \'year POT.-1\' for females and 1.83 \'years POT.-1\' for males, and pronounced fluctuations in recruitment and abundance are observed, with evidence of being strongly governed by environmental conditions. The stock has been exploited at moderate levels in recent years (E = 0.45), although it has suffered high rates of exploitation in the 80\'s, which led to a reduction in population size. The maximum sustainable yield, considered a long-term average, was estimated at 4,032 ton of tail per year for a fishing effort of 19,370 days at sea. In recent years, it is observed a tendency of recovering of the population biomass, but annual fluctuations are characteristics of the species. The flow of the Amazon River is the main environmental facto r that governs the conditions of the coastal environment in the region and it was found that it is correlated with the fluctuatícn of the brown shrimp population abundance. It is postulated that the uptake and survival of larvae and post larvae in the coastal environment is lnfluenced by the intensity of river flow, The period during which they settle at the nurseries in the coastal zone coincides with the dry season and their survival is favored when the flow of the river is below the average, and vice versa. Therefore, management measures aimed at sustainable use of the resource must be associated with the knowledge of environmental conditions during this phase, as well as studies on the abundance of post-larvae and juveniles in the coastal zone.

Mesozoic Decapod Diversity with an Emphasis on the Early Cretaceous (Albian) of Spain

Klompmaker, Adiël A. 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluación de varias fuentes de proteína vegetal en dietas para camarón Litopenaeus vannamei

MOLINA POVEDA, CESAR 05 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] The present study was designed to evaluate in independent trials the effect of replace protein fishmeal (HP) by four plant sources, lupine (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet), corn gluten (CGM), amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) on the growth of juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. For this four sets of diets were developed. The first two containing 35% protein and 11% lipids were prepared to replace the 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the protein from HP by protein lupine (LKM) or CGM. The other two series of isoproteic (30%) and isolipidic (9.5%) diets were formulated to replace 0, 15, 25, 35 and 45% protein HP by protein amaranth and quinoa. Only the contents of corn starch and fish oil were varied to maintain constant levels of protein and lipid in all the experimental diets. All diets had squid meal to provide attractability. Depending on the test conducted eight (LKM and CGM) or seven (amaranth and quinoa) juveniles of about 1g were stocked randomly in aquariums (44 m-2 or 39 m-2) 50 L equipped with a flow-through water system using full-strength seawater. Six aquariums (replicates) were assigned to each of the treatments in a completely randomized design. The shrimp were fed ad libitum twice a day for about eight weeks. At the end of the growth trial, shrimp were fed experimental diets containing 0.5% of chromium oxide. Overall survival in the study was higher than 74% and did not change significantly (p>0.05) when HP was replaced partially or completely by each of the sources evaluated. The results of this study showed that LKM can replace 50% of the protein of HP without significantly (p>0.05) reducing growth (6.7-7.0 g final weight). LKM inclusion in any of the tested levels resulted in a significantly (p<0.05) reduced the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADMS) and apparent digestibility of crude protein (ADPC) of the feed. The gradual increase of CGM in diets produced a significant (p<0.05) decrease of shrimp final weight (5.9 to 3.2 g) and growth rate (2.7 to 1.7% d-1) compared to those fed CGM 0 (7.1 g and 3.0% d-1). Feed Conversion Factor (FCA) was also significantly (p<0.05) affected by CGM level, diets CGM50, CGM75 and CGM100 had higher FCA than CGM0 and CGM25. The inclusion of CGM on any level tested resulted in a significant decrease in ADMS, from 77.9 to 66.0%, and ADPC, 80.5 to 52.0%, of the feed. The apparent digestibility of amino acids, except lysine, declined with the addition of CGM, reflecting the ADPC. While those shrimps fed diets based on amaranth showed that the diet with 15% replacement obtained a better growth (p<0.05) after the control diet. Diets with replacement 15% and 25% reported significantly (p<0.05) better DAMS (79.7% and 71.2%) and ADPC (88.4% and 81.1%) than the diet with 35% and 45% substitution. The replacement of quinoa in any of the assessed levels have not demonstrated performance (p<0.05) lower than the control diet. The DAMS and ADPC for quinoa diets were statistically superior (p<0.05) than control diet. These results show that lupine and quinoa have a very good potential as a protein source up to 50% and 45% respectively of the HP protein which is equivalent to a third of the total protein in the diet. The cost-benefit of including these ingredients needs to be evaluated. Lower values of corn gluten and amaranth on the HP could be due to low protein digestibility, imbalance of amino acids and / or the presence of antinutritional factors. / [ES] El presente estudio fue diseñado para evaluar en ensayos independientes el efecto de reemplazar la proteína de la harina de pescado (HP) por cuatro fuentes de origen vegetal, altramuz (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet), gluten de maíz (CGM), amaranto (Amaranthus caudatus L.) y quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) sobre el crecimiento de camarones juveniles Litopenaeus vannamei. Para esto se elaboraron cuatro series de dietas. Las dos primeras conteniendo 35% de proteína y 11% de lípidos fueron preparadas para sustituir el 0, 25, 50, 75 y 100% de la proteína proveniente de la HP por proteína de las harinas de altramuz (LKM) o CGM. Las otras dos series de dietas isoproteicas (30%) e isolipidicas (9,5%) fueron formuladas para reemplazar 0, 15, 25, 35 y 45% de la proteína de la HP por proteína de amaranto y quinua. Solamente los contenidos de almidón de maíz y aceite de pescado variaron para mantener constante los niveles de proteína y lípidos en todas las dietas experimentales. Todas las dietas tuvieron harina de calamar. Dependiendo del ensayo realizado ocho (LKM y CGM) o siete (amaranto y quinua) juveniles de alrededor de 1g fueron sembrados aleatoriamente en los acuarios (44 m-2 o 39 m-2) de 50 l equipados con un sistema de recambio de agua de mar de flujo continuo. Seis acuarios (réplicas) fueron asignadas a cada uno de los tratamientos en un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Los camarones fueron alimentados ad libitum dos veces al día por aproximadamente ocho semanas. Al final del ensayo de crecimiento, los camarones fueron alimentados con las dietas experimentales conteniendo 0,5% de óxido de cromo. La supervivencia en general del estudio fue superior a 74% y no varió significativamente (p>0,05) cuando la HP fue reemplazada parcial o totalmente por cada una de las fuentes evaluadas. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que LKM puede reemplazar el 50% de la proteína de la HP sin disminuir significativamente (p>0,05) el crecimiento (6,7-7,0 g peso final). La inclusión de LKM en cualquiera de los niveles ensayados resultaron en una significativamente (p<0,05) reducción de la digestibilidad aparente de materia seca (DAMS) y la digestibilidad aparente de proteína cruda (DAPC) del alimento. El gradual incremento del CGM en las dietas produjo un significativo (p<0,05) decrecimiento del peso final (5,9 a 3,2 g) de los camarones y sus tasas de crecimiento (2,7 a 1,7% d-1) comparado a aquellos alimentados con 0 CGM (7,1 g y 3,0 % d-1). El Factor de Conversión Alimenticia (FCA) fue también significativamente (p<0,05) afectado por el nivel de CGM, las dietas CGM50, CGM75 y CGM100 tuvieron un más alto FCA que CGM0 y CGM25. La inclusión de CGM en cualquier nivel ensayado resultó en un significativo decrecimiento en DAMS, de 77,9 a 66,0%, y en DAPC, de 80,5 a 52,0%, del alimento. La digestibilidad aparente de aminoácidos, con la excepción de lisina, declinó con la incorporación de CGM, reflejando la ADPC. En tanto que los camarones alimentados con las dietas a base de amaranto mostraron (p<0,05) que la dieta con 15% de reemplazo obtuvo un mejor crecimiento después de la dieta control. Las dietas con reemplazo de 15% y 25% registraron significativamente (p<0,05) una mejor DAMS (79,70% y 71,21%) y DAPC (88,39% y 81,10%) que las dieta con 35% y 45% de sustitución. El reemplazo de la quinua en cualquiera de los niveles evaluados no demostraron tener un rendimiento (p<0,05) inferior a la dieta control. La DAMS y DAPC para las dietas con quinua fueron estadísticamente superiores (p<0,05) a la dieta control. Estos resultados muestran que el altramuz y quinua tienen un potencial muy bueno como fuente proteína hasta el 50% y 45% respectivamente de la proteína de la HP lo cual es equivalente a un tercio del total de la proteína presente en la dieta. Los valores más bajos del gluten de maíz y amaranto relativo a la HP podrían ser debido a la baja digestibilidad de la proteína, imbalance de aminoácidos y/o a la pres / [CA] El present estudi va ser dissenyat per a avaluar en assajos independents l'efecte de reemplaçar la proteïna de la farina de peix (HP) per quatre fonts d'origen vegetal, tramús (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet), gluten de dacsa (CGM), amarant (Amaranthus caudatus L.) i quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) sobre el creixement de gambetes juvenils Litopenaeus vannamei. Per a açò es van elaborar quatre sèries de dietes. Les dos primeres contenint 35% de proteïna i 11% de lípids van ser preparades per a substituir el 0, 25, 50, 75 i 100% de la proteïna provinent de la HP per proteïna de les farines de tramús (LKM) o CGM. Les altres dos sèries de dietes isoproteicas (30%) i isolipidicas (9,5%) van ser formulades per a reemplaçar 0, 15, 25, 35 i 45% de la proteïna de la HP per proteïna d'amarant i quinoa. Només els continguts de midó de dacsa i oli de peix van variar per a mantindre constant els nivells de proteïna i lípids en totes les dietes experimentals. Totes les dietes van tindre farina de calamar per a proveir atractabilidad. Depenent de l'assaig realitzat huit (LKM i CGM) o set (amarant i quinoa) juvenils d'al voltant de 1g van ser sembrats aleatòriament en els aquaris (44 m-2 o 39 m-2) de 50 l equipats amb un sistema de recanvi d'aigua de mar de flux continu. Sis aquaris (rèpliques) van ser assignades a cada un dels tractaments en un disseny completament aleatorizado. Les gambetes van ser alimentats ad libitum dos vegades al dia per aproximadament huit setmanes. Al final de l'assaig de creixement, les gambetes van ser alimentats amb les dietes experimentals contenint 0,5% d'òxid de crom. La supervivència en general de l'estudi va ser superior a 74% i no va variar significativament (p>0,05) quan la HP va ser reemplaçada parcial o totalment per cada una de les fonts avaluades. Els resultats d'este estudi van mostrar que LKM pot reemplaçar el 50% de la proteïna de la HP sense disminuir significativament (p>0,05) el creixement (6,7-7,0 g pes final). La inclusió de LKM en qualsevol dels nivells assajats van resultar en una significativament (p<0.05) reducció de la digestibilitat aparent de matèria seca (DAMS) i la digestibilitat aparent de proteïna crua (DAPC) de l'aliment. El gradual increment del CGM en les dietes va produir un significatiu decreixement del pes final (5,9 a 3,2 g) de les gambetes i les seues taxes de creixement (2,7 a 1,7% d-1) comparat a aquells alimentats amb 0 CGM (7,1 g i 3,0 % d-1). El Factor de Conversió Alimentària (FCA) va ser també significativament (p<0.05) afectat pel nivell de CGM, les dietes CGM50, CGM75 i CGM100 van tindre un més alt FCA que CGM0 i CGM25. La inclusió de CGM en qualsevol nivell assajat va resultar en un significatiu decreixement en DAMS, de 77,9 a 66,0%, i en DAPC, de 80,5 a 52,0%, de l'aliment. La digestibilitat aparent d'aminoàcids, amb l'excepció de lisina, va declinar amb la incorporació de CGM, reflectint l'ADPC. En tant que les gambetes alimentats amb les dietes a base d'amarant van mostrar que la dieta amb 15% de reemplaçament va obtindre un millor creixement després de la dieta control. Les dietes amb reemplaçament de 15% i 25% van registrar significativament una millor DAMS (79,70% i 71,21%) i DAPC (88,39% i 81,10%) que les dieta amb 35% i 45% de substitució. El reemplaçament de la quinoa en qualsevol dels nivells avaluats no van demostrar tindre un rendiment inferior a la dieta control. La DAMS i DAPC per a les dietes amb quinoa van ser estadísticament superiors a la dieta control. Estos resultats mostren que el tramús i quinoa tenen un potencial molt bo com a font proteïna fins al 50% i 45% respectivament de la proteïna de la HP la qual cosa és equivalent a un terç del total de la proteïna present en la dieta. El cost-benefici d'incloure estos ingredients necessita ser avaluat. Els valors més baixos del gluten de dacsa i amarant relatiu a la HP podrien ser degut a la baixa digestibilitat de la proteïna, imbalance d'aminoàcids y/o a / Molina Poveda, C. (2016). Evaluación de varias fuentes de proteína vegetal en dietas para camarón Litopenaeus vannamei [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63666

Efeitos do campo magnético artificial sobre o Camarão lLitopenaeus vannamei (Penaeidae) e sobre as capturas com covos de peixes e crustáceos no litoral sul de Pernambuco

GONÇALVES, Carlos Geraldo Barreto 29 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Falcao (caroline.rfalcao@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-22T17:45:56Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FINAL Carlos Geraldo-PPGO.pdf: 10438439 bytes, checksum: 846645d0ef9edecba48513889f2c3692 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-22T17:45:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE FINAL Carlos Geraldo-PPGO.pdf: 10438439 bytes, checksum: 846645d0ef9edecba48513889f2c3692 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-29 / O campo magnético é uma fonte acessível de informação direcional passível de ser utilizada pelos seres vivos para orientação e navegação. Animais como mamíferos, aves, peixes, répteis marinhos, anfíbios, moluscos, insetos e crustáceos são sensíveis ao campo geomagnético. O presente estudo enfocou uma avaliação do efeito do campo magnético sobre peixes e crustáceos marinhos em condições naturais (área costeira) e sobre camarões Litopennaeus vannamei em condições controladas (laboratório). Os experimentos com peixes e crustáceos em condições naturais consistiram de sete a oito pescarias independentes, empregando-se armadilhas tipo covo distribuídos em cinco grupos de três a quatro unidades. Magnetos permanentes de 2000 Gauss em um raio de 2m foram fixados próximos à abertura de seis dos dezesete covos empregados. Ao final de cada pescaria os peixes e crustáceos capturados em cada covo foram identificados e contabilizados. Os níveis de capturas de peixes e crustáceos foram significativamente mais elevados nos covos com magneto. Dezessete espécies de crustáceos estiveram presentes nas capturas com os covos, dentre as quais as duas espécies mais frequentes foram Coryrhynchus riisei e Stenorhynchus seticornis. Trinta e duas espécies de peixes ocorreram nas capturas com os covos, com a espécie Haemulon aurolineatum (Xira branca) apresentando uma frequência de ocorrência uma a duas ordens de magnitude superior as demais espécies capturadas, principalmente nos covos com magneto. Ante este resultado, otólitos e tecidos da linha lateral, mancha ocelar, narina e área abdominal (controle) foram extraídos de cinco indivíduos jovens e de cinco indivíduos adultos de H. aurolineatum para investigar a presença de material magnético nessas estruturas. As amostras foram coletadas de indivíduos recém-capturados, secas em estufa e submetidas a medidas de ressonância ferromagnética (RFM) com uso de um espectrômetro Bruker ESP300E. Os espectros obtidos indicaram presença de material magnético nos otólitos, narinas e mancha ocelar e ausência de material magnético nos tecidos da área abdominal de todos os espécimes analisados. Nas amostras da linha lateral, a presença de material magnético pareceu estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento ontogenético, tendo sido detectado principalmente em espécimes adultos. Os experimentos em condições controladas foram realizados com camarões Litopenaeus vannamei considerando-se sexos e fases do seu ciclo ontogenético (machos e fêmeas adultos; machos e fêmeas juvenis e pós-larvas). Um par de bobinas circulares na configuração de Helmholtz, conectada a uma fonte regulável, foi empregado para a geração de diferentes intensidades (0, 25, 30, 35 e 40 μT) de campo magnético artificial uniforme. Os testes foram realizados de forma acumulativa e não acumulativa. No primeiro caso, um mesmo grupo de 15 camarões foi sequencialmente submetido aos cinco níveis de intensidade de campo magnético, com um intervalo de 24h entre exposições. No segundo caso, empregando- se novos grupos de 15 camarões para cada nível de exposição. Todos os testes foram realizados em triplicata. Os resultados evidenciaram a redução da atividade do L. vannamei quando expostos a campos de 35μT e 40 μT e sua paralisia total a campo de 40μT, assim como a preferência na ocupação do polo sul por fêmeas e machos adultos e juvenis e do polo norte por pós-larvas. / The magnetic field is a handy source of directional information that can be used by living things for orientation and navigation. Animals such as mammals, birds, fishes, marine reptiles, amphibians, molluscs, insects and crustaceans are sensitive to the geomagnetic field. The present study focused on an evaluation of the response of marine fishes and shellfishes subjected to an artificial magnetic field under natural conditions (coastal area) and under controlled conditions (laboratory). The experiments with fishes and crustaceans in natural conditions consisted of seven to eight independent fisheries employing creels traps distributed into five groups of three to four units. Permanent magnets of 2000 Gauss in a 2m radius were tied next to the opening of six of the seventeen creels employees. At the end of each fishery, fish and crustaceans caught in each trap were identified and accounted for. The levels of catches of fish and crustaceans were significantly higher in creels with magnet. Seventeen species of crustaceans were present in the catches with the creels, among which the two species most frequently were Coryrhynchus riisei and Stenorhynchus seticorni. Thirty-two species of fish were present in the catchs with the creels. The frequence of occurrence of the speciie Haemulon aurolineatum (Tomtate grunt) was one to two orders of magnitude higher than the other species caught, mainly in creels with magneto. Given this results, Otoliths and tissues of the lateral line, ocelar spot, nostril and abdomen (control) were extracted from five young individuals and five adult individuals of H. aurolineatum to investigate the presence of magnetic material in these structures. The samples were collected from newly captured individuals, oven-dried and subjected to measures of ferromagnetic resonance (RFM) using a Bruker ESP300E spectrometer. The spectra obtained indicated presence of magnetic material in otoliths, nostrils and ocelar spot and absence of magnetic material in the tissues of the abdominal area of all specimens examined. In the samples of the lateral line, the presence of magnetic material seems to be related to the ontogenetic development, having been detected mainly among adult specimens. The experiments under controlled conditions were performed with the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei considering different sexes and stages of their ontogenetic cycle (adult males and females; juvenils males and females and post-larvae). A pair of circular coils in Helmholtz configuration, connected to an adjustable power source was used to generate different intensities (0, 25, 30, 35 and 40 μT) of uniform artificial magnetic field. The tests were carried out in accumulative and non accumulative manners. In the first case, a group of 15 shrimps was sequentially exposed to the five levels of magnetic field intensity, with a 24 hours interval between exposures. In the second case, using new groups of 15 shrimps for each level of exposure. All tests were performed in triplicate. The results showed a reduction in activity of L. vannamei when exposed to fields of 35 μT and higher and their total paralysis to levels of 40 μT, as well as the preference in the occupation of the South Pole by females and males juvenils and adults and of the North Pole by post-lavae.

The Development of Marine Aquaponics

Yu-Ting Chu (11777624) 01 December 2021 (has links)
Integrated aquaponic food production systems are capable of producing more food on less land using less water than conventional food systems, and marine systems offer the potential of conserving freshwater resources. However, critical factors such as suitable species combinations, environmental conditions (salinity and pH), and nutrient management (animal to plant ratio, C/N ratio, and dietary crude protein) have not been fully understood for marine systems. There were four objectives in this project. The first objective was to evaluate the growth performance of potential comparable combination (whiteleg shrimp with three halophytic plants) for the development of marine aquaponics with BFT under different salinities. The second objective was to evaluate stocking densities and the C/N ratio on growth and production of whiteleg shrimp and three halophytes. The third objective was evaluation of varying concentrations of dietary crude protein in practical diets fed to shrimp raised in biofloc aquaponic saltwater systems. The fourth objective was to evaluate effects of pH levels and additional C on the growth and production of whiteleg shrimp and five plant species in marine aquaponics. Four conclusions were determined: 1) Regarding marine aquaponics, whiteleg shrimp and the three halophytes (Atriplex hortensis, Salsola komarovii, and Plantago coronopus) are suitable combinations for future development. According to the research results, shrimp performed better in a salinity of 15 and 20 ppt; yet, plants performed better in a salinity of 10 and 15 ppt. Therefore, a salinity of 15 ppt is suggested as the optimal saline condition for shrimp and the three halophytes in an indoor marine aquaponics system. In addition, inoculating probiotics do have the efficiency of stabilizing water quality, cultivating microbial community, and enhancing the health of shrimp and plants in the operation of aquaponics. 2) The stocking density ratio and C/N ratio exerted significant impacts on the performance of shrimp and plants in marine aquaponics. Shrimp performed better with the stocking density of 2:1 and 3:1, with no impact from the C/N ratio. Conversely, plants performed better with the stocking density of 3:1 and 5:1 with the C/N ratio at 15. Therefore, a stocking density ratio of 3:1 with a C/N ratio at 15 is suggested as the optimal condition for shrimp and the three halophytes in an indoor marine aquaponic food production system. Inoculating the water with biofloc and applying probiotics regularly can enhance the management of water quality and the health of shrimp and plants in aquaponics. 3) Among the findings of the study, shrimp growth was not affected by the protein content of the feed, suggesting that it is possible to use feeds with lower protein concentration when culturing shrimp in biofloc-based marine aquaponics. However, plants grew better in the treatments with higher protein content feed in the early and middle stages of production. Hence, for maximum production, providing a higher protein concentration feed (35 %) in the early stages of system start-up, and switching to a lower protein concentration feed (30 %) in the later stages of cultivation might be feasible. 4) The current study found no significant effects of pH or additional C on shrimp performance. In contrast, plants grew better in lower pH treatments, while additional C supplements improved the performance of plants grown in higher pH treatments and had similar results to the lower pH treatments. We suggest that RO water is not suitable source of water for shrimp-based marine aquaponics if ionic composition is not managed. The addition of C, however, led to improved growth and yields of most plants. Hence, adding C can be a promising approach in marine aquaponics to enhance the resistance to the abiotic stress of plants and improve their growth.<div> <br>The present study on marine aquaponics has produced important findings that will fill some knowledge gaps, provide management guidelines for production, and facilitate its development. <br></div>

A Bioeconomic Model of Indoor Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp (<i>Litopenaeus Vannamei</i>) Farms With Low-Cost Salt Mixtures

Patrick N Maier (8800949) 08 May 2020 (has links)
Using a bioeconomic model and stochastic simulation to assess the economic viability of small-scale, recirculating shrimp farms in the Midwestern U.S. A series of stress tests were implemented on key input variables including survival rate, selling price, electricity usage, discount rate and the cost of added salt. The key output variable is the Net Present Value of the operation. <div><br></div><div><br></div>

Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector

Adetoyinbo, Ayobami 20 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling and Analysis of Wave and Damaging Phenomena in Biological and Bioinspired Materials

Nicolas Guarin-Zapata (6532391) 06 May 2021 (has links)
<p> There is a current interest in exploring novel microstructural architectures that take advantage of the response of independent phases. Current guidelines in materials design are not just based on changing the properties of the different phases but also on modifying its base architecture. Hence, the mechanical behavior of composite materials can be adjusted by designing microstructures that alternate stiff and flexible constituents, combined with well-designed architectures. One source of inspiration to achieve these designs is Nature, where biologically mineralized composites can be taken as an example for the design of next-generation structural materials due to their low density, high-strength, and toughness currently unmatched by engineering technologies.</p><p><br></p> <p>The present work focuses on the modeling of biologically inspired composites, where the source of inspiration is the dactyl club of the Stomatopod. Particularly, we built computational models for different regions of the dactyl club, namely: periodic and impact regions. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the effect of microstructure present in the impact and periodic regions in the impact resistance associated with the materials present in the appendage of stomatopods. The main contributions of this work are twofold. First, we built a model that helped to study wave propagation in the periodic region. This helped to identify possible bandgaps and their influence on the wave propagation through the material. Later on, we extended what we learned from this material to study the bandgap tuning in bioinspired composites. Second, we helped to unveil new microstructural features in the impact region of the dactyl club. Specifically, the sinusoidally helicoidal composite and bicontinuous particulate layer. For these, structural features we developed finite element models to understand their mechanical behavior.</p><p><br></p> <p>The results in this work help to elucidate some new microstructures and present some guidelines in the design of architectured materials. By combining the current synthesis and advanced manufacturing methods with design elements from these biological structures we can realize potential blueprints for a new generation of advanced materials with a broad range of applications. Some of the possible applications include impact- and vibration-resistant coatings for buildings, body armors, aircraft, and automobiles, as well as in abrasion- and impact-resistant wind turbines.</p><br>

Determinar qué factores internos o externos influyeron en las exportaciones de langostinos enteros congelados con partida arancelaria 0306.1711.00 en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio con la República de Corea del Sur durante el período 2011-2019 / Internal and external factors that influenced the exports of frozen whole prawns with tariff heading 0306.1711.00 under the Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of South Korea during the period 2011-2019

Perez Mogrovejo, Lucero Diana, Vargas Cárdenas, Samantha Elizabeth 09 September 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los factores internos y externos e identificar su nivel de influencia en el incremento de las exportaciones de la partida arancelara 0306.1711.00, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la Republica del Perú y la República de Corea en los años 2011-2019. Para explicar a mayor detalle el crecimiento de las exportaciones de langostino peruano, se identificaron como factores internos las certificaciones y medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias. Mientras que los factores externos analizados fueron las variables macroeconómicas, la desgravación arancelaria y los fenómenos climatológicos. Con el fin de lograr los objetivos de la investigación se recabo información relevante a través de fuentes secundaria tales como Scopus, FAO, la OMC, entre otras instituciones publicado-privadas dedicadas a la investigación. Asimismo, como fuentes primarias se realizaron una serie de entrevistas con expertos de SANIPES, la Sociedad Nacional de Acuicultura, de la Oficina Comercial de Perú en Seúl, académicos y empresas en el rubro. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se presentará el factor que tuvo mayor impacto para proceder a analizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la investigación y validar las hipótesis. / The purpose of this research is to analyze internal and external factors and identify their level of influence on the increase in exports of tariff heading 0306.1711.00, within the framework of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Peru and the Republic of Korea in the years 2011-2019. To explain in more detail the growth of Peruvian shrimp exports, certifications, sanitary and phytosanitary measures were identified as internal factors. While the external factors analyzed were macroeconomic variables, tariff relief and climatological phenomena. In order to achieve the research objectives, relevant information was collected through secondary sources such as Scopus, FAO, the WTO, among other institutions. published-private dedicated to research. Likewise, as primary sources, a series of interviews were conducted with experts from SANIPES, the National Aquaculture Society, the Commercial Office of Peru in Seoul, academics, and companies in the field. Finally, in the last chapter, the factor that had greater impact to proceed to analyze the accomplishment of the research objectives and validate the hypotheses. / Tesis

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